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Pumpkin Powder Analysis

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Abir Hossen Dhruba Kumar Roy

Student ID: 1607061 Student ID: 1407061
Admission Session: 2016 Admission Session: 2014




June, 2021



Abir Hossen Dhruba Kumar Roy

Student ID: 1607061 Student ID: 1407061
Admission Session: 2016 Admission Session: 2014

Submitted to the Department of Food Engineering and Technology Hajee

Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of




June, 2021
PRODUCT (Roshogolla)



Abir Hossen Dhruba Kumar Roy

Student ID: 1607061 Student ID: 1407061
Admission Session: 2016 Admission Session: 2014

Approved as to the style and contents by

Supervisor ---------------------------------------
Md. Abdul Momin Sheikh Co-supervisor
Dr.Md. Sazzat Hossain Sarker
Assistant Professor

(Prof. Dr. Md. Sazzat Hossain Sarker)
Chairman of the Examination
Committee and
Department of Food Engineering and Technology



December, 2018

All praises are due to almighty, the creator of the universe and source of all knowledge who has
enable us to complete this project work and submitting the project for the degree of B.Sc. in
Food and Process Engineering successfully.

The authors express deepest gratitude to our supervisor, Md. Abdul Momin Sheikh, Assistant
Professor, Department of Food Engineering and Technology, Hajee Mohammad Danesh
Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur for his assistance, advice and
contribution in the work.

Thanks are dedicated to our co-supervisor, Prof. Dr. Md. Sazzat Hossain Sarker, Dean, Faculty
of Engineering, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur for
his assistance , advice and contribution in the work

The authors express their gratefulness to Prof. Dr. Maruf Ahmed, Chairman, Department of
Food Processing & Preservation

The authors would like to express their profound respect to their honorable teacher Dr. Md.
Sultan Mahomud, Associate professor, Department of Food Engineering & Technology for his
sincere cooperation and valuable suggestion for carrying out the research.

The authors are thankful to Md. Kabir Hossain, Lab. Technician, Department of Food
Processing and Preservation and all staffs of Faculty of engineering of Hajee Mohammad
Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur who helped throughout the work.

The authors would like to express their greatest thanks to everyone in their family and friends
for their support, encouragement, blessings and love throughout the course of the study.

Roshogolla has become very popular all over the world including Bangladesh .The study
was conducted to prepare Roshogolla from milk with the incorporation of pumpkin
powder. The effect of pumpkin powder on Roshogolla on the physicochemical and sensory
characteristics of Roshogolla was analyzed in this work.
Roshogolla is a supplemented desert product with high fiber and high β-Carotene vegetable
powder has a great nutritional importance. Therefore, an attempt was under taken to
prepare composite Roshogolla supplementing wheat flour by pumpkin powder. Fresh ripen
pumpkin was sliced (2 mm thickness) and blanched with hot water at 90oC for 7 minutes.
Blanched samples were mashed and then dried at a temperature of 77-82 0C in a
Multipurpose Universal Cabinet (MUC) dryer which was previously developed in the
laboratory of the Department of Food Engineering and Technology. The dried samples
were then ground and sieved through 300 MCI mesh for obtaining the desired powder. The
powder was found to be reach in fiber and β-Carotene but low in protein compared to
wheat flour. Three Roshogolla samples were prepared by supplementing wheat flour at the
rate of 3%, 6% and 9% those were coded as F 1, F2 and F3 respectively where C is the
control (without any pumpkin flour). Nutritional and sensory attributes of the samples were
analyzed and evaluated. Pumpkin powder incorporation enhanced fiber and β- Carotene
content from 0.275% to 1.447% and 0.0078 mg/100g to 0.0557 mg/100g respectively. The
preference values for all the attributes are higher than control sample. Among the
composite Roshogolla samples F1 (supplemented with 3% pumpkin powder) obtained
higher scores for color, flavor, texture, taste and overall acceptability (7.73, 7.67, 7.40 and
7.67 respectively). The current study revealed higher amount of nutrition in all the
composite Roshogolla with suitable formulae and Roshogolla with 3% pumpkin powder
(F1) was mostly preferred by the consumers.

% Percentage

AOAC Association of Official Analytical Chemist

C Degree centigrade

cm Centimeter

DMRT Duncan’s Multiple Range Test

et al., And others

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

Fig Figure

g Gram

ha Hectare

Kg Kilogram

mg Milligram

SE Standard Error

SAS Statistical Analysis System


2.1 History of Pumpkin 4
2.2 Production of Pumpkin 4
2.3 Commercial Importance of Pumpkin 5
2.4 Importance of Pumpkin as Food 6
2.5 Role of Pumpkin on Diseases 8
2.6 Possible Health Benefit of Pumpkin 9
2.7 Chemical Composition of fresh pumpkin 10
2.8 Preservation Techniques of Pumpkin 11
2.8.1 Canning 11
2.8.2 Freezing 11
2.8.3 Drying of Pumpkin 11 Pre-Treatments for Drying 12 Drying techniques for pumpkin 13
2.9 Quality of Pumpkin Powder 14
2.9.1 Chemical Composition of Pumpkin Powder 14
2.9.2 Use of Pumpkin Powder in Food Products 14
2.10 Formulation of Supplemented Products 15
2.11 Sensory Qualities of Pumpkin Blend Bakery Products 17

3.1 Materials 18
3.2 Preparation of Pumpkin powder 19
3.3 Preparation of Roshogolla 22
3.3.1 Trial Operation 22
3.3.2 Preparation of desired Roshogolla 23
3.4 Chemical Analysis 24
3.4.1 Determination of Moisture Content 24
3.4.2 Determination of Ash Content 25
3.4.3 Determination of protein content 25 Digestion 25 Distillation 26 Titration 26
3.4.4 Determination of Fiber Content 26
3.4.5 Determination of Total Sugar by Lane and 27
Eynon Method Chemicals Required 27 Standard Glucose Solution 27
Standardization of Fehling’s solution 27 Preparation of Sample 27 Titration of Reducing Sugar 27 Preparation of Solution for titration of 28
Invert Sugar Titration 28
3.4.6 Determination of Beta-carotene 28 Chemicals Required 28 Preparation of solvent 28 Procedure 28
3.5 Sensory Evaluation 29
3.6 Statistical Analysis 29

4.1 Physicochemical Properties of wheat flour and pumpkin 30
4.2 Proximate composition of Roshogolla 30
4.3 Sensory evaluation of prepared Roshogolla 32

2.1 Top 20 World Producers of Pumpkins, Squash and gourds, 5
Ranked by Production
2.2 Chemical composition of fresh pumpkin 10
2.3 Chemical composition of pumpkin powder 14
3.1 Formulations of trialed Roshogolla 23
3.2 The formulations of Roshogolla 23
4.1 Chemical compositions of pumpkin powder 30
4.2 Proximate composition of Roshogolla 31
4.3 Sensory quality of Pumpkin powder supplemented Roshogolla 34

3.1 Photographic view of raw pumpkin 18
3.2 Multistoried universal cabinet dryer used for drying of pumpkin 20
3.3 Photographic view of pumpkin after drying 20
3.4 Flow diagram of preparation of pumpkin powder 21
3.5 Photographic view of pumpkin powder with 8.5% moisture 22
3.6 Flow diagram of preparation of pumpkin powder Roshogolla 24
4.1 Graphical representation of calculated Beta-carotene, mg/100g 32
4.2 Roshogolla with different percentage of Pumpkin powder 33

1 Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation for color 39
2 Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation for flavor 40
3 Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation for texture 41
4 Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation for taste 42
5 Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation for overall 43
6 Descriptive analysis of color, flavor, texture, taste and overall 44
acceptability for composite Roshogolla

7 Descriptive analysis of pumpkin powder 46

8 Descriptive analysis for moisture of pumpkin powder 46



Preparation of pumpkin powder and its utilization in various food products have great
potential. Pumpkin, Cucurbita maxima belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae and is one
of the most popular and widely grown vegetables in the world. Native to North America
(northeastern Mexico and southern United States), pumpkins are one of the oldest
domesticated plants, having been used as early as 7,500 to 5,000 BC.

Pumpkins are widely grown for commercial use as food and other product like beer,
whisky, wine etc. Popular species of pumpkin are C. maxima, C. moschata and C. Pepo.
In Asia most of the cultivated species belongs to C. maxima. C. maxima produces large
fruits extensively used as a vegetable, as processed food and as stock feed (Joshi, 1993).
In 2005 about 18.9 million tons of pumpkin produced all over the world (FAO,
2005).The five major pumpkin producing countries in the world are China, India,
Ukraine, Egypt and United states (Doymaz, 2007).

Pumpkin is botanically classified as a fruit. Actually it is a berry, but it is consumed as a

vegetable. Pumpkins are a warm-weather crop that is usually planted in early July but it
is also cultivated all around the year. Pumpkins are, however, rather hardy, and even if
many leaves and portions of the vine are removed or damaged, the plant can quickly
regrow secondary vines to replace what was removed (Astill Gregory, 2018).

Both fruit and other parts of the plants such as leaves, stems and flowers are edible.
Pumpkin is mainly consumed as cooked curry in Bangladesh. Pumpkin, once sliced and
cut, can be easily roasted, pureed into soup or baked into pies. Its seeds are also edible
and highly nutritious.

Pumpkin is very high in beta-carotene, a carotenoid that turns into vitamin A in the body
which protect eyes against sight loss. It contains antioxidants, such as alpha-carotene,
beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. These can neutralize free radicals, stopping them
from damaging body cells. It also contains vitamin C and E, iron and folate, lutein and
zeaxanthin that can help boost body immune system. Pumpkin is a good source of
potassium. The fiber, vitamin C and potassium found in it can help improve blood
pressure and cholesterol levels. It also contains small amounts of magnesium,

zinc, folate and several B vitamins. A large amount of confectionary and dessert products
are being produced to meet the demand of customers.

Pumpkin is moderately perishable with 88-94% moisture content and highly perishable
when damaged or cut down. Doymaz (2007) stated that pumpkin, a seasonal crop is
sensitive to microbial spoilage, even at refrigerated conditions; thus it must be frozen or

Due to its big size, pumpkin is difficult to handle and transport, hence results in more
post-harvest loses. Due to the surplus production and less consumer demand, there is
crash in prices during the season causing loss to the growers. On the other hand, its
scarcity during offseason results in higher market price causing loss to consumers. It can
be preserved in different ways and different forms such as canning, freezing and drying
to reduce the post-harvest losses. Powder is one of the best form to preserve pumpkins.
Powder can be used in different food products as supplement to meet nutritional
requirements for different aged people.

Pumpkin is an easy source of nutrition. It can add high nutritional value to other foods
when incorporated with. In spite of having different essential nutritional values, many
people from different ages such as children, young and old are not fond of consuming
pumpkins. So it is a big challenge to fulfill nutritional requirements for different aged
people from an interested, a potential and an easy source of nutrition “pumpkin”. The
ultimate solution to the above said problem is the drying of pumpkin. Drying is one of
the most widely used classical primary methods of food preservations. The objective of
the drying is the removal of water to the level at which microbial spoilage and
deterioration reactions are greatly minimized. It also provides longer shelf life smaller
space for storage and lighter weight for transportation. The dried pumpkin will also
become the most concentrated source of carotenoids (Akpinar and Bicer, 2004) .So,
research works have been carried out to preserve and utilize the goodness of pumpkin.

Pumpkin powder already has been used in different bakery products such as sandwich
bread, sweet bread, butter cakes, chiffon cakes, cookies and other products such as
instant noodles. The dessert products such as Roshogolla, Ice-cream, Jilapi, Panir etc are
very popular food product. Food supplies necessary nutrients for human body. The
primary ingredient used for Roshogolla is wheat flour which is deficient in several
nutrients including vitamin, mineral as well as dietary fiber. It also lacks essential amino
Acids such as lysine, tryptophan (Awan et al., 1991).Hence, partial replacement of wheat
flour with other ingredients to make functional food is high demand (Sanchez, 2010).
Pumpkin powder contains high nutritional value than wheat flour. Presently, foods are not
intended to only satisfy hunger. It should provide necessary nutrients for human to prevent
some nutrition related diseases and improve physical and mental well-being (Neothlings et
al., 2007; Takachi et al., 2008). So the drying of pumpkin to make powder gives new
opportunity to explore the possibilities of pumpkin as a novel source of carotenoids to
combat wide spread vitamin A deficiency (VAD) in South East Asia especially in

Supplement of foods is our current interest because of increasing nutritional awareness

among consumers. This work is focused on preparation of pumpkin powder and to add
with dessert product in different levels to fulfill the following objectives -

1. To prepare Roshogolla (Dessert product) incorporating pumpkin powder at

different percentage replacing wheat flour.
2. To evaluate nutritional composition and sensory qualities of prepared
3. To find suitable formulation for composite Roshogolla.



2.1 History of Pumpkin

Pumpkins are believed to have originated in North America. Seeds from related plants
have been found in Mexico dating back to 7000 to5500 B.C. References to pumpkins
date back many centuries. The name pumpkin originated from the Greek word for "large
melon" which is "pepon" "Pepon" was changed by the French into "pompon." The
English changed "pompon" to "Pumpion".

American colonists changed "pumpion" into "pumpkin" Native American Indians used
pumpkin as a staple in their diets centuries before the pilgrims landed. They also dried
strips of pumpkin and wove them into mats. Indians would also roast long strips of
pumpkin on the open fire and eat them. When white settlers arrived, they saw the
pumpkins grown by the Indians and pumpkin soon became a staple in their diets. As
today, early settlers used them in a wide variety of recipes from desserts to stews and

2.2 Production of Pumpkin

The world-wide average production of pumpkins and courgettes in the triennium 1995-
1997 according to the FAO’s Yearbook amounted to 13,531,000 annual tons. The area
cultivated underwent an increase of 20% during the same period. The surface intended
for the culture of pumpkins in Spain was 1,612 has in 1995, producing 32,210 tons.

According to data from the MAPA’s Yearbook of Agrarian Statistics in 1995, most of
the production of pumpkins in Spain is concentrated in the Comunidad Valenciana and
the province of Málaga. In Spain, there are 1,387 ha of pumpkins cultivated for cattle
food with a production of 20,251 tons intended for this type of consumption.

According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, nearly 67,000 acres of
pumpkin were harvested in the US in 2016 producing 16 million pounds of pumpkins.
Nearly half of the global pumpkin production is from China but it consumes most of its
domestic production. In 2016, it produced 7838809 tons of pumpkins.
FAOSTAT (2016) surveyed the production and production values of pumpkin, squash
and gourds all around the world shown in the following Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Top 20 World Producers of Pumpkins, Squash and gourds, Ranked by

Production value Production

Rank Country
(USD 1,000) (tones)
1. China 1327693 7819479
2. India 889613 5081141
3. Russian Federation 214739 1224711
4. Ukraine 149004 1209810
5. United States of America 176241 1005150
6. Spain 81833 678652
7. Mexico 118712 677048
8. Indonesia 105786 603325
9. Italy 101729 582420
10. Cuba 47142 518862
11. Turkey 79015 489999
12. Egypt 81261 438169
13. South Africa 69062 419992
14. Republic of Korea 65119 298206
15. Philippines 51571 294125
16. Bangladesh 50994 290835
17. Rwanda 49182 282632
18. Algeria 47526 271054
19. Argentina 47740 269596
20. Pakistan 47027 266241
Source: FAOSTAT (2016)

2.3 Commercial Importance of Pumpkin

The U.S. pumpkin market is regarded as limited and seasonal. Pumpkins are grown for
processing and fresh for ornamental sales through you-pick farms, farmer’s markets and
retail sales. Libby’s (owned by Nestlé Company) have almost 90 percent of the North
American market for canned pumpkin with 90 percent of it sold in only 4 months, from
October to January.

According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, nearly 67,000 acres of
pumpkins were harvested in the US in 2016, producing 16 million pounds of pumpkins.
The top six states together (Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and
California) produced approximately half of them. Approximately 15 percent of the
pumpkin acreage is used to make processed pumpkin products. Illinois remains the
leading processed pumpkin producing state, producing more than the other 5 leading
states combined and about half of the national total. Pumpkin varieties for commercial
canning are all Cucurbita. moschata, a tan-colored (rather than orange), firm-fleshed, and
elongated fruit. The most common variety used for processed pumpkin is Libby’s Select
Dickinson, In 2016 the average pumpkin yield per acre among the top six states was
24,100 pounds and ranged considerably from 11,100 to 38,900 pounds. The total sales of
pumpkin-flavored food, beverages, personal and household goods in supermarkets and
convenience stores across the U.S. increased almost 80 percent between 2011 and 2015.
Sales of those items totaled more than $360 million in 2015.In 2017, the annual per
capita consumption of fresh market pumpkin was 4.4 pound in the U.S

2.4 Importance of Pumpkin as Food

Pumpkin is grown throughout tropical and subtropical countries. Pumpkin provides a

valuable source of carotenoids that have a major role in the nutrition in the form of
provitamin A. Pumpkin (family Cucurbitaceae and genus Cucurbita) is annual or
perennial, climbing or trailing herb indigenous to arid and temperate regions. The family
comprises of about 25 species of which C. maxima, C. moschata and C. pepo are of
economic importance. The fruits of cucurbitaceaeare used as fresh vegetable, processed
food and tock feed. Their flesh is delicious when stewed, boiled or cooked and can be
used for preparing sweets, jam, fermented beverages, candy, pickle, sauces etc. (CSIR,

Teotia (1992) reported that pumpkins are consumed as fresh vegetable and only limited
part goes for candy, preserve and sweet making in India. The fruit has vast scope of
diversification for its application on other commercial products like jam, pickle,
beverages and use in bakery and confectionary.
The studies of Pavlova et al. (1996) showed that addition of pumpkin powder to wheat
flour at a concentration of 20 % had a positive effect on the structural and mechanical
properties of cracker dough. Finished crackers were characterized by a pleasant flavor,
aroma and improved nutritional and biological values.

Lee et al. (2002) incorporated pumpkin powder in instant noodles. Various amounts of
pumpkin powder (0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10%) were added to the formulation for instant fried
noodle. Addition of pumpkin powder increased β-carotene content of noodles
significantly to meet the partial requirement of vitamin A.

Noodles with 5 % pumpkin powder were the most favorable in appearance, flavor,
texture and overall acceptability.

Ptitchkina et al. (1998) used the pumpkin powder (particle size 0.3-0.5 mm) in bread
making at various levels (5-10 g pumpkin powder per kg flour) and reported the
enhancement of loaf volume and sensory ratings. Gas cell stability of gluten was
improved via the surface activity of pumpkin pectin. Highly acetylated pectin act as an
interfacial agent in oil-water and air-water system and thus improves the stabilizing

Pongjanta et al. (2006) prepared five different bakery products i.e. sandwich bread,
sweet bread, butter cake, chiffon cake and cookies by substituting the flour by pumpkin
powder at five different levels (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%) in the standard formula.
The study revealed that pumpkin powder significantly enhanced β-carotene content in
supplemented bakery products. A composite of pumpkin powder and wheat flour
increased vitamin A from 1.88% to 12.92 % per 20gm to 40gm of the baked products
consumed. All the products were accepted by the consumers at the level of "liked
moderately" to "like very much". Substituting a portion of wheat flour with pumpkin
powder in sandwich bread, sweet bread and cookies were acceptable at 10 % level and in
butter cakes and chiffon cake at 20 %.

By reviewing the above literature there is specific need to focus on the on the aspects
related to find out the newer and cheaper sources of carotene to combat the problem of
vit-A deficiency, to know the effect of different drying methods and their control
parameters on the retention of carotene. Further it was also observed that no systematic
research have been carried out to explore the possibility of incorporation of pumpkin
powder into popular food products to fulfill the partial requirement of RDA of vit-A.

2.5 Role of Pumpkin on Diseases

Pumpkin has high potential as a vegetable in the preparation of different dishes and
treatment of various diseases due to its nutritional potentials.

Dias (2012) suggested vegetables are essential for well-balanced diet since they supply
vitamins, minarets,dietary fibers and phytochemicals. In the daily diet vegetables have
been strongly associated with improvement of gastrointestinal health, good vision and
reduced risk of heart disease,stroke, chronic diseasessuch as diabetes and some forms of
cancer,some phytochemicals of vegetables are strong antioxidants and are thought to
reduce the risk of chronic disease by protecting against free radical damage, by
modifying metabolic activation and detoxification of carcinogens.All the vegetables give
protection to humans against chronic diseases .Each vegetable contents a unique
combination of phytonutriceuticals.

Pumpkin is a valuable source of beta carotene. After its absorption the formation of
vitamin A takes place in the cell .It is thus highly beneficial in the prevention and
treatment of eye vision and night blindness.

Siems et al. (2005) stated that of all known carotenoids; about 600 different types are
found in nature and about 40 are regularly consumed by human beings. Around 50
carotenoids exhibit provitamin-A and may serve as precursors of retinoid. β-carotene
may provide protection against cancer development in human. Carotene supplementation
has been further recommended for the prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases
related to oxidative stress, such as UV-mediated skin or eye and neurodegenerative
diseases. Patients with cystic fibrosis were recommended to take daily dose of about 0.5
to 1 mg β -carotene per kg bodyweight. Increased consumption of food rich in β -
carotene is associated with a reduced risk of lung and some type of cancer.

Pumpkins contain antioxidants, such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-

cryptoxanthin. These can neutralize free radicals, stopping them from damaging our
2.6 Possible Health Benefit of

Pumpkin 2.6.1 Weight Loss

Pumpkin is rich in fiber, which slows digestion. "Pumpkin keeps you feeling fuller longer,"
says Caroline Kaufman, MS, RDN and an up wave diet and nutrition expert. "There's seven
grams of fiber in a cup of canned pumpkin. That's more than what you'd get in two slices of
whole-grain bread."

2.6.2 Sharp Vision

Pumpkin's brilliant orange coloring comes from its ample supply of beta-carotene, which is
converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for eye health and helps the retina
absorb and process light. A single cup of pumpkin contains over 200 percent of most
people's recommended daily intake of vitamin A, making it an outstanding option for optical

Pumpkin also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that are thought to help
prevent cataracts and may even slow the development of macular degeneration.

2.6.3 Better Immunity

The large shot of vitamin A the fruit provides helps our body fight infections, viruses
and infectious diseases. Pumpkin oil even helps fight various bacterial and fungal
infections. Plus, pumpkin is packed with nearly 20 percent of the recommended amount
of daily vitamin C, which may help us recover from colds faster.

2.63.4 ounger-Looking Skin

Eating pumpkin can help us look younger (beta-carotene in pumpkin helps protect us
from the sun's wrinkle-causing UV rays), but the pulp also makes a great, all-natural face
mask that exfoliates and soothes.

2.6.5 Lower Cancer Risk

Beta-carotene is great for our eyes and skin which is good for fighting cancer. Research
shows people who eat a beta-carotene-rich diet may have a lower risk of some types
of cancer, including prostate and lung cancer.
2.6.6 It May Help Treat Diabetes

In scientific tests, pumpkin has been shown to reduce blood glucose levels, improve glucose
tolerance and increase the amount of insulin the body produces.

2.7 Chemical Composition of fresh pumpkin

Pumpkin fruit pulp contains about 92.6% moisture and less than 10% dry matter,
including many vitamins such as carotene (84IU/100g), Vit-C (2mg/100g) and minerals
such as Ca, P and Fe (Teotia,1992).

Pawar et al. (1985) reported that pumpkin has good shelf-life and can be used as good
source of carotenoids and water soluble vitamins. They also stated that the edible portion
of pumpkin was accounted for about 77.5% and the remaining was rind and seed. The
proximate composition of edible sliced pumpkin showed 92.64% moisture, 4.03% ash
and 7.36% total solids.

Pumpkin has been screened (Park et al., 1997; Pongjanta et al.2006; Teotia1992) for
their chemical composition from which inference can be drawn for their suitability for
different products as shown in Table 2.1:

Table 2.2 Chemical composition of fresh pumpkin

Pongjanta et al.,
Parameters Park et al., 1997 Teotia et al., 1992
Moisture % 93.3 93.38 92.
Protein % 1.43 1.29 1.4
Fat % 0.71 1.45 0.1
Carbohydrate 3.68 1.17 5.3
Ash % 0.88 1.45 0.6
Crude fiver % 0.92 1.26 --
Carotene -- -- 84
Vitamin BIU / 100g -- -- 20
Ca % -- -- 0.01
P% -- -- 0.03
Fe mg % -- -- 0.70
As per the chemical analysis report of fresh pumpkin by Lee et al. (2002), the mean
values of crude protein and ash contents for the fresh pumpkin samples were 0.93 % and
0.57 %, respectively.

Dutta et al. (2006B) revealed that β-carotene content increased during maturation of
pumpkin fruit at all storage temperatures but decreased after 10 weeks of storage. When
stored under dark condition at 40C, the results showed that carotegenesis was retarded
due to low temperature. There was a rapid degradation of β-carotene accompanied by
spoilage through fungus growth when pumpkins were stored in dark beyond two weeks.

2.8 Preservation Techniques of Pumpkin

2.8.1 Canning

Pumpkin can be canned, but only in cubes. Puree can be canned by commercial units
that reach upwards of 240 degrees Fahrenheit. Cutting the pumpkin in half, remove
the seeds and internal pulp, leaving just the flesh. Canning is done in pressure
cooker (pressure canner) at 10 psi (55 min for pints, 90 minutes for quarts).

2.8.2 Freezing

Pumpkin may be frozen sliced, chopped or purred .Additionally, freezing of pumpkin

can be done as raw or cooked. Simply cutting the pumpkin in half, removing the
seeds, rubbing the inside halves with olive oil and baked at 400 degrees
Fahrenheit for 45-60 minutes, depending on size of our pumpkin.

2.8.3 Drying of Pumpkin

Due to surplus production and less consumer demand there is crash in prices during
season and its scarcity during off-season results in higher market price causing loss to the
consumer. Moreover, pumpkins cannot be stored for longer time due to degradation of
carotenoids. The ultimate solution to this problem is the dehydration of pumpkin, which
is considered as classical method of preservation.

In this subchapter the special emphasis was placed on reviewing technological aspects of
pretreatments and drying of pumpkin in order to retain carotene in pumpkin powder. Pre-Treatments for Drying

Pawar et al. (1985) conducted studies on drying of pumpkin and reported more losses of
total carotenoids in sun dried samples of pumpkin than blanched (100 0C for 4 min.) and
sulphited (1000 ppm KMS) cabinet dried samples.

Suman and Kumari (2002) reported in a study on drying of carrot that the unit operation
such as washing, light trimming, grating (approx. 0.5 cm length shreds) and blanching in
water at 920C for 3 min containing 0.2 % KMS and 5 % sucrose helped in better
retention of carotenoids during drying.

Belal et al. (2004) revealed in an experiment conducted on preparation of papaya powder

that blanching of papaya pulp at 850C for 5 min and treatment with 1000 ppm KMS, the
browning index was increased only to 1.5 times in comparison to 6 times in controlled
i.e. unblanched and untreated.

Goncalves et al. (2007) reported that in pumpkin, the peroxidase inactivation followed a
first order Arrhenius model of inactivation kinetics. The blanching for 5.8 min at 900C
and 3.9 min. at 950C were recommended to decrease 90 % of peroxidase activity
ensuring good retention of color.

Singh and Kulshrestha (2006) studied the effect of pretreatments on the preparation of
carrot powder and revealed that high level of β-carotene and dietary fibre content were
observed in the sample when pretreatment of boiling at 10 lbs, 10 min was given than
pretreatment of steam blanching of 1 min followed by 0.125 % KMS dip for 4 min.

Sablani (2006) reviewed various pretreatments such as blanching and dipping in sulphite
and other solutions to reduce the loss of vitamins during drying. As much as an 80%
decrease in the carotene content of some vegetables occurred, if processed without
enzyme inactivation. However, if the product was adequately blanched then carotene loss
could be reduced to about 5%.

Gupta et al. (1997) studied the peroxidase enzyme activity, optimum conditions of
enzyme, activators, inhibitors of enzyme, nutritional and anti-nutritional factors in pulp
and seeds of pumpkin (unripe and ripe). Results revealed that KCl, NaOH and Na2SO4
were found activators in pulp and seed while Glycine, KOH, MgCl2, MgSO4 and
ascorbic acid were found as inhibitors of enzymes both in pulp and seed. Drying techniques for pumpkin

Doymaz (2007) carried out studies on the kinetics of forced convective air-drying of
pumpkin slices. He reported that drying of pumpkin slices at a constant air velocity of
1.0 m/s, temperature range of (50-60)0C and relative humidity range of 15-25 % did not
observe a constant rate period of drying.

Pawar et al. (1985) dried slices, cubes and shreds of pumpkin under sun and in cabinet
tray dryer at 600C to desired moisture level and analysed for ash, ascorbic acid, reducing
sugar and total carotenoids. Their results revealed that the losses of all parameters were
found more in shreds than slices and in slices than cubes. This may probably be due to
more area of slices and shreds exposed to heat. Therefore, they suggested making cubes
be the best treatment for the drying as regards to the losses of quality parameters.

Nema (2004) compared the kinetics of hot-air and infrared drying of carrot. His results
revealed that after 90 min of drying at 65 OC, it was found that infrared drying removes
45.2% more moisture than hot air drying.

Sagar et al. (2004) dehydrated 5 mm thick carrot slices in hot air cabinet dryer with cross
flow rate of 1.20-1.80 m/s at a temperature of 58 – 600C and found loss of carotene in the
range at 38.31-40.86 %. Time required for dehydration was 14-16 h with no constant rate

Research conducted by Banga and Bawa (2002) on dehydration of grated carrots using
cabinet drier at 50, 60 and 700C revealed that the most of drying took place in the falling
rate period.

Dutta et al. (2006) stated that thermal treatment is one of the most important methods of
preservation of pumpkin. It is intended to inactivate the pathogen and other deteriorative
microorganisms capable of making it unsuitable for consumption. It also improves the
bio availability of β-carotene, since it breaks down the cellulose structure of plant cell.

Hong and Lee (2004) dried osmotically pretreated sweet pumpkin by three drying
methods i.e. hot air, vacuum and cold air drying. The results revealed that cold air drying
resulted in more vitamin C content and showed low colour difference than other
methods. As per microscopic analysis, cold air dried sweet pumpkin had cell collapse
following the loss of water.
Gayathri and Prakash (2003) stated that presence of light accelerates the oxidation of β-
carotene and it is unstable to heat in presence of oxygen. Heating causes isomerization of
carotenoids. In addition to heat and light, oxygen and acid also lead to isomerization of
all-Trans to -cis forms which are reported to have lower biological potency and decrease
vitamin A value.

2.9 Quality of Pumpkin Powder

2.9.1 Chemical Composition of Pumpkin Powder

Pumpkin powder has been screened (Pongjanta et al., 2006; Ptitchkina et al., 1998) for
chemical composition from which inference can be drawn for its suitability for different
products (Table 2.2).

Table 2.3 Chemical composition of pumpkin powder:

Parameters Pongjanta et al.,2006 Ptitchkina et al., 1998

Moisture % 6.01 9.1
Protein % 3.74 9.0
Fat % 1.34 1.21
Carbohydrate 78.77 76.89
Ash % 7.24 3.8
Crude fiber % 2.9 4.3
Beta-Carotene mg/100g 7.29 5.6
Ca % -- 0.50
P% -- 1.90

Korhec et al. (1982) produced pumpkin powder with 57% carbohydrate, 10.5% protein,
2.0% fat and 14.0% cellulose and with energy content of 1.19 MJ/100g. Methionine is
the first limiting amino acid.

The possible dietetic use of powdered pumpkin is in relation to high digestibility and its
diuretic action (especially in the confectionary items).

2.9.2 Use of Pumpkin Powder in Food Products

Inadequate intake of vitamin A is primary cause of VAD; the most rational approach for
its prevention would be to encourage the daily consumption of adequate amounts of
foods rich in vitamin A. Fortification of pumpkin powder will help in combating
vitamin-Amalnutrition. The information available presented hereunder on suitability and
utilization of pumpkin powder in to various foods is limited.

The studies of Pavlova et al. (1996) showed that addition of pumpkin powder to wheat
flour at a concentration of 20 % had a positive effect on the structural and mechanical
properties of cracker dough. Finished crackers were characterized by a pleasant flavor,
aroma and improved nutritional and biological values.

Lee et al. (2002) incorporated pumpkin powder in instant noodles. Various amounts of
pumpkin powder (0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10%) were added to the formulation for instant fried
noodle. Addition of pumpkin powder increased β-carotene content of noodles
significantly to meet the partial requirement of vitamin A. Noodles with 5 % pumpkin
powder were the most favorable in appearance, flavor, texture and overall acceptability.

Ptitchkina et al. (1998) used the pumpkin powder (particle size 0.3-0.5 mm) in bread
making at various levels (5-10 g pumpkin powder per kg flour) and reported the
enhancement of loaf volume and sensory ratings. Gas cell stability of gluten was
improved via the surface activity of pumpkin pectin. Highly acetylated pectin act as an
interfacial agent in oil-water and air-water system and thus improves the stabilizing

2.10 Formulation of Supplemented Products

Pongjanta et al. (2006) prepared five different bakery products i.e. sandwich bread,
sweet bread, butter cake, chiffon cake and cookies by substituting the flour by pumpkin
powder at five different levels (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%) in the standard formula.
The study revealed that pumpkin powder significantly enhanced β-carotene content in
supplemented bakery products.

A composite of pumpkin powder and wheat flour increased vitamin A from 1.88 to 12.92
% per 20 to 40g of the baked products consumed. All the products were accepted by the
consumers at the level of "liked moderately" to "like very much". Substituting a portion
of wheat flour with pumpkin powder in sandwich bread, sweet bread and cookies were
acceptable at 10 % level and in butter cakes and chiffon cake at 20 %.
Pongjanta et al., (2006) reported the standard formula of the pumpkin based bakery
products were as follows:

1. Sandwich Bread: 100% wheat flour; and 0.5% bread improver, 4.45% skim milk
powder,1% dried yeast, 62.5% water, 4% sugar, 1.65% salt, and 6% shortening
pumpkin powder was substituted as % of wheat flour as % of wheat flour.
2. Sweet Bread: 75% wheat flour, 25% all-purpose flour; and 0.7% bread improver,
44% fresh milk, 1.6% dry yeast, 16% egg, 14.8% sugar,1.25% salt, and 16%
butter pumpkin powder was substituted as % of wheat flour as % of wheat flour.
3. Butter Cake: 100% cake flour; and 5% corn flour, 0.8% baking powder, 0.8%
vanilla, 112.5% sugar, 0.4% salt, and 113.5% butter pumpkin powder was
substituted as % of wheat flour as % of cake flour.
4. Chiffon Cake: 100% cake flour; and 8% milk powder, 4% baking powder, 0.2%
vanilla, 80% sugar, 1% salt, 100% egg yolk, 170% egg white, 75% water, 50%
rice oil, 0.5% cream of tartar and 90% sugar pumpkin powder was substituted as
% of wheat flour as % of cake flour.
5. Cookies: 100% all-purpose flour; and 8.9% skim milk powder, 1.4% baking
powder, 0.6% salt, 61.5% margarine, 18.5% egg, 61.5% sugar and 16.6% water
pumpkin powder was substituted as % of wheat flour as % of all-purpose flour,
The preparation methods for the bakery products were adopted from Pongjanta,

El-Demery M.E. (2011) prepared toast bread from pumpkin flour by following formula:

Flour blends were baked using the straight–dough method according to Chauhan et al.
(1992) with little modification wheat flour were substituted by pumpkin flour. The
baking formula was 500 g of flour blend, 9 g of compressed baker’s yeast, 5 g of NaCl,
13 g of cane sugar, 10 g of vegetable shortening and approximately 280 ml of water. All
the ingredients were mixed in a Kenwood mixer (ModelA907D) for 3.5 min. The dough
were fermented for 90 min at 28±1°C, then punched, scaled to 250 g dough pieces,
proofed for 90 min at 30°C, 85% relative humidity and baked at 250°C, for 30 min.

Ibrahim et al. (2014) reported, effect of incorporating mushroom powder (Peurotus

florida) in wheat flower biscuit with nut and found that their protein content 8.9% to
10.2%, fat content 21.64% to 22.57% and ash content 1.68% to 1.99% when adding 2%,
4% and 6% mushroom powder respectively. Fiber content was found 2.2% to 2.96% and
total carbohydrate was present in range of 66.2% to 64.2%.

2.11 Sensory Qualities of Pumpkin Blend Bakery Products

Kulkarni and Joshi, 2012 reported that amount of force required to bite the biscuit
increased with concentration of pumpkin powder. When the concentration of powder was
highest the hardness of the biscuits was highest, i.e. 3263g. Similarly, increasing the
replacement level of refined wheat flour with pumpkin powder, the amount of force
required to give first crack on the biscuit while breaking i.e. fracture ability also
increased. When the replacement level of refined wheat flour with pumpkin powder was
increased to 10% the fracture ability of biscuit increased to 1.74 mm. Kulkarni and Joshi,
2012 also reported that biscuits made with 2.5% pumpkin powder scored maximum
number in all sensory parameters viz. color, flavor, texture, taste and appearance given
by the panelists.

Pongjanta et al., 2006 reported that substituting a portion of wheat flour with pumpkin
powder in sandwich bread, sweet bread, and cookies were acceptable at 10% level and
20% in butter cakes and chiffon cake. Further increase in the substitution level would
affect color, volume and overall acceptability of the products.

El-Demery M.E., 2011 reported that 5% and 10 % replacement in toast bread showed
highest score in odor, color, texture and overall acceptability. The color of the toast bread
was significantly affected (P<0.05) by the addition of pumpkin flour, but the color of
15%, 20% substitution of the pumpkin flour, toast bread showed a significant decrease




The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Food Engineering
and Technology, under the Faculty of Engineering, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science
and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.

3.1 Materials

Fresh sample of pumpkin was collected from the local market of Dinajpur and
transported to the laboratory. Wheat flour (Fresh Brand), sugar, baking powder, soybean
oil, pea-flour were also collected from the local market of Dinajpur. The chemicals and
reagents were used from the laboratory stocks. High density polyethylene bags were used
for packaged and storage of the samples. Other necessary items such as knife, tissue
paper, wood sheet, scale etc were collected from the local market and laboratory stocks.

Fig 3.1 Photographic view of raw pumpkin

3.2 Preparation of Pumpkin

powder 3.2.1 Washing

The collected Pumpkin sample was washed thoroughly in running tap water to remove
undesirable dirt.

3.2.2 Removing of skins

The collected Pumpkin sample was peeled with knife.

3.3.3 Cutting

The peeled Pumpkin samples were cut with a hand knife into (2cm×2cm) with 2mm

3.3.4 Blanching

The cut sample was blanched in hot water at 900 C for 7 minutes.

3.3.5 Mashing and Pressing

The blanched sample was mashed with pestle and pressed with white muslin cloth to
remove excess water.

3.3.6 Drying

The samples were spread wire mesh trays and were dried at a temperature of 77- 82 0C in
a lab scale multipurpose universal cabinet dryer for 10 - 10.5 hours to achieve 7-9
percent moisture content.
Multipurpose universal cabinet dryer used for drying of pumpkin is given below:

Fig 3.2 Multipurpose universal cabinet dryer used for drying of pumpkin

Fig 3.3 Photographic view of pumpkin after drying

3.3.7 Grinding

The dried samples were blended in a blender machine (Jaipan Pride Mix Grinder, made
in India) to get pumpkin power.

3.3.8 Sieving

The powder was sieved at (300 MCI) mesh.

3.3.9 Storing

The fine powder was stored in polyethylene bag for further use.

The flow diagram for preparing of pumpkin powder is given below:

Receiving raw pumpkin



Cutting into (2 cm × 2 cm) with 2mm thickness

Blanching at 900 C for 7 minutes

Mashing with pestle and pressing with wite mhuslin cloth to remove excess water

Spreading on wire mesh trays

Drying in multipurpose universal cabinet dryer (770C to 820C)

Grinding in Blender

Sieving in 300 MSI mesh

Packaging in HDPE bag

Storage at room temperature

Fig 3.4 Flow diagram of preparation of pumpkin powder

Fig 3.5 Photographic view of pumpkin powder with 8.5% moisture

3.3 Preparation of Roshogolla

3.3.1 Ingredients
1) Liquid milk
2) Flour
3) Vinegar
4) Sugar
5) Butter or ghee
6) Baking powder
7) Pumpkin powder

3.3.2 Preparation of Chhana

For the preparation of chhana the team went through a trial basis experiment. 3L cow milk
was taken in a pan and heated to boiling with stirring. After boiling the milk cooled about
to 80 0C.Then vinegar was added to the milk as per need until the chhana separated
properly. Then whey water was removed from the chhana by hanging in a filter cloth and
kept them in a bowl.

Control roshogolla (C) and pumpkin powder supplemented roshogolla (F1, F2 and F3) were
prepared as according to the method which is presented in the following sections.
3.3.3Trial Operation

Chhana, sugar, wheat flour, baking powder and pumpkin powder were weighted accurately.
The pumpkin powder was incorporated at different level of percentage. Firstly, the chhana
was taken in bowl then 9% pumpkin powder was added with wheat flour, baking powder
were added as a leavening agent and kneaded to make prepare a mass. Then small balls were
made with fine finish. Then concentrated sugar syrup (sugar: water = 1:1) was made and
heated to boil. Then the balls of chhana boiled in the sugar syrup for 25-30 minutes so that the
balls swell to double in size. Then diluted a sugar syrup (sugar: water = 1:2) was prepared.
Then the boiled balls were transferred to cool for 10-12 hours. After sensory evaluation the
results were not acceptable. Then the roshogolla was prepare with 6% level with pumpkin
powder .The same procedure was followed for preparing the roshogolla after the sensory
evaluation test the results were also not acceptable. Then to change the formulation 3%
pumpkin powder added with wheat flour and roshogolla was prepared. There was not
desirable change compared with previous roshogolla. After sensory evaluation test the results
were accepted

3.3.4 Experimental Procedure

Four roshogolla samples were prepared by described method. The four samples are named

C = Control sample (without pumpkin powder)

F1 = sample containing 3% pumpkin powder

F2= sample containing 6% pumpkin powder

F3 = sample containing 9% pumpkin powder

Table: 3.3 Formulation of roshogolla on 100 gm Basis

Ingredients Sample
C F1 F2 F3
Chhana 91.5 88.5 85.5 82.5
Pumpkin powder 0 3 6 9
Baking powder 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Flour 8 8 8 8
The preparation of those samples were done by following steps:

100 ml cow milk was taken in a pan (4% Fat and 8.5NSF)

Heating to boiling point

Cooling to 80º C

Adding vinegar as per needed

Straining and dripping of whey (20-25 minutes)


Preparation of composite flour (0%, 3%, 6% & 9% level of pumpkin powder)

Mixing (chhanna, flour and baking powder)

Kneading to smooth dough

Formation of balls (20-30gm)

Cooking in sugar solution (40%, 50%) for 20-25 minutes

Transfering the boiled balls of chhanna to cool for 10-12 hour

Control and WPC roshogolla

Fig 3.4 Flow Chart of Roshogolla Preparation

3.4 Chemical Analysis

All the prepared roshogolla samples including the control roshogolla were analyzed for
their beta- carotene, fiber and protein. Prepared pumpkin powder was also analyzed for its
moisture content, beta-carotene, fiber, protein, ash and total carbohydrate. All the
determination were done in triplicate and the results were expressed as average value.

3.4.1 Determination of Moisture Content

The moisture content was determined by using the standard protocols as mentioned by the
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC, 2005). At first, the weight of empty
previously dried crucible (1hr at 1000 C) with cover was taken and 5 gm of sample was
placed on it. Then the crucible was placed in a Hot Air Oven and dried at 1050C for 24
hours. After drying the crucible was removed from oven and cooled in desiccators. It was
weighed. The crucible was again placed in the oven, dried for 15 minutes, taken out of the
dryer, cooled in desiccators and weighed. Drying cooling and weighing were repeated until
2 consecutive weight were same, for accuracy at list 3 samples were dried in the oven. The
loss of weight was calculated as percent moisture. The percent moisture content was
calculated by following formula:

Moisture content (%)= ×100
Wi = Initial weight of sample with
Wd = Bone dry weight of sample

3.4.2 Determination of Ash Content

AOAC method (2005) was used to determine the total ash content as described below:

Muffle furnace, desiccators and an electronic balance were used to determine the ash
content of the sample. The moisture free samples were taken in porcelain basin made
crucible and weighed. Thereafter the ash content was measured by igniting the samples
in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 5500C for 6 hours. The samples were then cooled
in desiccators. The average weight of sample of the remaining material was taken as
percentage. Ash content of the sample was then calculated by using the following
Weight of crucible with ash ( g )−Weight of empty crucible (g)
Ash ( % )= ×100
Weight of sample

3.4.3 Determination of protein content

The protein content was determined by the method of AOAC (2000) with some
modification called Kjeldahl method using Kjeldahl apparatus. In this case, total nitrogen
content was determine by digesting the sample with concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4),
in presence of digestion mixture into boric acid as explained in detail below: Digestion

1g previously oven dried sample was taken in a digestion flask. 10g potassium sulphate
(K2SO4 ), 0.1g copper sulphate (CuSO 4 ),1g selenium powder and 25ml conc.H2SO4 was
added to it and heated at 1000c for 3 hours (until the solution became clear). Then the flask
was cooled for 20 minutes at room temperature Distillation

After digestion about 300ml distilled water and 125ml 40%NaOH solution was added to
the volumetric flask. Then the flask was attached quickly to the distillation set and heated
the flask continuously. In the meantime a 250ml conical flask (containing 25ml of 4% boric
acid and 2-3 drops of mixed indicator) was placed at the zet of the condenser. The
volumetric flask was heated continuously until the conical flask was filled to 150 ml. Titration

The conical flask was disconnected and about 150 ml distillate was collected and was
titrated with 0.2 N H2SO4solution.The end point was indicated by orange color.

The total nitrogen value was then calculated by using the following formula:

ml of titration used ×normality of titrant × milli equivalent wt of nitrogen

Nitrogen( %)= ×100
weight of sample( g)

The amount of crude protein was then calculated by multiplying the percent (%) of total
nitrogen with the protein conversion factor 6.25, which is generally used in calculating
the protein content.

% Protein = %Nitrogen × 6.25

3.4.4 Determination of Fiber Content

The fiber content was determined by the method of Ayesha et al. (2002) with some
modification. Fat free (2 g) sample was taken in a 500 ml beaker and added 200 ml 0.255
N H2SO4 then boiled for 30 min. After that the mixture was filtered with muslin filter
cloth and residue was washed with hot water until free from acid. Then residue was
transferred into beaker and 0.313 N 200 ml NaOH was added and boiled for 30 minutes.
After that the mixture was filtered with muslin filter clot and residue was washed with
hot water until free from alkani and then washed with alcohol and diethyl ether. Then it
was transferred into crucible and dried at 1050C for overnight. Then crucible was heated
in a muffle furnace at 6000C for 3-5 hours. After that cooled and weighed. The crude
fiber was obtained by the following formula:

W 1−W 2
Crude Fiber ( % )= ×100


W= Weight of sample.

W1=Weight of crucible with ash sample.

W2=Weight of empty crucible

3.4.5 Determination of Total Sugar by Lane and Eynon Method

The total sugar content was determined by Lane and Eynon method as described below: Chemicals Required

Fehling’s solution A & B, Methylene blue, 4.5% Leadacetate solution, 2.2%

Potassiumoxalate solution. Standard Glucose Solution

10g AR gradeglucose was dissolved in 1 litredistilled water (10mg/ml). Standardization of Fehling’s solution

10 ml Fehling’s (A+B) was taken in a conical flask and titrated with standard glucose
solution from burette.

TitrateValue ×2.5
Fehling’ s Factor =
1000 Preparation of Sample

20g sugarcane/Lichi pulp blend with 50 ml distilled water then filtrate and transfer in a
250 ml volumetric flask, add 5 ml 4.5% lead acetate shake and wait for 10 min. then add
5 ml 2.2% potassium oxalate shake and make volume up to the mark with distilled water. Titration of Reducing Sugar

10 ml of Fehling’s solution was taken in a conical flask, about 50 ml distilled water was
added to it, boiled and titrated with prepared solution.
Fehling ’ s factor ×Total volume ×1003
Reducing sugar ( % ) =
volume of used sample × wt . of sample Preparation of Solution for titration of Invert Sugar

50 ml prepared sample was taken in a 250 ml beaker 5g citric acid was added to it and
boiled and cooled and neutralized with NaOH solution. Then it was transferred in a 250
ml volumetric flask and made volume up to mark with distilled water. Titration

10 ml of Fehling’s solution was taken in a conical flask about 50 ml distilled water was
added to it and boiled and titrated with prepared sample.

Fehling ’ s factor ×Total volume × 100

Total invert sugar ( % )=
Titrate value× wt . of sample

Non-reducing sugar= % Invert Sugar - % Reducing Sugar

%Total Sugar= % Reducing Sugar + % Non-reducing Sugar

3.4.6 Determination of Beta-carotene Chemicals required

Acetone, n-Hexane Preparation of solvent

Acetone: n-Hexane (4:6) Procedure

1 g sample was taken in a test tube with stopper about 15 ml solvent was added to it.
Then it was heated for 15 minutes, then it was filtered and measured absorbance at 663
nm, 505 nm and 453 nm.

Beta-carotene content was estimated in mg/g or mg/100ml by using the following

equation (Barros et al., 2007. Igbokwe et al., 2013):

β-Carotene in mg/g=0.216xA663- 0.304 x A505 + 0.452 x A453

3.5 Sensory Evaluation

A test panel of fifteen members evaluated the consumer’s acceptability of prepared

roshogolla. Four roshogolla samples containing various proportions of pumpkin powder
were evaluated for their sensory attributes (color, flavor, texture, taste and overall
acceptability). The test panels were selected from students and teachers of the Faculty of
Engineering, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur,
Bangladesh. The coded samples were served in clean white plastic plates in individual
booths with adequate florescent lights. Sample presentation to the panelists was at
random and one at a time. They were provided samples to eat and check how much they
liked or disliked each one and rate them as such. The panelists were given enough water
to wash their mouths between each serve.

For statistical analysis of sensory data, a 9-point hedonic rating test (Amerine et al.,
1965) was performed to assess the degree of acceptability. The taste panelists were asked
to rate the sample on a 9-point hedonic scale for color, flavor, texture, taste and overall
acceptability with the ratings of following:9=like extremely, 8=like very much, 7=like
moderately, 6=like slightly, 5=neither like nor dislike, 4=dislike slightly, 3=dislike
moderately, 2= dislike very much, 1=dislike extremely.




4.1 Nutritional Properties of wheat flour and pumpkin powder

Table 4.1 represents the chemical properties of wheat flour obtained by Prodhan et al.
(2015) and Heinonen et al. (1989) and pumpkin powder used for the experiment.
Moisture content, protein, ash, fiber and total sugar of wheat flour were obtained as
12.5%, 10.17%, 0.91%, 0.80% and 0.36%, respectively (Prodhan et al.,2015). β-carotene
is present in only a trace amount in wheat flour (Heinonen et al., 1989).

Table 4.1 Chemical compositions of pumpkin powder

Components (%) Pumpkin powder

Moisture 8.5±0.20
Protein 3.237±0.007
Ash 8.143±0.007
Fiber 3.463±0.007
Total Sugar 41.340±0.006
β-Carotene mg/100g 7.763±0.003
*Values are average of triplicate with ± SE.

It is noticed that higher amount of ash 8.143%, fiber 3.463%, total sugar 41.34% and
beta carotene 7.763 (mg/100g) were obtained in pumpkin powder with moisture content
of 8.5%. This composition of pumpkin powder is close to that of recorded by Bhat and
Bhat, 2013 (Moisture 6.01%, Protein 3.73%, ash 7.23%, and fiber 2.91%). Raw pumpkin
contains 1.29% protein, 1.26% ash, 1.17% fiber and 2.43 mg/100g (Pongjanta et al.,
2006). As pumpkin powder is in dry and concentrated form, so the protein, ash, fiber and
beta carotene content in the powder were found to be much higher.

4.1 Sensory evaluation of prepared Roshogolla

The color, flavor, taste, and overall acceptability of the pumpkin powder incorporated
roshogolla were evaluated by a panel consisting of 15 judges. The mean score obtained
From sensory analysis is depicted on table 4.3
Roshogolla with Different Percentages of Pumpkin Powder

(a) Roshogolla with 0% (b) Roshogolla

Pumpkin powder with 3%
Pumpkin powder

(c) Roshogolla (d) Roshogolla

with 6% pumpkin powder with 9% pumpkin powder

Fig 4.2 Roshogolla with different percentages of Pumpkin powder

Table 4.3 Sensory quality of Pumpkin powder supplemented Roshogolla

Sensory attributes C F1 F2 F3
Color 6.87±0.72 7.73±0.85 7.13±0.96 6.4±1.2
Flavor 6.73±0.57 7.67±0.70 6.93±1.24 6.0±1.37
Texture 6.70±0.85 7.40±0.80 6.87±1.09 6.07±1.06
Taste 6.87±0.62 7.67±0.60 6.93±0.85 6.07±1.24
Overall acceptability 6.87±0.72 7.67±0.47 6.93±0.68 6.20±0.91
All data of the samples are different from each other at 5% level of significance. Values
are average of triplicate analysis with ±SD.

Samples prepared with pumpkin powder F1 and F2 were found different from sample C
for each attributes (color, flavor, texture and taste) where sample F3 showed similarities
for color, flavor and texture F2 was similar to F1 and F3. Sample F3 also showed
similarities for texture with samples C. Among the pumpkin powder incorporate
Roshogolla, F1 showed the highest values (7.73, 7.67, 7.40 and 7.67) and F 3 resulted the
lowest values (6.4, 6.0, 6.07 and 6.07) for color, flavor, texture and taste respectively. All
the samples F1, F2, F3 secured greater values compared to sample C for all the attributes.

In case of overall acceptability, all the samples are different from each other. With the
increase of pumpkin powder in the samples the color became light yellowish to deep
yellowish. The light yellowish color of F1 sample was mostly liked by the panelists.
Pumpkin like flavor was mostly disliked by the judges.

So the results outline that nutritionally F 1, F2 and F3 samples are significantly superior to
sample c and F1 is mostly preferred by the panelists among the pumpkin powder
incorporated samples.

Finally the result prioritized sample F1 among F1, F2 and F3 but sample F2 and F3 could be
consumed as well.




The study was carried out to prepare value added (high beta-carotene and high fiber)
roshogolla by supplementing wheat flour with pumpkin powder. The effect of pumpkin
powder on nutritional quality and consumer acceptability of the prepared roshogolla
were also evaluated. After collecting the pumpkin sample it was dried in a multistoried
universal cabinet tray dryer (75-800C) and the powder was prepared. Roshogolla was
prepared by using chhanna, pumpkin powder, sugar, baking powder and flour. Changing
the ratio of chhana and pumpkin powder, four formulations namely C (91.5% Chhana +
0% pumpkin powder), F1 (88.5% Chhana + 3% pumpkin powder), F2 (85.5% Chhana +
6% pumpkin powder) and F3 (82.5% Chhana + 9% pumpkin powder) were prepared.
After mixing all ingredients properly, batter was prepared balls of chhana and boiled in
the sugar syrup (water:sugar =1:1) for 30-35 minutes. Quality of roshogolla was
analyzed in terms of protein, fiber and beta-carotene contents. Analysis result revealed
that incorporation of pumpkin powder affected the nutrient content of prepared
roshogolla. Roshogolla supplemented with 9% pumpkin powder obtained the highest
fiber and beta-carotene content among all the samples. Samples F1, F2 and F3 were found
to be rich in beta-carotene and fiber but low in protein in compared to control. On the
other hand, sensory evaluation of the prepared roshogolla was carried out on the basis of
sensory attributes including color, flavor, texture, taste and overall acceptability. Sensory
analysis showed that F1 sample (roshogolla with 3% pumpkin powder) had highest
scores for all the sensory attributes.

From the above discussion, it is evident that all roshogolla prepared with pumpkin
powder were highly nutritious then control roshogolla and among those F1 was highly
accepted by the consumers. Although the level of dried pumpkin powder was small, the
increase in nutrients content is remarkable. Thus pumpkin powder roshogolla has
potential to serve the valuable source of beta-carotene and fiber in the diet of the
population in Bangladesh and other developing countries. Using the study as a base,
further investigations may carry out with the addition of roshogolla improver to get a
more acceptable quality roshogolla

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Appendix-1: Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation for color:

Panelist Sample No.

No. C F1 F2 F3
1 6 8 7 5
2 8 7 6 5
3 7 7 6 6
4 6 6 6 6
5 8 8 9 9
6 7 8 8 7
7 8 9 8 8
8 7 8 8 7
9 7 7 8 8
10 6 9 7 6
11 6 7 6 5
12 7 8 7 6
13 6 7 6 5
14 7 9 8 7
15 7 8 7 6
Mean 6.87 7.73 7.13 6.4
Sd 0.72 0.85 0.96 1.2

Appendix-2: Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation for flavor:

Panelist Sample No.

No. C F1 F2 F3
1 7 8 5 4
2 6 7 8 5
3 7 8 9 9
4 7 6 5 5
5 6 7 6 6
6 7 8 8 8
7 7 8 7 7
8 7 8 7 7
9 8 9 8 7
10 6 8 7 6
11 7 8 7 6
12 6 7 6 5
13 7 8 5 4
14 6 7 8 5
15 7 8 8 6
Mean 6.73 7.67 6.93 6.00
Sd 0.57 0.70 1.24 1.37

Appendix-3: Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation for texture:

Panelist Sample No.

No. C F1 F2 F3
1 7 7 9 6
2 6 8 5 5
3 8 7 8 8
4 6 7 6 6
5 6 6 7 8
6 6 6 6 4
7 9 9 7 5
8 7 8 8 7
9 7 7 7 6
10 7 8 7 6
11 6 8 7 6
12 7 7 8 7
13 6 8 5 6
14 6 7 6 5
15 7 8 7 6
Mean 6.73 7.40 6.87 6.07
Sd 0.85 0.80 1.09 1.06

Appendix-4: Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation for taste:

Panelist Sample No.

No. C F1 F2 F3
1 7 8 6 4
2 6 8 7 5
3 7 8 8 8
4 7 8 6 6
5 7 7 8 8
6 7 6 6 5
7 8 8 6 5
8 7 8 8 7
9 8 8 7 6
10 7 8 8 7
11 6 7 8 8
12 7 8 7 6
13 6 8 6 5
14 7 7 6 5
15 6 8 7 6
Mean 6.87 7.67 6.93 6.07
Sd 0.62 0.60 0.85 1.24

Appendix-5: Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation for overall acceptability:

Sample No.
Panelist No.
C F1 F2 F3
1 7 8 6 5
2 6 8 7 6
3 7 8 8 8
4 7 7 6 6
5 7 7 8 8
6 7 7 6 6
7 6 8 7 6
8 7 8 7 7
9 9 8 7 6
10 6 8 8 7
11 7 7 7 6
12 7 8 6 5
13 6 8 7 6
14 7 8 7 5
15 7 7 7 6
Mean 6.87 7.67 6.93 6.20
Sd 0.72 0.47 0.68 0.91

Appendix-6: Descriptive analysis of color, flavor, texture, taste and overall
acceptability for composite Roshogolla
  N Mean
  C 15 6.87 0.72
  F1 15 7.73 0.85
  F2 15 7.13 0.96
Color F3 15 6.4 0.96
  Total 60 7.0325 0.8725
  C 15 6.63 0.57
  F1 15 7.67 0.7
  F2 15 7.13 1.24
Flavor F3 15 6.4 1.37
  Total 60 6.9575 0.97
  C 15 6.7 0.85
  F1 15 7.4 0.8
  F2 15 6.87 1.09
Texture F3 15 6.07 1.06
Total 60 0.95
  C 15 6.87 0.62
  F1 15 7.67 0.6
  F2 15 6.93 0.82
Taste F3 15 6.06 1.24
  Total 60 6.8825 0.82
  C 15 6.87 0.72
  F1 15 7.67 0.47
Overall acceptability F2 15 6.93 0.68
  F3 15 6.13 0.96
  Total 60 6.9 0.7075


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