Problem 1: Three Key Features From Tracxn Platform Relevant For The Client
Problem 1: Three Key Features From Tracxn Platform Relevant For The Client
Problem 1: Three Key Features From Tracxn Platform Relevant For The Client
1) Understanding that bank is on the look out for other acquisitions in order to maintain
the competitive edge, hence Startup Database would be of interest.
Feature 2: Competitor Analysis
1) While acquiring the company the competitor analysis gives the bank an edge to
understand better that what all technologies are being used by the target company and
its competitors.
Feature 3: Sector Report
1) Since the bank is looking forward to easing the issue of payments and customer
experience, the sector report would help them take a view of all the companies operating
towards technologically innovating the financial domain sector and understand the best
suited partner for them
The reason to pick this headline will be to catch the lead’s eyeball and then explaining my product
immediately after that.
Problem 4: Email for Brian explaining Tracxn’s value proposition
Dear Biran,
We at Tracxn are working rigorously so that you spend less time on discovering companies and
spend some more time on analysing markets and opportunities. Our goal is to make ‘discovery’ of
companies very efficient for private market investors. We offer SaaS platform used by VCs, PEs and
corporates globally. The platform tracks over 500+ sectors across Enterprise, Consumer Digital,
FinTech, HealthTech, EdTech etc.
How about solving your acquisition problems while you enjoy Tracxn’s amazing features. The
platform offers access to 50+ sectors globally enabling you to make informed decisions.
To enjoy this access there is a subscription fee which we can discuss post a guided tour of our
Best Regards
Team Tracxn