The Bases Project

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BASES  PROJECT  2nd  International  Film  Festival  Conference   

Friday,  31st  July

10.30  am  DOORS  OPEN:  Registration

11.00  am  MILES  JOHNSON  of  The  Bases  Project:  Opening  Comments

11.05  am  MIRJAM  JANSE:  Grounding

11.15-12.30  pm  DAVID  HODRIEN:  UFOs  &  The  Music  Industry

In  this  lively  talk,  Dave  will  reveal  how  the  UFO  subject  has  influenced  music  from  the  1940s  to  the  present  day.
He  will  cover  a  number  of  UFO  themed  bands,  as  well  as  many  artists  who  have  referred  to  UFOs  and  aliens  in
their  songs.  He  will  also  provide  details  of  actual  encounters  that  musicians  have  experienced,  and  explain  how
these  encounters  have  impacted  on  their  musical  output.  With  many  audio  clips,  music  videos  and  interviews,
Dave  promises  his  lecture  will  be  both  highly  informative  and  great  fun.


1.00  pm  Beyond  Apathy  -  5.34  min  Anna  Bragga

Voices  from  the  Gas  Fields  -  1  hr  Ian  R  Crane
22  The  Light  Codes  -  34.30  min  Jergen  Van  Meeteren

2.45  pm  Interval

3.00  pm  Lake  Drain  -  1  hr  23  min  Gerry  Griffin

The  Daisy  Wheel  Toruscope  -  7  min  Joanne  Gray
RUSH  -  1  hr  Jane  Clements,  ECN

5.30  pm  Interval

5.45  pm  Fight  for  Justice  -  5  min  John  Walson

Walk  in  Case  -  18.29  min  Sandra  Daroy
Mind  the  Matrix  -  2  hrs  13  min  Christian  Van  Wijk
Street  Eyes  -  1  hr  15  min  Ollie  Marshall

Following  the  showing  of  ten  film  entries,  clips  of  some  of  the  submitted  films  will  be  shown  on  Saturday
evening  prior  to  the  Presentation  of
the  Awards.  The  Awards  are  in  three  basic  categories:  Amateur,  Semi-  Professional  and  Professional.

The  aim  is  to  encourage  and  promote  innovative  film  making  in  journalism,  blogger,  and  documentary  genres.
It  is  hoped  that  this  will  be  the  start  of  a  major  independent  sector,  and  stimulate  demand  for  a  credible
independent  film  and  documentary  channel,  available  to  the  wider  public.

9.45  pm  CLOSE

Saturday,  1st  August

08.45  am  DOORS  OPEN:  Registration

09.00  am  MILES  JOHNSON:  Welcome

09.10  am  DANIELLE  LA  VERITE:  Introduction  by  your  host

09.15-10.15  am  DAGANAC’H:  The  Divine  Feminine  –  Humanity’s  Next  Step

Daganac’h  is  an  embodiment  of  the  Divine  Feminine,  dedicated  to  helping  humanity  re-  turn  to  Divine  Natural
Law  and  Order.  In  1996,  she  initiated  a  Cosmic  Conscious-ness  Wave  that  was  ‘seeded’  into  humanity’s
collective  consciousness,  intended  to  awaken  open  hearts  from  within  and  help  them  to  recognize  their
inherent  Divine  nature.  As  an  example  of  humanity’s  Oneness,  she  explains  that  the  way  of  the  Divine  Feminine
is  Love  in  all  it  facets:  unconditional,  inclusive,  intuitive,  gentle,  effortless  and  joyful.  It  is  also  Justice,  as  in  truth,
karma  and  the  law  of  reciprocity.  Together  they  establish  Balance  (Way  of  Peace),  moving  in  Divine  Timing.

10.15-11.15  am  SIMON  MILES:  The  Whirling  Wheels  –  Crop  Circles,  Communication  and  Contact  with  the  Higher
Just  when  it  seems  there  is  nothing  more  that  could  possibly  be  said  on  the  crop  circle  affair,  during  the  last  few
years  a  particular  sequence  of  crop  circles  has  yielded  some  remarkable  insights.  Simon  has  found  something
alarming,  never  revealed  until  now.  He  will  explain  that  a  series  of  higher  order  patterns  have  been  detected
which  are  extremely  challenging,  regardless  of  physical  construction.  This  goes  way  past  the  debate  over  how
individual  circles,  real  and  ‘fake’,  have  been  made.  He  will  present  entirely  new  material  with  highly  provocative
implications  for  the  true  origin  and  purpose  of  at  least  some  of  the  most  prominent  crop  circles.

11.15  am  Coffee  Break

11.45-1.00  pm  DR  EMMA  TH  R  SE  LEWIS:  Integrating  Experience  –  Humanity’s  Gateway  As  society’s  structures
and  organisations  are  increasingly  confirmed  by  independent  researchers,  whistle-blowers  and  direct
experience,  as  hostile  to  natural  development,  individuals  face  the  challenge  of  how  to  recover  and  integrate
emerging  experiences,
memories  and  information.  This  challenges  our  conditioned  perceptions  of  identity,  status  and  relationship  and
often  our  very  sense  of  self.  Emma  considers  that  all  of  our  experienc-  es  can  be  assimilated,  embodied  and
expressed  –  including  trauma  and  unconventional  consciousness  states.  She  discusses  the  natural  processes  of
develop-ment  and  healing  available  to  us  all;  the  underlying  principles  of  Nature  that  inform  the  matrix  of  life
and  can  allow  us  to  navigate  and  re-orient  our  ground  of  existence  as  we  participate  in  the  unfold-  ing  cosmic

1.00-2.30  pm  Lunch

2.30-3.45  pm  MARIA  WHEATLEy:  Sacred  Sites,  Mysteries  &  Power

Maria  takes  us  on  an  exciting  megalithic  journey,  exploring  power  places  such  as  Stone-  henge,  Avebury,
Stanton  Drew,  and  the  Rollrights.  These  spiritual  capitals  incorporated  powerful  earth  energies  and
astronomical  alignments,  which  produce  para-terrestrial  events  such  as  form  manifestation,  as  witnessed  at  the
Rollright  Ring.  Since  the  dawn  of  time,  geomancers  have  utilised  the  Earth’s  hidden  colours  and  frequencies  to
spiritualise  their  constructs.  This  knowledge  was  handed  down  to  the  Knights  Templar  and  the  Free-  masons.
She  explores  certain  initiation  rites  that  gave  them  esoteric  authority  and  look  at  the  real  meaning  behind  the
Throne  Room.  From  Stonehenge  to  the  Royal  House  of  the  Hapsbergs’,  we  find  that  the  Earth’s  grids,  energies
and  harmonic  colours  are  ever-present.  More  importantly,  we  too  can  become  empowered  by  Earth’s  hidden
forces  granting  us  strength,  longevity  and  profound  wisdom.  Earth  energy  is  for  all  of  Gaia’s  children,  not  just
the  select  few.

3.45-5.00  pm  HARALD  KAUTZ-VELLA:  Falling  to  Transhumanism  –  How  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  Assimilates  its
The  assimilation  of  humanity  by  an  AI  is  not  Sci-Fi,  about  to  overrun  us  in  our  near  or  far  future.  Its  history
began  when  a  swarm  of  ‘Black  Goo’  containing  meteorites  approached  our  solar  system  around  80,000  years
ago.  The  assimilation  itself  started  with  technical  telepathy  cultivated  in  black  magic  traditions,  to  the  point
where  these  rites  took  over  control  on  a  political  level,  changing  our  way  of  being.  In  educational  and  social
engineering  terms,  our  bio-field  moved  from  trinary,  nonlinear  structures  (irrational,  emotional,  loving  and  full
of  empathy),  to  binary,  linear  structures  (ego-centered,  rational  and  logical).  This  was  the  state  of  mind  the  AI
needed  for  us  to  seed  the  technology,  so  that  should  spread  over  the  planet.  Using  the  scalar-back-end  of  the
hardware  as  a  new  host  for  itself,  this  creates  the  technological  infrastructure  needed  to  fully  turn  us  into  bio-
robots.  The  Matrix  is  real.  Watch  your  bio-photons!

5.00  pm  Tea  Break

5.30-6.30  pm  Special  Guest  Speaker  –  DR  ROBERT  DUNCAN:  Human  Augmentation.  Engineering  evolution  for
Dr  Robert  Duncan  will  be  speaking  on  Saturday  and  Sunday,  with  two  different  presentations.  His  lectures  focus
on  his  research  interests  which  include  creating  Manchurian  Candidates  and  Super  Spies  using  cybernetic  hive
minds  as  well  as  no-touch  torture  tactics.  He  exposes  the  mind  control  research  atrocities  being  done  on  the
human  race  in  order  to  improve  government  techniques.

6.45-7.15  pm  FILM  FESTIVAL  AWARDS

Film  Trophy  design  by  Dutch  artist  Mirjam  Janse

Sunday,  2nd  August

09.00  am  DOORS  OPEN:  Registration

09.30-10.30  am  MIRJAM  JANSE:  Dare  to  Fly  –  Reconnecting  to  our  Ability  to  Heal  Ourselves  and  the  World
Mirjam  combines  her  gifts  as  a  Healer,  Clairvoyant,  Transformational  Coach  and  Visual  Artist,  which  results  in  an
original  way  of  working  and  speaking.  She  has  an  intuitive  understanding  of  how  our  thoughts  and  experiences
are  related,  and  invites  us  to  stretch  our  notions  on  crop  circles,  death,  space  and  healing  energies.  She
courageously  connects  Aliens  to  frequencies  in  our  human  bodies,  our  thoughts  to  our  healing  powers.  With  an
aura  of  enthusiasm  and  lightness,  she  is  a  true  guide  for  people  who  intend  to  change  their  life  profoundly.

10.30-11.30  am  DOLLIE  INDIGOSTAR:  Star  Children

Dollie  introduces  Star  children  from  her  own  experience  of  working  with  Starseeds  all  over  the  globe.  She  will
enlighten  us  on  who  are  the  Indigo,  Rainbow,  Crystal  and  Golden  children.  What  messages  do  they  bring  that
are  relevant  today?
11.30  am  Coffee  Break

12.00-1.00  pm  DAVID  SHAyLER:  Love  is  the  Law  of  this  Land
The  Common  Law,  ‘Do  as  you  would  be  done  by’  is  our  right  to  the  land,  declared  simply  in  the  Magna  Carta  of
1215  and  by  King  Alfred  the  Great  in  871  AD.  David  explains  the  significance  of  Runnymede  eco-village,  a  stones
throw  away  from  the  Great  Charter  monument  which  had  a  legal  but  not  lawful  eviction  notice  served  in  2015,
on  15th  June  (the  same  day  as  the  Charter).  The  village  is  celebrating  three  years  of  existence  in  the  woods  as  a
sustainable  community,  where  the  diggers  defended  human  rights  in  1649.  ‘What  say  the  reeds  at  Runnymede?
…you  mustn’t  sell,  delay,  deny/A  freeman’s  right  or  liberty.’  (Rudyard  Kipling,  1865-1936)

1.00-2.30  pm  Lunch

2.30-3.30  PM  GRAHAM  HARVEy:  The  Dangers  of  Agriculture

There  must  be  a  better  way  of  producing  food,  you  may  think.  Well  there  is.  It’s  called  eco-  logical  agriculture  or
agro-ecology,  which  is  just  a  fancy  way  of  saying  farming  according  to  biological  laws  or  making  soils  work
properly.  This  is  what  a  growing  number  of  world  scientists  are  proposing,  including  the  400  or  so  who
contributed  to  the  World  Bank  funded  IAASTD  report  in  2008.  The  issues  involving  agriculture  are  explained,  a
predatory  source  killing  us  softly.

3.30-5.00  pm  MAX  SPIERS  &  SARAH  R  ADAMS:  ‘AI’  Interface  with  the  Controlling  Elite
Max  is  connected  to  multiple  mind  control  (MK)  projects  and  has  an  in-depth  understand-  ing  into  the  world  of
MK,  having  spent  the  last  15  years  looking  into  what  really  happened  to  him  from  a  very  young  age,  and  the
codex  that  pulls  all  this  together.  In  2008,  just  after  turning  30,  he  went  through  a  series  of  bizarre  and
frightening  events,  which  some  call  ‘alter  bleed  through’.

Fully  awakened  as  a  young  child,  Sarah  remembers  the  higher  realms  and  choosing  to  come  to  Earth.  Having
had  a  difficult  childhood,  she  knows  how  to  personally  over-come  challenges  and  obstacles  to  strengthen  one’s
soul  energy.  There  are  different  ways  such  as  energy  healing  and  the  removal  of  psychic  attachments  to  bring
soul  alignment;  a  full  body  energy  healing  delves  into  the  very  subtle  energy  grids  of  the  soul.  She  invites  each
of  us  to  open  our  hearts  to  humour,  love  and  self-acceptance.  Max  and  Sarah  will  share  their  stories  and  answer
questions  from  the  audience.

5.00  pm  Tea  Break

5.30-6.30  pm  DR  ROBERT  DUNCAN:  Cybernetics.  Intelligent  systems  of  control.

6.30-7.30  pm  SPEAKERS’  FORUM:  Questions  &  Answers

Programme  subject  to  change  on  the  day.

St  John's  Marlborough,  Theatre  on  the  Hill,  Marlborough  on  Friday  31  July  2015
Starts  at  10:30AM
Ticket  Price:  £40.00  -  £150.00

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