Three Templates For Uncomplicating Product Management
Three Templates For Uncomplicating Product Management
Three Templates For Uncomplicating Product Management
Having product data is not the same thing as using that data to make better decisions. And having
numbers in front of you isn’t the same as using those numbers to build things your customers will
love. So, how do product teams go from data to insights? And, how do successful product teams
transform problems into products that solve those problems?
To start, you’ll need a complete, organized, unbiased, trustworthy, and governed foundation of data..
The better optimized that foundation, the greater the number of potential insights (and number of
opportunities) it can generate for the business.
So, let’s say you have a foundational data set, then what?
Next you’ll need a way to infuse rigorous decision-making, clear prioritization, easy cross-team
collaboration, and most importantly, the why, into your processes for product development. 2
If someone asked you what the typical division of labor between product managers and engineers
should be, how would you answer? Many would say something like, “product managers list
requirements and engineers build them.” As common as that notion is, we might suggest a
new approach.
A key (arguably the most important) role of a Product Manager (PM) is to identify and frame problems to solve, and then lead
cross-functional teams to come up with impactful solutions—not to define a solution up-front. “Great leaders align their teams
around the why,” David Fullerton, said VP of Engineering at Heap.
In practice, we all know that teams working together to understand “the why” is almost always a better way to generate more
ideas than any one person working alone can. Enter the Problem Brief.
The goal is to align across teams and create a shared customer context about a
problem, making a measurable hypothesis – without prescribing a solution. The
solution ideation comes next. 3
After you’ve written the Problem Brief, your teams can move to the next phase, which is the
solution and ideation phase. You’ll want to employ a Design Brief to outline and discuss your
proposed solution. The designer(s) drive the Design Brief, but like everything in this process,
it’s created collaboratively.
Together, you can ideate, brainstorm, or even jump into a virtual whiteboarding
session to discuss potential solutions, their feasibility, and their level of difficulty.
For smaller projects, your Design Brief is simply a summary of that conversation.
For larger projects, you’ll do more discovery, iteration, sketching, competitive
analysis, and ideation. This might take a few hours, or it might take weeks.
Now, it’s time to fill out your Design Brief. In general, this shouldn’t take more than
a half day—it’s called a “brief” for a reason!
The sketch on the left accompanied the design brief for Heap’s Report Alerts feature. On the right, a
screenshot post-launch. 4
• Behaviors: Without a step-by-step guide, what does your design do, exactly?
Example: “Add an emoji button to the message input that produces a popup
menu of emojis.”
Go deeper with this
article about how to
• Assumptions: What critical assumptions underlie your solution?
complete a design
Example: “Assume you’re content with a relatively small subset of the entire
world of emojis.” brief and download
The Design Brief
• Key Constraints: What non-obvious constraints shape or limit your solution?
Example: “Licensing on emoji graphics means that unless you design our own, template to get
these will look different on various platforms.” started.
• Discarded Alternatives: To the extent they’re useful for context, what alternate
solutions did you consider but eliminate? Why? This is useful in reviews to
proactively handle questions of the, “Why not just do X?” variety. (On occasion,
you’ll want to pursue multiple distinct solutions into a review or even into more
detailed designs. In that case, you can duplicate sections of the design brief per
solution as needed.) Example: “Slack-style autocomplete for emojis. Discarded
because it’s actually more effort on a mobile device.”
At times, this can look a lot like a design review, but it’s not—try to avoid a process
in which executives litigate design details. Rather, the PQ review ensures you’re
making good trade-offs among product quality, project scope, and timeline.
By doing product quality reviews, and by using such a low-fidelity artifact in them,
you’ll be better equipped to make critical decisions about project work (including
and especially whether to proceed) at an early enough stage that neither design
nor engineering is needlessly wasted.
The designer starts the design in earnest, and the design brief allows engineers to
start scoping and building—at least the back end.
There’s risk here: the quick, high-level nature of the design brief means we
sometimes have to change the implementation once we get into the meat of the
design. But, if the risk is low enough, and the reward is high enough, then
it’s justified. 5
Product launches are always fun—and while it’s rewarding to gift new bells and whistles to your
users, it’s even more important to use your product launches to learn and evolve your product
strategy. You can do this with an After-Action Report.
Briefly, After-Action Reports are organized reports written by PMs every time a new So, what should be
feature is shipped. It’s crucial for Product Management organizations to maintain
these activities, for a few reasons. in an After-Action
• Built-in accountability for PMs: Engineers are accountable for delivering Report?
functional, quality code on time. Salespeople are accountable for generating
revenue. Why shouldn’t PMs be accountable for their decisions? • What did you ship?
• Improves agility: It’s easy to fall into a quarterly planning cadence that doesn’t • Time from plan to release
promote an environment of constant learning. Creating a practice of following-up • What was our original hypothesis?
after each product change helps you reach more informed decisions faster.
• What are the results?
• Fosters test & learn culture: Product development works best when it’s run as
a series of educated experiments. With structured iteration, even failures can
be celebrated as opportunities to learn. You might even consider sharing After-
Action reports with your entire organization! 6
The magic of the After-Action Report is that it will likely surface unknown unknowns in your user
funnels—you may even define a new behavioral event you never even thought to track prior to
the process.
If you’re using a comprehensive data tool, where all user behavior is captured and If you’re feeling stumped
organized automatically, you’ll have instant access to the historical click-data on what questions to ask
associated with that new event—yes, even the thing you didn’t think of in the next, check out The Book
first place. of Questions, a great
resource for PMs, and any
So, instead of waiting weeks to get a new answer to a new question about a new digital product owners, to
behavior, you can keep iterating to improve your product in real-time. get started with testing
and iterating to improve
• What did you learn from the market?
customer experiences
• What new hypotheses do you have? (and conversion, revenue,
• What new A/B tests can you run? retention, etc.).
These three worksheets give you and your teams
an end-to-end, high-level structure for product
This is a repeatable process you and your teams can use to iterate
and fine-tune for your specific needs. Use these templates to figure
out what to build based on the why, then design it, launch it, and
gather more data to continue asking questions. 7
About Heap
Heap’s mission is to power business decisions with truth through a complete,
governed, unbiased foundation of data. We empower product teams to focus on
what matters— building the best products— not wrestling with their data or their Start your
analytics platform. free trial today
From individual PMs looking to optimize specific features to the CPOs looking at
overall Product strategy for the business, people everywhere use Heap to capture
and understand their customer data.
With 10 minutes and a single snippet of code, you too can see the impact Heap can
have on your product organization and the business.
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Additional Resources
The Future of Product Management What Vs. Why: How to align your Northwestern Mutual improves
product and eng teams around data personalization for customers
The Book of Questions
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Free Trial Request a Demo customer-first insights 8