000 Malawi Mhealth Landscape Analysis - May - 2018
000 Malawi Mhealth Landscape Analysis - May - 2018
000 Malawi Mhealth Landscape Analysis - May - 2018
mHealth in Malawi
Landscape Analysis
May 2018
Table of Contents
1 Key Acronyms 17 Modes of Interaction
16 Types of Hardware
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1. Key Acronyms
CHS Community Health Services Section
CHT Community Health Team
CHW Community Health Worker
CMED Central Monitoring & Evaluation Division
EHP Essential Health Package
EPI Expanded Program on Immunizations
GPS Global Positioning System
HIS Health Information System
HSA Health Surveillance Assistant
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
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2. Overview of The
mHealth 360 Analysis
As mobile technology has become ubiquitous, Malawi has seen several robust service delivery mobile
applications for healthcare deployed with different levels of success. SMS and phone hotline projects
have reached national scale and have been widely regarded as having both high impact and ease of use.
Unfortunately, to date, no smartphone applications have been able to scale to a national audience and
systems remain in silos both geographically, topically, and technically.
With limited resources, how do we determine which solutions should expand, where pilots can provide
new insights into existing gaps, and how to create a national policy that allows for both innovation and
scale? To aid the Kuunika: Data for Action project in developing and implementing mobile technology in
Malawi, and to a larger extent, to aid the Ministry of Health and Population in the governance of mobile
technology, we conducted an independent evaluation of mobile health technology systems currently
being implemented in Malawi. This assessment provides a concrete way that Malawi can adapt high-
level frameworks and tools into assessments that provide evidence for policies, standards, and
strategies in mobile health.
As part of the Kuunika Project, the Central for Monitoring and Evaluation Division (CMED) and the
Community Health Services Section (CHS) in the Ministry of Health and Population worked with
Cooper/Smith to conduct a mobile health landscape analysis and technical feasibility study. This activity
aligns with the project work plan and complements the current efforts of other Malawi programs. To
date, few countries have conducted such an assessment. We hope this assessment will serve as a
template for routine evaluations in Malawi and other countries interested in improving the alignment of
mobile health investments and streamlining mobile health systems.
The mHealth 360 analysis consists of a 4-step approach:
In-depth analysis of
a select group of 4 recommendations
for policy and
platforms standards
This report includes the results from mHealth 360 Analysis Step 1: survey of all mobile health
projects in Malawi. This survey was undertaken as part of a national registration of all mHealth
projects with results were synthesized by Cooper/Smith.
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3. The State of
mHealth in Malawi
3.1 National mHealth Registration
In 2017, the Secretary for Health and Population required that
all Malawian mHealth projects complete a formal registration
process. 31 mHealth projects officially registered. Information
about the projects was extracted during
registration. Additionally, a list of known mHealth projects was
cross-referenced using existing databases.
mHealth is a component of electronic
health (eHealth). It is the medical and
public health practice supported by
mobile devices, such as mobile
phones, patient monitoring devices,
mHealth Projects in Malawi personal digital assistants (PDAs), and
surveyed through the national mHealth other wireless devices.
-Wo r l d He a l t h O rg a n i za t i o n ( W H O)
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4. Timeline of mHealth in Malawi
mHealth projects in Malawi have existed since at least 2007, with an average of 2 new projects coming
online each year. The average lifespan of a mHealth project is 5 years. 2016 was the most active year for
new projects with 7 new projects coming online. As of March of 2018, there were 22 live mHealth projects.
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2007 2 5
projects years
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5. Geographic Distribution
At least 5 mHealth projects have been implemented in each district in Malawi. There is an average of 8 projects
per district. In addition, national/regional projects tend to span an average of 8 districts (out of a total of 28).
Most mHealth projects are concentrated in the Southern region. Blantyre & Zomba districts have 13 projects
each (the greatest number).
reaching every
district in Malawi.
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7. National Community Health Strategy
The Malawi National Community Health Strategy 2017-2022 states that
Community Health Teams (CHTs) should increase the use of mHealth and has
set the target that by 2022, 50% of CHTs will be using mHealth for integrated
service delivery, data collection, and supervision.
Based on the registration survey results, we estimate that 1,823 Health
Surveillance Assistants (HSAs) are currently using mHealth for community
health service delivery. This number was calculated by including all
registered projects that address the Malawi Essential Health Package for
"Community Health" and have HSAs as the target end users. Excluded in the By 2022, 50% of Community Health
calculation are projects such as cStock - which is solely focused on nutrition, Teams (CHTs) will be using mHealth for
CCPF which does not specifically target HSAs, and ONSE which had not integrated service delivery, data
started implementation at the time of the registration.
collection, and supervision.
Using the Community Health Strategy target of 15,000 HSAs employed by
2022 to fulfill the proper ratios, 12.15% of HSAs, or a quarter of the target
goal, has been achieved. To achieve the target in full, we will need to see a 3
fold increase in mHealth uptake among HSAs.
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10. Achieving Integrated Service Delivery at Scale
To achieve integrated service delivery at scale, expansion of mHealth will be necessary in 3 areas:
Scaling users both by increasing the number of Community Health Team members using mHealth
tools and expanding geographically.
Linking mHealth users with other levels of the health system to include supervisors and facilities.
Linking mHealth tools to other platforms that are part of the National Health Information System.
Expanding content to include coverage of service delivery areas that are not currently being
covered and fully implement all services provided by Community Health Teams.
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13. Service Domain Areas
As part of national policies and guidelines, 5 service domain areas have been outlined. In the registration we
asked partners which service domains they aligned with. While promotive, preventive, surveillance, and curative
service domains were all covered by 22%-30% of projects, only 1 project reported aligning with rehabilitative
Rehabilitative (1.69%)
Curative (30.51%)
Surveillance (20.34%)
Preventative (27.12%)
Promotive (20.34%)
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16. Types of Hardware
Across all projects surveyed, the hardware used is moving away from basic phones and towards smart devices.
Many projects used multiple types of devices. However, no projects recorded using Personal Digital Assistants
(PDAs), and only one project recorded using wearable devices.
22 12 12 11 5
Web based Projects GPS Projects
Touch Screen Projects
Cloud Server (70.97%) Local Server (22.58%) Both (3.23%) Unknown (3.23%)
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19. Type of Users
Health Surveillance Assistants (HSAs)/ Community Health Workers (CHWs) are the largest group of mHealth
users in Malawi. 23 out of 31 projects citing HSAs and CHWs as users. The second highest group, "other", included
supervisors, district staff, and project-specific staff.
25 23
Public Patients Caregivers Physicians Nurses HSAs Field Work.. Other
15,231 users. 13,275 of those users are still active.
13,275 428
Active mHealth Users
across 31 registered projects
in Malawi
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21. Project Costing Across All Projects
Budget data was not a required as part of registration. However, 12 out of the 31 projects provided detailed costing
data across specific categories. This offers a glimpse into the general cost of mHealth implementation in Malawi.
$9,535,880 12
All time cost for the 12 projects that submitted costing data
taken from the 12 registered projects that
submitted costing data ($158,931) to calculate the
average cost per active user per year to be
Average cost per project across
project lifetime (average 5 years)
Average cost per active user per year
Software Development
accounts for an average of
15% of total project
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23. Average Device Costs
The average cost per device per user is $96 with an average of 6% of hardware being replaced each year due to
hardware being lost, stolen, or damaged. This contradicts common misconceptions around the loss of mobile
phones that are often cited as a reason not to undertake mHealth projects.
average per device
replaced devices
average across all projects
Expanded functionality such as Typically does not require
collecting surveys, GPS hardware purchases since all
location, and images phones can send an SMS
Applications and SMS each have specific use cases for which they are appropriate, and the appropriateness of
the technology, as well as the cost of the tool, should be taken into account with each mHealth project.
Average Cost per Project
Number of Users
On average, SMS
projects cost half
as much as
application TIMES MORE SMS
projects. USERS
than mobile application users
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26. Key Takeaways
Malawi has a mature, geographically
widespread, robust mHealth
ecosystem with a variety of projects
at different levels of maturity.
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27. Appendix 1: Registered Projects
Emergency Triage,
Assessment and D-tree International Christopher Kulanga [email protected]
Treatment (ETAT)
mHealth Application
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Mentorship and
Enhanced Support at Partners in Health (PIH) Emily Wroe [email protected]
Health Facilities
mHealth4Afrika University of Malawi [email protected]
Organized Network
Services for
Everyone's Health Management Sciences for
Rudi Thetard [email protected]
(ONSE) Integrated Health (MSH)
Supportive Supervision
Organized Network
Services for Management Sciences for
Everyone's Health Health (MSH) Rudi Thetard [email protected]
(ONSE) - ISS Toolkit
Program for Social Partners in Health (PIH) Dr. Emily Wroe [email protected]
and Economic Rights
Program Mwana -
RemindMI and UNICEF Marie-Claude Villacorta [email protected]
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Prepared by Cooper/Smith. For more information email:
[email protected]