Why Teach? How To Assess? How To Teach? What To Teach? Assessment and Feedback Learning Material Preparation Most Essential Topic
Why Teach? How To Assess? How To Teach? What To Teach? Assessment and Feedback Learning Material Preparation Most Essential Topic
Why Teach? How To Assess? How To Teach? What To Teach? Assessment and Feedback Learning Material Preparation Most Essential Topic
1. Communicati 1.Communicati Transfer In your Cohesive For MET 2: The teacher The teacher Offline/ EEA1 Defining
on skills on skills Goal community, ness of Defining Culture shall be shall: Online Culture and
2. Thinking socializing to Online and Society from able to: Task Identifying Society
skills 2. Thinking Learners other people is Exhibit: the perspectives of 1. Provide Completio the common from the
very hard in this
(Critical & Skills should be goals, plan, anthropology and 1.Set the a n issues base perspective
pandemic, we all
Problem able to study know that culture subjected sociology objectives Parent/ on cultural s of
Solving) 3. Problem and raise the is very complex to audience and of the guardia differences in anthropolo
3. Technology Solving influence of determine it may evaluation EFAA (formative topic/ n their gy and
skills multiculturalis have some plan Assessment) activities evaluati community sociology
4. Communicati 4. Collaboration m in their characteristics and remind on Form and study its
community by and aspects that
on & Language Using a graphic student of for the implication,
creating an is confusing to be
Technology online exhibit and organizer, the possible student how crucial is
skills addressed Conventions: students are about evidence of learning it?
where the set (Situation), in
(Creative & of technical Clarity, to identify the learning by . (Graphic
order to promote
Innovation) and various grammar etc. barriers of cultural providing a 2. E-mail, Organizer)
a community that
5. Problem- Abilities of shared a common differences. (not rubric. Random
Solving skills different belief, ideas, Collaboration graded) 2. Diagnose calls or
6. Collaboration members of practices, values s: the area text EEA2
skills the and norms. (Role) Shared Using a concept where they message Analyze the
community As a part of your responsibility map, students are need to be s to get issues base
are subjected community you for about to identify improve the on cultural
and present were tasked to
an advocative collaborative the key factors to and focus parent’s differences in
study and raise work and raise the influence on. feedbac their
material to the influence of
elevate value the of k on community
awareness, multiculturalism individual multiculturalism. 3. Feedback how through
consciousness in your contributions (not graded) on areas their Problem
on what is community. To made by they excel children Identification
common to raise the each team on (Web- in the Matrix/conce
everybody awareness,
member. based learning pt map.
and break the consciousness on
barriers of what is common meeting) process
cultural to everybody and
differences break the barriers 4. Provide a 3. Require
where of cultural tally sheet students
everyone differences where (Compilatio to
benefits a everyone(Audienc n) of their provide
mutual society e) benefits a evidences their
mutual society of learning. report
on the
Through the
activities: Online process.
Workshop where
the set of
technical and
various Abilities
of different
members of the
community are