Thespian Points PDF

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Category & Points for Points for Category & Points for Points for

Position/Work Done One Act Full Length Position/Work Done One Act Full Length
Acting Directing
Major role 4 8 Director 4 8
Minor role 3 5 Assistant director 3 6
Walk-on 1 2 Vocal director 3 6
Chorus 1 3 Video producer/director 3 4
Dancer 1 3 Assistant vocal director 2 5
Understudy 1 2 Orchestra/band director 3 6
Production Asst. orchestra/band director 2 5
Stage manager 4 8 Choreographer 4 7
Stage crew 2 4 Assistant choreographer 3 5
Lighting technician 3 6 Writing
Lighting crew 2 3 Original play (produced) 5 8
Set designer 4 5 Orig. radio script (produced) 4 6
Set construction crew 3 5 Orig. TV script (produced) 4 6
Costumer 3 6 Orig. play (unproduced) 1 2
Costume crew 2 5 Orig. radio script (unproduced) 0.5 1.5
Properties manager 3 5 Orig. TV script (unproduced) 0.5 1.5
Properties crew 2 3 Misc.
Sound technician 3 5 Oral interpretation 2
Sound crew 2 3 Duet acting scenes 2
Video editor 1.5 2 Participtn. in theatre festival/contest 3
Video crew 1.5 3 Attending theatre festival 1/day
Makeup manager 3 5 Troupe rep. at theatre festival 1
Rehearsal prompter 2 4 IE or scholarship audition at festival 3
Pianist 3 6 Attending productions *
Musicians 2 3 External internships/workshops **
Business Theatre Society membership 1
Business manager 4 6 Complete CH theatre class (B or higher) 2/sem.
Business crew 2 4 Participtn. in theatre fundraiser 1
Publicity manager 3 5 Officers
Publicity crew 2 3 President 6
Ticket manager 2 4 Vice president 5
Ticket crew 1 3 Secretary 5
House manager 2 4 Treasurer 4
House crew 1 2 Publicity 4
Ushers 1 2 Clerk 4
Programs 1 3 Website develop/maintenance 4
Program crew 1 2 Other 2

When in doubt, Ask Mrs. Weintraub!

Attending a production and writing a substantial critique or report demonstrating the educational value of the experience.
Troupe Directors may award points for completing external internships or workshops based on time commitment.
Use ITS formula guidance of 100 hours equates to 10 points (or one point for every 10 hours of study).

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