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12 Upload PPTClass XII2020
Result Analysis
Session 2019- 2020
Class – XII
CBSE Class XII 2020
100 97.92
88.65 88.67 88.11 88.91 90.64
87.72 88.27
Pass percentage(%)
Number of Schools with Pass Percentage
Class XII
No. of Schools Scored No. of Schools
100% Scored >=90%
2020 396 897
2019 203 732
2018 168 638
2017 112 554
2016 130 545
2015 103 526
2014 111 551
2013 108 521
2012 78 430
Class – XII 2019-20
97.93% (897) schools have attained
90% or above Pass Percentage.
Girls 63085 62173 98.55 344.96 74273 71527 96.3 315.38 (+)2.25 (+)29.58
Boys 48328 46925 97.10 337.65 55644 50901 91.48 294.71 (+)5.62 (+)42.94
Total 111413 109098 97.92 341.79 129917 122428 94.24 306.53 (+)3.68 (+)35.26
Class – XII Result Session: 2019 – 20
98.55% 97.10%
Girls Boys
School Gender wise Performance
Class XII - 2020
2020 2019 Variation
App Pass Pass % Q.I. App Pass Pass % Q.I. In QI
37951 36770 96.89 332.75 45192 40935 90.58 289.42 (+)6.31 (+)43.33
56805 55993 98.57 343.38 68177 65654 96.3 314.44 (+)2.27 (+)28.94
Co. Ed.
16657 16335 98.07 356.94 16548 15839 95.72 320.64 (+)2.35 (+)36.30
Total 111413 109098 97.92 341.79 129917 122428 94.24 306.53 (+)3.68 (+)35.26
School Gender wise Pass Percentage
Class XII 2020
98.07, 33% 96.89, 33%
98.57, 34%
Shift Wise Performance
Class XII - 2020
2020 2019 Variation
App Pass Pass % Q.I. App Pass Pass % Q.I. In QI
Morning 46221 45464 98.36 340.42 56343 53835 95.55 310.67 (+)2.81 (+)29.75
General 35831 35293 98.5 352.39 38732 37344 96.42 317.87 (+)2.08 (+)34.52
Evening 29361 28341 96.53 331 34842 31249 89.69 287.21 (+)6.84 (+)43.79
Total 111413 109098 97.92 341.79 129917 122428 94.24 306.53 (+)3.68 (+)35.26
Graphical Presentation of Shift Wise Performance
Class XII - 2020
98.36, 33% Evening
96.53, 33%
98.5, 34%
Stream Wise Pass Percentage Class XII 2020
Science 9742 9522 97.74 373.74 9334 9105 97.55 347.64 (+)0.19 (+)26.10
Commerce 18528 17685 95.45 340.17 22602 20185 89.31 296.16 (+)6.14 (+)44.01
Arts 80987 79785 98.52 338.62 91079 86572 95.05 304.36 (+)3.47 (+)34.26
Vocational 2156 2106 97.68 330.37 6902 6566 95.13 313.48 (+)2.55 (+)16.89
Total 111413 109098 97.92 341.79 129917 122428 94.24 306.53 (+)3.68 (+)35.26
Stream wise Pass Percentage Comparison Class XII
Last Five (5) Years
S. No. District Zone School Name App Passed Pass% QI
4 South East 29 1925430 Kalkaji School of Excellence 148 148 100.00 405.73
19 1207008 Shankaracharya Marg,Shahed Bhai Bal Mukand-SV 271 269 99.26 384.67
24 1617222 Govt. Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya, Shiv Ram Park, Nangloi 97 96 98.97 381.79
Diff. 52 (-)80 45 2 19
School Result Increased by >=20% over the Last Year i.e. 2019
S. App Pass Pass% Q.I. App Pass Pass% Q.I. Variation
School ID School Name
No. 2019-20 2018-19 Pass% Q.I.
1 1104151 Vijay Park-GBSSS 64 63 98.44 364.05 102 48 47.06 212.46 51.38 151.59
2 1106120 Saboli- GBSSS 152 148 97.37 333.07 55 28 50.91 227.80 46.46 105.27
3 1208232 Pratap Nagar-GBSSS 25 25 100.00 301.52 34 21 61.76 220.79 38.24 80.73
4 1412088 Sultanpuri, D-Block,GGSSS 58 56 96.55 305.55 77 46 59.74 244.62 36.81 60.93
5 1925353 Jasola Village, GBSSS 85 78 91.76 302.56 84 53 63.10 232.71 28.67 69.85
6 1925356 Tekhand - GBSSS 96 84 87.50 301.46 138 82 59.42 245.55 28.08 55.91
7 1925403 Madanpur Khadar- GBSSS 40 37 92.50 305.80 180 116 64.44 258.67 28.06 47.13
8 1105008 Jafrabad- SBV 242 201 83.06 314.16 316 176 55.70 230.12 27.36 84.03
9 1309022 Dhakka-GBSSS 91 89 97.80 302.71 123 87 70.73 245.03 27.07 57.68
10 1618019 Vikas Puri, Block G-SKV 118 118 100.00 347.50 185 135 72.97 263.95 27.03 83.55
11 1413019 Rohini, Avantika, Sector 1, No.2- GBSSS 66 65 98.48 324.09 67 48 71.64 258.82 26.84 65.27
12 1310408 Narela Sector B-4, SV-1310408 87 84 96.55 313.51 87 61 70.11 259.69 26.44 53.82
13 1924014 Defence Colony, Varun Marg-GBSSS 36 36 100.00 307.78 62 46 74.19 249.29 25.81 58.49
14 1002363 Gazipur-GBSSS 111 107 96.40 320.50 175 125 71.43 239.92 24.97 80.58
15 1821028 Vijay Enclave-SBV 119 117 98.32 325.90 85 63 74.12 278.12 24.20 47.78
16 1003264 Lalita Park-GBSSS 30 29 96.67 356.33 84 61 72.62 246.96 24.05 109.37
17 1003204 Old Seelampur-SKV 19 19 100.00 343.79 22 17 77.27 266.32 22.73 77.47
18 1105236 Shastri Park, Buland Masjid, SKV 26 26 100.00 394.38 62 48 77.42 276.26 22.58 118.13
19 1925006 Madanpur Khadar- GBSSS (Rama Krishna) 171 160 93.57 315.36 214 153 71.50 252.60 22.07 62.76
20 1106265 Mandoli Extension-GBSSS 165 165 100.00 340.18 223 174 78.03 259.38 21.97 80.81
School Result Increased by >=20% over the Last Year i.e. 2019
23 1412086 Sultanpuri, E-Block, GBSSS 59 57 96.61 310.34 85 64 75.29 258.26 21.32 52.08
24 1309012 Rana Partap Bagh-GBSSS 4 4 100.00 350.25 19 15 78.95 273.16 21.05 77.09
25 1310429 Holambi Kalan, B-Block GBSSS 59 57 96.61 327.58 86 65 75.58 259.05 21.03 68.53
26 1925002 Noor Nagar- SBV 195 189 96.92 326.11 177 135 76.27 275.33 20.65 50.78
29 1925011 Kalkaji, No.2-GBSSS 88 88 100.00 346.59 157 125 79.62 271.71 20.38 74.88
School Result Decreased by >=5% over the Last Year i.e. 2019
App Pass Pass% Q.I. App Pass Pass% Q.I. Variation
S. No. SchoolID School Name
2019-20 2018-19 Pass% Q.I.
1 1412130 Mongolpuri, Block D GBSSS 63 53 84.13 312.38 77 76 98.70 282.35 -14.57 30.03
2 1720023 GBSSS, F Block, Budh Nagar, InderPuri 33 29 87.88 319.58 38 38 100.00 308.66 -12.12 10.92
3 2127004 Kamla Market, Zeenat Mahal-GBSSS 21 19 90.48 295.10 26 26 100.00 278.31 -9.52 16.79
11 1412018 Mangolpuri, Block Y- SBV 50 42 84.00 304.14 59 53 89.83 275.15 -5.83 28.99
12 1618072 Mohan Garden-GBSSS No.1 297 245 82.49 302.51 237 209 88.19 290.07 -5.69 12.44
13 1309013 Adarsh Nagar, No.1-GBSSS 119 109 91.60 307.06 143 139 97.20 305.69 -5.61 1.37
15 1618004 Uttam Nagar, No.2-GBSSS 64 60 93.75 335.00 85 84 98.82 345.06 -5.07 -10.06
District Wise & Zone Wise
Result Analysis
Class - XII
Session – 2019-20
CBSE Result - 2020 Class - XII
District Wise Result Analysis (Ranking on Pass%)
Rank on Rank on
S. No. District App Passed Pass% QI
Pass% QI
1 South West B 8578 8513 99.24 357.31 1 1
2 South West A 3276 3238 98.84 346.03 2 3
3 South 6955 6866 98.72 340.38 3 9
4 North West A 10607 10447 98.49 342.84 4 6
5 Central 1261 1238 98.18 342.28 5 7
6 West A 5129 5031 98.09 343.79 6 5
7 West B 12268 12023 98.00 343.90 7 4
8 East 12553 12274 97.78 340.60 8 8
9 North 5493 5367 97.71 347.61 9 2
10 New Delhi 117 114 97.44 327.68 10 13
11 North West B 13687 13332 97.41 339.47 11 10
12 South East 11604 11299 97.37 335.91 12 12
13 North East 19885 19356 97.34 336.72 13 11
Grand Total 111413 109098 97.92 341.79
Graphical Representation of District Wise Result
– 2019-20 Class - XII
98.49 98.84 99.24 98.72
100.00 97.78 97.71 98.09 98.00 98.18
97.34 97.41 97.44 97.37
East North North North North West A West B South South South New Central South
East West A West B West A West B Delhi East
District Wise Comparison 2020 & 2019 Class – XII on Pass%
APP Pass Pass% Pass% in Variation in
S. No. District
2019-20 2018-19 Pass%
94.47 94.43
94.00 93.73
92.00 Pass%
91.19 2018-19
East North North North North West A West B South South South New Delhi Central South East
East West A West B West A West B
No. of Schools in Pass% Range (District Wise) - 2020 Class - XII
>/=90% & >/=80% & >/=70% & >/=60% & < Total
District 100% <60%
<100% <90% <80% 70% Schools
East 39 64 1 0 0 0 104
North East 26 79 2 0 0 0 107
North 25 23 2 0 0 0 50
North West A 52 44 0 0 0 0 96
North West B 50 64 6 1 0 0 121
West A 21 34 1 0 0 0 56
West B 24 49 1 0 0 0 74
South West A 23 16 1 0 0 0 40
South West B 63 26 0 0 0 0 89
South 28 34 0 0 0 0 62
New Delhi 1 2 0 0 0 0 3
Central 20 10 1 0 0 0 31
South East 24 56 3 0 0 0 83
TOTAL 396 501 18 1 0 0 916
CBSE Result - 2020 Class - XII
Zone Wise Result Analysis (Pass% Wise)
Rank on Rank on
S. No. Zone APP Passed Pass% QI
Pass% Q.I.
1 Zone -8 863 862 99.88 359.40 1 1
2 Zone -10 5445 5420 99.54 345.82 2 9
3 Zone -21 5326 5299 99.49 358.62 3 2
4 Zone -11 2986 2961 99.16 350.66 4 5
5 Zone -20 2051 2028 98.88 344.23 5 12
6 Zone -22 3252 3214 98.83 355.17 6 3
7 Zone -19 1225 1210 98.78 349.04 7 7
8 Zone -24 3332 3291 98.77 339.12 8 22
9 Zone -27 728 719 98.76 343.56 9 14
10 Zone -3 2343 2314 98.76 351.58 10 4
11 Zone -23 3623 3575 98.68 341.53 11 15
12 Zone -17 6143 6055 98.57 346.51 12 8
13 Zone -15 1564 1538 98.34 343.91 13 13
14 Zone -14 1825 1794 98.30 350.17 14 6
15 Zone -25 2514 2470 98.25 344.34 15 11
CBSE Result - 2020 Class - XII
Zone Wise Result Analysis (Pass% Wise)
Rank on Rank on
S. No. Zone APP Passed Pass% QI
Pass% Q.I.
16 Zone -1 2315 2268 97.97 341.52 16 16
17 Zone -16 1740 1699 97.64 336.98 17 24
18 Zone -18 6125 5968 97.44 341.28 18 17
19 Zone -26 117 114 97.44 327.68 19 29
20 Zone -2 7895 7692 97.43 337.07 20 23
21 Zone -9 5162 5027 97.38 339.70 21 20
22 Zone -5 4005 3900 97.38 339.40 22 21
23 Zone -28 533 519 97.37 340.54 23 18
24 Zone -6 5809 5656 97.37 334.72 24 26
25 Zone -4 10071 9800 97.31 336.82 25 25
26 Zone -7 4630 4505 97.30 345.41 26 10
27 Zone -29 9090 8829 97.13 333.57 27 27
28 Zone -13 4483 4345 96.92 340.43 28 19
29 Zone -12 6218 6026 96.91 333.40 29 28
Grand Total 111413 109098 97.92 341.79
Zone -1
Zone -2
Zone -3
Zone -4
Zone -5
Zone -6
Zone -7
Zone -8
Zone -9
Zone -10
Zone -11
Zone -12
Zone -13
Zone -14
Zone -15
Zone -16
Zone -17
Zone -18
Zone -19
Zone -20
Zone -21
Zone -22
Zone -23
Zone -24
Zone -25
Zone -26
Zone -27
Zone -28
Zone -29
Graphical Representation of Zone Wise Result – 2019 -20 Class - XII
Zone Wise Comparison 2020 & 2019 Class – XII on Pass%
Marks in
2020 2019 Difference
74 UJJWAL 14678178 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 100 1106252 Nand Nagri, Block D-RPVV
95 RAHUL KUMAR 14667916 POLITICAL SCIENCE 100 1106001 Nand Nagri, Block B-SBV (B.P)
96 SUMIT KUMAR 26669733 POLITICAL SCIENCE 100 1413076 Rohini, Sector 11-RPVV
97 ROOPSHIKHA 14684917 POLITICAL SCIENCE 100 1104027 Yamuna Vihar, Block B, No.2-GGSSS
98 MEGHA BHARTI 26667985 POLITICAL SCIENCE 100 1413030 Rohini, Avantika, Sector 1-SKV
99 SHAMA PARVEEN 26687695 POLITICAL SCIENCE 100 1617012 Tikri Kalan-SKV
100 RIYA POKHRIYAL 14711424 RETAIL 100 1924038 INA Colony- RPVV
CBSE Result- 2020 Class - XII
Students Who have Scored 100/100 Marks in Subject(s)
Student Name CBSE Roll No. Subject Total Sch_ID School Name
102 LALIT AGGARWAL 14695030 RETAIL 100 1720008 Janak Puri, Block D, No.2-GBSSS-1720008
103 AANCHAL TANWAR 14692146 TOURISM 100 1923064 Mandi Village - SKV
104 MUSKAN KHATOON 14691511 URDU ELECTIVE 100 1923041 Hauz Rani-Sr.Sec.SKV (Raja RamMohan Roy)
105 FATIMA TUZ ZEHRA 26645607 URDU ELECTIVE 100 2127179 Lal Kuan, Zeenat Mahal, No.2-SKV
106 LATASHA 26680331 WEB APPLICATION 100 1411008 Pitampura, Block FU-SV
Subject Wise Result Analysis
Class - XII
Session – 2019-20
Subject Wise Result Analysis – 2020 Class - XII
S. No. Subject App Passed Pass% QI
1 ACCOUNTANCY 18528 16004 86.38 59.57
2 BIOLOGY 6009 5688 94.66 70.71
3 BUSINESS STUDIES 18695 18616 99.58 71.56
4 CHEMISTRY 9742 9494 97.45 72.71
5 COMPUTER SCIENCE 28437 28110 98.85 82.16
6 ECONOMICS 40264 38118 94.67 64.38
7 ENGLISH 97081 94469 97.31 66.11
8 GEOGRAPHY 23175 23048 99.45 69.90
9 HINDI 89691 89409 99.69 69.27
10 HISTORY 68757 68258 99.27 68.82
11 HOME SCIENCE 38003 37883 99.68 71.81
12 INFORMATICS PRAC. 106760 106141 99.42 74.44
13 MATHEMATICS 19297 17373 90.03 63.66
14 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 86313 85674 99.26 69.92
15 PHYSICS 9742 9713 99.70 74.34
16 POLITICAL SCIENCE 78968 75449 95.54 66.67
17 PUNJABI 397 397 100.00 70.07
18 SANSKRIT CORE 79365 75846 95.57 60.82
19 SOCIOLOGY 15421 15316 99.32 67.78
20 URDU 94786 91162 96.18 68.70
Subject-wise Comparison CBSE Result 2019 & 2020 for Class XII
2020 2019 Difference
Pass% QI Pass% QI Pass% QI
ACCOUNTANCY 86.38 59.57 84.64 50.57 (+)1.74 (+)9.00
BIOLOGY 94.66 70.71 97.68 70.61 -3.02 (+)0.10
BUSINESS STUDIES 99.58 71.56 90.07 56.93 (+)9.51 (+)14.63
CHEMISTRY 97.45 72.71 98.15 70.6 -0.70 (+)2.11
COMPUTER SCIENCE 98.85 82.16 93.82 71.29 (+)5.03 (+)10.87
ECONOMICS 94.67 64.38 93.78 61.89 (+)0.89 (+)2.49
ENGLISH 97.31 66.11 91.7 49.77 (+)5.61 (+)16.34
GEOGRAPHY 99.45 69.90 94.5 62.93 (+)4.95 (+)6.97
HINDI 99.69 69.27 99.03 64.65 (+)0.66 (+)4.62
HISTORY 99.27 68.82 98.3 61.06 (+)0.97 (+)7.76
HOME SCIENCE 99.68 71.81 98.81 71.16 (+)0.87 (+)0.65
INFORMATICS PRAC. 99.42 74.44 95.55 66 (+)3.87 (+)8.44
MATHEMATICS 90.03 63.66 87.66 51.12 (+)2.37 (+)12.54
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 99.26 69.92 96.21 63.19 (+)3.05 (+)6.73
PHYSICS 99.70 74.34 98.52 69.84 (+)1.18 (+)4.50
POLITICAL SCIENCE 95.54 66.67 96.09 60.45 -0.55 (+)6.22
SANSKRIT CORE 95.57 60.82 96.09 61.74 -0.52 -0.92
SOCIOLOGY 99.32 67.78 99.57 52.53 -0.25 (+)15.25
Name of Subject Toppers – Class XII Session : 2020
S. CBSE Roll Marks
Student Name Subject Sch_ID School Name
No. No. Obtained
179 14670221 VIVEK KUMAR 88 1106002 Dilshad Garden, Block C-SBV
182 26673012 MOHD SHAHBAZ ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY 81 1411017 Pitampura, Block SU-GBSSS
1105018 Jafrabad, Zeenat Mahal(Urdu Medium)-SKV 497 485 97.59 331.16 582 513 88.14 302.32 9.45 28.84
1925002 Noor Nagar- SBV 195 189 96.92 326.11 177 135 76.27 275.33 20.65 50.78
1925035 Noor Nagar-SKV 268 256 95.52 352.22 270 262 97.04 311.24 -1.52 40.98
1925049 Joga Bai-GGSSS 161 159 98.76 338.32 170 159 93.53 299.05 5.23 39.27
2127002 Jama Masjid, No.1(Urdu Medium)-SBV 22 22 100.00 325.18 31 27 87.10 286.10 12.9 39.08
2127003 Darya Ganj, Pataudi House-SBV 28 27 96.43 314.61 36 36 100.00 287.28 -3.57 27.33
2127025 Chashma Building(Urdu Medium)-GGSSS 32 31 96.88 349.94 29 29 100.00 334.07 -3.12 15.87
2127179 Lal Kuan, Zeenat Mahal, No.2-SKV 50 50 100.00 395.56 75 75 100.00 353.19 0 42.37