M2013036129 7705 SAR Family en Datasheet
M2013036129 7705 SAR Family en Datasheet
M2013036129 7705 SAR Family en Datasheet
The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 Service Aggregation Router (SAR) portfolio delivers industry-leading
IP/MPLS and pseudowire capabilities in compact platforms that can reliably and securely aggregate
multiple media, service and transport protocols on an economical packet transport infrastructure.
The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR portfolio The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR portfolio
is optimized for multiservice adaptation, provides support for Asynchronous
aggregation and routing, especially Transfer Mode (ATM), inverse multiplexing
on a modern Ethernet and IP/MPLS over ATM (IMA), MC MLPPP, Ethernet,
infrastructure. Leveraging the powerful Frame Relay, HDLC and TDM traffic.
Alcatel-Lucent Service Router Operating Support for IP VPNs allows the separation
System (SR OS) and the 5620 Service of Layer 3 traffic among different groups
Aware Manager (SAM), the 7705 SAR is of users or organizations. Analog voice
available in compact, low-power-con- encoding and transport are available on the
sumption indoor and outdoor platforms Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR-8 and the 7705
that deliver highly available services over SAR-18. Voiceband analog traffic can be
resilient and flexible network topologies. carried over IP/MPLS network infrastruc-
ture between two analog devices that are
The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR is well using traditional T1/E1 network interfaces
suited to the aggregation and backhaul or over Ethernet or MLPPP interfaces.
of mobile traffic, including 2G, 3G, Long
Term Evolution (LTE), Land Mobile Radio Highly flexible network
(LMR) and Private Mobile Radio (PMR). infrastructure options
This provides cost-effective scaling and For maximum deployment flexibility, the
supports the transformation to IP/MPLS Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR portfolio sup-
networking. Business services moderniza- ports a broad range of integrated media
tion is supported in the transition from including fiber, copper and microwave.
legacy to consolidated, packet-based Tunneling options include the use of MPLS,
operation. Significant reductions in IP or Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
equipment footprint are achievable, along for aggregated traffic. Efficient LDP-based
with reduced energy costs. Power utilities, dynamic signaling, static provisioning of
public safety agencies and transportation MPLS tunnels, and pseudowires are also
operators, and government organizations supported. GRE and IP tunneling allow
can deploy the Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR low-cost, ubiquitous IP networks to be
for reliable and secure support of legacy used for backhauling; for example, for the
and modern IP and Ethernet-based services. transport of High Speed Packet Access
(HSPA) off-loaded traffic using DSL access
FEATURES media. The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR can be
Service aggregation and networking configured as either a Label Edge Router
(LER) or a Label Switched Router (LSR). The
The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR can employ
7705 SAR includes a strong suite of traffic-
pseudowire encapsulation methods to map
engineering and resiliency capabilities,
services end to end. This helps ensure that
using functions such as Constraint-based
the key attributes of each service are main-
Shortest Path First (CSPF) routing, Fast
tained, while using a cost-effective packet
Reroute (FRR), primary and secondary
environment to aggregate services. IP
LSPs, and redundant pseudowires.
routing and forwarding and Virtual Private
LAN Service (VPLS) are also supported.
Quality of service (QoS) These features, when used in conjunction algorithms and powerful QoS mechanisms,
and traffic management with the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service which minimize the delay and delay
Traffic flows with different QoS requirements Aware Manager (SAM) portfolio, ensure variation experienced by synchroniza-
are identified at the access and marked rapid fault detection, as well as efficient tion traffic. A built-in Stratum-3 clock is
in-line with the appropriate QoS metrics. troubleshooting. In particular, SLAs can provided to assist with synchronization
Traffic classification and marking are be proactively monitored by the Service maintenance if a primary source is
based on a wide range of categories at Layer Aware Agent (SAA). For example, high- unavailable.
1, Layer 2, Layer 2.5 and Layer 3. To ensure accuracy, one-way delay measurements
fairness, the Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR’s can be used to closely assess ongoing Security
traffic management policies use detailed network latency. This powerful SAA The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR portfolio
classification and hierarchical scheduling capability allows the specification of test incorporates security features to maintain
mechanisms including: minimum/maximum, suites, policies and schedules. The tests network integrity in the face of cyber-
queue type-based weighted round robin, are then auto-created, and the test results attacks. Access control lists, filters and
and strict priority and profiled scheduling, as are automatically compared to predefined authentication of signaling messages
well as multi-tier policing to differentiate SLA metrics. Any problems detected are provide mechanisms to protect manage-
and prioritize individual services and flows. automatically reported through the SAA ment, control and data planes, helping to
Bursty ingress flows can be selectively to operations staff. An auto-discovery prevent session hijacking, spoofing, denial
shaped as needed to improve application protocol (ADP) can provide rapid auto- of service attacks and other malicious
throughput and optimize resource usage. mated commissioning of remote devices. behaviors. Strong access security is
provided by Simple Network Management
Operations, administration Synchronization Protocol (SNMP) v3 confidentiality and
and maintenance (OAM) The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR portfolio integrity features and Secure Shell (SSH)
To promote rapid deployment and high supports external reference timing, line encryption. Additional security capa-
service availability, the Alcatel-Lucent timing, adaptive clock recovery (ACR) bilities on the 7705 SAR-H promote data
7705 SAR portfolio has a full set of and differential clock recovery (DCR) security and meet North American Electric
OAM features including: timing, synchronous Ethernet, and Reliability Corporation (NERC) Critical
• LSP ping timing distribution using 1588v2. The Infrastructure Protection (CIP) compliance.
1588v2 Master Clock and Boundary Clock Key features include a stateful firewall
• LSP traceroute
functions are also supported. In addition, and network address translation (NAT).
• Service distribution path (SDP) ping the 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-W and 7705
• Virtual circuit connectivity verification (VCCV) SAR-A support Transparent Clock and
• Ethernet OAM functions, such as: Time of Day capabilities. The 7705 SAR-H
¬ 802.3ah: Ethernet in the First Mile supports synchronization output according
to IRIG-B (B000/B127). Timing accuracy
¬ 802.1ag: Connectivity Fault Management
and high performance over packet solu-
¬ Y.1731: Ethernet OAM mechanisms for
tions are enabled with a combination of
fault and performance management
built-in architectural features, Bell Labs’
• IP OAM functions using Two-Way Active
Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)
There are four variants of the 7705 SAR-M. Each column in table 3 denotes the supported capabilities for one of these configurations.
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is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
Copyright © 2013 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. M2013036129 (March)