Assessment Checklist
First Semester – Week 1
Parent or Guardian
Date of Retrieval 11
Grade Level: GRADE-11 Learning Area: GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1
Duration: 5 DAYS Quarter: 1ST SEMESTER/ WEEK 1
Good Day!
Welcome to our General Chemistry 1 subject. For this week, you will study Matter and Its
Properties. Please carefully understand and follow the instructions provided. If you
encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this activity sheet, do not hesitate to ask
for support from your parents or anyone whom you think can help you do the activities. You
can ask via SMS or call ________ , messenger _________ or e-mail at ___________.
Always bear in mind that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Most importantly, be free and creative
in doing the activities. I hope you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. You can do
it! Stay safe! Stay learning! God Bless.
Your Teacher
Now you can identify matter already. Let’s move now to another activity
States of Matter
1. Get a clean dry glass jar with a cover. Fill it up with ice cold water.
2. Cover the jar tightly. Wipe its outside surface dry with a clean rag.
3. Place in a quiet corner where it will not be disturbed.
4. After a few minutes, observe the outside surface of the glass jar.
What do you observe? Explain.
Wow, you are doing well Quick Thinkers. How are we going then to classify
matter? Let’s do another activity for this.
Tell me Who I am
Wow, you’ve made it. Let’s take a closer look on classification of matter.
A. Pure Substances
A pure substance is a matter that has definite composition and distinct
properties. It can be either an element or a compound.
1. Element
An element is the simplest form of matter since it is composed of
only one kind of atom, the smallest particle of an element. It is a
pure substance that cannot be decomposed into a simpler substance
by ordinary chemical means. Examples are the elements on the
periodic table.
The periodic table The periodic table shows 118 elements, including metals
(blue), nonmetals (red), and metalloids (green).
2. Compound
Elements react with each other to form a compound, a pure substance
containing two or more kinds of atom chemically combined in a definite
proportion by mass. Unlike elements, compounds can be separated into
simpler substances, but only through chemical means. They
represented with symbols known as CHEMICAL FORMULA. A chemical
formula shows the elemental parts or components of a compound.
Compounds can also be classified into acids, bases and salts. Acids are
substances which ionize in water to produce hydrogen ion (H+). Bases
are substances which ionize to produce hydroxide ions in water. Salts
are crystalline compounds formed by the reaction of an acid and base.
These compounds are often found in the kitchen. In cooking, you use
vinegar (acid), baking powder (base) and salt.. Bagoong, soy sauce,
baling and ginamos contain salts.
As part of your personal hygiene you are using compounds containing
bases like, shampoo, lotion and toothpaste.
B. Mixtures
Mixtures are composed of two or more substances combined
physically in variable proportions. It can be a combination of two
elements and of two the formation of mixture,
components retain their properties and can be separated by physical
Mixture can be either classified as homogeneous and heterogeneous.
1. Homogeneous mixture
A homogeneous mixture, also called a solution
, is relatively uniform in composition; every portion of the mixture
is like every other portion. A solution is composed of a solute or the
dissolved substance, and a solvent or the dissolving medium. (ex.
Sugar and water solution; sugar is the solute dissolved in a solvent,
which is water.)
2. Heterogeneous mixture
A mixture whose composition varies from one position to another
within the sample is considered as heterogeneous. It can either be
a suspension or a colloid.
a. Suspensions consists of coarse particles which are visible to
the naked eye. Its particles are unstable since they settle down
after a short period of time.
b. Colloids consists of a dispersed phase or the substance that is
dissolved or scattered and a dispersing medium or the
substance in which the dispersed phase is spread. The size of
the dispersed phase in a colloid is intermediate. In between the
sizes of particles of a suspensions and a solution.
Guide Question:
You are doing good Quick Thinker, this time let us study on how to separate
Break up
1. Go to your kitchen and get a tablespoon of salt. Put it on a small
2. From your backyard get a tablespoon of sand and combine it with table
3. Use one (1) cup of water as a dissolving agent. Let the mixture stay for
half day in a container. Observe
4. Record your observations.
Distillation is a process of separating a homogeneous mixture composed of
two substances with different boiling points. It is a method that generally uses
two phase changes: evaporation and condensation at different temperatures,
the two liquids are collected one at a time. This technique is used in extracting
ethanol from a wine sample.
Distillation setup
Chromatography is another method of separating complex mixtures. It has
various methods that can be used in separating mixtures such as paper
chromatography, which makes use of an adsorbent (filter paper or
chromatogram paper). The separation depends upon the solubility of each
component in the solvent.
I know you have so many in mind now Quick Thinkers, walk around
your house and look for mixtures that can be separated through the
mentioned techniques…
My Experiment
B. Chemical Property
The chemical property of matter is the ability of a substance to react
with other substances such as air, water, acid, and base.
Table: The Chemical Properties of Matter
Now you know Quick Thinkers! Let’s have another activity now
1. How can you distinguish between pure water and vinegar by their
boiling characteristics?
Online shopping
1. Select five different brands of two (2) consumer products (ex. Shampoo,
soap, face powder, lotion, etc.)
2. State the specific use of each product. Compare their known safety and
quality based on your experience.
3. Compare also their cost.
4. Choose your brand and explain why?
Bravo!!! You are almost done, and you are doing well. You see, it's fun
studying General Chemistry 1. This time kindly tell me further about your
experiences while doing the learning activities.
1. How was the learning activities? Can you share it with me in a few
2. Make a research on the process of typical water purification in your
community. Identify the processes through a diagram and make a
molecular model of water using any medium.