Effect of Microbes On Drilling Fluid Formulation
Effect of Microbes On Drilling Fluid Formulation
Effect of Microbes On Drilling Fluid Formulation
Science (IJAERS)
Peer-Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
Vol-8, Issue-6; Jun, 2021
Journal Home Page Available: https://ijaers.com/
Article DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.86.56
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Rivers State University, Nigeria.
Emerald Energy Institute, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Received: 19 May 2021; Abstract— Microorganisms square measure thought of to have an effect on
Received in revised form: 09 Jun 2021; the properties of drilling fluids. This work self-addressed the subsequent
sections: the character of Micro-organisms, microbic Mechanisms that
Accepted: 19 Jun 2021;
have an effect on Drilling Fluids, Implications of microbic Contamination
Available online: 30 Jun 2021 and Identification. This work focuses on the likelihood of utilization of
©2021 The Author(s). Published by AI microbes as basic material for lubricant. This analysis assess by means
Publication. This is an open access article that of straightforward however relevant laboratory, the properties of the
under the CC BY license microbes cultivated from banana skin within the micro-biological
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). laboratory and compared with commonplace drilling fluid. The results
were analyzed exploitation applied mathematics and graphical ways.
Keywords—Cultures, Density, Drilling
Water based drilling muds were developed with the microbes and
mud, Microbes, Rheology.
characterised to work out the properties like density, rheology and pH
within the laboratory and compared with those of the standard laboratory
mud. Results showed enhancements in sure properties, but it verified
unsuitable in different properties in comparison to straightforward drilling
contain high concentrations of specific heavy mineral salts Water may also be present, but in an amount not usually
(such as BaSO4, LiBr). Thus, these drilling fluids may greater than 50 volume percent of the entire composition.
affect both the core microbiology and the inorganic If more than about 5% of water is present, the mud is often
geochemistry (e.g., pH, specific cation and anion referred to as an invert emulsion, that is, water-in-oil
concentrations, etc.) of interstitial water and also trace emulsion. WBMs conventionally contain viscosifiers, fluid
element geochemistry of igneous rock core (e.g., lithium loss control agents, weighting agents, lubricants,
isotopic composition). The rising demand for use of emulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors, salts, and pH control
drilling fluids in the deep offshore, these shift makes for agents. The water makes up the continuous phase of the
the determination of the effects of bacteria and fungi on mud and is usually present in any amount of at least 50
formulated drilling mud. This work will be a guide of great volume percent of the entire composition. Oil is also
relevance since it causes a great turnaround in Drilling usually present in minor amounts but will typically not
Fluid Technology. exceed the amount of the water so that the mud will retain
its character as a water-continuous phase material. OBM
and WBM have been the main conventional systems that
oil & gas industry has used to drill nearly all formations.
2.1 Classification of Conventional Drilling Fluids
2.2 Properties of Drilling Fluids
Drilling fluids are mainly composed of a mixture that
Rheology is the science that studies the relationship
includes different liquids, gases, emulsions, and solids,
between the flow of matter and the deformation
some of them dispersible some not [4]. Drilling fluids are a
experience. In drilling operations, rheology is one of the
vital component during the well construction process to
most important characteristics to describe the drilling fluid
reach reservoirs with different characteristics while
behavior at various flow conditions. The drilling fluid
carrying out the cuttings generated and providing a
rheology and analysis can have a further impact on the
medium to stabilize the wellbore wall. Its origins can go as
capabilities to increase the hole cleaning efficiency,
early as the third century BC when in China water was
borehole stability, and ROP if not designed properly.
first used to ‘softening’ the underground layers to drill
Different rheological models tried to describe the behavior
wells of hundreds of feet in depth [5]. Its modern history
of the drilling fluids at dynamic conditions. When shear
started in Spindletop Field in south Beaumont, Texas in
stress and shear rate in the drilling fluid are directly
1901 when a kind of muddy water was used to drill
proportional the fluid behavior will be linear and can be
through unconsolidated sands [6]. Nowadays, Industry has
defined as a Newtonian fluid (e.g. water, alcohols) in
already understood that the correct design and application
which its slope described a constant effective viscosity
of drilling fluids depends mostly on the characteristics of
(cp). On the other hand, when the relationship does not
the formations to drill, especially when its average cost can
follow the same proportion, the fluid will behave as a non-
be about 5% to 15% of the total cost to drill a well [7] [8].
Newtonian fluid. Most drilling fluids fit the last group.
Therefore, with improvements in research, different
additives have been developed and tested to enhance the 2.3 General Consideration of Filtration in Drilling
drilling fluid performance in order to satisfy the Fluids
requirements of each specific reservoir while reducing Drilling fluids are usually composed of liquid and
costs associated with non productive times. solid phases. Filtration refers to the invasion of the liquid
Drilling fluids are often classified based on their fluid phase into the formation when the drilling bit exposes new
phase alkalinity, dispersion, and the type of chemicals formation and the drilling fluid comes in contact with it.
used. In the classification according to [9] drilling muds Initially, a small volume of mud can invade the formation
are usually classified according to their base material into before the actual filtration process takes place, this volume
liquids composed by water-based drilling fluids (WBM), is known as mud spurt. However, there are certain cases
and non-aqueous based drilling fluids (oil-based, OBM were the bridging materials in the drilling fluid cannot
and synthetic-based, SBM), gas or a gas/fluid mixture control the fluid invasion and total lost circulation is
(Pneumatic-based drilling fluids) However, WBMs may experienced [11].
contain oil and OBMs may contain water [10]. Bridging agents of a certain size can plug the pores in
OBMs generally use hydrocarbon oil as the main the near-wellbore region and cause damage to the
liquid component with other materials such as clays or formation [12]. These bridging agents should be at least
colloidal asphalts added to provide the desired viscosity 1/3 to 1/7 of the average pore size of the formation [13].
together with emulsifiers, polymers, and other additives Larger particles cannot plug the pores and the mud flow
including weighting agents. will sweep them again into the main fluid stream. Smaller
particles will tend to invade the formation creating an detrimental effect on drilling fluid rheology, which can
internal filter-cake that can generate a skin factor. The increase cuttings settling and affect the hydraulic
appropriate selection of the primary bridging agent will capabilities as well as experiencing some degree of
permit the particles to efficiently plug the smaller pores flocculation in the drilling mud. The latter will lead to a
and eventually the other particles in the drilling fluid can poor quality-filter cake, thick enough to increase the risk
be trapped forming a low-permeable seal that reduces the of differential stuck pipe due to the larger contact area
filtrate invasion into the formation. [14]. between the drill string and the filter cake.
Filtration occurs under both dynamic and static On the other hand, the poor permeability condition of the
conditions during drilling operations. Filtration under filter-cake will increase the filtrate into the formation.
dynamic conditions occurs while the drilling fluid is Thermal degradation of filtrate control-additives and
circulating. Static filtration occurs during connections, viscosifiers aggravate the problem previously described.
trips or when the fluid is not circulating. It is logical to As an example, at temperatures below 300 ᵒF, starches in
think that thinners and durable filter-cakes can have lower the drilling fluid start to experience hydrolysis and
permeabilities than thicker and erodible filter-cakes. The depolymerization of thinners or irreversible chemical
thinner the filter-cake the less volume of filtrate that reactions can take place leading to a complete degradation
invades the formation. Nevertheless, there are some of the drilling mud [17].
factors that affect both, the build-up of the filter-cake and Finally, the temperature should be treated as one important
the filtrate invasion [14, 15]. Some of these factors are: contaminant in drilling fluids. It is complicated to
time and temperature, differential pressure, compressibility assimilated such condition, however, its detrimental effect
of the filter cake, permeability of the filter-cake, viscosity on polymer hydration, clay flocculation, and rheological
of drilling fluid and filtrate, solids composition and problems as described previously are a few points that
percentage, and particle size distribution. support this claim. The most interesting part of all of this is
that temperature has no treatment. The initial design of the
2.4 Temperature Effects on Drilling Fluids
drilling fluid with the appropriate chemicals is the only
One of the most challenging problems for drilling preventive solution to the problem.
fluids is the temperature operational range of the chemicals
use to mixed it. The temperature at the bottom of the hole
increases as the well deepens, and it is important that the III. MATERIAL AND METHODS
drilling fluid maintains acceptable rheological and 3.1 Materials
filtration properties. The following materials and equipment were used
These properties of the mud are strongly related to the for this research work includes:
temperature effects and under downhole conditions may be
MSterile cotton Q-tip-style swabs or similar swabs,
very different from the ones measured at the surface
Disposable latex gloves, Sterile agar plates (Petri plates
leading to misinterpretations that can generate future
filled with a bacterial food preparation, usually Luria broth
undesirable wellbore conditions (e.g. wellbore instability,
mixed with agar), Sterile collection tubes filled with 20
tripping difficulties). When drilling fluids are exposed to
mL of sterile water (for a back-up in case you need to re-
high temperatures, the portion of the fluid that is at the
isolate your bacteria samples), Erlenmeyer flask, bunsen
lower part of the wellbore becomes excessively thick, a
burner, A black permanent marker, Proper receptacle for
situation that becomes worse under static conditions in
disposing of swabs, tubes, gloves, and plates after use, Air
which the prolonged heating may cause the drilling fluid to
oven, Mortar and p, sieving mesh, spatula, electric
experiences a solidification process [16].
weighting balance , Whatman 50 filter paper, measuring
The effect of temperature on drilling mud can be attributed
cylinder, Hamilton Beach Mixer, Bariod Mud balance, pH
to the complicated interplay of several causes, some of
indicator strip, Beakers, Marsh Funnel, Rheometer.The
which are more dominant than others. Factors such as
chemical reagents used for this work are as follows:
reduction in the degree of hydration of the polymers,
Distilled Water (H2O), sugar, peptone water, lactophenol
reduction of the viscosity of the suspending medium,
blue, Durhams tubes, alcoholic, alpha napthtol, aqueous
increased dispersion of clay particles, and an increase in
KOH, Safranine, Barite, Caustic soda, Xanthan gum, Soda
the degradation rate of additives. Since all these processes
ash, Polyanionic cellulose, Potassium chloride, local clay,
take place in the drilling fluid simultaneously as the
sodium hydroxide, and borax.
temperature is varied, an interpretation of the observed
results will only be possible in cases whereby some of the 3.2. Methodology
effects are predominant and as such be easily identified. 3.2.1. Preparation of Microbes
One immediate effect of high temperatures is the
The microbes were cultured prior before adding into the 5. After about 1hour agitation, the resultant mud was
drilling fluid system. The microbes was in liquid form so used for different mud testing.
was used as the continuous phase in the system. 6. This procedure was repeated for the conventional
3.2.2 Mud Formulation mud where distilled water was replaced with bacteria
Three mud samples were prepared which comprised of and fungi culture respectively.
bacteria and fungi as the continuous phase, caustic soda, 3.2.3 Mud weight determination
bentonite, soda ash material. The weighting materials are i. The lid of the mud balance was taken off and the
added to achieve the required density. cup was filled with the already prepared mud from
Sample A: Standard Water-based mud Sample B: Water- the samples and carefully positioned on a mud
based mud with bacteria strain. Sample C: Water-based balance.
mud with fungi. ii. The balance arm was placed on the vase, with the
The additives, concentrations and their functions in drilling knife edge resting on the fulcrum of the mud
fluid are shown in the Table 1 below. balance.
Table 1: Sample A, B, and Standard (Std) iii. The rider was moved until the graduated arm was
S/No. Additives Composition Property leveled as indicated by the level vial on the beam.
1 Base 350ml Based fluid iv. The mud weight was read at the edge of the rider.
fluid v. Wight of mud samples were recorded in lb/gal.
2 Potassium 18.0g Inhibition
Chloride control
3 Borax 4.0g Preservative
4 Xanthan 2.8g Viscosifier
5 Polyanionic 2.0g Filtration
cellulose control
6 Barite 76.8g Weighting
agent Fig.1: Mud balance instrument Missouri S&T.
Sample A, B and C represents Standard mud, Mud 600 175 1022 88.8
formulated with bacteria and mud formulated with fungi 300 135 511 68.5
200 116 340 58.87
A comparison of the rheological properties of the three
mud in (Table 2) indicates that the microbes improved 100 84 170 42.63
favourably the rheological properties. Our only fear 60 66 102.18 33.5
would be when it gets in contact with the formation 30 51 51.09 25.88
Table 3 Rheological Parameters 6 28 10.22 14.21
A B C 3
YP: 95Ib/ft , AV: 87.5cp, Pv: 40Ib/100ft 2
Plastic 14 40 9
Yield 44 95 66
Point(Ib/100ft 2 )
Apparent 36 87.5 42
Gel(10 secs) 4 13 10
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