CTR - 8500 - 8300 - Install - Guide - 3.4 - Dec2016 - 260-668240-001

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CTR 8500/8300


December 2016

Copyright & Terms of Use
December 2016

Copyright © 2016 by Aviat Networks, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a
retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, elec-
tronic, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Aviat Net-
works Inc. To request permission, contact [email protected].
Aviat Networks makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically dis-
claims any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Aviat Net-
works reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content
hereof without obligation of Aviat Networks to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Safety Recommendations
The following safety recommendations must be considered to avoid injuries to persons and/or damage to the
1. Installation and Service Personnel: Installation and service must be carried out by authorized personnel who
have the technical training and experience necessary to be aware of any hazardous operations during install-
ation and service, and of measures to avoid any danger to themselves, to any other personnel, and to the equip-
2. Access to the Equipment: Access to the equipment in use must be restricted to service personnel only.
3. Safety Norms: Recommended safety norms are detailed in the Health and Safety sections of this guide.
Local safety regulations must be used if mandatory. Safety instructions in this guide should be used in addi-
tion to the local safety regulations. In the case of conflict between safety instructions stated in this guide and
those indicated in local regulations, mandatory local norms will prevail. Should local regulations not be man-
datory, then the safety norms in this guide will prevail.
4. Service Personnel Skill: Service personnel must have received adequate technical training on tele-
communications and in particular on the equipment this guide refers to.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
End User License Agreement and Open Source
By using this product you agree to the terms of the product End User License Agreement; to view this, log into
a CTR 8500, using the CLI command window and enter the CLI command “show EULA”.
This product uses free and open source software components, which can be viewed by using the CTR 8500,
CLI command “show system acknowledgments”. This command also details the licenses associated with
each component and describes the methods available to acquire the open source software.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 I


Aviat Networks Technical & Sales

Technical Service and Support
For technical support contact the Global Technical Help Desk (GTHD). A call will be answered by GTHD sup-
port staff who will resolve the issue, if possible, or quickly pass the call to the appropriate TAC engineer for
The GTHD number is: +1-210-526-6345, or toll free 1-800-227-8332 within USA
For 24/7 access you will need your Support Assurance PIN. Without a PIN you will still receive support,
but the support process will require an additional screening step.

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Fax +1 210-526-6315 Fax: +33 1 5552 8012 (French)
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Sales and Sales Support

Contact one of the Aviat Networks headquarters, or find your regional sales office on the Aviat Networks web

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Fax: + 408 941 7110 Fax: + 65 6496 0999
Sales Inquiries: +1-321-674-4252

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 II


Product Compliance Notes

CTR 8540, CTR 8312, CTR 8311, and CTR 8380 were tested using screened cable; if any other type of cable is
used, it may violate EMC compliance.
CTR 8540, CTR 8312, CTR 8311, and CTR 8380 are Class A products. In a domestic environment these products
may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. This equip-
ment is intended to be used exclusively in telecommunications centers.

Regulatory Information for ODU 600, 5.8GHz Band

The following regulatory information applies to license-free operation on the 5.8 GHz band of ODU 600.

FCC Notices
1. The ODU 600, 5.8GHz must be professionally installed and maintained.
2. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful inter-
ference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential envir-
onment is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the inter-
ference at his own expense.
3. ODU 600, 5.8GHz is compliant with the relevant parts of FCC CFR47, Part 15.407.
4. To ensure compliance with the FCC RF exposure requirements, a minimum distance of 18 meters must be
maintained between the antenna and any persons whilst the unit is operational. This calculation is based on
the maximum conducted power and maximum antenna gain.
5. ODU 600, 5.8GHz has been certified for use with a parabolic antenna with a maximum gain of 45.9dBi or a
flat panel antenna with a maximum gain of 28dBi.
6. The software provided with this product allows for transmission only in the frequency range 5725 – 5850
MHz to ensure compliance with Part 15.407.
7. According to the conducted power limit in FCC CFR 47, Part 15.407, the power for this device has been lim-
ited to 1W (30dBm) at the antenna port.
8. FCC CFR47, Part 15.407 excludes the use of point-to-multipoint systems, omnidirectional applications and
multiple co-located intentional radiators. This system is only for fixed, point-to-point operation.

International Use of 5.8GHz

ODU 600 with CTR 8540, CTR 8312, CTR 8311, or CTR 8380 on the 5.8 GHz license-free band do not employ
DFS, and as such the equipment cannot be deployed within Europe or any country where DFS is a regulatory
requirement for protection of radars.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 III


Networking Devices in Electric Power Substations

For IEEE 1613 compliant products, category 7 Ethernet cables must be used in order to ensure compliance.

WEEE Directive
In accordance with the WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU), CTR 8540, CTR 8312, CTR 8311, and CTR 8380 are marked
with the following symbol:

This symbol indicates that this equipment should be collected separately for the purposes of recovery and/or
For information about collection and recycling of Aviat Networks equipment please contact your local Aviat
Networks sales office. If you purchased your product via a distributor please contact the distributor for inform-
ation regarding collection and recovery/recycling.
More information on the WEEE Directive is available at our website:

(WEEE is the acronym for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

RoHS Directive
CTR 8540, CTR 8312, CTR 8311, and CTR 8380 meet the requirements of ROHS directive 2011/65/EU.

Declaration of Conformity, R&TTE Directive, 1999/5/EC

The reference to CTR in this declaration denotes intended use of the CTR 8540, CTR 8312, CTR 8311, or
CTR 8380 with one or more of the following Aviat Networks ODUs: ODU 600, ODU 600sp, ODU 300hp.


260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 V


The CTR 8540, CTR 8312, CTR 8311, or CTR 8380 with an ODU 600, ODU 600sp, or ODU 300hp radio is classified
under the R&TTE Directive 99/5/EC as a class 2.8 radio (microwave fixed link) product.
Point-to-point radio relay equipment is intended to be used for:
- Interconnecting private and public networks.
- Interconnecting mobile base stations back to the PSTN point of presence (POP).
For details of where the equipment is intended to be used, see the country matrix below.
- AVIAT NETWORKS intends to market this equipment where a cross (X) is shown in the table below.
- The information contained in this table has been gathered from the relevant government authorities
and relates only to European countries participating in the R&TTE directive.


It s h ou l d b e n oted th at a l i c en s e to op er ate th i s eq u i p men t i s l i kel y to b e n ec es s ar y, an d

th e ap p r op r i ate r eg u l ator y ad mi n i s tr ati on s h ou l d b e c on tac ted .

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 VII


Table of Contents

Copyright & Terms of Use i

Aviat Networks Technical & Sales Support ii
Product Compliance Notes iii
Regulatory Information for ODU 600, 5.8GHz Band iii
International Use of 5.8GHz iii
Networking Devices in Electric Power Substations iv
WEEE Directive iv
RoHS Directive iv
Declaration of Conformity, R&TTE Directive, 1999/5/EC iv
Table of Contents 1
Chapter 1. About This Guide 1
Intended Audience 1
Organization 2
Additional Resources 2
Documentation Conventions and Terminology 2
Chapter 2. Health and Safety 3
General Health and Safety 4
Operator Health and Safety 5
General Hazards 6
RF Exposure Guidelines 10
ODU 600 10
STR 600 10
ODU 300hp 11
Chapter 3. Routine Inspection and Maintenance 15
Routine Inspections 15
Trend Analysis 15
Fault Analysis 16
Training 16
Spares 16
Chapter 4. System Overview 17
Capability Outline 18
CTR 8540 19
Plug-in Modules 21
Temperature Shutdown Specification for CTR Plug-in Modules 23
Shutdown Operation of CTR Plug-in Modules 23
Power Supply 24
CTR 8312 and CTR 8311 24
Power Supply 25
CTR 8380 26

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 1


Standard Configuration Options 28

CTR 8380 Power Supply 28
Radio Frequency Units 31
ODUs 31
IRU 600 34
Antennas 35
Licensing 36
Chapter 5. CTR Hardware Installation 37
Installation Overview 38
Installation Tools and Materials 38
Unpacking CTR Equipment 39
Installing CTR 40
CTR Installation Requirements 40
CTR 8540 Module Installation Requirements 43
Power Supply 44
SD Card 51
CTR 8500/8311/8312 Installation 53
CTR 8380 Installation 57
Grounding Safety 63
Installation Procedures 63
Installing CTR ODUs 71
Installing the Antenna 71
Installing the ODU 71
Direct-Mount Installation 72
Remote-Mount Installation 77
ODU Installation for CCDP/XPIC Operation 79
ODU Installation on a Coupler 82
ODU Waveguide Flange Data 86
ODU Grounding Procedure 87
Installing STR 600 89
OBU Installation Procedure 92
ODU 600T Installation Procedure 94
Installing ODU Cables and Accessories 95
ODU Cable Options 95
Coaxial Cable Installation Requirements 96
ODU Cable Grounding 96
Lightning Surge Arrestors 99
Type N Cable Connectors 105
Jumper Cables 105
Weatherproofing 106
Installing IRU 600 108
IRU 600 Installation Procedure 108
Grounding 110
Waveguide Connection 111
Expansion Port Use 112


Power Supply 113

Insertion Loss Labels 114
Frequency Change 114
FAN Module 114
IRU 600 Compatibility 115
Chapter 6. Antenna Alignment 117
Preparing to Align Antennas 118
Signal Strength Measurement 119
Using RSL Data 119
Using the RSSI Voltage at the ODU or IRU 600 RFU 119
RSL Measurement Guidelines 120
Aligning the Antenna 122
Standard Alignment Procedure 122
Additional Procedures for a Protected Link 123
Antenna Alignment for CCDP XPIC Links 125
Alignment Procedure for Dual-Pol Antennas 126
Procedure for Protected XPIC Links 130
Main Beams and Side Lobes 138
Locating the Main Beam for an Antenna 138
Tracking Path Error for an Antenna 139
Chapter 7. CTR Cable and Connector Data 141
ODU Cable and Connector Data 142
ODU Cable Specifications 142
ODU Cable Connector 143
Ethernet and PoE RJ-45 Connector and Cable Data 146
CTR 8540, CTR 8311, and CTR 8312 Optical Cable and Connector Data 148
CTR 8380 Optical Cable and Connector Data 149
Maintenance V.24 Connector 150
E1/DS1 Trib Cable and Connector Data 151
HDR-E50 To 24 AWG Free End Cable Assembly 151
HDR-E50 To BNC Cable Assembly 152
HDR-E50 To RJ-45 Cable Assembly 153
CTR 8380 Ethernet Cable 154
CTR 8380 Power Cables 156
CTR 8380 DC Power Cable 156
CTR8380 AC Power Cable 156

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 3


Chapter 1. About This Guide

This guide documents CTR 8500/8300 hardware, its installation, and associated
health and safety requirements. It includes relevant information on the installation
of associated ODUs or IRU 600s, their antennas, cabling, grounding, and antenna
Mention of CTR 8500 in this guide refers to the CTR 8500 product family, which
currently comprises the CTR 8540.
Mention of CTR 8300 in this guide refers to the CTR 8300 product family, which
currently comprises the CTR 8312, CTR 8311, and CTR 8380.
For compact 'quick installation' instructions for rack-mounted CTR chassis refer to:
l CTR 8500 Getting Started Guide: Installation
l CTR 8300 Getting Started Guide: Installation

For information on how to configure CTR 8500/8300, refer to:

l CTR 8500/8300 Getting Started Guide: Configuration
l CTR Portal (PC-based craft tool)
l CTR 8500/8300 CLI Reference
l Relevant CTR 8500/8300 Protocol-specific Configuration Guides
For information on the CTR 8500 and CTR 8300 platforms and their current and
planned capabilities, refer to the CTR 8500/8300 Product Description.
For specification data, refer to the CTR 8540 and CTR 8300 datasheets.

Intended Audience
This information is for use by trained technicians or engineers. It does not provide
information or instruction on basic technical procedures. Aviat Networks recom-
mends you read the relevant sections of this guide thoroughly before beginning any
installation or operational procedures.
To install and commission CTR 8500/8300 and associated radio links, we recom-
mend you have the following knowledge and skills:
l A basic understanding of the principles of microwave transmission.
l Installation and maintenance experience on digital microwave radio systems.
l Familiarity with IP and Ethernet transport mechanisms.
l A thorough understanding of CTR 8500/8300 installation, configuration, and
diagnostics acquired through completion of the relevant Aviat Networks
training courses.
W ARNI NG : F ollow h ealth an d safety procedu res at all tim es!
S ee Healt h and S af et y o n page 3.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 1


This guide comprises the following chapters:
l Health and Safety
l Routine Inspection and Maintenance
l System Overview
l Installation
l Antenna Alignment
l Cable and Connector Data

Additional Resources
The resource below contains additional information pertinent to the installation of
microwave radio equipment.
l Aviat Networks Microwave Radio System Best Practices Guide. (PN 260-
668029-001). A generic guide to assist the planning, installation,
commissioning, and troubleshooting of microwave radio products.

Documentation Conventions and Terminology

Caution, Warning and Note Cues
The following cues are used to characterize particular types of associated supporting
CAUTION: A caution item identifies important information pertaining
to actions that may cause damage to equipment, loss of data, or cor-
ruption of files.

W ARNI NG : A w arn in g item iden tifies a seriou s ph ysical

dan ger or m ajor possible problem .

A note i tem i denti fi es addi ti onal i nformati on about a pro-

cedure or functi on.


Chapter 2. Health and Safety

This section details the following health and safety directives:
l General Health and Safety on page 4
l Operator Health and Safety on page 5
l General Hazards on page 6
l RF Exposure Guidelines on page 10
All personnel must comply with the relevant health and safety practices when work-
ing on or around CTR 8500/8300 (CTR) equipment.
l CTR has been designed to meet relevant US and European health and safety
standards as outlined in IEC Publication 60950-1.
l CTR is a Class A product. It is intended to be used exclusively in
telecommunications centers.
l Local safety regulations must be used if mandatory. Safety instructions in this
section should be used in addition to the local safety regulations. In the case
of conflict between safety instructions stated herein and those indicated in
local regulations, mandatory local norms shall prevail.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 3


General Health and Safety

This table describes general health and safety information about Aviat Networks CTR
8500/8300 (CTR).

Topic Information
Flammability CTR is designed and constructed to minimize the risk of smoke and fumes
during a fire.
Hazardous No hazardous materials are used in the construction of CTR.
Hazardous CTR 8540, CTR 8311 and CTR 8312 meet product safety requirements for
Voltage safety extra-low voltage (SELV) rated equipment where the input voltage
must be 48 V nominal, 60 V maximum.
CTR 8380 complies with EN/UL/IEC 60950-1 and EN/UL/IEC 60950-22.
Safety Signs External warning signs or other indicators on CTR are not required.
Surface The external surfaces of CTR 8311, 8312, and CTR 8380 can be hot to touch,
Temperatures especially at high ambient temperatures. Handle with care. A hot surfaces
warning icon is displayed on the front panel of the CTR 8311 and CTR 8312,
and on the CE label of the CTR 8380:


Operator Health and Safety

The following table describes the precautions that relate to installing or working on a
CTR 8500/8300 (CTR) system.

Topic Information
Equipment CTR has been designed to be free of unnecessary protrusions or sharp
Protrusions surfaces that may catch or otherwise cause injury during handling.
However, always take care when working on or around the equipment.
Laser and Fiber Any fiber optic transmitters used are IEC60825-1 / 21CFR1040-1 Class I
Optic Cable Hazards compliant and present no danger to personnel in normal use. However:
- Do not look into active unterminated optical ports or fibers. If visual
inspection is required ensure the equipment is turned off or, if a fiber
cable, disconnect the far end.
- Follow the manufacturer's instructions when using an optical test set.
Incorrect calibration or control settings could result in hazardous levels
of radiation.
- Protect/cover unconnected optical fiber connectors with dust caps.
- Place all optical fiber cuttings in a suitable container for safe disposal.
Bare fibers and fiber scraps can easily penetrate the skin and eyes.
Lifting Equipment Be careful when hoisting or lifting an antenna and/or its outdoor radio
equipment during installation or maintenance. A large antenna with its
mounting hardware can weigh in excess of 100 kg (220 lb) and require
specialized lifting equipment and an operator trained and certified in its use.
Protection from RF CTR radio products do not generate RF fields intense enough to cause RF
Exposure burns. However, when installing, servicing or inspecting an antenna always
comply with the Protection from RF Exposure guidelines under Health and
Safety on page 3.
Safety Warnings When a practice or procedure poses implied or potential harm to the user or
to the radio equipment, a warning is included in this guide.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 5


General Hazards
The following table describes the general hazards that must be addressed when plan-
ning, installing, and servicing an Aviat Networks CTR 8500/8300 (CTR) system.
For more information on health and safety when installing and maintaining radio
products, refer to the Best Practices Guide.

Topic Information
Airflow Requirements Rack installations must be made so the airflow required for
safe and correct operation of the equipment is not
compromised. Unobstructed air passage must be maintained
to each side of the chassis, which requires a minimum of 50
mm (2 inches) of side spacing to any rack panels, cable
bundles or similar. Unused front panel slots on the CTR must
be fitted with a blanking panel.
EMC CTR has been tested for and meets EMC Directive
89/336/EEC. The equipment was tested using screened
cable; if any other type of cable is used, it may violate
CTR with associated radio devices is a Class A product. In a
domestic environment this product may cause radio
interference in which case the user may be required to take
adequate measures. This equipment is intended to be used
exclusively in telecommunications centers.
ESD ESD (electrostatic discharge) can damage electronic
components. Even if components remain functional, ESD can
cause latent damage that results in premature failure.
Always wear proper ESD grounding straps when changing or
handling the plug-in cards and avoid hand contact with the
PCB back-plane and top-plane. Connect your ESD grounding
strap to the combined ESD and ground connector on the CTR
rack ear. Spare plug-in cards or cards to be returned for
service must be enclosed in an anti-static bag. When
removing a card from the anti-static bag for installation in a
CTR, or placing a card in a bag, do so at the CTR and only
when connected to the CTR via your ESD grounding strap.
Circuit Overloading When connecting the CTR, determine the effect this will have
on the power supply circuit protection devices, and supply
wiring. Check CTR power consumption specifications and the
supply capability of the power supply system. This check of
capacity must extend to the dc power supply and not just to
an intermediate connection point.


Topic Information
Protection from RF Exposure When installing, servicing or inspecting an antenna always
comply with the following:
- Locate the antenna such that it does not infringe the RF
exposure guidelines for general public. Refer to General
Public Compliance Boundary in RF Exposure Guidelines
on page 10.
- Stay aware of the potential risk of RF exposure and take
appropriate precautions. Refer to Occupational Com-
pliance Boundary in RF Exposure Guidelines on page 10.
- Do not stand in front of or look into an antenna without
first ensuring the associated transmitter or transmitters
are switched off.
- Do not look into waveguide or into the waveguide port of
an RFU without first ensuring the associated transmitter
or transmitters are switched off.
- At a multi-antenna site ask the site owner or operator for
details of other radio services active at the site and for
their requirements/recommendations for protection
against potentially harmful exposure to RF radiation.
- When it is not possible to switch transmitters off at a
multi-antenna site and there is potential for exposure to
harmful levels of RF radiation, wear a protective suit.
Fiber Optic Cables Handle optical fibers with care. Keep them in a safe and
secure location during installation.
Do not attempt to bend them beyond their minimum bend
Protect/cover unconnected optical fiber connectors with dust
Ground Connections Reliable grounding of the CTR system must be maintained.
Refer to instructions in this guide for grounding of waveguide,
ODU cable, lightning surge suppressor, ODU, and indoor unit.
Lightning Surge Suppressor CTR ODUs include a built-in suppressor. An external
suppressor at the ODU end of the ODU cable is only installed if
required by local regulation.
A suppressor should be fitted in the ODU cable at the building
end of the ODU cable.
Mains Power Supply Routing CTR dc power, IF, tributary, auxiliary and NMS cables are not
to be routed with any AC mains power lines. They are also to
be kept away from any power lines which cross them.
Maximum Ambient The maximum ambient temperature (Tmra) for CTR indoor
Temperature units is +55° C (131° F)and for outdoor units it is +65° C
(149° F). To ensure correct operation and to maximize long
term component reliability, ambient temperatures must not
be exceeded. Operational specification compliance is not
guaranteed for higher ambients.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 7


Topic Information
Mechanical Loading When installing an indoor unit in a rack, ensure the rack is
securely anchored. Ensure that the additional loading of a
CTR indoor unit or units will not cause any reduction in the
mechanical stability of the rack.
When installing CTR 8380 on the back of an ODU, ensure
that the ODU is securely mounted and CTR 8380 does not
interfere with operation of the ODU and the antenna.
D.C. Supply Voltage and CTR and optional power supply modules have the +ve pin on
Polarity their d.c. power supply connector connected to chassis
ground. They must be used with a -48 Vdc power supply
which has a +ve ground; the power supply ground conductor
is the +ve supply to CTR.
For IRU 600 variants that require a separate wide-mouth +/-
21 to
+/-56 Vdc power supply connection, both pins on its power
supply connector are isolated from chassis ground.
Connection to D.C. Supply CAUTION:This equipment has a connection between the
Ground earthed conductor of the d.c. supply circuit and the earth-
ing conductor.
This equipment must be connected directly to the d.c. supply
system grounding electrode conductor or to a bonding
jumper from a grounding terminal bar or bus to which the
d.c. supply system grounding electrode is connected.
Switching or disconnecting devices must not be in the
grounded circuit conductor between the d.c. source and the
point of connection of the grounding electrode conductor.
This equipment must be located in the same immediate area
(such as, adjacent cabinets) as any other equipment that has
a connection between the grounded conductor of the same
d.c. supply circuit and the grounding conductor, and also the
point of grounding of the d.c. system. The d.c. system shall
not be grounded elsewhere.
The d.c. supply source must be located within the same
premises as the equipment.
WARNING:The input is reverse polarity protected
against swapping the -48Vdc and Earth feeds.  The
input is not protected against feeding +48Vdc to
the Ground pin and Earth to the -48Vdc pin.  This
will result in an internal protection circuit failure.
NEVER connect to a Negative- Earth Supply.
Main Power Supply Disconnect An appropriate disconnect device for the power supplied to
the unit must be provided as part of the building installation.


Topic Information
Rack Mount Temperature If the CTR indoor unit is installed in a closed or multi-unit rack
Considerations assembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rack
environment may be greater than room ambient. The
maximum ambient temperature applies to the immediate
operating environment of the CTR indoor unit, which, if
installed in a rack, is the ambient within the rack.
Fan Blades CAUTION:Hazardous moving parts.
Applies to CTR 8540 and to IRU 600.
Restricted Access The CTR system must be installed in restricted access sites.
The indoor unit and associated power supply must be
installed in restricted areas, such as dedicated equipment
rooms, closets, cabinets, or the like. Access to the tower and
antenna location must be restricted
In restricted access areas install the CTR system in accord-
ance with articles 110-26 and 110-27 of the 2002
National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70, or to any sub-
sequent update to this code for the relevant articles.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 9


RF Exposure Guidelines
Data is provided for ODU 600, STR 600 and ODU 300hp.

ODU 600
The following MPE (maximum permissible exposure) calculations have been pro-
duced in accordance with the guidelines of EN 50383/EN 50385 and Section 1.1310
of the FCC’s rules. These calculations represent the maximum conducted output
power and the maximum antenna gain, by frequency range. These calculations are
based on the exposure requirements for the general public. If the antennas used with
this device exceed the gain values stated below, the installer must take additional
precautions and re-calculate the minimum compliance boundary.
Table 2-1. MPE Guidelines for ODU 600
Minimum Com- TX conducted
Frequency Range Antenna Gain
pliance Distance power
4.4 – 5.0 GHz 15.86 m +30.0 dBm 45.0 dBi
5.925 - 7.11 GHz 9.78 m +31 dBm 39.8 dBi
7.125 – 7.9 GHz GHz 12.75 m +32 dBm 41.1 dBi
7.725 - 8.5 GHz 11.36 m +31 dBm 41.1 dBi
10.7 – 11.7 GHz 10.48 m +27 dBm 44.4 dBi
12.75 – 13.25 GHz 11.23 m +26.5 dBm 45.5 dBi
14.4 – 15.35 GHz 12.61 m +26.5 dBm 46.5 dBi
17.7 – 19.7 GHz 10.49 m +23 dBm 48.4 dBi
21.2 - 23.632 GHz 13.2 m +23.5 dBm 49.9 dBi
24.25 – 26.483 GHz 12.31 m +25 dBm 47.8 dBi
27.5 – 29.5 GHz 7.09 m +25 dBm 43.0 dBi
31.8 – 33.4 GHz 6.18 m +23 dBm 43.8 dBi
37.0 – 39.46 GHz 7.78 m +23 dBm 45.8 dBi
40.5 - 43.5 GHz 6.54 m +21 dBm 46.3 dBi

STR 600
The following MPE (maximum permissible exposure) calculations have been pro-
duced in accordance with the guidelines of EN 50383/EN 50385 and Section 1.1310
of the FCC’s rules. These calculations represent the maximum conducted output
power and the maximum antenna gain, by frequency range. These calculations are
based on the exposure requirements for the general public. If the antennas used with


this device exceed the gain values stated below, the installer must take additional
precautions and re-calculate the minimum compliance boundary.
Table 2-2. MPE Guidelines for STR 600
Minimum Com- TX conducted
Frequency Range Antenna Gain
pliance Distance power
4.4 – 5.0 GHz 17.80 m +31.0 dBm 45.0 dBi
5.925 - 7.11 GHz 13.04 m +33.5 dBm 39.8 dBi
7.125 – 7.9 GHz 15.15 m +33.5 dBm 41.1 dBi
7.725 -8.5 GHz 13.50 m +32.5 dBm 41.1 dBi
10.0 – 11.7 GHz 15.69 m +30.5 dBm 44.4 dBi

ODU 300hp
The following MPE (maximum permissible exposure) calculations for the ODU
300hp series have been produced in accordance with the guidelines of EN 50383/EN
50385. These calculations represent examples only and do not include every possible
combination of output power and antenna gain.
Occupational is defined as: “The occupationally exposed population consists of
adults who are generally exposed under known conditions and are trained to be
aware of potential risk and to take appropriate precautions”.
Table 2-3. MPE Guidelines for ODU 300hp

5 GHz (4.4 - 5.0 GHz)

Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
30.5 39.3 8.77 3.91
30.5 32.6 4.06 1.81
0.5 39.3 0.28 0.12
0.5 32.6 0.13 0.06
L6/U6 GHz (5.925 - 7.11 GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
30.5 41.5 11.30 5.03
30.5 31.2 3.45 1.54
0.5 41.5 0.36 0.16
0.5 31.2 0.11 0.05
7/8 GHz (7.125 - 8.5 GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
30.5 42.9 13.28 5.91
30.5 30.24 3.15 1.40

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 11


5.0 42.9 0.71 0.31

5.0 30.4 0.17 0.07
10 GHz (10.0 - 10.68 GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
26.0 34.3 2.94 1.31
26.0 33.7 2.74 1.22
-4.0 34.3 0.09 0.04
-4.0 33.7 0.09 0.04
11 GHz (10.7 - 11.7 GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
25.0 46.2 10.31 4.59
25.0 27.7 1.23 0.55
2.5 46.2 0.77 0.34
2.5 27.7 0.09 0.04
13 GHz (12.75- 13.25 GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
28.0 47.3 16.53 7.36
28.0 29.6 2.15 0.96
0.0 47.3 0.66 0.29
0.00 47.3 0.66 0.29
0.00 29.6 0.09 0.04
15 GHz (14.4- 15.35 GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
27.0 46.4 13.28 5.91
27.0 30.8 2.20 0.98
-1.0 46.4 0.53 0.24
-1.0 30.8 0.09 0.04
18 GHz (17.7-19.7 GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
21.5 48.0 8.48 3.77
21.5 32.8 1.47 0.66
-3.0 48.0 0.50 0.22
-3.0 32.8 0.09 0.04
23 GHz (21.2-23.632 GHz)


Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary

(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
21.5 49.2 9.73 4.33
21.5 34.4 1.77 0.79
-3.0 49.2 0.58 0.26
-3.0 34.4 0.11 0.05
26 GHz (24.52- 26.483 GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
15.5 46.0 3.37 1.50
15.5 35.9 1.05 0.47
-4.5 46.0 0.34 0.15
-4.5 35.9 0.11 0.05
28 GHz (27.5- 29.5GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
15.0 48.1 4.06 1.81
15.0 36.5 1.07 0.48
-5.0 48.1 0.41 0.18
-5.0 36.5 0.11 0.05
32 GHz (31.8- 33.4 GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
17.5 43.5 3.19 1.42
17.5 37.5 1.60 0.71
-5.0 43.5 0.24 0.11
-5.0 37.5 0.12 0.05
38 GHz (37.0- 39.46 GHz)
Transmit Power Antenna Gain (dBi) Compliance Boundary Compliance Boundary
(dBm) General Public (m) Occupational (m)
17.5 48.1 5.41 2.41
17.5 39.3 1.96 0.87
-5.0 48.1 0.41 0.18
-5.0 39.3 0.15 0.07

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 13

Chapter 3. Routine Inspection
and Maintenance
This section overviews required and recommended inspection and maintenance prac-
tices to ensure the installed equipment continues to operate to specification.

Routine Inspections
All sites must be inspected annually, or more frequently if subject to abnormal oper-
ating conditions such as particularly exposed sites, or sites subject to salt-spray or
heavy snow/ice loading over winter months.
The inspection should cover the physical installation including (where installed) the
antenna, antenna feeder or ODU cable, cable grounding, equipment grounding, tower
and building grounds, weatherproofing, lightning surge suppressors, and general site
Selected ground wires at radio sites should be resistance checked and then compared
with previous checks to ensure there has been no significant change.
The operational performance of radio and associated equipment should be checked
against their commissioned as-built figures.

Trend Analysis
Use available current and historical CTR alarm and performance data to determine
any trend that may lead to a failure - if allowed to continue.
In particular, for radio links check for the following trends:
l Reducing receive signal levels
l Gradually increasing bit errors or an increasing errored seconds count
l Changes in transmit power
l Increased frequency of rain fade or other fade conditions
l Increasing occurrence of other weather related changes in performance
l Increasing occurrence of a particular hardware failure
Time spent in conducting such analysis is time well spent. Catching a problem before
it brings down the network is good network management.
Fault Analysis
All faults, once cleared, should be the subject of a fault report. The data presented in
these reports should be analyzed from time to time to check for any common threads,
which may point to a particular weakness in the design, installation, or maintenance
of the network or to a specific component.
The time taken to restore service and the parts used should also be analyzed to see if
improvements are possible in the maintenance procedures, maintenance training and
spares holdings.

Properly trained and experienced planning and installation personnel are essential for
establishing and maintaining high integrity in a new network. Similarly, properly
trained network management and service personnel are essential for the continued
good health of a network.
The training needs for personnel should be reviewed from time-to-time to ensure they
maintain expertise in their area of work, and on the installed base.

Spares holdings should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure the correct quantity
and type are held, and held at the most appropriate locations.
Analysis of spares usage will show any trend for excessive use of spares, which may
point to a weakness in the deployment or manufacture of the item.
Spares holdings should also be checked from time to time and if necessary brought up
to the current hardware and/or software revision level.

Chapter 4. System Overview

This overview introduces features and capabilities of Aviat Network’s CTR 8500 and
CTR 8300 product families.
Menti on of CTR 8500 i n thi s gui de refers to the CTR 8500
product fami l y, whi ch currentl y compri ses the CTR 8540.
Menti on of CTR 8300 i n thi s gui de refers to the CTR 8300
product fami l y, whi ch currentl y compri ses the CTR 8312, CTR
8311, and al l -outdoor CTR 8380.
Some capabi l i ti es outl i ned bel ow may not be supported at thi s
ti me. Contact Avi at Networks for rol l -out i nformati on.

Aviat Networks is ISO90001:2008 and TL9000 Certified. Full certification

means all departments and business units within Aviat Networks have been strictly
assessed for compliance to both standards. It testifies that Aviat Networks is a cer-
tified supplier of products, services and solutions to the highest ISO and Tele-
communication standards available.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 17


Capability Outline
CTR 8500 and CTR 8300 are high performance layer 1/2/3 capable platforms for con-
verged microwave radio, fiber, and copper connections.
l CTR 8540 is especially applicable in radio-based access and aggregation
l CTR 8300 is most applicable in last-mile radio networks.
l Their unique versatility ensures the most flexible, scalable, and cost-efficient
platforms of type.
Features include:
l Media convergence and transport over radio, fiber or copper
l Site aggregation and expansion through multiple IP, Ethernet, and PDH
l Up to eight directly-connected IF radio links for CTR 8540, two for CTR 8312
and CTR 8380, one for CTR 8311
l Up to eight directly-connected external radios from PoE+ (70W) ports on CTR
l Provision for all-indoor operation to 11 GHz or split-mount to 42 GHz using
CTR 8540, CTR 8312, CTR 8311
l All-outdoor operation with CTR 8380 with power supply options for -48 Vdc
or 110/230 Vac
l External PoE Aviat radio solutions to 80 GHz
l Plug-in module options on CTR 8540 for radio, PoE+, power protection,
auxiliary services
l Adaptive or fixed modulation radio links to 1024 QAM, with higher
modulations planned
l Co-channel operation with XPIC for double density links in a single frequency
l Comprehensive L2 service and protection options; QoS, VLANs, LAG, EOAM,
l L3 edge and service router functions; MPLS, OSPF, BPG, RIP, IS-IS
l Up to 16x DS1/E1 transport via TDM pseudowires for CTR 8540
l Common configuration and management support
l Comprehensive radio link protection options
l CLI, Web GUI, and SNMP management access
l Comprehensive security on management access and payload
l Power efficient design
l Fan-free cooling on CTR 8300 and CTR 8380
l Compact 1U full-width chassis for CTR 8540, 1U half-width for CTR 8312 and
CTR 8311


Figure 4-1. CTR 8540

Figure 4-2. CTR 8312

Figure 4-3. CTR 8380 (-48 Vdc)

CTR 8540
Hardware features include:
l Eight integrated RJ-45 100/1000BASE-T user ports
l Four integrated SFP ports with SFP transceiver options for:
o Optical LC 1000Base-LX 1310 nm single-mode
o Optical LC 1000Base-ZX 1550 nm single-mode
o Optical LC 1000Base-SX 850 nm multi-mode
o Electrical RJ-45 1000Base-T
l Up to sixteen DS1/E1 ports via HDR connectors
l Four slots for optional plug-in modules:
o RACx1 or RACx2 to connect radio transceivers (ODU300HP, ODU600 or
IRU 600)
o PWR for power supply redundancy

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 19


o PoEx2 for PoE+ connections to 70W

l Stratum 3 network clock
l Stackable - two CTRs as a stacked/protectable pairing
l Operating temperature -5 to +55°C guaranteed
l -48 Vdc power supply
l 2GB SD card for flash memory for software images, configuration and license
All user interfaces are accessed from the front panel.
The supplied rack mounting brackets enable flush or forward location of the chassis.
Figure 4-4. CTR 8540 Front Panel

Ite Description
1 Fan Module Plug-in fan module with four software-controlled fans.
2 RJ-45 V24 Maintenance Port Provided for craft tool (CTR Portal) management connection should the
standard Ethernet connection procedure become inaccessible.
3 LEDs Operational status.
4 Power Connector D-sub M/F 2W2 connector for -48 Vdc power supply (+ve earth).
l Operational voltage range: -40.5 to -57 Vdc.
l Connection is reverse polarity protected.
l The dc supply must be UL or IEC compliant for SELV (60 Vdc
maximum limited).

5 Slot 1. PWR module installed. Universal plug-in slot. Accepts all plug-in modules.
For the PWR module slot 1 must be used.
6 8x Switch Ports RJ-45 10/100/1000Base-T switch ports. Each RJ-45 includes an
orange Activity LED and a green Connection LED.
Port 1 is default enabled for craft tool (CTR Portal) access.
7 Slot 2. RACx2 module installed. Universal plug-in slot. Accepts all modules except PWR or PWR+AUX.
8 Slot 3. RACx2 module installed. Universal plug-in slot. Accepts all modules except PWR or PWR+AUX.
9 4x SFP Switch Ports SFP ports (cages). SFP transceivers are available for optical or elec-
trical connection.
10 Protection Port Quad SFP port (cage). A Protection cable comprising back-to-back to
connected optical Quad SFPs is installed between CTR chassis to
enable cross-chassis protection and switch stacking.
11 Diversity Port Quad SFP port (cage). A Diversity cable comprising back-to-back to
connected optical Quad SFPs is installed between CTR chassis to
enable space or frequency diversity on cross-chassis radio link pair-


Ite Description
12, Trib. connectors HDR connectors for tributary cable connection. Service supports:
13 l 16xE1 or 16xDS1 (8x per connector).
l 75 ohm unbalanced or 120 ohms balanced on E1 tribs.
l Individual line code selection for AMI or B8ZS on balanced 100
ohm DS1 tribs.
l Mapping to E1/DS1 pseudowires (CESoETH, unstructured),

14 Slot 4. PoEx2 module installed. Universal plug-in slot. Accepts all modules except PWR or PWR+AUX.

Plug-in Modules
Plug-in modules are used to provide platform PSU redundancy, radio interfaces to
Aviat ODUs or IRU 600, auxiliary data and alarm services, and PoE+.
A PWR+AUX module is scheduled for later release to provide a backup power supply
input, configurable auxiliary data channels, and alarm input and output (I/O)

PWR Module
Installable in slot 1 to provide a backup power supply input.
Ensures seamless (hitless) backup for the primary supply.

Figure 4-5. PWR Module

POEx2 Module
Provides two proprietary 65W PoE+ ports to support Aviat and compliant 3rd party
l 10/100/1000 full-duplex.
l Supports standard Ethernet port protection protocols (e.g. LAG).
l Enables direct PoE connection of Aviat WTM 3000 series all-outdoor radios.
o WTM radios are configured as separate units. Their IP address can be
indicated for automatic transfer from CTR configuration to the WTM GUI.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 21


Figure 4-6. POEx2 Module

RACx2 Module
Provides two radio interfaces for connection to Aviat ODU 600, IRU 600, or legacy
ODU 300hp.
l Fixed and adaptive modulation options (ODU 600): QPSK, 16 QAM, 32 QAM,
64 QAM, 128 QAM, 256 QAM, 512 QAM, 1024 QAM
l 1+0, 1+1 Hot-Standby
l Space or Frequency Diversity
l L1 link aggregation for co-path radio links
l Co-channel operation with XPIC
Figure 4-7. RACx2 Module

RACx1 Module
Similar to the RACx2, but with one IF connection. RACx1 is ideal for 1+0 links, and
may be used in conjunction with another RACx1 for 1+1 or 2+0.

Fan Module
The Fan is a required module. It houses four software controlled axial cooling fans
and associated monitoring mechanisms.
Figure 4-8. Fan Module


Temperature Shutdown Specification for CTR Plug-in

The CTR 8540 has a nominal ambient operating temperature range from -5 to
+55°C. The ambient temperature is considered as the temperature of the air intake to
the CTR fan tray.
CTR 8540 is a modular platform with slots for up to four optional modules and the
overall power consumption and thermal load will vary based on the modules
installed. The nominal operating temperature range is specified for the chassis that
is fully loaded with optional modules.
Fan forced cooling using ambient air maintains airflow over the installed modules.
However, the effectiveness of this will be limited if airflow is restricted or if the air
temperature entering the CTR has been increased due to the presence of locally
installed equipment that also generates heat. Care should be taken during install-
ation to maintain unrestricted airflow and to minimize heat rise from other equip-
ment installed below or beside CTR. If for example, the ambient temperature in the
shelter was +50°C and a collocated piece of equipment increases that by a further
10°C with its exhaust air feeding, the effective ambient temperature for the CTR is
+60°C creating over temperature conditions.
While the CTR 8540 as a system is rated to operate at an ambient temperature of up
to +55°C, the plug-in modules and their internal components are rated to operate up
to higher on-board levels. The modules are protected with a thermal shutdown to
avoid any damage once they reach these levels. The pre-programmed shut down tem-
peratures (inside the module) are set as follows:
l PoEx2- 74°C
l PWR- 70°C
l RACx1- 80°C
l RACx2- 80°C

Shutdown Operation of CTR Plug-in Modules

When a CTR plug-in module reaches its internal shutdown temperature (monitored
by the CTR main-board), it is then shutdown. It will remain shutdown for 30
minutes, at which point it will be re-started again.
In a fully loaded CTR chassis, the plug-in module in Slot 4 will usually be the first
to shutdown as it is farthest from the fan unit (beside slot 1) because it has a higher
ambient air temperature flowing over it due to temperature increase from Slots 1-3.
Slot 3 will then typically shutdown next followed by Slot 2, then Slot1.
If module shutdown is being experienced, first check that the ambient temperature
at the entry to the CTR does not exceed 55° C and then ensure that there are no air-
flow restrictions on entry or exit of the unit.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 23


Power Supply
CTR 8540 operates from a -48 Vdc SELV power supply (-40.5 to 57 Vdc operational
W ARNI NG : Th e in pu t is rev erse polarity protected again st
sw appin g th e - 4 8 Vdc an d Earth feeds.  Th e in pu t is n ot pro-
tected again st feedin g +4 8 Vdc to th e G rou n d pin an d Earth to
th e - 4 8 Vdc pin .  Th is w ill resu lt in an in tern al protection cir-
cu it failu re. NEVER con n ect to a Negativ e- Earth S u pply.

Power supply (converter) redundancy is available using PWR or PWR+AUX plug-in

l Protection is hitless on failure of the power supply source or internal supply
l The power connector (chassis and PWR modules) is D-sub 2W2. Inputs are
polarity protected.

CTR 8312 and CTR 8311

Hardware features include:
l Two integrated RJ-45 10/100/1000BASE-T user ports
l Two integrated SFP ports with SFP transceiver options for:
o Optical LC 1000Base-LX 1310 nm single-mode
o Optical LC 1000Base-ZX 1550 nm single-mode
o Optical LC 1000Base-SX 850 nm multi-mode
o Electrical RJ-45 1000Base-T
l Up to sixteen T1/E1 ports via HDR connectors
l Internal RAC modules for IF-connection to external radio transceivers; two for
CTR 8312, one for CTR 8311
l Stratum 3 network clock
l Operating temperature -5 to +55°C
l -48 Vdc power supply
l 2GB SD card for software images, configuration and license keys
All user interfaces are accessed from the front panel.
The supplied rack mounting brackets enable left or right-side location of the chassis,
or two chassis side-by-side.
l Optional set-back rack mounting brackets are available to enable left or right-
side, or center location of the chassis.
An optional bracket enables surface or wall mounting.


Figure 4-9. CTR 8312 Front Panel

Ite Description
1 Short Bracket Short rack mounting bracket with grounding stud fitted. Bracket locates
either side.
2 Power Connector Phoenix type 2-pin connector for -48 Vdc power supply (+ve earth).
l Operational voltage range: -40.5 to -57 Vdc.
l Connection is reverse polarity protected.
l The dc supply must be UL or IEC compliant for SELV (60 Vdc
maximum limited).

3 ODU1 IF connector for RAC 1 module. For connection to an ODU or IRU 600 RFU.
4 Status LEDs Five LEDs for chassis and module operational status.
5 ODU2 IF connector for RAC 2 module. For connection to an ODU or IRU 600 RFU.

6, 7 Trib. Connectors HDR connectors for tributary cable connection. Service supports:
l 16xE1 or 16xDS1 (8x per connector).
l 75 ohm unbalanced or 120 ohms balanced on E1 tribs.
l Individual line code selection for AMI or B8ZS on balanced 100 ohm
DS1 tribs.
l Mapping to E1/DS1 pseudowires (CESoETH, unstructured).

8 2x SFP Switch Ports SFP ports (cages). SFP transceivers are available for optical or electrical con-
9 2x Electrical RJ-45 Switch RJ-45 10/100/1000Base-T switch ports. Each RJ-45 includes an orange
Ports Activity LED and a green Connection LED.
Port 1 is default enabled for craft tool (CTR Portal) access.
10 Alarm I/O port RJ-45 port for external alarm I/O connections: 4 x output alarms, 2 input
alarms. TTL compatible voltage levels and currents. NOT currently enabled.
11 Micro USB Maintenance Port Serial Micro USB port for CLI management access. A built-in adapter on the
CTR provides the USB-to-serial conversion. PC connection is via a standard
USB to micro USB adapter cable.
12 RJ-45 Maintenance Port Serial RJ-45 V24 port for craft tool (CTR Portal) management via PC COM
port connection. If your PC does not have a COM port, an external USB-to-
serial adapter is required. Provides an alternative to the standard Ethernet
connection for management access.
13 Bracket Attachment Point Short, long and joiner brackets are supplied to facilitate left-side, right
side, or dual (side-by-side) rack mounting.

Power Supply
CTR 8312 and CTR 8311 operate from a -48 Vdc SELV power supply (-40.5 to 57
Vdc operational range).
The power connector is Phoenix type 2-pin.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 25


W ARNI NG : Th e in pu t is rev erse polarity protected again st

sw appin g th e - 4 8 Vdc an d Earth feeds.  Th e in pu t is n ot pro-
tected again st feedin g +4 8 Vdc to th e G rou n d pin an d Earth to
th e - 4 8 Vdc pin .  Th is w ill resu lt in an in tern al protection cir-
cu it failu re. NEVER con n ect to a Negativ e- Earth S u pply.

CTR 8380
Hardware features include:
l Rugged weather-tight (IP 67) outdoor enclosure
l Operating temperature -33° to +55° C /-27° to +131° F
l Stainless steel accessory kits for wall mounting and for ODU mounting
l IF-connections to one or two ODUs
l Two integrated RJ-45 10/100/1000BASE-T user ports
l Optional SFP ports (2) with SFP transceiver options for:
o Optical LC 1000Base-LX 1310 nm single-mode
o Optical LC 1000Base-SX 850 nm multi-mode
l Versions for -48 Vdc or 110/230 Vac power supplies
l Internal 2GB SD card for software images, configuration and license keys


Figure 4-10. CTR 8380 Front Panel (-48 Vdc)

Figure 4-11. CTR 8380 Front Panel (AC)

Ite Description
1 Earth (Ground) point M6 Earthing Point.
2 Power supply connector Type-N connector for -48 Vdc power supply.
The AC versions have the power supply connector replaced with a Bulgin
Buccaneer 400 for AC power supply.
3 Micro USB Maintenance Port Serial Micro-AB USB port for CLI management access. A built-in adapter on
the CTR provides the USB-to-serial conversion. PC connection is via a
standard USB to micro USB adapter cable. Port is protected by a captive
weather-tight cap.
4, 5, Switch Ports Weather tight "Conec (TM)" connector assemblies for RJ-45
6, 7 10/100/1000Base-T switch ports, and where required for SFP
transceivers for 1000Base optical LC connection (1300nm single mode or
850nm multi-mode).
CTR 8380 may be optioned for one or more RJ-45 switch ports, and for
one or maximum two optical SFP ports. See Standard Configuration
Options below.
8 Ports ODU 1 and ODU2 Type-N connectors for IF connection to one, or to two ODUs.
9 Chassis fastening bolts Bolts provide fastening to support / mounting frame.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 27


Standard Configuration Options

The standard supply options for CTR 8380 are as follows. Other configurations may
be available on request.
l 1x RAC plus 2x RJ-45 switch ports, -48 Vdc
l 1x RAC plus 2x RJ-45 switch ports, 110/230 Vac
l 1x RAC plus 2 x RJ-45 switch ports, plus 1x optical 1000Base-LX port, -48
l 1x RAC plus 2 x RJ-45 switch ports, plus 1x optical 1000Base-LX port,
110/230 Vac
l 2x RAC plus 2x RJ-45 switch ports, -48 Vdc
l 2x RAC plus 2x RJ-45 switch ports, 110/230 Vac
l 2x RAC plus 2x RJ-45 switch ports, plus 1x optical 1000Base-LX port, -48
l 2x RAC plus 2x RJ-45 switch ports, plus 1x optical 1000Base-LX port,
110/230 Vac
l 2x RAC plus 2x RJ-45 switch ports, plus 2x optical 1000Base-LX port, -48
l 2x RAC plus 2x RJ-45 switch ports, plus 2x optical 1000Base-LX port,
110/230 Vac

CTR 8380 Power Supply

CAUTION: The ODU 1 and ODU 2 connectors have -48V DC supply
voltage present, even when they are not configured for use. Acci-
dental contact may result in electric shock, arcing, and / or damage to
the CTR equipment.

CAUTION: Any attenuators or test instruments accidentally con-

nected to a CTR’s ODU port will be severely damaged or destroyed.
Personnel working with the CTR 8380 must be able to differentiate
between CTR 8380 and ODU hardware, and be fully aware of the func-
tional difference between the CTR’s ODU ports versus similar looking
ports on a typical ODU.

CAUTION: For CTR 8380, the protective caps fitted to unused ODU
connectors should be left in place, to guard against accidental contact,
particularly during bench setup.

CAUTION: The protective caps fitted to the 8380 ODU connectors are
not waterproof. Any unused CTR 8380 ODU connectors need to have
waterproofing installed over the protective caps during installation.

CTR 8380 DC Variant
CTR 8380 is available for operation from -48 Vdc supplies.
l The -48 Vdc variants operate from a -48 Vdc SELV power supply (-40.5 to -57
Vdc operational range).


o Its Type-N power connector is polarity protected.

o The Type-N connector body is directly connected to chassis ground.
CTR 8380 AC Variant
CTR 8380 is available for operation from from 110/230 Vac supplies.
l The 110/230 Vac variants are designed to operate from 50 Hz or 60 Hz mains
o The voltage is auto-sensed.
o Connection is via a Bulgin Buccaneer 400 series connector.

Safety Instructions for the CTR 8380 AC model

For the United States, under the NEC (National Electrical Code), cord connected
equipment cannot be permanently wired. A separate field wiring compartment is
required. CTR 8380 AC units installed in the United States must be connected by a
junction box. Below are the details of materials that must be used, along with a dia-
gram of the junction box:
Polycarbonate box
l Manufacturer: Gunther Spelsberg
l Man Part no. : PC97-6 cat 127-402-52 is
l Catalogue number: 127-402-52 Custom 1
l Flammability : 94-5V
l UL File: NKCR.E208470
Din rail terminals
l Material Polyamide: PA 6.6
l Flammability: UL 94V-2
l Manufacturer: CONTA CLIP
l Part no.: Terminal cat no 1035.2, (cat SRK 2,5/15)

:End plate cat no. 2427.2

 :End stop cat no. 2074.2
l Flammability: UL94-V2
l UL File: XCFR2.E95701
Cable gland
l Material: Polyamid 6.6 (PA 6.6)
l Flammability: UL 94V-2/ UL94V-0
l Manufacturer: Gunther Spelsberg (Cena)
l Part number: MZKV20
l UL File: UL514B, (QCRV.E194051)

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 29


Figure 4-12. External Cable Junction Box

Assembly Instructions
1. Mount the terminal on the din rail without tightening screws on the sides of
the terminal.
2. Fit the din rail terminal on the junction box.

3. Tighten the two screws positioned on the sides of the terminal.

4. Mount on different sides of the junction box the two M16 or M20 (depending
on the size of the power cable used) cable glands and locknuts.


5. Pass the power cable connected to the CTR 8380 AC through the first cable
gland and the second power cable connected to the main supply through the
second cable gland.
6. Connect the conductors of the coaxial power cables together via the terminal
in the junction box, as shown in Figure 5-5 External cable junction box.
Note that the terminals will accept a conductor size not smaller than 18AWG
(i.e. 18 to 14AWG), and the nominal conduit size 1/2 or 3/4".
7. Close the junction box with the plastic screws provided.

Radio Frequency Units

For split-mount operation CTR supports RAC-based ODUs and Ethernet-based
ODRs. For all-indoor operation (ANSI-only) the RAC-based Aviat IRU 600 is used.

The ODUs supported are ODU 600, ODU 600sp, ODU 600T , and ODU 300hp.
ODU 600T operation is restricted to CTR 8540.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 31


l Antenna-mounted ODUs for bands 6-42 GHz have a waveguide antenna port
designed for direct antenna attachment via an Aviat-specific mounting collar.
The collar is supplied with Aviat antennas.
l ODU polarization is determined by the position of a polarization rotator fitted
within the mounting collar.
l ODUs are fixed for Tx Hi or Tx Lo.
l Two ODUs are connected to a single antenna for hot-standby or frequency
diversity configurations using a direct-mount coupler.
l Couplers are available for equal or unequal loss operation. Equal loss is
nominally 3.5/3.5 dB, unequal nominally 1.5/6.5 dB.
l For CCDP/XPIC operation an XPOL Direct Mount (XDM) is available for use
with Aviat Edge series antennas. The XDM direct-mounts onto the antenna,
and the two ODUs direct-mount onto the XDM.

ODU 600
l ETSI bands 5 to 42 GHz, ANSI bands 5 to 38 GHz, fixed and adaptive
l High Tx power with licensed flexible power mode (FPM) to extend maximum
Tx power by 3dB.
Figure 4-13. ODU 600

Figure 4-14. CTR 8380 with ODU 600 Mounting Bracket

ODU 600sp
l ETSI bands 6 to 42 GHz, fixed and adaptive modulation.
l Standard Tx power with licensed flexible power mode (FPM) to extend
maximum Tx power by 3dB.


ODU 300hp
l ETSI and ANSI bands 6 to 38 GHz, fixed and adaptive modulation.
Figure 4-15. ODU 300hp

ODU 600T with OBU (STR 600)

The Aviat STR 600 employs a filter-based Outdoor Branching Unit (OBU) with 4x
ODU 600Ts to enable co-path operation on split-mount links for Gbit/s trunk capa-
Operation is supported from CTR 8540.
l Bands 5 to 11 GHz.
l Standard Tx power with licensed flexible power mode to extend maximum Tx
power by 3dB.
l The split-mount architecture enable capacities approaching those of
traditional all-indoor trunked radios, at a fraction of the cost.
o One OBU enables 4+0 co-path links through direct attachment of four
ODU 600Ts.
o L1LA is used to aggregate the capacity of each co-path link.
l Two OBUs are installed at each end of the link to provide up to 8+0 or 4+4
SD (space diversity) operation. Four are installed for 8+8 SD.
l The radio channels can be aligned under ACCP, ACAP, CCDP/XPIC, or a mix
of these.
The advantages include:
l Significantly reduced costs. The cost of installing expensive waveguide and
associated accessories is eliminated. This coupled with the lower-cost radio
hardware can enable savings of many thousands of dollars.
l Significantly reduced demands on equipment room real estate and air
l Feeder losses are minimized for improved system gain.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 33


Figure 4-16. OBU with Four ODU 600Ts

IRU 600
IRU 600 is a compact, powerful, and versatile all-indoor radio unit. Operation is sup-
ported from CTR RAC modules.
l RACx1 or RACx2 plug-in modules for CTR 8540.
l Built-in RAC modules for CTR 8300.
Operation is 1+1 / 2+0 optimized; it accommodates two radio frequency units
(RFUs) and a common ACU.
RFU Tx power is software defined for standard (sp) and licensed extended high
power (hp) operation.
l Two versions, IRU 600v2 and IRU 600v3
o IRU 600v2 for ANSI licensed bands 7/8 and 10 GHz
o IRU 600v3 for 5.8 GHz unlicensed band and ANSI licensed bands L6, U6
and 11 GHz
n 5.8 GHz operation applies to USA and Canada only
n The RFU for 5.8 GHz unlicensed and L6 licensed is common for easy
unlicensed-to-licensed transition and sparing
l Standard power and high power Tx modes.
l 3.75 to 40 MHz channel bandwidths with adaptive and fixed modulation
options to 256 QAM
l Support for both paired and unpaired frequencies with filter based ACU
l Over-air compatible with ODU 600
l Tx coaxial switch for hot standby and space diversity
l Expansion port on ACU accommodates parallel paths
l Extensive options for protected modes of operation, and for multiple-link co-
path configurations


Figure 4-17. IRU 600v3

Antennas for ODU direct mounting are available in diameters from 0.3m (1ft) to
1.8m (6ft), depending on the frequency band. These antennas are high performance,
low profile shielded types and are supplied complete with a customized ODU mount-
ing collar and feed-point.
A polarization rotator is included within the antenna collar, and direct-mounting
equal or unequal loss couplers are available for single antenna protected operation.
For direct-mount CCDP operation Aviat Edge-series antennas are used. These have a
circular waveguide feed-point and no ODU mounting collar. Instead, an XPOL Direct
Mount (XDM) attaches to the back of the Edge-series antenna, and the two ODUs
attach directly onto the XDM.
ODUs can also be installed with standard antennas using a remote-mount kit and
flexible waveguide.
For the IRU 600, industry-standard, waveguide-port, high-performance antennas
are used.
Antenna mounts are designed for use on industry-standard 115 mm OD (4.5 inch)

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 35


Capacity and feature licenses are used to provide access to extended CTR func-
Licenses can be purchased and installed at time of order, or subsequently as an
Capacity licenses are available in increments of 100 Mbps.
Tiered feature licenses are available to enable:
l Carrier Ethernet services
l 4x additional electrical GigE ports (base unit has 4 enabled)
l 4x SFP ports
l 8x or 16x E1/DS1 trib ports
l ODU 600 flexible Tx power mode
l Adaptive modulation


Chapter 5. CTR Hardware

This section addresses installation procedures for CTR 8500/8300 devices, from
unpacking and checking the equipment to completion of the physical installation.
Refer to:
Installation Overview on page 38
Installing CTR on page 40
Installing CTR ODUs on page 71
Installing ODU Cables and Accessories on page 95
Installing STR 600 on page 89
Installing IRU 600 on page 108

At SW release 3.3 operation with IRU 600 is not supported

CTR has been tested for and meets EMC Di recti ve 89/336/EEC.
The equi pment was tested usi ng screened cabl e; i f any other
type of cabl e i s used, i t may vi ol ate compl i ance.
CAUTION: CTR is a Class A product. In a domestic environment it
may cause radio interference: be prepared to resolve this. CTR equip-
ment is intended to be used exclusively in telecommunications cen-

W ARNI NG : You m u st com ply w ith th e relev an t h ealth an d

safety practices w h en w orkin g on or arou n d C TR equ ipm en t.
Refer to Healt h and S af et y o n page 3.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 37


Installation Overview
This section provides a basic guide for the hardware installation process. Installation
can be completed up to antenna alignment without SW configuration.
Installation typically proceeds as follows:
1. Pre-Installation
l Unpack and check the equipment - check all items are present and correct
l Check you have all information needed for the installation
2. Installation
l Install CTR chassis and any required plug in modules
l Install radio frequency units (RFUs): ODUs, ODRs, and/or IRU 600
l Install antenna(s)
3. Configuration
l Refer to CTR configuration guides
4. Antenna Alignment
l Align antenna(s)
5. Commissioning Tests
l Complete operational checks and tests, and record results
6. Place in Service

Installation Tools and Materials

Ensure you have required tools and material with you before going to site.
The following items are indicative for standard installations, and are to be
sourced/supplied by the installer.
Table 5-1. Required Tools and Material

Equipment Tool/Material Description

Antenna As required by the Refer to the manufacturer’s data supplied with each antenna
manufacturer for required and recommended installation tools and
equipment. (Aviat Networks offers antennas from several
CTR & RFUs Basic electrician’s toolkit The kit must include a crimp lugs, a crimp tool for attaching the
lugs to stranded copper cable, a multimeter, and for ODU
polarization rotator bolts, a set of metric Allen keys.
Open-ended spanners 19 mm (3/4 inch) open-ended spanner for attaching the ODU
to the mounting collar.


Equipment Tool/Material Description

Torque wrench Capable of 66 N-m or 50 ft-lb, with a selection of sockets for
antenna mount fastening
Crimp tool(s) for ODU The correct crimp and cut-off tools must be used to avoid
cable connectors damage to the cable outer and to ensure correct crimping of
crimp connectors.
Hot-air gun For use on the heat-shrink tubing that may be supplied with
some brands of Type N connector.
Protective grease and For weather-protecting grounding attachment points on towers
zinc-rich paint and grounding bars.
Tower ground clamps To ground the ODU or a lightning arrestor cable ground to a
tower member.
BNC cable To access the RSSI voltage at the ODU for antenna alignment.
This could be a BNC to banana-plugs cable for connection to a
multimeter. Such a cable is available as an optional accessory.
4mm2 (#12) green PVC For grounding the indoor unit to the rack/frame
insulated strand copper
wire and grounding lugs
16 mm2 (#6) green PVC For grounding the rack to the station ground.
insulated strand copper
wire and grounding lugs

Unpacking CTR Equipment

1. Open the shipping boxes, carefully remove the equipment and place it on a
clean, flat working surface.
2. Ensure all the basic components and accessories for your system have been
included in the shipment by comparing the packaging, component part
numbers and product descriptions against the packing list, and cross-
checking against the installation datapack for the system to be installed.
3. If there has been shipping damage or there are discrepancies between the
equipment expected and the equipment received, contact an Aviat Networks
Help Desk or your supplier.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 39


Installing CTR
Refer to:
l CTR Installation Requirements on page 40
l CTR 8540 Module Installation Requirements on page 43
l Power Supply on page 44
l SD Card on page 51
l CTR 8500/8311/8312 Installation on page 53
l CTR 8380 Installation on page 57

CTR Installation Requirements

This table details installation requirements for CTR 8500/8300.
Function/Requirement Priority Details
Restricted access A CTR indoor chassis and its associated dc power supply must be
installed in a restricted access area such as a secure equipment
room, closet, or cabinet.

Required Rack Space CTR 8540 occupies 44.5 mm (1RU) of vertical rack space and
requires 300 mm rack depth (CTR 8540 chassis depth is 240 mm).
CTR 8300 occupies half-width on a 44.5 mm (1RU) vertical rack
space, and requires 300 mm rack depth (CTR 8300 chassis depth is
200 mm).
Ventilation CTR 8540 requires unobstructed air passage to each side for
ventilation purposes. There must be a minimum of 50 mm (2”) of
side spacing to any rack panels, cable bundles or similar. No space
above or below is required for ventilation purposes.
CTR 8300 requires unobstructed air passage above the unit for
ventilation purposes. See CTR 8311/8312 Ventilation and Ambient
Temperature Limitations on page 56.
Maximum Ambient CTR is specified for a maximum ambient temperature (Tmra) of
Temperature +55° Celsius (131° Fahrenheit). This ambient applies to the
immediate operating environment of the CTR, which if installed in a
rack cabinet , is the ambient applying to its location within the
For CTR 8300 see also: CTR 8311/8312 Ventilation and Ambient
Temperature Limitations on page 56
Hot Surfaces The external surfaces of CTR 8311, 8312, and CTR 8380 can be hot
to touch, especially at high ambient temperatures. Handle with care.
A hot surfaces warning icon is displayed on the front panel of the CTR
8311 and CTR 8312, and on the CE label of the CTR 8380.


Function/Requirement Priority Details

Physical stability Ensure that adding a CTR to a rack does not adversely impact the
physical stability of the rack.

Power Supply -48 Vdc CTR 8540 and its optional PWR module, and CTR 8311 and CTR
8312, have the +ve pin on their dc power supply connector
connected to the chassis.
CTR 8380 has a Type-N power supply connector. The +ve is
connection is to the CTR chassis via the connector barrel.
They must be used with a -48 Vdc power supply which has a +ve
ground; the power supply ground conductor is the +ve supply to the
The power supply supplying the -48 Vdc must have an accessible
power disconnect device (main switch).
Power Supply +24 Vdc An external 24 Vdc to -48 Vdc converter is required at sites using 24
Vdc powering.
D.C. Supply Ground Con- CTR equipment has a connection between the earthed conductor of
nection the d.c. supply circuit and its earthing conductor.
CTR equipment must be connected directly to the d.c. supply system
grounding electrode conductor or to a bonding jumper from a
grounding terminal bar or bus to which the d.c. supply system
grounding electrode is connected.
Switching or disconnecting devices must not be in the grounded
circuit conductor between the d.c. source and the point of
connection of the grounding electrode conductor.
l The CTR chassis must be grounded to the station or master
ground, which must be the same ground as used for the dc
power supply system.
l Normally this is achieved by grounding the CTR to the ground
bar in its equipment rack or frame. This bar is most often
located to one side of the rack or at rack top or bottom. In turn,
the ground bar is grounded to the station ground.
Equipment Location CTR indoor equipment must be located in the same immediate area
(such as, adjacent cabinets) as any other equipment that has a
connection between the grounded conductor of the same d.c. supply
circuit and the grounding conductor, and also the point of grounding
of the d.c. system. The d.c. system shall not be grounded elsewhere.

Location of D.C. Power The d.c. supply source for CTR equipment must be located within the
Supply same premises as the CTR equipment.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 41


Function/Requirement Priority Details

D.C. Supply Compliance, The dc supply source must be UL or IEC compliant for a SELV output
Loading and Protection (60 Vdc maximum).
Check to ensure that connection of a CTR system to a new or existing
dc supply does not overload the supply, circuit protection devices
and wiring.
CTR 8540 and optional PWR module must each be supported from a
dedicated circuit breaker located on their rack/cabinet power
distribution panel. The circuit breaker(s) should have a rating of
CTR 8300 must be supported from a dedicated circuit breaker.
- For CTR 8311 and CTR 8312 this should be located on its rack-
/cabinet power distribution panel.
- For the all-outdoor CTR 8380 this should be installed in a clearly
defined location within the equipment room or cabinet where its -
48 Vdc power supply is located.
- The circuit breaker should have a rating of 5A or 6A.
- The all-outdoor CTR 8380 AC should be installed in the AC Power
distribution box.
- The circuit breaker should have a rating of :
-110 Vac - 3A
-220 Vac - 2A
The circuit breaker(s) must be used as the CTR power
connect/disconnect devices - do not use the front panel connector(s)
as a connect/disconnect device.
Cable routing CTR Cat5, tributary, auxiliary and NMS cables are not to be routed
with any AC mains power lines. They are also to be kept away from
any power lines which cross them.

Live Connecter Warning - The ODU 1 and ODU 2 connectors of CTR 8380 have -48V DC
supply voltage present, even when they are not configured for use.
Accidental contact may result in electric shock, arcing, and / or
damage to the CTR equipment.
- Any attenuators or test instruments accidentally connected to a
CTR’s ODU port will be severely damaged or destroyed. Personnel
working with the CTR 8380 must be able to differentiate between CTR
8380 and ODU hardware, and be fully aware of the functional
difference between the CTR’s ODU ports versus similar looking ports
on a typical ODU.
- For CTR 8380, the protective caps fitted to unused ODU connectors
should be left in place, to guard against accidental contact,
particularly during bench setup.
- The protective caps fitted to the 8380 ODU connectors are not
waterproof. Any unused CTR 8380 ODU connectors need to have
waterproofing installed over the protective caps during installation.

CAUTION: For CTR 8540 there must be a minimum of 50 mm (2”) of

side spacing from the CTR to any rack panels, cable bundles or similar
to ensure proper ventilation.

CAUTION: For CTR 8311 and CTR 8312 clearance requirements refer
to CTR 8311/8312 Ventilation and Ambient Temperature Limitations on
page 56


CTR 8540 Module Installation Requirements

This table details installation requirements for CTR 8540 plug-in modules.
For information on user-interface connector and cable data, refer to Installing ODU
Cables and Accessories on page 95.
Table 5-2. Plug-in Module Requirements

Function/Requirement Priority Details

Slot Assignment
All slots filled All slots must be filled with a module or have a cover plate fitted.
Failure to do so will compromise EMC integrity and distribution of
Fan cooling air.

Module Slot 1 Universal plug-in slot. Accepts all plug-in modules.

The PWR module must be installed in Slot 1.
Module Slots 2-4 Slots accepts RAC or PoE modules.
Installing / Changing / Servicing Plug-in Modules
ESD grounding strap Always connect yourself to the CTR with an ESD grounding strap
before changing or removing a module. Failure to do so may cause
ESD damage to the modules. Avoid hand contact with the PCB top
and bottom.
Finger-grip fasteners Modules must be withdrawn and inserted using their finger-grip
fasteners/pulls. Never withdraw or insert using attached cables,
as damage to the module connectors and their PCB attachment can
occur. If not complied with, the Aviat Networks warranty may be
Do not over-tighten. Finger-tighten or use a screwdriver with light
Hot-swappable Except for the PWR module or PWR+AUX module, modules are hot-
- The power supply to a PWR or PWR+AUX module must be dis-
connected at its circuit breaker before removal. Do not use its
front panel connector as the disconnection device.
- Removal of an in-service traffic module will interrupt its traffic.
- Removal / replacement of the FAN does not affect traffic.
Engaging backplane connector When installing a module, ensure its backplane connector is
correctly engaged before applying sufficient pressure to bring the
module panel flush with the CTR front panel.
Revision time lag When swapping or installing modules, several seconds can be
required for the CTR to show its revised status via the front panel
EMC integrity Ensure the finger-screws on plug-ins and cover plates are
fastened as failure to do so may compromise EMC integrity and fan

Fan Module Blades Keep away from moving fan blades.

Handle the Fan module with care . Do no knock the module or
touch the fan blades. Doing so can move the fan impeller off-
center and cause premature failure.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 43


Function/Requirement Priority Details

RAC Modules
Connecting and disconnecting Never disconnect or reconnect an ODU or IRU 600 RFU cable to a
the ODU cable at the RAC RAC module without first turning the power off to the CTR or
withdrawing the RAC from the backplane.
NOTE: The ODU/RFU cable provides the power feed to the
ODU/RFU. Arcing during connection and disconnection at the
RAC on a live RAC can cause damage to connector contact sur-
faces. Power spikes caused by live connection and dis-
connection may also cause errors on other traffic passing
through the CTR. The only exception to live disconnection and
connection should be for checks of protected operation at link
Removing RAC from a powered When removing a RAC module from a powered CTR, always
CTR disengage the RAC from the backplane before disconnecting its
ODU/RFU cable. Similarly before inserting an RAC, always
reconnect the ODU/RFU cable before engaging the backplane.
RAC combinations for CTR A CTR can be fitted with a maximum of four RAC modules to enable
one of the following combinations:
- Eight non-protected links (using 4x RACx2)
- One protected/diversity link plus six non-protected links
- Two protected/diversity links plus four non-protected links
- Three protected/diversity links plus two non-protected links
- Four protected/diversity links
Antistatic bags Enclose spare modules, or modules to be returned for service, in
an antistatic bag. When handling a module to or from an antistatic
bag, do so at the CTR and only when you are connected to the CTR
via an ESD ground strap.
Mechanical Protection Module circuit boards are populated with small and fragile surface
mount components. Always place boards on flat surfaces only and
take care not to strike the board against any object.

Cover plates Keep any removed slot cover plates for future use.

Power Supply
CTR 8540 and its optional PWR module, and CTR 8300 require a -48 Vdc power
supply (+ve ground), but will operate to specification over a voltage range of -40.5 to
-57 Vdc.
l The return (+ve) pin on CTR 8540 and its optional PWR module is clamped to
chassis ground via polarity-protecting power FETs. This also applies to CTR
8311 and CTR 8312.
o Power inputs are reverse polarity protected for CTR 8540 and CTR
l CTR 8380 requires a -48 Vdc power supply (+ve ground), but will operate to
specification over a voltage range of -40.5 to -57 Vdc.
o CTR 8380 has a Type-N power supply connector. The center pin is -48 Vdc,
the barrel (+ve) is connected to chassis ground. The input is reverse
polarity protected.


o Ensure the voltage drop on the power supply coaxial cable is such that the
CTR input voltage is not less than -40.5 Vdc. This particularly applies
where two ODUs are installed, which can result in a current draw of up to
4A at 40.5 Vdc.
CAUTION: Ensure the power supply connector is wired for correct
polarity before connection to the CTR.

W ARNI NG : Th e in pu t is rev erse polarity protected again st

sw appin g th e - 4 8 Vdc an d Earth feeds.  Th e in pu t is n ot pro-
tected again st feedin g +4 8 Vdc to th e G rou n d pin an d Earth to
th e - 4 8 Vdc pin .  Th is w ill resu lt in an in tern al protection cir-
cu it failu re. NEVER con n ect to a Negativ e- Earth S u pply.

Figure 5-1. CTR Power Connection

The dc power suppl y must be UL or I EC compl i ant for SELV

(Safety Extra Low Vol tage) output (60 Vdc maxi mum l i mi ted).
Where operation from a 24 Vdc PSU is required, an external unit is required to con-
vert the 24 Vdc (+ve or -ve) to -48 Vdc for connection to the CTR 8540/8300.

Circuit Breakers
CTR 8540 and optional PWR module must each be supported from a dedicated cir-
cuit breaker located on their rack/cabinet power distribution panel. The circuit
breaker(s) should have a rating of 20A.
CTR 8311, CTR 8312, and CTR 8380 DC must each be supported from a dedicated
circuit breaker. The circuit breaker should have a rating of 5A or 6A
l CTR 8311 and CTR 8312 should be located on its rack/cabinet power
distribution panel.
l The all-outdoor CTR 8380 DC should be installed in a clearly defined location
within the equipment room or cabinet where its -48 Vdc power supply is
l The all-outdoor CTR 8380 AC should be supported from a dedicated circuit
breaker located in the AC Power distribution box. The circuit breaker rating
should be:
o 110 Vac - 3A
o 220 Vac - 2A

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 45


CAUTION: The circuit breaker(s) must be used as the CTR power con-
nect/disconnect devices - do not use the front panel connector(s) as
the connect/disconnect device.

Chassis Fuses
The CTR 8540 chassis and optional PWR module are fitted with fast-acting 25A
fuses on the PCB behind the power cable connector. The fuses are not field-replace-
CTR 8312, CTR 8311 and CTR 8380 are fitted with fast-acting PCB-mounted 10A
fuses. The fuses are not field-replaceable.

Power Consumption
CTR 8540
Total power consumed is dependent on:
l The number and type of plug-in modules.
l The number and type of ODU(s) or IRU 600, plus for the ODUs, the frequency
l The number of PoE devices supported and their power consumption.
The table below lists nominal power consumption figures for CTR 8540 and its
optional plug-in modules using a -48 Vdc supply at normal room ambients.
l Use these together with the ODU or IRU 600 consumption figures in the
following tables to determine total nodal power consumption.
l When operated with an ODU, cable power dissipation should be taken into
Table 5-3. Typical Plug-in Power Consumptions

Item Consumption W
CTR chassis 45
(no user modules)
FAN 12*
RACx1 20
RACx2 28
PoEx2 17
PWR 15

* When operational - fan operation is temperature dependent

CTR 8300
Total power consumed is dependent on:
l The CTR variant installed.
o CTR 8312 supports a maximum two ODUs or IRU 600 RFUs.
o CTR 8311 supports one ODU or IRU 600 RFU.
o CTR 8380 supports a maximum two ODUs


l The number and type of ODU(s) or IRU 600, plus for the ODUs, the frequency
PoE injection is not supported on CTR electrical (RJ-45) Ethernet ports. A separate
power injector is required for PoE operation from such ports.
The table below lists nominal power consumption figures for CTR using a -48 Vdc
supply voltage at normal room ambients.
l Use these together with the ODU or IRU 600 consumption figures in the
following tables to determine total nodal power consumption.
l When operated with an ODU, cable power dissipation should be taken into
Table 5-4. Typical CTR Power Consumptions

Item Consumption W
CTR 8312 & CTR 8380 32
CTR 8311 30

ODU 600
ODU 600 power consumption figures apply to both standard and high power oper-
ation. Figures for other bands will be provided in a later release.
Table 5-5. ODU 600 Power Consumption

BAND Average Power Max Power Con-

Consumption W sumption W
6 GHz 50.2 59.2
7 GHz 49.5 59.4
8 GHz 49.9 59.6
11 GHz 45.0 59.7
13 GHz 38.3 50.0
15 GHz 37.8 46.4
18 GHz 39.2 44.9
23 GHz 40.0 43.8

ODU 300hp
Table 5-6. ODU 300hp Power Consumption

BAND Average Power Max Power Con-

Consumption W sumption W
6 GHz 40.7 45.7
7 GHz 42.8 48.6
8 GHz 43.1 48.5
10 GHz 41.5 44.01
11 GHz 34.6 38.0
13 GHz 30.9 37.1
15 GHz 29.8 35.9
18 GHz 22.2 25.6
23 GHz 24.3 27.0

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 47


BAND Average Power Max Power Con-

Consumption W sumption W
28 GHz 25.0 28.1
32 GHz 25.1 27.5
38 GHz 29.2 31.6

ODU Cable Power Dissipation

The data provided is for CNT 400 and RG-8 type cables. For CNT 300, increase dis-
sipation figures by 40%.
Figure 5-2. Nominal ODU cable Power Dissipation at -48v

IRU 600v2
The table below lists nominal figures.
l For a standard power RFU, DC power is provided from its CTR ODU port
cable connection (in the same way as an ODU).
l For a high power RFU, power is supplied via its RAC cable and additionally
by a front-mounted DC connector.
Table 5-7. Typical IRU 600v2 Power Consumption

Configuration Power Power Sourced Total DC

Sourced from External Power
from CTR DC Connector
1+0 Standard Power (1xRFU 52W N/A 52W
1+0 High Power (1xRFU) 52W 38W 90W
2+0 or 1+1 FD, Standard Power (2xRFU) 104W N/A 104W
2+0 or 1+1 FD, High Power (2xRFU) 104W 76W 180W
1+1 MHSB or SD, Std Power (2xRFU) 104W N/A 104W
1+1 MHSB or SD, High Power (2xRFU) 104W 76W 180W
1+1 MHSB or SD, Power save Mode (Offline Tx Mute), Std 82W N/A 82W
Power (2xRFU)
1+1 MHSB or SD, Power Save Mode (Offline Tx Mute), High 82W 42W 124W
Power (2xRFU)


IRU 600v3
The table below lists typical and maximum power consumption figures for the 5.8/6
GHz band for QSPK operation at maximum Tx power settings.
l A common RFU is used for standard and high power modes. High power is
enabled through feature license.
l For both standard power and high power operation DC power to the RFU(s) is
provided from its CTR ODU port cable connection.
Table 5-8. Nominal IRU 600v3 Power Consumption for QPSK at Max Tx Power
5.8/L6 5.8/6 GHz
Typical Maximum
1+0 Standard Power (1xRFU) 58W 63W
1+0 High Power (1xRFU) 63W 68W
2+0 or 1+1 FD, Standard Power (2xRFU) 116W 126W
2+0 or 1+1 FD, High Power (2xRFU) 126W 136W
1+1 MHSB or SD, Std Power (2xRFU) 116W 128W
1+1 MHSB or SD, High Power (2xRFU) 126W 138W
1+1 MHSB or SD, Power save Mode (Offline Tx Mute), Std Power (2xRFU) 106W 115W
1+1 MHSB or SD, Power save Mode (Offline Tx Mute), High Power 111W 118W

l There is a small power consumption reduction on higher modulations (higher
modulations have reduced Tx power output maximums).
l Power consumption is reduced as Tx power is reduced (either when enabling
ATPC or when manually configuring Tx power to a value below the maximum
o High power and standard power operation realizes power consumption
savings of approximately 5W when operated 3dB below maximum power,
and approximately 15 W when operated 10dB below.
El evated ambi ent temperatures shoul d be avoi ded. The ambi -
ent temperature i s the ai r temperature i n the i mmedi ate oper-
ati ng envi ronment of the chassi s, whi ch i f i nstal l ed i n a rack,
i s the ambi ent appl yi ng to i ts l ocati on wi thi n the rack.
CAUTION: The ambient temperature maximums must not be
exceeded. Over-temperature operation is a primary factor affecting
long term component reliability.

Power Connectors and Cables

CAUTION: Do not use the DC power connector as a power con-
nect/disconnect device. Always use the associated circuit breaker for
this purpose.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 49


W ARNI NG : Th e in pu t is rev erse polarity protected again st

sw appin g th e - 4 8 Vdc an d Earth feeds.  Th e in pu t is n ot pro-
tected again st feedin g +4 8 Vdc to th e G rou n d pin an d Earth to
th e - 4 8 Vdc pin .  Th is w ill resu lt in an in tern al protection cir-
cu it failu re. NEVER con n ect to a Negativ e- Earth S u pply.

Figure 5-3. CTR Power Connection

CTR 8540
The CTR 8540 chassis and optional PWR or a PWR +AUX modules are fitted with a
D-sub F/M 2W2 connector for -48 Vdc supply connection.
CTR 8540 is supplied with a power cable that has a D-sub M/F 2W2 connector fitted
at one end and wire at the other. The cable is nominally 3 m (10 ft), and the wires
are 4 mm2 (AWG 12).
The blue wire must be connected to -48 Vdc (live); the black wire to (+ve) Ground.
Figure 5-4. Power Cable and Connector

CTR 8312 and CTR 8311

CTR 8312 and CTR 8311 are fitted with a 2-pin male Phoenix-type power connector.
A Phoenix-type female connector is included with each CTR 8300.
l The power cable is supplied by the installer - the cable conductors should be
4 mm2 (AWG 12).
l The installer must ensure that power cable wire colors used for Live and
Ground comply with operator and/or local regulator requirements.
l Refer to the figure below for -48 Vdc Live and +ve Ground connector


Figure 5-5. CTR 8300 Phoenix Power Connector

CTR 8380
CTR 8380 for -48 Vdc operation incorporates a Type-N connector for power supply
connection. A coaxial cable is installed as the power supply cable.
l The barrel is +ve and is direct-connected to the chassis/housing ground.
l The center pin is -48 Vdc.
CTR 8380 for 110/230 Vac operation incorporates the Bulgin Buccaneer 400 series
plugs with un-terminated leads.
l The voltage, 110V or 230V, is auto-sensed.
l For the United States, under the NEC (National Electrical Code), cord
connected equipment cannot be permanently wired. A separate field wiring
compartment is required. CTR 8380 AC units installed in the United States
must be connected by a junction box.
Figure 5-6. CTR 8380 for 110/230 Vac Operation

SD Card
The SD (Secure Digital) card for CTR 8500/8300 holds configuration, software load,
and license data. It inserts into the rear of the CTR chassis.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 51


l CTR 8540: To install the SD card in a CTR 8540 insert label-side-up in the SD
slot at the rear of the chassis.
l CTR 8311 and CTR 8312: To install the SD card in a CTR 8300 insert label-
side-down in the SD slot at the rear of the chassis.
l The SD card is identified by a unique serial number, which identifies a
terminal for capacity and feature license purposes. It also retains copy of the
current terminal configuration, and the previous configuration for roll-back
l If the SD card is transferred to another terminal, the new terminal assumes the
identity of the previous terminal.
l The SD card is NOT hot-swappable. A CTR must be powered off before an
SD card is inserted or removed.
l To de-install the SD card, push in, then release and withdraw.
CTR 8380: The SD card is supplied fitted. User access to the SD card is not
For a new CTR installation the card is loaded with a default configuration. For more
information refer to: CTR 8500/8300 Getting Started Guide: Configuration .

CTR 8540 SD Card Caution

CTR 8540 incorporates internal memory that is always matched to the relevant SW
version and configuration file on the SD card.
l The SD card holds master copy of the SW version and configuration file.
l When a configuration is updated, the update is captured on the SD card.
l When an SD card is replaced and the SW version operating on the CTR is not
the same as on the SD card, the SW on the CTR will be changed to that on the
SD card.
l Similarly, when an SD card is replaced and the SW version and/or
configuration file operating on the CTR is not the same as on the SD card, the
CTR will be updated to match the SD card.
o The load-time for such an event (SW and config) can take up to 20
o The front panel light behind the Aviat logo will flash during a load from the
SD card. DO NOT turn power off while the front panel light behind the
Aviat logo is flashing.

CTR 8300 SD Card Caution

CTR 8312 and CTR 8311 operate directly from the SD card.
When an SD card is replaced the SW and configuration on the CTR will be changed
to that on the replacement SD card.


CTR 8500/8311/8312 Installation

CTR 8540 Rack Mounting
CTR 8540 is designed for standard 19" rack mounting
1. Fit the rack mounting ears to the chassis with the grounding stud to left or
right side for the most direct ground wire path to the rack ground bar.
2. Locate the CTR in the equipment rack and secure it using four No.12 Phillips
dome-head screws from the CTR installation kit.
3. Ground the CTR from its grounding stud to the rack/frame ground bar using
a length of 4 mm2 (AWG 12) green PVC insulated stranded copper wire with
a suitably sized ground lug at the ground bar end (supplied by the installer).
The grounding stud accommodates ground cables up to 16 mm2 (AWG 6).
The stud also provides jack plug connection for a wrist strap.
4. If the equipment rack/frame requires grounding, use 16 mm2 (AWG 6) wire
from its ground bar to the station ground.

CTR 8311/8312 Rack and Wall Mount Options

CTR 8312 and CTR 8311 are designed for conventional rack mounting plus surface or
wall mounting. With no fan noise it can be located in areas which would otherwise
rule out an installation.
Both are supplied for 19" rack mounting, with included bracket options permitting
single or dual (side-by-side) installation. An optional set-back 19" rack mounting kit
is available to permit left or right side, or center-mount installation.
l The standard CTR 8311/8312 mounting kit comprises 1x short bracket, 1x long
bracket, 1x joiner bracket, 1x grounding stud, is included with each CTR.
l The optional CTR 8311/8312 set-back mounting kit comprises 1x short bracket,
1x long bracket, plus 2x center brackets.
l Refer to the diagrams below for assembly.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 53


19" Rack Mounting, Front Mount

Figure 5-7. Single Rack Mounting, Front Mount

Item Single CTR Rack Mount

1 CTR chassis
2 Short bracket
3 Long bracket. Incorporates two cable-tie anchor points for securing cables.
4 Grounding stud. Installs on short bracket only.

For a dual mounting the short bracket and grounding stud from each kit is used,
plus a joining bracket from one CTR kit. The long brackets are not used.
Unused brackets should be retained for use in the event a dual installation is
changed to single.
Figure 5-8. Dual Rack Mounting, Front Mount


Item Dual CTR Rack Mount

1 CTR chassis
2 Short bracket
3 Joining bracket
4 Grounding stud. A grounding stud is fitted to the short bracket on each CTR to ensure
retention of grounding integrity in the event one CTR is removed for maintenance.

19" Rack Mounting, Set-Back Mount

The diagrams below illustrate assembly of the set-back bracket kits. The short & long
bracket pairing can be used to mount the CTR to the left or right side of the rack.
Figure 5-9. Set-Back Left or Right Side Rack Mounting

Figure 5-10. Set-Back Centered Rack Mounting

Item Dual CTR Rack Mount

1 Grounding stud
2 Short bracket
3 Long bracket
4 Center-mount brackets

Surface or Wall Mounting

The mounting bracket for surface or wall mounting is a separately-ordered item, Part
No. 012-910025-001. The grounding stud is supplied from the standard CTR mount-
ing kit.
Screws/fasteners for attaching the bracket to a wall or surface are not included - the
installer is to supply and fit suitable fasteners.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 55


Figure 5-11. Surface or Wall Mounting

Item Single CTR Rack Mount

1 CTR chassis
2 Surface/wall mounting bracket
3 Grounding stud is supplied from the CTR mounting kit

Refer to the diagrams above for rack and wall mount installations. For a standard
single CTR 8300 installation:
1. Fit the CTR to the left or right side of the rack using the supplied mounting
brackets and fastening screws. First fit the grounding stud to the short
2. Ground the CTR from its grounding stud to the rack/frame ground bar using
a length of 4 mm2 (AWG 12) green PVC insulated stranded copper wire with
a suitably sized ground lug at the ground bar end (supplied by the installer).
The grounding stud accommodates ground cables up to 16 mm2 (AWG 6).
The stud also provides jack plug connection for a wrist strap.
3. If the equipment rack/frame requires grounding, use 16 mm2 (AWG 6) wire
from its ground bar to the station ground.

CTR 8311/8312 Ventilation and Ambient Temperature Limitations

CTR 8311 and CTR 8312 rely on thermal cooling via its top-mounted cooling fins -
they do not incorporate a cooling fan.
The following guidelines must be adhered to when locating the CTR in a rack or cab-
l For installation in an open-sided rack or in a cabinet-rack that has good
ventilation provided by grills/slots/vents/openings, or by fan-forced cabinet
o For ambient temperatures between 45°C and 55°C, not less than 1U (44.5
mm) of clearance must be maintained above the CTR 8311/8312.


o For temperatures below 45°C, no clearance is necessary providing the

equipment installed above or below CTR 8311/8312 is not generating heat
towards the CTR.
n Do not, for example, stack a CTR 8311/8312 directly on top of another
CTR 8311/8312.
o Always check the installation to ensure that an air flow can be maintained
to and around the CTR cooling fins by normal thermal displacement
ventilation or by cabinet fan-forced ventilation.
l For operation in still air, as in a sealed outdoor cabinet where convection-
based cooling applies (no air circulation fan installed):
o For ambient temperatures between 45°C and 55°C, not less than 500 mm
clearance must be maintained above the CTR to provide the headroom
needed for convection cooling. This headroom may be occupied by other
equipment providing its size and location does not inhibit the convection
cooling process.
o For ambient temperatures below 45°C, not less than 2U (89 mm) clearance
should be maintained above the CTR.
l Ambient temperature is defined as the air temperature in the immediate
vicinity of a CTR 8311/8312.
o Maximum ambient temperatures must not be exceeded.
o CTR 8311/8312 performance is not guaranteed when ambient temperatures
exceed maximums, and/or where air flow to cooling fins is restricted.
o Excessive heat is the number one cause of premature equipment aging and
CAUTION: The external surfaces of CTR can be hot to touch, espe-
cially at high ambient temperatures.

CTR 8380 Installation

Before i nstal l i ng a CTR 8380 i t shoul d as a mi ni mum be con-
fi gured for management access usi ng a seri al cabl e con-
necti on to your PC. Thi s may be done at base or at si te. A
temporary -48 Vdc power suppl y wi l l be requi red.
CAUTION: The ODU 1 and ODU 2 connectors have -48V DC supply
voltage present, even when they are not configured for use. Acci-
dental contact may result in electric shock, arcing, and / or damage to
the CTR equipment.

CAUTION: Any attenuators or test instruments accidentally con-

nected to a CTR’s ODU port will be severely damaged or destroyed.
Personnel working with the CTR 8380 must be able to differentiate
between CTR 8380 and ODU hardware, and be fully aware of the func-
tional difference between the CTR’s ODU ports versus similar looking
ports on a typical ODU.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 57


CAUTION: For CTR 8380, the protective caps fitted to unused ODU
connectors should be left in place, to guard against accidental contact,
particularly during bench setup.

CAUTION: The protective caps fitted to the 8380 ODU connectors are
not waterproof. Any unused CTR 8380 ODU connectors need to have
waterproofing installed over the protective caps during installation.

For information on resetting the default management IP address ( and

the default management VLAN (VLAN 2), refer to the CTR 8500/8300 Getting Star-
ted Configuration Guide.
l Options are provided for Out-of-Band, or In-Band management access. In-
band should be used.
CTR 8380 is designed for surface/wall mounting, or for ODU mounting on ODU 600
direct-mount installations.
l Pole-mounting is also an option using stainless steel banding to strap the
wall-mount plate to a pole. It is the responsibility of the installer to supply
suitable banding and an appropriate tensioning device.
l ODU mounting is suitable for 1+0 operation, and for 1+1 space-diversity
installations with the partner ODU separately mounted at the required
spacing above or below the ODU-mounted CTR.
l For 1+1 protected installations the CTR is pole or wall-mounted with a co-
located 'back-to-back' OCU (ODU Coupler Unit), which supports direct
mounting of the two ODUs.
l For 2+o CCDP XPIC installations the CTR is pole or wall-mounted with a co-
located XDM (XPOL Direct Mount), which supports direct mounting of the
two ODUs needed for CCDP operation.
A CTR 8380 is shipped with:
l CTR 8380 fitted with its Wall Mounting Plate.
o The plate is attached by the 4x 10mm socket-head screws fitted to the CTR
(8mm Allen key required).
l An accessories box comprising:
o Earth strap, 2m.
o DC Variants only- DC power termination cable, 2m (Type-N female
connector to unterminated Gray (-ve) and Blue (+ve) wires).
o ODU mount brackets (3); left side, top, and right side.
o Bag of 9x M6 socket-head screws and lock-nuts (5mm Allen key required).
o Coaxial cable, 1m, with Type-N connectors for CTR to ODU connection.
Two cables are included with CTRs ordered with dual ODU ports.
o Bracket installation instructions.
l Weatherproofing kit (2) comprising rolls of butyl mastic tape and PVC tape.
l USB Maintenance Cable.

Mount Assembly and Installation

Refer to the diagrams below for assembly.


Wall Mounting
Figure 5-12. Wall-Mount Bracket

Figure 5-13. Attaching CTR 8380 to Wall-Mount Bracket

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 59


Figure 5-14. Assembled CTR 8380 Wall-Mount Unit

ODU Mounting
ODU mounting provides a quick and convenient installation using the standard
Aviat ODU mount as the attachment point.
The ODU mounting bracket is used to "piggy-back" the CTR 8380 onto the ODU
l This mount bracket is compatible with ODU 600 and ODU 600sp ODU
mounts only. For all other cases use pole or wall mount options for the 8380.
Figure 5-15. Assembly of ODU Mounting Brackets


Figure 5-16. Bracket Mounting onto ODU Mount

Figure 5-17. CTR 8380 Mounting onto ODU Mount Bracket

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 61


Figure 5-18. Assembled ODU-Mounted Unit

Pole Mounting
Pole-mounting is also an option using telco-standard stainless steel banding to strap
the wall-mount plate to a pole. The banding should be 13 – 22mm wide, and all asso-
ciated buckles and fittings must also be stainless steel. The banding must be
installed so that there are no sharp external edges.
Heavy duty stainless steel hose clips may also be used, however banding systems are
It is the responsibility of the installer to supply suitable banding, accessories, and an
appropriate tensioning device.
CAUTION: Secure the mounting bracket to the pole with CTR 8380
attached to prevent deformation of the mounting bracket.


Figure 5-19. Pole-Mounted CTR 8380

Grounding Safety
Do not assume that an existing rack, mounting frame, tower or pole is correctly
grounded. Always check the integrity of the ground connections For indoor equip-
ment this must include a check through to the master ground for the station, which
should be located at the point of cable entry to the equipment building. Ground
wires must provide a direct, low impedance path to the master ground bar.
For indoor installations:
l Do not connect other equipment to the same grounding cable as the CTR.
Each item of equipment in a rack must be separately grounded to the rack
ground bar.
l The CTR must be located in the same immediate area (adjacent
racks/cabinets) as all other equipment with a (ground) connection to a
common DC supply source.
Refer to CTR Installation Requirements on page 40.

Installation Procedures
Procedures are provided for CTR 8540, CTR 8311 and CTR 8312, and separately for
the all-outdoor CTR 8380
For CTR 8540, CTR 8311 and CTR 8312 the procedure applies after com-
pletion of rack-mounting and chassis grounding.
For CTR 8380 the procedure applies after installation of the required CTR
8380 mounting option, and ODU (ODU 600) option(s).

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 63


CTR 8540
Install plug-in modules in their assigned slot positions, and check that their front
panels are flush-fitted (not protruding) and held secure by their fasteners. Ensure
unused slots are covered by blanking panels. See CTR 8540 Module Installation
Requirements on page 43.

CTR 8540, CTR 8312, CTR 8311

1. Install the SD card in the slot at the rear of the chassis. NOTE: CTR must be
powered OFF when installing or removing the SD card.
o Insert the card into the slot label-side up, and carefully push-in until it
clicks home.
o To remove the card, push-in to release.
2. For an ODU, fit the supplied jumper cable between the RAC and ODU cable,
or where required to a lightning surge arrestor. See Arrestor Installation at
Building Entry on page 100. Secure the cable within the rack/frame using
cable ties or similar. If the jumper cable is too short, make an extension
cable. See Jumper Cables on page 105.
3. For an IRU 600, fit the supplied jumper cable between the RAC and
companion IRU 600 RFU.
4. Fit Ethernet RJ45 or fiber cables between the CTR and connected equipment.
For fiber first install the SFP option required.
5. Fit any E1/DS1 tributary cables. For information on the tributary cable sets,
see CTR Cable and Connector Data on page 1
The following steps describe the procedure for installing the power cable, and pre-
paring for power-on. Do not connect the power until all steps have been com-
W ARNI NG : Th e in pu t is rev erse polarity protected again st
sw appin g th e - 4 8 Vdc an d Earth feeds.  Th e in pu t is n ot pro-
tected again st feedin g +4 8 Vdc to th e G rou n d pin an d Earth to
th e - 4 8 Vdc pin .  Th is w ill resu lt in an in tern al protection cir-
cu it failu re. NEVER con n ect to a Negativ e- Earth S u pply.

6. Run the supplied power cable through to a dedicated circuit breaker on the
rack power connect panel and trim to length.
o For CTR 8540 the circuit breaker should have a 20A rating.
o For the CTR 8540 PWR module, its power cable must be to a separate
dedicated circuit breaker. The circuit breaker should have a 20A rating.
o For CTR 8312 and CTR 8311 the circuit breaker should have a 5A or 6A
o The circuit breakers are the power disconnect devices for the
CTR. Do not use the front-panel connectors for live power
7. For a -48 Vdc supply, connect the blue wire to -48 Vdc (live), and the black
wire to (+ve) Ground. (Power input is polarity protected).


o The CTR 8540 power cable incorporates a braid which is grounded to the
D-sub M/F 2W2 connector at the Chassis end. Trim the cable braid back
to the cable sheath at the circuit-breaker end.
o For CTR 8300 ensure the Phoenix-type connector is correctly wired. See
CTR 8300 Phoenix Power Connector on page 51.
8. Measure the voltage on the CTR dc power connector. The voltage should be -
48 Vdc, +/-2 Vdc for a non battery floated supply, and nominally -56 Vdc
for a battery floated supply. (Operational limits are -40.5 to - 57 Vdc).
CTR 8500/8300 meet the gl obal product safety requi rements
for SELV (safety extra l ow vol tage) rated equi pment and the
i nput vol tage must be guaranteed to remai n wi thi n the SELV
l i mi ts (60 V maxi mum) i n the event of a si ngl e i nternal faul t.
Al ways check the i ntegri ty of the dc power suppl y to a CTR
ri ght to i ts source. Never assume that the suppl y provi ded to
the pi ck-up poi nt i n a rack i s correct.
CTR DC power, I F , tri butary, auxi l i ary and NMS cabl es are not
to be routed wi th any AC mai ns power l i nes. They are al so to
be kept away from any AC power l i nes whi ch cross them.
9. Carry out a complete check of the installation. When all is checked and
correct, the CTR is ready for power-on.
10. Turn power on at the circuit breaker(s).
CAUTION: Once powered up any radio frequency units will be trans-
mitting with the pre-configured or ex-factory frequency and power
settings unless the start-up transmit mute option has been invoked.
(All ODUs/RFUs shipped ex-factory have the transmit-mute set as the
default unless otherwise specified). If frequency and power settings
are not correct, interference can be caused to other links in the same
geographical area.

CAUTION: Always use the circuit breaker to apply or remove power

to a CTR. Never use a front panel power connector as the con-
nection/disconnection device.

CAUTION: Before removing a CTR 8540 PWR module, ensure its

power supply is switched off at its circuit breaker.

CAUTION: CTR 8540 Fan module hazard - keep away from moving
fan blades.

CTR 8380
CAUTION: The ODU 1 and ODU 2 connectors have -48V DC supply
voltage present, even when they are not configured for use. Acci-
dental contact may result in electric shock, arcing, and / or damage to
the CTR equipment.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 65


CAUTION: Any attenuators or test instruments accidentally con-

nected to a CTR’s ODU port will be severely damaged or destroyed.
Personnel working with the CTR 8380 must be able to differentiate
between CTR 8380 and ODU hardware, and be fully aware of the func-
tional difference between the CTR’s ODU ports versus similar looking
ports on a typical ODU.

CAUTION: For CTR 8380, the protective caps fitted to unused ODU
connectors should be left in place, to guard against accidental contact,
particularly during bench setup.

CAUTION: The protective caps fitted to the 8380 ODU connectors are
not waterproof. Any unused CTR 8380 ODU connectors need to have
waterproofing installed over the protective caps during installation.

The following procedure applies after installation of the required CTR 8380
mounting option, and ODU (ODU 600) option(s) for 1+0, 1+1 protected,
space diversity or 2+0 CCDP/XPIC.
The CTR 8380 should, as a minimum, be configured for management access
before its installation.
For information on ODU installation see: Installing CTR ODUs on page 71 .
1. Ground the CTR 8380 using the supplied 2m ground wire. One end is fitted
with a crimp single-hole lug, the other a double-hole lug. Firmly fasten the
single-hole-lug end to the CTR ground stud. Fasten the other end to the
tower/mast/pole using a ground clamp or similar. For installation
instructions follow: ODU Grounding Procedure on page 87
2. Connect the ODU cable(s). One 1m cable is supplied in the Accessories Kit
for a CTR fitted with a single ODU port. Two are supplied for CTRs fitted
with two ODU ports. Other cable lengths are available from Aviat Networks.
o ODU cables must be suitably fastened or supported to prevent wind-flex.
3. Install and connect the data cable(s). Harsh-environment (IP67) ODVA-
compliant optical and electrical data cables are available from Aviat for CTR
8380. Refer to the table below: Installing CTR 8380 Data and Power Cables.
o Electrical data cable options are supplied terminated at the CTR 8380
end, and unterminated at the other. A crimp-type RJ-45 plug is included
for installation at the cut length.
o A range of different-length optical cables are available for single mode
and multimode fiber. Cable-ends are fitted with LC connectors.
4. Install the power cable. Refer to the table below: Installing CTR 8380 Data
and Power Cables.
o For -48 Vdc operation:
n Suitable coaxial cables for dc connection are available from Aviat
Networks. They are fitted with a Type N male connector at one end
and unterminated at the other. A Type-N connector is included for
installation at the cut length.
n A 2m dc power termination cable is included in the CTR Accessories
Kit. It is designed to terminate the coaxial cable at the shelter/cabinet


end onto a 5A or 6A circuit breaker for the -48 Vdc power supply to
the CTR.
The dc power termination cable is fitted with a Type-N female

connector at one end and unterminated wires at the other: Gray (-

ve, center pin) and Blue (+ve, ground/cable shield).
o The 2m DC power termination cable is not rated for outdoor use.

n Before applying power measure the voltage on the CTR dc power

connector. The voltage should be -48 Vdc, +/-2 Vdc for a non battery
floated supply, and nominally -56 Vdc for a battery floated supply.
(Operational limits are -40.5 to - 57 Vdc).
n Check that the voltage drop on the cable will not result in the voltage
at the CTR end being less than the minimum, -40.5Vdc. This can be
checked by measuring or calculating the power cable loop resistance
and the expected current draw of the CTR and its ODU(s). Vdrop =
Loop Resistance Ohms x [CTR+ODU(s)] Amps. Calculate [CTR+ODU
(s)] Amps by dividing total power (see Power Consumption section
above) by 40.5.
F or dc operati on CTR 8380 meets the gl obal product safety
requi rements for SELV (safety extra l ow vol tage) rated
equi pment and the i nput vol tage must be guaranteed to
remai n wi thi n the SELV l i mi ts (60 V maxi mum) i n the
event of a si ngl e i nternal faul t.
Al ways check the i ntegri ty of the dc power suppl y to a CTR
ri ght to i ts source. Never assume that the suppl y provi ded
to the pi ck-up poi nt (e.g. ci rcui t breaker) i s correct.
CTR DC power, and data cabl es are not to be routed wi th
any AC mai ns power l i nes. They are al so to be kept away
from any AC power l i nes whi ch cross them.
o For 110/230 Vac operation:
n Use Aviat supplied AC cables with prefitted Bulgin Buccaneer 400
plugs. The cable size is 18AWG. Example part numbers are:


n The cables conform to the European wiring standard ie. Green
(Ground), Blue (Neutral), Brown (Live).
n User supplied plugs and connectors applied to the free-end must be
suitably rated for outdoor use, for example to IP67 and UV resistant.

5. If the site is subject to lightning strikes, surge arrestors should be installed

at the shelter/cabinet end of the electrical Ethernet (RJ-45) and DC power
cables. See Lightning Protection on page 68.
6. Carry out a complete check of the installation. When all is checked and
correct, the CTR is ready for power-on.
7. Turn power on at the circuit breaker.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 67


CAUTION: Once powered up any radio frequency units will be trans-

mitting with the pre-configured or ex-factory frequency and power
settings unless the start-up transmit mute option has been invoked.
(All ODUs/RFUs shipped ex-factory have the transmit-mute set as the
default unless otherwise specified). If frequency and power settings
are not correct, interference can be caused to other links in the same
geographical area.

CAUTION: Always use the circuit breaker to apply or remove power

to a CTR. Never use a front panel power connector as the con-
nection/disconnection device.

8. Configure the CTR for the required link and data operation.
o An NMS connection must be established to configure the CTR.
9. Perform antenna alignment. Refer to Antenna Alignment on page 1.
10. Complete preliminary commissioning checks on the CTR and its link(s) to
confirm correct operation.
11. Weatherproof all outdoor connectors on the CTR 8380 (ODU, data, power
connectors) and companion ODU(s). Refer to the Butyl mastic procedure
under Weatherproofing on page 106
Figure 5-20. Installing CTR 8380 Data and Power Cables

Task Required con- Explanation

Planning the Protection for the cable The route chosen must provide physical protection for the
route cable (protection against accidental damage).

Keep access to tower and ser- The cable must be positioned so that there is unimpeded
vices clear access to the tower and to services on the tower.
Ease of running and fasten- Use a route which minimizes potential for damage to the
ing cable jacket and avoids excessive cable re-bending.
Installing the Cable jacket Keep cable clear of sharp edges
Cable support Rod support kits or similar must be used across unsup-
ported sections of the cable run so that the cable cannot
flex in the wind.
Bend radius Ensure the minimum bend radius for the cable is not
Cable ties Use one UV-resistant cable tie every 1m (3 ft) or less, of
Ice-fall protection Ensure adequate physical protection for the cable where
ice-fall from towers can occur.

Lightning Protection
Ethernet (electrical) and DC surge arrestors are available as optional accessories for
use at sites that experience frequent/severe lightning strikes.
l Use of surge protection is highly recommended to provide protection to indoor
data equipment and the DC power supply.
l Surge suppressors are not required at the CTR 8380 and associated ODU(s).
o The CTR electrical Ethernet interfaces and the DC power interface are
protected by internal suppressors.


o Similarly the ODU 600 and ODU 600sp ODU ports are protected by an
internal suppressor.
Surge arrestors must be properly grounded to the shelter/cabinet ground.

RJ45 Surge Arrestor

The arrestor is installed at building entry to protected against surges carried down
the Ethernet cable. A standard Ethernet patch cable is used to connect from the
arrestor to the Ethernet connection device.
A ground connection is made by bolting the suppressor to a suitable grounding bar
or cable frame.
Figure 5-21. RJ45 Surge Arrestor

DC Surge Arrestor
The arrestor is installed at building entry to protected against surges carried down
the coaxial DC power cable.
l Installation instructions for the coaxial suppressor are included in the arrestor
l The kit comprises the suppressor and lugged ground wire.
Figure 5-22. Coaxial DC Cable Surge Suppressor

For more information on lightning protection, refer to the Aviat Networks Best
Practices Guide.

Next Steps
l ODU installation. Refer to Installing CTR ODUs on page 71.
l IRU 600 installation. Refer to Installing IRU 600 on page 108.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 69


l For CLI configuration refer to:

o CTR 8500/8300 Getting Started Guide: Configuration
o CTR 8500/8300 CLI Commands Manual
o CTR 8500/8300 Configuration Guides (protocol-specific)
l For web-based craft-tool configuration refer to the CTR Portal Manual
l CTR antenna alignment. Refer to Antenna Alignment on page 1.


Installing CTR ODUs

This section describes installation procedures for split-mount operation using ODUs
and associated antennas, couplers and cables. Refer to:
l Installing the Antenna on page 71
l Installing the ODU on page 71
l Direct-Mount Installation on page 72
l Remote-Mount Installation on page 77
l ODU Installation for CCDP/XPIC Operation on page 79
l ODU Installation on a Coupler on page 82
l ODU Waveguide Flange Data on page 86
l ODU Grounding Procedure on page 87

Installing the Antenna

Before going to site check you have the required installation tools as recommended
by the antenna manufacturer.
Also make sure that you have data needed to locate the antenna on the tower, and to
set its polarization and initial pointing.
l For direct-mounted ODUs, polarization is determined by the setting of the
polarization rotator.
l For standard antennas, polarization is determined by the orientation of the
Install antennas using the manufacturer’s instructions. Note that:
l For direct-mounting ODUs (L6 and above) the antenna includes a collar with
integral polarization rotator.
o Dependent on frequency band, these antennas are available in diameters up
to 1.8 m (6 ft).
l Where standard antennas are to be used, the ODU must be installed on a
remote-mount, and a flexible waveguide (L6 and above) or coax cable (5 GHz)
used to connect to the antenna.
o 5 GHz ODUs require remote-mounting.
Refer to the Aviat Best Practices Guide for supporting data.

Installing the ODU

The CTR 8540, CTR 8312, and CTR 8311 support ODU 600, ODU 600sp, and ODU
300hp. CTR 8540 additional supports ODU 600T for use with the OBU (Outdoor
Branching Unit) - for installation instruction refer to Installing STR 600 on page 89.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 71


CTR 8380 supports ODU 600, ODU 600sp, and ODU 300hp, but the ODU mount-
ing bracket is only applicable to ODU 600 or ODU 600sp.
l ODUs for bands 6 GHz and higher are designed for direct-mount installation
on a collar supplied with direct-fit antennas. They can also be installed with
standard antennas using a flex-waveguide remote-mount kit
l ODU 600 for 5 GHz has a Type N female connector as its antenna port, and is
installed with standard antennas using a coax remote-mount kit.
ODU installation kits include:
l An earth strap (2M) with lugs
l Tube of silicon grease
l Type-N angle adapter
For single-antenna protected operation a coupler is available to support direct
mounting of the two ODUs onto its antenna. The coupler may also be remote moun-
ted, with a flex-waveguide connecting the coupler to its antenna.
For CCDP operation an XPOL coupler unit, the XDM, is available to support direct
mounting of the two ODUs onto a dual-pol Edge-series antenna.

Direct-Mount Installation
Refer to:
l Overview on page 72
l Setting the Polarization on page 74
l ODU Attachment Procedure on page 76

ODUs are attached directly onto an antenna mount.
l 600 series ODUs are attached using four M10 SS bolts.
l 300 series ODUs are attached using four mounting bolts with captive 19 mm
(3/4”) nuts.


Figure 5-23. ODU 600 on Antenna Mount

Figure 5-24. ODU 300 on Andrew Mounting Collar

The figure below shows the ODU mounting collar, pole mount and polarization
rotator for an Andrew antenna. The orientation of the waveguide slot indicates ver-
tical polarization.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 73


Figure 5-25. Andrew Pole Mount and ODU Mounting Collar

Setting the Polarization

Antenna i nstal l ati on i nstructi ons are i ncl uded wi th al l anten-
nas. They i ncl ude procedures for setti ng pol ari zati on.
The polarization of the transmitted signal, horizontal or vertical, is determined by
the antenna. The polarization (orientation) of the ODU is set to match its antenna
Direct-Mounted ODUs: For direct-mounted ODUs, antenna polarization is set
using a polarization rotator fitted within the ODU mounting collar.
The rotator is an integral part of the antenna mount. Vertical polarization is the
default setting.
The V and H settings are indicated on the rotator head.
Remote-Mounted ODUs are used where standard antennas are used (antennas
are not fitted with the Aviat mounting collar), or where dual-polarized antennas are
installed for CCDP XPIC operation.
Antenna installation for V or H polarization is normally determined by the ori-
entation of the waveguide port / slot.
To remote mount an ODU, see Remote-Mount Installation on page 77.
This figure shows antenna waveguide port (slot) orientation for vertical and hori-
zontal polarization settings.
Figure 5-26. Antenna Waveguide Slot Orientation for V and H Polarization


ODU Rotator Adjustment Procedure

If the ODU rotator is not set for the required polarization, you must adjust its ori-
entation. This topic describes typical adjustment procedures for Andrew antennas.
Similar procedures apply to other antennas approved by Aviat Networks. Instruc-
tions are included with all antennas.
To change the polarization of the Andrew antenna:
1. Release (do not completely undo) the six metric Allen-head screws
approximately 10 mm (3/8”). Pull the collar forward and hold the rotator
back, which will allow the rotator to disengage from a notch in the collar,
and turn freely.
2. Turn the rotator hub 90° until it locates back into a notched timing recess in
the collar.
3. Check that the timing mark on the rotator hub has aligned with either a V or
an H on the collar to confirm polarization as shown below.
4. Ensure the rotator hub is correctly seated within its collar, then push the
collar back against the antenna mount and re-tighten the six screws.
Figure 5-27. Andrew ODU Collar and Polarization Rotator

The ODU must be mounted on the collar to match the chosen polarization. Correct
positioning for vertical or horizontal polarization is shown:
Figure 5-28. ODU 600 Orientation for Vertical and Horizontal Polarization

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 75


Figure 5-29. ODU 300 Orientation for Vertical or Horizontal Polarization

Where practi cal mount an ODU wi th i ts connectors faci ng


ODU Attachment Procedure

1. Check that the ODU mounting collar, polarization rotator, ODU waveguide
feed head and O-ring, are undamaged, clean, and dry.
2. Set the polarization rotator for the required polarization.
3. Apply a thin layer of silicon grease around the ODU feed-head O-ring.
A tube of si l i con grease i s i ncl uded i n the ODU i nstal l ati on ki t.
4. For the ODU 600, screw each mounting bolt in approximately six turns. For
300 series ODUs fully loosen the nuts on the four ODU mounting bolts.
5. Position the ODU so the waveguide slots (ODU and rotator) will be aligned
when the ODU is rotated to its end position.
6. Fit the ODU onto its mounting collar by inserting the bolts through receptor
holes in the collar, then rotate the ODU clockwise to bring the mounting
bolts hard up against the slot ends.
7. Carefully bring the ODU forward onto the antenna to fully engage the ODU
feed head with the polarization rotator.
8. Finger-tighten the four nuts/bolts, checking to ensure correct engagement of
ODU with mounting collar.
9. Ensure the ODU bolt-down points are correctly seated, then firmly tighten
the four nuts/bolts with an open-ended 19 mm (3/4”) spanner. If a torque
wrench is used, set for a value between 18 - 22 Nm.
10. To remove an ODU, reverse this procedure.
To complete the installation refer to:
l ODU Grounding Procedure on page 87
l Installing ODU Cables and Accessories on page 95.


When removi ng a 300 seri es ODU from i ts mount, ensure i ts

fasteni ng nuts are ful l y rel eased.

Remote-Mount Installation
Refer to:
l Overview on page 77
l ODU Remote Mount Attachment Procedure on page 78

ODUs are mounted on a remote mount designed for installation on a standard
112 mm (4”) pole-mount. A flexible-waveguide or coaxial cable is used to connect the
ODU to its antenna.
l For L6 GHz ODUs and above a flexible waveguide is used.
l For 5 GHz ODUs (ODU 600) a low-loss coaxial cable is used. Its antenna port
is Type N female.
A remote mount supports connection to single or dual polarized standard antennas.
The mount can also be used to remotely support a protected ODU pairing installed
on a coupler. The coupler connects to the remote mount assembly in the same way
as an ODU.
The i nstal l ati on ki t for a 5 GHz ODU i ncl udes a remote mount
ki t.
Remote-mounted ODUs are requi red for CCDP operati on on
standard dual -pol antennas (antennas wi th separate V and H
The figure below shows an ODU 300 installed on a remote mount.
Figure 5-30. Remote Mount

Flexible waveguides are band specific and are normally available in two lengths,
600 mm (2 ft) or 900 mm (3 ft). Both flange ends are identical, and are grooved for

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 77


a half-thickness gasket, which is supplied with the waveguide, along with flange
mounting bolts.
To prevent wind-flex, a flexible waveguide or coax must be suitably fastened or sup-
ported over its length. Where it is not possible to fasten directly to the support struc-
ture, hanger assemblies are recommended, comprising a stainless steel clamp,
threaded rod and a form-fit rubber grommet. The figure below shows a typical
Figure 5-31. Flexible Waveguide Hanger Assembly

The fl exi bl e wavegui des have ti n-pl ated brass fl anges to mi n-

i mi ze di ssi mi l ar-metal corrosi on between the al umi num feed-
head on the ODU and the brass antenna port(s) used on most
standard antennas.
Where a fl exi bl e-wavegui de l ength greater than 900 mm (3 ft)
i s needed, speci fy at ti me of order or contact the Avi at Net-
works Hel p Desk.
Figure 5-32. Dual Polarized Antenna with Remote-Mounted ODUs

ODU Remote Mount Attachment Procedure

This procedure is for ODUs fitted with a waveguide antenna port. Apply the same
general procedure for a 5 GHz ODU (coaxial antenna feed cable), but with the added


requirement of weatherproofing connector assemblies using mastic or self amal-

gamating tape.
The remote mount attaches to its pole mount using two saddle clamps. It can be
installed either way up, and with a left or a right offset.
Before attaching the ODU to the remote mount, fit the flexible waveguide to the
1. Remove one gasket from the packet supplied with the flexible waveguide,
apply a thin smear of silicon grease to the gasket, and fit the gasket to the
recess in the flange.
2. Firmly attach the flange to the ODU feed head using the bolts supplied.
3. Fully loosen the nuts on the four ODU mounting bolts, then thread the
waveguide through the center of the mount.
4. Attach the ODU to the mount.
o For the ODU 600, screw each mounting bolt in approximately six turns.
For 300 series ODUs fully loosen the nuts on the four ODU mounting bolts.
o Insert the bolts through receptor holes in the collar, then rotate the ODU
clockwise to bring the mounting bolts hard up against the slot ends.
5. Firmly tighten the four nuts/bolts with an open-ended 19 mm (3/4”)
spanner. If a torque wrench is used, set for a value between 18 - 22 Nm.
6. Prepare the antenna-end of the flexible waveguide as in step 1 above.
7. Check, and adjust if necessary, the run of the waveguide for best protection
and support position before fastening the flange to the antenna port.
8. Secure the waveguide to prevent wind-flex using hanger assemblies or
similar. If cable ties are used, do not over-tighten.
To complete the installation refer to:
l ODU Grounding Procedure on page 87
l Installing ODU Cables and Accessories on page 95.

ODU Installation for CCDP/XPIC Operation

Refer to:
l Overview on page 79
l Installation Procedure for XDM on page 80
l Installation Procedure for Antennas with Separate V/H Feedheads on page 82

Recommended antennas for split-mount CCDP (Co-Channel Dual Polarized) oper-
ation include the Edge series from Aviat Networks and high performance dual polar-
ized antennas from mainline manufacturers.
l Edge series shielded high-performance antennas have a circular waveguide
feed-point to accept an Aviat Networks’ XDM (XPOL Direct Mount), which
supports direct mounting of the two ODUs needed for CCDP operation. They

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 79


are available for bands 7 to 38 GHz, and in sizes from 0.3m to 1.2m,
depending on the frequency band.
l High performance dual polarized antennas with separate feedheads for each
polarization may also be used. These require remote mounting of the ODUs.
Such antennas are required for 1+1 protected or space diversity CCDP
CCDP operation is also applicable with the OBU where two or more channels are
each configured for CCDP/XPIC operation to provide compact split-mount solutions
for 4+0 to 8+0, and 4+4 space diversity to 8+8 space diversity.
l For more information on CCDP/XPIC, and on ACAP and ACCP operation refer
to the CTR 8500/8300 Product Overview.
l For information on antenna alignment see Antenna Alignment for CCDP XPIC
Links on page 125.
l For information on the OBU, see Installing STR 600 on page 89.
Ensure correct RACx2 port usage for V and H pol ari zati on. P1
i s verti cal , P2 i s hori zontal .

Installation Procedure for XDM

The XDM is installed onto an Edge-series antenna, and the two ODUs, one for ver-
tical, the other for horizontal, are installed onto the XDM.
The Edge antennas have a circular waveguide interface, and no ODU mounting col-
lar - the XDM bolts directly onto the back of the antenna.
The XDM is supplied as a kitset with a mount kit and an OMT (orthogonal mode
transducer) element. The mount supports +/- 4 degrees of rotational (skew angle)
adjustment for XPD optimization purposes. The kitset includes assembly and install-
ation instructions.
Insertion losses are nominally 0 dB on both V and H feeds.
Figure 5-33. Aviat Networks XDM


Figure 5-34. XDM with ODU 600s

Installation of the XDM onto its Antenna

1. Assemble the XDM from the OMT element and mount plates using the M5
pan head screws. Torque screws to 4.5 Nm (3.5 ft.lbs).
2. Remove the protective tape on the OMT element antenna port and fit the
correct-sized O-ring:
o Large for 6 GHz. Fit within the groove in the OMT element feedhead.
o Medium for 7/8 GHz. Fit within the groove in OMT element feedhead.
o Small for 10 to 38 GHz. Fit in the groove around the antenna waveguide
3. Apply a thin smear of silicon grease around the O-ring.
4. Carefully align the XDM assembly onto the antenna waveguide feedhead
with the screw-head side of the OMT element facing down.
5. Lightly fasten the XDM to the antenna using the M8 bolts and washers (qty
6. Set a spirit level against the face of one of the XDM mount plates and rotate
the XDM assembly until the spirit level bubble is precisely centered. The
slotted holes in the XDM antenna face plates allow 8 degrees of movement.
If there is insufficient adjustment available to bring the XDM into true
vertical, check and adjust the antenna pole mount.
7. Torque bolts to 20 Nm (15 ft.lbs). Ensure correct level is maintained when
bolts are torqued.

Installation of ODUs onto the XDM

1. Remove all protective tape from the ODU and OMT element waveguide
ports. Check that the port assemblies and the O-ring are undamaged, clean,
and dry.
o ODU 600s are installed at a 45o angle with the handles on an upper face,

and the cables on a down face.

o ODU 300s are installed square onto the XDM with ODU handles vertically
up, and ODU cables vertically down.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 81


2. Apply a thin layer of silicon grease around the ODU feed-head O-ring.
3. For 300 series ODUs fully loosen the nuts on the four ODU mounting bolts,
or for an ODU 600 screw each mounting bolt in approximately six turns,
then insert the bolts through receptor holes in the mount plate, and rotate
the ODU clockwise to bring the bolts hard up against the slot ends.
4. Carefully bring the ODU forward onto its antenna to fully engage the ODU
feedhead. Finger-tighten the four nuts/bolts, checking to ensure correct
engagement of ODU with mount plate.
5. Firmly tighten the four nuts/bolts with an open-ended 19 mm (3/4”)
spanner. Torque to 35-40 Nm (26-30 ft.lbs).
Unused/vacant ODU ports on an XDM must the bl anked-off
wi th a mi crowave termi nati on l oad. Termi nati on l oads are
avai l abl e from Avi at Networks or your suppl i er.
To complete the installation refer to:
l ODU Grounding Procedure on page 87
l Installing ODU Cables and Accessories on page 95.

Installation Procedure for Antennas with Separate V/H Feedheads

High performance dual polarized antennas are required for IRU 600, ODU
600T/OBU (STR-600), and 5 GHz ODU 600 installations, and are an option for all
higher-band ODU 600, and ODU 300hp installations.
l For IRU 600, separate V and H waveguide feeds are used. See Installing IRU
600 on page 108.
l For ODU 600T/OBU, flexible waveguides (6-11 GHz) or coax (5 GHz) are used
to connect the OBU to its antenna. See Installing STR 600 on page 89.
l For split-mount, the ODUs are remote-mounted and connected to the antenna
using flexible waveguides (6-38 GHz) or coax (5 GHz). See Remote-Mount
Installation on page 77.

ODU Installation on a Coupler

Refer to:
l Coupler Overview on page 82
l OCU Installation Procedure on page 85

Coupler Overview
A back-to-back coupler, the OCU (ODU Coupler Unit), is available for use with ODU
600 or ODU 300hp on direct-mount antennas. It is supplied for equal loss, or
unequal loss.
l For equal loss the attenuation per side ranges from 3.5 dB at 5 GHz, to 4 dB
at 38 GHz. The attenuation applies to both the transmit and receive
directions, meaning the additional total one-way attenuation compared to a


non-protected link ranges between 7 to 8 dB.

l For unequal loss the attenuation ranges between 1.5/6.4 dB at 5 GHz, to
2.0/7.0 at 38 GHz. They have application on rain-affected bands, 13 GHz and
Table 5-9. Nominal Losses for Equal and Unequal Couplers

Frequency Bands Primary Arm Insertion Secondary Arm Insertion

GHz Loss dB Loss dB
37.0 - 40.0 4.0 (Equal), 2.0 (Unequal) 4.0 (Equal), 7.0 (Unequal)
31.9 - 33.4 3.8 (Equal), 1.8 (Unequal) 3.8 (Equal), 6.8 (Unequal)
27.5 - 31.3
24.25 - 26.5
21.2 - 23.6
17.7 - 19.7 3.6 (Equal), 1.6 (Unequal) 3.6 (Equal), 6.6 (Unequal)
14.4 - 15.35
12.75 - 13.25
10.7 - 11.7
7.11 - 8.5
5.925 - 7.11
4.0 - 5.0 3.5 (Equal), 1.5 (Unequal) 3.5 (Equal), 6.4 (Unequal)

The rationale for using an unequal ratio is that it can be shown to lower annual out-
age due to rain fades, compared to links deployed with equal loss couplers.
F or i nformati on on unequal coupl er (combi ner) rati onal e refer
to the Best P ractices G u ide .
When using a coupler, the ODU operating channels must be chosen from within the
same diplexer option. If the two ODUs are not from the same tuning/diplexer
option, interference may occur, resulting in degraded link performance.
Coupler waveguide flanges mirror those for the ODU and antenna flanges except at 6
GHz where the coupler has a UAR70 6 hole (IEC) pattern flange on the ODU ports
and UDR on the antenna-facing port. For other bands the couplers use a PDR or
BPR flange for the ODU ports, and or UDR or UBR for the antenna-facing port.
A coupl er i nstal l ati on gui de i s i ncl uded wi th each coupl er.
The following procedure summarizes installation of the direct-mounted OCU.
The OCU may also be remote-mounted, with a single flexible waveguide used to con-
nect the coupler to its antenna.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 83


Figure 5-35. OCU Back-to-Back Coupler Assembly

Figure 5-36. Rear View of ODU 600s on OCU


Figure 5-37. ODU 300s on OCU

OCU Installation Procedure

Before installing a coupler check there will be sufficient mechanical clearance for the
coupler and its ODUs.
The ODUs are attached to the coupler as if attaching to an antenna except there is
no polarization rotator associated with each ODU. Rather the coupler polarization is
set to match the V or H antenna polarization using 0 degree or 90 degree coupler
interfaces, which are supplied with the coupler. Couplers are default fitted with the
vertical polarization interface.
A coupler must always be installed onto its antenna before ODUs are attached to the

Installation of the OCU onto its Antenna

1. Check that kitset part numbers are as-ordered. Ensure the frequency
dependent coupler element is correct for the ODU frequency band.
2. Unpack the kitset and check that items within the kitset are undamaged,
complete and correct.
3. Check and if necessary re-set the polarization on the coupler element. The
element as supplied is set for vertical polarization. To change to horizontal
polarization, follow the instructions provided with the element.
4. Assemble the OCU from the coupler element and mount plates using the M5
pan head screws. Torque screws to 4.5 Nm.
5. Remove protective tape from the antenna and coupler waveguide ports and
check that the ports are undamaged, clean, and dry.
6. Fit an O-ring to the groove on the coupler element antenna port, and apply
a thin layer of silicon grease around the O-ring. The large O-ring is for bands
6 to 11 GHz, the small O-ring is for 13 to 38 GHz.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 85


7. Fully loosen the nuts on the OCU mounting bolts and position the OCU so
that when installed the screw-head side of the coupler element is facing
8. Insert the bolts through receptor holes in the antenna collar plate, and then
rotate the OCU clockwise to bring the mounting bolts hard up against the
slot ends.
9. Carefully bring the OCU forward to fully engage the waveguide ports.
10. Finger-tighten the four nuts, checking to ensure correct engagement of OCU
with mounting collar, then firmly tighten the four nuts with an open-ended
19 mm (3/4”) spanner. If a torque wrench is used, set for a value between 18
- 22 Nm.

Installation of ODUs onto the OCU

1. The ODUs are installed onto the OCU mount plates.
o ODU 600s are installed at a 45o angle with the handles on an upper face,

and the cables on a down face.

o ODU 300s are installed square onto the OCU with ODU handles
vertically up, and ODU cables vertically down.
4. Remove all protective tape from the ODU and OCU waveguide ports. Check
that the ports are undamaged, clean, and dry.
5. Check that the O-ring on the ODU waveguide port is located within its
groove, and apply a thin layer of silicon grease around the O-ring.
6. Fully loosen the nuts on the ODU mounting bolts, insert through receptor
holes in the plate, and then rotate the ODU clockwise to bring the bolts hard
up against the slot ends.
7. Carefully bring the ODU forward to fully engage the waveguide ports.
Finger-tighten the four nuts, and recheck for correct engagement. Note: the
coupler and ODU waveguide ports meet with a 22.5 degree mismatch. This
correct alignment.
8. Firmly tighten the four nuts/bolts with an open-ended 19 mm (3/4”)
spanner. If a torque wrench is used, set for a value between 18 - 22 Nm.
Unused/vacant ODU ports on an OCU must be fi tted wi th a
mi crowave termi nati on l oad. Termi nati on l oads are avai l abl e
from Avi at Networks.
To complete the installation refer to:
l ODU Grounding Procedure on page 87
l Installing ODU Cables and Accessories on page 95.

ODU Waveguide Flange Data

The table below lists the antenna port flange types used with the ODU 600 and ODU
300hp series, plus their mating flange options and fastening hardware for remote
mount installations. UDR/PDR flanges are rectangular; UBR/PDR flanges are


On the ODU, the two flange styles are:

l UDR. 6-hole or 8-hole (6/8 bolt holes depending on frequency
range/waveguide type), flush-face flange with threaded, blind holes.
l UBR. 4-hole flush-face flange with threaded, blind holes.
The corresponding mating flange styles are:
l PDR. 6-hole or 8-hole flange with gasket groove and clear holes.
l PBR. 4-hole flange with a gasket groove and clear holes.
All fastening hardware is metric.
The 6 GHz coupl er has a UAR70 6 hol e (I EC) pattern fl ange on
the ODU ports and UDR on the antenna-faci ng port. F or hi gher
bands the coupl ers use a PDR or BPR fl ange for the ODU
ports, and or UDR or UBR for the antenna-faci ng port. Thi s
data i s rel evant where an unused ODU port on a coupl er i s ter-
mi nated wi th a mi crowave l oad, or where a fl exi bl e wave-
gui de attachment i s requi red i n a cascaded i nstal l ati on. See .
Table 5-10. Waveguide Flange Data
Freq Band Radio Wave- Wave- Spring Bolts Bolt Thread Hole Bolt Length Required
Flange guide guide Wash- Reqd Type Spec Depth
Mating Type ers mm
Flange Reqd
6GHz UDR70 PDR70 WR137 8 x M5 8 M5x0.8 6H 10 Flange thickness + Hole depth - 2mm
7/8GHz UDR84 PDR84 WR112 8 x M4 8 M4x0.7 6H 8 Flange thickness + Hole depth - 2mm
10/11GHz UDR100 PDR100 WR90 8 x M4 8 M4x0.7 6H 8 Flange thickness + Hole depth - 2mm
13GHz UBR120 PBR120 WR75 4 x M4 4 M4x0.7 6H 8 Flange thickness + Hole depth - 2mm
15GHz UBR140 PBR140 WR62 4 x M4 4 M4x0.7 6H 8 Flange thickness + Hole depth - 2mm
18/23/26GHz UBR220 PBR220 WR42 4 x M3 4 M3x0.5 6H 6 Flange thickness + Hole depth - 2mm
28/32/38 GHz UBR320 PBR320 WR28 4 x M3 4 M3x0.5 6H 6 Flange thickness + Hole depth - 2mm
42 GHz UG-383/U UG-383/U WR22 4 x M3 4 M3x0.5 6H 6 Flange thickness + Hole depth - 2mm

ODU Grounding Procedure

To ground the ODU:
1. Locate the green 2 m ground wire in the ODU installation kit. One end is
fitted with a crimp lug, the other is free.
2. Fasten the lugged end of ground wire to the ODU grounding stud. Before
tightening, ensure the cable is correctly aligned towards the tower.
3. Locate a position on a tower member for a ground clamp or similar. This
must be as close as practical below the ODU for downward-angled
positioning of the ground wire.
Run the ground wi re down from the ODU to i ts ground poi nt
usi ng the shortest practi cal path. Do not l oop or spi ral the
ground wi re.
4. Scrape any paint or oxidation from the tower at the clamping point to
ensure a good low-resistance contact.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 87


5. Cut the ground wire so there will be a just a little slack in the wire when
connected to its ground clamp. A ground clamp is not supplied as part of an
ODU installation kit.
6. Strip the insulation back by 25 mm (1’), fit into a ground clamp, and firmly
secure clamp to tower.
7. Liberally apply conductive grease/paste around the ground clamp to provide
corrosion resistance. Also apply to the ODU ground stud.


Installing STR 600

Aviat's STR 600 employs a filter-based Outdoor Branching Unit (OBU) with ODU
600Ts to enable co-path operation on split-mount links for Gbit/s trunk capacities.
l The OBU is designed to support four co-path links using four ODU 600Ts.
Each is factory built and tuned for its intended function - field adjustment is
not supported.
l One OBU is used for 4+0 operation.
l Two OBUs are used for 8+0 or 4+4 space diversity (filter-based OBU does not
support 1+1 hot-standby).
l Four OBUs are used for 8+8 space diversity.
l Links can be CCDP, ACCP, ACAP, or a mix.
The OBU installs vertically or horizontally on a standard 112 mm pipe-mount.
l Top and bottom brackets are used to mount vertically onto a vertical pipe.
Mid-point brackets are used to mount horizontally onto a vertical pipe.
l It may be installed with its waveguide port(s) up, or down.
l Where practical ODUs should be installed with their ODU cable connector
facing downwards.
The ODU 600T is purpose-designed for use with the OBU. Separate Tx and Rx BMA
connectors are used to connect to matching OBU ports. (ODU 600T is not fitted
with a diplexer).
Unterminated OBU ports must be terminated with 50 ohm loads (Tx and Rx). A
dummy load unit is available for this purpose, comprising an ODU 600T housing
with in-built loads. It is fitted the same way as the ODU 600T.
l The part number for the dummy load is EET-DL-001.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 89


Figure 5-38. OBU Showing ODU 600T Mounting Flanges

Figure 5-39. Vertical-mounted OBU with Four ODU 600Ts


Figure 5-40. OBU Rear View

Figure 5-41. Typical OBU Vertical Installation

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 91


Figure 5-42. Horizontal-mounted OBUs (Dimensions mm)

OBU Installation Procedure

CAUTION: The OBU at 16 kg (36 lbs) and with dimensions of 700
mm x 300 mm x 200 mm requires special handling during install-
ation. It should be lifted into place using appropriate hoisting tackle.

The OBU is supplied as a single unit with filters and circulators installed and tuned
to customer specifications. A label on the OBU provides information on its Tx and
Rx filter bandwidths and center frequencies.
It is supplied with two pipe-mount clamps, and associated nuts, bolts and washers.
The waveguide port(s) are protected with a plastic film. ODU ports are protected by
a plastic cover.
For vertical mounting the OBU may be mounted with its waveguide port(s) up, or
l When mounted with WG ports up, the ODU cable connections will face down,
and vice-versa.
Flex waveguide and attachment bolts are separately supplied (separate order item).
Waveguide ports are identical to the radio flange used on direct-mount ODUs for
bands 6 to 11 GHz. See ODU Waveguide Flange Data on page 86.


The OBU shoul d be hoi sted i nto pl ace and securel y fastened to
i ts pi pe mount before i ts ODUs are i nstal l ed.
Before hoi sti ng i nto pl ace ensure the i ntended l ocati on al l ows
for easy i nstal l ati on of ODUs, and i nstal l ati on of the antenna
fl ex wavegui de(s) or coax.

OBU Procedure
1. Carefully hoist the OBU into place. Eye-bolts are provided on the OBU for
hoist-rope attachment.
2. Mount the OBU onto its pipe mount using the included clamps, nuts, bolts
and washers.
o The OBU has clamp locations to suit vertical or horizontal installation on
a vertical 112 mm OD pipe mount.
o Securely fasten OBU clamp bolts. Torque nuts to 20 Nm (15 ft/lbs).
5. Liberally apply anti-corrosive grease around the OBU clamp bolts/nuts.
6. Ground the OBU. A ground wire is included.
o Ground as for an ODU, using the grounding stud fitted adjacent to the
OBU waveguide port(s). see ODU Grounding Procedure on page 87.
8. Fit the OBU-to-antenna flex waveguide or coax. See instructions below.
o For 6 to 11 GHz OBUs flex waveguide is used. For 4+0 CCDP channel
arrangements two flex waveguides are used, one for the vertical pol
connection, one for horizontal.
o For the 5 GHz OBU low-loss coax cables with Type-N connectors are

Flex Waveguide Procedure

1. Remove one rubber gasket from the packet supplied with the flexible
waveguide, apply a thin smear of silicon grease to the gasket, and fit the
gasket to the recess in the waveguide flange.
2. Firmly attach the flange to the OBU feed head using the bolts supplied.
3. Repeat for the antenna-end of the flex waveguide.
o Check that the run of the waveguide provides best protection and ease of
support before fastening the antenna-end flange.
o Secure the waveguide to prevent wind-flex using hanger assemblies or
similar. If cable ties are used, do not over-tighten.

Coax Procedure
1. Position the run of the cable for best protection and ease of support.
2. Firmly hand-tighten the connectors.
3. Weatherproof the connectors using mastic or self amalgamating tape. See
Weatherproofing on page 106.
4. Secure the cable to prevent wind-flex using hanger assemblies or similar. If
cable ties are used, do not over-tighten.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 93


ODU 600T Installation Procedure

ODU 60oT uses the same attachment procedure as ODU 600, except there is no
requirement to set an antenna polarization or ensure correct waveguide port align-
ODU 600T uses separate BMA connectors for Tx and Rx OBU port connection. The
connectors are auto-aligned at ODU-to-OBU mating.
l ODUs must be matched end-end on their RAC connections. For example the
ODU mounted on OBU port 1 at one end of the link must be associated with
the ODU mounted on OBU port 1 at the other end of the link via their RAC
(ODU cable) connections.
l For ease of installation/configuration, RACx2 modules should be located in
slot-order in the CTR chassis.
l ODU 600Ts are software set for Tx Hi or Tx Lo on bands L6 and above. But at
5 GHz the ODUs are fixed for Tx Hi or Tx Lo.
o OBUs are manufactured for Tx Hi or Tx Lo ODU operation. For 5 GHz
OBUs, ensure the correct ODU 600T selection is made.

1. Remove the protective cap on the ODU BMA connectors and check the
mounting collar and connectors are undamaged, clean, and dry.
2. Carefully locate the ODU onto its OBU collar and push home. The
ODU/OBU interface is keyed for one-way-only connection.
3. Ensure the ODU bolt-down points are correctly seated, insert the four
fastening bolts and hand-tighten.
4. Re-check for correct seating then firmly tighten the bolts with an open-ended
19 mm (3/4”) spanner. If a torque wrench is used, set for a value of 30 Nm.
5. To remove an ODU, reverse this procedure.
To complete the installation refer to:
l ODU Grounding Procedure on page 87
l Installing ODU Cables and Accessories on page 95.

Dummy Load
Where a dummy load is to be installed in place of an ODU 600T, its physical install-
ation is identical to the ODU 600T.


Installing ODU Cables and Accessories

The ODU cabl e must compl y wi th CTR requi rements and where
i nstal l ed on a tower or si mi l ar, fi tted wi th speci fi ed l i ghtni ng
surge arrestors and ground ki ts. I f arrestors and grounds are
not i nstal l ed, or are i ncorrectl y i nstal l ed, the Avi at Networks
warranty may be voi ded.
This section includes information on:
l ODU Cable Options on page 95
l Coaxial Cable Installation Requirements on page 96
l ODU Cable Grounding on page 96
l Lightning Surge Arrestors on page 99
l Type N Cable Connectors on page 105
l Jumper Cables on page 105
l Weatherproofing on page 106

ODU Cable Options

Recommended ODU cable types are:
l Cinta CNT-400
l Cinta CNT-300
l Belden 9913
The CNT series cables are available from Aviat Networks.
The maximum CTR-to-ODU cable run for CNT-400 and Belden 9913 is 300 m (1000
ft). For CNT-300 the maximum is 150 m (500 ft).
For cable data see CTR Hardware Installation on page 37.
ODU Cable Kits are available for CNT cables. Kit contents are shown in the table
below for 50 m, 75 m, and 150 m cable runs.
Table 5-11. Cable Kit Contents and Quantity for CNT-300 and CNT-400 ODU Cables
KIT: 50m Kit 75m Kit 150m Kit
Coaxial cable length 50m 75m 150m
Type N male crimp connectors 2 2 2
Universal coaxial cable grounding kit 3 3 3
Cable ground clamp - for tower termination 3 3 6
Cable ties (50 per kit) 1 2 3
Weatherproofing kit 1 1 1
Installation sheet 1 1 1

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 95


These and other cable accessories can also be purchased individually or in quantity.
Contact Aviat Networks or your supplier for details.

Coaxial Cable Installation Requirements

Table 5-12. Summary of Installation Requirements for ODU Coaxial Cables

Task Required con- Explanation

Installing con- Crimped connectors Always use the crimp tool designed for the crimped con-
nectors nectors/cable being used. A recommended crimp tool for
connectors used with the RG-8/U type cable is available
from Aviat Networks as Part No. 840-600203-001.
When removing the jacket Take great care when removing the jacket to keep the
- all coaxial cable outer conductor intact. A scored outer conductor will
weaken the cable and, for a solid outer cable, can cause
the outer conductor to break or crack when subsequently
When removing the jacket - Always use the cut-off and strip tool specifically designed
solid outer conductor cable for the cable being used.
Fastening Type N connectors Tighten Type N connectors (male to female) by hand only.
Weatherproofing All outdoor connections must be made weatherproof.
Refer to Weatherproofing on page 106.
Planning the Protection for the cable The route chosen must provide physical protection for the
route cable (protection against accidental damage).

Keep access to tower and ser- The cable must be positioned so that there is unimpeded
vices clear access to the tower and to services on the tower.
Ease of running and fasten- Use a route which minimizes potential for damage to the
ing cable jacket and avoids excessive cable re-bending.
Installing the Cable jacket Keep cable clear of sharp edges
Cable support Rod support kits or similar must be used across unsup-
ported sections of the cable run so that the cable cannot
flex in the wind.
Bend radius Ensure the minimum bend radius for the cable is not
Cable ties Use one UV-resistant cable tie (from the ODU cable kit)
every 1m (3 ft) or less, of cable.
Cable grounding Ensure the cable is grounded in accordance with the
instructions provided in ODU Cable Grounding on page
Ice-fall protection Ensure adequate physical protection for the cable where
ice-fall from towers can occur.

ODU Cable Grounding

Ground kits are included in the ODU Cable Kits. Or they can be purchased indi-
For tower/mast installations the ODU cable must be grounded at:


l The point where it comes on to the tower from the ODU.

l The point where it leaves the tower to go to the equipment building.
l Not more than 25 m (80 ft) intervals on the tower if the height on the tower
exceeds 50 m (165 ft).
l A point just prior to building entry.
Instructions for installing cable grounds are provided with the Cable Ground kits.
ODU cable ground connections must be correctly weatherproofed to ensure there is
no possibility of water entry into the cable jacket. Weatherproofing instructions are
provided with the cable ground kits. Otherwise, refer to Weatherproofing on page
If the building-end lightning surge arrestor is installed prior to the cable entering the
building, the ground kit must be installed on the tower side of the arrestor. See Build-
ing Entry Installation on page 103.
The figure below shows typical tower locations for cable grounding and lightning
surge arrestors. Note that an external arrestor is shown at the ODU end - this is not
required for ODU 600 or ODU 300hp, unless specified by the operator.
At non-standard installations, such as building tops or the sides of buildings, follow
the same general guidelines but where proper grounding points are not provided
these must first be installed. Refer to Aviat Networks Best Practices Guide.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 97


Figure 5-43. Locations for Cable Grounds and Surge arrestors

Item Description
1 ODU and antenna
2 Lightning surge arrestor


Item Description
3 arrestor and ODU ground wires
4 Cable ground
5 The ODU cable must be supported by black cable (UV resistant) ties at intervals no
greater than 1m (3 feet). The ODU cable must not run adjacent to tower lightning
ground or electrical cables.
6 If the height of the cable on the tower exceeds 50 m (165 feet), install additional
cable grounds at not more than 23 m (80 foot) intervals.
7 Cable ground
8 Cable carrier
9 Cable ground
10 Lightning arrestor
11 External master ground bar
12 Rack ground bar
13 CTR
14 Site grounding grid/radials

Lightning Surge Arrestors

Refer to:
l Lightning Arrestor Kit on page 100
l Arrestor Installation at Building Entry on page 100
l Arrestor Installation at the ODU on page 104

CAUTION: Incorrect equipment and cable grounding and a failure to

correctly install lightning surge arrestors can invalidate the Aviat Net-
works warranty.

I f ci rcumstances do not permi t normal i nstal l ati on practi ces

or do not appear to warrant a normal i nstal l ati on, the con-
sequences and/or recommended sol uti ons shoul d be con-
fi rmed wi th the Avi at Networks hel p desk or approved
i nstal l ati on compani es.
ODU 600, ODU 600sp, ODU 600T, and ODU 300hp have an internal arrestor,
(ODU 300hp since mid 2008). An external ODU arrestor is not required on ODUs fit-
ted with an internal arrestor unless specified by the site owner or operator.
An arrestor should be installed at building entry to provide added protection to the
indoor equipment, including that of other vendors. But where specified by the site
owner or by local regulations, it must be installed.
For more information on recommended installation practices for lightning pro-
tection, refer to the Best Practices Guide.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 99


Whi l e an i nternal matri x-type arrestor i s standard on ODU

600s and ODU 300hp, an addi ti onal external ODU arrestor
may sti l l be requi red to compl y wi th l ocal i nstal l ati on prac-
ti ces i n regi ons that experi ence severe l i ghtni ng stri kes.
For external arrestor installations, the supplied arrestor (Universal Lightning
Arrestor) is an in-line matrix type. It has a dc-blocked RF path with multiple pro-
tection stages in the parallel dc path. These arrestors are designed to withstand
repeated strikes and in the event they do fail, to hard-fail so as not to cause uncer-
tain or intermittent operation.
If an ODU 300hp does not have the following label fitted, an external
ODU lightning surge arrestor must be fitted.

Lightning Arrestor Kit

The ULA (Universal Lightning Arrestor), type 108-1118B-A, is a compact cylindrical
inline arrestor.
Two versions are available, N-female to N-female, or N-male to N-female
The ULAs are bi-directional - they can be installed with either connector facing the
The ULA kit includes a ground wire, crimp lug, washer, nut and O-ring. The ground
wire is terminated at one end for connection to the ULA, and is un-terminated at the
other to enable correct cutting-to-length and the fitting of the crimp lug, or con-
nection to a tower ground clamp.
Figure 5-44. Universal Lightning Arrestor Kit

Arrestor Installation at Building Entry

Applies to installation of an arrestor at the building-entry end of the ODU cable.
The bui l di ng entry arrestor must be grounded to the master
ground bar at, or j ust bel ow, the cabl e poi nt of entry. F or
detai l s on master ground bar l ocati on, refer to the Best
Practi ces Gui de.



The ULA is intended for bulkhead-mounted on the wall-feed-through plate, or within

the cable tray just inside the building.
Refer to:
l Bulkhead Installation Procedure: Grounded Copper Entryway Plate on page
l Bulkhead Installation Procedure: Non-grounded / Non-master Entryway Plate
on page 102
l Building Entry Installation on page 103

Bulkhead Installation Procedure: Grounded Copper Entryway

The ULA ground wire is not required if the ULA is directly mounted to a properly
grounded copper entryway plate. This plate can either be a feed-through plate form-
ing the entryway itself, or a ground termination strip just inside the shelter entry-
way. The figure below illustrates the grounded entryway option.
Figure 5-45. ULA Installed in Copper Plate Entryway

Item Description
1 Lightning Surge arrestor
2 Rubber seal
3 Copper entryway plate
4 Star washer and nut
5 Mastic weatherproofing
6 Cable ground kit
7 Jumper cable
8 Rack ground wire
9 Equipment rack
10 Site ground system


260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 101


Carefully knock-out or drill for an N connector in the wall entryway plate. Where
provided, select a knockout with flats.
Install the ULA using the O-ring, star washer and nut provided. Check the O-ring is
correctly located within its groove, and up against the inside face of the plate.
Trim the ODU cable to length, fit an N male connector, and attach to the ULA.
Weatherproof the external N connector assembly using mastic and vinyl tape. See
Weatherproofing on page 106.
Install a jumper cable from the ULA to the indoor radio unit.

Bulkhead Installation Procedure: Non-grounded / Non-master

Entryway Plate
The ULA ground wire is required if the ULA is mounted to an un-grounded entryway
plate or a plate made from non or poor conductive material (aluminum is considered
a poor conductor).
Figure 5-46. ULA Installed in Non-grounded Entryway Plate

Item Description
2 Rubber seal
3 Entryway plate (not copper)
4 Star washer and nut
5 Mastic weatherproofing
6 Ground cable
7 External ground bar
8 Internal master ground bar

1. Carefully knock-out or drill for an N connector in the wall entryway plate.
Where provided, select a knockout with flats.
2. Install the ULA using the O-ring, ground wire, star washer and nut
provided. Check that the O-ring is correctly located within its groove, and



up against the inside face of the feed-through plate. Ensure that the ground
wire cable is pointing down.
3. Trim the ground wire to length allowing a little slack in the wire when
connected to the external ground bar. Fit the crimp lug supplied to the
trimmed end of the ground wire and firmly bolt it to the ground bar.
4. Trim the ODU cable to length, fit an N-type male connector, and attach to
the ULA.
5. Weatherproof the external N connector assembly using mastic and vinyl
tape. See Weatherproofing on page 106.
6. Install a jumper cable from the ULA to the indoor radio unit.

Building Entry Installation

Determine where the ULA is to be located. This should be just inside the building,
and as close as practical to the entry point – no more than 1m (3ft) from the entry-
way. A location must be chosen that ensures that the body of the ULA will not be in
electrical contact with any metal structure (cable tray or similar support structure).
If necessary it should be mounted to the metal support structure using a ceramic or
porcelain insulator.
Figure 5-47. ULA Installed Inside

Item Description
1 Lightning Surge arrestor
2 Ground wire
2a Preferred path for ULA ground wire
3 Wall gland
4 Internal master ground bar
5 External ground bar
6 Cable ground kit

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 103


Item Description
7 ODU cable
8 Indoor unit to arrestor jumper cable
9 Equipment rack
10 Site ground system

1. Fit the lugged end of the ground wire to the N-female end of the ULA (end
with 'flats' on the thread) and securely fasten using the star washer and nut
2. Trim the ODU cable to length, fit an N male connector, and attach to the
ground-wire end of the ULA.
3. Trim the ULA ground wire so there is just a little slack in the wire when
connected to the master ground bar or external ground bar. Fit the crimp lug
supplied and firmly bolt to the ground bar. (Where possible connect to the
external entryway ground bar - surge-related grounds should go directly to
the external ground bar).
4. Install a jumper cable from the ULA to the indoor radio unit.
l At sites where the arrestor cannot be located adjacent to building entry, the
arrestor ground wire must be returned directly to the master ground bar - it
must not be connected to the rack ground or similar.
l For an external ground bar ground connection, apply copper-based protective
grease around the nut/bolt/lug of the ground-bar end of the ground wire.
l If the arrestor is located outside the building, connectors must be
weatherproofed. After weatherproofing, apply copper-based protective grease
around the nut/bolt/lug of the arrestor end of the ground wire.

Arrestor Installation at the ODU

This procedure applies for ODU 600 and 300hp where an additional external ODU
arrestor is required by the site operator. It would normally only apply in regions
where severe lightning strikes are experienced.

ULA Installation Procedure

The ULA should be installed with a support bracket, which provides rigidity and
strain relief for the ULA, and eliminates the need for a separate ground wire for the
ULA. A support bracket is available for use with ODU 300hp. A bracket for use with
ODU 600s is scheduled. This procedure describes an ODU 300hp installation.
1. Install ULA onto ODU N-type female connector using the supplied 90 degree
N-type adapter. ULA model must be N-type male to N-type female.
2. Install bracket to secure the ULA.
o Fit the bracket onto the ULA and ground stud.
o Fit the ODU ground wire onto the ground stud.



o Fasten using the self-locking nut supplied. Ensure correct alignment of

the ULA with its bracket before tightening.
6. Fit ODU cable to the ULA. The ODU cable should be run in a downward
direction from the ULA to the tower.
7. Ensure the ODU cable is supported within 0.6m (2 ft.) of the ULA. The cable
must not be run in a manner that unduly stresses the mechanical interface
of the ULA to the ODU connector. If necessary (to provide easier ODU cable
running) install an additional N-Type 90 degree adapter to the ULA.
8. Complete required weatherproofing. See Weatherproofing on page 106.
The figure below shows installation of the ULA and its support bracket.
Figure 5-48. Installation of ULA on ODU 300hp

Type N Cable Connectors

For recommended connectors and cable trim dimensions see CTR Cable and Con-
nector Data on page 141.
Ensure connectors are correctl y fi tted to thei r cabl e. Where
cri mp connectors are used, ensure the correct cri mp tool i s
Onl y mate connectors fi nger-ti ght - do not use pl i ers or si m-
i l ar.
All Type N con n ect ors u sed ou t doors m u st be weat h erproofed.

Jumper Cables
A jumper cable is used to connect from CTR RACx1 or RACx2 modules to the light-
ning surge arrestor at building entry (where installed), or to the ODU cable.
A 3m jumper cable is included with each RAC, fitted with an SMA male connector at
the RAC end and a Type N female at the other. If the run length required is greater
than 3m, an extension cable can be prepared using the ODU cable with Type N con-
nectors fitted at both ends.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 105


Weatherproofing kits are included with the ODU cable kit and with lightning surge
arrestors. Two types of weatherproofing media are available, Mastic Tape or Self
Amalgamating Tape.
l Butyl Mastic is supplied with the ODU cable kit. The kit also includes
insulating tape for pre and post wrapping. The recommended items are:
o Butyl Mastic tape: Andrew Corporation, Part No. 221213
o Insulation Tape: 3M Company Electrical Markets Division (EMD), Part No.
Super 33+
l Self amalgamating is supplied to order (Aviat Part No. 086-523240-001).

Butyl Mastic Tape

The ODU cable ground kits include rolls of vinyl and butyl mastic tape. A two-layer
wrap process is recommended:
l An initial layer of mastic. It is this tape that provides the weatherproofing.
l A top layer or layers of vinyl tape to support good amalgamation and
adhesion of the mastic tape and to provide UV protection.
Where masti c tape i s used to weatherproof connectors a
three-l ayer process i s recommended, where a center l ayer of
vi nyl tape i s appl i ed before the masti c to faci l i tate easy stri p-
back when connector di sconnecti on i s requi red. Speci al atten-
ti on must be gi ven to ensuri ng the masti c tape seal s cl eanl y
to the pri mary surfaces, such as the cabl e j acket.

Wrapping Guidelines, Mastic (Butyl) Tape

To weatherproof connectors start at 1. To weatherproof a cable ground start at 3.
1. Ensure connectors are firmly finger-tight, dry, and free from all grease and
dirt. If necessary, clean with rag lightly moistened with alcohol-based
2. Using vinyl tape, pre-wrap just the center section of the connector barrel -
the section to which access will be needed if the connector ever needs to be
undone. Use a 25% overlay when wrapping. To avoid curl-back do not
stretch the tape too tightly at the end point.
On an ODU connector, l eave at l east two-thi rds of the smooth
l ength of the barrel cl ear of pre-wrap vi nyl tape, to ensure
the masti c tape has suffi ci ent area of di rect gri p.
3. Wrap with mastic tape using a half to 2/3rds width overly, and ensure there
is at least a 25 mm (1”) attachment onto the primary surfaces to either side
(cable jacket, ground wire, connector).
4. For a cable ground, ensure there is no possibility of water penetrating
between the ODU cable and its ground wire by first applying and forming



mastic tape around the ground wire where it lies against the ODU cable. The
ground wire must always exit from the bottom of the wrap.
5. Starting at the bottom, wrap the mastic tape in an overlapping pattern,
slightly stretching the tape as you wrap. By wrapping from the bottom you
help to ensure there are no ridges or pockets for water to sit in.
There must be a ful l seal of masti c tape onto the pri mary sur-
face for weatherproofi ng i ntegri ty.
6. Firm over by hand and squeeze the tape along its edges to form it to the
connection. Use tear-off section of the mastic tape backing to protect your
hands. Check that there is no possibility of water entry before proceeding to
the next step.
7. Cover the mastic tape with layers of vinyl tape.
8. For a cable ground, wrap from the bottom, with the first layer extending
25mm (1”) each side of the mastic tape. Subsequent layers must extend no
less than 25mm (1”) each side of the previous layer.
9. Wrap the tape in an overlapping pattern at not less than a half width,
slightly stretching the tape is you wrap, except do not do not stretch for the
last two turns of the top layer to prevent curl-back.
10. Squeeze the completed wrapping to ensure all layers are firm.
To avoi d di spl acement of the masti c tape, do not stretch the
fi nal l ayer(s) of vi nyl tape across sharp corners and edges.

Self Amalgamating Tape

Self amalgamating tape binds to the host and bonds between layers to provide a con-
tinuous seal. It is especially useful in tight locations.

Wrapping Guidelines, Amalgamating Tape

1. Ensure the connectors are firmly finger-tight, dry, and free from grease and
dirt. If necessary, clean with a rag lightly moistened with alcohol-based
2. Apply the tape with tension (slight stretching), using at least a
75% overlay.
3. Where possible, apply the tape 25 mm (1”) past the ends of the connector
barrels to ensure the weatherproof bond extends beyond the areas requiring
protection. The tape must be applied in such a way that the sealing is robust
(no obvious weak points).
4. To avoid curl-back, do not stretch the tape too tightly at the end.
5. To assist UV protection, a post-wrap using vinyl tape can be applied.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 107


Installing IRU 600

Bef or e commi ssi oni ng an IRU 600 and compani on C TR,
i ts antenna, wav egui de, and wav egui de pr essur i zati on
equi pment must be i nstal l ed accor di ng to man-
uf actur er ’s i nstr ucti ons.
Unl ess otherwi se stated, reference to I RU 600 refers to I RU
600v2 and I RU 600v3.
For guidance on installing antennas, waveguide and pressurization equipment, see
the Best Practices Guide from Aviat Networks.
Refer to:
l IRU 600 Installation Procedure on page 108
l Grounding on page 110
l Waveguide Connection on page 111
l Expansion Port Use on page 112
l Power Supply on page 113
l Insertion Loss Labels on page 114
l Frequency Change on page 114
l FAN Module on page 114
l IRU 600 Compatibility on page 115

IRU 600 Installation Procedure

This procedure applies to IRU 600v2, and IRU 600v3. Unless otherwise stated, ref-
erence to IRU 600 refers to both variants.
1. Fit the rack mounting brackets onto the chassis.
o Brackets can be mounted in either a forward mount or a flush mount
o Brackets can be mounted such that the grounding stud is to the left or
right side.
2. Install the chassis. If installing multiple chassis:
o For IRU 600v2 install with a 3RU space between the chassis to permit
installation of an expansion or extension kit. This space can be used to
install the CTR.
o For IRU 600v3 no chassis spacing is required, but a 1RU space should be
retained above the top and below the bottom of the chassis stack to ease
hand access to RFU - ACU cable installation.



3. Locate and secure RFU(s) and ACU in the IRU 600 chassis.
o For IRU 600v3 the chassis-mounted post fitted to secure the right side of
the RFU / left side of the ACU front cover is removable.
o This is to assist connection/dis-connection of the RFU SMA connectors,
and the DIN5 connector on 1+1 configurations.
CAUTION: When re-fitting the IRU 600v3 removable post do not
over-tighten. Thumb-tighten only to avoid thread-striping.

Figure 5-49. IRU 600v3 Removable Post

4. Connect the RFU(s) to the ACU using the supplied RF cables. Refer to the cabling
diagram on the rear side of the ACU front panel. The lower RFU is A-side, the top B-
side. A-side is the default online RFU in a 1+1 protected pairing.
Figure 5-50. Example Cabling Diagram on Rear of ACU Front Panel

5. For ACUs fitted with a Tx coaxial switch, fit the RFU-to-switch cable
o For IRU 600v3 the fixing post in front of the RFU connectors can be
removed to aid connector access. See step 3 above.
o Ensure cables connect to the correct RFU. Refer to the cabling diagram on
the rear side of the ACU front cover.
o Ensure DIN5 RFU cable connectors are correctly inserted and locked using
the connector locking ring - turn the ring clockwise until clicked into its
locked position.
o Ensure the switch connector is held secure using its screw fasteners.
o The Tx switch cable must remain securely connected at all times. Incorrect
communication between the RFU and Tx switch may result in mismatched
A-side and B-side operation and loss of standby.
CAUTION: Check installation of DIN5 RFU cable connectors. The lock
ring should home with an audible click.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 109


Mul ti pl e vol tage pul es are used to energi ze the Tx swi tch
rel ay.
6. Connect the RFU(s) to the CTR RAC card(s) using the supplied IF cable(s).
The minimum bend radius of the IF cable is 25 mm.
Figure 5-51. IRU 600v2 Tx Switch and RFUv2 Connections

Figure 5-52. IRU 600v3 Tx Switch and RFUv3 Connections

CAUTION: Ambient temperatures must not exceed 55 0C (131 0F). If

installed in a rack cabinet, it is the ambient within the cabinet.

The chassis grounding stud accommodates ground cables up to 16 mm2 (AWG 6).
The stud also provides jack plug connection for a wrist strap.
1. Ground the IRU 600 from the grounding stud to the rack/frame ground bar
using 4 mm2 (AWG 12) green PVC insulated stranded copper wire with a



suitably sized crimp lug at the ground bar end (supplied by the installer).
2. If the equipment rack/frame requires grounding, use 16 mm2 (AWG 6) wire
from its ground bar to the station ground.

Safety Requirements for Equipment Grounding

l Do not assume that an existing rack or mounting frame is correctly grounded.
Always check the integrity of the ground connections, which must include a
check through to the master ground for the station, which should be located at
the point of cable entry to the equipment building. Ground wires must provide
a direct, low impedance path to the master ground bar.
l Do not connect other equipment to the same grounding cable as the CTR.
Each item of equipment in a rack must be separately grounded to the rack
ground bar.
l The CTR and companion IRU 600 must be located in the same immediate
area (adjacent racks/cabinets) as all other equipment with a (ground)
connection to a common DC supply source.
l All intra-building signal cabling must be shielded and both ends of each shield
must be grounded.
l There must be no switching or disconnecting devices in the grounded circuit
conductor between the DC source and the point of connection of the grounding
electrode conductor.

Waveguide Grounding
Grounding the waveguide is an essential part of the overall lightning protection
scheme at the site. The number of waveguide grounds required is dependent on the
antenna height at its center-line. At a height of 45m, the minimum number of wave-
guide grounds required is three:
l One located at the top of the vertical waveguide run, about 1 meter below the
bend before the waveguide goes horizontal toward the antenna,
l One located at the bottom of the vertical cable run, about a meter above the
bend before the waveguide goes horizontal toward the equipment room entry
l One located at the equipment room entry way point.
The top and bottom ground is typically connected to a tower ground bar, or to the
tower steel using a ground clamp. The entryway ground should be attached to the
ground bus bar, generally located directly below the waveguide entryway point.
If the height of the antenna center-line is greater than 45m, then additional grounds
are required every 25m, or part of, above the 45m level. The topmost one should be
located about 1 meter below the bend before the waveguide goes horizontal toward
the antenna.

Waveguide Connection
Connect ACU antenna port(s) to waveguide(s) using flexible waveguide.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 111


For information on required waveguide flanges, and recommended waveguide type,

refer to the following table. Data shows flange type for Main, Expansion and Exten-
sion Kit ports.
Remove and discard any protective flange/port covers before installation.
Table 5-13. ACU Flange Data

*The Screw length assumes a flex twist mating flange thickness of 1/4".
Flange screw-fastener data is as follows (no. of screws and screw thread):
l CPR137 = 8x #10-32
l CMR137 = 8x #6-32
l CPR112 = 8x #8-32
l CMR112 = 8x #6-32
l CPR90 = 8x #8-32
l UG39 = 4x #8-32

For IRU 600v2 the thread length is 1/2" for 5.8/6 GHz; 7/16" for 7/8/10/11 GHz.
l The length assumes a flex twist mating flange thickness of 1/4”.
l This data does not apply to IRU 600v3 as antenna port circulators are not
l Flange screw kits for IRU 600v2 are available as an option.

Expansion Port Use

The expansion port allows system expansion through the addition of co-located IRU
600 radios, or external radio equipment.
When multiple carriers are deployed on a common branching network (same
antenna), the selection and installation of branching network components must be
such that threshold degradation caused by intermodulation products is avoided.
l While the IRU 600 ACUs are specified to avoid placing undue constraints on
frequency planning for multiple carrier systems, the following conditional
requirements are intended to provide guidelines on the selection and
installation of branching frequencies and components.
o The intermodulation frequency products that result from combining two or
more transmitter frequencies on a common antenna feeder should be 48



MHz or more above or below each of the receiver frequencies present on the
same antenna feeder.
o Systems employing carrier frequencies with potential to cause
intermodulation products within 48 MHz of any of the receiver frequencies
present on the same antenna branching network (feeder) must be designed
and installed to mitigate the effects of such intermodulation products.

Power Supply
CAUTION: To connect or disconnect power to IRU 600 RFUs, use the
circuit breaker(s). Do not use the front panel power supply cables as
power connect/disconnect devices.

CAUTION: Never connect or disconnect a 2W2 DC power connector

with power on.

The DC power suppl y must be SELV compl i ant (maxi mum l i m-

i ted 60 Vdc).
For IRU 600 power consumption figures refer to Power Supply on page 44.

IRU 600v2
Standard power RFUs are powered over the IF cable from its CTR RACs.
l Standard power RFUs are available for L6/U6 only.
l High power RFUs are additionally powered using a separate DC input on the
RFU front panel.
o The power connector (D-Sub M/F 2W2) and cable is identical to that used
for CTR 8540.
o The high power RFU provides a wide-mouth connection for +/- 21 to 56
Vdc. Both +ve and -ve pins are isolated from ground.
o The integral DC/DC converter provides polarity protection, under/over
voltage shutdown, over-current limit, and thermal shutdown.
Run the supplied power cable through to a circuit breaker on the rack power dis-
tribution panel. The circuit breaker should have a rating of 8 A.
l Each RFU must be connected through to its own circuit breaker.
l Connect the blue wire to -48 Vdc (live), and the black wire to (+ve) Ground.
There are no serviceable fuses.

IRU 600v3
RFUs for standard power or high power operation are powered over the IF cable from
its CTR RACs. The RFU is SW configured for standard or high power. High power
operation requires a feature license.
l Standard power and high power operation is available on all IRU 600v3
frequency bands.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 113


IRU oper ati on r equi r es C TR 8540 RAC x1 or RAC x2.

For the L6 and U6 IRU 600v 3 EHP RFU a degr aded
thr eshol d appl i es on smal l non-standar d T/R spaci ngs
(l ess than 150 M Hz).

Insertion Loss Labels

Labels on the ACU provide factory-measured insertion loss data. These list the loss
for each filter and circulator, and the total loss through the ACU (filters, circulators,
cables, plus any protection components, such as Tx switch and couplers). Total (com-
bined) loss figures are entered into Portal to enable computation of Tx power and
RSL figures at the ACU antenna waveguide port(s) based on the RFU measured val-
ues of Tx power and RSL.
For IRU 600v2 and IRU 600v3 an additional label shows the insertion loss of the Tx
monitoring port. The value must be taken into account when measuring output
power with a power meter.

Frequency Change
The following criteria apply to a frequency change:
l The RFUs support frequency changes within the same band.
l The ACU must be re-tuned if the frequency is changed outside its specified
pass band. Re-tuning is a factory procedure - ACUs must be returned to Aviat
Networks for re-tuning. Nominal ACU pass-band ranges are:
o 6 GHz: 30 MHz
o 7/8/11 GHz: 40 MHz
o 10.5 GHz: 15 MHz
Note that for a change from 5.8 GHz to L6 the RFU remains the same, but the ACU
must be changed for a L6 ACU. An antenna change may also be needed.

FAN Module
The fan units in an RFU are removable for service/replacement. Fan module replace-
ment is non traffic affecting.
l For IRU 600v2 a fan cover is removed to expose the two fans. Removal and
replacement is per-fan.
l For the IRU 600v3 the four fans are located on a removable/replaceable front-
cover fan tray.
o To remove, unscrew the fan tray fasteners, ease outwards and carefully dis-
connect the rear cable connector. Fan replacement is per-tray.
o When replacing the fan tray ensure the supply cable is routed so it is not
pinched when the tray is fastened, and that during operation it cannot
come into contact with a fan.



l Fan operation is monitored. Each fan has a matching alarm.

l For IRU 600v2 both fans are operated at a fixed speed.
l IRU 600v3 fan speed is temperature-dependent.
I f one fan needs to be repl aced, repl ace al l fans.
CAUTION: Handle the Fan module with care . Do no knock the mod-
ule or touch the fan blades. Doing so can move the fan impellor off-
center and cause premature failure.

Figure 5-53. IRU 600v3 Fan Tray Removal

IRU 600 Compatibility

IRU 600v2 has a 3RU chassis. IRU 600v3 has a 2RU chassis.
While their ACUs are unique, the V3 RFUs can be used in V2 chassis using a con-
version kit (Part No. 179-530112-001) .
The following use guidelines apply:
l V3 RFUs can be installed in a IRU 600v2 chassis using a conversion kit, which
increases RFU unit height to match the mounting points provided for V1 and
V2 RFUs.
o The V3 RFU (with conversion kit installed) can be used in non-protected
and MHSB or MHSB/SD V2 chassis.
o A V2 RFU cannot be installed in a V3 chassis.
l V2 and V3 ACUs are not interchangeable.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 115


Chapter 6. Antenna Alignment

This section describes the process of correctly aligning antennas. Refer to:
l Preparing to Align Antennas on page 118
l Signal Strength Measurement on page 119
l Aligning the Antenna on page 122
l Antenna Alignment for CCDP XPIC Links on page 125
l Main Beams and Side Lobes on page 138

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 117


Preparing to Align Antennas

Before aligning antennas ensure:
l The ODUs/RFUs are powered up at both ends of the link.
l Transmit and receive frequencies are correctly set.
l Transmit powers are correctly set and transmit mute is turned off.
I f frequency and/or power setti ngs are not correct for the
appl i cati on, i nterference may be caused to other l i nks i n the
same geographi cal area. I f i n doubt, check RAC confi gurati on
as a pri ori ty on i ni ti al power-on, and reconfi gure as neces-



Signal Strength Measurement

Two receive signal-strength indicators are provided to assist antenna alignment, RSL
in the Portal performance screen, and the RSSI voltage at the BNC connector on the
Refer to:
l Using RSL Data on page 119
l Using the RSSI Voltage at the ODU or IRU 600 RFU on page 119
l RSL Measurement Guidelines on page 120

Using RSL Data

RSL data is provided in the CTR Portal > Radio Link Performance screen. A separate
means of communication such as two-way radio or cell phone will be required
between the CTR Portal operator and the person at the antenna.
To align using RSL:
1. Monitor RSL in the CTR Portal > Radio Link Performance screen.
2. Set antenna alignment for maximum RSL.
3. Repeat for the far end of the link.
4. Compare measured RSLs with the expected RSLs from the link installation
datapack. Measurement accuracies apply to IRU 600, ODU 600, ODU
600sp, ODU 300hp:
o ± 2 dB for levels -40 to -70 dBm, over a temperature range of 0 to +35oC.
o ± 4 dB for levels -25 to -85 dBm, over a -33 to +55oC range. Applies where
levels and/or temperatures are beyond those specified for ± 2 dB.

Using the RSSI Voltage at the ODU or IRU 600 RFU

A voltmeter, such as a multimeter, is used to measure RSSI voltage.
l For the ODU, RSSI is provided on a BNC connector. A suitable BNC to
banana-plug connecting cable is available as an optional accessory.
l For IRU 600v2 and IRU 600v3, RSSI is accessed on front-panel meter probe

To align an antenna using RSSI

The RSSI-to-RSL conversion applies to all ODUs and IRU 600 RFUs.
1. Connect the voltmeter to the BNC connector. Center pin is positive. Use a
low voltage range for best resolution, nominally 2.5 Vdc FSD.
2. Set antenna alignment for a minimum voltmeter reading.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 119


3. Repeat for the far end of the link.

4. Check and record the peak voltage at each end. The RSSI voltage provides a
direct relationship with RSL. An RSSI of 0.25 Vdc ≡ -10 dBm RSL, and each
additional 0.25 Vdc RSSI increase thereafter corresponds to a 10 dBm
decrease in RSL, as follows:

Units Measurement
BNC (Vdc) 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5
RSL (dBm) -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100

5. Compare actual RSLs to the expected RSLs from the link installation
datapack. See RSL Measurement Guidelines below.
6. Replace the BNC weatherproofing cap on ODUs.
CAUTION: Failure to replace the RSSI BNC weatherproof cap on an
ODU may result in damage to the ODU.

RSL Measurement Guidelines

The RSSI filter has a nominal 56 MHz bandwidth, which means that depending on
the channel bandwidth used, multiple adjacent channels will be included within the
filter passband1. Normally this will not cause a problem as antenna discrimination
(beamwidth) and good frequency planning should exclude adjacent channel inter-
ferers. However at sites where this is not the case, ATPC should not be enabled.
ATPC operates on the RSL. Any interferer that affects the RSL will adversely affect
ATPC operation.
Check for interference by muting the Tx at the far end and checking RSSI/RSL at the
local end.
F or co-channel XPI C operati on and where there i s a meas-
urabl e adj acent channel RSL, do not use ATPC.

RSL/RSSI Accuracy
When checking RSL/RSSI against the predicted link values ensure appropriate allow-
ances are made for Tx power-setting accuracy, path-loss calculation accuracy, and
RSL/RSSI measurement accuracy.
For a worst-case the overall accuracy is the sum of the individual accuracy limits,
which for a CTR link would be ± 4 dB of the predicted value (± 2 dB for transmit,
±2 dB for receive, 0 to 35C), aside from the path-loss calculation accuracy, which
should be within limits of ±3 dB.

1RSSI filter bandwidth is not a function of, nor does it affect receiver adjacent chan-
nel C/I performance. CTR complies with relevant ETSI and FCC co and adjacent
channel requirements.



Typically, where the measured RSL/RSSI is more than 4 dB lower than the expected
receive level you should check the path survey results, path calculations and
antenna alignment.
When checki ng RSL/RSSI ensure the measurement i s made
under normal , unfaded and i nterference-free path condi ti ons.
A discrepancy of 20 dB or greater between the measured and calculated RSL/RSSIs
suggests the antenna is aligned on a side lobe, or there is a polarization mismatch.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 121


Aligning the Antenna

Antenna alignment involves adjusting the direction of each antenna until the
received signal strength reaches its maximum level at each end of the link.
Fine adjustment for azimuth (horizontal angle) and elevation (vertical angle) is built
into each antenna mount. Adjustment procedures will be provided with each
If the horizontal adjuster does not provide sufficient range to locate the main beam,
the antenna mounting brackets will need to be loosened and the antenna swiveled on
its pole mount to locate the beam. Before doing this ensure the horizontal adjuster is
set for mid-travel. Some mounts for larger antennas have a separately clamped
swivel base to allow the loosened antenna to swivel on it without fear of slippage
down the pole. Where such a mount is not provided a temporary swivel clamp can
often be provided using a pair of pipe brackets bolted together immediately below the
antenna mount.
Refer to:
Standard Alignment Procedure on page 122
Additional Procedures for a Protected Link on page 123
E n su re t h e an t en n as are align ed on t h e m ain beam , an d n ot a side
lobe. For gu idan ce, refer t o t h e sect ion s Locat ing t he Main Beam for
an Ant enna on p age 138 an d Tracking Pat h Error for an Ant enna on
p age 139 . E n su re ATPC is t u rn ed off du rin g t h e align m en t procedu re.

Standard Alignment Procedure

To align (pan and tilt) an antenna:
1. Loosen the azimuth adjuster on the antenna mount (horizontal angle) and
adjust azimuth position for maximum signal strength (RSL/RSSI).
2. Tighten the azimuth securing mechanism, ensuring signal strength does not
drop as it is tightened.
3. Loosen the elevation adjuster (vertical angle) and adjust for maximum
signal strength.
4. Tighten the elevation securing mechanism, ensuring signal strength does not
drop as it is tightened.
5. Repeat for the terminal at the other end of the link.
The terminals are now aligned and ready to carry operational traffic.
6. Record RSL and/or RSSI voltages in the commissioning log for each



Additional Procedures for a Protected Link

For a hot standby link, one ODU or IRU 600 (IRU 600v2 or IRU 600v3) transceiver
is transmitting, and at the receive end both are receiving.
l ODUs are coupled to a common antenna using an equal-loss or unequal-loss
l For IRU 600 a relay switch is used on the Tx side and a coupler (equal or
unequal loss) on the Rx side.
For a space diversity link, one transceiver is transmitting, and at the receive end
both are receiving. Each ODU/RFU has its own antenna.
l Normally the top antenna is assigned as primary, and the lower as secondary.
l For IRU 600 the top antenna is normally assigned for Tx1, Tx2, and Rx1, and
the lower antenna for Rx2.
With frequency diversity, the two links operate independently from a radio-path per-
spective, and the RFUs at each end are normally coupled to a common antenna
using an equal loss coupler.
With ring protection, each link in the ring normally operates as 1+0, though can be
1+1 protected. 1+1 protection of ring links is employed where path protection
(diversity) is required, for which space diversity or frequency can be installed.
Both receivers of a hot-standby or diversity link can be accessed to provide RSL/RSSI
data regardless of which RAC is Rx online.

Hot Standby
This procedure details the additional steps required to ensure that no Tx protection
switching occurs during the alignment procedure, which may confuse results. It
assumes a common antenna (with coupler) at each end of the link.
1. At each end check the type of coupler installed; equal or unequal split.
2. For an unequal-loss coupler, check which RAC is connected to the low-
loss side, as this is the RAC which must be locked as Tx online at both ends
to assist signal acquisition.
o The primary RAC is default online as the Tx and Rx RAC. Therefore the
primary RAC must be locked as Tx online.
o Rx online may be left as unlocked.
o For an equal-loss coupler it does not matter which RAC/RFU is Tx/Rx
locked online at each end.
3. Use the CTR Portal > Radio Link Protection Diagnostics screen to set online
Tx locks.
4. Use the Standard Alignment Procedure on page 122 to align the antennas,
but where unequal-loss couplers are installed always select the RAC
connected to the low-loss side to measure RSL/RSSI (default the primary
5. Remove the protection locks on completion.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 123


Space Diversity
This procedure details the additional steps required to ensure that all four antennas
are in correct alignment and that during the alignment process no unwanted Tx
switching occurs.
1. Use the CTR Portal > Radio Link Protection Diagnostics screen to lock the
primary RAC as Tx online at both ends of the link. Rx online may be left as
2. Use the Standard Alignment Procedure on page 122 to align the primary
3. Align the far end secondary antenna from the near end primary antenna.
Do not adjust the near end primary antenna.
4. Align the near end secondary antenna from the far end primary antenna.
Do not adjust the far end primary antenna.
5. Use the CTR Portal > Radio Link Protection Diagnostics screen to lock the
secondary RAC as Tx online at both ends of the link and check that the
RSL/RSSI figures match those obtained with the primary Tx online (within 2
dB). Rx online may be left as unlocked.
6. Remove the protection locks on completion.

Frequency Diversity
This procedure assumes a common antenna at each end of the link and an equal loss
1. Select one (any) RAC for RSL/RSSI measurement and use the Standard
Alignment Procedure on page 122 above to align each antenna. Providing
each link is operating normally there is no need to use the protected link
locks to lock a RAC to Tx or Rx online.



Antenna Alignment for CCDP XPIC Links

This section provides details for the alignment of dual polarized antennas, and for
protected XPIC links.
For CCDP (Co-channel Dual Polarized) XPIC (Cross Polarized Interference Can-
cellation) links it is important that antenna feeds are correctly aligned to achieve
optimum XPIC performance.
While a dual-feed antenna may be specified with a cross polarization discrimination
of 30 dB, unless the antenna-to-antenna alignment over a link is correct, the effect-
ive discrimination can be significantly less.
l The horizontal-to-vertical receive signal discrimination (XPD) for satisfactory
XPIC operation should not be less than 25 dB, and where possible set for
optimum discrimination using this procedure.
l High performance shielded antennas typically exhibit 30 dB cross polarization
discrimination whereas 40 dB is typical for purpose-designed, high
polarization discrimination antennas.
l The received-signal XPD can be checked using the CTR Portal > Radio Link
Performance screen. It shows V and H signal discrimination in dB at the input
to the XPIC RAC (from the antenna feeds). Any improvement in
discrimination provided by the RAC XPIC function is in addition to this
l Alternatively, XPD can be checked at the ODU using the XPD on BNC option,
enabled in the CTR Portal > Radio Link Diagnostice screen. When selected, the
RSSI signal-strength indication at the antenna is replaced with the XPOL
discrimination (XPD) indication. A 1:20 conversion is used, for example a
voltmeter reading of 1.5V at the RSSI connector indicates an XPD of 30 dB.
Thi s al i gnment procedure i s i ntended for dual -pol ari zed anten-
nas, but i s al so general l y appl i cabl e to i nstal l ati ons usi ng sep-
arate antennas for V and H pl anes.
Where protected XPI C l i nks are i nstal l ed (dual ODUs on a com-
mon feed) an equal -l oss coupl er shoul d be used. Unequal
coupl ers wi l l reduce XPD.
XPI C l i nks must be confi gured for i denti cal frequency, Tx
power and bandwi dth/modul ati on, and ATPC must not be used.
ODUs must be from the same sub-band (not from overl appi ng

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 125


I f the i nterference cancel l ati on si gnal from an XPI C-con-

fi gured RAC (RACx2) becomes i nval i d (such as removal of an
XPI C cabl e or path/RAC fai l ure), the transmi tter wi th the
same pol ari ty at the remote end i s muted so that the l ocal
partner modul e’ s traffi c i s not i nterfered wi th. A Remote XPI C
Mute Requested i nformati on event i s recorded on the remote
termi nal .

Alignment Procedure for Dual-Pol Antennas

This procedure details steps required to:
l Check and if necessary set feedhead alignment using a spirit level.
l Align the antennas at each end using just one of the feeds, V or H. (Standard
co-plane antenna alignment).
o The left-side SMA connector (viewed from front) on a RACx2 must always
connect to the vertical-designated antenna port; the right-side connector to
the horizontal port.
o Where the V and H waveguide ports on an antenna are not marked they
can be identified by the orientation of the waveguide slots. See
o Where a dual-polarized antenna presents the same orientation on both
ports, one should have a straight waveguide feed to the antenna feedhead,
the other will include a 90 degree twist or have a straight waveguide feed
but with a polarization rotator in the feedhead. Generally the polarization
rotator will act on the outer-most waveguide on the feedhead.
o For convention, if ports are not marked for V and H, it is recommended
that the port that has the straight waveguide feed or is connected to the
inner-most waveguide at the feedhead is selected as the horizontal antenna
feed port. The following graphic of an antenna feedhead assembly
illustrates this. The top port is connected to the inner feed on the feedhead,
and with the port orientation shown provides a horizontally polarized feed.
The lower port has a rotator included in the feedhead to provide a vertical

o Ensure the same port is selected for vertical at both ends.

n Where possible, the same ‘above and below’ relationship of the feed
ports should be used at both ends. For example, if at one end the
horizontal feed port is located above the vertical port, as in the example
above, then the same relationship should be used at the other end.
l Check cross pole discrimination (XPD).



l Optimize alignment of the feed-heads to achieve maximum cross pole

Thi s procedure assumes that the antennas used at each end of
the l i nk do compl y wi th thei r cross-pol ari zati on di scri mi nati on
speci fi cati on. I f i n doubt, refer to the antenna suppl i er.

1. Static Feedhead Skew-angle Alignment
This procedure would normally be completed in conjunction with antenna align-
ment, step 2, to ensure no misalignment of skew angle is introduced during the pan
and tilt process.
l Do not rely on antenna markings as these will not be accurate where a mount
is not perfectly level.
l For an industry-standard dual-pol antenna (remote-mounted ODUs), the
procedure should be completed before any feedhead weatherproofing is
applied, so that a spirit level can be used directly against the flange to check
and set precise physical vertical / horizontal alignment of the feeds
o Set the spirit level against the flange of the feedhead. Take care that only
the flange of the feedhead is measured, so that no error is introduced by
any minor misalignment of the mating flexible waveguide flange.
o If not exactly vertical or horizontal, adjust the feedhead skew angle (rotate
the feedhead) until correct (spirit level bubble is precisely centered). For a
typical (non-monoblock) feedhead check both flanges for level, using an end
point half way between the level points of the two flanges should there be
any discrepancy between the two.
o Ensure correct level is maintained when securing bolts are re-tightened.
Figure 6-1. Checking Feedhead Flange with a Spirit Level

l For an Edge-series dual-pol antenna, set a spirit level against the rear face of
one of the XDM mount plates. If not exactly vertical, lightly loosen the six
XDM attachment bolts and rotate the XDM assembly until the spirit level
bubble is precisely centered.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 127


o The slotted holes in the XDM face plate allow 8 degrees of movement. If
there is insufficient adjustment available to bring the XDM into true
vertical, check and adjust the antenna pole mount.
o Ensure correct level is maintained when bolts are re-tightened. Torque bolts
to 20 Nm (15 ft.lbs).
Figure 6-2. Checking XDM with a Spirit Level

2. Align Antennas
l Align the antennas at both ends using the standard (co-plane) alignment
procedure, but using just one of the feeds, V or H. Refer to Standard
Alignment Procedure on page 122.
l If major adjustment to the pointing of the antenna is made during this
process, recheck the feedhead skew angle.
l When correct, proceed to the next step.
3. Check XPIC RACx2 Operation and End-End Feedhead Alignment
l Power-up both V and H links and check they are operating normally and are
alarm-free. Use the RACx2 performance pages to check that:
o Tx power measurements are within 1 dB (typically) on all RACs. If not
check Tx power settings.
o RSL measurements are within 2 dB an all RACs. See Using RSL Data on
page 119 for guidance on measurement accuracy.
o Links are operating error-free.
Where there i s potenti al for i nterference from other l i nks i n
the same geographi cal area, check by turni ng the far end
transmi tter (s) off and measuri ng the l ocal end RSL on both V
and H feeds.
4. Determine V and H signal discrimination
Use the RAC cross pole discrimination (XPD) measurement provided in the CTR
Portal > Radio Link Performance screen, or at the RSSI connector (select XPD on



BNC in the CTR Portal > Radio Link Diagnostics screen) to view the V and H signal
discrimination from each antenna.
l Where measured XPDs are within 2 dB of the antenna specification, no further
adjustment is needed. Where less, proceed to the next step.
CAUTION: It is possible for a spurious XPD figure of about 50 dB to
appear in instances where there is major mis-alignment. Note that
the XPD should never read higher than the XPD specification of the
antennas, which for most high performance dual-pol antennas will be
between 30 dB to 35 dB.
If a high reading is seen, its validity can be checked by observing that
the value is achieved only through a very narrow angle (less than
+/- 2 degrees of rotation).

The al i gnment procedures l i sted under steps 1 and 2 shoul d

resul t i n a an XPD of better than 25dB, as measured i n the
CTR Portal > Radi o Li nk Performance screen for each XPI C
RAC, whi ch i s comfortabl y wi thi n the operati ng l i mi ts of XPI C.
However, for best resul ts and greater operati ng margi ns dur-
i ng fadi ng, feedhead al i gnment shoul d be opti mi zed. Note that
some path desi gns may speci fy (requi re) an XPD hi gher than
25 dB.
5. Optimize End-End Feedhead Alignment
This procedure corrects for any minor rotational alignment between antennas at each
One antenna is the reference antenna and its feed-head assembly is not adjusted dur-
ing this procedure.
Onl y check/adj ust skew angl es on one antenna. I f both anten-
nas are adj usted and re-adj usted there i s potenti al for pro-
gressi ve mi sal i gnment to occur. Sel ect one antenna as the
reference antenna.
On l ong hops and where fadi ng i s preval ent there i s potenti al
for the V and H pl ane paths to be affected di fferentl y and to
therefore exhi bi t vari abl e cross-pol ari zati on di scri mi nati on.
Thi s al i gnment procedure must be conducted duri ng peri ods of
known, stabl e path condi ti ons.
a. Determine which end of the link is to provide the reference antenna,
and at the opposite end view the performance page for the V and H
links. Adjust page sizes and position so that you can see the Cross
Pole Discrimination measurements from both RACs.
b. Adjust the antenna feedhead/XDM skew angle for maximum XPD on
both V and H links. If the maximums for each are at (slightly)
different angles, adjust for a midpoint.
o For industry-standard dual-pol antennas the feedhead is rotated to
change the skew angle.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 129


o For Edge-series antennas with XDM, the XDM assembly is rotated.

The XDM assembly has a maximum 8 degrees of adjustment. If this
range proves insufficient, recheck the static alignment at both ends
of the link using a spirit level. If necessary, the XDMs at each end
can be offset from each other to provide a total rotational range of 16
Ensure that as you adj ust the skew angl e, the physi cal
antenna al i gnment does not shi ft, whi ch woul d make i t neces-
sary to repeat step 2. Check that antenna mounti ng bol ts and
azi muth and el evati on adj uster l ocks have been correctl y
ti ghtened. The maxi mum poi nts may be qui te sharp, rotate
the feedhead sl owl y to ensure they are not mi ssed. Data i n
the performance page i s updated at 1.5 second i nterval s.
c. Check the XPD on the links at the reference end of the link, which
should be within 2 dB of each other.
d. On completion ensure feedhead/XDM bolts are correctly tightened -
check that XPDs do not change during tightening.
6. Retain feed-head adjustment data for the commissioning

Procedure for Protected XPIC Links

When XPIC links are protected, both V and H links must be protected.
l If just one of the co-channel links is 1+1 protected, a failure of XPIC cross-
connect between the 1+0 RAC and its 1+1 XPIC partner may cause both V and
H receive streams to error as the discrimination provided under XPIC would be
lost. An unlikely double-failure event would be needed to cause the same error
if both co-channel links are 1+1 protected.
l For 1+1 hot-standby protection of XPIC links a single industry-standard dual-
pol antenna is normally used at each end, and remote-mounted equal-loss
combiners used to mount the ODUs.
l For space diversity XPIC links, separate dual-polarized antennas are installed.
Antennas can be Aviat Edge-series, or industry-standard.

Hot Standby Protection

Use the CTR Portal > Radio Protection Diagnostics screen to set online Tx locks.
The Rx function does not need to be locked, as the RSL/RSSI indication used for
antenna alignment is available from each RAC/ODU.

1. Use RACx2 diagnostics to check and set online Tx locks.
2. With an equal-loss combiner either Tx can be locked as the online Tx (The
primary designated Tx is the default online Tx and should be retained as the
locked online Tx to avoid possible confusion).
3. Follow the Alignment Procedure for Dual-Pol Antennas on page 126.



4. Return the Protected Link controls to Auto/Lock Off on completion.

5. Check protected operation on each link. Bear in mind the remote Tx mute

Space Diversity Protection

This procedure summarizes the steps required to ensure all four antennas are in cor-
rect alignment for pan and tilt, and skew angle. It combines elements of the pro-
cedures for Cross Polarized Antennas, and for Space Diversity Antennas.
The top antenna should be connected to the primary RACx2; the lower antenna to
the secondary RACx2.
The figure below illustrates CCDP space diversity on paired RACx2 cards.
Figure 6-3. Example Space Diversity Protection of CCDP Links

1. Static feedhead skew-angle alignment.
Align all four antennas using the static feedhead alignment procedure described
under Alignment Procedure for Dual-Pol Antennas on page 126. This step would nor-
mally be completed in conjunction with antenna pan and tilt.
2. Antenna pan and tilt alignment.
Use the CTR Portal > Radio Protection Diagnostics screen to lock the transmitters at
both ends to primary.
At each end of the link align both top and bottom antennas using the standard (co-
plane) alignment procedure. Align main-to-main first, then align the diversity anten-
nas without disturbing the main antennas. Use just one of the links for this purpose,
normally the V link. Refer to Standard Alignment Procedure on page 122.
At each end of the link align both top and bottom antennas using the standard (co-
plane) alignment procedure. Align main-to-main first, then align the diversity anten-
nas without disturbing the main antennas. Use just one of the links for this purpose,
normally the V link. Refer to Standard Alignment Procedure on page 122.
When correct, proceed to step 3.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 131


3. Check RAC Operation and End-End Feedhead Alignment.

Check that both V and H (primary) links are operating normally and are alarm-free.
Use the Performance screens to check that:
l Tx power measurements are within 1 dB (typically) on all RACs. If not check
Tx power settings. This applies to all RACs, primary and secondary.
l RSL measurements at each end of the link are within 2 dB of the predicted
RSL with primary RAC transmitters online. See Using RSL Data on page 119
for guidance on measurement accuracy. Where a measured RSL is more than 2
dB different to the predicted RSL:
o If all RSLs are generally different by a similar dB value, possible reasons
include transmit power, antenna performance, path survey, and link design
o If just one of the RSLs is affected, RSL measurement tolerance / receive
performance must be considered a possible reason.
o If two of the RSLs are affected, check to see if there is a common factor
involved, such as the ODUs being on the same polarization, or on the same
o If on the same polarization, transmit power, RSL tolerance, or path
variables (horizontal versus vertical) are possible reasons.
o If on the same antenna, consider antenna alignment, antenna performance,
RSL tolerance, and path variables (main versus diversity).
Where transmit power or receive performance is suspected, relevant ODUs can be
swapped. If there is no appreciable change to RSLs, the difference is unlikely to be
due to ODU performance/tolerance.
If one or more of the RSLs remains in excess of 2 dB below predicted regardless of
checks and changes, consider rechecking antenna alignment (pan and tilt). Try re-
aligning with the reference antenna at the opposite end.
Ultimately, satisfactory link operation or otherwise will be determined by the XPD
measurements and feedhead optimization procedures.
Where there i s potenti al for i nterference from other l i nks i n
the same geographi cal area, check by turni ng the far end
transmi tter (s) off and measuri ng the l ocal end RSL on both V
and H feeds.
4. Check XPD on Each Antenna.
Use the cross pole discrimination (XPD) measurement provided in the CTR Portal >
Radio Link Performance screen to check V and H signal discrimination from each
l Where the lowest measured XPD is within 2 dB of the antenna manufacture’s
XPD specification, no further adjustment is needed. Otherwise, proceed to the
next step.



The al i gnment procedures l i sted under steps 1 and 2 above

shoul d resul t i n a di scri mi nati on of better than 25dB on al l
RACs. 25 dB i s the mi ni mum fi gure that shoul d be achi eved.
Whi l e thi s i s comfortabl y wi thi n the operati ng l i mi ts of XPI C,
for best resul ts and greater operati ng margi ns duri ng fadi ng,
feedhead al i gnment shoul d be opti mi zed for best XPD per-
formance across al l RACs. Note that some path pl anni ng
requi rements may speci fy a mi ni mum XPD hi gher than 25 dB.
5. Optimize Feedhead/XDM Skew-angle Alignment.
This procedure corrects for any minor rotational alignment between antennas at each
One primary/main antenna is the reference antenna and its feed-head assembly is
not adjusted during this procedure. It remains unchanged from its spirit-level set-
I f al l antennas are adj usted and re-adj usted there i s potenti al
for progressi ve mi sal i gnment to occur. Sel ect one antenna as
the reference antenna.

On l ong hops and where fadi ng i s preval ent there i s potenti al

for the V and H pl ane paths to be affected di fferentl y and to
therefore exhi bi t vari abl e cross-pol ari zati on di scri mi nati on.
Thi s al i gnment procedure must be conducted duri ng peri ods of
known, stabl e path condi ti ons.
6. Lock all transmitters to primary using the CTR Portal > Radio Protection Dia-
gnostics screen. The receivers can be left unlocked1.
7. Determine which end of the link is to provide the reference antenna, and at the
opposite end open windows to the CTR Portal performance screens for the primary
RACs. Adjust screen sizes (Restore Down) and position of each so that you can see
the Cross Pole Discrimination measurement from both screens.
In the example below, if antenna 1 is the reference antenna, open performance
screens to RACx2 A and RACx2 C.

1Regardless of which RAC is online (primary or secondary) all RACs can be accessed
to provide RSL/RSSI/XPD data.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 133


Figure 6-4. First Step: Checking Primary-Primary RACs, Antennas 1 and 3

8. Using the example above, adjust ONLY antenna 3 feedhead/XDM skew angle for
maximum XPD on all four primary V and H RACs. Adjust to maximize the smallest
of the four peaks. If the maximums for each are at (slightly) different angles, adjust
for a mid-point, such that:
l The two lowest of the four XPD readings are at their nominal maximums, are
both greater than the 25 dB target minimum, and are within 2dB of each
other. This will typically occur about a close toggle point where the XPD on
one of the two lowest reading RACs is increasing, and that on the other
l The lowest reading has peaked at greater than the 25 dB target minimum.
See the examples in the figure below.
l I illustrates a situation where all RACs exhibit an XPD lower than the 25 db
l II illustrates rotation of the feedhead/XDM to a point where all RACs exhibit
an XPD better than 25 dB. The aim is to adjust for a position where the two
lowest readings are at their nominal maximums and within 2 dB
of each other, or the lowest reading has peaked.



Figure 6-5. Example XPD Change With Skew Angle

9. Repeat Step 8 for:

l Antenna 1 primary RACs to antenna 4 secondary RACs, adjusting only the
skew angle on antenna 4. First ensure RACx2 A RACs are set to Primary Tx
online, and RACx2 D RACs are set to Secondary Tx online. (Use CTR Portal to
monitor Primary RACx2 RACs to Antenna 1, and Secondary RACx2 RACs to
Antenna 4).
l Antenna 3 primary RACs to antenna 2 secondary RACs, adjusting only the
skew angle of antenna 2. First ensure RACx2 C RACs are set to Primary Tx
online, and RACx2 B RACs are set to Secondary Tx online. (Use CTR Portal to
monitor Primary RACx2 RACs to Antenna 3, and Secondary RACx2 RACs to
Antenna 2).

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 135


Ensure that as you adj ust the skew angl e, the physi cal
antenna al i gnment does not shi ft, whi ch woul d make i t neces-
sary to repeat step 2. Check that antenna mounti ng bol ts and
azi muth and el evati on adj uster l ocks have been correctl y
ti ghtened.
When prepari ng for skew al i gnment, ensure that the feed
fasteni ng i s l oosened onl y enough to al l ow skew rotati on
agai nst sti ff fri cti on. I f the feed fasteni ng i s l oosened too
much, the feed/XDM wi l l droop causi ng bad and un-repeatabl e
resul ts. Ti ghten feed fasteni ngs once skew al i gnment i s com-
pl ete, ensuri ng the XPD does not change duri ng ti ghteni ng.
The maxi mum poi nts may be qui te sharp, rotate the feed-
head/XDM sl owl y to ensure they are not mi ssed. Data i n the
performance screen i s updated at 1.5 second i nterval s.
Never adj ust the skew angl e of the pri mary reference
10. On completion, ensure feedhead/XDM bolts are correctly tightened - check that
XPDs do not change during tightening.
l Ensure the XPD alignment criteria are still being met. Check that the two
worst XPDs are within 2 dB of each other, or in the case of a peaked worst
XPD, it has not moved below its peak.
11. Retain feedhead/XDM adjustment data (RSLs and XPDs) for the commissioning

Example Link
An example CCDP space diversity link is illustrated below.
If antenna 1 is nominated as the reference antenna for skew-angle alignment pur-
poses, the feedhead/XDM alignment process can be summarized as:
1. With all transmitters locked to primary, adjust the feedhead/XDM
alignments on antennas 3 and 4 for maximum RAC XPDs against antenna
1. Where necessary, optimize to provide best (minimal) XPD spread. The
optimum position is always found at a point where the minimum two
readings are within 2 dB, or the worst XPD has peaked. (Never adjust the
feedhead alignment of the reference antenna,
antenna 1).
2. Adjust the feedhead/XDM alignment on antenna 2 for maximum secondary
RAC XPDs, and check against the RAC XPDs for antenna 3. Where necessary
optimize the feedhead/XDM of antenna 2 only to provide best (minimal)
XPD spread. The optimum position is usually found at a point where the
minimum two readings are within 2 dB, or the worst XPD has peaked. (Do
not adjust the alignment of the distant source antenna, antenna 3).
3. Check the spread of XPDs is similar between both ends of the link.



Figure 6-6. CCDP Space Diversity Link Antenna Alignment

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 137


Main Beams and Side Lobes

This section describes how to locate the main beam when aligning antennas, and typ-
ical tracking path errors. See:
l Locating the Main Beam for an Antenna on page 138
l Tracking Path Error for an Antenna on page 139

Locating the Main Beam for an Antenna

Ensure the antennas are aligned on the main beam, and not a side lobe.
Once a measurable signal is observed, very small alignment adjustments are required
to locate the main beam. For instance, a 1.2m antenna at 23 GHz typically has 0.9°
of adjustment from center of main beam to the first null (0.4° to the -3 dB point).
Antenna movement across the main beam will result in a rapid rise and fall of signal
level. As a guide, 1 degree of beam width is equivalent to moving approximately 1.0
mm (1/8”) around a standard 114 mm (4.5”) diameter O/D pipe.
Antennas can be verified as being on main beam (as opposed to a side lobe) by com-
paring measured receive signal level with the calculated level.
Signal strength readings are usually measurable when at least a main beam at one
end and first side lobes at the other are aligned.
The strongest signal occurs at the center of the main beam. The highest first lobe sig-
nal is typically 20–25 dB less than the main beam signal. When both antennas are
aligned for maximum main beam signal strength, the receive signal level should be
within 2 dB of the calculated level for the path. This calculated level should be
included in the installation datapack for the link.
The figure below is an example of a head-on, conceptual view of the beam signal
strength, with concentric rings of side lobe peaks and troughs radiating outward
from the main beam.
Figure 6-7. Indicative Head-on Signal Pattern for a Parabolic Antenna



Item Description
1 Center of main beam provides maximum signal level.
2 Outer edge of main beam, 3-10 dB below main beam.
3 Trough between main beam and first side lobe, 30 dB below main peak.
4 Peak of 1st side lobe, 20-25 dB below main peak.
5 Trough between first and second side lobes, 30 dB or more below main peak.
6 Subsequent side lobe peaks and troughs.

Tracking Path Error for an Antenna

Side lobe signal readings can be confused with main beam readings. This is par-
ticularly true for the first side lobe as the signal level at its center is greater than the
signal level at the edges of the main beam, and if tracking on an incorrect elevation
(or azimuth) a false impression of main beam reception can be obtained. The figure
below shows an example of this with a simplified head-on view of an antenna radi-
ation pattern, and tracking paths for three elevation settings.
Figure 6-8. Example Tracking Path Signals

Item Description
1 Line AA represents the azimuth tracking path of a properly aligned antenna.
The main beam is at point 2, and the first side lobes at points 1 and 3.
2 Line BB represents the azimuth tracking path with the antenna tilted down
slightly. Signal strength readings show only the first side lobe peaks, 4 and 5.
In some instances the side lobe peaks are unequal due to antenna
characteristics, which can lead to the larger peak being mistaken for the
main beam. The correct method for locating the main beam in this case is to
set the azimuth position midway between the first side lobe peaks, and then
adjust the elevation for maximum signal.
3 Line CC represents an azimuth tracking path with the antenna tilted down
further still. The first side lobe signal peaks (6 and 7) appear as one peak,
leading to a mistaken interpretation of a main beam. The correct method for
locating the main beam is to set the azimuth at mid peak, between 6 and 7,
and then adjust elevation for maximum signal.

Such first side lobe peaking is probably the most frequent cause of misalignment in
both azimuth and elevation, especially so if one side lobe peaks higher than the

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 139


other, as shown in the figure below, which represents a head-on view of azimuth and
elevation tracking paths centered on a higher first side lobe.
A common error is to move the antenna left to right along line DD, or top to bottom
along line EE, always ending up with the maximum signal at position 1.
Figure 6-9. Example Tracking Path Signals Centered on the First Side Lobe



Chapter 7. CTR Cable and

Connector Data
This section provides information on ODU and user interface connector and cable
options. Refer to:
l ODU Cable and Connector Data on page 142
l Ethernet and PoE RJ-45 Connector and Cable Data on page 146
l CTR 8540, CTR 8311, and CTR 8312 Optical Cable and Connector Data on
page 148
l CTR Cable and Connector Data on page 141
l E1/DS1 Trib Cable and Connector Data on page 151

CAUTION: Port, tributary, and NMS cables are not to be routed with
any AC mains power lines. They are also to be kept away from any
power lines which cross them.

CAUTION: For safety reasons copper cables (port, trib, NMS) should
not be connected to outside plant unless via approved isolation or
surge suppression devices.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 141


ODU Cable and Connector Data

This section provides data on ODU cable options and installation instructions for
ODU cable connectors. Instructions for installing ODU cable grounds are provided
with the supplied ODU Cable Ground kit.

ODU Cable Specifications

Specifications for the recommended ODU cables are provided.
Other good-quality 50 ohm coaxial cable types can be used. The length-limiting
attributes are:
l Total loss of not more than 22 dB at 300 MHz.
l A DC loop resistance (there and back) of not more than 3 ohms.
The maxi mum ODU cabl e run i s 300 m (1000 ft) for al l cabl e
types except CNT-300, whi ch i s 150 m (500 ft).

Cinta CNT-400
The Cinta CNT-400 cable has the following specifications:
l Impedance: 50 ohms
l Center conductor: solid BCCAI (copper-coated aluminum)
l Insulation: foam polyethylene
l Shield: aluminum tape + tinned copper braid
l Jacket: Polyethylene
l Overall diameter: 10.29 mm (0.405”)
l Minimum bend radius: 25.4 mm (1”)
l Nominal center conductor DC resistance: 4.56 ohms per 1000 m (1.39 / 1000
l Nominal outer shield DC resistance: 5.41 ohms per 1000 m (1.56 / 1000 ft)
l Nominal attenuation at 450 MHz: 8.8 dB per 100 m (2.7 dB / 100 ft)
l Operating temperature: -40 to +85oC

Cinta CNT-300
The Cinta CNT-300 cable has the following specifications:
l Impedance: 50 ohms
l Center conductor: solid copper
l Insulation: foam polyethylene
l Shield: aluminum tape + tinned copper braid
l Nominal outer shield DC resistance: 7.25ohms per 1000 m (2.21 / 1000 ft)
l Nominal attenuation at 450 MHz: 13.75 dB per 100 m (4.4 dB / 100 ft)



l Operating temperature: -40 to +85oC

l Jacket: Polyethylene
l Overall diameter: 7.62 mm (0.3”)
l Minimum bend radius: 22.2 mm (0.88”)
l Nominal center conductor DC resistance: 6.96 ohms per 1000 m (2.12 / 1000

Belden 9913
The Belden 9913 cable is a low-loss RG-8/U type with the following specifications:
Impedance: 50 ohms
l Center conductor: 10 AWG solid, bare copper. 2.7 mm (0.108”) diameter
l Insulation: semi-solid polyethylene
l Shield: Duobond II® +90% tinned copper braid
l Jacket: PVC
l Overall diameter: 10.2 mm (0.405”)
l Minimum bend radius (install): 150 mm (6”)
l Nominal center conductor DC resistance: 0.9 ohms per 304m (1000 ft)
l Nominal outer shield DC resistance: 1.8 ohms per 304m (1000 ft)
l Nominal attenuation at 400 MHz: 8.53 dB per 100 m (328 ft)
l Operating temperature: -40 to +80oC

ODU Cable Connector

For installation instructions for cable connectors and cable ground kit refer to:
l CTR Cable and Connector Data on page 141
l CTR Cable and Connector Data on page 141
l CTR Cable and Connector Data on page 141

'Andrew' Type N Connectors for CNT 300 and CNT 400 Cable
This installation data is for the Andrew spring-finger, clamp-style, Type N con-
nectors. A crimp tool or soldering iron is not required.
Table 7-1. CNT 300 and CNT 400 Cable Strip Data

Connector Trim Dimension A Trim Dimension B

N Male for CNT 300 cable 6.0 mm, 0.24 in, 4.5 mm, 0.18 in
Andrew No. 300APNM-C
N Female for CNT 300 cable
Andrew No. TBA
N Male for CNT 400 cable 6.5 mm, 0.26 in 5.0 mm, 0.20 in
Andrew No. 400APNM-C
N Female for CNT 400 cable 6.5 mm, 0.26 in 5.0 mm, 0.20 in
Andrew No. 400PNF-C

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 143


Figure 7-1. Andrew CNT Spring-finger Clamp-style Connector

'Belden and Kai Jack' Type N Connectors

This figure illustrates cable trim dimensions for Beldon and Kai Jack Type N crimp-
connectors for Beldon 9913 cable (RG-8/U).
Figure 7-2. Beldon-style 9913 Type N Connector Data

'RF Connectors' Type N Connector Installation

This figure illustrates cable trim dimensions for Type N cable crimp-connectors from
RF Connectors. For 9913 / RG-8/U cable.



Figure 7-3. RF Connectors 9913-style Type N Connector Data

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 145


Ethernet and PoE RJ-45 Connector and

Cable Data
The pin orientation on front panel RJ-45 connectors is as shown:
Figure 7-4. RJ-45 Socket Connector (face view)

Table 7-2. RJ-45 Socket Pin Functions

Pin PoE Power
10/100Base-T 1000Base-T
CTR 8540 PoE Card
1 + Rx + Tx/Rx A + Vdc
2 - Rx - Tx/Rx A + Vdc
3 + Tx + Tx/Rx B - Vdc
4 Unused + TX/Rx C + Vdc
5 Unused - Tx/Rx C + Vdc
6 - Tx - Tx/Rx B - Vdc
7 Unused + Tx/Rx D - Vdc
8 Unused - Tx/Rx D - Vdc

One pin-pair is used for the Rx data stream, the second for Tx (streams are not bi-dir-
The method of transmission is known as 8B/10B, whereby 8 bits are coded into a 10
bit signal, which for 100 Mbps requires a maximum clock/data rate of 125 Mbps.
(Cat5 cable is specified to transport up to 125 Mbps).
Cat5, Cat5e, or Cat6 cables are suitable.

Tx/Rx A, Tx/Rx B, etc. refer to the data streams, of which there are four for
l Two sets of pairs are used to support four different data combinations and a
four-fold increase in transmission speed. To give a further increase in speed by
a factor of two, each pair is used for transmission and reception of data, i.e.
each pair is bi-directional (Tx/Rx)



l This method of transmission is known as 4D-PAM5, and the maximum data

rate is 125 Mbps x 4 x 2 = 1000 Mbps.
l Pin connections are compatible with 10/100Base-T operation.
Cable type should be Cat5e or Cat6.

PoE Power (CTR 8540 PoE card)

Pins 1 to 8 provide power connection on PoE ports - on a 1000Base-T PoE port the
pins provide both PoE power and signal connection.
l The supply voltage is nominally 55 Vdc.
l The PoE ports are able to supply up to 70W.
o For a power higher than 35W all four pairs must be used for power delivery.
o A 35W maximum applies per two-pair set. Pins 1, 2, 3, 6 form one set; pins
4, 5, 7, 8 form the other set.
l Use Ohm's law to calculate the power loss on a PoE cable. Cat5, Cat5e and
Cat6 cable types have a nominal per-pair DC loop resistance of 0.188 Ω/m
(0.0573 Ω/ft) - check supplier datasheet to confirm.
o For example, at 0.188 Ω/m the cable dissipation (loss) on a 30M Cat 5e
cable using all 4 pairs on a max 70W load is nominally 2.28W (1.14W per
pair set).
l Protection is provided against momentary or continuous overload (20% above
max current) and short circuit conditions. The PoE supply automatically
recovers when the overload condition is removed.

RJ-45 Ethernet Patch Cable Options

The table below lists Ethernet patch cable options available from Aviat Networks.
Cables are Cat5e industry-standard straight (Mdi) Ethernet RJ-45 to RJ-45.
Table 7-3. RJ-45 Ethernet Cable Options
Description Part Number
Ethernet Cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 2 m 037-579124-002
Ethernet Cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 5 m 037-579125-002
Ethernet Cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 15 m 037-579126-002

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 147


CTR 8540, CTR 8311, and CTR 8312

Optical Cable and Connector Data
The following table lists fiber cable and attenuator options for available optical SFPs.
Table 7-4. Optical Cables and Attenuators
Description Connectors Mode Part number
SIMPLEX 0.5 M SM LC TO LC LC Single 1310 nm 037-579272-001
SIMPLEX 3M SM LC TO LC LC Single 1310 nm 037-579131-001
SIMPLEX 5M SM LC TO LC LC Single 1310 nm 037-579132-001
SIMPLEX 10M SM LC TO LC LC Single 1310 nm 037-579133-001
SIMPLEX 3M SM LC TO FC LC, FC Single 1310 nm 037-579134-001
SIMPLEX 5M SM LC TO SC LC, SC Single 1310 nm 037-579138-001
SPLITTER 2M LC-LC TO SC LC, SC Single 1310 nm 037-579142-001
SPLITTER 2M LC-LC TO LC LC Single 1310 nm 037-579143-001
ATTENUATOR 3M, LC, 10DB LC Single 1310 nm 037-579155-001
ATTENUATOR 5M, LC, 10DB LC Single 1310 nm 037-579156-001
SIMPLEX 2M SM LC TO SC LC, SC Single 1310 nm 037-579179-001

Single-mode (1310 nm) cables are available for LC to LC connections.

Single-mode and multi-mode (850 nm) cables are available for LC to SC connections.
Other cabl e opti ons are avai l abl e for LC connecti on to F C or
ST. Contact Avi at Networks or your suppl i er for detai l s.



CTR 8380 Optical Cable and Connector

The CTR 8380 Fibre Optic Outdoor cable is available in lengths from 10 m to 300 m
for both single mode fiber and multi-mode fiber MMF and SMF.
Table 7-5. Optical Cables and Attenuators
Description Part number

Figure 7-5. CTR 8380 Fibre Optics Outdoor Cable

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 149


Maintenance V.24 Connector

The V.24 connector provides serial data access for CTR Portal. It is available for CTR
Portal management connection should the standard Ethernet connection procedure
become inaccessible.
A Cat5 cable to connect from the adapter to the CTR is not provided.
Table 7-6. RJ-45 V.24 Connector Pin Assignment
Pin Signal Name Direction Function
1 DSR/RI In Data Set Ready/Ring Indicator
2 CD In Carrier Detect
3 DTR Out Data Terminal Ready
4 GND System Ground
5 RXD In Receive Data
6 TXD Out Transmit Data
7 CTS In Clear to Send
8 RTS Out Request to Send

Figure 7-6. RJ-45 V.24 Connector (face view)



E1/DS1 Trib Cable and Connector Data

Refer to:
l HDR-E50 To 24 AWG Free End Cable Assembly on page 151
l HDR-E50 To BNC Cable Assembly on page 152
l HDR-E50 To RJ-45 Cable Assembly on page 153

HDR-E50 To 24 AWG Free End Cable Assembly

The assemblies are intended for use with wire-wrap or insulation displacement ter-
mination blocks. Cable lengths of 3 m, 10 m, 15m, or 32 m are available.
Each cable supports up to 8 tribs. Two cables are required if more than 8xE1/DS1
tribs are to be connected.
Figure 7-7. Free End Trib Cable Assembly

RX indicates data into the trib port.

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 151


TX indicates data out from the trib port.

HDR-E50 To BNC Cable Assembly

The HDR to BNC 75 ohm cable is available in lengths of 2.3 m or 5.3 m.
Each cable supports up to 8 tribs. Two cables are required if more than 8xE1/DS1
tribs are to be connected.
Figure 7-8. BNC Trib Cable Assembly

Figure 7-9. BNC Trib Cable Connections

Arrow towards BNC indicates data out (trib port Tx).

Arrow away from BNC indicates data in (trib port Rx).



The 1/9 in the label indicates that it is for trib 1 if the cable assembly is used
with the trib 1-8 connector, or trib 9 if used with the trib 9-16 connector.
This also applies for 2/10, 3/11, etc. up to 8/16.

HDR-E50 To RJ-45 Cable Assembly

The HDR to RJ-45 cable is available in lengths of 2 m or 5 m. Impedance is nom-
inally 120 ohms.
This cable (straight cable) is intended for connection to RJ-45 patch panels, which
have a built-in crossover function.
Each cable supports up to 8 tribs. Two cables are required if more than 8xE1/DS1
tribs are to be connected.
Figure 7-10. RJ-45 Trib Cable Assembly

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 153


Figure 7-11. RJ-45 Trib Cable Connections

CTR 8380 Ethernet Cable

The CTR 8380 Ethernet cables are available in lengths of 50 m or 90 m.
The one end is terminated with a Conec RJ54 plug kit (Conec 17-10001) with the
other end is un-terminated.
The cable is supplied with two indoor rated Ethernet connectors that are to be
attached once the cable is cut to the users required length.
Table 7-7. Optical Cables and Attenuators
Description Part number

Figure 7-12. CTR 8380 Ethernet Cable



Figure 7-13. CTR8380 Ethernet Cable Pin out

260-668240-001 DECEMBER 2016 155


CTR 8380 Power Cables

Refer to:
CTR 8380 DC Power Cable on page 156
CTR8380 AC Power Cable on page 156

CTR 8380 DC Power Cable

The DC Cable connects to a suitable N type to N type coaxial cable as to provide -
48Vdc power to the DC powered variants of the CTR 8380.
Table 7-8. Optical Cables and Attenuators
Description Part number
Cable, DC Power, Blue/Black, N-Type Female to Free End, 2M 037-579656-002

Table 7-9. CTR 8380 DC Power Cable

CTR8380 AC Power Cable

The AC Cable connects the power to the AC powered variants of the CTR8380 and is
supplied in two lengths – 10m and 25m.
Table 7-10. Optical Cables and Attenuators
Description Part number



Figure 7-14. CTR8380 AC Power Cable

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