Vinnapas® Ep 400: Product Description
Vinnapas® Ep 400: Product Description
Vinnapas® Ep 400: Product Description
When VINNAPAS® EP 400 is stored in tanks, proper If VINNAPAS® EP 400 is used in applications other
storage conditions must be maintained. If stored in the than those mentioned, the choice, processing and use
original, unopened containers at cool (below 30 °C), of VINNAPAS® EP 400 is the sole responsibility of the
but frost-free temperatures VINNAPAS® EP 400 has a purchaser. All legal and other regulations must be
shelf life of 6 months. Iron or galvanized-iron complied with.
equipment and containers are not recommended
because the dispersion is slightly acidic. Corrosion For questions concerning food contact status
may result in discoloration of the dispersion or its according to chapter 21 CFR (US FDA) and German
blends when further processed. Therefore the use of BfR, please contact:
containers and equipment made of ceramics,
rubberized or enameled materials, appropriately Wacker Chemie AG
finished stainless steel, or plastic (e.g. rigid PVC, Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4
polyethylene or polyester resin) is recommended. D-81737 Munich
Preservation for Transport, Storage and further
Safety notes
VINNAPAS® EP 400 is adequately preserved during
transportation and storage if kept in the original, Comprehensive instructions are given in the
unopened containers. However, if it is transferred to corresponding Material Safety Data Sheets. They are
storage tanks, the dispersion should be protected available on request from WACKER sales offices or
against microbial attack by adding a suitable may be printed via WACKER web site
preservative package. Measures should also be taken
to ensure cleanliness of the tanks. In unstirred tanks, a
Technical data sheet for VINNAPAS® EP 400 / Version: 1.0 / Date of last alteration: 20.01.2009 1/2
Product data
Specification data Inspection Method Value
Solids content DIN EN ISO 3251 54 - 56 %
Viscosity, dynamic at 23 °C DIN EN ISO 2555 2000 - 2800 mPa.s
pH-Value DIN/ISO 976 4,0 - 5,0
These figures are only intended as a guide and should not be used in preparing specifications.
The data presented in this leaflet are in accordance with the present state of The management system has been For technical, quality, or product
our knowledge, but do not absolve the user from carefully checking all certified according to DIN EN ISO safety questions, please contact:
9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001
supplies immediately on receipt. We reserve the right to alter product
constants within the scope of technical progress or new developments. The Wacker Chemie AG
WACKER is a trademark of Wacker
recommendations made in this leaflet should be checked by preliminary trials Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4
Chemie AG.
because of conditions during processing over which we have no control, 81737 München, Germany
VINNAPAS® is a trademark of
especially where other companies' raw materials are also being used. The [email protected]
Wacker Chemie AG.
recommendations do not absolve the user from the obligation of investigating
the possibility of infringement of third parties' rights and, if necessary,
clarifying the position. Recommendations for use do not constitute a warranty,
either express or implied, of the fitness or suitability of the products for a
particular purpose.
Technical data sheet for VINNAPAS® EP 400 / Version: 1.0 / Date of last alteration: 20.01.2009 2/2