My Significant Learning From PGDCH Course
My Significant Learning From PGDCH Course
My Significant Learning From PGDCH Course
I enrolled in this course with no idea where would it take me, what will i
earn, what will be the outcome. I just wanted to pursue it as it was the only
PG degree with 1 year which was related to psychology that i could find
and thus it would perfectly fit my Educational resume as the next year i
was planning for my Masters in USA.
I was shocked to learn in my first contact learning that this was like no
other course, i Was the youngest one (21 Years) while everyone else was
much older and were practicing psychologists or related to psychology in
some way whilst I was just a Microbiology and Medical Technology
But hypnosis was very new to me, something which i had only heard of in
movies and shows and one fine day just coming accross a course on
google which was Clinically related to Psychology and hypnosis and fits
my timeline was i think the perfect blessing of god to me.
Having a clean slate helped me alot as there was so much i could learn,
experience and practice. My main agenda was to help myself before
anyone else. At that at time I was in a negative Mind Space about my
career , my personal and family life and relationships.It was a scary time.
It’s difficult to imagine what life was like back then, but I knew I had
fallen into a whole range of negative thought patterns.I needed to find a
solution to create a sharp break in my mental patterns.
Also learning the hypnotic history was very interesting as i think history
teaches us so much, and hypnotic history in general has so much rich
knowledge and true events that happened in its development across the
world and in India. and use of hypnosis in so many fields like pain
management, obstetrics, Gynaecology, oncology etc is a eye opener and
after completion of degree i would definitely like to research about such
fields and help and further my practice in any way possible.
Also thankyou to Dr palan and all other faculties for helping us and for
conducting such good contact learning and teaching us and being patient
with us and also thankyou for inviting other speakers to help us provide
better knowledge. I for sure loved listening and learning from Dr Nitin