Students Who Are Not Attending Flag Ceremony
Students Who Are Not Attending Flag Ceremony
Students Who Are Not Attending Flag Ceremony
history of the flag and be reminded of how heroes fought for our
for country, and it is one of the ways to value the sacrifices of the
Act prescribing the code of the national flag, anthem, motto, coat of
arms and other heraldic items and devices of the Philippines, All
observed the flag racing ceremony every Monday morning and the flag
to their vacation and adventures in life. Other students had just the
is losing in ground
Punctuality is said to be the soul the role of businness and there can
school and closing at the right time. In flag ceremony for instance
and community they are responsible for discipline and guided by the
punishment for the late comers but developing structure and strategy
that there will be no constructive activities happen for the first ten
tardiness of students