Model 3150 Downflow: Service Manual

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Model 3150 Downflow

Service Manual

IMPORTANT: Fill in Pertinent Information on Page 3 for Future Reference

Table of Contents
Job Specification Sheet.......................................................................................................................................... 3
General Commercial Pre-Installation Check List.................................................................................................... 4
3200 Timer Setting Procedure................................................................................................................................ 5
3200 & 3210 Timer Series Regeneration Cycle Program Setting Procedure......................................................... 6
Commercial Demand Regeneration Control Timer Settings.................................................................................. 7
3210 Timer Assembly............................................................................................................................................. 8
3210 Timer Assembly Parts List............................................................................................................................. 9
Control Valve Assembly........................................................................................................................................ 10
Control Valve Assembly Parts List.........................................................................................................................11
Control Drive Assembly........................................................................................................................................ 12
Control Drive Assembly Parts List........................................................................................................................ 13
1800 Series Brine System Assembly................................................................................................................... 14
1800 Series Brine System Assembly Parts List................................................................................................... 15
2” Brass Meter Assembly & Parts List.................................................................................................................. 16
Service Valve Operator Assembly & Parts List..................................................................................................... 17
Service Assemblies.............................................................................................................................................. 18
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................................... 19
General Service Hints for Meter Control.............................................................................................................. 20
Water Conditioner Flow Diagrams........................................................................................................................ 21
Flow Data & Injector Draw Rates......................................................................................................................... 23
Typical Timer Settings.......................................................................................................................................... 24
Installation Drawings............................................................................................................................................ 25
System #4 Immediate/Delayed Regeneration Valve Wiring................................................................................. 27
System #4 - Remote Signal Start Valve Wiring.................................................................................................... 28
System #5 - Duplex Valve Wiring......................................................................................................................... 29
System #6 - Duplex Valve Wiring......................................................................................................................... 30
System #7 - Duplex 24V/120V 3-Way Valve Wiring............................................................................................. 31
System #7 - Duplex 230V 3-Way Valve Wiring.................................................................................................... 32

IMPORTANT: The information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are based on the latest information
available at the time of printing. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.
Job Specification Sheet
Job No.
Model No.
Water Test
Capacity Per Unit
Mineral Tank Size Diameter Height
Brine Tank Size & Salt Setting per Regeneration
Control Valve Specifications
1. Type of Timer
A. 7 Day or 12 Day
B. 1,250 to 21,250 Gallon Meter or
6,250 to 106,250 Gallon Meter or
C. Meter Wiring Package
1. System #4 - 1 Tank, 1 Meter, Immediate or Delayed Regeneration
2. System #5 - 2 Tanks, 2 Meters, Interlock
3. System #6 - 2 Tanks, 1 Meter, Series Regeneration
4. System #7 - 2 Tanks, 1 Meter, Alternator
2. Timer Program Settings
A. Backwash Minutes
B. Brine & Slow Rinse Minutes
C. Rapid Rinse Minutes
D. Brine Tank Refill Minutes
3. Drain Line Flow Control gpm
4. Brine Line Flow Controller gpm
5. Injector Size #
6. Service Valve Operation Units (SVO)
Size of Service Valve

General Commercial Pre-Installation Check List
WATER PRESSURE: A minimum of 25 pounds of water pressure is required for regeneration valve to operate
ELECTRICAL FACILITIES: A continuous 115 volt, 60 Hertz current supply is required. (Other voltages available.)
Make certain the current supply is always hot and cannot be turned off with another switch.
EXISTING PLUMBING: Condition of existing plumbing should be free from lime and iron buildup. Piping that is
built up heavily with lime and/or iron should be replaced. If piping is clogged with iron, a separate iron filter unit
should be installed ahead of the water softener.
LOCATION OF SOFTENER AND DRAIN: The softener should be located close to a drain.
BY-PASS VALVES: Always provide for the installation of a by-pass valve.
CAUTION: Water pressure is not to exceed 120 p.s.i., water temperature is not to exceed 100°F, and the unit can-
not be subjected to freezing conditions.

1. Place the softener tank where you want to install the unit making sure the unit is level and on a firm base.
(Maximum 7 feet apart for twin units.)
2. All plumbing should be done in accordance with local plumbing codes. The pipe size for the drain line should
be the same size as the drain line flow control connection. Water meters are to be installed on soft water
outlets. Twin units with (1) one meter shall be installed on common soft water outlet of units.
3. Make sure that the floor is clean beneath the salt storage tank and that it is level.
4. Place approximately 1” of water above the grid plate (if used) in your salt tank Salt may be placed in the
unit at this time.
5. Place in by-pass position. Turn on the main water supply. Open a cold soft water tap nearby and let run a
few minutes or until the system is free from foreign material (usually solder) that may have resulted from
the installation.
6. Place the by-pass in service position.
7. Manually index the softener control into “service” position and let water flow into the mineral tank. When
water flow stops, close inlet valve, place control in “backwash” position to relieve head of air, then gradually
open inlet valve to purge remaining air in tank. Return control to “service” position.
8. Electrical: All electrical connections must be connected according to codes. Use electrical conduit if
applicable. Plug into power supply.

3200 Timer Setting Procedure
How To Set Days On Which Water Conditioner Is To
Rotate the skipper wheel until the number “1” is at the
red pointer. Set the days that regeneration is to occur
by sliding tabs on the skipper wheel outward to expose
trip fingers. Each tab is one day. Finger at red pointer is
tonight. Moving clockwise from the red pointer, extend or
retract fingers to obtain the desired regeneration sched-

How To Set The Time Of Day:

1. Press and hold the red button in to disengage the
drive gear.
2. Turn the large gear until the actual time of day is at
the time of day pointer.
3. Release the red button to again engage the drive

How To Manually Regenerate Your Water

Conditioner At Any Time:
1. Turn the manual regeneration knob clockwise.
2. This slight movement of the manual regeneration
knob engages the program wheel and starts the
regeneration program.
3. The black center knob will make one revolution in
the following approximately three hours and stop in
the position shown in the drawing.
4. Even though it takes three hours for this center knob
to complete one revolution, the regeneration cycle of
your unit might be set only one half of this time.
5. In any event, conditioned water may be drawn after
rinse water stops flowing from the water
conditioner drain line.

How to Adjust Regeneration Time:

1. Disconnect the power source.
2. Locate the three screws behind the manual
regeneration knob by pushing the red button in and
rotating the 24 hour dial until each screw appears in
the cut out portion of the manual regeneration knob.
3. Loosen each screw slightly to release the pressure
on the time plate from the 24 hour gear.
4. Locate the regeneration time pointer on the inside
of the 24 hour dial in the cut out.
5. Turn the time plate so the desired regeneration time
aligns next to the raised arrow.
6. Push the red button in and rotate the 24 hour dial.
Tighten each of the three screws.
7. Push the red button and locate the pointer one more
time to ensure the desired regeneration time
is correct.
8. Reset the time of day and restore power to the unit.

3200 & 3210 Timer Series
Regeneration Cycle Program Setting Procedure
How To Set The Regeneration Cycle Program:
The regeneration cycle program on your water condi-
tioner has been factory preset, however, portions of
the cycle or program may be lengthened or shortened
in time to suit local conditions.

3200 & 3210 Series Timers (Figure to Right)

1. To expose cycle program wheel, grasp timer in
upper left-hand corner and pull, releasing snap
retainer and swinging timer to the right.
2. To change the regeneration cycle program, the
program wheel must be removed. Grasp program
wheel and squeeze protruding lugs toward cen-
ter, lift program wheel off timer. (Switch arms may
require movement to facilitate removal)
3. Return timer to closed position engaging snap
retainer in back plate. Make certain all electrical
wires locate above snap retainer post.

Timer Setting Procedure for the 3200 &

3210 Timers

How To Change The Length Of The Backwash

The program wheel as shown in the drawing is in the How To Change The Length Of Rapid Rinse:
service position. As you look at the numbered side of 1. The second group of pins on the program wheel
the program wheel, the group of pins starting at zero determines the length of time that your water condi-
determines the length of time your unit will backwash. tioner will rapid rinse. (2 min. per pin.)
2. To change the length of rapid rinse time, add or
EXAMPLE: If there are six pins in this section, the time remove pins at the higher numbered end of this
of backwash will be 12 min. (2 min. per pin). To change section as required. The number of pins times two
the length of backwash time, add or remove pins as equals the rapid rinse time in minutes.
required. The number of pins times two equals the
backwash time in minutes. How To Change The Length Of Brine Tank Refill
How To Change The Length Of Brine And Rinse 1. The second group of holes in the program wheel
Time: determines the length of time that your water condi-
1. The group of holes between the last pin in the tioner will refill the brine tank (2 min. per hole.)
backwash section and the second group of pins 2. To change the length of refill time, move the two
determines the length of time that your unit will pins at the end of the second group of holes as
brine and rinse (2 min. per hole.) required.
2. To change the length of brine and rinse time, move 3. The regeneration cycle is complete when the outer
the rapid rinse group of pins to give more or fewer microswitch is tripped by the two pin set at end of
holes in the brine and rinse section. Number of the brine tank refill section.
holes times two equals brine and rinse time in 4. The program wheel, however, will continue to rotate
minutes. until the inner micro-switch drops into the notch on
the program wheel.

Commercial Demand Regeneration Control Timer Settings
Typical Programming Procedure How To Manually Regenerate Your Water Condi-
Calculate the gallon capacity of the system, subtract tioner At Any Time:
the necessary reserve requirement and set the gallons 1. Turn the manual regeneration knob clockwise.
available opposite the small white dot on the program 2. This slight movement of the manual regeneration
wheel gear. knob engages the program wheel and starts the
regeneration program.
NOTE: Drawing shows 8,750 gallon setting. The 3. The black center knob will make one revolution in
capacity (gallons) arrow denotes remaining gallons the following approximately three hours and stop in
exclusive of fixed reserve. the position shown in the drawing.
4. Even though it takes three hours for this center
How To Set The Time Of Day: knob to complete one revolution, the regeneration
1. Press and hold the red button in to disengage the cycle of your unit might be set for only one half of
drive gear. this time.
2. Turn the large gear until the actual time of day is 5. In any event, conditioned water may be drawn after
opposite the time of day pointer. rinse water stops flowing from the water conditioner
3. Release the red button to again engage the drive drain line.
Immediate Regeneration Timers:
These timers do not have a 24 hour gear. Setting the
gallons on the program wheel and manual regeneration
procedure are the same as previous instructions.

NOTE: To set meter capacity rotate

manual knob one - 360° revolution
to set gallonage.

3210 Timer Assembly

3210 Timer Assembly Parts List
Item No. Quantity Part No. Description
1.................... 1..................... 13870-01.............. Housing Assy, Timer, 3210
2.................... 1..................... 13802................... Gear, Cycle Actuator
3.................... 1..................... 40096-xx.............. 24 Hour Gear Assy, 12 Midnight
40096-02.............. Dial 2 AM Regen Assy, Black
5.................... 1..................... 13886................... Knob, 3200
6.................... 4..................... 13296................... Screw, Hex Wsh, 6-20 x 1/2
7.................... 2..................... 11999................... Label, Button
8.................... 1..................... 60405-50.............. Program Wheel Assy, w/2” Std Label Set @ 21
9.................... 1..................... 13806................... Retainer, Program Wheel
10.................. 1..................... 13748................... Screw, Flt Hd St, 6-20 x 1/2
11.................. 1..................... 14265................... Clip, Spring
12.................. 1..................... 15424................... Spring, Detent, Timer
13.................. 1..................... 15066................... Ball, 1/4” Delrin
14.................. 1..................... 13911................... Gear, Main Drive, Timer
15.................. 1..................... 19210................... Program Wheel Assy
16.................. 21................... 15493................... Pin, Spring, 1/16 x 5/8 SS
18.................. 1..................... 13018................... Pinion, Idler
19.................. 1..................... 13312................... Spring, Idler Shaft
20.................. 1..................... 13017................... Gear, Idler
21.................. 1..................... 13164................... Gear, Drive
23.................. 1..................... 13887................... Plate, Motor Mounting
24.................. 1..................... 18743................... Motor, 120V, 60 Hz 1/30 RPM, 5600
19659-1................ Motor, 24V, 60 Hz 1/30 RPM
25.................. 2..................... 13278................... Screw, Phil Hd Mach, 6-32 x 1/8
26.................. 1..................... 13830................... Pinion, Program Wheel Drive
27.................. 1..................... 13831................... Clutch, Drive Pinion
28.................. 1..................... 14276................... Spring, Meter Clutch
29.................. 1..................... 14253................... Retainer, Clutch Spring
31.................. 3..................... 11384................... Screw, Phil, 6-32 x 1/4
32.................. 1..................... 13881................... Bracket, Hinge Timer
33.................. 3..................... 14087................... Insulator
34.................. 1..................... 10896................... Switch, Micro
35.................. 1..................... 15320................... Switch, Micro, Timer
36.................. 2..................... 11413................... Screw, Pan Hd Mach, 4-40 x 1 1/8
37.................. 1..................... 14007................... Label, Time of Day
38.................. 1..................... 14045................... Label, Instruction
Not Shown.... 1..................... 13902................... Harness, 3200
Not Shown.... 2..................... 40422................... Nut, Wire, Tan
Not Shown.... 1..................... 15354-01.............. Wire, Ground, 4”
Not Shown.... 1..................... 15465................... Caution Label
Not Shown.... 1..................... 14198................... Capacity Label

Control Valve Assembly

Page 10
Control Valve Assembly Parts List

Item No. Quantity Part No. Description

1.................... 1..................... 15114.......................Valve Body, 3150
2.................... 8..................... 11720.......................Seal, Piston, 2900/3150
3.................... 5..................... 10369.......................Spacer, 2”, 2900/3150
16141.......................Spacer, Port Ring
4.................... 2..................... 10368.......................Spacer, Narrow, 3150/3900
10368-01..................Spacer, Quad Ring, Brass
5.................... 1..................... 16130.......................Piston, High Backwash
19611-01..................Piston Assy, 3150, NHWBP, O-ring
6.................... 1..................... 14818.......................Ring, Piston Rod, Snap
7.................... 1..................... 15125.......................Rod, Piston, 3150
19708.......................Rod, Piston, 3150 NHWBP
8.................... 1..................... 14922.......................O-ring, -035, Piston
9.................... 1..................... 16398-01..................End Plug Assy, 3150, White
10.................. 1..................... 15112.......................Seal, 3150 Adapter Base
11.................. 1..................... 17407.......................Adapter, 3150, Sidemount
12.................. 2..................... 40118.......................Screw, Sckt Hd, 1/2 - 13 Unc

13.................. 1..................... 15117-01..................Adapter, 3150, Machined
*14................ 1..................... 15247.......................O-ring, -229
15.................. 1..................... 13575.......................O-ring, -240
15210.......................O-ring, -343, Park Tank
16.................. 1..................... 19608-20..................Disperser, Commercial, 2”, 3150 (Not Shown)

17.................. 1..................... 40365.......................Base, 3130/3150, Rotating
18.................. 1..................... 40316.......................Adapter, Sidemount
19.................. 1..................... 16804-01..................O-ring, -150
20.................. 1..................... 40368.......................O-ring, -160, Sidemount, Flange
21.................. 7..................... 19768.......................Screw, Hex Hd, 3/8 - 16 x 1, Cap 18-8
22.................. 7..................... 40375.......................Washer, Flat, 3/8, Type A, N-sers

* Do not use this o-ring if control is side-mounted.

Page 11
Control Drive Assembly

Page 12
Control Drive Assembly Parts List
Item No. Quantity Part No. Description
1....................1..................... 19304-00................................ Backplate, 3150/3900 Upper, Env Sys #4, 5, 6, Lag,
3900 Lead
2....................1..................... 15120-01................................ Bracket, Motor Mtg, 3150/3900 Environmental
3....................2..................... 16346......................................Nut, Hex, Jam, 5/16 - 18
4....................1..................... 40392......................................Motor, Drive, 115V, 50/60 Hz, Sp
40390......................................Motor, Drive, 220V, 50 Hz, Sp, Fam 3
40391......................................Motor, Drive, 24V, 50/60 Hz, Sp Fam 3
5....................1..................... 17797......................................Bracket, Switch Mounting, 3150/3900
6....................4..................... 10302......................................Insulator, Limit Switch
7....................3..................... 10218......................................Switch, Micro
8....................1..................... 17845-03................................ Pin, Hinge, 3150/3900, Env
9....................4..................... 11235......................................Nut, Hex, 1/4 -20, Mach Screw, Zinc
10..................2..................... 13365......................................Washer, Lock, #4, External
11..................2..................... 12624......................................Screw, Phil Pan, 40 x 1 1/2
13..................1..................... 16053......................................Bracket, Brine Side
14..................2..................... 40133......................................Screw, Pan Hd, 4-40 x 1/4
15..................1..................... 15226-*................................... Terminal Block
16..................2..................... 16052......................................Bushing, 3150/3900
17..................1..................... 16059......................................Washer, SS, .88, 3150/3900
18..................1..................... 16051......................................Ring, Retaining, Bowed
19...................2..................... 10300......................................Screw, Slot Hex Wsh, 18-8 x 3/8
21..................4..................... 10231......................................Screw, Slot Hex, 1/4 - 20 x 1/2
22..................2..................... 17567......................................Screw, Hex Wsh Hd, 8 x 1/2
23..................2..................... 12288......................................Washer, Lock, #8 Zinc Plated
24..................1..................... 16494-05................................ Cam Assy, 3150/3900 Upper Signal After Rapid Rinse
16494-03................................ Cam Assy, 3150/3900 Signal After Brine Fill
25..................4..................... 11224......................................Screw, Hex Hd, 5/16 - 18 x 5/8
27..................1..................... 19813......................................Screw, Env Cover, 1/4 - 20 SHCS
28A................1..................... 19277-020.............................. Cover, 3150/3900 Env, Black
30..................1..................... 18745......................................Window, Cover, 2900
32..................4..................... 13296......................................Screw, Hex Wsh, 6-20 x 1/2
33..................1..................... 16046......................................Gear, Drive
34..................1..................... 16050......................................Ring, Retaining
35..................1..................... 11774......................................Ring, Retaining
36..................1..................... 16047......................................Link, Drive
37..................1..................... 11709......................................Pin, Drive Link
38..................1..................... 16048......................................Bearing, Drive Link
39..................1..................... 11898......................................Clip, 3150/3900
40..................1..................... 16045......................................Pinion, Drive
41..................1..................... 11381......................................Pin, Roll, 2900/3900
42..................1..................... 11080......................................Screw, Flt Hd Mach, 8-32 x 3/8
43..................3..................... 10872......................................Screw, Hex Wsh, 8-32 x 17/64
Not Shown.....1.....................................................................Timer
Not Shown.....1..................... 40084-12................................ Power Cord, 12’ US, Round, 120V Sys 5, 6, 7 & 2900/
3150/3900 #4
Not Shown.....1..................... 17967......................................Fitting Assy, Liquid Tight, Blk
Not Shown.....1..................... 40396......................................Harness, Drive, Environmental
Not Shown.....1..................... 19691......................................Plug, .750 Dia, Recessed, Black
Not Shown.....1..................... 19591......................................Plug, .8750 Hole, Recessed, Black
Not Shown.....1..................... 16427-04................................ Wire, Lead, 12”, White
Not Shown.....1..................... 40396......................................Harness, Drive, Environmental
Not Shown.....1..................... 14924......................................Strain Relief Heyco #1247
Not Shown.....1..................... 15513......................................Meter Cable, 17.5”
Not Shown.....2..................... 15250......................................Label, Terminal Strip
Not Shown.....1..................... 17470......................................Cable Guide Assy, 2850/3150
Not Shown.....1..................... 19856......................................Ring, Retaining

* Specify number of terminals

Page 13
1800 Series Brine System Assembly

Page 14
1800 Series Brine System Assembly Parts List

Item No. Quantity Part No. Description

1.................... 1..................... 16340.......................Body, Injector, 1800 D/F
2.................... 1..................... 15128-xx..................Injector Nozzle
3.................... 1..................... 15127-xx..................Injector Throat
4.................... 3..................... 15246.......................O-ring, -116
5.................... 1..................... 16341-01..................Cap, Injector, 1800
6.................... 8..................... 12473.......................Screw, Hex Wsh, 10-24 x 5/8
7.................... 1..................... 16341-02..................Plug, Injector, 1800
8.................... 1..................... 13303-01..................O-ring, -021, 560CD
9.................... 1..................... 16497-01..................Stem Assy, 1800, Brine Valve
10.................. 1..................... 18713.......................Brine Valve Body, 1800
11.................. 1..................... 11772.......................Spring, 3150 Brine Valve
12.................. 1..................... 11774.......................Ring, Retaining
13.................. 1..................... 16498-01..................Stem Guide Assy, Brine
14.................. 1..................... 16387.......................Plug, Pipe, 1/2” NPT
15.................. 2..................... 18702.......................Fitting, Tube, 1/2 NPT 5/8
16.................. 1..................... 18703.......................Tube, Brine, 5/8 OD Annealed
17.................. 1..................... 60009-00..................Air Check, #900, Commercial Less Fittings
60009-01..................Air Check, #900, Commercial, HW Less Fittings
Not Shown.... 1......................................................Flow Control (Specify Flow Rate)

Option Without Brine Valve

1...............................16605.......... Retainer Plate
1...............................19860.......... Fitting, Brine Valve, 1800
Delete: Items 9 through 16

Injector Throat
15127-04..................#4................ Green
15127-05..................#5................ Red
15127-06..................#6................ White
15127-07..................#7................ Blue
15127-08..................#8................ Yellow
15127-09..................#9................ Violet
15127-10..................#10.............. Black

Injector Nozzle
15128-04..................#4................ Green
15128-05..................#5................ Red
15128-06..................#6................ White
15128-07..................#7................ Blue
15128-08..................#8................ Yellow
15128-09..................#9................ Violet
15128-10..................#10.............. Black

Page 15
2” Brass Meter Assembly & Parts List

Item No. Quantity Part No. Description

1.................... 1..................... 14456.......................Body, Meter, 2”
2.................... 1..................... 15532.......................Seat, Impeller, Shaft, Hex
3.................... 1..................... 15432.......................Shaft, Impeller, SS
5.................... 1..................... 15374.......................Impeller Assy, 2” Meter
6.................... 1..................... 13847.......................O-ring, -137, Std/560CD, Meter
7A................. 1..................... 15218.......................Meter Cap Assy
7B................. 1..................... 15237.......................Meter Cap Assy, Ext
8.................... 4..................... 12112.......................Screw, Hex Hd Mach, 10-24 x 1/2
9.................... 1..................... 14679.......................O-ring, -227 Meter
10.................. 1..................... 14568.......................Fitting, Nipple, 2”
11.................. 1..................... 14680.......................Flow Straightener
12.................. 1..................... 14569.......................Nut, 2900 Meter

Page 16
Service Valve Operator Assembly & Parts List

Item No. Quantity Part No. Description

1.................... 1..................... 15074.......................Body, SVO
2.................... 1..................... 16065.......................Piston & Stem, SVO
3.................... 1..................... 10141.......................O-ring, -010
4.................... 2..................... 14835.......................Seal, 3150
5.................... 1..................... 14834.......................Spacer, Softwater Fill
6.................... 1..................... 16509.......................Plug, End, SVO
7.................... 1..................... 12977.......................O-ring, -015
8.................... 1..................... 15965.......................Fitting, Bias
9.................... 1..................... 10249.......................Spring, Brine Valve
10.................. 1..................... 10250.......................Ring, Retaining
11.................. 1..................... 16498-02..................Stem Guide Assy, SVO
12.................. 3..................... 10332.......................Fitting, Insert, 3/8
13.................. 3..................... 10330.......................Fitting, Sleeve, 3/8 Celcon
14.................. 3..................... 10329.......................Fitting, Tube, 3/8 Nut, Brass
15.................. 1..................... 16503.......................Fitting, Elbow, 90 Deg.
Not Shown.... 1..................... 16511.......................Tube, 3150, PVC, SVO

Page 17
Service Assemblies
60036-02 Brine Valve, 1800, Design 3 60057-01......Drive Assy, 3150, 120V, B/Fill 3900
Upper Sys #5 or Sys # 7
1......11772...........Spring, 3150 Brine Valve
1......11774...........Ring, Retaining 4......10302...........Insulator, Limit Switch
1......18713...........Brine Valve Body, 1800 3......10872...........Screw, Hex Wsh, 8-32 x 17/64
1......16497-01......Stem Assy, 1800 Brine Valve 1......11080...........Screw, Flt Hd Mach, 8-32 x 3/8
New Style 3......10218...........Switch, Micro
1......16498-01......Stem Guide Assy, Brine 2......12660...........Nut, Hex, 10-24 SS
2......17567...........Screw, Hex Wsh Hd, 8 x 1/2
60277-xx......1800 Injector Assembly 1......15120...........Bracket, Motor Mtg, 3150/3900
1......40392...........Motor, Drive, 115V, 50/60 Hz SP1
4......12473...........Screw, Hex Wsh, 10-24 x 5/8 1......16052...........Bushing, 3150/3900
1......15127...........Injector Throat Assy 1......17797...........Bracket, Switch Mounting 3150/3900
1......15128-xx......Injector Nozzle - Specify Size 2......12624...........Screw, Phil Pan, 40 x 1 1/2
2......15246...........O-ring, -116
1......16340...........Body, Injector, 1800, D/F 60150-3150....SVO Assy, 3150
1......16341-01......Cap, Injector, 1800
60393.............Meter Assy, 2900, 2” Std
60106-00......Piston Assy, 3900/3150 Std
60394.............Meter Assy, 2900, 2” Ext
1......14818...........Ring, Piston Rod, Snap
1......14922...........O-ring, -035, Piston Side Mount Adapter
1......16130...........Piston, High Backwash 61414...................Adapter, Assy, Sdmnt, 3130/3150
1......15125...........Rod, Piston, 3150 Rotating
1......16398-01......End Plug Assy, 3150, White 61414NP...............Adapter Assy, Sdmnt, 3130/3150
Nickel Plated Rotating
60113-01......Piston Assy, 3150, NHWBP, 61414-20..............Adapter Assy, Sdmnt
D-Flow Conversion/Replacement 61414-20NP.........Adapter Assy, Sdmnt

1......16398-01......End Plug Assy, 3150, White

1......19611-01......Piston Assy, 3150, NHWBP, O-ring
1......19708...........Rod, Piston, 3150 NHWBP
1......14818...........Ring, Piston Rod, Snap

60131...........Seal & Spacer Kit 2930/3130/3150

2......10368...........Spacer, Narrow, 3150/3900

5......10369...........Spacer, 2”, 2900/3150
8......11720...........Seal, Piston, 2900/3150

Page 18

Problem Cause Correction

1. Water conditioner fails to A. Electrical service to unit has A. Assure permanent electrical service
regenerate. been interrupted (check fuse, plug, pull chain, or switch)
B. Timer is defective. B. Replace timer.
C. Power failure. C. Reset time of day.
2. Hard water. A. By-pass valve is open. A. Close by-pass valve.
B. No salt is in brine tank. B. Add salt to brine tank and maintain
salt level above water level.
C. Injector screen plugged. C. Clean injector screen.
D. Insufficient water flowing into D. Check brine tank fill time and clean
brine tank. brine line flow control if plugged.
E. Hot water tank hardness. E. Repeated flushings of the hot water
tank is required.
F. Leak at distributor tube. F. Make sure distributor tube is not
cracked. Check O-ring and tube pilot.
G. Internal valve leak. G. Replace seals and spacers and/or
3. Unit used too much salt. A. Improper salt setting. A. Check salt usage and salt setting.
B. Excessive water in brine tank. B. See problem 7.
4. Loss of water pressure. A. Iron buildup in line to water A. Clean line to water conditioner.
B. Iron buildup in water condi- B. Clean control and add mineral cleaner
tioner. to mineral bed. Increase frequency of
C. Inlet of control plugged due C. Remove piston and clean control.
to foreign material broken loose
from pipes by recent work done on
plumbing system.
5. Loss of mineral through drain A. Air in water system. A. Assure that well system has proper
line. air eliminator control. Check for dry well
B. Improperly sized drain line flow B. Check for proper drain rate.
6. Iron in conditioned water. A. Fouled mineral bed. A. Check backwash, brine draw, and
brine tank fill. Increase frequency of re-
generation. Increase backwash time.

Page 19

Problem Cause Correction

7. Excessive water in brine A. Plugged drain line flow control. A. Clean flow control.
tank. B. Plugged injector system. B. Clean injector and screen.
C. Timer not cycling. C. Replace timer.
D. Foreign material in brine valve. D. Replace brine valve seat and clean
E. Foreign material in brine line E. Clean brine line flow control.
flow control.
8. Softener fails to draw brine. A. Drain line flow control is A. Clean drain line flow control.
B. Injector is plugged. B. Clean injector
C. Injector screen plugged. C. Clean screen.
D. Line pressure is too low. D. Increase line pressure to 20 P.S.I.
E. Internal control leak E. Change seals, spacers, and piston
F. Service adapter did not cycle. F. Check drive motor and switches.
9. Control cycles continuously. A. Misadjusted, broken, or shorted A. Determine if switch or timer is faulty
switch. and replace it, or replace complete
power head.
10. Drain flows continuously. A. Valve is not programming cor- A. Check timer program and positioning
rectly. of control. Replace power head assem-
bly if not positioning properly.
B. Foreign material in control. B. Remove power head assembly and
inspect bore. Remove foreign material
and check control in various regeneration
C. Internal control leak. C. Replace seals and piston assembly.

General Service Hints For Meter Control

Problem: Softener delivers hard water

Reason: Reserve capacity has been exceeded.

Correction: Check salt dosage requirements and reset program wheel to provide additional reserve.
Reason: Program wheel is not rotating with meter output.
Correction: Pull cable out of meter cover and rotate manually. Program wheel must move without binding
and clutch must give positive clicks when program wheel strikes regeneration stop. If it does not, replace
Reason: Meter is not measuring flow.
Correction: Check meter with meter checker.

Page 20
Water Conditioner Flow Diagrams
1 Service Position

Hard water enters at valve inlet — flows through valve to the top of tank — down through mineral to the bottom
distributor. Conditioned water flows to the valve, around the piston and out the outlet.

2 Backwash Position 3 Brine and Slow Rinse Position

Hard water enters at valve inlet — flows thorough Hard water enters at valve inlet — flows through injec-
valve to the bottom of tank — up through mineral to tor nozzle and throat to draw brine from the brine tank
top of tank, around the piston and out the drain. Hard — brine flows through valve to the top of tank — down
water is also available at valve outlet. thorough mineral to bottom distributor — back to the
valve, around the piston and out the drain. Flow thor-
ough injectors continues for slow rinse for remainder of
cycle. Hard water is also available at valve outlet.

Page 21
Water Conditioner Flow Diagrams
4 Rapid Rinse Position

Hard water enters at valve inlet — flows thorough valve to the top of tank — down thorough mineral to bottom
distributor — back to the valve, around the piston and out the drain. Hard water is also available at valve outlet.

5 Brine Tank Refill Position

Hard water enters at valve inlet — flows through nozzle and tthrough throat to brine valve to refill the brine tank.
Conditioned water is also available at valve outlet during this cycle.

Page 22
Flow Data & Injector Draw Rates

Page 23
Typical Timer Settings

Page 24
Installation Drawings
System #4 - Typical Single Tank Installation with Optional Meter

System #5 - Interlock - Typical Twin Tank Installation with

Optional Meter Interlock and No Hard Water Bypass

Page 25
Installation Drawings
System #6 - Twin Series Regeneration Installation with a Remote Meter

System #7 - Twin Alternator Installation with a Remote Meter

Page 26
System #4 Immediate/Delayed Regeneration Valve Wiring


Page 27
System #4 - Remote Signal Start Valve Wiring


Page 28
System #5 - Duplex Valve Wiring



Page 29
System #6 - Duplex Valve Wiring



Page 30
System #7 - Duplex 24V/120V 3-Way Valve Wiring



Page 31
System #7 - Duplex 230V 3-Way Valve Wiring



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Page 35
P/N 16504 Rev. D 03/06

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