SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations Quiz PDF
SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations Quiz PDF
SITHKOP005 Coordinate Cooking Operations Quiz PDF
The chef always has to juggle expected customer demand during the preparation stages and judge how many serves of each dish need to be prepared.
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In a busy operation a clever chef will ensure that all menu items are prepared or pre-cooked to ensure a smooth, stress free service period.
Estimating required quantities is often based on historical sales data as well as situations like weather, season and special events which may Impact on business volume.
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. Drag the ticks to the correct answers.
The following aspects must be considered when creating a production flow chart for a dish:
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A production flow chart is a step-by-step procedure which clearly describes each stage in the process of preparing a product.
All stages must be included, from the point of receiving commodities until service or distribution of the final product.
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Flow charts are only created for dishes which are served hot.
Flow charts should be simple in design, but sufficiently detailed in order to enable the HACCP team to establish CCPs.
Once you have established a flowchart for a dish on your menu, the HACCP team should follow each production step in order to physically verify them and to suggest corrective
actions where required.
Details of products or commodities received, including data for receiving, packaging, biological, chemical and physical condition, as well as storage details
Tasting notes for each product including specifications for garnishes during service
Details of all processing and preparation stages
Timeframes and temperatures during all stages of processing
Design and features of equipment used during processing and preparation
Details of re-thermalisation and cooling procedures
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The meals can be distributed to where they will be used, e.g. from a commissary kitchen to service outlets. They will then be re-thermalised and used for service.
The process relies on a piece of equipment know as a blast chiller which allows the item to be cooled quickly, while maintaining food quality.
The intention of a cook-chill system is to produce all food for the week ahead to save on labour costs.
Using the Cook-Chill process the food can last for up to 5 days, provided all steps are followed properly.
The shelf life is a fallback - if you have produced too much for the first usage, then the shelf life means you may still be able to use the item the next day or day after, provided it is
still in acceptable condition.
All hot food must be re-thermalised correctly to achieve the required core temperature of at least 70°C.
The Cook-Chill technique is only suitable for large scale catering operations.
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2020. 8. 31. Coassemble
Bag Seal The bag is securely closed with a clip or heat seal closure.
Bag Fill Once the food has reached the correct degree of doneness, but above 70°C, the food is filled directly into special cook-chill bags.
Food Preparation and Cooking Food is prepared onsite or at a central location such as a commissary kitchen using strict quality control standards. It is then cooked in large
As food is prepared fresh, no HACCP procedures need to be implemented.
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The key challenge with smaller scale processing is to ensure that sufficient food is prepared to allow for smooth service.
As client numbers can be unpredictable you need to strike a balance between not running out of food during service; and not having lots of food leftover that is simply wasted.
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. Drag the ticks to the correct answers.
What are the typical applications for the Cook-Fresh - Bulk Scale process? Which principles need to be considered when planning bulk cook processes?
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The Cook-Fresh - Bulk Scale production process is used in many function centres, hotels and resorts for functions and banquets.
Menus often have no or limited choice and therefore the calculations of all ingredients required is relatively simple.
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Banquetting is a common term used to describe large scale catering and Banquet Menu Analysis sheets are a simple mechanism used to determine total food production
A Banquet Analysis Sheet is a spreadsheet is constructed that combines all of the ingredients of the menu used across the different items and then calculates how much is needed
of each item.
When cooking menus on a bulk scale the standard recipes are multiplied to obtain the required number of serves for all ingredients including seasonings and liquids.
Bulk cooking requires little coordination as there are no time pressures like typically encountered in à la carte operations.
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The following aspects need to be evaluated when selecting a cooking system suitable for the organisation:
When selecting a suitable system you must consider the required equipment, food production processes nutritional requirements and impacts, workflow and other aspects of the
Quite often a combination of processes is used in bulk cooking operations.
Cook-chill operations may be suited to banquetting, whilst the restaurant may most commonly use cook fresh, except for some dishes such as stews, sauces or braises.
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In an existing operation it makes no sense to assess the existing customer base, menus and equipment currently in use as all processes would be in place.
In a working operation it is important to evaluate whether the existing systems are functional or have been decided upon based on preferences or due to equipment restrictions in
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the past.
For the purpose of bulk food production a Standard Recipe Card should list the following information:
Cost of ingredients
Key skills
Equipment needs
Sales Price
Preparation method and cooking time
Serving size for portion control
Ingredient quantities and weights, e.g. kg, g, L or mL in a consistent manner 2/4
2020. 8. 31. Coassemble
To prevent waste, any existing stock in store needs to be identified and ticked off against the required items.
Where you have identified any shortfalls you need to order these ingredients.
Any ordering of stock must comply with the purchasing procedures of the organisation.
Use clean, sanitised containers made from food safe materials for the storage of raw and prepared foods.
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Store dry foods in a cool, dry location on shelves with even temperature and good ventilation.
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. Select true or false to the following statements.
The following food safety measures need to be considered when processing, packaging and holding foods during par-cooking, precooking and cook-chill processes:
When filleting fish or boning meat or poultry, only do small amounts at a time to minimise bacterial growth.
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Return prepared goods to the correct storage conditions immediately, e.g. seafood on drip trays covered with ice, meat separated on trays and covered, poultry trussed or cut and
covered on trays.
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High risk items which are below 70°C, e.g. custard sauce and hollandaise, need to be used quickly.
Most pathogens are destroyed during cooking when the internal temperature exceeds 70°C.
Spores and viruses, as well as toxins will be destroyed through proper heating.
Packaged processed food must be in sealed sterile packaging with appropriate labelling, such as use-by date and nutritional information
The food safety standards require the internal temperature of food to be reduced from:
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90°C to 41°C in a maximum of 4 hours and from 41°C to 1°C within a further maximum period of 2 hours.
60°C to 21°C in a maximum of 2 hours and from 21°C to 5°C within a further maximum period of 4 hours.
60°C to 21°C in a maximum of 4 hours and from 21°C to 3°C within a further maximum period of 2 hours.
80°C to 21°C in a maximum of 2 hours and from 21°C to 5°C within a further maximum period of 4 hours.
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The following aspects need to be considered when assessing work flow procedures in an operational team:
In order to monitor and review your workflow schedules you will need to determine whether the workflows you have implemented are in line with achieving organisational goals.
If staff meet their objectives and timelines this would indicate a realistic workflow schedule.
Operational staff will be the first to understand the operational difficulties that you may not have foreseen and it is therefore important that you ask your staff for feedback on their
You should also always make yourself available to assist your staff with organising their own workflows.
It may reflect negatively on your leadership qualities if you are open to suggestions from staff on how to improve a workflow.
Using a coordinated approach of all production processes can be useful to determine e.g. insufficient equipment for certain processes which could cause a delay.
One of the most common causes of operational problems is workload. Having too much work to do in the timeframe provided means that staff will be stressed and overworked or
the quality produced is below standard. 3/4
2020. 8. 31. Coassemble
The following workspace design aspects must be considered and reviewed to ensure logical and safe production processes:
Food must be cooked, cooled, packaged, stored and transported and each of these processes must be tightly controlled.
A well-planned layout assists in maintaining workflows and adhering to hygiene requirements.
If the existing workspace design is inefficient you need to discuss renovations as soon as possible.
Workspaces must be organised so that cooked food can be chilled, packaged and stored quickly and safely.
An awkward workspace design may require that you review production processes or adjust workflow procedures.
Cooling areas must be equipped with adequate shelving and space so that air can freely circulate, which helps to ensure quick cooling.
Aggregates and compressors need to be serviced regularly and must adequately control the temperature in the refrigerator.
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. Drag the ticks to the correct answers.
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How does a food safety program contribute effectively to quality control procedures?
The organisation's food safety program (FSP) is an essential component of any food business' quality control procedures.
A food safety program will include guidelines for ordering supplies, procedures for receipt of goods and requirements for storage.
For successful implementation the whole process must be documented and staff trained adequately.
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A food safety program is particularly important where food is produced for high risk customers such as the elderly, pregnant women and children.
A good quality control system replaces the requirement of a food safety program.
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It is important to incorporate the relevant state legislation and other legal compliance issues into a well documented process.
Match the control measure for ensuring consistent quality of foods during preparation, cooking and presentation to the relevant example:
HACCP processes Must address all critical control points throughout the cycle from delivery to the plate and storage of cooked product
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Correct cookery methods Applying the correct principles is important as it ensures that the final product reflects the desired standard. If you boil a rabbit leg instead of braising it,
it will be tough and not very palatable.
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Portion weights Cut meat into pre-determined portion sizes or order individual portion cuts from a butcher
Ladles Have various capacities and should be used to make sure that the same amount of soup or sauce is served for a specific dish
Examples of corrective actions in case a critical limit has been reached at a CCP include:
Keeping part of the batch for testing and analysis.
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Match the key processes for setting quality standards in an organisation to the relevant actions:
Confirm Understanding of Standards Use questioning techniques and observations to determine whether staff know what is expected.
Explain the Requirements The defined standards and criteria must be explained to staff. A finished dish including correct garnish, sauce, accompaniments and presentation is
often used as a reference.
Define Checkpoints Use a checklist with observable criteria to evaluate the quality of the dish e.g. correct shapes and sizes, well seasoned, well garnished.
Define Standards The finished product must be saleable. It must reflect the establishment, meet criteria, be palatable and well presented.
Confirm Quality Outcomes The easiest way is to observe the operations and sample dishes before and during service.
Get Direct Supervisors to Check Passing on responsibilities to sous-chef, partie chefs or demi-chefs de partie can be used to train up future staff leaders within the organisation.
Get Staff to Self-check Allow staff to apply the criteria themselves, e.g. ask them whether they would be happy to pay the price for the item.
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