Energy: Pali Rosha, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Haengmuk Cho, Bhupendra Singh Chauhan, Amit Dhir
Energy: Pali Rosha, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Haengmuk Cho, Bhupendra Singh Chauhan, Amit Dhir
Energy: Pali Rosha, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra, Sunil Kumar Mahla, Haengmuk Cho, Bhupendra Singh Chauhan, Amit Dhir
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Limited fossil fuel reserves led to focus on alternatives fuels for combustion engines. Several studies
Received 4 October 2018 reported optimal (20%) biodiesel blend for utility in compression ignition engine at constant compres-
Received in revised form sion ratio. Literature lacks on the study of palm-based biodiesel in blended form at varying engine
15 March 2019
compression ratios. In this study, an initiative was undertaken to study the effect of variable compression
Accepted 25 April 2019
ratio (16:1, 17:1 and 18:1) on various engine characteristics by fuelling 20% palm biodiesel blending
Available online 1 May 2019
compression ignition engine. The ignition delay period decreased, whereas the peak cylinder pressure
and brake thermal efficiency increased with increase in the engine compression ratio from 16:1 to 18:1.
At 3.5 bar bmep, brake thermal efficiency values were observed to be 28.9, 30.8 and 33.8% at 16:1, 17:1
Blend and 18:1 CRs, respectively in B20 fuel. Moreover, increasing compression ratio from 16:1 to 18:1, the
Compression ignition average reduction in emissions of hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and smoke opacity were observed to
Combustion be 47.8, 41.0 and 35.7%, respectively whereas, oxides of nitrogen emissions increased by 41.1%. Thus, it is
Diesel inferred that B20 fuel performed well at high engine compression ratio.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0360-5442/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Rosha et al. / Energy 178 (2019) 676e684 677
(BTE) is directly proportional, but the brake specific fuel con- 2. Material and methodology
sumption (BSFC) were inversely proportional to engine load.
Further, the bounded oxygen (O2) in biodiesel provides better fuel 2.1. Material
burning and also reduces exhaust gas contaminations. Several
studies revealed that biodiesel-diesel blends reduce PM, smoke The liquid fuels used in this study were: palm oil and diesel;
opacity, HC and CO emissions, but NOx formation increases due to palm oil was used for biodiesel production, and both were procured
enhancing in-cylinder combustion temperature [10,11]. Similarly, locally. Methanol (Merck, 99.5%) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) of
Schumacher et al. [12] found optimal biodiesel blend (B20) in analytical grade were supplied by Lobachemie Pvt. Ltd. India. The
emission aspect and stated that retardation in fuel injection re- fatty acid composition of palm oil is shown in Table 1, evaluated by
duces NOx formation to some extent; however, PM, HC, CO pol- using gas chromatograph.
lutants remained constant. This reduction in harmful emissions is
often accompanied by a tradeoff in power, torque, and SFC. Ram-
adhas et al. tested B20 in urban bus fleets and identified higher fuel 2.2. Biodiesel production
consumption (2e5%) when compared to neat diesel [13].
CI engine design parameters viz., compression ratio (CR), in- The palm-based biodiesel was produced in the batch type
jection timing, and injection pressure (IP) cause countable effects reactor of capacity 1 L. The equipments connected to the reactor
towards the combustion of any hydrocarbon fuel. In this context, were: mechanical stirrer, condenser, PID controller and the round
innovative research has just been done to examine the impacts of heating coil, as seen in Fig. 1. The free fatty acid (FFA) content of
fuel IP and engine CR by performing Jatropha biodiesel [14]. It was palm oil was assessed, and it was found less than unity. Conse-
reported that the IP (250 bar) and CR (18:1) enhance BSFC and BTE quently, the single step alkaline transesterification process was
by 10.0 and 8.9%, respectively. The extensive research has been chosen for biodiesel production. The reaction parameters adopted
done on biodiesel utilization in CI engine over the recent few de- for the transesterification process were: reaction temperature
cades, while, mostly done at fixed CR [15,16]. But, few scattered (60 C), stirring speed (250 rpm), methanol to oil molar ratio (10:1),
studies explored the utilization of biodiesel by varying engine CR. In potassium hydroxide (KOH) concentration (1.4 wt %) and reaction
this perspective, Sharma et al. [17] reported that ignition delay (ID) time (60 min), as per reported literature [23]. Palm oil was kept
period decreases and peak cylinder pressure (PCP) increase with
biodiesel at higher CR (18.5:1). It was stated that the ID period
Table 1
reduces by 13.9% with the rise in CR from 14:1 to 18:1 [18]. Palm oil fatty acid composition.
Moreover, the improvement in biodiesel combustion properties
Fatty acid name Structure wt. %
was also stated with rising in CRs. Reheman et al. [19] observed that
BSFC and EGT increased, while BTE decreased with increasing Oleic 18:1 36.9
proportion of biodiesel content in blends, especially at higher CR of Myristic 14:0 1.23
Stearic 18:0 4.22
20:1 with better engine performance at higher CR in case of B20 Palmitic 16:0 48
blend. Kumar et al. [20] compared neat diesel with B40 biodiesel at Palmitoleic 16:1 0.05
18.5:1 of CR and found improvement in engine performance pa- Linoleic 18:2 9.1
rameters, as well as reduction in harmful emissions of CO & HC. Arachidic 20:0 0.3
Linolenic 18:3 0.25
However, NOx emissions increased with engine speed in case of
blended fuel. Babu et al. [21] also ascertained similar findings with
regard to emissions in palm biodiesel (B40) blend when compared
to neat diesel at CR (19:1). Deepanraj et al. findings demonstrated
the increase in specific fuel consumption (SFC) and NOx emissions
with increasing palm biodiesel percentage in diesel, however, the
reduction in HC and CO emissions was observed [22].
Literature survey reveals that biodiesel-diesel blend proportion
and engine CR both play a dominant role in improving the engine
performance and emissions. Although, an extensive research on the
performance of biodiesel blends in CI engine at fixed CR, but few
scattered studies exist on variable compression ratio (VCR) engine
with biodiesel as a blended fuel. Moreover, the effect of CR on
various engine characteristics (combustion, performance, and
emission) using palm biodiesel (B20) optimal blend has not been
explored. Hence, it becomes imperative to run the engine at higher
CRso as to reduce fuel consumption and harmful tailpipe emissions.
However, the use of non-edible oils such as palm oil would be more
sustainable for biodiesel production and its suitability to existing
diesel engines as fuel considering long term viable solution for
energy need. Keeping this vista in mind, neat diesel and B20 palm
biodiesel were chosen as fuels to study the effect of CR on various
engine characteristics. The motivation behind this study is to
explore B20 blend of palm biodiesel in stationary diesel engine
genset for power generation in the remote and rural areas. This
research work lies because no such investigation has done earlier
and there is a big gap in the findings of optimum CR to use biodiesel
Fig. 1. Reactor for biodiesel production.
678 P. Rosha et al. / Energy 178 (2019) 676e684
was taken and poured into the round bottom flask of biodiesel Parameter Description
reactor. A homogeneous solution of CH3OH and KOH were prepared Type Single cylinder, DI, VCR engine
separately into another vessel. After initiating the reaction, when Make and model Kirloskar TV 1
the oil temperature reaches to 60 C, the solution of CH3OH and No of cylinder 1
KOH was poured into the reactor flask and the reaction mixture was Rated speed (rpm) 1500
Rated power (kW) 3.5
stirred by continuously heating up to 60 min. Thereafter, the ob-
Stroke length, (mm) 110
tained product was allowed to settle in the separating funnel until Bore (mm) 87.5
two distinct liquid layers formed, palm oil methyl ester (POME) and Swept volume (cc) 661
denser glycerol were seen subsequently. The POME was separated, Method of cooling Water cooled
Compression ratio 12:1e18:1
and washed several times with distilled water until the pH value
Injection pressure (kg/cm2) 200
reached between 6.5 and 7. The excess CH3OH and H2O present in Injection timing (bTDC) 23
POME were removed by means of rotary evaporator. Finally, the Air box Mild steel fabricated with U-tube
dried POME was taken into a bottle, and the different properties manometer and orifice meter
were determined as per ASTM standards are shown in Table 2.
2.3. Experimental setup and methodology cylinder block arrangement attached to the engine test rig the
engine CR was changed in ranges between 16:1 and 18:1. Calibrated
The CI engine test rig used in this experimental study was: digital thermocouples (K type) were used to monitor temperatures
Kirloskar TV1 make, single cylinder, direct injection (DI), 4-stroke, of engine oil, exhaust, and intake air. Fuel consumption was
constant speed with rated power (3.5 kW), water cooled, variable measured by using calibrated burette (volumetrically) and stop-
compression ratio (VCR), as shown in Fig. 2. The geometry speci- watch. AVL 437c was used for measuring smoke opacity, while, AVL
fications of CI engine test rig are given in Table 3. The equipments 444 digas analyzer used for tailpipe emissions. The technical details
coupled to the engine test rig were: eddy current dynamometer, of AVL 444 digas analyzer are shown in Table 4.
electrical tachometer, load sensor and switches. The engine was Experiments were carried out by varying brake mean effective
loaded accordingly at variable rates using eddy current dyna- pressure (bmep) from 0 to 3.5 bar in steps of 0.7 bar. All tests were
mometer with the help of electromagnetic force. With the help of carried out at 1500 rpm engine speed over CRs of 16:1, 17:1 and
18:1. The water flow rate of the engine and calorimeter were set at
Table 2 250 and 150 LPH, respectively. Before experimentation, the engine
Diesel and biodiesel fuel properties as per ASTM standards.
was regulated as per the catalogue values. In order to attain steady bmep because, for attaining high power output at higher bmep
state condition, engine was started initially with pure diesel and (engine load) the compressed air pressure and temperature led to
warmed up (30 min) continuously till the oil and cooling water increase, which further decreases the ID period [24]. At no-load
temperatures reach to nearly constant value. The cylinder pressure conditions (i.e. 0 bar bmep), the ID periods were observed to be
was recorded on an average of 100 consecutive cycles, with a 18.0 and 15.6 CA for diesel and B20, respectively, at CR (17:1). This
sampling rate (1 CA). Combustion characteristics incorporate ID, reduction in ID period was due to higher cetane number (53) of B20
PCP, net heat release rate (NHRR) and cumulative heat release fuel when compared to diesel (48) [25]. With increased bmep
(CHR). For engine performance, brake power (BP), brake thermal (0e3.5 bar), the ID period decreased and corresponding values
efficiency (BTE), brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and were 14.0 CA (with diesel) and 11.0 CA (with B20) on CR of 17:1.
exhaust gas temperature (EGT) was studied. The unburnt hydro- Results demonstrated that the ID period continuously decreases
carbon (HC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and with increasing CRs from 16:1 to 18:1 for B20 fuel. For example, the
smoke opacity were assessed in emissions aspect. Test fuels ID decreased from 12.9 CA with CR (16:1) to 11.0 and 10.0 CA with
included; neat diesel and 20% biodiesel blend with diesel (B20), and 17:1 and 18:1 CRs, respectively at 3.5 bar bmep. At higher CR
both were tested without any modification in the engine. Pre- (17:1), the in-cylinder temperature becomes higher which would
liminary test runs were carried out at engine CR of 17:1 and 17:5 reduce the viscosity of fuel and providing better fuel atomization
with pure diesel and insignificant difference in performance pa- [26]. The average drop of 8.2% was observed in ID values for B20
rameters was observed. Therefore, 17:1 CR was chosen for pure with increasing CR (16:1 to 18:1). Whereas, at higher bmep
diesel in order to generate baseline data for comparison with B20 at (2.8 bar), the ID period values were almost identical due to the
different compression ratios (16:1 to 18:1). consistency of combustion and cylinder wall temperature, as also
reported in the literature [27]. The PCP was found increases with
increasing bmep and CR, as seen in Fig. 3 (b). This increased PCP at
2.4. Uncertainty analysis higher bmep was due to more fuel injection, whereas, decreased
distance between piston top and cylinder head (i.e. clearance vol-
The uncertainty analysis was performed for calculating errors ume) increased PCP at higher CRs. However, the PCP was found
associated with measurement of different parameters (Table 5). To lower for neat diesel operation when compared to B20. This
ensure the repeatability of results each set of experiment was happened due to the reduction in ID period with B20 fuel, which
replicated thrice. The overall uncertainty is calculated as follows:
ðFuel flow rateÞ2 þ ðFlow propertiesÞ2 þ ðCOÞ2 þ ðCO2 Þ2 þ ðNOx Þ2 þ ðHCÞ2
Overall uncertainty ¼
þðSmoke opacityÞ2 þ ðEngine loadÞ2 þ ðTemperature indicatorÞ2
¼ ð1:0Þ2 þ ð1:0Þ2 þ ð0:1Þ2 þ ð0:2Þ2 þ ð0:5Þ2 þ ð0:2Þ2 þ ð1:0Þ2 þ ð0:2Þ2 þ ð0:15Þ2
¼ ± 1:84
due to higher viscosity and lower heating value of B20 fuel than
diesel (Table 2). Moreover, the higher values of BP were seen in B20
fuel corresponding to the increased in engine CRs. At 3.5 bar bmep,
the BP increased from 2.4 kW with CR (16:1) to 2.7 and 2.9 kW with
CR (17:1) and CR (18:1) respectively. At higher CR, the reduced
viscosity and density of B20 led to improving combustion process
Fig. 4. Effect of CRs at 3.5 bmep (a) Cylinder pressure; (b) Net heat release rate; (c) Cumulative heat release.
Fig. 5. Effect of bmep on at different CRs (a) Brake power; (b) Brake thermal efficiency; (c) Brake specific fuel consumption; (d) Exhaust gas temperature.
combustion in CI engines. The CO emissions initially decrease up to (d). From results, it was observed that smoke level increased with
1.4 bmep and then suddenly increase at higher bmep. At bmep the increase in bmep for both tested fuels. This happened due to the
(1.4 bar), the reduction in CO emissions was due to combustion of burning of rich fuel-air mixture at higher bmep. As in-cylinder fuel
leaner fuel-air mixture. At bmep (2.1 bar), the excess fuel-air ratio injection increased, more fuel which remains unburnt goes into the
led to produce more smoke, and prevented oxidation of CO to CO2, exhaust [39]. At 17:1 CR, the assessed smoke opacities with diesel
as a result, CO emissions increase. The CO emissions observed to be were: 6.9, 9.7, 12.5, 17.2, 21.4 and 30.2%, and with B20: 5.8, 8.4, 11.5,
lower in B20 fuel than neat diesel at all bmep, indicating better fuel 15.7, 19.3 and 28.2% at bmep of 0, 0.7, 1.4, 2.1, 2.8 and 3.5 bar,
combustion [38]. At 3.5barbmep and 17:1 CR, the observed CO respectively. The smoke opacities decreased with B20 fuel at all
emissions were: 0.14 and 0.13% for diesel and B20 fuels, respec- bmep with respect to diesel at CR (17:1). This effect may be due to
tively. With increasing CR (16:1 to 18:1), the lower values of CO more oxygen content in B20 fuel, which led to oxidize the soot in CI
emissions were assessed in B20 fuel operations. For example, at engine and reduces smoke level consequently. At 3.5 bar bmep, the
3.5 bar bmep, the CO emissions in B20 fuel reduced from 0.15% with smoke opacities in B20 fuel decreased from 33.5% with CR (16:1) to
CR (16:1) to 0.13 and 0.12% with CR (17:1) and CR (18:1), respec- 28.2 and 26.5% with CR (17:1) and CR (18:1), respectively. The
tively. This reduction in CO emission was due to in-cylinder tem- reduction in smoke opacity at higher CR was due to enhanced
perature corresponding to higher CR, which further offers favorable combustion which led to reduce soot formation [40].
environment for charge oxidation. An adequate amount of heat
generated at higher CRs which resulted reduces ID, providing more
opportunity to fuel burn in the diffusion mode.
4. Conclusions
Fig. 6. Effect of bmep on at different CRs (a) HC emissions; (b) NOx emissions; (c) CO emissions; (d) Smoke opacity.
➢ B20 fuel has a high cetane number (53) when compared to continuously due to improved combustion characteristics at
diesel (48) which led to declined ID period at 17:1 CR. Higher CR higher CRs when compared to lower CR.
(17:1) provides better fuel atomization which further reduced ➢ The HC, CO and smoke emissions reduced notably with B20 fuel
ID period in B20 fuel. when compared to neat diesel. This was due to enhanced oxy-
➢ Combustion started earlier with increased engine CR (16:1 to gen content in B20 fuel which further led to providing smother
18:1) in B20 fuel, which was due to enhanced in-cylinder tem- and complete fuel combustion.
perature and pressure corresponding to higher CRs. At higher CR ➢ NOx formation was found to be higher in case of B20 fuel in
(18:1), the in-cylinder pressure and temperature became higher comparison to diesel due to higher combustion temperature. It
leading to earlier start of combustion; moreover, it also lowers further increased with increasing CR (16:1 to 18:1) which may
the NHRR. With increasing CRs, the peak NHRR decreased, and be attributed to the enhancement in adiabatic flame tempera-
the maximum values were: 40.1, 35.3 and 29.1 J/ CA for CRs 16:1, ture with increasing CR.
17:1 and 18:1, respectively, while, 41.7 J/ CA for diesel (17:1 CR).
➢ PCP was found to be higher in case of B20 fuel when compared Acknowledgement
to neat diesel operation at CR (17:1). The PCP increased further
with increasing CR (16:1 to 18:1) owing to the improved BTE at This research work was supported by the Ministry of New &
higher CRs. At 3.5 bar bmep, the PCP increased by 9.8%, whereas, Renewable energy (MNRE), Govt. of India through the R&D spon-
14.9% in BTE, by increasing CR from 16:1 to 18:1. sored Project (103/223/2014-NT). The financial assistance provided
➢ The increment in BSFC values with B20 fuel was observed in is greatly acknowledged.
comparison to diesel because of lower the heating value of B20
fuel. Also, B20 fuel offers high density (861 kg/m3) value when References
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