400-Hour Durability Tests of Direct-Injection Engine Using Neat Palm Biodiesel

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The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering

20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

400-hour Durability Tests of Direct-Injection Engine Using Neat Palm Biodiesel

Teerapong Baitiang1, Chamaiporn Sukjamsri1, Nuwong Chollacoop 1*, and Subongkoj Topaiboul2

Bioenergy laboratory, National Metal and Materials Technology Center, Pathumthani, Thailand 12120
College of Integrated Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna,
Chiang Mai, Thailand 50300
* Corresponding Author: E-mail: [email protected], Tel: 02 564 6500 x4766, Fax: 02 564 6403,

The objective of this study is to systematically investigate a long-term effect of using palm
biodiesel in a compression ignition engine. A four-cylinder direct injection diesel engine, commonly
employed in small farm trucks, was operated continuously on an engine dynamometer for a total of 400
hours using a modified driving cycle based on the EMA (Engine Manufacturers Association, USA)
screening test. The tested engine was fueled only by neat palm biodiesel throughout the study. After each
50-hour test interval, various parameters such as power, torque, fuel consumption rate, cylinder pressure
and exhaust emissions of CO, CO2, NOx, and THC were measured at various engine speeds of full load
operation in order to determine any differences in the engine performance. The results revealed that this
farm truck engine can be fueled with biodiesel for 400-hour operation without any significant effect on
both engine performance and emissions.
Keywords: Biodiesel, Durability, Performance, Emissions, Diesel engine

1. Introduction In Thailand, due to the consideration of

Biodiesel can be derived from renewable the environmental sustainability and the holding
sources such as animal fat and vegetable oil to down of labor costs, a wide range of local
produce a renewable fuel which has properties communities around the country have been
closer to diesel. The use of biodiesel could also supported to produce biodiesel as well as use
reduce harmful emissions, such as hydrocarbon, neat biodiesel in diesel engines especially in
carbon monoxide, particulate matters, and agricultural applications [3]. Since palm tree was
smoke opacity [1-2]. Many countries are a common feedstock for biodiesel production,
promoting the use of biodiesel as an alternative palm biodiesel has been mainly focused as an
fuel in order to reduce fossil fuel demands. alternative fuel.
Moreover, biodiesel can be blended with Even though the current government
commercial diesel and use in diesel engine policy is driving toward increasing biodiesel
without major modification. production and usage within the country, in the
The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

view of motor vehicle supplier, the long term use recorded, periodically, until reaching the total of
of neat biodiesel may cause adverse effects on 400-hour operation.
engine parts. Some authors have studied this
consequence under durability testing. For 2. Materials and methods
example, Hsi-Hsien Yang et al. [4] investigated 2.1 Test Engine
the hydrocarbons emissions from the use of Since in-line pump diesel engines were
B20, blended biodiesel derived from waste typically used in farm trucks for agricultural
cooking oil. The test engines were installed on purposes, a YUNNEI model 4100QB-2, four-
an engine dynamometer and performed for cylinder direct injection diesel engine, was
80,000 km. following the FTP (Federal Test employed as the test engine (Engine
Procedure, USA) transient cycle. Their results specification was shown in Table 1). The engine
indicated that particulate polycyclic aromatic was coupled to a 150-kW eddy current
hydrocarbons emissions increased as engine dynamometer from Tokyo plant, and operated
mileage increased. Yusuf Ali et al. [5] studied continuously following the modified test cycle.
the effects of biodiesel from tallow oil on the Prior to the test, the engine was verified
diesel engine. The objective was mainly focused to ensure that it was in a normal condition. For
on the engine performance, exhaust emissions, that reason, engine parts specification, such as
and the lubrication characteristic. After the 200- valve clearance, sealing bands range, cylinder
hour test was performed following EMA (Engine head, piston rings, fuel pump, and injection
Manufacturers Association, USA) test procedure pressure were determined.
[6], the obtained results did not show any After each 50-hour test interval, the
increase in exhaust emissions or deterioration of engine performance was determined at full load
engine performance as well as significant operation. While the throttle was fully opened,
change in engine wear. engine torque, power, and fuel consumption at
In spite of these studies, there are a few various speeds were determined through Tokyo
reports that focus on the durability test of plant data acquisition system, P.Drive. Pressure
biodiesel derived from palm oil and a few studies transducer type 6052C, attached to the fourth
focus on a diesel engine used in agricultural cylinder, provided cylinder pressure at various
applications. Hence, this study is aimed to crank angle positions. Exhaust emissions, CO,
perform a long-term engine test with neat palm CO2, NOx and THC were evaluated using
biodiesel. A four-cylinder direct injection diesel, Horriba gas analyzer, MEXA-1600D.
commonly employed in farm trucks, was
operated continuously on an engine
dynamometer following a modified EMA test
cycle. Engine performance, injection pressure,
and exhaust emissions were investigated and
The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

2.2 Test Fuel

Commercial grade biodiesel from
Pathum Vegetable Oil Co., Ltd., originally
derived from palm olein, was used for 400-hour
test. The fuel properties were determined and
presented, along with the specification and
method of ASTM standard, as shown in Table 2.

Fig. 1 YUNNEI model 4100QB-2 2.3 Testing procedure and load cycle
The test engine was operated on an
Table 1 Engine specifications engine dynamometer continuously for 9 hours
Type 4-stroke, vertical engine
Bore x Stroke 100 x 115 mm.
per day (3 cycles), following the modified test
Number of Cylinder 4 cycle. In order to accommodate the schedule of
Cylinder Type Waterish type staffs at the engine laboratory, the experiment
Combustion Type Direct injection ω type was conducted only on day time. After that it
Displacement 3.612 liters was shut down for 15 hours. During this time,
Idle Speed 800 rpm
Compression Ratio 17.5:1
the engine was allowed to reach ambient
Firing Order 1-3-4-2 temperature. Engine oil and fuel filter were
Rated Power 66.2/3200 kW-hr regularly replaced every 100-hour interval and
Max Torque 230/2200 N.m/rpm after 50-hour test interval had been reached, the
Fuel Consumption ≤238 g/kW-h changes of engine performance and exhaust
Net weight 320 kg
Injection timing/pressure 12°/19.1±0.49MPa
emissions were evaluated. The experiment
lasted until the total of 400-hour operating time
was met.
Table 2 Properties of tested biodiesel The engine speeds and loads applied in
Properties Methods Results Units this study were modified from the EMA’s 200-
1.Water Content ASTM D 6304 315.6 ppm
hour screening test. To simulate actual driving
2.Acid Value ASTM D 664 0.17
KOH/g conditions in local agricultural applications, a
3.Oxidation Stability EN 14112 16.39 Hour single test cycle comprised of four different
4.Carbon Residue ASTM D 4530 0.01 %wt modes, as shown in Table 3.
5.Gross Heat ASTM D 240 38.20 MJ/kg
6.Density ASTM D 4052 0.87 g/cm3 Table 3 Engine test cycle
7.ASTM Color 0.8 - Mode Speed (rpm) Torque (N.m) Duration
Rated Condition 2,200 117.5 60 min.
8.Pour Point ASTM D 97 12 ºC
High Power 1,600 124 60 min.
9.Flash Point ASTM D 93 162 ºC
High Idle 1,980 47 30 min.
10.Cloud Point ASTM D 2500 15.8 ºC
Low Idle 800 No Load 30 min.
ASTM D 445 4.45 mm2/sec
viscosity at 40ºC
The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

At rated condition mode, in practice, the 3. Results and discussions

agricultural truck engine was mostly operated on 3.1 Engine performance
regular road and smooth farmland while carrying Full load performance of the engine
regular load, such as crane, fertilizer system, fueled with neat palm derived biodiesel was
and agricultural products. Therefore, the engine examined. The obtained results of engine power,
speed at this condition was set at 2,200 rpm engine torque, and fuel consumption of prior and
whereas the engine torque was set at 117.5 after 400-hour test were presented and plotted
N.m, which was 60% of maximum torque. The against engine speed. When the durability test
operating condition maintained for 60 minutes. was completed, the overall findings were almost
At high power mode, the highest power identical (Fig.2 and Fig.3). The results indicated
among all test modes was set so that to that the maximum engine power was still
simulate the performance of the engine when approximately 50 kW at the engine speed of
running on a rough, dirt farmland path and 2800 rpm, as shown in Fig.2 and the maximum
containing full of agricultural goods in the brake torque was still nearly 200 N.m at the
container. The engine speed was not so high engine speed of 2200 rpm, as shown in Fig.3.
but much higher engine torque was necessary. To focus more clearly how the engine
Therefore, the engine speed was set at 1,600 performance deviated from the 0-hour test, the
rpm and engine torque was set at 90% of changes of the maximum brake torque of the
maximum torque of 124 N.m. This mode was engine at 2200 rpm of each 100-hour test were
maintained for 60 minutes. calculated relatively to the first test run and
At high idle mode, the engine was presented instead of actual values. The obtained
operated at high speed with small load applied. data confirmed that the engine torque stayed
The engine speed was set at 90% of rated fairly constant throughout 400-hour test interval,
speed, which was 1,980 rpm, and the applied as shown in Fig.4.
load was set at 25% of maximum load, which
was 47 N.m. This was to simulate the running of 60
the farm truck on road without any product in its

container. This condition was maintained for 30 20
minutes. 10
At low idle mode, the engine was set to 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200

idle, i.e., the applied load was set to zero and Speed (rpm)

the engine speed was set at 800 rpm. This was 0 h 100 h 200h 300h 400 h

maintained for 30 minutes. Fig.2 Engine power at various engine speeds

The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

250 effect of long-term engine usage which can be

occurred from diesel as well as biodiesel fuel.
Torque (N.m)

100 Similar to the maximum engine torque at 2200
rpm, the SFC results were calculated relatively
800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 to the result of 0-hour test and shown in Fig.6.
Speed (rpm) According to the minimal point of SFC, at 2200
0 h 100 h 200h 300h 400 h rpm, the changes of SFC were insignificant.
Fig.3 Engine torque at various engine speeds

SFC (g/kW.h)
Relative Torque Change

1.10 200
1.05 150
1.00 100
800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200
0.85 Speed (rpm)
0 h 100 h 200h 300h 400 h
0 100 200 300 400
Engine Hours (h) Fig.5 Fuel consumption at various engine
Fig.4 Maximum engine torque change relative to speeds
prior condition at 0 hour
Relative SFC Change

Fig. 5 represents specific fuel 1.10

consumption, SFC, at full load condition plotted 1.00
against various engine speeds. The results of all 0.95
experimental periods, 0 to 400 hours, generally 0.85
showed that the maximum SFC was at the 0 100 200 300 400
lowest speed of 1000 rpm as well as at the Engine Hours (h)

highest speed of 3000 rpm. As the speed Fig.6 Optimal specific consumption change
increased from 1000 to approximately 1500 rpm relative to prior condition at 0 hour
the SFC gradually dropped until it reached the
minimal point at about 2000-2200 rpm then the Although a pattern of the obtained
value started to increase again. Considering the performance and SFC were normal, the
SFC at the engine speed range between 1000 maximum torque, power, and fuel consumption
and 1200 rpm, it was observed that SFC of 400- were different from the manufacturer
hour test was noticeably higher than those of specification (see Table 1). This is because of
other test intervals even though the power the difference of fuel and test environment.
output at the same engine speed was merely Moreover, the test engine was not brand new.
dropped (in Fig.2). These SFC results show that Before starting this test, it has been used for
the 400-hour engine performance differed from more than 100 hours.
the 0-hour. However, this can be the normal
The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

3.2 Combustion behavior

Cylinder Pressure (bar)

Beside the performance test, at each 60

100-hour test interval, the cylinder pressure
under full load condition was determined. Fig. 7
shows the initial values of cylinder pressure at 0 ‐20 ‐10 0 10 20
hour plotted against crank angle for the engine Crank angle (deg)

speeds of 1000, 1600, 2000 and 2200 rpm. The 0 h 100 h 200 h 300 h 400 h

obtained results indicated that the value of Fig.8 Cylinder pressure at 2200 rpm at various
cylinder pressure varied with engine torque. engine hours
Therefore, the highest peak, approximately 70
bar, was found at the maximum torque condition, 3.3 Exhaust emissions
which was 2200 rpm of speed. However, Prior to the 400-hour durability test,
maximum cylinder pressure of each engine various exhaust emissions from the use of palm
speed occurred at different crank angle position. olein biodiesel, such as carbon monoxide (CO),
This depended on the amount of injected fuel carbon dioxide (CO2), oxide of nitrogen (NOx),
and flame propagation. total hydrocarbon (THC), and oxygen (O2) were
Regarding the long-term experiment, the evaluated at full load test conditions. From the
maximum cylinder pressure, which again was initial results, shown in Fig. 9, the correlation
observed at the engine speed of 2200 rpm, of between CO2 and CO emissions suggested that
each test interval was presented, as shown in the most complete combustion was achieved
Fig. 8. From the obtained results, there was no when the engine was operated at approximately
significant change in terms of magnitude as well 2000 to 2200 rpm. At this stage, the
as configuration of cylinder pressure. combustion temperature was high resulted in the
enhancement of NOx formation. When the
engine speed was increased beyond 2200, CO
Cylinder pressure (bar)

60 emission tended to increase. In additions, the
40 rise of CO agreed with an increase of THC
emission. Therefore, a problem of incomplete
combustion from unburned hydrocarbon could
‐20 ‐10 0 10 20
1000 rpm
Crank angle (deg)
1400 rpm 1800 rpm
be occurred at this period.
2200 rpm 2600 rpm 3000 rpm

Fig.7 Cylinder pressure at various speed at 0

The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

140000 600 140000

O2 120000
120000 500 100000

CO2 (ppm)
O2, CO2, NOx  (ppm)


CO, THC (ppm)
100000 80000
100 x NOx 400
80000 60000
300 40000
60000 CO
200 0
THC 100 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000
0 0 Speed (rpm)
1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000
oh 100h 200h 300h 400 h
Speed (rpm)
Fig.9 Exhaust emissions at the beginning of the Fig.11 CO2 emission at various engine speeds
test (0 hour)
During the 400-hour durability test, the

Nox (ppm)
emissions were also measured. Fig. 10-14 400
showed the amount of various emissions 0
detected at various engine speeds when the 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000

engine was operated with wide opened throttle Speed (rpm)

and full load condition. Surprisingly, after using oh 100h 200h 300h 400 h

neat biodiesel for hundreds of hours, the Fig.12 NOx emission at various engine speeds
combustion seems more completed as can be
seen from the trend of CO, CO2 and THC in Fig 600
THC (ppm)

10, 11 and 13. The amount of CO and THC 400

were less while CO2 was more at 400 hour. NOx 200

was also produced more due to the higher 0

1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000
temperature during combustion (Fig.12). So, if Speed (rpm)
considering emission results, it can be oh 100h 200h 300h 400 h
concluded that after 400 hours of using neat
Fig.13 THC emission at various engine speeds
biodiesel, there was no adverse effect on the
engine. 200000
O2 (ppm)

600 100000
500 50000
CO (ppm)

300 0
200 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000
Speed (rpm)
1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000 oh 100h 200h 300h 400 h
Speed (rpm)
Fig.14 O2 at various engine speeds
oh 100h 200h 300h 400 h

Fig.10 CO emission at various engine speeds

The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

4. Conclusions 6. References
In this study, the 400-hour durability test [1] Lapuerta, M., Armas, O. and Fernandez, J.
of a farm truck’s four-cylinder direct injection (2007) Effect of biodiesel on diesel engine
diesel engine using neat palm olein biodiesel emissions, Progress in Energy and Combustion
was investigated. The engine was installed on Science, vol. 34, pp. 198-223.
the engine dynamometer and tested for 400 [2] Bozbas, K. (2005) Biodiesel as an alternative
hours using a modified test cycle from the motor fuel: Production and policies in the
European Union. Renewable and Sustainable
standard 200-h durability test of the Engine
Energy Reviews, 1-12.
Manufacturers Association (EMA). At the same
[3] Department of Alternative Energy
time, engine performance and exhaust
Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy
emissions were determined periodically until (2008), Energy Development Plan 2008-2011.
reaching 400-hour of operation. [4] Hsi-Hsien Yang, Shu-Mei Chien, Mei-Yu Lo,
The results of this study can be John Chi-Wei Lan, Wen-Chang Lu, Yong-Yuan
summarised that, without any engine Ku (2007). Effects of biodiesel on emissions of
modification, the test engine was successfully regulated air pollutants and polycyclic aromatic
operated with neat palm olein biodiesel on the hydrocarbons under engine durability testing,
test bench for 400 hours without any significant Atmospheric Environment, Volume 41, Issue 34,
or adverse effects on both engine performance November 2007, Pages 7232-7240.
and emissions. Thus, palm olein biodiesel was [5] Yusuf Ali and Miiford A. Hanna (1996).
compatible with this type of engine. However, Durability Testing of a Diesel Fuel, Methyl
authors wish to complete 1,000-hour durability Tallowate and Ethanol Blend in a Cummins N14-
test to firmly ensure the well-match of palm 410 Diesel Engine, Transactions of the ASAE,
biodiesel and this agricultural engine. Thus, the Vol.39, pp.793-798.
bench test and engine investigation will be [6] The standard 200-h Engine Manufacturers
carried on. Moreover, engine oil, engine wear, Association (EMA), 1982.
and injector coking will be determined and
analysed in the further study.

5. Acknowledgements
Authors wish to acknowledge Sammitr
Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for their
cooperation in this study, and to National metal
and Materials Technology Centre (MTEC) for the
financial support.

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