2 Mythology and Folklore Module 2
2 Mythology and Folklore Module 2
2 Mythology and Folklore Module 2
Major 06
First Semester, School Year 2020-2021
Module 2
Major 06 35
Mythology and Folklore
Good Day!
You are now to unfold another beginning as this next module will bring
you to the mythical narratives of the present day Greece.
Aside from the assessment, you are still required to submit syntheses.
In order to comprehend the events in the story, you are advised to read the
whole text of each of the selections. These can be downloaded in the internet
or read from the references provided in the module.
Major 06 36
Mythology and Folklore
Greek Mythology
Learning Outcomes
2.1 The Creation of the Titans
Trace the origin of the Titans and
2.2 Gods and Goddesses the Olympians;
Map up the events in each of the
2.3 The Iliad selections;
Outline the events in the epics and
2.4 Odyssey
form critical judgment;
2.5 Jason & the Golden Fleece Examine the turns and twists in
the epics;
2.6 Medea Analyze the causes of the
conflicts, downfall, and victories of
the characters;
2.1 The Creation of the Titans Relate the events in the stories to
the modern time;
Evaluate the traits, values, and
In the beginning of the world
attitudes of the characters and
is in darkness. The only thing
connect them with their disposition
present is Chaos, then comes
and convictions;
Night, followed by Erebus, the
Formulate sound judgment; and
bottomless place where Death
Weigh the merit and demerit of the
lives. Night lays a silver egg which
turns of the event.
form it comes Eros or love.
Eros begets light, life, and joy. Gaia, the mother earth appears from
light and marries Uranus, the father earth. From the two, light, darkness, life,
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and death have arrived. Rain falls from heavens which form into lakes,
oceans, and rivers afterwards plant grew.
Uranus and Gaia gave birth to a large number of children. The first
three (3) are ugly monsters with 50 heads and a hundred hand. Because of
their ugly appearance, Uranus shut them up inside the earth. He was so
disappointed to see them. Later, comes the next three (3) children, the
Cyclopes, they are not good looking either. They have only one (1) eye at the
middle of their face. They are clever and skilled in making metals. Looking at
his children, Uranus thinks that aside from their ugly faces, they are also
dangerous, so he again shuts them away.
The third group of children of Uranus and Gaia are the Titans. There
are six (6) boys and six (6) girls. They
are good looking and well-behaved.
Gaia, because of fear that they will also
be exiled or killed by Uranus, warns the
Titans of what might happen.
From the sky, the blood of Uranus fall to the earth and turn into the
Giants and the Erinyes or Furies.
Cronus takes the place of his father. He gives to Oceanus the rule of
the River-Ocean, to Hyperion, the ruler of all the light in the world and the
children of Hyperion – the Sun, the Moon, and the Dawn, rule across the sky
in their chariots once a day.
Cronus, afraid of the curse of his father, he swallowed his first five (5)
children as they were born. His wife, Rhea, asks the help of Gaia on how to
handle Cronus. She was told to hide in the island of Crete so that her
newborn child will not also be swallowed.
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Zeus, the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea grows up in Mt. Ida. With
the help of his mother, Rhea, he poisons Cronus. The children who were
swallowed were rescued.
Menoetius, and Atlas.
Κοῖος Titan of intellect and the axis of heaven
(Koîos) around which the constellations revolved.
The least individualized of the Twelve Titans,
Crius he is the father of Astraeus, Pallas,
and Perses.
The leader of the Titans, who overthrew his
Κρόνος father Uranus only to be overthrown in turn
(Crónos) by his son, Zeus. Not to be confused
withChronos, the god of time.
Mνημοσύνη Titan of memory and remembrance, and
(Mnēmosýnē) mother of the Nine Muses.
Titan of the all-encircling river Oceans
Oceanus around the earth, the font of all the Earth's
Φοίβη Titan of the "bright" intellect and prophecy,
(Phoíbē) and consort of Koios.
Titan of female fertility, motherhood, and
Ῥέα generation. She is the sister and consort of
(Rhéa) Cronus, and mother of Zeus, Hades,
Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia.
Wife of Oceanus, and the mother of the
Tethys rivers, springs, streams, fountains, and
Titan of sight and the shining light of the clear
Theia blue sky. She is the consort of Hyperion, and
mother of Helios, Selene, and Eos.
Themis Titan of divine law and order.
Other Titans
Atlas - God of astronomy. Holds the sky from the earth as his
Epimetheus - God of afterthought and
Menoitios - God of violent anger, rash
reactions and human morality.
Prometheus - God of forethought and
crafty counsel. Gave humanity the gift of
Asteria - mother of Hecate
Perses - father of Hecate
Asterious - father of the Anemoi
Dione - goddess of the oracle Dodonna
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Mythology and Folklore
Minor Gods
Know that these gods are the most important and powerful gods. The
home of these gods was Mount Olympus, except for Hades who is only
allowed on Olympus once a year. Hades lives in the underworld the rest of the
God of the
Sun, music,
archery, poetry,
healing, and
Apollo Apollo prophecy. He is
Artemis' twin
brother, and Son
to Zeus.
Goddess of the
hunt, wilderness,
wild animals,
especially deer and
fawns, night, and
the moon. Apollo is
her twin brother.
Άρτεμις Artemis is an
Artemis Diana
(Artemis) eternal maiden
goddess and is
also the protector
of maidens. She
has no children
and sworn to being
a virgin.
of fertility, grain an
d harvest. Demeter
Δήμητρα Ceres/
Demeter is a sister of Zeus.
(Dēmētra) Saturn
Her daughter is
Hades' forced wife.
God of wine,
Διόνυσος madness and
Dionysus Bacchus
(Dionysus) merriment. He is a
son of Zeus.
God of
the Underworld.
ᾍδης Brother of
Hades Pluto
(Hades) Poseidon and
Goddess of
marriage, women
Ήρα and childbirth.
Hera Juno
(Hēra) Zeus' wife and
of all trades.
Master of none.
Messenger of the
gods. Zeus's son
by Titanness.
- Goddess of
the hearth, fireside,
family, and home.
Was one of the
Olympians until she
Hestia Hestia Vesta
gave up her throne
for Dionysus and
occupies the fire on
Priam Great-hearted
Poseidon Earth-shaker
Thetis Silver-footed
Trojans Horse-taming
Troy Well-defended
Zeus Cloud gatherer
The war between the Achaeans (Greeks) and the Trojans remotely
started with the wedding of Peleus of Thessaly, a mortal king and Thetis, a
beautiful minor goddess. The banquet is
held at Mt. Olympus.
Thetis, throws a golden apple which has an inscription “to the fairest”
into the ball. The wedding party is in chaos because the goddesses screw one
another to have the golden apple until the contest for it has narrowed into the
three (3) most influential and powerful goddess – Hera, Athena, and
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Hera, the jealous wife of Zeus, king of the gods, says that she is the
rightful owner of the golden apple being the wife of Zeus. On the other hand,
Athena believes that it should be given to her since she is the goddess of
wisdom and the most skilled of all. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty,
reasons out that she is the fairest of them all.
The three (3) goddesses ask Zeus to decide to whom the golden apple
should be given. Zeus knows he could not give it to anyone of them because
he does not want to offend any, directs them to Mount Ida for Paris to decide.
The three (3) goddesses appear at Mt. Ida. Each promises Paris
something in exchange of the golden apple. Hera promises Paris wealth,
making him the lord of Europe and Asia; Athena, promises him victory over
Greeks and tactics in war; while Aphrodite says, she will give him the most
beautiful woman on earth, Helen of Sparta.
Paris has chosen the promise of Aphrodite. He desires for Helen, the
most beautiful woman on earth. Hera and Athena, though not friendly to each
other, join forces against Aphrodite and the people of Troy.
The narrative begins nine (9) years after the start of the war.
13. The war worsen, the gods and goddesses join forces either to support
the Achaeans – Hera, Athena, and Poseidon and the Trojans –
Aphrodite, Ares, and Apollo.
14. Many die. Pandarus wounds Diomedes of the Achaeans. Diomedes
asks Athena’s help. He was given super-human strength and extra-
ordinary power with condition that he will not fight gods except
15. Aphrodite was attacked by Diomedes. Her arms were cut. This is the
only time that Aphrodite, the laughter-loving goddess cries.
16. Zeus orders to gods not to interfere.
17. The Achaeans were temporarily defeated because of the withdrawal of
18. Nestor, the oldest of the Achaean warrior, Ajax, Phoenix, and
Odysseus ask Achilles to return to the battle but failed. Agamemnon
promises many things to Achilles but Achilles was deaf to their
19. Agamemnon weeps and declares the war a failure. He wants to return
home but Diomedes says he will stay for Troy is fated to fall.
20. Patroclus, the bestfriend of Achilles pleads to Achilles to help them in
the fight. Achilles allows Patroclus to wear his armour and pretend to
be Achilles.
21. Patroclus was killed by Hector.
22. Achilles vows revenge. He returns to the battle with a new armour
made by Hephaestus. He kills every Trojan he meets and throws the
dead to river Xanthus which angers the river. Xanthus, the river gets
the upper hand of Achilles and drags him downstream.
23. The gods intervene. Hephaestus sent by Hera, sets the plains on fire
and boils the river until it stops.
24. Zeus allows the gods to interfere in the fight. Athena defeats Ares and
Aphrodite. Poseidon challenges Apollo but Apollo refuses. Artemes
encourages Apollo to fight but Hera paunches her.
25. Achilles challenges Hector to a one-on-one duel. Hector accepts the
challenge. He tries to convince Achilles to draw an agreement but
Achilles refuses. He says, “Do not talk me of a promise, just as lions
and men do not make pledges to one
another, nor the wolves and lambs agree
but rather continually plot evils against each
other, so it is impossible for you and me to
treat one another as friends and promise
anything at all.”
26. Achilles kills Hector without mercy. His dead
body was dragged around the walled city of
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Troy, witness by his family, King Priam, Hecuba, his wife Andromache
and son Astyanax, and Helen and Paris.
27. Achilles brought the dead body of Hector to the camp of the bronze
coated Greeks/Achaeans.
28. King Priam asks Hermes, the messenger of gods, to help him see
Achilles to ransom the dead body of his son. He kneels and said,
“Remember your father, god-like Achilles, who like me, will soon
become an old man.” He kisses the hands of Achilles, saying, “I kiss
these hands, these hands which killed the best of my sons”.
29. The story ends when the dead body of Hector was brought home.
Fifteen days and fifteen nights ceasefire was declared to give way to
the funeral.
“Are you the same man who crossed the salt sea to
a strange land and returned with a beautiful
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“No one could blame you for your anger, but the
time has come for you to relent.”
Ajax to Odysseus “The son of Peleus has no pity for his friends who
have honoured him above everyone else.”
Achilles to Thetis “I no longer care to live unless I slay the go-like son
of Priam who killed my friend.”
Odysseus, king of Ithaca, sails with his army to take part in the mighty
Achaean expedition led by Agamemnon against the city of Troy to restore
Helen to Menelaus. After 10 years of bloody warfare, the city is sacked and
the Achaean heroes sail for home. When the Odyssey begins, an additional
decade has passed since Troy fell and Odysseus still has not returned home.
When the Odyssey begins, an additional decade has passed since Troy fell
and Odysseus still has no returned home. All the other chieftains have safely
arrived in their native lands or died, but there is no news at all of the ruler of
Ithaca. In his absence, the noblemen of Ithaca
and the surrounding states have converged upon
his palace, hoping to win the hand of Penelope,
his wife. She, ever faithful to her husband’s
memory, will not remarry and while they remain at
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the palace, trying to change her mind, the suitors grossly waste the wealth of
Odysseus’ estate for their own pleasure and corrupt many of the servants. As
soon as he has grown old enough, Telemachus, the son of Odysseus, visits
various Achaean lords, hopefully trying to learn whether his father still lives.
1. After the fall of Troy, Odysseus and his men sail onward to Ithaca.
They brought with them some gold and other treasures.
2. They decided to raid on the land of Cicones to loot for more treasures.
Despite an initial success, they were ultimately defeated and escaped
only after suffering numerous casualties.
3. The ships sailed on, battling a severe storm, until they reached the
country of Lotus-Eaters. The inhabitants were friendly. The men of
Odysseus who ate the lotus, a local plant, lost all memory of home an
4. Sailing on, farther westward, they came to the island of Cyclops, a wild
race of one-eyed giants. Leaving most of his men in a sheltered cove,
Odysseus, with a party of 12, went ashore to look for food.
5. The group wandered until they came across a huge cave. It was the
shelter of Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon. The entrance of the cave
was secured by the giant with a gigantic stone.
6. Polyphemus discovered the Achaean in his den,
he immediately devoured two (2) of them. Two (2)
more were eaten the next day.
7. Odysseus devised a way to escape. First, they
have to blind the giant. They sharpened and hid a
long olive pole at that night when Polyphemus was
drunk, Odysseus struck his eye. Odysseus
introduced himself as “Nobody”.
8. Polyphemus cried out in pain shouting “Nobody”
blinded him. The other giants that indeed there
were nobody.
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9. Odysseus and his men were able to escape and sailed away, laughing,
shouting, and bragging about his exploit.
10. Polyphemus called upon his father, Poseidon to punish Odysseus and
his men.
11. After a few more days of sailing, Odysseus and his men landed on the
island of Aeolus, the king of the winds. They were welcomed upon their
departure, Aeolus gifted Odysseus a large leather bag instructing them
no to open it.
12. They set sail again and in 10 days were within sight of Ithaca, however,
while Odysseus was asleep, his men open the bag thinking it contains
treasure. They were thrown away farther from Ithaca, because the bag
contained all the adverse winds.
13. Odysseus and his men went back to Aeolus, asked forgiveness for not
following his order and asking another sealed bag. Aeolus refused to
help them. He cursed them and banished them form his island.
14. Odysseus and his men struggled against the waves and several days
later landed in the island of Laestrygonians. The island inhabited by
vicious cannibals. The cannibals attacked the sailors, and all the ships,
except that of Odysseus, were sunk.
15. The survivors mourned their dead comrades, then sailed on until they
reached the island of Aeaea, the home of the goddess Circe.
16. After camping on the beach for a few days, Odysseus sent half of his
men under the command of Eurylochus to
explore the island.
17. Odysseus learned from Eurylochus that his
companions were turned into swines by a
strange and beautiful woman.
18. Odysseus, in the guise of a young nobleman
went to the villa to challenge the
enchantress. Hermes appeared and had
given Odysseus a moly, a herb which could
protect him from the enchantress.
19. Circe, the enchantress attempted to bewitch
Odysseus but failed. Odysseus threatened
Circe and Circe returned his men to human
form. For one (1) year, Odysseus and his
men stayed in that island. Odysseus and Circe became lovers.
20. Circe, after a year, fulfilled her promise to help Odysseus and his men
to return to Ithaca. However, she said that in order to have a safe
voyage, he must go to Hades, the land of the dead, to consult the spirit
of Tiresias.
21. Odysseus, following the instruction of Circe, sailed to the very edge of
the world. He and his men made libations of milk, honey, wine, and
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water to the dead. He offered prayers and sacrificed a ram and a black
ewe, pouring blood into the trench for the dead.
22. Tiresias, after drinking some of the blood, advised and warned him of
the various dangers that await him.
23. Odysseus conversed with the dead. He spoke with his mother
Anticleia, who committed suicide thinking that Odysseus was already
dead. He met Agamemnon, who was killed by his wife, Clytemnestra
and cousin Aegisthus, Jocasta of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, and
others, including Elpenor.
24. Odysseus and his men returned to the island Aeaea to bury Elpenor, in
fulfillment of his last request. Circe again provided them with supplies
and told them on what to do when they pass by the island of the Sirens
or marvelous singers.
25. Odysseus plugged the ears of his crew with wax not to hear the song.
The beautiful songs of the Sirens could lure the seamen to jump
26. As they sailed away the island, they had an encounter with twofold
horrors of Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla was a ferocious monster with
six (6) heads while Charybdis is a fierceful whirlpool. Six (6) of
Odysseus’ men were lost to Scylla.
27. After the perilous passage, Odysseus and his remaining men landed in
the island of Hyperion, the sun of god. Despite the warnings of Tiresias
and Circe, Odysseus was unable to control his men, they slaughtered
some of the divine oxen for their meal.
28. Hyperion was mad, asked the help of Zeus to punish the voyagers.
Thunderbolts were sent by Zeus destroying the ships and killing the
entire crew of Odysseus.
29. After nine (9) more days of aimless drifting in the raging sea, Odysseus
was washed ashore in the island of Ogygia, the home of Calypso.
30. Odysseus was detained by Calypso in her island for seven (7) years,
hoping that Odysseus would finally return her love for him. He was able
to escape from Calypso’s clutches.
31. Princess Nausicaa, the daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete
found the unconscious body of Odysseus. He was brought home and
the Phaeacians took care of him, gave him many valuable gifts, and
transport him to Ithaca in one of their magic ships, disguised as a
32. While Odysseus was wandering in the islands beyond the imagination
of mankind, Ithaca was devastated by the suitors of Penelope. The
suitors were forcing her to choose one from among them.
33. Athena outfits herself as a mighty warrior went to see Telemachus, the
son of Odysseus, who when Odysseus left for the war was only a year
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46. Odysseus unmasks his disguise to Philoetius and Eumaeus, tells them
to instruct the women to leave the hall, close the door, and prepare for
a fight.
47. Odysseus, after all the suitors failed to shoot the arrow, upon the
approval of Penelope and despite the protest of Antinous, effortlessly
strings the weapon.
48. Telemachus joins his father. The suitors were shocked. With a shout,
Odysseus kills first Antinous and introduces him as Odysseus. The
fight started and all the suitors were killed.
49. Odysseus and Penelope were reunited.
50. Odysseus punishes all those who were disloyal to him and rewards
those who remained faithful.
51. Odysseus visits his father, Laertes in the farm. The relatives of the
dead suitors attacked them, but they were slain by Odysseus.
52. Order in Ithaca was restored.
This is the story of Jason, the son of Aeson and grandson of the god
Hermes, as he goes on a quest for the Mythical Golden Fleece in order to win
back his father’s throne from his wicked uncle, Pelias. Jason travels with a
group of demigods and kings to various islands, battling monsters, storms,
and other obstacles in order to obtain the Golden Fleece, which no one has
been able to retrieve before.
of age, he learns about his father’s stolen throne and decides to when it back
from his evil uncle.
Jason goes to Pelias, who anticipates from a prophecy that Jason will
cause him problems. He tells Jason he will happily return the throne to its
rightful owner if Jason brings him the Golden Fleece from the island of
Colchis. Nobody has ever been able to retrieve this fleece, and Pelias knows
that he is sending Jason on a death trip. However, Jason agrees, confident in
his abilities. He commissions a ship from the skilled shipwright Argus. The
ship is christened The Argo, Jason asks his strongest and most skilled friends
to accompany him. They include Hercules, his lover Hylas, Orpheus, Zetes
and Calais, Theseus, Atalanta, and many other heroes of Greek lore. This
crew is referred to as the Argonauts.
Aeetes makes it even more challenging for Jason to achieve his goal. He sets
three (3) tasks for Jason – he must plow a field with fire-breathing oxen, fight
dragon to sleep, and steal the fleece before departing quickly on the ship.
Luckily for Jason, the goddess Hera sends Eros down to help him.
Eros shoots an arrow through the sorceress Medea’s heart – Medea is the
daughter of Aeetes – causing her to fall madly in love with Jason, which
makes her willing to betray her family. Medea uses her sorcery and wisdom to
help Jason perform each task, ultimately using a sleeping potion to put the
dragon to sleep and steal the fleece before departing quickly on the ship.
The return journey has its own challenges, as Aeetes tails Jason in
order to get Medea back, narrowly avoiding the song of the sirens, and much
more. Ultimately, however, Jason and Medea are married by the goddess
Circe, and the crew returns, mostly intact, to Greece, where Jason recovers
the throne of Iolcus from Pelias.
2.7. Medea
witch by the Greeks), and claims that he hopes one day to join the two
families and keep Medea as his mistress. Medea and the Chorus of
Corinthian women do not believe him. She reminds him that she left her own
people for him, murdering her own brother for his sake, so that she can never
now return home. She also reminds him that it was she herself who saved him
and slew the dragon which guarded the Golden Fleece, but he is unmoved,
merely offering to placate her with gifts. Medea hints darkly that he may live to
regret his decision, and secretly plans to kill both Glauce and Creon.
Jason discovers the
murder of Glauce and Creon and rushes to the scene to punish Medea, only
to learn that his children too have been killed. Medea appears in the chariot of
Artemis, with the corpses of her children, mocking and gloating over Jason‘s
pain. She prophesies a bad end for Jason too before escaping towards
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Memorable Lines from Medea and Jason and the Golden Fleece
A. Spoken by Medea
B. Spoken by Jason
It’s coffee time again. Its aroma will remind you of the
characters and their values of what you have just read – the
Greek Mythology.