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Multiple Choice Question Bank

Subject: DIP

(8th Semester CSE)


1. DIP Stands:
a) Digital image processing b)Digital information processing
c) Digital induction process d) None of these

2. What is image?
a) Picture
d) Matrix of pixel
c) Collection of pixel
d) All of these

3. What is digital image?

a) When x, y, and the amplitude values of f are all finite, discrete quantities, we call the
imge a digital image.
b) When x, y, and the amplitude values of f are all infinite, discrete quantities, we call the imge
a digital image.
c) a & b
d) None of these

4. The field of digital image processing refers to processing digital images by

means: a) Digital computer
b) Super computer
c) mini-computer
d) None of these

5. What is pixel?
a) Pixel is the elements of a digital image
b) Pixel is the elements of a analog image
c) a & b
d) none of these

6. First application of digital image was in

the: a) News paper industry
b) communication system
c) a & b
d) None of these

7. The process of extracting information from the image is called

as a) Image enhancement
b) Image restoration
c) Image Analysis
d) Image compression

8. Among the following image processing techniques which is fast, precise and
flexible a) optical
b) digital
c) electronic
d) photographic

9. An image is considered to be a function of a(x,y) where a represents

a) height of image
b) width of image
c) amplitude of image
d) resolution of image

10. Which is the image processing technique used to improve the quality of image for
human viewing?
a) compression
c) restoration

11. Which type of enhancement operations are used to modify pixel values according to the
value of the pixel‗s neighbors?
a) point operations
b) local operations
c) global operations
d) mask operations
12. In which type of progressive coding technique,gery color is encoded first and then
other colors are encoded?
a) quality progressive
b) resolution progressive c) component progressive
d) region progressive

13. Which image processing technique is used to eliminate electronic noise by

mathematical process?
a) Frame averaging
b) Image understanding
c) Image compression
d) none

14. The amount of noise decreases by ————— of number of frames averaged

a) division
b) square root
c) linear
d) none

15. Dilation-Morphological image operation technique is used

to a) shrink brighter areas of the image
b) diminishes intensity variation over the
image c) expands brighter areas of the image
d) scales pixel intensity uniformly

16. Image compression is

a) making image look better
b) sharpening the intensity-transition regions
c) minimizing degradation over image
d) reducing the redundancy of the image data

17. Which is a fundamental task in image processing used to match two or more
pictures? a) registration
b) segmentation c)
computer vision
d) image differencing

18. Which technique is used for the images of the same scene are acquired from different
a) multiview analysis
b) multitemporal analysis
c) multisensory analysis
d) image differencing

19. Which sensor is used for obtaining the video source in 3d face recognition
system a) optical
b) electronic
c) 3d sensor
d) 2d sensor

20. What algorithm is used in fingerprint technology

a) Intensity based algorithm
b) pattern based algorithm
c) feature based algorithm
d) Recognition algorithm

21. Which technique turns the unique lines, patterns, and spots apparent in a person‘s skin into
a mathematical space
a) registration
b) segmentation
c) skin texture analysis
d) image differencing

22. In which technique which is used to determine changes between two images ?
a) Image differencing
b) segmentation
c) skin texture analysis
d) image differencing

23. Select one of the most appropriate application of Computer vision?

a) medical computer imaging
b) remote sensing
c) geographical map
d) medical diagnosis

24. What does SDR stands

a) standard dynamic range
b) Software defined radio
c) Session directory
d) System design view

25. Which software has a built in face recoginition system ?

a) Google‘s picasa digital image orgranizer
b) Apple iphoto‘s
organizer c) PMB
d) Sony‘s photo organizer

26. Which device is used to capture the fingerprint

pattern? a) Capture device
b) Fingerprint sensor c) 2d sensor
d) digital sensor

27. An image is converted to two-dimensional matrix of pixel values

by a) pixel grabber
b) bough transform
c) masking
d) none

28. _____ is the most reliable and accurate biometric identification

technique. a) Computer vision
b) Iris recognition
c) Medical imaging
d) Remote sensing

29. A biometrics may be

a) fingerprint images
b) satellite images
c) computer vision
d) none

30. The initial step in any image processing technique is

a) segmentation
b) masking
c) image acquisition d) normalization

31. The identification technique using voice, keystroke, gait etc. are included in
a) image enhancement
b) behavioral biometrics
c) face recognition
d) physical biometrics

32. Which of the following steps are included in iris

segmentation? a) image acquisition
b) iris normalization
c) iris localization
d) code generation

33. Localization of iris, pupil, eyelids come under

a) normalization
b) masking
c) extraction
d) segmentation

34. Verification using genetic algorithm and back propagation is done

in a) iris recognition
b) face detection
c) fingerprint
identification d) none

35. The dominant application of imaging in the microwave band is:

a) Radar
b) satellite
c) communication
d) None

36. What‘s recognition?

a) It‘s the process that assigns a label to an object based on its descriptors.
b) it‘s process of search a image
c) a & b
d) None

37. Morphological processing deals:

a. with tools for extracting image components that are useful in the
representation and description of shape.
b. with tools for changes in image components that are useful in the representation and
description of shape.
c) a & b
d) None

38. What is digitizer?

a. it‘s a device for converting the output of the physical sensing device into digital form.
b. it‘s a device for converting the output of the physical sensing device into analog form.
c) a & b
d) None

39. What is brightness adaption?

a. For a given set of conditions, the current sensitivity level of the visual system.
b. For a given set of conditions, the current sensitivity level of the in-visual system.
c) a & b
d) None

40. What is spatial resolution?

a. it‘s the largest discernible detail in an image.
b. it‘s the smallest discernible detail in an image.
c) a & b
d) None

41. The spatial domain refers:

a. to the image plane itself, and approaches in this category are based on indirect manipulation
of pixels in an image.
b. to the image plane itself, and approaches in this category are based on direct
manipulation of pixels in an image.
c) a & b
d) None

42. Frequency domain refers:

a. its processing techniques are based on modifying the Fourier transform of an image.
b. its processing techniques are based on modifying the laplace transform of an image.
c) a & b
d) None

43. Image negatives a gray level transformation is defined

as: a. s=L-1-r
b. s=L-r c. s=r-1-L d. none
44. the principal disadvantage of piecewise function is:
a. that their specification requires considerably more user input.
b. that their specification requires considerably more user output.
c) a & b
d) None

45. Smoothing spatial filters are used for:

a. blurring
b. noise reduction
c) a & b
d) None

Answers-Key Unit-1:

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41 42 43 44 45
1. DFT stands as:
a. Discrete Fourier transform
b. digital function transform
c. digital frequency transform
d. none

2. Basic steps for filtering in the frequency

domain: a. Fourier transform
b. filter function
c. Inverse Fourier
transform d. all of these

3. A generalization of unsharp masking is:

a. high boost filtering
b. low boost filtering
c. a & b
d. none

4. Restoration is:
a. attempts to reconstruct or recover an image that has been degraded by using a priori
knowledge of the degradation phenomenon.
b. attempts to reconstruct or recover an image that has been graded by using a priori knowledge
of the gradation phenomenon.
c. a & b
d. None of above

5. Restoration technique:
a. its oriented toward modeling the degradation and applying the inverse process in
order to recover the original image.
b. its oriented toward modeling the gradation and applying the inverse process in order to
recover the original image.
c. its oriented toward modeling the degradation and applying the process in order to recover
the original image.
d. none of above

6. An image transmitted using wireless network:

a. corrupted as a result of lighting or other atmospheric disturbance.
b. non-corrupted as a result of lighting or other atmospheric disturbance.
c. corrupted as a result of pixel disturbance.
d. none of above

7. Fourier spectrum of noise is constant, the noise

usually: a. white noise
b. red noise c.
green noise
d. none of above

8. Periodic noise in an image arises due to:

a. electrical or electromechanical interference during image
b. electrical or electromechanical interference during image restoration
c. electrical or electromechanical interference during image
acquisition d. none of above

9. Bipolar impulse noise is also

called a. salt and pepper noise
b. white noise
c. Gaussian noise
d. none of above

10. spatial filtering is the method of choice in situation when

only: a. additive noise is present.
b. additive noise is absent.
c. additive noise is
doublet. d. none of above

11. A ……….achieves smoothing comparable to the arithmetic mean filter, but it tends to
lose less image detail in the process.
a. Arithmetic mean filter b. geometric mean filter
c. spatial filter
d. none of above

12. A geometric mean filter achieves smoothing comparable to the arithmetic mean filter, but
it tends to …………….image detail in the process.
a. lossy
b. corrupted
c. lose less
d. none of above

13. The harmonic mean filter works well for………..but fails for pepper
noise. a. salt and pepper noise
b. salt noise
c. pepper noise
d. none of above

14. The harmonic mean filter works well for salt noise, but fails for ...................
a. salt and pepper
noise b. salt noise
c. pepper noise
d. none of above

15. The harmonic mean filter works well for.............

a. salt and pepper noise
b. Gaussian noise
c. pepper noise
d. none of above

16. Contra harmonic mean filter is well suited for reducing or virtually eliminating the effects of
a. salt and pepper noise
b. Gaussian noise
c. pepper noise
d. none of above

17. For ...................value of Q, the Contra harmonic mean filter eliminates pepper
noise. a. positive
b. negative
c. equal
d. none of above

18. for negative value of Q, the Contra harmonic mean filter eliminates salt noise.
a. positive
b. negative
c. equal
d. none of above

19. The Contra harmonic mean filter reduces to the arithmetic mean filter if......, and to
the harmonic mean filter if Q=-1.
a. Q=0
b. Q=1
c. Q=-1
d. none of above

20. The arithmetic and geometric mean filters are well suited for random noise like Gaussian
or uniform noise.
a. random noise
b. uniform noise
c. Gaussian noise
d. all of above

21. The ..................are well suited for random noise like Gaussian or uniform
noise. a. arithmetic and geometric mean filters
a. arithmetic mean filters
a geometric mean filters
d. all of these

22. The Contra harmonic mean filter is well suited for impulse noise, but it has the disadvantage
that it must be known whether the noise is dark or light in order to select the proper sign for Q.
a. random noise
b. uniform noise
c. impulse noise
d. all of above

23. The best known order statistics filter is the median filter, which replaces the value of a
pixel by the median of the gray levels in the neighborhood of that pixel.

a. f (x, y) median{g(s, t)}

(s,t ) Sxy
b. f (x, y) max {g(s, t)}
(s,t ) Sxy
c. f (x, y) min {g(s, t)}
(s,t ) Sxy

d. none of above

24. Using 100th percentile results in the so-called max filter,

a. f (x, y) median{g(s, t)}
(s,t ) Sxy
b. f (x, y) max {g(s, t)}
(s,t ) Sxy
c. f (x, y) min {g(s, t)}
(s,t ) Sxy

d. none of above
25. Using 0th percentile results in the so-called min filter,
a. f (x, y) median{g(s, t)}
(s,t ) Sxy
b. f (x, y) max {g(s, t)}
(s,t ) Sxy
c. f (x, y) min {g(s, t)}
(s,t ) Sxy
d. none of above

26. Advantage of finding the brightest points in an

image. a. max filter

b. min filter

c. median filter

d. none of above

27. Advantage of .............. is finding the darkest points in an

image. a. max filter

b. min filter

c. median filter

d. none of above

28. Which type of noise reduced by Max filter:

a. salt and pepper noise

b. salt noise
c. pepper noise
d. none of above

29. Which type of noise reduced by min filter:

a. salt and pepper noise

b. salt noise
c. pepper noise
d. none of above

30. Midpoint filter works best for..............

a. salt and pepper noise
b. salt noise
c. random noise
d. none of above


a. basics steps for filtering in the frequency domain

b. basics steps for filtering in the spatial domain

c. basics steps for filtering in the time domain

d. none of above


a. 2-D DFT
b. 1-D DFT

c. 2-D FFT

d. none of above

33. Below figures shows:

Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

a. Discrete function of M points, it‘s Fourier spectrum

b. Discrete function of 2M points, it‘s Fourier spectrum

c. Discrete function of 3M points, it‘s Fourier spectrum

d. none of above

34. Below figures shows:

Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

a. Discrete function with twice the number of nonzero, it‘s Fourier spectrum
b. Discrete function with the number of nonzero, it‘s Fourier spectrum

c. Discrete function with fourth the number of nonzero, it‘s Fourier

spectrum d. none of above

35. SEM image of a damaged integrated circuit

Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

a. SEM image of a damaged integrated circuit, result of band-pass filtering

b. SEM image of a damaged integrated circuit, result of high-pass filtering

c. SEM image of a damaged integrated circuit, result of low-pass

filtering d. none of above

36. SEM image of a damaged integrated circuit

Fig. (a) Fig. (b)

a. SEM image of a damaged integrated circuit, result of band-pass filtering

b. SEM image of a damaged integrated circuit, result of high-pass

c. SEM image of a damaged integrated circuit, result of low-pass filtering

d. none of above


a. low pass filtering in spatial domain

b. high pass filtering in spatial domain

c. band pass filtering in spatial domain

d. none of above


a. high pass filtering by DFT windows

b. low pass filtering by DFT windows

c. band pass filtering by DFT windows

d. none of above

39. ..............can be thought of as one low-pass filtered image minus another low pass filtered

a. The low pass filtered image

b. The high pass filtered image

c. The band pass filtered image

d. none of above

40. below figure shows

a. homo-morphic filtering approach for image


b. homo-morphic filtering approach for image compression

c. homo-morphic filtering approach for image restoration

d. none of above

41. below figure shows

a. computation of 2D Fourier transform as a series of 1D Fourier transform

b. computation of 2D fast Fourier transform as a series of 1D Fourier

transform c. computation of 2D DIT-FFT as a series of 1D Fourier transform

d. none of above

42. below figure shows:

a. homo-morphic filtering approach for image enhancement

b. homo-morphic filtering approach for image restoration

c. homo-morphic filtering approach for image compression

d. none of above

43. below figure shows:

a. model of image degradation/restoration process b. model of image enhancement process

c. model of image compression process d. none of above

44. Given: observation y(m,n) and blurring function h(m,n); Design: g(m,n), such that the

distortion between x(m,n) and is

minimized a. Non-blind deblurring/deconvolution

b. Blind deblurring/deconvolution

c. Non-blind blurring/convolution

d. none of above

45. Given: observation y(m,n); Design: g(m,n), such that the distortion between x(m,n)

and is minimized

a. Non-blind deblurring/deconvolution

b. Blind deblurring/deconvolution
c. Non-blind blurring/convolution

d. none of above

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