Bs B Com Adm Pro 21022019
Bs B Com Adm Pro 21022019
Bs B Com Adm Pro 21022019
Prof. B. Mohini
Visakhapatnam. Director
The School has 24 Study Centres located in different
colleges. The Principals of the respective colleges are the
Co-ordinators of the Study Centres. A senior teacher of the
concerned College is nominated as the Assistant Co-ordinator of
the Centre.The Study Centres are located in the following
colleges :
1. AMAL College, Anakapalli
5. AC College, Guntur
* Students are instructed to choose one of the above study centres as contact
centres and indicate the choice in the application form vide (item 18).
15. SKVT College, Rajahmundry
02. Prof. P. Hariprakash, (2844993) Economics
M.A., Ph.D.
03. Mrs. P. Vijaya Ratnam, (2844161)
M.A., M.A., (Ed) Education
04. Dr. G.Sri Ram, M.C.A., M.Tech. Ph.D. Computer Science
05. Dr. N. Komali Salomi, M.A.,Ph.D., D.F Social Work
06. Dr. K. Jayaram, M.Sc., M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil; Ph.D. Education
07. Dr. B. Radhika, Education
M.A. Edn., M.A.(Eng); M.A. (Phi). M.Phil., Ph.D.
08. Dr. M. Sudarshana Rao, Education
M.Sc., M.A.(Edn.,) M.A. (Tel) M.Phil; Ph.D
09. Dr. M.V. Mani Varma,M.Sc.,M.B.A.,M.Ed.,Ph.D.,P.D.F.(Edu) Education
10. Dr. K. Krishna Dorababu, Ph.D., Geography
01. Sri T. Chitti Babu, M.A. (Edn.) Joint Registrar
02. Sri M. Hema Naik, M.A. Deputy Registrar
03. Sri K. Appa Rao, B.Com., Asst.Registrar
01. Sri M. Srinivasa Rao, M.A., Examinations - I
02. Sri P. Sri Rama Murthy B.Com., Examinations - II
01. Sri M.Subhani, M.A., M.L.I.Sc Library Asst.
Medium of Instruction :
English and Telugu
Eligibility for Admission :
I Year : Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination
such as Pre-University (One Year or Two Year Course of
Andhra University) H.S.C., M.P.S.L.C of the Government
of Andhra Pradesh, Intermediate Examination of the Board
of Intermediate Education or Intermediate of AP Open
School Society or 3 - year full time Diploma Course of
State Board of Technical Education & Training, A.P. or any
other examination of the State Boards or Universities
recognised by the Andhra University as equivalent to the
Pre-University Examination of the University.
Candidates passing the B.A. / B.Com. Entrance
Examination conducted by this School are eligible for
admission into B.A. or B.Com Degree course.
II Year: Those who appeared for the first year examination after
studying in a regular college, in Andhra Pradesh only.
III Year : Those who studied first and second years in a regular
college, in Andhra Pradesh only.
Note : Candidates who wish to join in II / III years have to submit
original Transfer Certificate issued by their earlier college
along with the relevant attested copies of the marks
statements, following other norms prescribed for it.
II & III Year Admission :
The candidates have to submit their attested copies of
the marks memos. Admissions will be given on the basis
of grades also. However, they have to apply to the
University and get their grades converted into equivalent
marks. Unless this is done, their results will not be
Regarding Syllabus :
The candidates, who seek admission into II / III year of
B.A. have to obtain complete information from the School
of Distance Education about the papers they have to
appear along with their backlog papers for converting into
existing regulations in order to complete their degrees.
Duration of the Course :
The course of the study of B.A. shall extend over a period
of three years.
Group Combinations :
Under Main I, II and III any one of the following
Combinations could be selected :
1. History Economics Politics
2. History Public Administration Politics
3. History Economics Telugu
4. History Politics English
5. Public Administration Politics English
6. Economics Politics English
7. History Politics Telugu
8. History Politics Sociology
9. Public Administration Politics Sociology
10. Mathematics Politics Economics
11. Hindi History Politics
12. Politics Economics Geography*
13. Politics Public Administration Geography*
Course of Study :
Year-wise subjects / papers are given below :
Examination in each paper carries 100 marks and is of 3
hours duration.
I Year : Part I (i) English*
(ii) Telugu / Hindi / Sanskrit**
(iii) Foundation Course - I
Part II (i) Paper I of Main - I
(ii) Paper I of Main - II
(iii) Paper I of Main - III
(iv) Computer Course
II Year : Part I (i) English*
(ii) Telugu / Hindi / Sanskrit**
Part II Environmental Studies
Paper 2 of Main - I
Paper 2 of Main - II
Paper 2 of Main - III
Computer Course
III Year : Part I Foundation Course - II
Part II Paper 3 and 4 of Main - I
Paper 3 and 4 of Main - II
Paper 3 and 4 of Main - III
Candidates, who choose Political Science as group paper,
have to choose one of the following papers under Paper-IV
The first class consisting of those who obtain not less than
60 per cent, the second class of those who obtain not less than
50 per cent and the third class of those who obtain not less than
35 per cent.
Fee Structure
Name of the Ist IInd IIIrd
Course Year Year Year
B.A. (Both English & 3,700 1,700 1,700
Telugu Medium)
** Note : The total Fees payable at the time of 1st Year admission
* Candidates passing PUC Exam = `. 3,600/-
* Candidates passing Inter Exam = `. 3,700/-
* Candidates passing Inter Exam = `. 4,200/- (Geography)
* For Geography Group (Entrance) = `. 4,280/-
* Candidates passing B.A. Entrance Exam = `. 3,780/-
* Candidates belonging to other States = `. 4,000/-
Note : Candidates of other Universities in other States are not
allowed to take admission into II or III Year Courses.
Tuition Fee :
II Year : `. 1700/-
II Year : `. 2200/- (Geography)
III Year : `. 1700/-
III Year : `. 2700/- (Geography)
They have to submit the following certificates :
(a) Two attested Xerox copies of the Original B.A. Degree.
(b) Date of Birth Proof.
(c) Two copies of recent passport size Photographs.
(d) Identity Card duly signed by the candidate
(e) Three self Address Slips (available in the last page of the
(Revised Common Core Syllabus)
2. Computer Course
(In the Pre-revised syllabus)
III Year : Those who studied first and second years in a regular
college, in Andhra Pradesh only.
Note : Candidates who wish to join II / III years have to submit
original Transfer Certificate issued by their earlier
college along with the attested relevant marks
statements, following other norms prescribed for it.
Duration of the Course :
The course of the study of B.Com., shall extend over a
period of three years.
Course of Study :
Year-wise subjects / papers are given below.
Examination in each paper carries 100 marks and is of
3 hours duration. The distribution of marks are given hereunder :
Paper 2 Corporate Accounting 100
Paper 3 Cost & Management Accounting 100
Paper 4 Business Laws 100
Paper 5 Auditing 100
Paper 6 Accounting - I 100
Paper 7 Accounting - II 100
* There is an Internal Assessment component of 25 marks
in case of General English Paper - I w.e.f. the Academic
Year 2013-14. The year - end examination shall be for 75
marks. The candidates have to submit assignments for
25 marks which will be based on the important topics of
the year - end examinations.
* Note : The Candidates have to attend Computer Practical
Classes scheduled during the academic year.
Attendance at the programme is compulsory.
Absentees will not be allowed to appear for the Computer
Practical Examination which carries 30 marks.
The Scheme of study is as follows :
Marks Qualifying for a pass :
A candidate shall be declared to have passed the
examination at the end of first / second / third year if he / she
obtains not less than 35 percent of marks in the above referred
subjects under Part I and Part II.
Classification of Successful Candidates :
Part I : Languages : Successful candidates shall be placed
in three classes on the basis of total marks obtained by them after
three years of study in all the subjects taken together separately in
Part - I and Part - II as follows.
The first class consisting of those who obtain not less than
60 per cent, second class of those who obtain not less than 50
per cent and third class the of those who obtain not less than 35
per cent.
Fee Structure
Name of the Ist IInd IIIrd
Course Year Year Year
B.Com. (Both English & 4,200/- 2,000/- 2,000/-
Telugu Medium)
Note : Candidates of other Universities in other States are not
allowed to take admission into II or III Year Courses.
1) Courses Offered :
1. Certificate in Office Automation and Accounting
2. Certificate in Office Automation and Internet Technologies
3. Certificate in Office Automation and Multi - Media
2) Objective of the Course :
Certificate Courses are aimed at imparting Computer
Literacy with lower end Programmes to help learners to gain
skills in order to secure employment or seek self-
Medium of Instruction : English
3) Eligibility for Admission (Educational Qualifications):
(a). (i) Eligibility : A candidate should have passed Intermediate
or its equivalent examination as recognized
by Andhra University or a Pass in B.A/
B.Com., Common Entrance test for
admission into Degree Courses conducted
by School of Distance Education or any
University under Open System.
(ii) Total Seats : 200 Seats in each Course
(iii) Admission
Procedure : Admission procedure is based on merit duly
following rules of reservation
(iv) Duration of
the course : 6 months
(b) Rules and Regulations for admission into the Certificate
4. Course of Study
(a) Program Structure and Distribution of Marks :
Scheme of Instruction and Examination
of Certificate Courses :
Office Automation and Multimedia Technologies
5. Course Fee Structure :
Certification Course - Six Months Duration
S.No. Name of the Course Fee Particulars
2. Certificate in Office
Automation & Multimedia
(English Medium) 2,500/-
3. Certificate in Office
Automation & Internet
Technologies 2,500/-
(English Medium)
Note :
(i) Total Fee must be paid at the time of admission.
(ii) Fee once paid will not be refunded.
Examination as well as the entire Course marks put together.
But the pass marks in the Project work Viva-Voce Examination
is 50%.
(8) Classification of successful candidates :
General Instructions
1. Any qualified candidate within India can apply for admission
into School of Distance Education. Admission is restricted to
the candidates residing in India.
Postal Address :
7. All Correspondence pertaining to the School of Distance
Education must be addressed to
The Director
School of Distance Education
Andhra University
Visakhapatnam - 530 003
The student is particularly requested to note that the Office of
the School of Distance Education is different from the Central
Administrative Office, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
Mailing of Communications :
8. All communications and course material will be mailed to the
students by Express Parcel Post to the address of the students
as per records of the School. The students are advised to make
necessary arrangements in their respective delivery post offices
at their end to get the delivery of different communications,
course materials from the School properly without delay. It is
not possible for the School to own any responsibility for any
postal mishap. However necessary arrangements may be made
to provide another set of course material/copy of communication
etc., to the students if the issue of non - receipt/postal mishap
is brought to our notice in time, depending on the merits of the
Identity Card :
9. The Identity Card issued to the candidate will be sufficient for the
purpose of identification for the entire period of study in this
School. If the Identity Card is lost, a fresh identity card will be
issued on payment of `. 50/- during the course of study. (To
show proper identification proof).
Payment of Tuition Fees :
10. The first year of tuition fee has to be paid at the time of
submission of application for admission.
The II and III year tuition fee has to be paid on the dates notified
by the School.
Penal fee will be levied if the tuition fee is not paid on or
before due date :
After the due date with a fine of : `. 100/-
With a fine of Maximum : `. 200/-
11. Those candidates who wish to study Tamil / Kannada / Urdu /
Malayalam / Oriya / Bengali / French Language for second
paper under Part I (ii) of B.A. / B.Com., may do so, provided
they make their own arrangements for preparation in these
subjects as the school provides study material only for Telugu/
Hindi/Sanskrit. However, such option is not allowed in the case
of group subjects.
The Candidate who selects a language not offered by the
School is required to pay `. 100/- additionally along with the
Admission fee.
Change of Elective Subjects (s) / Medium :
12. (i) The candidates who opt for a change in group subject in
all courses and Second Language under Part I (i) in the
case of B.A. / B.Com., have to pay the following fees
(ii) A candidate who would like to change the medium of
instruction is required to pay an amount of `. 300/- for such
a change.
Note : Prescribed application form should be used for effecting
the change.
Course Change Fee : `.
`.1500/- (if eligible for another course)
Name Corrections :
If a candidate applies for any correction of his/her name it
shall be done based on S.S.C / or equivalent examination
record or B.A. / B.Com., Entrance Examination record as the
case may be.
There shall be no fees if the candidate applies for it in I & II
years of the study. However an amount of `.500/- is payable
if the candidate applies in the III year of study plus `.100/- for
every belated year thereafter.
Remittance to the School :
13. All the remittances to the School of Distance Education should
be made through a Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of
payable at Syndicate Bank, SDE Branch Visakhapatnam-3
(between 10.00 am - 2.00 pm and 2.30 pm - 4.00 pm on all
working days) or on any Nationalised Bank.
Re-admission Procedure :
The candidates who are not able to complete their degree with
the regulations under which they are admitted within the
stipulated time period, may seek re-admission by paying an
amount of `.3,700/- for B.A. course & `.4,600/- for B.Com
couse towards re-admission fee along with dues and the
prescribed fee for the Final Year (PG and UG, as the case may
be), so as to complete their respective degrees under current
regulations in force. Such students after Re-admission is over
can procure the material for the backlog papers on payment
basis. However, the material of the year (final year) will be given
free of cost after admission.
Equivalency conditions shall be applicable to such candidates
seeking re-admission.
Remittane to the School :
The name of the candidate, code number if already
allotted and the purpose of the remittance should be
clearly mentioned in the covering letter along with the
Demand Draft. The name of the candidate and complete
code number are also to be noted on the reverse side
of the Demand Draft.
Any Bank challans (including Syndicate Bank), Cheques,
M.O.s and Postal Orders will not be accepted.
Fee Refund :
14. In respect of those candidates whose applications for admission
are rejected by the School for any reason, 10 per cent of the
tuition fee besides admission and registration fee of `. 150/-
will be deducted from the fee paid and the balance will be
refunded. Candidate who submits application for admission and
withdraws on his / her own will not be entitled for refund.
15. The employees of Andhra University, including retired employees
and or their children, spouse are exempted from payment of
tuition fee upto 50 per cent on the production of service
certificate from the Registrar, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
Information relating to Examinations :
16. Examination applications will be mailed to the candidates who
are on rolls by the School. In the case of former students of the
School of Distance Education the examination applications will
be supplied on request only or can be downloaded from the
university website.
17. The Candidates will not be permitted to take the
examinations unless they clear all the dues to the School.
18. The Code Number of the candidate should be written in the
column provided in the examination application form for easy
reference. Information relating to the examinations such as last
date for receipt of examination fee, etc., will be generally
informed by the School. However, students are also advised to
see notifications in the press issued by the Director, School of
Distance Education, Andhra University or visit the university
website periodically for such matters.
19. (i) A Candidate appearing for the examination for the first time
shall pay the fee prescribed for the whole examination even
if the candidate wishes to appear for some papers only.
Thereafter the candidate can appear for any part or parts
or papers.
(ii) For the sake of First appearance for the University
Examinations, there should be a clear gap of one academic
year from year to year. However once the study period is
completed the candidate can appear for I/II/III Year
examinations together as the case may be, provided the
candidate owes no dues to the school.
(iii) Irrespective of the appearance at the University
examinations and the consequent result, the candidate is
deemed to have entered into the next year of study in the
School of Distance Education.
20. Examination fee once paid will under no circumstances
be refunded or held over for subsequent examinations.
21. The centres of Examinations are given in the Examination
application form. The candidates may choose any one centre
given therein. However, change of examination centre is not
permitted. The administration reserves the right to allot or not
to allot a particular examination centre depending upon
administrative convenience.
Issue of Hall Tickets, Marks Statements and Provisional
Certificates etc., :
22. (i) Candidates have to collect their hall tickets from the
Chief Superintendent of the respective Examination
Issuing of Hall Tickets will begin three days before
the commencement of examinations.
(ii) The School of Distance Education will arrange to despatch
marks statements and provisional certificate etc., to the
candidates of the School of Distance Education who have
fulfilled all the requirements as per the existing rules and
(iii) If the candidate finds any delay in receiving the above he/
she may write a letter to the Director regarding the non-
receipt of the same. The letter to the Director should contain
all the particulars of examinations such as month and year
of appearance, centre, Register number etc.,
(iv) The particulars of fee prescribed for the issue of Marks
Statement / Provisional Certificate / Migration Certificate,
are as follows :
* Migration Certificate `.400/- Plus `.100/-
for every belated year
* Study Certificate `. 200/- Plus `. 30/-
for every belated year
However candidates who wish to obtain duplicate or triplicate
copies of the marks Statement / Provisional Certificate have to pay
the following fees :
Fee for Duplicate Fee for Triplicate
Copy Copy
* Marks Statement `. 400/- + `.100/- `.800/- + `.200/-
for every for every
belated year belated year
* Migration Certificate `.800/- + `.100/- `.1200/- + `.200/-
for every for every
belated year belated year
for Original for duplicate for Triplicate
copy copy copy
* Consolidated marks `.400/- `.800/- `.1500/-
+ `.100/- + `.200/- + `.200/-
for every for every for every
belated year belated year belated year
(Police complaint along with Notary certificate)
* Study Certificate `. 400/- `. 800/-
* Provisional Certificate `. 400/- `. 800/-
(In case of study certificate Duplicate (or) Triplicate not
mentioned in the Proc. of the V.C. 27-12-10).
Instructions for Filling the
Application Form for Admission into the
School of Distance Education
1. The application duly filled-in together with all the required enclosures
should reach the Director, School of Distance Education, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam - 530 003 by registered post on or before
the date notified in the press.
4. The date of birth of the student should correspond with that as recorded
in his/her Matriculation or that of an equivalent examination.
of each photo. One is to be affixed to the application and the
other to be enclosed.)
the aforesaid amount of `. 100/- towards Matriculation Fee.
School of Distance Education
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Candidates who are declared to have passed the Degree
Examinations are permitted to reappear only theory examinations for
the whole examinations in Part I or Part II of I, II or III Year(s), if they so
desire for improvement of their class irrespective of their pass in
examinations in full, subject to the following conditions.
1) Candidates shall not be permitted to reappear in individual subjects
2) Candidates shall be required to pay the amount prescribed
towards the reappearance fee besides examination fee.
3) Candidates who have already secured First Class are not eligible
to appear for betterment examination.
4) The candidates shall be permitted to retain their earlier better
results or the later better results as the case may be without any
5) The candidates shall be permitted to avail two chances within
two consecutive years from the date of first registration of their
final year examinations. Such candidates should be required to
take the examinations as per the current regulations and syllabi
in force.
6) The Candidate shall be permitted to appear either Part-I Whole
(OR) Part-II Whole for I, II & III years.
With regard to disputes arising in the
matters of the School, all legal
proceedings will be in the jurisdiction
of Visakhapatnam city only.
The candidate is advised to retain this copy of the
Prospectus till the course is completed for the purpose of
clarification of rules and regulations concerning the course
Name :
Code Number :
Admission Fee
Examination Centre
Examination fee
II Year :
Tuition fee
Examination Centre
Examination fee
II Year :
Tuition fee
Examination Centre
Examination fee
Name : .....................................................................................
/o .....................................................................................
Address : .....................................................................................
Name : .....................................................................................
/o .....................................................................................
Address : .....................................................................................
Name : .....................................................................................
/o .....................................................................................
Address : .....................................................................................