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The Single-Phase Transformer

Raduban, Bea Therese S.

Malayan Colleges Laguna (Mapua Institute of Technology at Laguna)
[email protected]

ABSTRACT Transformers are not generating electrical

power; they only transfer power from one
This report is all about single-phase coil to another. Transformers are composed
transformers. At the end of this experiment, the of four main parts, namely, Input
group should be able to study the voltage and Connections/Primary Side, Output
current ratios of a transformer and to learn about Connections/Secondary Side, Windings, and
transformer-exciting currents, volt-ampere
the Core.
capacity and short-circuit currents. Equipment

used in this experiment are the transformer block,

er as
connecting wires and multimeter. The input connections or primary side
is where the main electrical power is input to


eH w
be changed, on the other hand, the output
• Magnetic Field – force field created connections is where the electric power is

delivered to the load. Windings are also
• rs e
by moving electric current.
Mutual Induction – production of
divided into two parts, the primary and
ou urc
secondary. The primary winding is the coil
electromotive force by a change in
where power is drawn from the source, while
the current in an adjacent circuit that
the secondary winding is where the

is linked to the first by the flux lines

transformed power is delivered from. Lastly,
of the magnetic field.
aC s

the core is used to provide controlled path of

• Primary Windings – coil that draws
vi y re

the magnetic flux generated by the generator.

power from the source.
• Secondary Windings – coil that When a transformer is used to
delivers energy at the transformed increase the voltage in the secondary, it is
ed d

voltage at the load. called the Step-up transformer, whereas,

ar stu

Transformer – electrical devices when it is used to decrease the voltage on the

consisting of two or more coils of secondary it is called Step-down transformer.
wire used to transfer electric energy The ratio between the number of turns is the
by means of changing magnetic

way of determining the kind of transformer

field. and what would be its output voltage.


A transformer is an electrical device 2.1 Presentation of Results

which transfers electrical energy from one
electric circuit to another, without changing Rated Voltage
the frequency. This consists of two or more
coils of wire used to transfer electric energy • Terminals 1 to 2 = 120Vac
by means of changing the magnetic field.
• Terminals 3 to 4 = 208 Vac

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• Terminals 5 to 6 = 120 Vac • E1 = 10.5 V ac
• Terminals 3 to 7 = 104 Vac Current Ratio
• Terminals 7 to 8 = 76 Vac Current Ratio = 𝐼1 (1)
• Terminals 8 to 4 = 28Vac 2
0.421 𝐴
• Terminals 3 to 8 = 180 Vac 0.4
• Terminals 7 to 4 = 104 Vac
• Terminals 5 to 9 = 60 Vac Current Ratio = 1.0525
• Terminals 9 to 6 = 60 Vac

Rated Current Short-circuit current (I1) = 0.4 A (winding 3

to 4)
• Terminals 1 to 2 = 0.5 Aac
• I3 = 0.22 A ac
• Terminals 3 to 4 = 0.3 Aac
• E1 = 6 V ac
• Terminals 5 to 6 = 0.5 Aac
• Terminals 3 to 7 = 0.3 Aac

Current Ratio

er as
Terminals 8 to 4 = 0.3 Aac 𝐼
Current Ratio = 𝐼1 (1)

0.4 𝐴

eH w
DC Resistance =

• rs e
Terminals 1 to 2 = 9 ohms
Current Ratio = 1.82
ou urc
• Terminals 3 to 4 = 26.1 ohms
• Terminals 3 to 7 = 12.8 ohms E1 (V ac) I1 (mA E2 (V ac)
• Terminals 7 to 8 = 9.8 ohms

• Terminals 8 to 4 = 3.7 ohms 25 8.02 22
aC s

• Terminals 5 to 6 = 7.9 ohms

vi y re

50 12.20 48
• Terminals 5 to 9 = 3.8 ohms 75 15.93 73
• Terminals 9 to 6 = 4.1 ohms 100 19.66 97
125 24.40 122
ed d

Unloaded secondary voltages with 120Vac 150 31.81 149

ar stu

applied to the primary winding 175 49.65 175

200 86.1 200
• Winding 1 to 2 = 120V
• Winding 3 to 4 = 210.2 V

Table 1.1. Effect of core saturation upon

• Winding 5 to 6 = 120 V exciting-current of a transformer

• Winding 3 to 7 = 104 V
• Winding 7 to 8 = 78 V
• Winding 8 to 4 = 29 V
• Winding 5 to 9 = 60 V

• Winding 9 to 6 = 60 V

Short-circuit current (I2) = 0.4 A (winding 5

to 6)

• I1 = 0.41 A ac

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concluded that the kind of transformer used
Saturation Curve upon Exciting is a Step-down Transformer.
250 Lastly, the group was asked to
200 determine the effect of core saturation upon
E1 (V ac)

150 the exciting-current of a transformer. This is

100 where observed that even though there is no
50 load there will be still current that will be
0 drawn.
0 20 40 60 80 100

At the end of the experiment, the

Figure 1.1. Effect of core saturation upon
group concluded that the voltages across the
exciting-current of a transformer
windings were added up or just listed as is,

but the current across the windings was listed

er as
2.2. Discussion and Interpretation of as is because it is connected in series

Results connection. Furthermore, when the windings

eH w
were short-circuited it produced a Step-down
transformer. And the excitation current is the

On the first part of the experiment, the
rs e
transformer block was examined, and the that produces the initial charge of current to
ou urc
group identified the three separate the circuit.
transformer windings, and listed each rated
voltage and rated current. The voltages across

the windings were added up or just listed as

is, but the current across the windings was REFERENCES
aC s
vi y re

listed as is because it is connected in series


Moreover, on the second part of the Richmond Engineering. (n.d.). Retrieved from
ed d

experiment, the transformer panel is now http://engineering.richmondcc.edu/Courses/

ar stu

connected to the ammeter, voltmeter, and

power supply. Here a 120 V ac supply was Transformer. (n.d.). Retrieved from Electronics
applied to the primary winding with the Tutorials: https://www.electronics-
secondary voltages unloaded. It is observed tutorials.ws/transformer/transformer-

that there is no significant difference between basics.html


the measure voltages here in this part

compared with the listed rated voltages on the
first part.

On the third and fourth part of the

experiment, the transformer panel is
connected wherein the winding 5 to 6, and
windings 3 to 4 are short-circuited by
respective current meter. And on each circuit,
the primary voltages were measured, and

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