Coding-Decoding (4) English 1582355442
Coding-Decoding (4) English 1582355442
Coding-Decoding (4) English 1582355442
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Here the code for LETTER is the addition of letter in ascending order uniformly.
There are two kinds of patterns.
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Substitutional Coding
It is the simplest form of coding where one word or letter is substituted with different words or let-
Types of questions
Example: In a certain language ‘round’ is written as ‘red’, ‘red’ is written as ‘wood’, ‘wood’ is writ-
ten as ‘bread’ is written as ‘soil’. What do we eat at breakfast?
We eat bread in breakfast and ‘bread’ is written as ‘soil’ here.
Hence, the correct answer is ‘soil’
Example: If ‘D’ is written as ‘O’, ‘O’ is written as ‘T’, ‘N’ is written as ‘F’, ‘G’ is written as ‘A’, ‘V’ is
written as ‘B’, and ‘R’ is written as ‘C’. How the word ‘Ground’ can be written?
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Number/Symbols 1 % 3 * 7 # 8 @ 2 ^ S 1 9
Letter code Q N A X Z P T Y L W J D V
1) If the second element and the fourth element are an even number both are to be coded as Z.
2) If the first element and the last element is an odd number both are to be coded as the alphabet
of the first odd number in the question.
3) If an odd number is followed by an odd number both are to be coded as V.
4) If an even number is preceded and followed by an odd number the even number is to be coded
as Y.
Example:-1. How %37#29 will be coded?
5) None of these
Number/Symbols: 1 % 3 * 7 # 8 @ 2 ^ S 1 9
Letter code: Q N A X Z P T Y L W J D V
1) 2nd, 4th → even then, write ‘Z’ [if 1 follows then write ‘z’]
2) 1st, last → odd
Then write 1st letter.
3) Odd – Odd then write V
4) Odd even odd then write Y
1) Condition 1 not follows
2) Condition 2 not follows
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3) Condition 3 follows.
4) Condition 4 not follows
Rest letters or number will be compared by table.
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Type II
1. If the first digit is even and the last digit is divisible by 3 then both are to be coded as X.
2. If the first, as well as the last digit, is odd then both are to be coded by the code of the first digit.
3. If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even number, the code of the first and last digit are to
be interchanged.
In case more than two conditions satisfy you are supposed to consider both conditions.
Example:- How 29548 will be coded?
2) ⏟
1𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑑𝑑 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑑𝑑 → 𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑠
1𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑑𝑒
3) ⏟
1𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑑𝑑 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 → 𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑠
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3) su ye da phi
4) mo su ye da
Here, we have already found the code for
Proposed – ‘su’
Good – ‘mo’
Rule – ‘da’
Queen - ?
There is only one word ‘queen’ is the foreign word from all four we have to check in which option
all three codes are occurred including one foreign word.
5. Good → code for good is ‘mo’ as good occur only in last line and ‘mo’ is also occurred in last line
Good → ‘mo’
6. Rule → Rule occurred in the first and second line and the code ‘da’ is also occurred in 1 st and sec-
ond line so the code for
Rule → da
7. Corrupt → occurs is in 2nd and 4th line. ‘phi’ is also in 2nd and 4th line.
Corrupt → ‘phi’
8. King → occurs in 1st line and 4th line. The code for King, ‘nic’ is also occurred in 1st and 4th line
King → nic
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The word ‘proposed’ is only occurred in the first line and it’s not repeating in any other line so the
unique word in the first line is ‘so’ which is also not repeated in other decoding lines.
1. proposed = ‘su’
In the same way for other words
Before solving these types of questions keep some terms or places in mind
→ 1st place of the letter
→ 2nd place of the letter
→ Last place of the letter
→ Second last place of the letter
→ Middle place of letters
→ No. of letters
→ Total no. of vowel or consonant.
It is nothing but coding analysis of alphabets used in word in the terms of the digit.
Types of questions
Type I
BALL – 14
TAR – 38
→ Calculate the position of letter
→ Find the pattern used in it
→ Apply that logic to the question
Here the logic used is first letter value + last letter value.