Introduction To Microprocessors and Computers
Introduction To Microprocessors and Computers
Introduction To Microprocessors and Computers
Introduction to Microprocessors
and Computers
Topics covered
– History of Microprocessors
– Evolution of the Intel Microprocessors
1. Microcomputer systems -The 8086 / 8088 Family – Y.C. Liu and G. A. Gibson, 2E PHI -
2. The Intel Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Interfacing-Barry B. Brey, 6e,
Pearson Education / PHI, 2003.
What is Microprocessor ?
– Microprocessor is a controlling unit of a micro-computer, fabricated on a small chip capable of
performing ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit) operations and communicating with the other devices
connected to it.
– Microprocessor is an integrated circuit that stores and manipulates information as dictated by a set of
– The performance of microprocessors are expressed in terms of its Bandwidth (number of bits
processed in a single instruction), Instruction set (set of instructions that can be executed) and Clock-
speed (number of executed-instructions per second
History of Microprocessors
The mechanical computer age:
– The mechanical computer age began with the advent of the abacus in 500 B.C by
Babylonians. The abacus, which was used extensively and is still in use today, was not
improved until 1642 when Blaise Pascal invented a calculator that was constructed of
gears and wheels.
– In 1801 Joseph Jacquard use punched card as input to Jacquard’s loom (computer).
– In 1823 Charles Babbage create Analytical Engine this engine was mechanical
computer that stored 1000 20-digit decimal numbers and variable program. Input to
this engine was through punched card.
The Electrical Age:
– The 1800s saw advent of electrical motor (by Michael Faraday), all based on the
mechanical calculator developed by Blaise Pascal.
– In 1889 Herman Hollerith developed the punched card for storing data. He
borrowed the idea of punched card from Jacquard.
– In 1896 Hollerith formed a company called the Tabulating Machine Company.
After a number of mergers, the Tabulating Machine Company was formed into
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).
– In 1941 Zuse construct the first electronic calculating machine. His Z3 calculating
computer was used in aircraft and missile design during war II.
– The first fixed-program electronic computer system was placed into operation in
1943 to break secret German military codes. This system was invented by Alan
Turing. Turing called his machine Colossus.
– The ENIAC (Electronics Numerical Integrator and Calculator) is the first general
purpose, programmable electronic computer
– Containing over 17000 vacuum tubes.
– System was developed in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. The ENIAC has the
following specifications:
– Containing over 500 miles of wires
– Weighed over 30 tans.
– Perform about 100000 operations per second.
– Programmed by rewiring its circuit.
– In 1948 the transistor was developed at Bell Labs, followed by the 1958
invention of the Integrated Circuit (IC) by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments.
The Microprocessor Age:
Intel 4004