A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Santa Cruz Campus
Santa Cruz, Laguna
In partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for the Degree of
Master of Arts in Education
Major in Mathematics
than one language. Multilingualism is usually the result of many factors, such
many other reasons (Rihane, 2016). This phenomenon in the linguistics bears
to many interesting and head banging topics for researchers, that enables
the community, and one interesting topic within the bearing linguistic “tree” is
code – switching.
and multilingual people, especially when they speak to people who speak the
same languages as them (Memrise Blog 2017). On the other hand, code-
that result from sentence limitations in similar speech context. Based on these
the world.
from the first language (Filipino as the Lingua Franca) and second language
(English) is often observed and used specially in the classroom and now in
MLE that mandates that Starting School Year (SY) 2012-2013, the Mother
the Philippines (TAP); d. Save the Children, and the Summer Institute of
Linguistics (SIL). With this order it is significant to assess the reasons why
students understand more and can communicate more using code switching
country back in the days. This resulted for the Philippines to become the
basin of numerous languages from all over the world – including Spanish
Zamboanga and English used in everyday lives of the Filipinos around the
country, these languages has become vital in the lives of many Filipinos not
only in daily conversation but also plays an integral part of their life such as
the medium in field of work and/or medium for school repertoire. One
language that emerges across the country after the colonial period and at
became the lingua franca for global communication. Due to the colonial
history and the events that led to indigenization of English in the Philippines,
by the students to converse with teachers and vice – versa. This situation has
been part of the day – to – day discussion inside the classroom engagements
language imbalances. One language may be valued higher than the other.
This research study collects qualitative data. This study may provide
learning. The research is about attitudes towards English and towards code-
Philippines. This research does not in any way test or measure the
to find out attitudes towards English and code-switching between Filipino and
other theoretical frameworks for its marriage of etic and emic views of
examined in a specific context, that is, the classroom. Thus, members of the
class are the speech community; the speech situation is the lesson; and
cannot be separated from "how" and "why" it is used. Thus, in examining the
assumption being made (the "why") is that language is used for content-
area instruction. The "how"— the use of codes in practice and the norms that
study. The focus for this ethnography is both, to use Saville- Troike's (2003)
switches during their discussion, the other partner speaks in their native
not always be aware of the functions and outcomes of the code- switching
process (Sert, 2005). This behavior seems to be automatic during their in-
than one language. Multilingualism is usually the result of many factors, such
many other reasons. The applied linguist Del Hymes (1979:30) defines
to when to speak, when not, and as to what to talk about with whom, when,
where, in what manner’ (Hymes, 1979). In this way, a person who is capable
Usually, bilinguals and multilinguals tend to switch languages within the same
phenomenon and the reasons that stand behind it. There are many factors
that stand behind code-switching, like solidarity, social status, topic, affection,
and persuasion.
effects of code switching and the perceived attitudes towards this phenomena
presentation via USAGE on Show solidarity
Facebook SOCIAL MEDIA Reflect social
The paradigm shows the process on the outcome of the study, the first
the topic/lesson posted in the Facebook, lastly the third variable is the reason
why students do code switch such as, Show solidarity, Reflect social Status,
1) What are the reasons for Filipino English bilingual students to switch codes
Show solidarity
2) What are the effects for the phenomenon of code-switching among Filipino
websites by students?
The area of investigation was limited to two (2) areas of investigation: (1)
What are the reasons for Arabic English bilingual students to switch codes in
terms of showing solidarity, reflect social status, topic and affection. (2) What
are the effects for the phenomenon of code-switching among Egyptian Arabic
The findings of this study may serve as data bank for the following
may exist only on paper and do not necessarily reflect the lives and interests
there to overhaul and streamline the same for development and enhancement
of graders’ and teachers activities suited to meet the use of social media and
human and material resources for effective English instructional service and
and dedication to their chosen profession will internalize effective and efficient
students’ communicative skills using both code switching and the social
media in preparation for their entry to the next grade instructional level.
Elementary Graders. They may realize that code switching and social
master keys to their research efforts of similar nature and thus strengthened
Definition of terms
operationally defined.
they are the knowledge provider of the class and acts as the facilitator of the
communicative process.
Students. Center of the process, the listener and giver of the reasons
Chapter 2
undertaken by the researcher in her various library works, internet surfing and
Related Literature
Jingxia (2010) pointed out in his study that the term “code” denotes any
Wardhaugh and Fuller (2014) defined code as a strategy that more than one
each of which attempts to clarify this concept from a variety of views in the
word, phrase or sentence along with Momenian and Samar (2011) who
speak the same two languages. Then and Ting (2010) defined code-switching
Gingràs (1974), Lee (2010), and Bilgin and Rahimi (2013) suggested that
between the speakers’ mother tongue and the target language which they aim
to acquire.
According to Schlenkrich and Sewry (2012), social media sites help their
tools in social media for communication with each other in a quick, effective
improve teaching and support active learning for learners (Tess, 2013). In this
educators integrate social media into their current methods. They take into
equally supported while making eloquent use of these sites (Gray et al., 2010;
Buckley et al., 2010). In addition, Crook (2008) claimed that universities need
semantic web, cloud computing and the internet of things. They also
As it is the case for teachers’ code switching, the students also are not
always aware of the reasons for code switching as well as its functions and
clearly serves some functions either beneficial or not. Eldridge names these
this case, the student makes use of the native equivalent of a certain lexical
item in target language and therefore code switches to his/her native tongue.
target language, which makes the student use the native lexical item when
he/she has not the competence for using the target language explanation for
conversation in the target language, the students fill the stopgap with native
students in order to avoid gaps in communication, which may result from the
lack of fluency in target language. The learners performing code switching for
floor holding generally have the same problem: they can not recall the
language; since it may result in loss of fluency in long term. The third
message has already been transmitted in one code, but not understood”
student in native tongue through which the learner tries to give the meaning
by making use of a repetition technique. The reason for this specific language
alternation case may be two-folds: first, he/she may not have transferred the
meaning exactly in target language. Second, the student may think that it is
more appropriate to code switch in order to indicate the teacher that the
transfer the intended meaning. The underlying reasons for the tendency to
use this type of code switching may vary according to students’ needs,
lexis among the native language and target language--which may lead to
Related Studies
therapy in the college of Allied Health Science. The collected data were
The study also attempted to find out the preferred language teaching in
females). Results indicated that the teachers, generally, were not in favor of
CS. Results also revealed that most of the learners tended to switch between
Swedish and English. On the other side, 87% of the learners sought to make
race, religion, books, movies, and relationship status, shared between friends,
family members and strangers. According to Hung and Yeun (2010), social
learning inside and outside classrooms and increases the interaction among
students and educators; and create a positive learning experience for both
usage. Thirty grade 11 students, who attend a high school I Trabzon, Turkey,
took part in the study. Firstly, the researchers obtained initial data about
be the group guide. The study continued for twelve weeks; students’ tasks
and their teachers. However, Facebook groups are effective on issues related
educational purposes along with the teacher’s presence and Facebook group
and how that helps linguistic and educational practices. Systematically, the
16 years and come from several countries like Colombia, Finland, Sweden,
and Taiwan. Results showed potentials for framing both the activity and
with its own constraints and potentials, as well as, to make good use of young
people’s several active linguistic uses in social media daily. There are
linguistic issues related to learner and teacher roles and how students’ digital
comparison between the two groups: a control group, which was using face-
revealed significantly higher results while taking the TOEFL post-test than the
group. It was found that there was no connection between motivation and
language learning were examined. The authors claimed that students’ usage
language abilities, for the reason that these networking websites allow
different or the same ethnic groups. 3.2 To Reflect Social Status Sometimes,
distinguish themselves from other social classes. Other reasons that have
been found to motivate CS are to sound elitist or classy. Professor Peter Auer
conducted that speakers may use code-switching ‘to show power over the
less powerful’ (Al-Khatib, 2003) Thus, I can now connect switching codes as a
way to reflect one’s social class. A speaker who can code-switch implies that
competence in more than one language’ (Suleiman, 1999). 3.3 Topic Topic,
according to the topic when she says, ‘people may switch code within a
may tend to use more than one language within one same utterance
according to the topic. In many situations, a bilingual may tend to talk about
one certain topic in a language rather than another. Another good example
can be one from the Lebanese society. Discussing emotional and sexual
language that is different than the native Arabic language of the society.
English or French since it will make them more comfortable to discuss those
University, they collected data from twelve bilingual Arabic speaking students
the answers were different in the result, one of the twelve students replies,
which grabbed my attention, was because ‘I can’t say taboo words in Arabic’
because they are angry. Dr. Hayat Al-Khatib gives an example in the same
asking nicely for a piece of paper from her brother’s pad, to not avail, A
attempts to snatch a paper from his jotting pad “did I say ey did I say ey?
When I say ey it means ey, when I say la’ it means la’)’ (Al-Khatib, 2003). In
the example provided by Al-Khatib, the speaker uses more than one
another good example about code-switching to express affection. ‘In the town
mind e kettutoko, no hat akkor!’ [Well Come Here! Put All This Away, Both of
You, Well Now.] When they did not respond quickly enough he switched to
German: ‘Kum her!’ [Come Here] (Holmes, 2000). In the above example, the
Grandfather used the German language to express a more straight and angry
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the details of the investigation as basis for the
and data gathering procedure envisioned to acquire the needed data and
Research Method
characteristics the fact that it deals with a situation that demands the
population for the study must be carefully chosen, clearly defined, and
and therefore particular attention should be given to safeguard the data from
the influence of such bias; and ultimately the data must then be organized
The research will administer using qualitative method through the use
that will elicit response to the topic herein being studied that is carefully
developed to collect data about the usage of code switching in social media
websites and how it affects each student respondents. In the present study,
some variables were collected from (Ahmad Abdel Tawwab Sharaf Eldin
2014); such variables including the reasons for code switching (for
The respondents of the study came from Magdalena District , the one
hundred (100) teachers of the said district out of six (6) elementary schools
Sampling Technique
which the participants were easily reachable and willing to take part in the
present study. The population of the educators was picked from different
Purposive sampling was employed in this study among (100) one hundred
selected as the one hundred (100) actual respondents during the day set for
respondents and thus assure the validity and reliability of information shared
by them.
Research Instruments
in Magdalena Laguna through the use of LAC (Learning Action Cell)/ Google
meet. The distribution of the surveys will be conducted by the author and with
the assistance and approval of the school heads and the district supervisor
within each school. The interviews will be performed by the first author and
the teachers through asking them several questions regarding the use of CS
in a communication with their students using social media apps during the
modular distant learning set up. In addition, interviews were also performed
with the educators in which they were asked several questions regarding the
accordance with the research questions of the present study. English has
been used in preparing the interviews since it is the language that educators
communicate in easily.
there was assurance for validity and reliability of the major instrument coupled
with the approval by the thesis adviser to conduct an actual study, letters will
but rather the used in the research of Ahmad Abdel Tawwab Sharaf Eldin
switching? Why?
certain group?
9. Can you name your own reasons for doing code switching?
Bloomfield, L. (1933). Language. New York, NY: Henry Holt. Bullock, B. E., &
Carlson, N. (2011). Facebook has more than 600 million users, Goldman tells
Crystal, D. (2006). Language and the Internet (2nd ed.). New York, NY:
Pennsylvania Press.
Wurm (Eds.), Language and Society (pp. 71-88). The Hauge: Mouton.
Submission, 11(8).
Suleiman, Y. (1999). Language and society in the Middle East and North
CA: Sage.
Hauge: Mouton.