Struktura Ega
Struktura Ega
Struktura Ega
Isador H. Coriat
To cite this article: Isador H. Coriat (1940) The Structure of the Ego, The Psychoanalytic
Quarterly, 9:3, 380-393, DOI: 10.1080/21674086.1940.11925433
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ego is not only a function of the cerebral cortex, but also may
become a direct instrument of instinctual levels, that is, the
hypothalamic. It is suggested that this level corresponds to the
id and is the main source of the adult unconscious. The hypo
thalamic drives are synonymous with id demands: its tension
produces a conditioned danger signal within the ego. If the
ego is unable to handle the situation, there results either
anxiety or a visceral expression of organ dysfunction, pro
ducing an organ neurosis.
It is realized that this mass of psychological and physio
logical material is difficult to correlate, and until we know the
exact nature of thought processes whether ego, superego or
id, it is impossible to prove any exact dependence of the ego,
for instance, upon cortical structure and function. Of course,
it is generally admitted that there must be a dependence, but
how or why or through what pathways, is a problem for the
future to investigate.
In the paralyses of the conversion hysterias, it is well known
that ideas or complexes of ideas and emotions condition these
paralyses. But how an idea can be transformed into a physical
symptom is a matter which up to the present has remained
unsolved although it has been suggested that it is the result of
the effect of the action of instinctual levels upon the ego system.
Possibly the electroencephalograph may throw some light
u·pon the subject. In one such investigation 29 applying the
technical procedure to analysis, no significant correlation
appeared between the changes in the Alpha index and the
clinical changes. There was, however, some correlation be
tween the Alpha index and the instinctual trends as revealed
by psychoanalysis. Of course such a procedure would have
its difficulties, principally because the patient's knowledge
that such a technique was being used might affect the results.
29 Saul, Leon J.; Davis, Hallowell; Davis, Pauline A.: Correlations between
Electro-encephalograms and the Psychological Organization of the Individual.
Trans. Am. Neurol. Assn., 1937.