Distributed System
Distributed System
Distributed System
The registry is used by a client to locate methods called by a client. The registry is a reference to a
registered remote object found on another host. It is meant to help a remote computer locate the initial
object being sought by a client.
The RMI provides remote communication between the applications using two objects a stub which acts
as a gateway for the clients and a skeleton which acts as a gateway for the server.
3. Explain the concept of an object reference in a distributed system. Why do remote objects need one
and who creates it?
Remote objects do not need an object reference and can be created by anyone.
4. What is the purpose of an Interface Definition Language? Why does CORBA not just use the Java
interface construct?
A COBRA application can communicate with each other despite difference in the location or the
designer. It can communicate over many of the popular networking protocols for example the TCP/IP.
5. How does a server know that one of his remote objects provided by him is no longer used by clients
and can be collected?
A distributed garbage collection ensure an object exists as long as it still has a reference holding it. It is
collected as soon as no object no longer holds a reference to it.
How does Java RMI handle this problem and what alternatives are there?
The server keeps track of proxies. A proxy of a remote object tells a server to add an entry, when the
local host’s garbage collector removes the entry, it also tells the server to remove the entry and the
object on server is de-allocated
6. Activation is a technology used to load remote objects into a server on demand (i.e. when a client
invokes a method on this object. Explain why this is much better than pre-loading remote objects?
It also enables for remote object references to remain valid across server crashes.
If for any reason the object stops running it is much easier for the client to recover the service again.
Because the system is able to trigger an activation service due to persistent remote reference by the
activation technology.
It enhances available services developed for the system for example security can be added as
middleware if it cannot be installed as either applications or hardware.
8. Scalability can be achieved by applying different techniques. What are these techniques?
Scaling out which is addition of the number of nodes if the computer architecture can support it.
Scaling up which is the addition of the size of each node it is a simple way but may become costly in the
long run.
When a system is able to accommodate a greater amount of usage, it is said to be scalable. It means
that the system can easily be adapted for use to a wide user base than the one it was originally
intended, and it can maintain its effectiveness throughout.