5 Pros of Lumpsum Contract
5 Pros of Lumpsum Contract
5 Pros of Lumpsum Contract
Moreover, the Contractor should request any missing information or documents before
submitting the price. If not, the Client expects the contactor to allow a budget for all this
missing information. After evaluating and reviewing these documents, the Contractor is
agreeing to complete the works without exceeding the agreed fixed price. Under a lump-
sum agreement, it is the responsibility of a contractor to implement the appropriate work.
He should also offer suitable resources and techniques to accomplish the task.
Below are the critical characteristic of lump sum contracts
The primary condition of this contract type is that, agreed budget should not alter (without
any changes to the design or specs). Also, the quality and the standard of the project should
keep according to the documents provided at the tender stage( quality cannot deviate
without prior approval of the Client). These are all the critical characteristics of the fixed-
price contracts. But the Contractor is providing the rates and quantity breakdown for the
fixed price.
Design changes and specification changes
Client and client’s representatives will intensively check design and specification at the
construction stage. In lump-sum contracts, the contractor can’t change specs or design
without proper approvals. But the contractor can propose design change as a value
engineering option. Based on contractual terms, contractors may charge eligible
percentage fees from saving offered from value engineering option.
The payment process of fixed price contracts
Contractor and client agree on a project program before commencing the works. Project
milestones will decide based on the project program. Concerning this program, A payment
schedule will agree between both parties. Upon successful completion of each milestone,
the client will release the agreed amount based on the payment schedule.
In some exceptional cases, The Client may agree to pay additional compensation for the
early completion of the project.