USMLE 2020 Recall MR Murphy
USMLE 2020 Recall MR Murphy
USMLE 2020 Recall MR Murphy
1) women had mamo last year and calcifications suggesting cancerous features was seen
but she wasnt informed of her results by her prior physician! She gets a mamo again now,
which is normal! She also enquires of her previous mamo results which is available with
you and you are wondering why she didnt get a biopsy by her previous physician? NB
- tell patient about this latent error
- ask pt to schedule visit with her prior physician and ask him regarding the results
- i will discuss with ur prior physician and get back to you.
2 -←valproate drug induced pancreatitis in a 15yr old child! ( V GET SSMMAASHEDD)
3- chlamydial conjunctivitis in a 15 day old neonate. (Qid 3758)
4- alcoholic dilated cardiomyopathy diagnosis by either BNP or cardiac MRI (no echo in
option) – should be - Cardiac MRI.
5- herpes zoster near temporal area- complication can be? Keratitis or encephalitis?
6- dementia with eye findings mentioned! I did progressive supranuclear palsy
Progressive supranuclear palsy:
• stiff and broad-based gait, with a tendency to have
their knees and trunk extended (as opposed to the
flexed posture of idiopathic Parkinson disease), and
arms slightly abducted
• ophthalmoplegia is the hallmark of PSP, but it may
take as long as ten years to develop. The average is
three to four years. Vertical saccades
• Bradykinesia with marked micrographia is a primary
feature of parkinsonism in PSP, all types. Rigidity in
patients with PSP is usually more apparent in axial
than limb muscles, especially the neck and upper
trunk. It can be demonstrated on examination by
resistance to passive movement of the neck
• frontal lobe dysfunction. The patients manifest
impaired abstract thought, decreased verbal fluency,
motor perseveration, and frontal behavioral
• insomnia
• Lack of response to levodopa
7- 18 month old child with undescended testis at a scheduled visit? Ur next best step?
- inform mother that neonate physical development is incomplete and require further
- karyotype
a s
- orchiopexy wala operation i
8- testicular cancer biggest risk factor is cryptorchidism
9- women with virilization features. Hormones to be measured? I marked DHEAS and
Other options were DHEAS and androstenodione, etc
10- calculate PPV 75% and specificity 85% (From a stem in which following data was
Total 300 pt
100 had disease
200 did not. (control group)
A test gave positive result in ___ diseased pt and ___ control group pt
so TP and FP is given. Total diseased and nondiseased are given. Calculate rest
11- buspirone- partial serotonin agonist
12- CLL (smudge cells given in stem) monoclonal lymphocytic proliferation.
13- diabetic neuropathy infected ulcer? Cause? neuropathy or polymicrobial (should be
14- brachial plexus pic shown with C5 marked as being damaged! - effect? I marked
failure of arm abduction.
15- for dental cleaning- no prophylaxis required
Another question in which dental cleaning with h/o prosthetic valve (she was penicillin
allergic) so I chose clindamycin (not sure if its corrct)
Other options were Pip Taz, etc
16- candida infection risk factor is antibiotics
17- pt having pain and stiffness in fingers (confusing one with RA) then give. About
brown pigmentation of skin and glucose 160mg. What will u do to diagnose? iron (Qid
18- Rx for obsessive compulsive personality disorder? I marked CBT.
19- there was a 2 question continuation case of COPD with the first answer being give
oxygen first. It was correct and then the pt developed CO2 narcosis (oxygen dilated
airways, what is caused? I marked Ventilation perfusion mismatch
20- ecg seemed like long QT interval so i marked ion channel defect
21- there were qs with stem mentioning similar issues for maternal uncle and answers
were regarding hemophilia and Chronic granulomatous disease.
22- wiskot aldrich syndrome with classic triad in the stem
23- multiple myeloma ka bhe ek case tha.
24- ovarian cancer treatment! I think i marked platinum plus taxanes(after
cytoreduction)! Dekh lena
25- intraductal papilloma diagnosis? Ductogram or mammogram?
26- svc syndrome case
27- cholecystitis case with equivocal findings on U/S. NBS- HIDA scan
28- B/L facial nerve and abduscent nerve palsy with sensorimotor findings- tumor
location? Brain, spinal cord, brainstem (i marked) Mr. Murphy
above antibiotics in addition to gentamicin . Pt s kidney function
declined 2-3 days later, I guess. Now they asked the reason for this
decline? Urine output was normal somewhat ~ 800ml/24hrs but the
creatinine was rising!
a. Drug induced tubular dysfunction
b. Contrast induced nephrotoxicity
Labs: HIV ELISA –ve, Monospot Test –ve, Rapid Influenza test – like
You treated the patient symptomatically with fluids and
acetaminophen and he got better. Later, he came with tender
cervical lymphadenopathy. Now what would you do?
a. Oseltamivir therapy
b. Amantadine therapy
head 71000 @
f- Viral Kung
→ Do C- Section
06. A question on PSGN – Patient had pharyngitis 2 weeks ago and C
now came with glomerulonephritis; C3 was decreased. The patient (Doubtful!)
had a rash on the shoulder – it was typical impetigo rash. They
asked about management?
if persisted Mf
a. IV Steroids -
c. Oral antibiotics
[I couldn t understand what management they were asking for
whether to treat PSGN or the rash. PSGN is managed
symptomatically and I couldn t find such reliable option to go with.
I marked oral antibiotics just to treat the rash (topical mupirocin not
in options). Confirm this question!]
07. Description of child being on a visit to some hiking place – a (Dx – Lyme
picture was shown where a child was shown one with the shirt up Disease)
and other naked on side; it had a very faint circular red rash
resembling erythema migrans. How could it have been prevented?
a. Use of insect repellant DEET
08. 72y old patient with vertigo on waking up when he lifts head from ( (Dx - BPPV)
bed; also occurs during changing sides when lying on bed. Pt also
had SNHL (I believe, it must be a distractor – age related hearing
loss). Management?
a. Repositioning maneuvers
* Have
diving session 4h before he got into the flight. The doctor on board
is managing the patient. He administered the patient oxygen;
besides this what should be done?
a. Emergency landing to treat the patient s condition
12. A 70y old patient has malaise, low grade fever and other A
nonspecific symptoms. Myalgia and rhinorrhea –ve; the patient
asked what would be the prognosis or how would the disease
follow? Influenza
a. It will develop into myalgias and rhinorrhea requiring
antiviral therapy
b. It will resolve spontaneously in 2 to 3 weeks
13. Pt had some trauma while either cutting tree or he was doing C
ARDS something else with the tree; now he came his right leg was
swollen and all, indicating trauma to femur, he was transfused,
stabilized etc. Now, his PaO2:FiO2 ratio is 350, PCWP is 12, CXR
22 I
showed bilateral infiltrates (interstitial word wasn t mentioned).
What is your diagnosis? (I don t remember what symptoms were -
< 300 ✓
a. CHF
b. TRALI without hours B/c !ontm°
c. Pulmonary Contusion pym
- d. Aspiration Pneumonia
e. Fat Embolism
14. Pt has a thyroid nodule in the left lobe of thyroid gland; cervical B
lymph nodes of the left side were also involved. Biopsy showed
papillary thyroid carcinoma. How would you manage?
a. Partial thyroidectomy
b. Total thyroidectomy with resection of involved lymph
15. A case on sepsis. It was a lengthy scenario to understand and label C is the
it as sepsis. Besides fluids and antibiotics, what would you answer.
administer? (I did it
a. Dobutamine wrong!)
b. Dopamine
c. Norepinephrine
d. Milrinone
18. Patient had pain in anterior knee or around the knee on prolonged B
sitting; resisted extension reproduced the pain and patellar
compression test was positive too. Dx? tubercle as Osgood
a. Patellar tendonitis Pair on tibial
b. Patellofemoral Syndrome
afterlong sitting ,
Runner , , E
19. 2 months old newborn with a palpable clunk. Management?
a. Abduction Harness i DD lol
20. 2-3 months old newborn with a palpable clunk. How would you
a. Ultrasonography of Hip Joint DD H da
22. 1 year old child is comes to the hospital for regular health visit with C
his father; the father says, the child has been a picky eater since last 1979
4 weeks. The house we used to live in was childproofed but now
since a while (exact duration not mentioned) we have been staying
at his grandmother s house which is not childproofed. The
grandmother had TB 2y ago, which was then treated. What would
you evaluate this patient for?
a. Hearing Loss
b. Loss of visual acuity
c. Lead poisoning
chuff µ
d. Tuberculosis
23. Pt taking minocycline and OCPS, she does vaginal shaving too. B
Now she had symptoms of vaginal candidiasis. A picture of hyphae
was also shown. What is the cause of her symptoms?
a. Vaginal shaving
b. OCPs
c. Minocycline
a. Topical Clobetasol
27. Patient was an IVDU, had MRSA cultures positive, and placed on B
IV daptomycin. Now he has aortic regurgitation murmur
mentioned. Echo was done and it showed large vegetation on aortic
valve and paravalvular fluid collection. What would you do?
a. Gentamicin Therapy
b. Surgical Replacement of valve →
28. Past question – Patient had fever, chills, sense of impending doom
29. A lengthy question with so many labs - I noticed Coombs test +ve,
a. Antibodies against RBCs
30. Graft reaction – when the graft was connected the patient suddenly
developed symptoms. Mechanism? acute
a. Preformed antibodies against graft antigens
31. Abstract: Role of Bronchoscopy and CT scan in patient with
Hemoptysis with CXR negative:
The first question asked how this study applies to this patient.
- Patient met the inclusion criteria (and there was some relevant
option to this so I chose that. (Option C in real exam!)
32. The 2 question was on calculating the sensitivity if CT scan:
My answer: 24/25
(the table was drawn in the abstract – TP were 24 and FN were 1 in
the CT Scan line so I chose 24/25)
33. The 3rd question was about why one thing (e.g., CT) is better than A - (100%
the other (e.g., bronchoscopy) – I don t exactly remember now sure on this
what were they favoring in question. one – I gave
✓ a. It has low negative likelihood ratio my 4 minutes
b. It has low positive likelihood ratio to the
c. It has low specificity question, you
d. It has low true negatives can trust me)
I calculated PLR, Specificity and was able to rule out option B and
C; D was easily ruled out too.
35. 2nd Question: Mother was asking what should she do if she is
unable to breastfeed her child?
- The study didn t mention anything about breastfeeding so I chose
an option that said you breastfeed your child preferably and if you
can t then use formula milk instead of cow s milk.
(the study had concluded that formula milk is better than cow s
- Can t recall the 3rd question from abstract
36. A case of infant with cystic fibrosis – mother mentioned that the A
child tastes salty when mother kisses her. What test would you do
a. Pilocarpine stimulated sweat iontophoresis
best test
c. CFTR mutation testing in Na Channel
d. 2 other options related to F508
37. 12 year old girl comes with this rash on her face. She had worked C – cutaneous
in farms with his uncle in the anthrax
past few weeks. The organism
causing the disease belongs to
which class of organisms?
a. Gram positive coccus
b. Gram negative coccus
✓c. Gram positive rod
d. Gram negative rod
e. Acid fast bacillus
38. A patient came with epigastric abdominal pain since a few days; he C
has had no diarrhea or related symptoms. Labs showed eosinophilia
b. Cyclospora
c. Stronyloides .→
d. Giardia
e. Entamoeba
42. Patient with this lesion on face with a biopsy picture. Dx? B
a. SCC
b. BCC
43. Patient with venous stasis ulcer; arterial pulses etc. was all normal. B
a. Venous Bypass Grafting
b. Medical Compressive Dressing
c. Arterial Bypass Grafting
45. Stab wound just to the left of sternum, X-ray give: heart contours =A
enlarged. BP: 88/? Next step? (don t remember rest of the scenario)
a. Echocardiography B
b. Thoracotomy
46. A patient with abdominal pain and other symptoms resembling
ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm along with this CT scan; the
aneurysm was larger than the one here. Dx?
47. A kid with bilious vomiting and bleeding per rectum (I couldn t
relate why he had bleeding PR); Next step?
a. X-ray Abdomen
48. A lengthy scenario with fixed splitting of S2 and pulmonary flow
murmur. Dx or Cause?
a. Interatrial septal rupture
49. Within 2 days of MI, patient presents with symptoms resembling Confirm
cardiogenic shock or heart failure. Audio had a holosystolic yourself!
murmur. The confusing options for me were:
OE-z.IT?npex,wmrwurmaailla !
a. New Membranous VSD
b. Papillary Muscle Rupture
51. Patient was in severe pain following trauma. His BP was 150s/?
Reason of increased BP?
a. Pain induced sympathetic activation
52. Patient had features of myocardial ischemia, symptoms were
mainly induced by any stressful situation not otherwise. Dx?
a. Stress induced cardiomyopathy Broken
53. Patient with hx of rash recently which resolved on its own, it was
like erythema migrans rash. Now he had facial nerve palsy
bilaterally and other systemic symptoms. He had hx of recent
camping. How would you diagnose?
a. Lyme Serology
54. A child with pleural effusion with X-ray given. Next step?
a. Thoracentesis -
if > Icc
55. Pt with exudative pleural effusion – pleural fluid analysis was A
given. TGs were 40, Lymphocyte predominant effusion. Cause?
a. Tuberculosis
b. Chylothorax T G> HO
56. Child with sudden choking while eating peanuts. Mother performed B
a maneuver and tried to help the child throw out peanuts. He was
then playful and all good. Examination still showed right lower
lobe wheezing. X-rays were given PA and Lateral views – seemed
normal. Next step?
a. Decubitus X-rays
b. Rigid Bronchoscopy
57. A student had a TST of 3mm; recently his bus driver was
diagnosed with TB. He wanted to get a TST done again, which now
showed 16mm induration. CXR was done, which was negative.
58. A patient had multiple painful genital ulcers with dysuria as well. A
Most likely organism?
a. HSV2
b. H. ducreyi Red ulcer base
c. Syphilis
59. Patient had a history of recurrent boils; axilla was shown – there Confirm
were sinus tract formed with pussy drainage from them; I couldn t yourself!
be sure if it was hidradenitis supprativa . The question asked
mechanism of infection?
a. Apocrine gland duct obstruction
b. Secondary infection of sebaceous cyst
62. 35 year old patient comes to your clinic, she had peripartum
cardiomyopathy at 34th week of gestation in her last pregnancy
where her EF was 25%. 6 months later, her condition improved and
then her EF was >50% (it was normal, not exactly remember how
much). She has DM too. BMI was 24kg/m2. The patient wants to
be pregnant again, what in this patient is concerning for her to be
pregnant? ✓
a. Maternal Age
b. Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction ✓
c. BMI
63. 3 year old with SCID; mother brought her because he was exposed A
to his cousin who had chicken pox. What would you administer in
the kid?
b. Varicella vaccine
c. Vaccine plus VZIG
a. Neutrophils
b. Lymphocytes
c. Monocytes
65. Patient had difficulty moving his eye in the upward and downward A
direction in the vertical axis. Plus symptoms of dementia. Dx?
a. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy ✓
b. Parkinson Disease
c. Lewy Body Dementia
a. X linked Agammaglobulinemia
(multiple options related to immunodeficiencies)
67. 72 year old patient with Alzheimer s dementia, he had a good I marked B,
appetite; ate a well-balanced diet and completely healthy otherwise, but it can be
homebound as well. What vitamin deficiency would be expected? option D as
a. A the best
b. B12 answer!
c. C
d. D
e. E
70. A neonate had neural tube defects – it was defined some way; Only answer
Mechanism was asked? that seemed
a. Methylene THF reductase deficiency reasonable
72. Patient was started on Lithium carbonate for some reason. What
would you find increased in this patient?
a. Serum Calcium wats on parathyroid
73. Patient presented to you with symptoms of tremulousness and B
ataxia. During interview, he seems drowsy, even in between
conversation he has dysarthria and seems to fall asleep. He has had
GI symptoms, myoclonus. BP, RR, temperature normal. He had
been taking anticholinergic, clonazepam and lithium. What is the
cause of patient s symptoms?
a. Anticholinergic toxicity
b. Lithium toxicity
c. -Clonazepam toxicity
76. Patient with a recent history of travel to Mexico. Now presents with E. coli is the
watery diarrhea. What is the most likely organism? MCC of
a. E. coli traveler s
77. Patient with a recent history of watery diarrhea leading to bloody Dx - HUS
diarrhea later managed with fluids and all, now presents with
anemia, thrombocytopenia and elevated creatinine. Mechanism of
these symptoms?
a. Toxin mediated
unstable -
a. Small Bowel follow through (Upper GI Series) &
(I don t think there was an option of tube decompression or
anything related, but better check)
80. Male patient presented with abdominal pain radiating to back, A (patient had
presentation similar to acute pancreatitis. He used to have 14 normal
drinks/week. US showed gallstones present in gallbladder. alcohol
Amylase, Lipases were elevated. Cause of pancreatitis? consumption)
a. Biliary
b. Alcohol
82. Patient with urge to move legs at night, long details – restless leg
syndrome. What would you check in this patient?
a. Serum ferritin levels cheek
forFe def
83. Typical OA scenario but a lengthy one with X-ray given as well –
showing narrowing of joint space. Management?
a. Quadriceps Strengthening
86. Pt with myopathy related symptoms – can t stand from chair with < Duchenne
his arms hold against chest; cataracts etc. mentioned too. What is Muscular
the most common cause of death in these patients? Dystrophy
a. Cardiomyopathy/CHF Scenario
87. Patient on chemotherapy developed neutropenia (shown in labs);
developed sepsis or may be asked what organism infection is the
patient at risk for?
a. Pseudomonas
89. Patient with endometrial cancer – biopsy showed atypical high Probably B is
grade hyperplasia; undergone total hysterectomy, comes a week or the best
some days later for follow-up, everything is fine. How would you answer; I
manage the patient further? marked C, had
a. No follow-up indicated no
b. Radiotherapy – probably this is the answer! knowledge!
c. Chemotherapy – I marked this, had no knowledge!
90. A patient comes with sore throat, he was recently started on PTU.
What is the likely cause of patient s sore throat?
a. PTU
91. A pregnant lady – had no prenatal care, membranes ruptured for 1- I thought of
2 days, delivered the baby. What is the neonate at risk for in the early onset
next month (or week may be?)? neonatal
a. Sepsis
hours sepsis due to
92. Pregnant lady came to you with vaginal bleeding after a recent I marked A,
intercourse, probably 37th/38th week of gestation. Per speculum but confirm it
examination showed vaginal bleeding. Patient was since C
hemodynamically unstable, probably FHR was 100/min. What confused me
would you do next? (no TVUS in
a. Cesarean section options)!
b. Vaginal delivery
c. Transabdominal US
93. Patient with right ovarian mass, left adnexal tenderness with I diagnosed it
something mentioned on US that seemed like ectopic pregnancy in as ruptured
the left adnexa, free-fluid positive. Next step? ectopic
a. Laparoscopy
94. A patient with recent abdominal trauma and now present with A
uterine tenderness, vaginal bleeding (indicating abruptio placenta),
CTG showed late decelerations. US showed breech presentation.
a. Cesarean delivery
b. Induction of labor
96. Patient presented 1 week ago when US showed absent fetal activity B
(or pregnancy test was positive), now she presents with hx of
vaginal bleeding, she has passed large clots. Examination showed
closed cervix. Beta-hcg is positive. What is the dx?
a. Incomplete abortion
b. Complete abortion
c. Threatened abortion
d. Missed abortion
e. Septic abortion
98. An 8-10 years old obese child – growth chart showed sudden Not sure!
increase in BMI reaching 97th percentile. Patient had features of
supravalvular aortic stenosis murmur on auscultation – it was
defined. What would put the patient at risk for cardiovascular
a. Auscultation findings I
c. Intranasal oxymetazoline
100. Patient in late 20s or early 30s, presented with symptoms of
hyperandrogenism. 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels were normal,
but when ACTH stimulation done, 17-OH PG levels raised too
much. Family hx positive. What enzyme deficiency?
a. 21-alpha hydroxylase
103. Patient with multiple sexual partners, age in 40s. Patient had all his I marked B
childhood vaccinations done, but has not seen doctor or had any because of
other vaccination later in life. Recently he had TdaP 5years ago. sexual hx
What vaccination would you administer? mainly, no
a. TdaP other
b. Hepatitis B indication or
c. Pneumococcus risk factors
d. Meningococcus
106. A study was done – matching was described like age, sex
controlled group take. It is done to control what?
a. Confounding
107. There was another study where researchers weren t accepting the B
study because some of the patients were very old aged, some were
diabetic, some had end stage disease like it was obvious that the
study is confounded and not controlled for such factors. How can
you improve this study now? Like what analysis can improve study
a. Matching
b. Stratification
110. Patient with a history of recent weight gain, fatigue. TSH value too C
high; T3, T4 down. Bilateral nipple discharge – galactorrhea.
Prolactin slightly increased around 60s. How would you manage
this patient?
a. Trans-sphenoidal surgery
b. Bromocriptine
c. Levothyroxine
112. Parents brought their 15y old son, has started coming home late,
started hanging out more with friends late at night, they have
observed his eyes seemed red a few times. His grades have fallen,
new friends. Dx?
a. Chronic Inhalant Abuse
(No other abuse option, no option of normal adolescence)
116. Patient below 30s with breast mass. What would you do next? A
a. Ultrasound
b. Mammogram
117. Patient above 40s (don t remember exact age), breast mass, no I chose A,
other hx. Mammography findings showed – multiple papillary learn to
calcifications. Dx? differentiate
a. DCIS from B!
calcified apt
b. Fat necrosis→
c. Sclerosing adenosis
118. Patient had a pap smear – ASCUS positive, HPV testing positive A
and then underwent colposcopy findings: it was defined as if it
is not invading basement membrane, it was either CIN2 or CIN3.
a. LEEP (or Cervical conization)
b. Total Hysterectomy
c. Radical Hysterectomy
119. ECG of PSVT just like in UW, had to diagnose. Other options were QId:4920
WPW, Ventricular tachycardia, Atrial fibrillation etc.
c. Decrease K+ in diet
123. 8years old child with nocturnal enuresis, he was toilet trained at age B
3. Daytime dryness, but nighttime urination problem.
a. Imipramine Rx
b. Motivational therapy
for capitis
a. Oral Griseofulvin to the oral rx to the
patient and contacts patient and
the patient and contacts
c. Oral Griseofulvin to the
patient only
contacts, so I
went with C
d. Topical Selenium sulfide to
the patient and Oral
e. Griseofulvin to the contacts
127. A 13y old patient used to exercise a lot (not into other sports, but C–
used to exercise only), his HR was down (around 50s; likely 54), Xanthalesmas
examination showed yellowish papules on the eyelids above and -
c. Skin Findings
128. A patient with sickle cell disease came with presentation of I marked B,
gallstones leading to acute cholecystitis. Next? but I am
a. Oral antibiotics and fluids etc. doubtful.
b. Cholecystectomy Confirm
(no delayed or urgent thing mentioned or within 72h) yourself!
129. Patient with elevated lipids – TGs were below 500 and LDL above A
190. Rx?
a. Statin
b. Fibrates
132. Patient with criteria meeting for MDD. She had symptoms since A
more than 2 years. Although 5 of SIGECAPS was defined, but she
said she has had no difficulty continuing her job – school teacher.
a. Persistent Depressive (Dysthymic) Disorder
b. Major Depressive Disorder
133. Patient with ADHD, now having motor tics since last week or two B
weeks. 2 years ago, he has had similar episode which resolved on
its own. No vocal tics. Dx?
a. Impulse control disorder
b. Chronic tic disorder
(Tourette not in options)
134. A patient with rape – sexual assault, came after 4 days (I guess).
a. Oral Levonorgestrel
138. 12 months old child is brought to your office by mother who I chose B.
complains that she is unable to retract the child s penile foreskin. Confirm
On examination, the skin is retractable easily and there is no yourself!
discharge or lesion under the skin. What would you tell the mother?
a. Recommend elective circumcision
b. Reassure the mother that the child s penis is normal
140. Patient on tetracycline plus other medications and raised ICP signs
- papilledema. CT scan was negative. Next?
a. ↳MRI
(I don t remember if LP was in options, so just make sure .
wt loss auto land de
, go
141. Patient going for mountain climbing, on the day of ascent, he
developed pulmonary symptoms resembling high altitude
pulmonary edema. Rx?
a. Acetazolamide
144. A 3years child is overheard by parents who is telling his friend that I chose C
his sister touches or manipulates his genitals. They bring their son
to the doctor, parents get embarrassed and tell the doctor about the
incident and that their daughter (who is 15years old) says she does
because her brother likes and enjoys it. Listening to this, the boy
starts crying and says, he doesn t like it at all and that she does it
forcibly. Parents are embarrassed of this act and ask the physician
not to report this incident and they are willing to get involved in a
family therapy. What should the physician do?
a. Defer reporting until family therapy is complete
b. Interview the parents alone
c. Interview the daughter alone
d. Report the incident to CPS
145. Patient with mass in front of ear (in parotid gland); fine needle I chose B,
biopsy showed cystadenoma. No LAD. What would you do next? unsure!
a. Observe
b. Superficial Parotidectomy
c. Head and Neck CT Scan
b. Valvular Defect
152. Patient had TB, now he had hemorrhagic adrenals bilaterally. What A
test would be abnormal in this patient?
a. ACTH stimulation test
b. Dexamethasone suppression test
154. A male patient with gynecomastia and infertility. What would you B
check in this patient?
a. Estrogen levels NY
b. Testosterone levels
155. Patient with tanner stage 4 breast, stage 2 pubic hairs, left inguinal A
- mass; comes with primary
amenorrhea. Dx?
a. Androgen insensitivity syndrome
b. 5-alpha reductase deficiency
156. 13 years old girl presents with primary amenorrhea, breast and
pubic hair are stage 2. What would you do next?
Secondary Sea characters
a. Reassurance and follow-up
158. A diabetic patient with early satiety, vomiting etc. What would you
a. Gastric
emptying test
(Diabetic gastroparesis probably)
160. Diabetes mellitus scenario – patient had foot ulcer, pulses weak or
absent. Long standing DM. Paresthesia etc. were positive too. What
else would you see in this patient?
a. Abnormal monofilament test confirmatory
161. Patient in 60s comes to the doctor, tells the doctor unless my A
husband initiates sex I don t even feel a need for it. Even during
sex, I don t actually enjoy it like I used to do. She says during our
visit to Europe, we didn t have sex. Dx?
a. Sexual arousal disorder
b. Sexual orgasmic disorder
c. Sexual aversion disorder
162. Patient with mature cystic teratoma. What would you do next?
a. Laparoscopy
164. Patient around 30s (<35years) comes to the hospital due to fertility It was like
issues – she had multiple sexual partners; she says, she has been give her
trying to conceive since last 6 months, she and her husband have knowledge of
regular time to time sex but not able to conceive yet. Everything when do you
else is normal, she has no hx of any serious disease. What would label a patient
you recommend? infertile – 12
months of no
a. Reassure the patient and tell her about conception duration conception
etc. with regular
sex and age
What is the reason/mechanism of this?
a. De-margination of adhered pool
bands !
b. Release of pool from bone-marrow
c. Release of pool from spleen
cells are
170. Typical Macular Degeneration scenario – everything mentioned;
wavy door, drusens on fundoscopy, central vision defect.
Everything literally!
175. Patient had oral cavity mass – smoker and alcoholic, ill-fitting A
dentures. In addition to smoking, what is the other risk factor for
a. Alcohol
b. Dentures/Hygiene
176. 32years old lady with family hx of stroke in father and something A
in mother too. What would you screen for?
a. Lipid Screening
b. HbA1c Screening lipid 35
45 -
179. A scenario on MDD. Patient is concerned for weight gain regarding I chose C, but
therapy. They also mention that patient says, I have had episodes it can be D. I
where I binged too much and vomited . Management?
a. SSRI – probably Sertraline
b. Mirtazapine
am unsure!
I .
c. Bupropion
d. Imipramine
181. A patient with unilateral signs and symptoms – UMN signs, mainly I chose A
motor symptoms; Hoffman sign was positive (but no related thing).
How would you further evaluate?
a. CT scan of Brain
b.→ EMG No GBS
(No spine related option; it was a weird question)
185. Patient with sudden loss of consciousness after trauma for some
minutes and then regained consciousness, he was all good and was-
closed; when left eyelid picked up, his eye was down and out. Pupil
2mm on right and 4mm on left. Dx?
a. Left sided Epidural Hematoma
189. Patient with right sided sensorineural hearing loss and other right
sided CNVIII symptoms. Pt can t feel sensations on the right half
5,78 confession
of the face. Dx?
a. Right sided Acoustic Neuroma
192. A young patient 15years age with back pain. Cobb angle > 10
degrees. Reason of back pain?
a. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis – I am very doubtful!
(don t remember other options now)
194. Patient with hearing loss, increased hat size, bone pain etc.
Elevated ALP. Dx?
a. Paget s Disease - typical scenario
a. Increased ALP
b. Glomerulosclerosis
197. Patient with a known MVP, he is going for gingivectomy or UWSA1 Q.
gingival manipulation. Antibiotic prophylaxis?
a. No antibiotic prophylaxis
201. A patient with sickle cell disease comes to the physician with
severe pain crisis, had similar previous episodes which he managed
with acetaminophen and oxycodone etc. (some other opioids) but
I chose B
(there was no option related to checking and confirming from
data base)
202. Patient was taking opioids for certain reason and now came to ask
for more, I don t remember further details.
a. Check drug database before prescribing the patient
(somewhat similar option)
204. Patient with low platelet count and megakaryocytes on smear. Dx? A
a. ITP
b. TTP
was described; flushing etc. This is mediated by:
a. Histamine release
207. Patient during some dental procedure was injected with local
benzocaine. Now developed methemoglobinemia (had to dx).
a. Cytochrome b5 reductase deficiency leading to
208. Patient was being prepared for surgery; midazolam, fentanyl and C
topical benzocaine used. RR around 12-15, PaO2 decreased, O2
saturation decreased (not sure exactly), HR around 120bpm; had
something in hands – probably cyanosis. Dx? "
a. Asbestosis
215. 58years old patient with a recent episode of food impaction, solid
food stuck for a little while. Later with water, food passed. What
Barium first
would you do?
a. Esophageal endoscopy swallow
(No pain or odynophagia! I don t remember if barium swallow
is an option.)
216. Patient with flat facial profile (midface hypoplasia), single palmar
crease, epicanthal folds and bilateral cataracts. Dx?
a. Trisomy 21
221. Supraclavicular lymph node enlarged around 3 cm; how would you
further evaluate this patient?
a. CT Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis – my answer
222. Patient severely alcoholic, he presented with early satiety (don t
recall further options). What would you do next?
a. EGD
b. CT Abdomen
(I was confused if it s pancreatic or gastric cancer – can t recall
226. Patient with a mass below inguinal ligament, presented with
features of small bowel obstruction. Next?
a. Surgery – my answer
227. Gunshot wound to abdomen, exit and entry site noted. Patient is I chose A, not
hemodynamically stable, BP normal. What would you do next? sure of the
a. CT Abdomen + answer!
b. Abdominal US
(don t know if laparotomy is option there!)
228. A pregnant lady with right sided pain, just to the site of enlarged
uterus; rebound tenderness etc. and other symptoms related to
appendicitis. Dx?
a. Appendicitis
229. Patient with elevated BP on an office visit – 145/88; how would the
physician further assess or evaluate the patient. Patient was
otherwise completely normal. To decrease the risk of stroke in this
patient, what would the physician do?
a. Repeat BP measurement on the next visit
230. A patient with unilateral headache, especially pain behind the eye;
diagnosed it as cluster headache. What else would you find in this
- Faster
a. Normal visual acuity -
b. Papilledema
231. Patient given antipsychotic – he developed acute dystonia. Drug
used to dystonia works via what mechanism?
a. Antimuscarinic
232. A patient was recently started on acetazolamide, labs showed
235. A soldier had some trauma in a bomb blast. He had splenic injury
and so underwent splenectomy. Now he is advised to be on certain
antibiotic for prevention of some complication. What is the
mechanism of action of antibiotic required?
a. Cell wall synthesis inhibitor
(Penicillin used post-splenectomy to prevent sepsis)
237. Patient had started NSAIDs recently, and now labs showed RBCs B
in urine, RBC cast, WBCs in urine - 2% eosinophils in urine,
increased creatinine; probably had fever too. No typical rash (as we
have studied). Dx?
a. Acute Tubular Necrosis
b. Acute Interstitial Nephritis
238. Patient with week of gestation in 30s, present with elevated BP,
urine dipstick showed proteinuria. Next step in diagnosis?
a. 24hrs urine protein
242. Patient with painful menstruation, age around 20s, with systemic A
symptoms – diarrhea etc. Dx?
a. Primary Dysmenorrhea
b. Endometriosis
243. Postpartum hemorrhage, patient had HTN. How would you A
a. Oxytocin ✓ Iwa , IBP ,
b. Methylergonovine Is
244. Patient had leakage of urine with coughing, weightlifting etc. A
Patient has her first delivery which was converted to cesarean due
to prolonged labor. The second pregnancy was managed with
elective cesarean. Risk factor for this patient s condition?
a. Multiple Pregnancies
b. Weightlifting
245. Auscultation findings – S4. Patient had a little unclear presentation. I chose A
a. Myocardial Infarction
b. Pulmonary Embolism
completely normal
248. Patient comes to the physician with hx of 2nd trimester preterm I chose B
deliveries; first delivered child had cerebral palsy, second one had
some other disease. During the second pregnancy, she was given
IM Progesterone but even then the pregnancy ended in a labor next
week at 25/26 week. Now this patient is pregnant at some 15th
week of gestation or more may be. How would you manage this
a. IM Progesterone at 16-26 weeks of gestation -
b. Hospitalize the patient → No
(Cerclage wasn t in options, but I am not sure about bed rest)
249. 17 year old girl comes for routine screening evaluation before I chose B
going to some sports playing within the US. What vaccine would
you administer?
a. HPV
b. Meningococcus
c. Pneumococcus
250. Patient on levodopa-carbidopa, developed visual hallucinations.
a. Quetiapine
(No option on dose alteration)
251. Patient with migraine, doctor is telling her that he would keep her B
on propanolol therapy; patient suggests that my friend has migraine
attacks and she is using topiramate therapy and her results are
better, you start me on topiramate therapy instead. Doctor tells her
that the upfront costs are higher for topiramate compared to
propanolol i.e. propanolol is cost effective and I prefer prescribing
this. What ethical principle is doctor applying here?
a. Autonomy
b. Beneficence
c. Non maleficence
d. Double Effect
e. Justice
252. A patient had painful intercourse and came for evaluation, imaging
showed septate uterus. What can the patient expect?
a. Normal Fertility
(No other option related to pregnancy related complications,
only this made sense)
253. Adolescent drug abuse related scenario – I marked get a urine drug i
254. Patient with pancreatic cancer; she presented with confusion and
altered mental status. Multiple lytic lesions were seen in femur.
What is the reason for patient s CNS symptoms?
a. Brain Metastasis
b. Hypercalcemia B
255. Medical director has noticed a physician coming late since few I chose B
days, her colleagues have questioned her decisions a few times
these days. The director is friends with the physician s spouse. The
physician was previously working very fine and had remarkable
achievements. What should he do?
a. Tell her spouse about her work issues
b. Report the physician to impaired physician program
c. Ask the physician to get a urine drug screening
257. A patient comes to physician with pain in his legs when he I chose A
exercises for like 20-30 minutes, everything else is fine. How
would you manage the patient?
a. Ask the patient to continue exercise program
b. Cilostazol
I have tried to mention in a summarized way whatever I understood from the question stem. The
real length is good enough, more or less similar to how you see the questions in UWorld!
Some Suggestions:
a. When doing sequence questions (the combined ones), don t submit the question initially.
Do it later when you re done with rest of the block so that even if gets wrong, you can
have time to console yourself during the break. I submitted one and it went wrong, it took
me 3-4 minutes to get myself out from the fact that I have made a mistake in the easiest
question. So it s better to solve them for later.
b. Look for abstract questions – see which block contains 38 questions, it is the block where
you ll have abstract questions. This way you ll be ready that your next block has abstract
and eat anything you need to energize yourself during the break accordingly.
c. It is NOT an easy exam, UW does cover most of the stuff but you will be tricked with
options. So if that happens with you, I guess that s fine. Just know this and make yourself
able to deal with the stress and you will be good. If there is anything you need to do
besides UW, I would suggest FA Step1. Basics are also covered in CK exam so if you are
someone who is not in touch with FA from longer, just quickly see through FA.