Power To People: Indiafirst Employee Benefit Plan
Power To People: Indiafirst Employee Benefit Plan
Power To People: Indiafirst Employee Benefit Plan
Pg. No. Pg. No.
Introduction........................................................................2 13. Valuing units under the Plan.................................8
Executive Summary..........................................................2 14. Allocation of contribution to Units .....................8
1. About your Plan........................................................2 15. Renewals and Redemptions of your
2. Working of Gratuity under the plan....................2 Contributions.............................................................9
3. Working of Leave Encashment under 16. Broad risks associated with your Plan................9
the Plan........................................................................3 17. Suicide committed by the Life Assured.............9
4. Parties involved in the Plan....................................3 18. Prohibition from accepting rebate in
5. Contribution under the Plan..................................3 any form ....................................................................10
7. Benefit on exit from Scheme ................................4 20. About IndiaFirst Life Insurance ..........................10
Introduction Leave Encashment
Power to People • You may choose to cover the leave encashment
liability of all your employees
Organizations work with and exist only because of
their employees. No matter what your area of work, • You may provide a perfect balance between a
the value that individual employees bring to your life cover for all your employees and best in
organization cannot be under estimated. class investment of Leave Encashment
liability contributions
Our IndiaFirst Employee Benefits Plan helps you to
invest the funds set aside to cover your employee Risks Factors
liabilities such as Gratuity and Leave Encashment
• The premium/contribution paid in unit linked life
into market linked investments. This plan offers a life
insurance plans are subject to investment
cover for all your employees, securing their families
risks associated with capital markets and are
against uncertainties of life.
not guaranteed
With IndiaFirst Employee Benefit Plan, you can now
• The value of the units may go up or down based on
ensure that your employees receive the benefits
the performance of the fund
they deserve.
• Factors influencing the capital market also affect
Executive Summary the value. Hence, you are responsible for all
your decisions
Key Features -
You, the Master Policyholder • The past performance of funds does not
necessarily indicate the future performance of any
• You can now manage your future employee of the funds provided under this plan
liabilities such as Gratuity and Leave Encashment
through a transparent and value for money plan • IndiaFirst Employee Benefits Plan does not
participate in the profits made by the company
• The plan offers a life cover for of ` 1,000 to all your
employees • Payment of Gratuity liability other than life cover
benefit will be limited to the fund value
• You may optimize your investment returns by
choosing between four funds across asset classes • Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws
he is paid his due from the fund of the scheme, Who is the Master Policyholder?
accumulated from the contribution by
• Master Policyholder is the organization that
the employer
provides a life cover to all its employees while
• Gratuity is payable if the employee retires or exits investing its funds set aside to cover its employee
from service due to any cause. It is also payable on liabilities such as Gratuity and Leave Encashment
death in service due to any cause into market linked investments, through this plan.
• As per Gratuity Act, 1972, the gratuity payable to In case a Trust is formed under the Income Tax Act
an employee is 15 days wages (basic plus 1961, the trustees appointed by the employer act
dearness allowance) for every year that he/she as the Master Policyholder
completes or part of a year in excess of 6 months. • The Master Policyholder holds and operates the
This is subject to a maximum of ` 10 lakh. This is a Master Policy
mandatory benefit payable to the employee after
five years of service or on the employee’s demise Who is the Member?
at any point in time The Member is an employee of the organization. The
• However, the Gratuity Act allows you the member is the Life Assured under this plan. The
flexibility to pay the gratuity benefit before insurance cover is on the member’s life.
completion of 5 years of service of the employee The age limits for a member are -
and in excess of the maximum limit set under Age At entry At normal exit
the Act
Minimum 18 years -
3. How does Leave Encashment work? Maximum One day before the Retirement age
• You may choose to offer your employee leave retirement age of of the employee
the employee
encashment benefits as an acknowledgement of
his/ her loyalty What is the group size to whom the cover can
• Leave encashment is the amount payable for the be offered?
employee’s leave period, depending upon the
Minimum Group Size 10 members
leaves to his credit and his salary at the time of
termination of employment. This amount may be Maximum Group Size No limit
paid to the employee (or dependent) on
retirement, death or disability 5. Who pays the contribution under this
• You, the master policyholder, make annual
contributions on behalf of your employees. On the You, the employer, make the contribution on behalf of
exit of the employee, he is paid his due from the your members.
fund of the scheme, accumulated from the What is the minimum and maximum
contribution by you
contribution under this plan?
4. Who can be a part of this plan? Minimum initial contribution ` 1,00,000
This plan includes the ‘Master Policyholder’ and Minimum annual contribution No limit
the ‘Member’.
Maximum contribution No limit
Maximum size of the fund No limit
What happens on discontinuance of 7. What happens when the benefits
contribution? fall due?
If the Master Policyholder does not pay non zero the The benefits will be paid to you, the master
Renewal Contribution as required under AS – 15 on policyholder, as per the scheme rules on exit of the
due date the life cover will stop immediately. No member from the scheme. You can accordingly pass
mortality charge will be deducted from the fund. the same to your member(s).
However, fund management charge will continue to
be deducted. Master policyholder will have an option Retirement Benefit The accrued gratuity or
(separation from the accrued leave encashment
to continue the life cover till the end of the
scheme by retirement) benefit as per the scheme
reinstatement period and the mortality charges as rules of the employer
well as fund management charges will continue to be
Benefit payable on The accrued gratuity or
deducted as and when due. The Account shall Resignation/ Early accrued leave encashment
continue until the Fund Value is sufficient to deduct Termination from benefit as per the scheme
charges or till the fund value reaches zero whichever service rules of the employer
is earlier.
However the master policyholder may re-start 8. What happens in case of the member’s
paying Renewal Contribution within a reinstatement demise?
period of 5 years from the date of last unpaid Renewal We will pay the nominee a lump sum amount
Contribution provided the Plan is not foreclosed due through you, the master policyholder in the
to the Fund Value falling to zero or not sufficient to unfortunate event of the member’s demise. This
deduct charges. amount is calculated as below -
In case master policyholder does not re-start paying Death Benefit In case of death in service, the
Renewal Contribution within a reinstatement period, accrued gratuity or accrued
the policy will be terminated by paying the fund value leave encashment benefit as
at the end of the reinstatement period. per the scheme rules of the
employer is paid
Please note that where the fund is at surplus, the
insurer may allow “nil contributions/premiums” Additional This is equal to the sum assured
Death Benefit of ` 1000 for each member
under the insurance contracts based on the actuary’s
certificate in accordance with AS15 (revised) and 9. What are the tax benefits under this
such contracts shall not be treated as discontinued
contracts. Otherwise, the contracts shall be treated plan?
as discontinued contracts. Currently you and your employee are eligible for the
below mentioned tax benefits. These are subject to
6. How is the sum assured calculated? change from time to time. However, you are advised
to consult your tax consultant.
This plan will have a mandatory inbuilt life cover of
` 1000 for the members as additional death benefit. Gratuity
Some employers do not create any fund for Gratuity.
The Master policyholder can avail for higher cover for They simply create a provision for Gratuity in their
their members by option for IndiaFirst Group Term accounts. Such provisions do not earn any Income
Plan (UNI: 143N006V01). Tax relief. Only Gratuity paid to the employee is
eligible for tax deduction.
On the other hand, if you create a fund for Gratuity, • It is necessary to set up an irrevocable Trust
there will be a number of tax benefits available, • The Gratuity trust can invest its funds by making a
such as - contribution under a Group Gratuity Scheme of
• Annual contribution towards gratuity will be an insurer
treated as a business expense
Leave Encashment
• Initial contribution towards past service gratuity
• The cash equivalent of the leave encashment
will earn income tax relief
benefit as and when paid by the employer is
• The income of an approved gratuity fund is deductible from the income under Section 43B (f)
exempt under Section 10(25) (iv) of the Income Tax Act
• Gratuity payable to an employee is taxed as part of • Benefit received by the employee at the time of
the employee’s salary income under Section 17 (i) retirement gets tax relief as per section 10(10AA)
(iii). However, Gratuity is tax free up to half of the Income Tax Act subject to maximum of ten
months (15/26) average salary (of last 10 months leave
months) for each year of service, subject to a
maximum of Rs. 10,00,000 under Section 10(10) 10.What are the different fund options
• All claims paid out from bundled life cover are available?
eligible for tax deductions under Section 10 (10D) We provide you with four fund options. You may
For the Gratuity fund to be approved by the Income choose what percentage of contribution you as the
Tax Commissioner, master policyholder would like to allocate to each of
these funds.
11. How do you move from one fund to the end of scheme tenure as mentioned in the table
However, we will declare one unit price for each fund
As a master policyholder, you will have the flexibility
based on FMC for the fund used to calculate
to alter the allocation of your investments among the
published unit price for the fund. In case of fund
funds offered in order to suit your changing
management charge for a fund for a particular
investment needs anytime during the plan term. You
scheme is lower than the FMC for that fund used to
may do so, either by switching or by redirecting your
calculate published unit price for the fund the
future contributions.
difference in FMC on daily basis will be equal to
What is switching? {Fund Value*[ (annual FMC for the fund used to
Switching is the option under which you can move calculate published unit price for the fund – actual
some or all the units from one unit linked fund annual FMC for the fund) / 365.25 ]}
to another. The above difference in FMC will be calculated on
Are there any limits for switching? daily basis and the total amount for a calendar month
will be converted into units and credited to the fund at
Minimum Switching Amount ` 10,000 the end of every calendar month.
What are the charges for switching between For example: Fund size of ` 8 crore which is between
` 5 crore and less than ` 10 crore.
You can switch between funds at any time. There is
no limit to the number of switches. The switches can
be made free of charge.
What is contribution redirection?
Under contribution redirection, you, the master
policyholder can redirect your future investments
towards a different fund or set of funds. However,
under the contribution redirection option your past
allocation of contribution does not change.
Fund Name FMC used Actual Fund value Difference in Assumed Number of unit
to calculate FMC split in FMC amount published unit credited to the
published unit Crore on daily basis price at the fund at the end of
unit price in unit Rupees end of month month assuming
that there will be
same difference in
FMC on daily basis
There are Surrender Charges that may be applicable on your plan if you choose to utilize the Surrender option
available –
Surrender charge:
These will apply on the Fund Value at the time of surrender/discontinuance.. The table below gives the surrender
Month of surrender Surrender Charge as Less: i. Value of your fund’s current liabilities and
percentage of fund value provisions, if any
subject to maximum of This gives us the Appropriation Net Asset Value of
` 500,000 the fund. When divided by the total number of units
in the fund at the valuation date (before any new
Up to 12 0.05% units are allocated) we get the unit price of the fund.
13 - 24 0.05% What is expropriation price and how is
25 - 36 0.05% it calculated?
37 - 48 0.00% Whenever units are sold it is called Expropriation
Price. In simple terms it is calculated as –
49 - 60 0.00%
Market value of assets held by your fund
61st month onwards Nil
Add: i. Value of any current assets
ii. A n y e a r n e d i n c o m e n e t o f Fu n d
Is service tax applicable? If yes, who bears it? Management Charges
The service tax will be borne by the master Less: i. Expenses gone into in the sale of the assets
policyholder. It will be charged on the mortality
charge and fund management charge. ii. Value of any current liabilities and provisions,
if any
This gives us the Expropriation Net Asset Value of the
13. How do we value units in your plan? fund. When divided by the total number of units in
We will value your units in line with the unit linked the fund at the valuation date (before any units
guidelines issued by the IRDA. are redeemed), we get the unit price of the fund
The value of your units for a particular fund depends under consideration.
on whether we are purchasing (appropriation price)
or selling (expropriation price) assets under the same 14. Allocation of contributions to units
fund. We need to purchase and sell units in order to
meet the day-to-day transactions of unit allocations When and how does your contribution get
and unit redemptions. We will need to sell/purchase allocated to units in your plan?
the assets if unit redemptions/allocations go beyond The allotment of units to you, the master policyholder
unit allocations/redemptions at the valuation date. will be done only after we receive the contribution
What is appropriation price and how is amount. The contribution allocation to the units
it calculated? varies according to the following situations -
New We will allocate new units on the 16. Broad risks associated with your plan
Business day we receive contributions if we
receive these before 3:00 p.m. They Is your plan prone to risks? If yes, who bears
are allocated the next day if we the risk?
receive them after 3:00 p.m.
Yes your plan does carry risks.
Renewal We will allocate new units on the
Contributions day we receive contribution if we • The premiums paid in unit linked plans are subject
receive these before 3:00 p.m. They to investment risks associated with capital
are allocated the next day if we markets. The NAVs of the units may go up or down
receive them after 3:00 p.m. based on the performance of the fund. Other
However, we will keep the renewal factors influencing the capital market also affect
contributions received before the
due date in the deposit account. It the NAV. Hence you, as the master policyholder
will not earn any returns until the are responsible for all your decisions
renewal contribution due date. On • IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Limited is the
the due date, we will use the same name of our insurance company. IndiaFirst
for unit funds.
Employee Benefits Plan is only the name of our
15. How do we value your units at the time plan and does not in any way indicate the quality
of the plan, its future prospects or returns
of renewals and redemptions of your
contributions? Do you get guaranteed returns from any of the
We will value your units in line with the unit linked funds mentioned in your plan?
guidelines issued by the IRDA. • No. None of our funds (Equity Advantage Fund,
For Renewal We will apply the closing unit price Bond Fund, Cash Fund, and Enhanced Index Fund)
Contributions/ of the day on which your renewal offer a guaranteed or assured return
Funds Switch contribution/funds switch request • Equity Advantage Fund, Bond Fund, Cash Fund,
received is received. This can happen only if and Enhanced Index Fund are the names of the
till 3:00 p.m. we receive the local cheque or a
demand draft payable at par at the funds offered currently with IndiaFirst Employee
place where the premium is Benefits Plan. They do not indicate the quality of
received or the request for switch the respective funds, their future prospects or
by 3:00 p.m. returns, in any manner
For Renewal We will apply the closing unit price Does the past performance of your plan guarantee
Contributions/ of the next business day if we future performance as well?
Funds Switch receive your renewal contributions/
received after f u n d s s w i t c h r e q u e s t a f t e r The past performance of our other funds does not
3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. and if the renewal necessarily indicate the future performance of any of
premium is paid by a local cheque or these funds.
a demand draft payable at par at
the place where the contribution
is received. 17. What happens in case the life assured
For Outstation We will apply the closing unit price commits suicide?
Cheques/ of the day on which the cheque/
Demand demand draft is realised, if the There is no suicide clause applicable under this
drafts cheque you issue for contribution product.
renewal is an outstation cheque/
demand draft
18. You are prohibited from accepting deemed to be called in question merely because
the terms and conditions of the policy are adjusted
rebate in any form
on subsequent proof that the age of the life insured
Prohibition of Rebate: Section 41 of the was incorrectly stated in the proposal
Insurance Act, 1938 states
• No person shall allow or offer to allow, either 20. About IndiaFirst Life Insurance
directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company is a joint venture
person to take out or renew or continue an between Bank of Baroda, Andhra Bank and Legal
insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to and General (UK).
lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole Bank of Baroda is one of the largest public sector bank
or part of the commission payable or any rebate of in the country with an enviable network of over 3050
the premium shown on the Policy, nor shall any branches that spreads across the geography of India
person taking out or renewing or continuing a and over 70 branches across 22 countries globally!
Policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as This behemoth financial institution is over 100 years
may be allowed in accordance with the published old and has been built on financial prudence,
prospectuses or tables of the insurer corporate governance and most importantly – the
trust of valuable customers like you.
• Any person making default in complying with the Andhra Bank has been serving the Indian customer
provisions of this section shall be punishable with for over 85 years and currently has a network of over
a fine which may extend to five hundred rupees 1557 branches. The bank has developed best
in class deposit and lending schemes for its
valued customers.
19. What happens in case of submission Both the banks are nationalized and provide best in
of information which is false or incorrect? class products and services to every Indian citizen.
Legal & General is one of UK’s leading financial
Indisputability Clause: Section 45 of the institutions with a heritage of over 150 years. It
Insurance Act, 1938 states provides life assurance, pensions, investments and
• No policy of Life Insurance shall, after the expiry of general insurance plans to over 5.5 million customers
two years from the date on which it was effected, across UK. It brings rich fund management and
insurance experience to India.
be called in question by an Insurer on the ground
that a statement made in the proposal for
insurance or any report of a medical officer or
referee or friend of the Insurer or in any other
document leading to the issue of the Policy, was
inaccurate or false, unless the insurer shows such
statement was on material matter or suppressed
facts which it was material to disclose and that it
was fraudulently made by the policyholder and
that the policyholder knew at the time of making it
that the statement was false or that it suppressed
facts which it was material to disclose. Provided
that nothing in this section shall prevent the
insurer from calling for proof of age at any time if
he is entitled to do so, and no policy shall be
Mortality charge per ` 1,000 Sum Assured:
Age Last birthday Mortality charge Age Last birthday Mortality charge
18 0.94 39 1.96
19 0.98 40 2.15
20 1.02 41 2.34
21 1.05 42 2.51
22 1.08 43 2.72
23 1.11 44 2.98
24 1.13 45 3.28
25 1.14 46 3.63
26 1.16 47 4.03
27 1.17 48 4.49
28 1.17 49 4.99
29 1.17 50 5.54
30 1.18 51 6.14
31 1.19 52 6.78
32 1.23 53 7.48
33 1.28 54 8.23
34 1.35 55 9.03
35 1.44 56 9.87
36 1.54 57 10.66
37 1.66 58 11.49
38 1.80
Disclaimer: Unit linked life insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are
subject to risk factors. Premiums paid in unit linked life insurance policies are subject to investment risks
associated with capital markets and NAVs of the units may go up or down, based on the performance of fund and
factors influencing the capital market and the master policyholder is responsible for its decisions.
IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Limited is only name of the Insurance Company and IndiaFirst Employee
Benefits Plan is only the name of the unit linked life insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality
of the contract, its future prospects, or returns. The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the
funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns. Please know the
associated risks and the applicable charges from your Insurance Agent or the Intermediary or the
company officials.
Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation
Product UIN: 143L013V01
Address of IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Limited:
301, 'B' Wing, The Qube, Infinity Park, Dindoshi - Film City Road, Malad (East), Mumbai - 400 097.
Registered Address: C-26, Baroda Corporate Centre, N Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400051.
Website: www.indiafirstlife.com
Registration No.: 143
Toll Free No.: 1800 209 8700