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Maglev Wind Mill

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Report on
Project Stage II
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of Degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering

Session: 2015-16

Submitted to: Guided by: Submitted by:

Mr. Kapil Parikh Mr. Rohit Aheer Rahul Mehra

Head of Department Assistant Professor 12E1SHEEM1XP031

(Electrical Engineering) (Electrical Engineering)



(Affiliated To RTU Kota, Rajasthan)

March-April, 2016

I hereby declare that the work, which is being presented in the Project, entitled “To
Advanced Implement And Design of Maglev Wind Mill” in partial fulfillment for the
award of Degree of “Bachelor of Technology” in Department of Electrical Engineering and
submitted to, Shrinathji Institute of Technology & Engineering, Nathdwara, affiliated to
Rajasthan Technical University as a record of our own investigations carried under the
Guidance of Mr. Rohit Aheer, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Shrinathji Institute of
Technology & Engineering, Nathdwara.

Name of student Enrolment No. Signature

Rahul Mehra 12E1SHEEM1XP031

Electrical Engineering
Shrinathji Institute of Technology & Engineering,

Counter Signed by Counter Signed by

Supervisor H.O.D

Mr. Rohit Aheer Mr. Kapil Parikh

(Assistant Professor) (Head of Department)
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
SITE, Nathdwara SITE, Nathdwara

This is to certify that this Project entitled “To Advanced Implement and Design of Maglev
Wind Mill” has been successfully carried out by Nagendra Singh Rao
(12E1SHEEM1XP031) under our supervision and guidance, in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of Bachelor of technology in Electrical Engineering from
Shrinathji Institute of Technology & Engineering, Nathdwara (Rajasthan) for the Year

Supervisor Submitted To

Mr. Rohit Aheer Mr. Kapil Parikh

(Assistant Professor) (Head of Department)
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
SITE, Nathdwara SITE, Nathdwara


I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude towards our guide Mr. Rohit Aheer (Assistant
Professor, Electrical Engineering Department), Shrinathji Institute of Technology
&Engineering for his guidance and encouraging support which were invaluable for the
completion of this work.

Words are inadequate in offering our thanks to Mr. Kapil Parikh H.O.D., Electrical
Engineering Department, Shrinathji Institute of Technology & Engineering for his
encouragement and cooperation in carrying out the project work.

I sincere thanks are due to Dr. A. N. Mathur, Director Admistrative, Shrinathji Institute of
Technology & Engineering and Dr. Mahesh Kumar Porwal, Principle, Shrinathji Institute of
Technology & Engineering for his special help. I take immense pleasure in thanking all the
faculty members, staff members and our colleagues for their valuable assistance in the project
work. I would like to express us special thanks to our family, our friends and all those who
helped us directly or indirectly in completion of this project work.

Rahul Mehra


Candidate’s Declaration



Contents i

List of Figures iii

Abstract 1

1 Introduction 2-4

1.1 Project motivation 3

1.2 Objectives of the Project 4

1.3 Organization of Project 4

2 Literature Survey 5

3 Theory Related to Maglev Windmill 7

4 Design of Maglev Windmill 10-21

4.1 Main Block Diagram 10

4.2 Working 10

4.3 Principle 13

4.4 Complete Description of Maglev Windmill 13

4.4.1 Circuit Diagram 14

4.5 Component Description 15

4.5.1 Neodymium Magnets 15 Magnet Placement 16

4.5.2 Coils 17 Coil Arrangement 18

4.5.3 Wind Sail 18

4.5.4 AC–DC Conversion Module 20

4.6 Snap Shots 21

5. Result Analysis 24

6. Conclusion and Future Scope 25


Chapter: 4

4.1 Block Diagram of Maglev Windmill 10

4.2 Working model of maglev wind turbine 11

4.3 Concept of Magnetic Levitation 13

4.4 Circuit Diagram 14

4.5 Neodymium Magnet 16

4.6 Magnet Placement 16

4.7 Coils 17

4.8 Coil Arrangement 18

4.9 Wind Sail 19

4.10 AC–DC conversion module 20

4.11 Coil Placement 21

4.12 Magnet Placement 21

4.13 Actual View of the Maglev Windmill 22

after Completion of project

4.14 Front View of the maglev Windmill 23


This project dwells on the implementation of an alternate configuration of a wind turbine for
power generation purposes. Using the effects of magnetic repulsion, spiral shaped wind
turbine blades will be fitted on a rod for stability during rotation and suspended on magnets
as a replacement for ball bearings which are normally used on conventional wind turbines.
Power will then be generated with an axial flux generator, which incorporates the use of
permanent magnets and a set of coils. The selection of magnet materials in the design of wind
turbine system will be discussed. A model of wind turbine is built to perform several tests
such as starting wind speed, rotational speed at constant wind speed, and time taken to stop
rotation completely. The results obtained will be compared with the model of conventional
wind turbine. Power will then be generated with an axial flux generator, which incorporates
the use of permanent magnets and a set of coils.


Renewable energy is generally electricity supplied from sources, such as wind power, solar
power, geothermal energy, hydropower and various forms of biomass. These sources have
been coined renewable due to their continuous replenishment and availability for use over
and over again. The popularity of renewable energy has experienced a significant upsurge in
recent times due to the exhaustion of conventional power generation methods and increasing
realization of its adverse effects on the environment. This popularity has been bolstered by
cutting edge research and ground breaking technology that has been introduced so far to aid
in the effective tapping of these natural resources and it is estimated that renewable sources
might contribute about 20% – 50% to energy consumption in the latter part of the 21st
century. Facts from the World Wind Energy Association estimates that by 2010, 160GW of
wind power capacity is expected to be installed worldwide which implies an anticipated net
growth rate of more than 21% per year.

This project focuses on the utilization of wind energy as a renewable source. In the United
States alone, wind capacity has grown about 45% to 16.7GW and it continues to grow with
the facilitation of new wind projects. The aim of this major qualifying project is to design and
implement a magnetically levitated vertical axis wind turbine system that has the ability to
operate in both high and low wind speed conditions. Our choice for this model is to showcase
its efficiency in varying wind conditions as compared to the traditional horizontal axis wind
turbine and contribute to its steady growing popularity for the purpose of mass utilization in
the near future as a reliable source of power generation.

Unlike the traditional horizontal axis wind turbine, this design is levitated via maglev
(magnetic levitation) vertically on a rotor shaft. This maglev technology, which will be
looked at in great detail, serves as an efficient replacement for ball bearings used on the
conventional wind turbine and is usually implemented with permanent magnets. This
levitation will be used between the rotating shaft of the turbine blades and the base of the
whole wind turbine system. The conceptual design also entails the usage of spiral shaped
blades and with continuing effective research into the functioning of sails in varying wind
speeds and other factors, an efficient shape and size will be determined for a suitable turbine
blade for the project. With the appropriate mechanisms in place, we expect to harness enough
wind for power generation by way of an axial flux generator built from permanent magnets
and copper coils. The arrangement of the magnets will cultivate an effective magnetic field
and the copper coils will facilitate voltage capture due to the changing magnetic field. The
varying output voltage obtained at this juncture will then be passed through a DC-DC
converter to achieve a steady output DC voltage.

1.1 Project Motivation

The purpose of this project was to create frictionless bearings and a magnetic levitation
design of windmills which is the issue in conventional wind turbines. It also requires little if
any maintenance. Maglev wind turbines have several advantages over conventional wind
turbines. For instance, they’re able to use winds with starting speeds as low as 1.5 meters per
second (m/s). Also, they could operate in winds exceeding 40 m/s. It would also increase
generation capacity by 20% over conventional wind turbines and decrease operational costs
by 50%.

This makes the efficiency of the system higher than conventional wind turbine. Currently, the
largest conventional wind turbines in the world produce only five megawatts of power.
However, one large maglev wind turbine could generate one GW of clean power, enough to
supply energy to 75,000 homes. The turbine uses permanent type of rare earth magnets
(neodymium) instead of electro-magnets and therefore it doesn’t require electricity to run.
The friction between the turbine blades and the base can maximum power output. In selecting
the vertical axis concept for the wind turbine that is implemented as the power generation
portion of this project, certain uniqueness corresponded to it that did not pertain to the other
wind turbine designs.

The characteristic that set this wind generator apart from the others is that it is fully
supported and rotates about a vertical axis. This axis is vertically oriented through the center
of the wind sails, which allows for a different type of rotational support rather than the
conventional ball bearing system found in horizontal wind turbines. This support is called
maglev, which is based on magnetic levitation. Maglev offers a near frictionless substitute for
ball bearings with little to no maintenance. These winds are usually found along shore lines,
mountain tops, valleys and open plains. This type of wind is not conducive for effective
power generation; it only has a lot of worth when it accompanies moving planetary winds. In
later chapters, more focus will be placed on the power of wind and effective ways to design
wind turbines for optimal wind power production.
The latter is the most dominant and it is usually a major factor in deciding sites for very
effective wind turbines especially with the horizontal axis types. Undoubtedly, the project’s
ability to function is solely dependent on the power of wind and its availability. With wind
turbines, two categories of winds are relevant to their applications, namely local winds and
planetary winds.

1.2 Objectives of the Project

To create new opportunities in low-speed areas, with starting speed as low as 1.5m/s.
By use of Magnetic levitation to reduces the friction & eliminates need of bearings in
wind mill.
To convert wind energy into electrical energy remarkably cheap with low operating
By use of Magnetic levitation due to absence of friction to convert energy with very
less noise production compare to existing conventional wind mills.

1.3 Organization of Project

Chapter-1: - We’ve associated the introduction of Maglev Windmill which is magnetically

levitated Windmill, object and organization of Project.

Chapter-2: - We’ve engaged the Literature survey according to last decade.

Chapter-3: - We’ve discussed distribution of the various terminology used in this project,
overview of maglev windmill.

Chapter-4: - We’ve associated design of proposed work, main circuit diagram, block
diagram, working of maglev windmill.

Chapter-5: - We’ve associated different type of component used in the project of maglev
windmill, neodymium magnets, coils, rotor, magnet and coil placing circular sheets, etc. and
snap shot.

Chapter-6: - Result analysis and discussion.

Chapter-7: - Conclusion and future scope of Maglev Windmill.



In this chapter we’ve discussed about the last decade literature survey for the advanced
implement and design of maglev wind mill with additional solar power generation. We’ve
found some proposed literature survey given below:

Vishal D Dhareppagol et al. [1] proposed this new model of wind turbine uses magnetic
levitation to reduce the internal friction of the rotor which is considered as a revolution in the
field of wind technology, producing 20% more energy than a conventional turbine, at the
same time decreasing operational costs by 50% over the traditional wind turbine. Hence this
technology provides an extreme efficient, versatile and elegant method of producing power
from wind with nearly zero pollution. Our choice for this model is to showcase its efficiency
in varying wind conditions as compared to the traditional horizontal axis wind turbine and
contribute to its steady growing popularity for the purpose of mass utilization in the near
future as a reliable source of power generation.

Minu John et al. [2] proposed Magnetic pressure is used to counteract the effects of the
gravitational and any other accelerations. The principal advantage of a maglev windmill from
a conventional one is, as the rotor is floating in the air due to levitation, mechanical friction is
totally eliminated. That makes the rotation possible in very low wind speeds. Maglev wind
turbines have several advantages over conventional wind turbines. For instance, they’re able
to use winds with starting speeds as low as 1.5 meters per second (m/s). Also, they could
operate in winds exceeding 40 m/s.

Dinesh N Nagarkar et.al. [3] Proposed electricity can be obtained by converting kinetic
energy of wind into electrical energy by using wind turbine. There are two types of wind
turbine, one is conventional wind turbine and other is maglev wind turbine, but generation of
electricity using maglev technology is now becoming more competitive. It works on the
principle of electromagnetism. It has colossal structure. It has several advantages over
conventional wind turbine and has certain applications.

Richard D. Thornton et.al. [4] Proposed Maglev has the potential to be more efficient and
affordable than alternative technologies for many transportation applications. To achieve this
potential we need new designs that build on what we have learned from existing maglev
designs, while taking advantage of supporting technology that did not exist when most of
them were created. The keys to reducing energy intensity are to use light vehicles with low
aerodynamic drag, use a linear synchronous motor that is excited in short sections, and
operate with a dynamic schedule that achieves a high load factor. The key to affordability is
to use small, light vehicles that can operate on less expensive guide ways, and require less
power for propulsion. This paper provides more details on these issues, provides estimates of
what is feasible with today’s technology, and discusses how to choose performance
parameters, such as speed and acceleration, so as to maximize the probability that maglev
will become the technology of choice for a wide range of applications. It also includes an
historical perspective and recommendations for future development.

Pankaj R Amratan Ingle et.al. [5] focused on the implementation of maglev principle on
vertical axis wind turbine so as to use in not only for industrial purposes but also every home
can be use renewable energy to en light their lives and to become a part of healthy society to
live in a beautiful , pollution free environment. As we all know the today fossil fuel rates,
availability, their impact on environment, if they will use continuously in a proportion now
we are using then it will be not possible to live on earth & some peoples already started to
plan to live on the moon and mars. Joke so far. By placing the magnets below the vertical
rotor of the wind turbine and on the base of the frame ,so that because of magnetic repulsion
the rotor will required very low starting wind speed, and there is very less friction and it
replaces conventional ball bearing.

Nianxian Wang et.al. [6] Proposed Maglev wind turbine generator (MWTG) technology has
been widely studied due to its low loss, low maintenance cost, and high reliability. However,
the dynamics of the magnetic bearing system differ from the traditional mechanical bearing
system. A horizontal axial MWTG supported with a permanent magnetic bearing is designed
in this research and the radial forces and the natural frequencies of the rotor system are
studied. The results show that the generator has a cyclical magnetic force and an
unreasonable bearing stiffness may mean that the rotor system needs to work in the resonance
region; the bearing stiffness is the key factor to avoid this problem.


The purpose of this project was to create Magnetic levitation weight reduction structure for a
vertical wind turbine generator includes a frame, a fixed permanent magnet, an axle, a
revolving permanent magnet, a blade hub, and a generator. The fixed permanent magnet fixed
to the frame has a first repulsive surface. The axle is connected to the frame. The revolving
permanent magnet fixed to the axle has a second repulsive surface in relation to the first
repulsive surface of the fixed permanent magnet. Both the first and the second repulsive
surfaces repel with each other. The blade hub and the generator are connected to the axle.
When the revolving permanent magnet is rotated, the axle functions as a balance center. An
out structure supports the stator and the rotor is placed over turbine head.

The main components of the system are the maglev zone, blade hub and Auxiliary Current
(AC) generator. It will convert the kinetic energy from the wind to the electricity for usage. A
modified roof ventilator is used as wind turbine. The main function of the free spinning roof
ventilator is to provide fresh air in roof space and living area all year round 24 hours a day
free of charge. The new idea of the magnetic levitation helps to improve the turbine speed
and electrical production. This modification has benefits of the better air ventilation, but also
has extra electricity supply for load appliances. The concept behind wind turbine vents is that
the turning blades will help force air out of the attic. The blades or vanes are shaped to allow
for maximum wind catching ability, resulting in rotation at minimal winds speeds of 8 kph or
lower. This project demonstrates the utilization of the renewable resource (wind energy) in an
efficient way. This type of generation can be used in remote places where conventional
power supply is uneconomic. The methodology can be used for hybrid power generation.
Generated power by this method can be used ON and OFF grid. The power so generated can
be effectively used for Street/domestic lighting and domestic appliances. Inclusion of inverter
the power generated can be used for both AC as well as DC loads.

Now a day, we will ultimately need to search for renewable or virtually inexhaustible energy
for the human development to continue. Renewable energy is generally electricity supplied
from sources, such as wind power, solar power, geothermal energy, hydropower and various
forms of biomass. The popularity of renewable energy has experienced a significant upsurge
in recent times due to the exhaustion of conventional power generation methods. The
exploration of renewable energy is the only approach to reduce our dependence on fossil
fuels. Among the renewable energy sources Wind Energy is one of the fastest growing
energy sources which is growing at the rate of 30% annual graph

The wind speeds in most of Asian zone is much lower than 7 m/s, especially in the cities, but
the mechanical frictional resistance of existing wind turbines is too big, usually it can't start
up when the wind speed is not big enough. This project introduces structure and principle of
the proposed magnetic levitation wind turbine for better utilization of wind energy. Maglev
Wind turbine has the features of no mechanical contact, no friction etc. minimizing the
damping in the magnetic levitation wind turbine, which enables the wind turbine start up with
low speed wind and work with breeze.

The Maglev wind turbine, which was first unveiled at the Wind Power Asia exhibition in
Beijing, is expected take wind power technology to the next level with magnetic levitation.
Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) into turbine system in order to increases the efficiency. If the
efficiency of a wind turbine is increased, then more power can be generated thus decreasing
the need for expensive power generators that cause pollution. Since one of the main
complaints about wind turbines is the sound they produce, this is a huge advantage over other
turbine designs.

Many types of turbines exist today and their designs are usually inclined towards one of the
two categories: horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) and vertical-axis wind turbines
(VAWTs). As the name pertains, each turbine is distinguished by the orientation of their rotor
shafts. The former is the more conventional and common type everyone has come to know,
while the latter due to its seldom usage and exploitation, is quiet unpopular. The HAWTs
usually consist of two or three propeller-like blades attached to a horizontal and mounted on
bearings the top of a support tower.

When the wind blows, the blades of the turbine are set in motion which drives a generator
that produces AC electricity. For optimal efficiency, these horizontal turbines are usually
made to point into the wind with the aid of a sensor and a servomotor or a wind vane for
smaller wind turbine applications. With the vertical axis wind turbines, the concept behind
their operation is similar to that of the horizontal designs. The major difference is the
orientation of the rotors and generator, which are all vertically arranged, and usually on a
shaft for support and stability. This also results in a different response of the turbine blades to
the wind in relation to that of the horizontal configurations.
Their design makes it possible for them to utilize the wind power from every direction unlike
the HAWTs that depend on lift forces from the wind similar to the lift off concept of an
airplane. Vertical axis wind turbines are further subdivided into two major types namely the
Darrieus model and the Savonius model. Darrieus Model which was named after designer
and French aeronautical engineer, Georges Darrieus. This form of this design is best de-
scribed as an eggbeater with the blades, two or three of them bent into a c-shape on the shaft.
Finnish engineer Sigurd Savonius invented the Savonius model. The functioning of this
model is dependent on drag forces from the wind. This drag force produced is a differential
of the wind hitting by the inner part of the scoops and the wind blowing against the back of
the scoops. Like the Darrieus model, the Savonius turbines will work with winds approaching
in any direction and also work well with lower wind speeds due to their very low clearance
off the ground. With the vertical axis wind turbines, the concept behind their operation is
similar to that of the horizontal designs. The major difference is the orientation of the rotors
and generator, which are all vertically arranged, and usually on a shaft for support and
stability. This also results in a different response of the turbine blades to the wind in relation
to that of the horizontal configurations.

Regenedyne Maglev Wind Power Generation (RMWPG) is the advanced method of

harnessing the kinetic energy of wind. The word Regenedyne means generation by renewable
source (wind) and in this type of generation the spinning turbine floats on the magnetic
cushion, just as the high-speed train floats above the rail track hence the name Regenedyne
Maglev Wind Power Generation. The Maglev wind turbine design is a vast departure from
conventional propeller designs. Its main advantages are that it uses frictionless bearings and a
magnetic levitation design and it does not need to vast spaces required by more conventional
wind turbines. It also requires little if any maintenance.

The Maglev wind turbine was first unveiled at the Wind Power Asia exhibition in Beijing
2007. The unique operating principle behind this design is through magnetic levitation.
Magnetic levitation is supposedly an extremely efficient system for wind energy. The
vertically oriented blades of the wind turbine are suspended in the air replacing any need for
ball bearings.


4.1 Main Block Diagram

Coils Placement

Fig.4.1: Block Diagram of Maglev Windmill

4.2 Working
Figure gives an idea of Maglev Wind Turbine. This phenomenon operates on the repulsion
characteristics of permanent magnets. This technology has been predominantly utilized in the
rail industry in the Far East to provide very fast and reliable transportation on maglev trains
and with ongoing research its popularity is increasingly attaining new heights. Using a pair of
permanent magnets like neodymium magnets and substantial support magnetic levitation can
easily be experienced. By placing these two magnets on top of each other with like polarities
facing each other, the magnetic repulsion will be strong enough to keep both magnets at a
distance away from each other. The force created as a result of this repulsion can be used for
suspension purposes and is strong enough to balance the weight of an object depending on
The threshold of the magnets. Power will then be generated with an axial flux generator,
which incorporates the use of permanent magnets and a set of coils.

The generated power is in form of DC, stored in battery, this can be used to directly supply
the DC loads and can also be converted to AC using inverter to supply AC loads. It can be
used as OFF grid and ON grid as shown in above figures. Wind power is a proven and highly
effective way to generate electricity. Maglev technology is the most efficient means of
transferring kinetic energy to generate electricity. The vertical axis wind turbine platform
floats on a magnetic cushion with the aid of permanent- magnet suspension and a companion
linear synchronous motor. This technology eliminates nearly all friction and delivers
maximum wind energy to the downstream linear generator.

Energy Loss

Kinetic Energy


Kinetic Energy (Wind before

Kinetic Energy (Wind before exiting the wind turbine)
entering the wind turbine)

Magnetic levitation

Fig 4.2 Working model of maglev wind turbine

The characteristic that set this wind generator apart from the others is that it is fully supported
and rotates about a vertical axis. This axis is vertically oriented through the center of the wind
vent which allows for a different type of rotational support rather than the conventional ball
bearing system found in horizontal wind turbines. This figure shows a basic rendition of how
the maglev will be integrated into the design. If the magnets where ring shaped then they
could easily be slid tandem down the shaft with the like poles facing toward each other. This
would enable the repelling force required to support the weight and force of the wind turbine
and minimize the amount of magnets needed to complete the concept.

Magnetic Levitation
This phenomenon operates on the repulsion characteristics of permanent magnets. Using a
pair of permanent magnets like neodymium magnets and substantial support magnetic
levitation can easily be experienced. By placing two magnets on top of each other with like
polarities facing each other, the magnetic repulsion will be strong enough to keep both
magnets at a distance away from each other. The force created as a result of this repulsion can
be used for suspension purposes and is strong enough to balance the weight of an object. In
this project, we expect to implement this technology for the purpose of achieving vertical
orientation with our rotors. In the designed prototype, the stator and rotor are separated in the
air using the principle of magnetic levitation.

The rotor is lifted by a certain centimeters in the air by the magnetic pull forces created by the
ring type Neodymium magnets. This is the principal advantage of a maglev windmill from a
conventional one. That is, as the rotor is floating in the air due to levitation, mechanical
friction is totally eliminated. That makes the rotation possible in very low wind speeds. In
selecting the vertical axis concept for the wind turbine that is implemented as the power
generation portion of this project, certain uniqueness corresponded to it that did not pertain to
the other wind turbine designs. The characteristic that set this wind generator apart from the
others is that it is fully supported and rotates about a vertical axis. This axis is vertically
oriented through the center of the wind sails, which allows for a different type of rotational
support rather than the conventional ball bearing system found in horizontal wind turbines.
This support is called maglev, which is based on magnetic levitation. Maglev offers a near
frictionless substitute for ball bearings with little to no maintenance. The four different
classes are Alnico, Ceramic, Samarium Cobalt and Neodymium Iron Boron also known
Nd- Fe-B. Nd-Fe-B is the most recent addition to this commercial list of materials and at
room temperature exhibits the highest properties of all of the magnetic materials. The force
created as a result of this repulsion can be used for suspension purposes and is strong enough
to balance the weight of an object.
Fig 4.3 Concept of Magnetic Levitation

4.3 Principle
The basic working principle of a wind turbine is when air moves quickly, in the form of
wind, the kinetic energy is captured by the turbine blades. The blades start to rotate and spin a
shaft that leads from the hub of the rotor to a generator and produce electricity. The high
speed shaft drives the generator to produce electricity. The low speed shaft of wind turbine is
connected to shaft of high speed drives through gears to increase their rotational speed during
operation. Using the effects of magnetic repulsion, spiral shaped wind turbine blades will be
fitted on a rod for stability during rotation and suspended on magnets as a replacement for
ball bearings which are normally used on conventional wind turbines. The energy that can be
extracted from the wind is directly proportional to the cube of the wind speed. We can then
calculate the power converted from the wind into rotational energy in the turbine using

4.4 Complete Description of Maglev Windmill

In this project Magnetic levitation weight reduction structure for a vertical wind turbine
generator included. The fixed permanent magnet fixed to the frame has a first repulsive
surface. The axle is connected to the frame. The revolving permanent magnet fixed to the
axle has a second repulsive surface in relation to the first repulsive surface of the fixed
permanent magnet. Both the first and the second repulsive surfaces repel with each other. The
blade hub and the generator are connected to the axle. When the revolving permanent magnet
is rotated, the axle functions as a balance center. An out structure supports the stator and the
rotor is placed over turbine head. The main components of the system are the maglev zone,
blade hub and Auxiliary Current (AC) generator. It will convert the kinetic energy from the
wind to the electricity for usage. A modified roof ventilator is used as wind turbine. The main
function of the free spinning roof ventilator is to provide fresh air in roof space and living
area all year round 24 hours a day free of charge. The new idea of the magnetic levitation
helps to improve the turbine speed and electrical production. This modification has benefits
of the better air ventilation, but also has extra electricity supply for load appliances.

4.4.1 Circuit Diagram

Fig 4.4 Circuit Diagram

In this project we’ve used employed the maglev wind turbine which is VAWT after this we
have arranged the coil placement for generation of the electrical power and for converting
into it in DC we have employed AC-DC conversion mechanism. We’ve chosen this project
because Maglev wind turbines have several advantages over conventional wind turbines. For
instance, they’re able to use winds with starting speeds as low as 1.5 meter per second (m/s).
Also, they could operate in winds exceeding 40 m/s. currently the largest conventional wind
turbines in the world produce only five megawatts of power. However, one large maglev
wind turbine could generate one GW of clean power, enough to supply energy to 750,000
We have designed the Maglev Wind Mill in advanced manner. Maglev wind mill can spin in
light Breezes (1.5m/s) and its Cost/kWh is less compare to traditional wind mills. The
Maglev wind turbine design is a vast departure from conventional propeller designs. Its main
advantages are that it uses frictionless bearings and a magnetic levitation design and it does
not need to vast spaces required by more conventional wind turbines. It also requires little if
any maintenance. Magnetic levitation, maglev, or magnetic suspension is a method by which
an object is suspended with no support other than magnetic fields. Magnetic pressure is used
to counteract the effects of the gravitational and any other accelerations. The principal
advantage of a maglev windmill from a conventional one is, as the rotor is floating in the air
due to levitation, mechanical friction is totally eliminated.

4.5 Component Description

4.5.1 Neodymium Magnets
The Neodymium metal element is initially separated from refined Rare Earth oxides in an
electrolytic furnace. The "Rare Earth" elements are lanthanides (also called lanthanides) and
the term arises from the uncommon oxide minerals used to isolate the elements. Although the
term "Rare Earth" is used, it does not mean that the chemical elements are scarce. The Rare
Earth elements are abundant e.g. Neodymium element is more common than gold. The
Neodymium, Iron and Boron are measured out and put in a vacuum induction furnace to form
an alloy. Other elements are also added, as required for specific grades e.g. Cobalt, Copper,
Gadolinium and Dysprosium (e.g. to assist with corrosion resistance). The mixture is melted
due to the high frequency heating and melting the mixture. In simplified terms, the "Neo"
alloy is like a cake mixture with each factory having its own recipe for each grade. The
resultant melted alloy is then cooled to form ingots of alloy. The alloy ingots are then broken
down by hydrogen decrepitating (HD) or hydrogenation disproportionate desorption and
recombination (HDDR) and jet milled down in a nitrogen and argon atmosphere to a micron
sized powder (about 3 microns or less in size). The neodymium magnet is given a protective
coating. It is imperative that the drying is thorough otherwise water is locked into the plated
Neodymium magnet and the magnet will corrode from the inside out. The Rare Earth
elements are abundant e.g. Neodymium element is more common than gold. The
Neodymium, Iron and Boron are measured out and put in a vacuum induction furnace to form
an alloy. The Rare Earth elements are abundant e.g. Neodymium element is more common
than gold.
Fig 4.5 Neodymium Magnet Magnet Placement

Two ring type neodymium (NdFeB) magnets of grade N-35 of outer diameter 40 mm, inner
diameter 20 mm and thickness 10 mm are placed at the center of the shaft by which the
required levitation between the stator and the rotor is obtained. Similar Disc type magnets of
25 mm diameter are arranged as alternate poles one after the other, along the periphery of the
rotor made of plywood of 40mm diameter. These magnets are responsible for the useful flux
that is going to be utilized by the power generation system.

Fig 4.6 Magnet Placement

4.5.2 Coils
An electromagnetic coil is an electrical conductor such as a wire in the shape of a coil, spiral
or helix. Electromagnetic coils are used in electrical engineering, in applications where
electric currents interact with magnetic fields, in devices such as inductors, electromagnets,
transformers, and sensor coils. Either an electric current is passed through the wire of the coil
to generate a magnetic field, or conversely an external time-varying magnetic field through
the interior of the coil generates an EMF (voltage) in the conductor. A current through any
conductor creates a circular magnetic field around the conductor due to Ampere's law. The
advantage of using the coil shape is that it increases the strength of magnetic field produced
by a given current. The magnetic fields generated by the separate turns of wire all pass
through the center of the coil and add (superpose) to produce a strong field there.[3] The more
turns of wire, the stronger the field produced. Conversely, a changing external magnetic flux
induces a voltage in a conductor such as a wire, due to Faraday's law of induction.[3][4] The
induced voltage can be increased by winding the wire into a coil, because the field lines
intersect the circuit multiple times. The direction of the magnetic field produced by a coil can
be determined by the right hand grip rule. If the fingers of the right hand are wrapped around
the magnetic core of a coil in the direction of conventional current through the wire, the
thumb will point in the direction the magnetic field lines pass through the coil. The end of a
magnetic core from which the field lines emerge is defined to be the North Pole.

Fig 4.7 Coil Coil Arrangement
43 gauge wires of 2500 turns each are used as coils for power generation. 24 sets of such
coils are used in the prototype. These coils are arranged in the periphery of the stator exactly
in a line to the arranged disc magnets. The coils are raised to a certain height for maximum
utilization of the magnetic flux. Each set of such coils are connected in series to obtain
maximum output voltage. The series connection of the coils is preferred over the parallel
connection for optimizing a level between the output current and voltage. This is not the only
point on which an obvious analogy exists between windmills and sailing-vessels, both being
wind-driven mechanisms. Without sails a mill is a mill no more; sails are essential to it. Due
to the presence of these harmonics, the total harmonic distortion is high and the input power
factor is poor. Due to problems associated with low power factor and harmonics, utilities will
enforce harmonic standards and guidelines which will limit the amount of current distortion
allowed into the utility and thus the simple diode rectifiers may not in use.

Fig 4.8 Coil Arrangement

4.5.3 Wind Sail

The principal components of a windmill are of course the SAILS. Indeed, it is the sails which
transmit the wind power to all those parts which together form the windmill. Without sails a
mill is a mill no more; sails are essential to it. It is obvious that the shape and the construction
of the sails are of primary importance, for they determine the proportion of the energy which
Can be transmitted from the wind to the mill. It is the same thing as with a sailing-vessel,
where the shape, position, and size of the sail determine in the first place the propulsion and
the speed of the vessel. This is not the only point on which an obvious analogy exists between
windmills and sailing-vessels, both being wind-driven mechanisms. Without sails a mill is a
mill no more; sails are essential to it. It is obvious that the shape and the construction of the
sails are of primary importance, for they determine the proportion of the energy which can be
transmitted from the wind to the mill.

Just as the sail is spread out as a wing-shaped surface behind the mast on a vessel, so behind
the stock of a windmill sail there is a surface slightly inclined to the common plane,
consisting in this case of a sail-cloth covering the frame. This frame is a system of bars
mortised into the stock and connected together with laths or up longs. The bars in the
transverse direction project slightly through the stock and are connected in the longitudinal
direction by the up longs. Attached to the stock are the leading boards, a set of boards which
may be compared to some extent to a foresail before the mast. The wind, blowing on the
sails, gives a sideways force component which makes the sails turn.

Fig 4.9 Wind Sail

4.5.4 AC–DC conversion module
An ac to dc converter is an integral part of any power supply unit used in the all electronic
equipment. Also, it is used as an interface between utility and most of the power electronic
equipments. These electronic equipments form a major part of load on the utility. Generally,
to convert line frequency ac to dc, a line frequency diode bridge rectifier is used. To reduce
the ripple in the dc output voltage, a large filter capacitor is used at the rectifier output. But
due to this large capacitor, the current drawn by this converter is peaky in nature. This input
current is rich in low order harmonics.

Also, as power electronics equipments are increasingly being used in power conversion, they
inject low order harmonics into the utility. Due to the presence of these harmonics, the total
harmonic distortion is high and the input power factor is poor. Due to problems associated
with low power factor and harmonics, utilities will enforce harmonic standards and
guidelines which will limit the amount of current distortion allowed into the utility and thus
the simple diode rectifiers may not in use. So, there is a need to achieve rectification at close
to unity power factor and low input current distortion. Initially, power factor correction
schemes have been implemented mainly for heavy industrial loads like induction motors,
induction heating furnaces etc., which forms a major part of lagging power factor load.
However, the trend is changing as electronic equipments are increasingly being used in
everyday life nowadays. Hence, PFC is becoming an important aspect even for low power
application electronic equipments.

Fig 4.10 AC–DC conversion module

4.6 Snap Shots:

Fig 4.11 Coil Placement

Fig 4.12 Magnet Placement

Fig 4.13 Actual View of the Maglev Windmill after Completion of project.
Fig 4.14 Front View of the maglev Windmill


Step-1: - Results of various electrical quantities at RPM=50

POWER (In watt) VOLTAGE (in volt) CURRENT (in amp)

0.40 35.5 0.011

Step-2: - Results of various electrical quantities at RPM=80

POWER (In watt) VOLTAGE (in volt) CURRENT (in amp)

0.80 52.6 0.015

Step-3: - Results of various electrical quantities at RPM=100

POWER (In watt) VOLTAGE (in volt) CURRENT (in amp)

2.0 105.8 0.018

Step-4: - Results of various electrical quantities at RPM=150

POWER (In watt) VOLTAGE (in volt) CURRENT (in amp)

3.5 145.9 0.024

Step-5: - Results of various electrical quantities at RPM=200

POWER (In watt) VOLTAGE (in volt) CURRENT (in amp)

4.5 198.3 0.022



6.1 Conclusion
Over all, the magnetically levitated vertical axis wind turbine was a success. The rotors that
were designed harnessed enough air to rotate the stator at low and high wind speeds while
keeping the center of mass closer to the base yielding stability. The wind turbine rotors and
stator levitated properly using permanent magnets which allowed for a smooth rotation with
negligible friction. The Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) with magnetic levitation
performed better than the conventional wind turbine. Tests results VAWT model has lower
starting wind speed compare to conventional one. The rotational speed of maglev VAWT is
higher. The time taken for the maglev wind turbine to stop rotating is longer than that of
conventional. Therefore, the Maglev wind turbine is more suitable for power generation
application. The home for the magnetically levitated vertical axis wind turbine would be in
residential areas. Here it can be mounted to a roof and be very efficient and able to extract
free clean energy thus experiencing a reduction in their utility cost and also contribute to the
“Green Energy” awareness that is increasingly gaining popularity.

6.2 Future Scope

The technology is expected to create new opportunities in low-speed areas, with

starting speed as low as 1.5m/s & cut in speed of 3m/s.

It is configured to capture wind from any direction and convert wind to energy at very
high efficiency.

Magnetic levitation reduces the friction & eliminates need of bearings.

Today wind turbines are considered to be the most developed form of renewable
energy technology.

Able to deliver clean green-power for less than one cent per kilowatt hour.

This new technology is remarkably cheap with low operating cost. Less noise
compared to existing conventional wind turbines.

[1] Vishal D Dhareppagol, Maheshwari M Konagutti “Regenedyne Maglev Wind Power


[2] Minu John, Rohit John, Syamily P.S, Vyshak P.A“Maglev Windmill” International
Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering Volume 1, Issue 7, August 2014.

[3] Dinesh N Nagarkar, Dr. Z. J. Khan “Wind Power Plant Using Magnetic Levitation Wind
Turbine” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Volume
5, Issue 2, February 2015.

[4] Richard D. Thornton, Fellow IEEE” Efficient and Affordable Maglev Opportunities in the
United States”

[5] Pankaj R Amratan Ingle “report on maglev vawt” IBSS College of Engineering,
University-Mardi Road, Dist. Amravati.

[6] Nianxian Wang*, Yefa Hu, Huachun Wu, Jinguang Zhang, and Chunsheng Song
“Research on Forces and Dynamics of Maglev Wind Turbine Generator”

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