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Sensorial Multifunctional Panels for Smart Factory
Leonardo Pantoli 1, * , Tullio Gabriele 2 , Fabrizio Fiore Donati 2 , Luciano Mastrodicasa 3 , Pierluigi De Berardinis 4 ,
Marianna Rotilio 4 , Federica Cucchiella 1 , Alfiero Leoni 1 and Vincenzo Stornelli 1

1 Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics, University of L’Aquila,

67100 L’Aquila, Italy; [email protected] (F.C.); [email protected] (A.L.);
[email protected] (V.S.)
2 2Bite s.r.l., 67100 L’Aquila, Italy; [email protected] (T.G.); [email protected] (F.F.D.)
3 Pack System s.r.l., 00041 Albano Laziale, Italy; [email protected]
4 DICEAA-Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of
L’Aquila, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy; [email protected] (P.D.B.); [email protected] (M.R.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: The use of Key Enabling Technologies (KET), in the definition of innovative systems, is
a crucial point for smart industries and sustainability. The proposed work combines innovations
from different fields, including industrial sustainability on the one hand, and smart electronics on
the other. An innovative multifunctional panel is presented, produced with waste resulting from
the industrial processing of paper and cardboard; the panel can be used for the control of safety

 in processing factories and for the monitoring of environmental conditions in the area, as well as
the energy improvement of the building envelope. Several sensors are embedded in the panel for
Citation: Pantoli, L.; Gabriele, T.;
Donati, F.F.; Mastrodicasa, L.;
monitoring temperature, moisture, and localization by means of an RFID tag. In addition, the panel
Berardinis, P.D.; Rotilio, M.; is battery–free, thus enhancing the installation and realization of the system. The power supply is
Cucchiella, F.; Leoni, A.; Stornelli, V. provided by the tag reader as irradiated power, thus realizing a very low power application. Panels
Sensorial Multifunctional Panels for have been already realized and experimental tests have been performed in the laboratory.
Smart Factory Applications.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1495. https:// Keywords: monitoring system; multifunctional panel; sensors; tag RFID; sustainability

Academic Editors: José Javier Astrain,

Alberto Córdoba and Jesus 1. Introduction
Smart industries and sustainability are key features in the contemporary world [1–4].
The introduction of new materials, together with the integration of electronic systems
Received: 10 May 2021
Accepted: 15 June 2021
in different objects, are leading the market towards new opportunities, services, and
Published: 21 June 2021
improved efficiency. Directly related to the industrial sector, according to the “Roadmap
for research and innovation”, produced by the “Intelligent Factory Cluster Association” [5],
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
there are numerous research and innovation challenges that Italian manufacturing will
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
have to address in the coming years. Among the intervention lines, two areas arouse
published maps and institutional affil- particular interest: systems for the worker’s enhancement in factories and strategies,
iations. and methods and tools for industrial sustainability. Within them, this research article
intends to contribute to the “New materials and new technologies for safety in the work-
place” and the “Technologies and processes for reuse, remanufacturing and recycling
of products, components and materials” Key Enabling Technologies. Specifically, this
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
article will illustrate an original product innovation, born from the union of two areas of
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
relevant interest, including that of Industry 4.0 and of the circular economy. MULTIFId is
This article is an open access article
a multifunctional, intelligent, and economical panel that does not need an electric power
distributed under the terms and supply, and is able to communicate with low emissions. It is produced from waste resulting
conditions of the Creative Commons from the industrial processing of paper and cardboard, and its main functions are the
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// control of safety in factories, conducting panel monitoring, and the energy improvement of
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ the building envelope. Although designed for factories, the innovative system can be used
4.0/). in other production sites and work places, as well [6].

Electronics 2021, 10, 1495. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10121495 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics

Electronics 2021, 10, 1495 2 of 13

The smart functions are provided by means of suitable electronics that have been
integrated inside the panel. The sensors system is composed of temperature and moisture
sensors that allow for control of the hygroscopic conditions [7,8] and the energy efficiency
of the panel. In addition, a passive RFID tag has been integrated for panel identification
and localization [9]. All sensors are battery-free and communicate through wireless pro-
tocol, thereby realizing an extremely low power and wires-free system that enhances the
installation capability and portability of the panels. The required DC power supply is
provided by an external reader as irradiated power. A reader is required in each room
where panels are installed, also considering the maximum interrogation distance of the
adopted device. These choices allow for the valid upgrade to traditional monitoring sys-
tems [10–14], with improved features and minimum power consumption, and with respect
to still valid alternatives proposed in the last years for industrial applications [15–20].
It is worth noting that when providing a passive tag to operators, for instance, as a
wearable device, the reader can be used also for monitoring the relative position of the
operator, with respect to the working space, thereby preventing dangerous operations
or positions notifying the danger. This is achieved through the combined use of the
multifunctional panels, wherein the volume can be divided into a 3D grid of location cells
and the embedded tags may act as anchor points for the reader.
The multifunctional panels have been already realized and preliminary tests have been
conducted in the laboratory, verifying both the sensing system and detection capability.

2. Panels and Sensors’ Integration

2.1. Panel Definition
MULTIFId is a no-load-bearing and no-structural panel produced with paper and
cardboard industrial waste. It mainly has two functions: to thermally insulate the envelope,
in order to reduce the energy consumption of the building, and to act as a low-cost “support”
and “container” for the sensory system. The project involved the development of two
types of panels. Panel type (a) uses the processed cellulose/paper pulp in order to become
compatible with 3D printing. Solutions based on two types of pulp have been developed
and tested; one refined and one less pure, with the addition of water and different types of
adhesives, natural and otherwise. Panel type (b) uses single layers of corrugated cardboard
arranged in several layers.
The construction of the panel was preceded by an important industrial research phase,
both to verify that there was not a similar panel capable of performing the functions of
MULTIFId and to understand the characteristics to be achieved. Particular attention was
paid to the optimization of the shape and the vacuum percentage of the section, in order
to achieve resistance and thermal conductivity parameters similar to those of commercial
products. For the panel type (a), square, rectangular, and hexagonal mesh sections have
been designed. For panel type (b), sections were created with parallel layers, orthogonal by
1 × 1 and 2 × 2 (Figure 1).
Electronics 2021,10,
Electronics 10, 1495 PEER REVIEW 33 3ofof 13
2021, 10,xxFOR

(a) (b)
Figure 1.The
The preliminary
preliminary project.
preliminaryproject. From
project.From left,
left, panel
panel type
type (a), hexagonal
hexagonal and square
square section;
section; from
panelpanel type (b),
type2 (b),
type (b), 2 × 2 orthogonal
× 2 2orthogonal
× 2 orthogonal layers
layerslayersand parallel
and parallel
and parallel layers.

Once theprototypes
the prototypeswere
prototypes werecreated
were created
created (Figure
(Figure 2),
(Figure ititwas
2),2), it was
was possible
possible to
to the
start test
thethe phase
testtest in
phase in
order to
to define
in order define the
the main
to define the
main elements
main of
of interest.
elements For
For the
of interest.
interest. For
the thermal characterization,
the thermal
thermal the
the theo-
characterization, the
retical calculation
theoretical was
calculation with
was combined
combined theexperimental
with the experimental
experimental tests.

Figure (Left),die-cutting
(Left), die-cuttingmachine
die-cutting machinefor
machine forthe
for theindustrial
the industrialproduction
industrial productionof
production ofpanels.
of panels.(Right),
panels. (Right),two
(Right), twoprototypes
two prototypes
used for
usedfor the
forthe tests.

The theoreticalcalculation
theoretical calculationwas
calculation wasperformed
was performedin
performed inaccordance
in accordancewith
accordance withUNI
with UNIEN
EN ISO6946
ISO 6946[21].
6946 [21].
For conductivity
the conductivity
valuesofof cardboard
of cardboard andand paper,
and we
we employed
we employed
paper, UNI
UNI 10351:
UNI 10351:
employed 2015
2015 [22,23].
10351: 2015
[22,23]. The
The experimental tests
tests were
experimental were
tests both
both using
conducted using
boththe the
using Hot
Hot Boxes
Guarded HotBoxes
created ad hoc
thisfor this
project, project,
the the thermoflowmetric
thermoflowmetric (HFM)
ad hoc for this project, employing the thermoflowmetric (HFM) approach. (HFM)
Another pointof
point ofinterest
of interestisisthe
interest thetask of
taskof connecting
connectingthe the integration
theintegration between
between the
the panel,
the panel,or
or sensory
sensory system
system support,
support, and
andand the
thethe sensory
sensory system
system itself.
itself. AA
itself. A slot
slot has
slot has been
been designed
been designed accord-
ing to
to three
to three main
three main elements:
main the the
elements: the geometry
geometry of
of the the
the sensors,
ofsensors, the
the slot
sensors, slot
slot positioning
thepositioning in thein
positioning the
the thick-
in of
ness panel,
of the and the
panel, integration
and the and
integration connection
and between
connection the
between sensor
ness of the panel, and the integration and connection between the sensor and the panel. and
sensorthe panel.
and the panel.
Finally, thepanel
the panelwill
panel willbe
will betreated
be treatedwith
treated withaaaspecific
with specificcardboard
specific cardboardfireproof
cardboard fireproofpaint,
fireproof paint,already
paint, already
widely available
available on
on the
the market
market for
for other
other cardboard
widely available on the market for other cardboard panels [24,25]. panels
panels [24,25].
Electronics 2021, 10, 1495 4 of 13

2.2. Sensors Definition

The multifunctional panel described in the previous paragraph has been enhanced
with electronic systems for smart functionalities. In particular, communication capability
is provided by means of NFC and passive RFID tags, while humidity and temperature
sensors are used for monitoring the health and moisture conditions of the panel. Sensing
parameters have been chosen considering the nature and consistency of the panel itself
and may be affected by degradation due to external agents during its lifetime.
Taking into account the nature and typical usage of the panel, beyond the ease of
use of these structures during installation, a conventional electronic system with wired
connections was not adequate, constituting a serious limitation for the integrability and
installation of panels. In addition, battery-based devices may condition the installation of
panels, signifying a main drawback and causing electronic systems to become vulnerable
to battery replacement. An alternative solution could be to rely on the use of energy
harvesting solutions [26,27], but they are difficult to realize in indoor environments on
room walls. Thus, in order to maximize the cases of use and ease of installation, great
effort has been made regarding the integration of wireless and battery-free sensors. The
solution that has been adopted and validated for this study is based on the use of Farsens’
sensors [28]; the company, Farsens, proposes a wide range of wireless sensor solutions
and proprietary RFID integrated circuits that are able to supply and communicate with
an external component (Figure 3). Battery-free RFID sensors have been chosen, which
represents the best solution for integration and does not demonstrate particular limitations
for performance. In particular, the selected sensors are the EVAL01-Fenix-RM and the
EVAL01-Hydro-H402 models. The first is a UHF RFID battery-free temperature sensor
tag with transparent polycarbonate casing. The device features a TMP112 temperature
sensor from Texas Instruments, with a temperature range from −40 ◦ C to +85 ◦ C. The
sensor tag provides an accuracy of ±0.5 ◦ C in temperature and a unique identification
number, as well as the data from the digital temperature sensor. With a 2W ERP setup, the
battery-less sensor can communicate to over 5 m. The second, the EVAL01-Hydro-H402
Electronics 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13
model, is a UHF RFID battery-free soil moisture sensor tag. The device features a resistive
soil moisture sensor board with resistance values ranging between few hundreds of Ohms
to tens of MOhm, depending on the moisture level; it has an operation range of 5 m when
used in full passive
performance. with 2W ERP.
As a consequence, theBoth sensors
sensing haveisdipole
system wideband
intrinsically antennas
robust againstinnoise
format that operate in the 860–960 MHz frequency band.


The sensors have been inserted in the above defined multifunctional panel, as shown
in Figure 4a, where dedicated slots have been created in each panel for sensors’ installation
in the middle section of the structure. A further thin layer can be also applied in the final
panel to hide the electronic systems without compromising performance (Figure 4b), due
to the used materials and low thickness.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1495 5 of 13

Figure 3. Wireless and battery-free sensors from Farsens.


of Farsens
Farsens sensors
sensors in
in test
test panels;
panels; (a)
(a) panels
panels with different embedded
with different embed-
ded sensors; (b) a panel cover example.
sensors; (b) a panel cover example.

Initially, several tests have been performed with independent sensors and devices,
as shown in Figure 5, with the aim to verify the reliability of measurements performed
with Farsens devices. Connectivity was monitored with wireless devices and NFC protocol.
The results are satisfactory, having demonstrated a good agreement between different
Electronics 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW
measurement systems and so exhibiting no end towards the use of integrated and 6battery-
of 13

free solutions.

Figure5.5.Independent test
Independent for
test forsensors’

3. Sensor
further Design
considerations relative to noise-related issues are specified. Temperature
sensors embedded in thehas
The sensor network panel
beenare digital devices;
designed with thethe
aimdecision to useadigital
of obtaining sensorsen-
safe working was
vironment shared between workers, equipment, and robots. As a result, sensors’ position,
choice, and network management have been optimized for this purpose. A smart network
with very low power consumption has been defined and tested.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1495 6 of 13

adopted to ensure very low power consumption on one side, and robust communications
on the other. In addition, the use of a significant number of bits in the measurement
codification ensures that it possible to read accurate data; for instance, the resolution
of the temperature sensor is 0.0625 ◦ C. Moisture sensors are resistive, but they have a
low-pass filter, with a very low cut-off frequency for noise filtering. Moreover, it is worth
noting that in the considered application, an extremely high resolution is not necessary;
thus, possible small variations or inaccuracies of the measurement data do not affect the
system performance. As a consequence, the sensing system is intrinsically robust against
noise issues.

3. Sensor Network Design

The sensor network has been designed with the aim of obtaining a safe working
environment shared between workers, equipment, and robots. As a result, sensors’ position,
choice, and network management have been optimized for this purpose. A smart network
with very low power consumption has been defined and tested.

3.1. Sensor Network Definition

The idea is to use the above defined multifunctional panel on all walls of a facility,
together with passive RFID tags suitably positioned on the walls, and a tag reader in each
room. Thereby, a smart cell grid is created, as shown in Figure 6a,b, in the context of a
typical room. The multifunctional panels, with embedded sensors, are represented by dark
grey rectangles; the passive RFIDs are localized through the small red dots in the middle
of each panel. A cartesian grid (x, y and z axes) is defined and localization of dangers or
objects becomes possible, as each tag becomes an anchor point for the localization systems,
Electronics 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 13
driven by an active reader. The environmental conditions are monitored through the
Farsens sensors, as well as through the positions of critical elements and operators. In
fact, if operators are equipped with passive tags, their position and relative distance from
critical or totems
objects can bein the open
easily space,InasFigure
identified. for instance, close toscenario
7, an example dangerous equipment,
is provided; if anin
order to install tags or readers at those specified locations and prevent
operator, provided by a passive tag (for instance, a wearable or an armlet device), movesdangerous out-
close to anInunsafe
general, when
area, it isclose to equipment,
localized by the readerno close
stopping points should
to a danger tool, andbesome
to the
could of active tags,
be automatically as a power
activated supply is
to discourage available
further and
action ortheir power
to warn thoseconsumption
in charge ofis

(a) (b)
Figure Sectionsofofa atypical
Electronics 2021, 10, 1495 (a) (b) 7 of 13

Figure 6. Sections of a typical work environment: (a) vertical section; (b) horizontal section.

(a) (b)
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Horizontal
Horizontal section
section of
of an
an example
example scenario:
scenario: (a) two operators
(a) two operators are
are far
far from
from the
the danger
danger area
area and
and their
their position
position is
monitored; (b) one of the two operators moves close to a danger tool.
monitored; (b) one of the two operators moves close to a danger tool.

3.2. Software and Algorithm

Localization Definition
is not carried out by means of real time monitor techniques, as they have
what concerns andthecharacteristics,
stress of the electronic system,
great effort had with
devoted interrogation
to defining of tags
a suitable RFIDandMiddleware
needs of triangulation.
that would be These
able characteristics,
to process differentstill
allowing for a more accurate localization, appear to be not adequate
functions, including data storage and management, data monitoring, management and for a very low power
system with passive
application–level tags. interface,
service The betterand
solution that
device has been
drivers’ identified
interface. and adopted
In addition, is based
it functions
on the discretization of the volume in location cells. As a result, the
also to service-oriented interfaces based on Java, J2EE, .NET, and web service. The electronics aresolu-
stressed and power consumption is lower, without significantly affecting
tion that has been adopted in this work is the Application Level Events (ALE) di the positioning
of each element.
EPCglobal. The division
The ALE interfaceofprovides
each volumeusefulinfunctionalities
location cells still allows
for the for the constant
reception, filtering,
monitoring of each element, but with a reasonable
and grouping of events originating from RFID readers. inaccuracy; while it does not affect the
analysis of hygroscopic characteristics of structural elements. Additionally, quality readers
are available in the market with an interrogation distance of up to 15 m, thus, there are
many devices suitable for the detection and monitoring of closed spaces.
It is worth noting that a 15 m range is currently a technological limitation. In practical
applications, if production halls are wider and organized as open spaces, the proposed
solution should be coupled with semi-passive RFID tags that would allow for a wider
interrogation range. A further solution should be consistent with the realization of small
columns or totems in the open space, as for instance, close to dangerous equipment, in
order to install tags or readers at those specified locations and prevent dangerous outcomes.
In general, when close to equipment, no stopping points should be near to the installation
of active tags, as a power supply is available and their power consumption is negligible.

3.2. Software and Algorithm Definition

After defining the hardware requirements and characteristics, great effort had been
devoted to defining a suitable RFID Middleware that would be able to process different
functions, including data storage and management, data monitoring, management and
application–level service interface, and device drivers’ interface. In addition, it functions
also to service-oriented interfaces based on Java, J2EE, .NET, and web service. The solution
that has been adopted in this work is the Application Level Events (ALE) di EPCglobal.
The ALE interface provides useful functionalities for the reception, filtering, and grouping
of events originating from RFID readers.
Software has been developed in Visual Studio as an .NET desktop application. Octane
SDK libraries have been used for the management of the reader and the communication
settings. Great effort has also been devoted to the localization of tags, as different algorithms
have been tested and evaluated. As discussed in the previous section, the solution to split
the volume in location cells has been adopted, defining a set of anchor points on the
multifunctional panels. A simple user interface has been realized for testing the system, as
on the multifunctional panels. A simple user interface has been realized for testing the
system, as shown in Figure 8. In Figure 8a, the database access and management shell are
reported, while in Figure 8b, the reader status can be monitored.
Software has been developed in Visual Studio as an .NET desktop application. Oc-
Following the operation steps, first, a connection is established with the reader,
tane SDK libraries have been used for the management of the reader and the communica-
Electronics 2021, 10, 1495
which is then configured with the setup that has been chosen for the selected room where 8 of 13
tion settings. Great effort has also been devoted to the localization of tags, as different
multifunctional panels have been installed. Tags’ interrogation is carried out for each
algorithms have been tested and evaluated. As discussed in the previous section, the so-
zone, in which the volume has been divided and data are stored in a dedicated database.
lution to split the volume in location cells has been adopted, defining a set of anchor points
Single calls to the database can be performed to check if a tag has been read or when it is
on the multifunctional panels. A simple user interface has been realized for testing the
read. IninFigure
Figure9,8. In Figure
some 8a,of
sections the database
the access
code that haveand
developed areshell are reported,
reported for the
system, as shown in Figure 8. In Figure 8a, the database access and management shell are
purposein Figure 8b, the reader status can be monitored.
of illustration.
reported, while in Figure 8b, the reader status can be monitored.
Following the operation steps, first, a connection is established with the reader,
which is then configured with the setup that has been chosen for the selected room where
multifunctional panels have been installed. Tags’ interrogation is carried out for each
zone, in which the volume has been divided and data are stored in a dedicated database.
Single calls to the database can be performed to check if a tag has been read or when it is
read. In Figure 9, some sections of the code that have been developed are reported for the
purpose of illustration.

(a) (b)
Figure 8.
Figure 8. User
User interface:
interface: (a)
(a) database interrogation; (b)
database interrogation; (b) reared
reared connection
connection and
and monitoring
monitoring status.

Following the operation steps, first, a connection is established with the reader, which
is then configured with the setup that has been chosen for the selected room where multi-
functional panels have been installed. Tags’ interrogation is carried out for each zone, in
which the volume has been divided and data are stored in a dedicated database. Single
(a) to the database can be performed to check if a tag has been (b) read or when it is read. In
Figure 9, some sections of the code that have been developed are reported for the purpose
Figure 8. User
ofinterface: (a) database interrogation; (b) reared connection and monitoring status.

Figure 9. Software details and examples of code sections.

Figure 9. Software
Figure details
9. Software and
details examples
and of of
examples code sections.
code sections.

4. Results
Preliminary tests have been organized in the university laboratory, in order to monitor
sensors’ detection and communications. The reader that has been chosen is the Speedway
from Impinj [29], which is a high-performance RAIN RFID fixed reader that delivers the
flexibility and reliability necessary to provide effective item visibility. As a laboratory test,
the required radiation power that was necessary was not very high, but without lack of
generality, the test can be extended also to larger distances by choosing a more powerful
the flexibility and reliability necessary to provide effective item visibility. As a laboratory
test, the required radiation power that was necessary was not very high, but without lack
of generality, the test can be extended also to larger distances by choosing a more power-
ful reader. As shown in Figure 10, two antennas have been used and some sensors have
been placed on the floor, where a location grid has been drawn, simulating the effects of
Electronics 2021, 10, 1495 9 of 13
the multifunctional panels. When the reader is activated, it can be managed by the console
shown in Figure 11; the average RSSI is calculated on the reference line and the distance
is computed as a consequence by means of the code sections reported in Figure 12. Con-
reader. theshown
test structure
in Figureof10,
two 10, no transmission
antennas have beenfaults
used have been observed.
and some sensors have The
been placeddistances demonstrate
on the floor, where a an average
location relative
grid has beenerror of about
drawn, 5%, withthe
simulating respect
effects to
of real ones. In Figurepanels.
multifunctional 13, an example
When the is reported,
reader isillustrating
activated, itthe measured
can distance
be managed as a
by the
console of the in
Figure 11; the average RSSI is calculated on the reference line and the
distance tests with
is computed as aan operator inby
consequence the dedicated
means of theroom have also
code sections been conducted,
reported in Figure 12. in
order to simulate
Considering the testpossible operations
structure of Figure in
10,anoreal plant. The faults
transmission operator
provided a passive
observed. The
TAG, installed
computed on hisdemonstrate
distances wrist (Figurean14); moving
average through
relative thisof
error environment, the MULTIFID
about 5%, with respect to
the real have
panels ones. correctly
In Figure detected
13, an example is reported,
and tracked illustrating
his position. Somethemeasured
ported inofTable
the RSSI.
1, confirming the already achieved results obtained in the first setup.

Electronics 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 13

Figure 10.Preliminary

Figure 11. Reader control

Figure 11. control interface.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1495 10 of 13


12. Codesections
Figure sections forRSSI
RSSI anddistance
distance calculation.
Figure 12.Code
Code sectionsfor
for RSSIand
and distancecalculation.

Figure 13. Example: Distance versus RSSI (absolute values in dBm). Measurements (dots) and fitting
line (solid
line line).
(solid line).
line (solid line).

Further tests with an operator in the dedicated room have also been conducted, in
order to simulate possible operations in a real plant. The operator is provided a passive
TAG, installed on his wrist (Figure 14); moving through this environment, the MULTIFID
panels have correctly detected and tracked his position. Some measured results are reported
in Table 1, confirming the already achieved results obtained in the first setup.
A global search measurement approach has been implemented for distance measure-
ment. The reader interrogates the tags for a fixed time and create a list of acknowledgements.
Each antenna creates its own list, and there is a check to individuate and detect remote
multiple readings of the same tag. The lists are then merged and, considering the RSSI, the
tag distance is evaluated. Finally, the database is invoked to verify if the considered tag has
been already registered. In case of a positive request, the tag name is provided as output,
or otherwise it is classified as Unknown.
Regarding the sensors’ measurements, the proposed MULTIFID panel displays tem-
perature and moisture levels close to those obtained with dedicated instruments or in-
dependent sensors, as shown in Figure 5. The uncertainties are around 3%, thus, quite
compatible with the needs of the considered application.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1495 11 of 13
Electronics 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 13

Figure 14.Example:

Table 1. True and estimated distances as a function of the computed RSSI.

Table 1. True and estimated distances as a function of the computed RSSI.
True Distance [m] Algorithm Estimated Distance [m] RSSI (dBm)
True Distance [m] Algorithm Estimated Distance [m] RSSI (dBm)
0.1 0.102 −23.5
0.1 0.102 −23.5
0.2 0.206 −27
0.2 0.206 −27
0.3 0.3 0.3150.315 −−30.5
0.4 0.4 0.4080.408 −−31.5
0.5 0.5 0.5250.525 − 34
0.6 0.6 0.6180.618 − 35
0.7 0.728 −36.5
0.8 0.7 0.840.728 −36.5
0.9 0.8 0.9270.84 −37.5
1 0.9 1.040.927 −−39
1.1 1 1.1551.04 −41
1.2 1.26 −42.5
1.1 1.352
1.155 −41
1.4 1.2 1.456 1.26 −42.5
1.5 1.3 1.591.352 −−43
1.6 1.4 1.681.456 − 47
1.7 1.751 −48.5
1.5 1.59 −44
1.8 1.872 −49.5
1.9 1.6 2.0141.68 −−47
2 1.7 2.041.751 −48.5
2.1 1.8 2.2051.872 − 52.5
2.2 1.9 2.3322.014 − 54
2.3 2.438 −55
2.4 2 2.5682.04 −−51
2.5 2.1 2.6752.205 −52.5
2.2 2.332 −54
5. Conclusions 2.3 2.438 −55
2.4 work proposes an innovative
The described 2.568 −57.5
system based on a sensorial multifunc-
2.5 2.675 −59 fields
tional panel for smart factory application. Innovation on both building and electronic
are proposed to allow the obtaining of several benefits. From a structural perspective,
the proposed panel allows for the improving of the thermal resistance of a building, and
Electronics 2021, 10, 1495 12 of 13

facilitates the installation of electronic systems. While considering the advantages of elec-
tronics, the proposed system allows for the monitoring of the environmental characteristics
of the envelop, to achieve better durability and efficiency, and for the controlling of the
movements of operators, ensuring a safe sharing of the working environment. Notably,
more research can be conducted concerning the sensors’ integration and detection algo-
rithms. In addition, the MULTIFId panel has the potential to be applied among several
fields and applications, as it embeds suitable electronics, and the provided data can be
easily managed remotely for different uses. Close fields include, for instance, the industrial
internet of things (IIoT), Internet of Services (IoS), and machine learning.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, V.S.; methodology, F.C.; investigation, T.G.; data curation,
L.P., M.R. and A.L.; writing—original draft preparation, L.P. and M.R.; writing—review and editing,
L.P., V.S. and M.R.; supervision, T.G.; project administration, F.F.D., L.M., P.D.B. and V.S. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research has been funded by the “MULTIFId” Project, Fund for Sustainable Growth,
Intelligent Factory Desk, D.M. 5 March 2018Chapter III. Subjects involved: 2Bite S.r.l., Pack System
S.r.l., University of L’Aquila as consultants (Department DIIIE and DICEAA).
Acknowledgments: Authors thank: Giovanni Schettini (University of L’Aquila) for the support in
the test system realization; Antonello Cucchiella (Pack) for the support in the Hot Bot realization; and
the technicians of the electronic laboratory of the University of L’Aquila, Stefano Ricci and Andrea
Pelliccione, for their precious support during the prototype’s implementation and preliminary
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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