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Autodesk 3ds Max Design The Designers Ha

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Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook

Notes from the course Architectural Design using Autodesk® 3ds Max Design
Marcello Ferri, AIA

File Name and Path: E:\Teaching\The Designer Handbook\Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook.odt

Modified Date: 08/29/19

Copyright © 2019, All Rights Reserved.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook page 1

This book is dedicated to my mother.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook page 2

Table of Contents
1 Navigating the 3ds Max Scene...........................................................................5
1.1 The 3ds Max Scene.....................................................................................5
1.2 World and Local Coordinates Systems and Concept of Creation Plane....6
1.3 Units Setup and Distance from the Origin Factor........................................6
1.4 Scene Navigation.........................................................................................7
1.5 Viewports.....................................................................................................7
1.6 Command Input and Customizing the User Interface.................................7
2 Object Management............................................................................................9
2.1 File Management.........................................................................................9
2.2 Object Creation and Types of Objects.........................................................9
2.3 Object Management...................................................................................11
2.4 Object Resolution Considerations.............................................................12
3 Object Selection and Transforms......................................................................13
3.1 Object Selection.........................................................................................13
3.2 Object Transforms.....................................................................................14
4 Modeling............................................................................................................16
4.1 Concept of Sub-object Level.....................................................................16
4.2 2D Splines.................................................................................................16
4.3 Editable Poly Objects................................................................................17
4.4 Modifiers....................................................................................................19
4.5 Modeling Walls Using Splines...................................................................20
5 Populating the Scene with Objects...................................................................22
5.1 Acquiring Objects from External Files.......................................................22
5.2 Tools and Utilities.......................................................................................23
6 Materials............................................................................................................25
6.1 Material Editor, Material/Map Browser, Material Library...........................25
6.2 Types of Materials......................................................................................26
6.3 Texture Mapping........................................................................................27
6.4 Considerations on Reflectance and Transmittance...................................28
7 Lights and Cameras..........................................................................................30
7.1 Photometric Lights.....................................................................................30
7.2 Cameras....................................................................................................32

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook page 3

8 Rendering with Mental Ray...............................................................................34
8.1 Scene Optimization Using Mental Ray......................................................34
8.2 Environment Settings................................................................................34
8.3 Mental Ray Renderer Settings..................................................................34
8.4 Rendering with Indirect Illumination..........................................................35
8.5 Lighting Analysis........................................................................................36
8.6 Non-photorealistic Rendering....................................................................36
8.7 Rendering Output......................................................................................38
9 Introduction to MAXScript.................................................................................39
9.1 MAXScript Tools........................................................................................39
9.2 Example of Data Extraction Using MAXScript..........................................39
9.3 Available MAXScripts.................................................................................40
10 Building Modeling Exercise.............................................................................41
10.1 Modeling Walls and Slabs.......................................................................41
10.2 Modeling Doors and Windows.................................................................49
10.3 Materials..................................................................................................58
10.4 Cameras, Lighting Setup and Rendering................................................62

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook page 4

1 Navigating the 3ds Max Scene
This chapter introduces the working environment, the reference systems used inside the
3ds Max scene and methods for navigating the scene. The User Interface is also
presented with available tools for user customization.

1.1 The 3ds Max Scene

The 3ds Max Scene is a digital file with extension .MAX and can be considered
as a container of digital models, cameras, materials, environment settings,
rendering settings, animation and more. In the 3ds Max Scene definition of space
is accomplished using a Reference System of coordinate axes XYZ. Objects can
be created in the scene as native 3ds Max objects or imported from other
applications (see 5.1).
In some cases the 3ds Max Scene may require assets (external files) in order to
function properly, e. g., a material in the scene using external bitmaps. Locations
of assets are recorded in the scene file and required external files need to be
available at the recorded addresses or in the same folder where the scene file is
The 3ds Max Scene file contains models used for the production of graphics,
lighting simulations and, with the use of MAXScript, data extraction extending the
purpose of 3d models to act as a building information database (BIM).
AEC software focus on specific aspects of design work, Autodesk® Revit on data
management and extraction, Autodesk® AutoCAD on precise 2D drafting and
Autodesk® Inventor on topology accuracy. 3ds MAX can be considered as a
powerful modeling tool with rigorous and highly advanced visualization and
simulation capabilities. 3ds MAX is often used in combination with the above
mentioned software.
3ds MAX uses meshes1 to define geometry objects and does not support solids,
objects can still behave similarly to solids as in the case of Boolean compound
objects (see 2.2).
Meshes can be converted into Polygonal objects (e-poly) that provide a more
comprehensive tool set for surface manipulation. We will see in the next chapters
how, manipulating basic geometry objects (Primitives), the designer will be able
to achieve complex geometry, with the level of definition depending on project's
requirements and computing resources budget. A well known technique,
commonly referred to as Box Modeling, uses the lowest possible number of
surface polygons and while it has been traditionally used for the production of

1 See in regards to the definition of mesh the documentation of the Finite Elements Theory of Prof. R. L. Taylor that can
be found at the FEAP page on Berkeley University website.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 1 Navigating the 3ds Max Scene page 5
low-poly models in the video-game industry it can be also used as reference for
the production of models used for architectural visualization, particularly for the
production of walk-through animations.

1.2 World and Local Coordinates Systems and Concept of Creation Plane
Definition of the space inside the 3ds Max scene is based on an unmovable
system of coordinate axes XYZ; the three axes define 3 planes commonly used
as Creation Planes for objects. These XYZ axes represent the World System; in
order to locate objects in the space it becomes necessary to define an object's
based Local Reference System, the origin of which is located in the movable 2
Pivot Point of an object which, through its World System coordinates, defines
the location of objects in the scene.
Objects are often created using one of the three World System planes (X-Y, X-Z
& Y-Z) as the Creation Plane or using custom oriented Grids, objects similar to
UCS in Autodesk® AutoCAD and reference planes in Autodesk® Revit (see 2.2).
The object's dimensional parameters are oriented in reference to the Creation
Plane, e. g., the direction of a box dimensions will be initially set as parallel to the
axes of the World Reference System or the Local Reference System of an active
A clear understanding of the concept of Creation Plane is fundamental when
manipulating objects in 3D.

1.3 Units Setup and Distance from the Origin Factor

Although 3ds Max is designed to use inches as Units (this aspect becomes
particularly evident when using AEC Design Elements), these can be set to
represent different values using Units Setup (Customize menu). Units are
typically defined at the beginning of a project according to the project's scale and
will be typically large (feet, meters) when working with landscape or urban design
models, or small (inches, centimeters) with architectural models. As a general
rule, significant details of the model should not be considerably smaller than the
scene unit.
The distance of objects from the origin of the World System needs to be taken
into consideration as both round-off errors affecting the navigation of the scene
and rendering time increase with it. To avoid these problems it is always
advisable to locate the center of the overall model in the proximity of the Origin of
the World System (X=Y=Z=0).

2 Transforms can be applied to the Local Reference System using: Hierarchy Panel, Affect Pivot Only.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 1 Navigating the 3ds Max Scene page 6
1.4 Scene Navigation
Navigating the scene in a smooth and efficient way is crucial as it allows
seamless modeling using visual feedback from the model; 3D objects need to be
viewed from different angles, similarly to a sculptor who continuously examines
his work from different points of view while making the desired adjustments. Arc
rotate, Pan, Zoom are the commands available for this purpose and they can be
transparently invoked (during the execution of a command) using the mid mouse
button (MMB) in combination with Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys.
Development of an efficient work flow using navigation shortcuts is key for the
production of architectural models.
Other commands available for scene navigation are: Isolate Tool (Alt-Q) used to
temporarily hide all objects except for the selected ones, Zoom Extents
Selected (Z), Pan Viewport (I) used to center the viewport at the mouse pointer
location and the Walk Tool that simulates walking/flying through the scene.
Using Zoom Selected is also a quick method to re-adjust the mouse wheel zoom
increment as this occasionally uses different values during scene navigation.
Navigation commands can also be used in the work flow to establish camera
locations, see 7.2.

1.5 Viewports
Viewports are used to represent the content of the scene using perspective or
orthogonal views. The viewport's representation can use different techniques
called Visual Styles, the most relevant ones being: wireframe, smooth and
highlights, edged faces, hidden-line and realistic. It is advisable to use edged
faces (F4) as this visual style allows full understanding of topology features and
the geometric complexity of the model. Scene Lights Shadows and other
advanced features and visual effects, e. g., ambient occlusion, can be enabled
for an additional level of realism, of course at the cost of computer performance
which is manifested in terms of viewport refresh rate. Scenes populated with a
large number of objects (or containing objects with a high number of polygons)
tend to become more difficult to navigate. When working with highly detailed
models it is possible to improve the viewport's performance using less resources
demanding visual styles, enabling Adaptive Degradation and turning off the
visibility of the Home Grid (G).

1.6 Command Input and Customizing the User Interface

Commands in 3ds Max are invoked using keyboard shortcuts called Hotkeys,
selecting menu items, and pressing toolbar buttons. In regards to buttons the

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 1 Navigating the 3ds Max Scene page 7
user should be aware that, in some cases, the command is executed using left
click and settings for the specific command are accessed using right click on the
same button. Some buttons, when pressed without releasing will expand into a
number sub-buttons with additional related commands and features.
In the opinion of the author, the use of hotkeys represents the most efficient work
flow. Custom hotkeys, menus and toolbars can be defined using the Customize
User Interface dialog. Quad menus are also a valid alternative method for
executing commands; right clicking on an object in the viewport will bring up an
adaptive list of available commands on the specific selection.
Experienced users usually use a combination of all the above mentioned
methods depending on personal preference and task related convenience.
Expert Mode (Ctrl-X) hides temporarily all toolbars and the command panel
maximizing the screen space for viewports, this mode is useful when the user is
familiar with executing commands with hotkeys, menus and quad menus and can
be used with Grab Active Viewport to maximize the size of viewport
screenshots (or animated sequences) to be exported.
An important element of the user interface, often accessed when manipulating
objects, is the Command Panel, by default located on the right side of the
screen and divided into six sub-panels, it mainly provides tools for creating and
modifying objects, see chapter 4. The Command Panel is subdivided in: Create,
Modify, Hierarchy, Motion, Display and Utilities sub-panels. Explanation of the
use of these panels is discussed in the next chapters.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 1 Navigating the 3ds Max Scene page 8
2 Object Management
Proper management of the model is crucial for data usability and validation of design
intents. This chapter will present objects typically used to create models for architectural
visualization and how scene objects can be organized according to typical AEC standard
production requirements.

2.1 File Management

When starting a new project it is advisable to create a directory that will contain
the project files and all assets needed for the production; Set Project Folder is
used for this purpose.
The typical procedure for archiving a project or sending files to consultants uses
the Archive command, this will conveniently compress the scene file with all
required assets into a single .zip file so it can be opened on other computers.
3ds Max allows using externally referenced 3ds Max files, this is accomplished
using X-ref Objects and Scenes. Individual objects or entire scenes can be
referenced into one file. X-ref objects or scenes are neither selectable nor
editable. X-ref scenes can be used to split the working file allowing more users to
work on the same project at the same time using shared coordinates (similarly as
Worksharing in Autodesk® Revit).

2.2 Object Creation and Types of Objects

All 3ds Max native objects depend on specific parameters, more or less
parameters will be available depending on the nature of the object. Parameters
can be subdivided in two classes: dimensional parameters (radius, height, width
and length) and subdivision parameters (number of segments and polygons in
which objects are subdivided). The results of the second category of parameters
is not visible in the viewport unless the Viewport Visual Style is set to show
object's edges (Wireframe, Edged Faces and Hidden Line). Parametric Objects
are editable using the parameters value fields found in the modify panel. Another
important aspect to take into consideration when using parametric objects is that
values assigned to parameters can be used to provide data for future extraction,
see an example of data extraction in chapter 9.
Custom parameters can be assigned to any object in the scene using Parameter
Editor (Alt+1) in reference to subsequent attribute extraction routine to be
executed on the model.
3ds Max objects are subdivided in categories and subcategories, all listed in the
Create Panel. Creation of objects is accomplished pressing the appropriate
object's button in the Create Panel, then click and drag in the viewport to

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 2 Object Management page 9
dynamically set values of the parameters available for the given object. It is a
common procedure to create a roughly sized placeholder object in the viewport,
and then further adjust its parameters using the appropriate numerical fields in
the modify panel, as an alternative, a keyboard entry group is available on the
create panel to precisely set the object's location and parameter values on
Geometry and Shapes are the types of objects used for modeling. Geometry
objects are volumetric three-dimensional objects while Shapes are lines, often
used in combination with modifiers to create three-dimensional objects. A special
type of object, usually obtained by converting previously created parametric
objects or imported geometry is the Editable Poly. The most relevant difference
between Editable Poly and Parametric Objects is that Polys have no parameters
or recorded object's history therefore any modification to the geometry needs to
be done either applying modifiers or editing at the appropriate sub-object level.
While this aspect might be considered as a limitation, we will see in the next
chapters that this actually represents a key feature for free-form modeling.
An important subcategory of geometry objects is Compound Objects, of which
the most relevant for architectural models are: Boolean/ProBoolean and
Shapemerge Objects.
Boolean is a type of object that allows subtraction, intersection and union of
volumes from the combination of several geometry operands. It is important to
note that the individual operand's parameters remain available after creation of a
boolean object expanding the modifier stack in the modify panel (see 4.1).
ProBoolean is an advanced version of Booleans and it is used for identical
Shapemerge Objects are used to project 2D shapes onto 3D surfaces, usually to
split surfaces or cut out shapes (for example a road on a terrain) or simply to
refine the surface subdivision to allow specific sub-object selection. The creation
of a shapemerge object is a resource intensive calculation and therefore it is
advisable, when possible, to simplify both the surface and the projected spline to
avoid potential problems with the subsequent automatic sub-object selection.
The behavior of compound objects is directly dependent on the quality of the
operands, good quality of objects being considered the absence of geometry
errors. These errors can be: double faces, open edges, multiple edges and
isolated faces (see 4.3 in regards to Editable Poly Objects). When working with
compound objects it is advisable to check each operand when the result is not as
expected (holes in the mesh). The STL Check Modifier is used to check if any
errors are present within the object. Another method to test the quality of selected
objects is enabling xView (found under views menu) that displays results inside

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 2 Object Management page 10
the viewport. Exporting objects to an OBJ file will also report any incongruity
found in the model.
AEC Design Elements are parametric objects that represent actual construction
components such as windows, doors, walls & stairs. When working with AEC
Design Elements it is important to keep in mind that this category of geometry
objects is designed to work in combination with specific AEC material templates,
see chapter 6.
The Section Object can be found under the shape objects category and it allows
cutting sections through objects generating the corresponding cut spline. The
actual section object simply represents the current location and orientation of the
cutting plane, it is not a Shape object itself but it allows creating section splines
when pressing the appropriate button in the modify panel. The section object can
be used to generate plans and sections from 3ds Max models, the section
splines obtained with this method can then be exported to CAD applications.
Helpers are non-renderable objects that can be considered as the digital
modeler's construction tools. Grids are helper objects that can be created
permanently into the scene and activated to use as custom reference systems for
object creation. Temporary grids, parallel to faces of objects in the scene, are
used on object creation when enabling the Autogrid option.

2.3 Object Management

The Object Properties dialog, found under the Edit Menu or in the Quad Menu,
allows editing the Display and Rendering Control Properties, e. g., the object's
wireframe color, initially assigned with default values at the time of object's
The procedure of setting the Display and Rendering Control Properties of objects
“by Object” has been popular with older releases of 3ds Max. Display Properties
editing was then accomplished using the Display Panel editing the Hide/Show,
Freeze/Unfreeze Properties of individual objects. This functionality has been
maintained but fell into disuse after the introduction of Layers and the Manage
Layers function available within the Layers Toolbar. With this interface the user
can toggle the visibility on and off, freeze and unfreeze all objects of entire layers
as well as individual objects. Given the assumed user's familiarity with layer
based vector programs, it is nowadays advisable to use, as office standard
practice, management of scene objects with the Manage Layer interface rather
than the Display Panel.
Clones can be created from existing objects following two alternative
procedures: using the hotkey Ctrl-V that generates clones in the same location of
the source object or dynamically, using the Select and Move Tool in combination

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 2 Object Management page 11
with the Shift key; this way the clones will be equally spaced in the direction of
the move transform, using as interval the specific move transform value applied.
Clones can be created as three different types: Instance, Copy, and Reference.
When using Instances children clones maintain a reference to the parent object
so that modifiers, sub-object edits, modifiers and material assignment
subsequently applied to either the parent or any of the children will propagate to
all children and the parent. Copies are simple Clones that maintain no reference
with any children or parent objects. References can be considered as one-way
Instances in the sense that modifiers applied to the parent will propagate to all
children but modifiers applied to any of the children will not propagate to the
parent or any other children. Note that in regards to objects parameters (e. g., for
a box: length, width, height and number of subdivisions) and material
assignment, References behave exactly as Instances. When needed, Instance
Clones can be converted to Copies using the Make Unique button found in the
Modify Panel right below the Modifier Stack.
In some cases, e. g., when modeling furniture, elements will be represented by
an assembly of several components, Groups can then be used to allow selection
of multiple objects as one entity. Organizing scenes with groups is usually
advisable as it facilitates scene navigation and object selection. Groups can be
opened and closed to access each individual component objects. An alternative
method to using groups is to attach objects using the edit poly modifier (see
chapter 4), this procedure often requires the use of a multi sub-object material
(see chapter 6).

2.4 Object Resolution Considerations

Before starting to model any object the following aspects need to be taken into
consideration in order to establish the required level of detail: what will be the
closest distance from which the object in question will be seen in production
renderings? What level of detail is required to render properly and to adequately
serve the purpose of visualization or data extraction? How important is the object
in question in relation to the entire scene? Obviously, answers to some of these
questions are not always available at the early stages of a project but the user
will be able to make at least some educated prediction. A typical beginner's
mistake is to spend long hours modeling into great detail objects that might not
be visible in final production renderings, it is therefore advisable to review the
scope of work to make sure that the modeler has, as much as possible, a clear
understanding of the visualization project's intent and the predictable future use
of the model.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 2 Object Management page 12
3 Object Selection and Transforms
Selection and adjustment of transform values often require a consistent amount of time
during production, this chapter will introduce methods and tools used to expedite this
process while maintaining the level of precision required for AEC models.

3.1 Object Selection

A fundamental action continuously executed when working on a model is
selecting objects or parts of objects to apply Transforms and to modify their
Properties and Parameters. Object selection can be achieved using the Select
Object command via left click on objects in viewports or selecting by name using
the Select by Name (H) dialog with a list of objects contained in the scene and
the option to filter objects by category. Objects in 3ds Max Design can be
identified using their names, e. g., box01, cylinder01, line01 etc... These default
names are generated on creation according to the object's type, it is in some
cases advisable to review these names and rename objects using more
meaningful terms, e. g., exterior_wall01, table01, canopy_glass01,
curtain_wall_panel01. Objects can be renamed using the appropriate field in the
Modify Panel or on multiple objects selections using the Rename Objects utility,
see chapter 4 – Tools and Utilities.
Executing specific selections manually using the common procedure with the
mouse left click in combination with Ctrl and Alt keys to add and remove objects
from the selection can be time consuming. It is important to note that, unlike
other software, 3ds Max Design records selection actions in the undo list allowing
corrections on the current selection. Window/Crossing is a toggle that allows
switching between two mouse drag-selection modes: dragging over the full
extents of an object in the viewport (Window) or just a portion of it (Crossing).
Selections of multiple objects can also be saved for reuse in future sessions
using the Named Selection Sets dialog. Selection Filters are another tool used
to simplify the selection process restricting individual types of objects to be
selected. This feature becomes particularly useful when specific tasks, e. g.,
placement of light objects, 2D spline editing etc..., are executed and the user
wants to make sure that objects of other categories of objects will not be modified
by mistake.
Objects should be neatly assigned to specific Layers. The layers Toolbar can be
enabled choosing from the list available when right clicking on the Main Toolbar,
this interface allows editing layers properties such as visibility, wireframe color
and render properties. Objects imported from DWG drawings will maintain their
layer designation, it is therefore advisable using similar, if not exactly the same,
layers organization standards already established in the office for the production

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 3 Object Selection and Transforms page 13
of construction documents3. Selection by layer is another powerful method of
selection that becomes available to the user when objects in the scene are
organized with layers.
Experienced users will further refine their work flow reducing the time required for
complex selections to a minimum; on large projects time spent purely on objects
selection can be consistent, therefore it is strongly advisable to organize scene
objects using layers and in some cases assigning object names that are
meaningful and in reference to the specific discipline they pertain to, e. g.,
introducing a specification section number as a prefix in the objects names. This
practice has also a positive impact on any subsequent data extraction procedure
when object's parameters and attributes will be associated with object names
therefore allowing additional sorting options when working with exported

3.2 Object Transforms

In order to set the location and orientation of objects, the following Transforms
can be used: Move (W) and Rotate (E). Transform values can be entered either
dynamically, manipulating the Gizmo within the viewport, or using the Transform
Type-in (F12), a dialog box reporting the world system coordinates and rotation
angles of the pivot point of the selected object. Values can be entered using
absolute or relative values, specified by increments.
The Gizmo (X is the hotkey to toggle its visibility), a visual feature shown in the
viewport whenever and object is selected, is used to mark the location of the
object's pivot point therefore the origin and orientation of the local coordinate
system. The three axis and planes of the gizmo are also used to apply
transforms using the Axis Constraints, limiting the movement of an object in
specific directions parallel to the reference system axes and planes. An axis
constraint is selected either left clicking on the highlighted gizmo axis or plane or
using the F5, F6, F7 and F8 hotkeys. The axis constraints feature needs to be
enabled under the options tab of the grid and snaps settings dialog, when used in
combination with Snaps it is a convenient and precise method for placing and
aligning objects in reference to other features in the scene.
Using the Reference Coordinate System Pull Down Menu located on the Main
Toolbar Object transforms can be applied in reference to the world system as
well as other reference systems, the most relevant being the local system,
particularly useful when editing at the sub-object level of e-poly objects with
polygons not parallel to the world system.

3 Search on line for the most recent version of the AIA CAD Layer Guidelines in regards to standard layer naming

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 3 Object Selection and Transforms page 14
Snaps (S is the hotkey used to toggle Snaps on and off) are a fundamental
feature when applying transforms using the Gizmo, they act like magnets located
at specific features of objects. The most popular snaps are vertex and midpoint
but others can be enabled via the Grid and Snaps Settings dialog (right click on
the snaps button on the main toolbar). Snaps can be used in three different
modes: 2D ignoring any features not contained in the active grid (default XY
plane of the world system for perspective views), 3D using features at any
location and 2.5D using the projected location of 3D features onto the active grid.
The 2.5D Snap is particularly effective when creating 2D splines using orthogonal
views while tracing splines using snaps on three dimensional objects features.
An Angle Snap is available when using the gizmo for applying rotation
transforms to objects using angle increments. The value of the increment can be
specified in the grid and snaps settings dialog. The rotate transform can be
applied to objects using the pivot point as center of rotation or any other snaps
features when using Selection Center or Transform Coordinate Center, the
user can switch between these modes using the button located on the main
toolbar, the default mode is pivot point center.
When applying move transforms using snaps and axis constraints it is important
to remember that selection is an action recorded in the undo list and can be
reverted simply using the hotkey Ctrl-Z, note also that this does not apply to
changes in the axis constraint selection; to avoid selecting objects in the
background it is sometimes useful to temporarily lock the selection using the
space bar toggle hotkey.
Particularly when working with complex scenes populated by a large number of
objects, the user will need to acquire familiarity with the use of snaps and axis
constraints, with practice using these features, the user will develop an efficient
technique to move objects precisely in the scene.
The Scale, transform can be applied using both the gizmo and the transform
type-in, percentage scale factors can be entered for the three directions of the
local system, non-uniform scale is also possible. To remove all Rotation and
Scale values from selected objects the Reset XForm utility can be used, see
chapter 5. The gizmo's axis constraints feature is available for this type of
transform as well and, apart from the typical use on individual objects, scale can
be applied also at the sub-object level on a selection of vertices with the result of
flattening portions of an object's surface.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 3 Object Selection and Transforms page 15
4 Modeling
When objects are created using primitives or meshes are imported into a scene it is
often necessary to modify, refine or simplify their geometry, fundamental concepts and
tools in regards to these tasks are presented in this chapter.

4.1 Concept of Sub-object Level

When we need to modify the geometry of objects we can either edit the object's
parameters, apply modifiers or edit at the Sub-object level when using editable
splines, editable poly objects and, in a similar way, modifiers and compound
objects. The sub-object levels are accessible through the modify panel
expanding the corresponding level in the Modifier Stack. Depending on the type
of object selected, different types of sub-object levels will be available. The user
will develop the required knowledge to understand which specific sub-object level
would result as the more appropriate to be used to achieve desired geometry
modifications. The move, rotate and scale transforms can be applied to elements
or selections of elements at sub-object levels such as vertex, segment, edge,
border, face and polygon, modifying the overall geometry of the object.
Modifiers have some sort of sub-object level (gizmo, center) that can be used to
locate the center of application and orientation of the modifier, see paragraph 4.4
in regards to modifiers.

4.2 2D Splines
Editable Splines can be created either converting any parametric shape object
into a spline or creating Line Objects available in the create panel.
The sub-object levels available with editable splines are: vertex, segment and
spline. When editing splines the modify panel gives access to a number of
editing tools, the most relevant being:
Vertex sub-object level - Vertex Types controls the vertex type, available types
are Corner, Bezier-Corner that both create a point of discontinuity in the spline,
Smooth that defines a non-adjustable continuous curve and Bezier for adjustable
continuous curve using tangent handles. When working with Bezier corners
tangent values can be copied and pasted on other vertices using the Tangent
group inside the modify panel. Other common 2D vector spline editing
commands are available such as Fillet, Chamfer and Weld (used to collapse
multiple vertices into one single vertex using a specified threshold distance).
Refine can be used to create new vertices inside a given spline.
Segment sub-object level – Segment properties such as Line or Curve can be
specified using the upper-left quadrant of the quad menu (note that this works

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 4 Modeling page 16

only when used in combination with either smooth, bezier or bezier corner vertex
type on the segment's end vertices). Segments can be divided into a number of
smaller portions creating new equidistant vertices using the Divide button.
Spline sub-object level – Compound Shapes are made of multiple splines
attached together. When using compound shapes it is possible to access
individual splines at the sub-object level. Common 2D vector spline editing
commands can be applied at the spline sub-object level such as: generating an
Outline of a selected spline using a specified distance, Trim and Extend, Mirror,
Boolean Union, Subtraction and Intersection.
Attach/Detach is used with compound shapes to attach or detach splines.
When working with architectural models the user will sometimes use splines
already generated for project documentation, e. g., imported CAD files of
architectural plans and elevations, fine tuning and adjustment of the imported
splines is often a required task.
Splines can also be used as renderable objects with round or rectangular
sections of adjustable radius or length and width and an angle of rotation of the

4.3 Editable Poly Objects

The most advanced and ductile type of geometry object is the Editable Poly,
also called Polymesh object. Epoly objects are usually obtained converting other
types of geometry objects, e. g., parametric objects and meshes. Converting a
parametric object to a Poly removes access to the original object's parameters,
applying the Editable Poly Modifier maintains access to the base object
parameters, see 4.4 in regards to the Editable Poly Modifier.
Poly objects are defined by polygons that are surface elements connecting three
or more edges. The reader can imagine polygons as surfaces opaque on one
side and transparent on the other. These surfaces are oriented according to the
direction of the normal, a vector perpendicular to the surface, the orientation of
this vector defines which of the two sides of the surface will receive and reflect
light (note that surfaces can be rendered as transparent applying a transparent
material, see chapter 6). Polygons with normals oriented towards the interior of
the object represent a typical geometry error, in this case the Normal Modifier
can be used to unify the normals of an object's polygons.
Similarly as with Editable Splines, the geometry of Poly objects is controlled
using the following sub-object levels: Vertex, Edge, Border, Polygon and
Element. Each sub-object level provides specific tools, the most relevant being:
Vertex sub-object level – Weld Vertices (similar tool as what already seen with

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 4 Modeling page 17

Editable Spline) commonly used to close open edges, considered as geometry
errors and therefore causing rendering artifacts and unpredictable behavior when
objects are used as operands of compound objects.
Edge sub-object level – Ring and Loop selections provide an advanced type of
edge selections where the initial selection of one edge can be extended to a
group of parallel edges all around the object (Ring) or all edges aligned with the
selected one (Loop). Chamfer (note that this command applies to vertex as well)
is used to produce a diagonal cut on edges. Edges of Epoly objects can be used
to generate new splines using Create Shape From Selection.
Border sub-object level – This type of selection is used mostly to fill holes in the
surface using Cap. Create Shape From Selection can be used also at Border
sub-object level.
Polygon sub-object level – Given the nature of the object, the most significant
tools are available under polygon sub-object level. Cut is a tool used to subdivide
polygons creating new edges, Slice plane is a tool used for the same purpose
but using a slicing plane on selected polygons. Bridge is a tool that allows
connecting the edges of selected polygons creating a bridge between them.
Parameters can be interactively set for the number of segments, taper, bias,
smooth and twist. Bridge can also be used to remove object's volume between
selected polygons. Flip is used to invert the orientation of the normals. Other
useful tools available at the sub-object level are Bevel, Extrude, Outline, Inset,
Hinge from edge and Extrude along spline.
The Element sub-object level allows selecting and applying transforms to any
volumetric entities of which an Epoly may be composed of.
Attach allows attaching other objects that become Elements of the current poly
A number of other useful features available with most sub-object levels are:
Convert Selections which allows to transfer selections holding the Ctrl key while
switching between sub-object levels.
Delete (delete) is used to delete selected elements. Note that when using delete
on vertices or edges the neighbor polygons are deleted as well creating openings
in the object's surface. Remove (backspace) allows removing vertices, polygons
or edges without creating openings in the surface.
Soft Selection is a special method of selection that allows extending transforms
to neighbors of selected elements. The transform applied to the neighbor's
elements is scaled depending on the distance (falloff) from the selected elements
and according to a customizable symmetrical curve.
Graphite Tools is a collection of tools for editing Epoly objects that can be found

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 4 Modeling page 18

in the dedicated toolbar. Some of the tools in this toolbar are already available in
the Modify Panel but others are included to allow special methods of selection.
The reader is strongly encouraged to explore these tools the description of which
can be invoked simply hovering the pointer over the toolbar's buttons.
NURMS (Non-uniform rational mesh smooth) is an algorithm applied to low-
polygon meshes to display them as high-polygon smoothed meshes. The
algorithm is designed to be used in combination with a modeling technique called
box modeling where objects are modeled with the lowest possible number of
polygons, the object's surface is then represented by a new collection of
polygons obtained by the interpolation of the initial ones, the number of iterations
can be adjusted to increase the level of detail of the resulting surface. NURMS
are typically used to represent smooth free-form organic surfaces.

4.4 Modifiers
Modifiers are applied to objects to modify their geometry or mapping coordinates.
Multiple modifiers can be applied to a single object, the effect of each modifier is
applied in the order of application as indicated in the Modifier Stack, located
inside the modifier panel, used to edit parameters of specific modifiers,
reordering the list, copying and instancing and switching on and off individual
modifiers and converting instanced objects and instanced modifiers to unique
copies (see paragraph 2.3 in regards to clones). Applying a modifier to a
selection of objects automatically creates instanced modifiers.
The adaptive pull down list of modifiers, located immediately above the modifier
stack, provides access to all modifiers available for the selected object. Modifiers
that can not be applied to the selected object will not be included in the list (e. g.,
the extrude modifier will not be available on a selection of geometry objects).
The following modifiers are often used with architectural models:
Extrude is used to extrude shapes with option for capping top and bottom of the
extruded surface, which applies to closed splines, and with control on the number
of segments of the extrusion.
Normal is often used to correct imported meshes unifying the normals of faces
not uniformly oriented towards the exterior of the objects, therefore appearing as
holes in the surface.
Shell is used to apply thickness to geometry objects. It is important to note that in
order to maintain a constant thickness it is necessary to check the option
Straighten Corners.
Bevel is used to apply three levels of extrusion to a shape, with an option to
offset the source shape at each level.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 4 Modeling page 19

Bevel Profile uses the selected spline as path for extrusion of a profile which
can be picked from a shape present in the scene. Note that the profile shape is
used by the modifier as reference, allowing further adjustments, and should not
be deleted from the scene.
Sweep is similar to bevel profile but slightly more powerful considering that it
comes with parametric and custom sections to be swept along the selected
shape. The sweep modifier is often used to generate moldings and structural
elements such as steel beams and columns.
Slice, simply slices the object to refine its geometry or to remove portions of it. It
is important to note that when slicing objects, in order to render them as solid
objects it is necessary to cap the open portions of the object either applying an
edit poly modifier or the Cap Holes Modifier. The slice modifier is often used to
create exploded architectural models to be represented with perspective or
axonometric (User) projections.
Noise is used to randomly change the position of an object's vertices along the
three local axes. Parameters are available to control the strength and scale of the
modifier's effect. Noise is mostly used in architectural visualization to slightly
modify the geometry of collections of objects, e.g., natural features such as
rocks, vegetation etc...
Displacement is used to modify the geometry of objects using maps (see 6.3).
Edit Spline, this modifier turns any parametric shape into an editable spline
leaving the base object parameters available. It is important to note that edits
done using the edit spline, as well as the edit poly, modifiers refer to the vertex
numbering criteria established in the base object, when the number of
subdivisions of the base object is altered, the modifier will still refer to the old
numbering and will therefore produce unwanted artifacts.
Edit Poly, similarly to the edit spline modifier, when applied turns the selected
object into an editable poly. Using edit poly modifier is usually preferable than just
converting as it leaves the option to revert, if necessary, to the source object
turning off or deleting the edit poly modifier in the stack. Note that when an object
using the edit poly modifier needs to be represented with NURMS, the
MeshSmooth modifier can be used for this purpose.

4.5 Modeling Walls Using Splines

Interior and exterior walls can be created applying the extrude modifier to 2D
splines. Note that the extrude modifier, depending on the orientation of the
original creation plane will produce a 3D object in the horizontal (when using
elevations) or vertical (when using floor plans) directions, extruding along the
thickness or the height of the wall respectively; exterior walls with complex

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 4 Modeling page 20

openings layout are often generated using splines obtained from elevation
drawings, interior partitions and vertical structural elements are generated with
splines obtained from or created using snaps on imported plans.

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5 Populating the Scene with Objects
When working with architectural models it may sometimes result convenient to import
into a scene vector drawings such as floor plans and elevations or even 3d models
created with other applications. This chapter will introduce to the reader importing
procedures and tools used when populating scenes with objects.

5.1 Acquiring Objects from External Files

Importing objects from 3ds Max files is accomplished with the Merge command,
the corresponding dialog provides the user with a list of objects contained in the
file from which the user can select objects to be merged in the current scene,
objects will preserve their original world system coordinates. Creating a new file
and using Merge to acquire models from an oddly behaving MAX file is also
sometimes used to revert to the default scene settings and effectively represents
a valid alternative to time consuming scene settings troubleshooting sessions.
Imported drawings are often used as background reference or directly as splines
to create geometry objects in the scene. Popular file formats used to import
external elements are DWG (the native format of AutoCAD drawings) and DXF (a
non-proprietary vector file format). Files can be imported using Import or linked
using the File Link Manager so that they can reflect any progress changes in the
source file and be updated in the 3ds Max Scene. The procedure for both
importing and linking is similar and the following common variables are usually
The Derive AutoCAD Primitives by pull down menu of the AutoCAD DWG/DXF
Import Options dialog allows selecting the criteria used to derive 3ds Max
objects: this includes deriving objects from entity, layer or other properties of the
original AutoCAD objects, e.g. when deriving from layer all imported polylines on
the same AutoCAD layer will be converted into one compound spline. Weld
Nearby Vertices is used to close open splines on import. Note that, depending
on the distance between vertices to be welded, there could be a noticeable
change in the orientation of concurrent segments of the spline since the resulting
vertex will be located at the center of the area (or segment in the typical case of
only two vertices) defined by the location of all selected vertices within the
specified weld threshold. Spline rendering properties can be defined on mass for
incoming splines. A list of layers is available to selectively import objects
contained in specific AutoCAD layers. It is also important to note that imported
AutoCAD blocks are translated into instances, see paragraph 2.3 in regards to
Popular formats for importing 3d models are ACIS SAT, which is a format used to

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 5 Populating the Scene with Objects page 22
translate objects from and to solid object based modeling programs, e.g.,
Autodesk® Inventor, STL, DEM for digital elevation models, WRL often used
when importing large 3D models generated with GIS software, OBJ files that are
typically used when importing free form curved surface objects from NURBS
oriented modeling software, and FBX used with Autodesk® Revit models. Note
that when using FBX it is possible to export exploded models as obtained in
Autodesk® Revit using section boxes.
It is worth mentioning that when 3ds Max Design models are used for
visualization of massing volumetric entities, e. g., Urban Design models, it is
possible to establish a work flow that links 3ds Max Geometry Objects to
AutoCAD Polylines therefore allowing ramifications enabled by using AutoCAD
Fields, Tables and Formulas. This work flow references the splines used in 3ds
Max for visualization purposes via the File Link Manager to AutoCAD files, where
polylines can be associated to tables with fields and formulas for area

5.2 Tools and Utilities

Array is a tool used to create one-, two- and three-dimensional arrays of clone
objects. Incremental transforms can be applied to clones created with array. The
tool's interface allows to control weather the clones will be created as copies,
instances or references.
Object Paint, found in the Graphite Modeling Tab, allows distributing clones or
MR proxies of an object in the scene with brush settings such as random scatter,
rotate and scale. This tool is often used for landscape models, allowing organic
distribution of natural features such as rocks, vegetation etc...
Mirror is a tool used to create symmetrical clones of objects. The clones will be
placed at the specified Offset Distance. Similar result can be obtained using the
Mirror Modifier producing one single object where symmetry is applied on sub-
object selections.
The Spacing Tool (Shift+I) is used to distribute clones of selected objects along
splines used as paths. Clones can be arranged on paths using a total number of
clones or a spacing value. Start/end path offsets values and fixed or tangential
orientation of the clones can be specified.
The Snapshot Tool is used to create clones of animated objects at individual or
multiple frames with an option to convert clones to mesh objects.
The Measure Distance Tool is used to measure the distance between scene
features, it is usually used with Snaps on and it reports the resulting value inside
the MAXscript Listener (F11). The measure distance tool is used to interrogate
the model for quick reference, when the user intends to keep the measurement

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 5 Populating the Scene with Objects page 23
inside the scene for future reference the Tape Helper Object should be used.
The Rename Objects Tool provides a dialog for renaming of multiple objects
using prefix, suffix and numbering.
Collapse is a utility that allows attaching a selection of multiple objects obtaining,
as a result, one single mesh object. Note that the boolean option is available,
often used to remove self-intersecting surfaces that would result by the union of
intersecting operands; the main difference with using boolean compound objects
is that, with collapse the resulting object, being converted into a mesh, does not
allow further editing of the boolean operands.
Measure is a utility that reports the surface area, volume and center of mass of
one or a selection of geometry objects and cumulative length of selected shapes.
Results can be pinned on a floater window.
Reset X-Form is a utility used to remove all Rotation and Scale values from
selected objects pushing those transforms in an XForm modifier and align object
pivot points and bounding boxes with the World coordinate system. The XForm
modifier can then be deleted or turned off to reset the object's rotate and scale
The Numerical Expression Evaluator (Ctrl+N) is a special control used to
invoke a calculator when entering numeric values in any active Numeric Field, e.
g., entering values for objects and modifiers parameters, applying transforms,
entering values in any tools and utilities dialogs and so on. Note that the hotkey
is available only when a numeric field has been activated (left click inside a field).
Consult the 3ds Max Design Help File to learn about Expression Techniques that
can be used with the expression evaluator.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 5 Populating the Scene with Objects page 24
6 Materials
A palette of materials is crucial for architectural visualization and can be achieved using
the compact set of parameters with Arch & Design materials. A library of material
templates is also available to provide a solid starting point for subsequent materials

6.1 Material Editor, Material/Map Browser, Material Library

Objects rendered without any material assigned display the wireframe color
which does not provide a reliable base for visualization, it is in fact always
advisable to assign at least some placeholder material to all objects to be
rendered. The material assignment can then be revised during the subsequent
stages and finalized for the production of final renderings.
Materials are assigned to selected objects using the appropriate Assign Material
button on the Material Editor (M). The material editor can be used in two modes:
Slate and Compact. The slate material editor allows advanced visualization of the
material's levels and structure. The compact material editor is a simplified version
of the slate material editor. Both modes allow editing the same material's
Selection of a material for editing is accomplished selecting the corresponding
Sample Slot in the material editor. Sample slots are rendered views showing the
material applied to a sample object. When a material is selected it is possible to
adjust its parameters in the dedicated portion of the material editor, the
appearance of the material in the material slot is updated in real time. Double
clicking on a sample slot will open a standalone re-sizable slot. Solid white
triangles at the corners of a sample slot indicate that the material is applied to the
selected object in the scene, gray triangles indicate that the material is used in
the scene but it is not applied to the selected objects or no objects are selected,
lastly, the absence of triangles in the slot indicates that the material is not used in
the scene.
The Get Material button of the material editor provides access to the
Material/Map Browser that shows a list of available materials and maps and the
Material/Map Browser Options button used for opening any Material Library
Files (.mat) or creating new ones. A number of ready-to-use material library files
are included in the installation folder of 3ds Max.
A material used by an object in the scene can be displayed in any slot of the
material editor simply using the Pick Material from Object button4.

4 In recent releases of 3ds Max the former Get Material from Selected Object function can be found under material map
browser/ expand scene materials rollout/ right click/ filter selected object.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 6 Materials page 25

Within the material editor it is also possible to save the selected slot's material in
the library making it available for future use. Material Editor Settings are
available such as the number and size of sample slots and using preview objects
other than spheres.
The material editor uses a tree structure organization for navigating through
specific material's levels. An important interface item used when navigating and
editing materials using the Compact Material Editor is the Go to Parent button,
located on the right side of the material editor's toolbar; when navigating through
material's levels, e. g., while editing maps parameters or editing a sub-material of
a Multi/Sub-object material, it will be possible to return to the root level of the
material using the Go to Parent button, similarly as with any common file browser
Up One Folder button.

6.2 Types of Materials

There are two important components of materials: 1) Main Material Parameters:
Diffuse and Reflection Levels, used to modify color and reflectivity of the material
and 2) General Maps where external bitmaps or procedural maps can be used to
override the Diffuse Level of the material and/or surface geometric patterns, see
the sub-chapter below in regards to texture mapping.
Even though there are many different types of materials available, in the opinion
of the author, knowledge of a few of them will provide a comprehensive palette
for architectural visualization:
Arch & Design is a Mental Ray material with simplified parameters and a set of
templates, e. g., satin varnished wood, brushed metal and so on. When
assigning placeholder materials or when the material specification has not yet
been finalized in the project, it is advisable to choose a basic finish template like
Matte, Pearl and Glossy from the dedicated pull down menu. Reflection can be
controlled setting appropriate values of Reflectivity and Glossines. The Special
Effects rollout provides control for Ambient Occlusion, a shading rendering
method that allows to simulate real world light distribution in areas of the model
prevented to receive light by surrounding geometry and Round Corners, a
Material Effect that simulates rounded edges. The Self-Illumination (Glow)
rollout is used for materials of light-emitting objects, the feature needs to be
enabled under Glow Options, Illuminates the Scene using Final Gathering (see
The Multi/Sub-object Material allows multiple materials to be applied to one
object using a polygon-based material assignment; polygons of an object can be
labeled with different IDs to reference the corresponding sub-material to be used.
This type of material works in combination with the Modify Panel's Polygon:

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 6 Materials page 26

Material IDs section, available when editing ePolys or eMeshes at the polygon
sub-object level.
The Blend Material, similarly to the multi/sub-object material combines two
materials, these are blended together using a Mixing Curve formula or a bitmap
as a mask. The blend material is often used for tiled surfaces in order to render
tiles and grout using two different materials with the Tiles procedural map used
as a mask.
AEC Materials is a material library file that includes multi/sub-object materials to
be used with AEC Objects (see chapter 2), these materials are specifically
compiled in reference to polygons material IDs assignment used by AEC Objects,
e. g., the Window parametric object references different materials to be used for
the frame, glazing, rails and panels objects components. The AEC Material
Library file is located in the folder named “materiallibraries” located in the
installation folder of 3ds Max and can be accessed through to the material editor
using the material/map browser options button. AEC materials were originally
compiled using standard materials as sub-materials, these can be replaced with
Mental Ray materials such as Arch & Design.
It is important to note here that, in order to be able to conduct a Lighting Analysis
on the model (see 8.5), all objects in the scene need to be using Mental Ray
Renderer compatible materials. Using Arch & Design materials, either applied
directly onto objects or referenced within multi/sub-object or blend materials, will
allow performing Lighting Analysis on the model.

6.3 Texture Mapping

Texture mapping is a method for applying patterns to the surface of objects using
Maps. Maps are controlled with the material editor using the General Maps
rollout and can also be used to simulate complex geometry and surface
geometric patterns on objects when using Bump maps and Displacement
maps. The opacity level of a material can be determined according to the
corresponding map's pixels gray scale values using a general Cutout map.
Mapping Coordinates are used to control the placement, orientation and scale
of maps onto the object's geometry, these are specified using the U, V and W
directions respectively used for horizontal, vertical and depth dimensions of the
object. Primitive objects have default mapping coordinates. After conversion,
editable poly and mesh objects inherit these coordinates but often require further
adjustment, this is usually accomplished using the UVW Map Modifier. With the
UVW Map Modifier the user can control the size of maps and the mapping
method (plane, cylindrical spherical and box). Expanding the modifier in the stack
it is also possible to select and manipulate the modifier's gizmo to adjust the

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 6 Materials page 27

center of the UVW coordinates. It is important to note that the final scale of the
map as represented in viewports and renderings is determined by the
combination of parameters set in the material editor under map scale and offset
and the UVW map modifier.
Maps can be of two types: Bitmaps (JPEG, TIF, Targa Image File, AVI, MOV and
MPEG and others, see the help file for a full list of supported file formats) and
Procedural Maps that are images generated by mathematical algorithms. One
noticeable advantage of using procedural maps is that they can usually produce
less repetitive textures than using bitmaps. Tiles is one of the most popular type
of procedural maps; it provides Standard Control of the tiling pattern with preset
types and Advanced Controls for the nominal size, number and fade variance of
tiles and size of the grout.
Maps can be displayed in viewports using the Show Shaded Material in
Viewport button found on the material editor's toolbar, this is particularly useful
when adjusting UVW coordinates using the UVW map modifier and when tracing
on background bitmaps (e. g., raster plans to be used as reference).
The Unwrap UVW Modifier is a relatively complex tool, mainly used to assign
mapping coordinates to sub-object selections, it is mentioned in this handbook
since it provides functionality for unfolding surfaces, a task used in the design of
building envelopes. Using the unwrap modifier the user will be able to quickly
generate diagrams that can be scaled appropriately and used to make physical
models, using 3ds Max geometry as reference.

6.4 Considerations on Reflectance and Transmittance

When working with lighting simulations on architectural models it is crucial to
control reflectance and transmittance values of the materials used in the scene
as they play an important role in Global Illumination calculations. Values for these
two properties of 3ds Max materials are displayed in the material editor and can
be fine tuned using the Value parameter in the Diffuse Color Selector
(Reflectance) and the Transparency Value in the Refraction section of the
material editor (Transmittance).
The reflectance value has a strong impact on the overall decay of the light in an
indoor environment and the transmittance is crucial for architectural glass
affecting the actual amount of daylight entering through the openings 5.
Typical values used for the reflectance of ground objects are: sand dunes 15-
40%, soil dark cultivated 7-10%, grass 20-30%, dry grass 30-35%,
woods/bushes 5-20% and asphalt road surface 7-10%.
For architectural glass the transmittance value can be associated with the Visible
5 See in this regard the white paper “Using 3ds Max and Mental Ray for Architectural Visualization”

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 6 Materials page 28

Light Transmission Performance Value typically available with the product

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 6 Materials page 29

7 Lights and Cameras
A model can not be considered suitable for reliable rendering until materials are applied
to all objects and lights are placed in the scene. This chapter will provide information on
how to light a scene using both artificial and natural lighting, matching any lighting
fixtures layouts and the building's site location and orientation when preparing the scene
for the production of photo realistic renderings and lighting analysis.

7.1 Photometric Lights

3ds Max uses Default Lights in the scene for the sole purpose of making objects
visible in viewports allowing the user to see a shaded representation of the model
while working on it. Default lights are not physically accurate, do not cast
shadows in rendered images and are automatically switched off when a light
object is created in the scene.
3ds Max provides two types of light objects: Standard Lights and Photometric
Lights. For architectural visualization it is strongly advised to always use
photometric lights that are physically accurate and required for Lighting Analysis
(see 8.5). When working with photometric lights it is crucial to maintain a
congruent relationship with space dimensions.
Two types of photometric lights can be used to simulate real world artificial lights:
Target Light and Free Light. The only difference between the two being that the
orientation of the light object is in the first case determined by the relative
position of the light and its target, in the second case by the rotation transforms
applied to the object. Both target light and free light come with a list of templates
with specific types of bulb and allow using industry-standard photometric files
(.IES, .CIBSE, .LTLI file formats) to match the light distribution of specific light
fixtures. The light distribution of Target and Free lights can also be defined more
generally using Spherical Diffuse casting light in all directions or Uniform Diffuse
casting light in one hemisphere only.
The object used to simulate the real world lighting contribution due to the sun and
the sky is the Daylight System which can be found in the create panel under
systems. The daylight system is an assembly that includes two lights, the sky
and the sun, and a compass that can be rotated to allow the user to exactly
match the project's site orientation. It is important to note that Mental Ray Sky
and Sun need to be used when conducting a Lighting Analysis (see 8.5).
Location, time and date can be controlled in two ways: using the motion panel or
specifying a Weather Data File. Both methods lead to reliable results, weather
data files (.epw) contain recorded weather conditions for given intervals of time
and locations in the world. When using Weather Data Files it is recommended to

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 7 Lights and Cameras page 30
run Lighting Analysis for a number of days and then average the results to obtain
reliable values.
The Mental Ray Sky Portal is a light object used in combination with the daylight
system to visually improve the distribution of daylight entering through the
model's openings. Mental Ray sky portals are therefore placed at all exterior
openings in rooms where an interior rendering needs to be produced. It is
advised to take advantage of the autogrid option when creating sky portals, this
will allow setting the temporary grid parallel to the wall's vertical surface and
using snaps to vertex on walls or windows in order to match the exact size and
proportions of the opening.
Note that it is not advised to use Mental Ray Sky Portals when conducting a
Lighting Analysis on the model as they add an unrealistic direct lighting
component to the luminance values recorded at light meters locations (see 8.5).
An important feature of all light objects are Shadows, these can be of different
types: Raytraced, Area, Map and the Mental Ray version of Area and Map
shadows. In general Map shadows render faster than Raytraced but the speed is
provided at the cost of accuracy and they do not take into account transparency
of materials using general cutout maps. Raytraced shadows are used in most
situations (they are also required when conducting Lighting Analysis), the
shadow optimization parameter Shadow Ray Bias is used to move the shadow
toward or away from the shadow-casting object and the Max Quadtree Depth
(default value is 7) can be used to decrease rendering time when set to values
between 8 and 10; the default values for both parameters are often accepted.
When populating scenes with lights using Shape/Area shadows as set in the
Emit Light from (Shape) section of lights parameters in the modify panel, the
user needs to be aware that rendering time will be increased with the number of
Shadow Samples used, also with this parameter the default value can be often
Light objects are non-renderable unless the specific option Light Shape Visible
in Rendering is checked, this option is often used with ceiling lights. When the
geometry of the lighting fixture is visible in the scene the component objects of
the model of the light fixture are usually grouped together with the corresponding
light object so that the entire unit can be moved, rotated and cloned, see 2.3 in
regards to Groups.
Light objects are typically used to simulate the distribution of light in a given
environment, the Lighting Analysis Assistant can provide the user with calculated
luminance data at specific scene locations to be used to assist with further
adjustments to the quantity, location and type of lights and to support the design
of lighting layouts and other important aspects of a project e. g., fenestration and

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 7 Lights and Cameras page 31
shading devices.

7.2 Cameras
Cameras are non-renderable objects using similar parameters as real world
cameras, except for exposure control that is controlled with the Environment
Settings dialog (see 8.2). Two types of cameras are available: Target Camera
and Free Camera, the only difference between the two consisting, as already
seen with target lights and free lights, in the method used to set the orientation. A
camera can be created in the scene as any other object, using the create panel
or using the hotkey Ctrl-C on a viewport set on perspective view. The view
corresponding to any camera in the scene can be obtained setting the selected
viewport to Camera (C). It is always advised to render scenes using cameras
rather than viewports set on perspective view.
The suggested work flow for creating cameras is to navigate through the model
using the navigation shortcuts presented in chapter 1, in combination with
selection of objects and zooming to the extents of selected (Z) – transparent
navigation technique also used for the modeling work flow – until a desired view
angle is found and the area of interest is adequately represented, the hotkey Ctrl-
C will allow the user to create a camera with parameters automatically adjusted
to reflect the perspective view obtained navigating the scene. After a camera is
created, its parameters can be edited via the modify panel. The most relevant
parameters are: FOV, used to set the Field of View measured in degrees or,
alternatively setting the Lens Size in millimeters or using Stock Lenses to obtain
standard real world lens sizes (note that values of FOV can be adjusted also on
perspective views, interactively using the Field-of-View button, or with the
Viewport Configuration dialog found under the Views Menu). Clipping Planes
can be used to limit the representation of the scene, as seen through the camera,
to portions comprised between two parallel planes normal to the camera. Multi-
Pass effects can be enabled and adjusted for specific cameras such as Depth of
Field, a gradual decrease of sharpness with the distance from a specified point
placed along an axis orthogonal to the lens plane and Motion Blur, an effect
used with objects in motion to simulate the effect of real world cameras shutter
The Camera Correction Modifier can be applied to cameras in order to
constrain the plane of representation to be vertical, showing parallel vertical lines,
as often required with architectural renderings (parallax). Rather than editing its
parameters, this modifier is usually deleted from the stack and applied again
when changing location and orientation of a camera.
Cameras can be used for orthographic projections, e. g., elevations and isometric

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 7 Lights and Cameras page 32
views, using the check box in the modify panel.
Show Safe Frame in Viewport (Shift-F) is used to visualize the boundaries of
the final rendered image inside the viewport allowing the user to adjust the
coverage of the area of interest, usually accomplished moving the camera's
location and/or changing the FOV.
In architectural visualization it is sometimes required to match the camera angle
and location of a picture in order to superimpose the project's rendering on the
image of the context, e. g., for Landmarks Preservation Commission
submissions. The Camera Match Utility is used for this purpose; the procedure
requires the following steps: loading a bitmap of the picture as a background for
the renderer, loading the same bitmap as a background for the viewport,
identifying five features (not contained in the same plane) such as context
buildings corners that can be identified inside the model, creating five helper
objects Camera Points to be referenced to the previously identified five features
of the bitmap and the last step which is accomplished using the camera match
utility, found in the utilities panel, to create the camera with position, orientation
and FOV corresponding to the real world camera originally used for the picture.
The rendered image is then saved with alpha channel to be used as a layer with
image compositing post-production software.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 7 Lights and Cameras page 33
8 Rendering with Mental Ray
The 3ds Max Design built-in rendering engine Mental Ray allows high levels of realism,
the time required for the production of renderings depends on the available
computational resources, rendering settings, the number of lights present in the scene
and geometric complexity of the models (number of polygons). With time and practice
the user will develop a sensitivity in regards to objects resolution in relationship to given
project requirements and work hours budgets. Important aspects of the production of
renderings using Mental Ray Renderer are presented in this chapter.

8.1 Scene Optimization Using Mental Ray

When rendering large scenes with a high number of instances it is advisable to
use Mental Ray Proxies as this allows memory usage optimization at rendering
time. The process of creating Mental Ray proxy objects involves the following
steps: creating the source object, creating the Mental Ray proxy object listed
under the Mental Ray category of geometry objects in the create panel and then,
with the proxy object selected, assigning a Source Object using the relative
button in the modify panel, note that this last step requires also creating a
rendering asset at a desired location on the network using the Write Object to
File button. Clones can be created from and materials can be assigned to MR
Proxy Objects as with any other 3ds Max objects.

8.2 Environment Settings

The Environment Panel (8) provides access to rendering background
parameters, atmospheric effects and the Exposure Control which controls the
levels of brightness and contrast of the rendered image. When using Mental Ray
as the rendering engine, the mr Photographic Exposure Control is advised to
be used. This type of exposure control can be adjusted using a single Exposure
Value parameter or extended Photographic Exposure control parameters that are
similar to those available with real world cameras. A number of presets for the
Exposure Value are also available in reference to scene's characteristics such as
Physically Based Lighting (scene using Photometric Lights), Indoor/Outdoor and
Daylight/Night time. In the same panel, exposure control parameters can be
adjusted while a Render Preview is updated in real-time.

8.3 Mental Ray Renderer Settings

The Render Setup dialog (F10) allows selecting the rendering engine to be used,
adjusting its parameters and define size and proportions of the rendered image.
Mental Ray Renderer is recommended to be used at all times.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 8 Rendering with Mental Ray page 34
In regards to renderer parameters, it is important to note that for every increase
of quality level and output size inevitably corresponds an increase of rendering
time. The following Mental Ray parameters are usually adjusted or reviewed
when preparing a scene for the production of renderings:
Global Tuning Parameters are used to set the desired level of precision of Soft
Shadows and Glossy Reflections and Refractions. Default values for these
parameters are often accepted but can be increased for production renderings.
Sampling Quality defines the type and quality of the antialiasing method to be
used, parameters can be adjusted as the minimum and maximum number of
Samples per Pixel and the Filter Type used to control the appearance of edges,
e. g., Mitchell produces sharp edges, often considered appropriate for
architectural visualization. Filter Type Width and Height control the size of the
filtered area, increasing these values produces softer edges. The number of
samples per pixel has a strong impact on rendering time therefore it is advised to
use low values for preview renderings, higher values are usually used for final
production renderings. Custom rendering presets can be saved to be restored at
any time.
The number of Reflections/Refractions to be calculated can be set, these
parameters are often used to control rendering time although the default values
are often accepted.
Camera Effects such as Motion Blur and Depth of Field (see 7.2) and Contours
can be enabled in the Renderer section of the render setup dialog.

8.4 Rendering with Indirect Illumination

Objects in real world are lit by two important components: direct light received
directly from the source of light, and indirect light reflected by the surrounding
objects and atmosphere. Indirect light should always be taken into account for
the production of professional renderings as it allows achieving a better
representation of the geometric characteristics of the models. A simulation of this
phenomenon is enabled by default when using Mental Ray and it can be
adjusted using a number of parameters specifically for Global Illumination,
Caustics and Regathering. It is important to note that even though scenes can be
rendered with indirect illumination simply using Regathering and adjusting the
level of quality using the FG Precision Preset slider found in the Render Setup
Dialog under Indirect Illumination, Final Gather rollout, the user is encouraged to
research and experiment directly with indirect illumination parameters and using
diagnostic tools. It is to be mentioned that while using Final Gather presets will
require virtually no time for setup while providing acceptable results, better
control of final results and rendering time can be achieved, especially on interior

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 8 Rendering with Mental Ray page 35
scenes, using a combination of Global Illumination and Final Gathering 6.

8.5 Lighting Analysis

The Lighting Analysis Assistant is a dialog used to guide the user through the
process of calculating luminance values at specific points in the scene. It is an
important tool for designers interested in controlling the amount of natural light
and energy related aspects of their projects. Values can be exported to a comma
separated values format (CSV) that can be imported into excel-like spreadsheets
and used to support submissions of lighting analysis reports required by
Authorities Having Jurisdiction7.
In order to run a lighting analysis the following conditions need to be satisfied in
the scene:
1. Final Gather and Raytrace need to be enabled and the Bit Depth of Frame
Buffer needs to be set to 32 bit, this value can be adjusted in the Sampling
Quality rollout of Mental Ray Renderer tab of the Render Setup dialog.
2. Photometric lights casting shadows need to be used in the scene.
3. With the daylight system only Mental Ray Sky and Sun can be used, the
analysis can not be performed using IES or standard sun.
4. Only Mental Ray Compatible Materials can be used in the scene.
Suggested materials are Arch & Design and Autodesk® Materials.
Results of the analysis can be overlaid on the rendered image and recorded
using Light Meter objects placed by the user inside the scene, e. g. at work
plane locations, and then exported to CSV files.
Another important requirement that the designer should be aware of when
performing lighting analysis is the level of quality of the model's geometry, “light
leaks” and artifacts can happen when duplicated edges and polygons are found
in the model. As a result of these problems, inaccuracy of lighting analysis results
can occur. Good modeling habits and the efficient use of snaps will help the user
to produce reliable models for lighting simulations and photo-realistic renderings.

8.6 Non-photorealistic Rendering

Architectural visualization often requires a level of photorealism but there are
also situations when using a degree of abstraction becomes a preferable
visualization strategy, e. g., early phases of a project when selection of materials
is not developed or intended to be emphasized and the production of renderings
6 See in this regards the paper “Easier Mental Ray Rendering for Design Workflows” by Marion Landry & Pierre-Felix
Breton available for download from the Autodesk® website.
7 A Video Tutorial for Lighting Analysis is available on line at the following address:

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 8 Rendering with Mental Ray page 36
for marketing purposes. The traditional rendering techniques used in these
situations are the following: hidden line removal with or without cellular shading –
which allows the highest level of abstraction recalling respectively comic book
illustrations and traditional architectural line drawings – and composite hidden
line removal with photorealistic shading. The above mentioned representational
techniques can be achieved using the Mental Ray Contour Shader with
parameters located at both the levels of renderer and object's material.
Mental Ray contours can be enabled in the object's material using the material
editor's Mental Ray Connection/ Advanced Shaders.
Hidden line removal with Mental Ray is obtained enabling Contours under
Render Setup (F10), Renderer tab/ Camera Effects. Default shaders are
assigned in regards to the three components Contour Contrast, Contour Store
and Contour Output. Relevant parameters8 are:
Contour Contrast Function Levels parameters: Z Step Threshold, and Angle
Step Threshold are used to fine tune edge detection calculation. Parallel surfaces
with same material will not produce visible edges unless the distance between
the two surfaces is larger than the indicated threshold value. Reducing the value
of the threshold increases rendering time and the amount of memory required.
Depending on the camera angle, this approach also sometimes produces
artifacts on surfaces located at a small angle with the camera. As an alternative,
a technique can be used that involves the use of multiple materials. The setup
process in this case involves duplicating materials and a new material
assignment of problematic object, leading to reliable results.
Contour Store has no parameters.
Contour Output with three options: Contour Composite (used for composite
hidden line removal with photorealistic shading), Contour Only (used for hidden
line removal without shading) and Contour Post Script (to export contours to a
postscript file).
It is important to note here that hidden line removal is performed as a post-
production task, edges are derived from rendering's pixels, therefore it is
advisable to increase the resolution of the rendered image to increase the quality
of the contour lines.
Cellular shading can be obtained in several ways, the most straightforward one
being using the Ink 'n Paint material, which can provide also hidden line removal
although it is preferable to use MR contour shader for this purpose using Contour
Composite for the Contour Output shader.

8 In order to access the Contour Contrast and Contour Output parameters the user needs to drag and drop “as
instance” the button in the render settings into a sample slot of the material editor.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 8 Rendering with Mental Ray page 37
8.7 Rendering Output
Rendered images can be saved to external graphic files of various common
formats, some of these formats (TIF, TARGA and PNG) will support transparency
via alpha channel for subsequent image composition. The Output Size of
rendered images is defined using the number of pixels. With the use of a simple
equation, for a given print size and resolution, the user will be able to calculate
the required number of pixels to use in the Render Setup dialog, in the same
dialog Standard Output Size Ratios are also available. Time required to render
an image is proportional to the total number of pixels to be rendered.
Batch Render is a feature that allows the production of a series of renderings
from a list of defined cameras in the scene, automatically saving files of rendered
images. Scene States can be used when rendering the same scene using
different lighting, material assignment and exposure settings.
Network Rendering is a feature that allows using multiple computers as a
render farm for rendering animations or individual images, it involves specific
network configurations and it is often setup in collaboration with the network

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 8 Rendering with Mental Ray page 38
9 Introduction to MAXScript
MAXScript is the scripting language used within 3ds Max. It allows creation of custom
interface elements and execution of routines of commands for tasks that would
otherwise result into time consuming and repetitive activity. Routine procedures for
project schedules data and vector drawings extraction can be executed with the use of

9.1 MAXScript Tools

The MAXScript Listener is a small text box located in the lower portion of the
user interface (it can be opened into a larger standalone window via right click)
that allows typing statements and executing them selecting the corresponding
group of lines and pressing SHIFT+ENTER (or the numeric pad ENTER key).
The listener will then return values and any error messages.
The MacroRecorder is a tool that, when enabled, will record actions performed
by the user and display the corresponding Maxscript statements. It is a powerful
tool since it allows the user to visualize the syntax used for specific actions that
can be used when writing custom MAXScript files.
MAXScript files are written using the MAXScript Editor which is a built-in code
editor that provides syntax highlighting and other useful tools and resources.
MAXScript is a complex scripting language, well outside the scope of this
handbook, the advanced user is encouraged to research with more specialized

9.2 Example of Data Extraction Using MAXScript

We already learned about object properties in 2.2; in order to gather a list of
available properties for a given category of objects, in our case Awning Windows
AEC Design Elements, and assuming that one of these objects is present in the
scene, we can interrogate 3ds Max using the showProperties function with the
following statement via MAXScript Listener:
showProperties $AwningWindow001
after pressing SHIFT+ENTER the MAXScript Listener will return the following list
of object properties:
.height : float
.width : float
.depth : float
.Rail_Width : float
.Vertical_Frame_Width : float
.Number_of_Panels : integer
.Percent_Open : integer

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 9 Introduction to MAXScript page 39
.Frame_Thickness : float
.Generate_Mapping_Coords : boolean
.Glazing_Thickness : float
.Horizontal_Frame_Width : float
.realWorldMapSize : boolean
the user, based on the information provided and using the following statement,
can collect property values for all objects contained in the scene that have the
vertical frame width property (in our case the scene contains only two awning
windows, AwningWindow001 and AwningWindow002, with vertical frame width
respectively of 2” and 2.5”):
for o in geometry where hasproperty o "Vertical_Frame_Width" do format
"the frame width of % % is %\n" (classof o) o.name
MAXScript will return in response the following text:
the frame width of AwningWindow001 is 2.0
the frame width of AwningWindow002 is 2.5
Results can be exported into an external spreadsheet for further elaboration of a
project's window schedule.
Selecting the code in the MAXScript editor and dragging it into a toolbar creates
a macro button that can be used to execute the script at any time.

9.3 Available MAXScripts

The following is a list of scripts available online that, in the opinion of the author,
are effectively useful for architectural design:
DIMaster by Borislav “Bobo” Petrov – This script implements dimensioning
capabilities to 3ds Max Design.
Contour Creator, Optimize Spline, Refine Spline and Fuse n' Weld by Rab
Gordon SCRIPTS: MAXScripts that provide tools for generating contour lines
from terrain objects and advanced spline editing functions.
deconstructor by Marc Lorenz – This script cuts any object into a number of cubic
Populate:Terrain by Populate – This script generates terrains from contour lines.
In the opinion of the author this terrain utility is by far superior to the built-in
terrain compound object.
Neil Blevins's collection SOULBURNSCRIPTS formerly known as BlurScripts.
FerriArch's project “3ds Max as BIM” that implements Building Information
Modeling capabilities to 3ds Max.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 9 Introduction to MAXScript page 40
10 Building Modeling Exercise

10.1 Modeling Walls and Slabs

1. Start a new session of 3ds Max Design set the units to US Standard, Inches and activate Edged Faces on the
perspective viewport (F4).
2. Import the file Weissenhof_1stflplan.DWG, select layers A-SILL, A-SLAB and A-WALL.
3. Select the object “Layer:A-WALL” and apply the extrude modifier with value 9', select “Layer:A-SLAB” and
extrude by -1', select “Layer:A-SILL” and extrude by 3'.
4. Create a new Arch & Design material, select Matte Finish Template and change the Diffuse Color to white,
select all objects (Ctrl-A) and assign material to selected. Your model should look like Illustration 10.1.1

Illustration 10.1.1

5. Select the object “Layer:A-WALL” and Isolate Selection (Alt-Q), apply the Edit Poly modifier, enter the polygon
sub-object level, change Window/Crossing on window mode, using the top view select polygons at openings
dragging over the entire opening, repeat at all door openings using Ctrl to add to the selection

Illustration 10.1.2

use Slice Plane after moving the plane at a height of 6.5'

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 41
Illustration 10.1.3

set Window/Crossing to crossing mode, using the front view as shown in Illustration 10.1.4deselect (Alt button
to remove from the selection) the lower polygons of the walls

Illustration 10.1.4

cut walls polygons using midpoint snap as shown on Illustration 10.1.5

Illustration 10.1.5

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 42
switch to edge sub-object level and move the newly created edge using vertex snap and axis constraints as
shown on Illustration 10.1.6

Illustration 10.1.6

deselect polygon as shown in Illustration 10.1.7

Illustration 10.1.7

Illustration 10.1.8

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 43
repeat at the other 4 locations, invert the selection at two entry doors sidelites and under polygon sub-object
level apply bridge to all selected polygons as shown on Illustration 10.1.9

Illustration 10.1.9

under edge sub-object level select and remove (Backspace) all redundant edges

Illustration 10.1.10

check for polygons with shading artifacts and clear all smoothing groups where necessary as shown on
Illustration 10.1.11

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 44
Illustration 10.1.11

under polygon sub-object level move the two sidelites sills -3' on Z Axis, your model should now look like this:

Illustration 10.1.12

exit Isolate Selection (Alt-Q).

6. Using Shift-Move, Snaps and Z-Axis Constraint, clone the object “Layer:A-SILL” as instance

Illustration 10.1.13

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 45
7. Select all objects and create a Group as “1STFLOOR”
8. Import the file Weissenhof_2ndflplan.DWG, select the 3 imported objects using Select by Name and move +10'
on the Z Axis. Repeat steps 3-6, repeat step 7 but clone the object “Layer:A-SILL” as a copy, apply the Edit Poly
modifier to both objects, remove highlighted element from the clone and move the corresponding element from
the original object using snap to midpoint of the walls edge so it is placed between the windows as shown in
Illustration 10.1.14and Illustration 10.1.15

Illustration 10.1.14

Illustration 10.1.15

Group objects as “2NDFLOOR”.

9. Import Weissenhof_roofplan.DWG, move +20' on Z Axis and extrude walls by 9' and slab by -1', Select the
object “Layer:A-SILL”, Isolate Selection and extrude by 3', apply the Edit Poly modifier and modify the geometry
using cut polygons and move vertices; extrude polygons by 5' as shown in Illustration 10.1.16, move edges on
Z Axis by 6” as shown in Illustration 10.1.17, remove redundant edges, clone elements as shown in Illustration

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 46
Illustration 10.1.16

Illustration 10.1.17

Illustration 10.1.18

10. exit Isolate Selection, select the object “Layer:A-WALL”, under polygon sub-object level select the top polygons

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 47
of the columns as shown on Illustration 10.1.19and move them by -1' on the Z Axis

Illustration 10.1.19

create four rectangles on the A_SLAB layer as shown in Illustration 10.1.20

Illustration 10.1.20

extrude all rectangles by -1' and move the two slabs above the stairs by -4” on the Z Axis, assign the same
material, group objects as “ROOF”, your model should now look like Illustration 10.1.21

Illustration 10.1.21

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 48
10.2 Modeling Doors and Windows
1. Create two new layers: A-GLAZ and A-DOOR and make the A-GLAZ layer active. Select the group
FIRST_FLOOR and Isolate Selection (Alt+Q), zoom on the window opening and create a sliding window using
vertex and midpoint snaps as shown in Illustration 10.2.1, uncheck the Hung option in the modify panel under
Open Window

Illustration 10.2.1

clone the window as copy using Shift+Move and snap to vertex, create all remaining windows, use Fixed
Windows at entry doors sidelites.

Illustration 10.2.2

2. Make the A-DOOR layer active and create pivot doors at all locations, adjust the Width and Leaf Parameters
and move using snap to midpoint to fit the frame in the opening as shown in Illustration 10.2.3

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 49
Illustration 10.2.3

Illustration 10.2.4

3. Using the Layers Toolbar, Select Objects in Current Layer (A-DOOR), change active layer to A-GLAZ and,
holding Shift, again Select Objects in Current Layer adding all windows to the current selection, attach selected
objects (all doors and windows) to the 1STFLOOR group and exit Isolate Selection.
4. Under Units Setup change temporarily units to Decimal Inches, Select the 2NDFLOOR group and Isolate
Selection, zoom to the front elevation and use the Measure Distance tool to measure the width of the front
window opening as shown in Illustration 10.2.5

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 50
Illustration 10.2.5

open the Listener Window and copy the measured value

Illustration 10.2.6

create one large window for the entire opening as shown in Illustration 10.2.7

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 51
Illustration 10.2.7

edit the Width parameter using the Expression Evaluator (Ctrl+N), pasting the measurement value previously
copied divided by 5, move the window on the side of the opening as shown in Illustration 10.2.8 and clone as 4
copies using Shift+Move and snap to vertex as shown in Illustration 10.2.9

Illustration 10.2.8

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 52
Illustration 10.2.9

5. Complete windows and doors creation as shown in Illustration 10.2.10

Illustration 10.2.10

6. Attach windows and doors to the 2NDFLOOR group and exit Isolate Selection
7. Similarly as done at the lower floors, complete windows and doors creation at roof level. Your model should now
look like Illustration 10.2.11

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 53
Illustration 10.2.11

8. Create the layer A-STAIR and set it as the active layer. Isolate FIRST and SECOND floors and create a U-Type
Stair using snap to vertex, click on vertex number one, drag and release on vertex two then click and release on
vertex three and four as shown in Illustration 10.2.12: , Illustration 10.2.13: and Illustration 10.2.14:

Illustration 10.2.12:

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 54
Illustration 10.2.13:

Illustration 10.2.14:

select the stair, unisolate and isolate again, modify the type property of the stair to be Closed and create a
Circle using vertex snap as shown in Illustration 10.2.15:

Illustration 10.2.15:

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 55
apply Edit Spline and under Edge sub-object level Delete the two Segments as shown in Illustration 10.2.16:

Illustration 10.2.16:

Under Vertex sub-object level Connect the two vertices as shown in Illustration 10.2.17:

Illustration 10.2.17:

extrude the shape by -10”. Apply Edit Poly to the Stair object and under Element sub-object level Delete the
mezzanine and attach the extruded shape as shown in Illustration 10.2.18: and Illustration 10.2.19:

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 56
Illustration 10.2.18:

Illustration 10.2.19:

in the modifier stack select the UtypeStair Level and edit the Length 1 parameter to be 5'-11”, under element
sub-object level select both ramps and in the top view, using vertex snap move as shown in Illustration 10.2.20:

Illustration 10.2.20:

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 57
clone the stair as instance at the remaining three locations as shown in Illustration 10.2.21:

Illustration 10.2.21:

unisolate and, using the Front View, attach the stairs to the groups 1STFLOOR and 2NDFLOOR.

10.3 Materials
1. Open the Material Editor in Compact Mode, select one slot, rename the material to WHITE_PAINT, set the
material to be Arch & Design, select Matte Finish Template, edit the Diffuse Color using the following RGB
component values: R=G=B=0.85

Illustration 10.3.1:

2. Select another slot and set to Multi/Sub-Object and rename to A-SLAB. Drag and drop the slot of
WHITE_PAINT into the ID1 Sub-Material button and choose Instance as the Method.
3. Click on the ID2 Sub-Material button, choose Arch & Design, rename to FINISH_FLOOR, select Matte Finish
Template, edit the Diffuse Color using the following RGB component values: R=G=B=0.25
4. Using the layers toolbar set the active layer to be A-SLAB, Select Objects in Current Layer, Open Group, Isolate
Selection, apply Edit Poly modifier, under polygon sub-object level select all (Ctrl-A) and set the material ID to 1,
select all finish floor polygons and set the material ID to 2 as shown in Illustration 10.3.2: , exit sub-object level,
assign the A_SLAB layer to selected objects and unisolate.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 58
Illustration 10.3.2:

5. Set the active layer as A-WALL and Select Objects in Current Layer, set to A-SILL and, holding Shift Select
Objects in Current Layer, set to A-STAIR and holding Shift again Select Objects in Current Layer. Assign the
WHITE_PAINT material to Selected.
6. Select the First Floor's Walls, Isolate Selection and, under polygon Sub-Object Level select all polygons and
assign Material ID 1, select polygons as shown in Illustration 10.3.3: and assign the Material ID 2, select an
unused material slot, rename to 1STFLOOR_WALLS set to Multi/Sub-Object, drag and drop the WHITE_PAINT
material slot into the Material ID 1 button using Instance as the method. Set the Material ID 2 to be Arch &
Design, Glossy Finish Template, RGB components R=0.26 G=0 B=0 , under Reflection set both Reflectivity and
Glossines to 0.4 and the number of Glossy Samples to be 64.

Illustration 10.3.3:

7. Select an unused material slot, using the Material/Map Browser Options, Open Material Library, navigate to the
installation folder of 3ds Max Design and import the material library AecTemplates, double click on Door-
Template and discard old material. Set the active layer as A-DOOR and Select Objects in Current Layer and
assign the Door-Template Material to Selection. Repeat with windows using the Window-Template and close all
8. Edit the Door-Template and Window-Template materials to use Arch & Design Materials as the Sub-Materials.
Use Glossy Finish Template and R=G=B=0, under Reflection set both Reflectivity and Glossines to 0.4 and the
number of Glossy Samples to be 64 for window frames, and door frames and panels, drag and drop to clone as
instance the frame materials as shown in Illustration 10.3.5: . Use Glass (Solid Geometry) Template for the
windows glass.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 59
Illustration 10.3.4:

Illustration 10.3.5:

9. Create a new Arch & Design Material, Rename it to COLUMNS, use Glossy Finish Template, RGB components
R= 0.024 G= 0.024 B=0.196, under Reflection set both Reflectivity and Glossines to 0.4 and the number of
Glossy Samples to be 64. At the Element Sub-Object Level detach all Front columns from the three floors and
assign the COLUMNS material to all detached elements. Attach the columns objects to their relative floor group.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 60
Illustration 10.3.6:

Illustration 10.3.7:

Illustration 10.3.8:

10. Set all Arch & Design Materials used to use, under Special Effects, Ambient Occlusion with 64 samples and 12”
Max Distance.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 61
10.4 Cameras, Lighting Setup and Rendering
1. On a Top View, with the 0 Layer active, create a Daylight System as shown in Illustration 10.4.1: accepting all
Daylight System Creation and Mental Ray Sky Changes.

Illustration 10.4.1:

2. With the DaylightAssemblyHead selected, under Position, click on the Setup button and choose to use a
Weather Data File, Load the DEU_Munich.108660_IWEC.epw Weather Data File, Select a Time Period at July,
21, 1988; 9:00:00.
3. Select the Compass and rotate -80 degrees around Z the Axis.
4. In Perspective View, set the view to Realistic (Shift+F3), Illuminate with Scene Lights and Shadows.
5. Using Navigation shortcuts set the perspective view to be similar to what shown in Illustration 10.4.2:

Illustration 10.4.2:
6. Hit Ctrl+A to create a Camera from the view, in Top View right click on the camera and Apply the Camera
Correction Modifier.
7. Create a large cylinder with the WHITE_PAINT material under the first floor slab as shown in Illustration 10.4.3:
to catch the daylight to be reflected on the building, simulating the ground.

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 62
Illustration 10.4.3:

8. In the Rendering Setup Dialog, in the Renderer Panel, set the following Sampling Quality parameter values:
Samples per Pixel Minimum =1 and Maximum =16, for Filter Type use Mitchell Width =4 and Height =4. In the
Indirect Illumination Panel make sure Final Gathering is enabled and set the following parameter values: Initial
FG Point Density =1, Rays per FG Points =500, Diffuse Bounces =2. Finally push the Render button to render a
Daylight Simulation of Le Corbusier's House 14&15 at Weissenhoff.

Illustration 10.4.4:

NOTE: A Video Tutorial of this exercise is available on line at the following address:

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 63
Alphabetical Index
Adaptive Degradation.....................................6 Compound Objects.........................................9
AEC Design Elements..................................10 Compound Shapes.......................................16
AEC Materials...............................................26 Contour Post Script.......................................36
Ambient Occlusion........................................25 Contours.......................................................34
Arc rotate........................................................6 Convert Selections........................................17
Arch & Design Material.................................25 Copy.............................................................11
Archive............................................................8 Corner...........................................................15
Array.............................................................22 Create Shape From Selection......................17
Assets.............................................................4 Creation Plane................................................5
Assign Material.............................................24 Customize User Interface...............................7
Attach...........................................................17 Cutout map...................................................26
Attach/Detach Spline....................................16 Daylight System............................................29
Autogrid........................................................10 Default Lights................................................29
Axis Constraints............................................13 Delete (sub-object level)...............................17
Batch Render................................................37 Depth of Field.........................................31, 34
Bevel Modifier...............................................18 Derive AutoCAD Primitives by......................21
Bevel Profile Modifier....................................18 Diffuse Level.................................................25
Bezier...........................................................15 Direct Light...................................................34
Bezier-Corner...............................................15 Displacement Maps......................................26
Bitmaps.........................................................27 Displacement Modifier..................................19
Blend Material...............................................26 Divide Segment............................................16
Boolean..........................................................9 Edge.............................................................17
Boolean Spline.............................................16 Edit Poly Modifier..........................................19
Border...........................................................17 Edit Spline Modifier.......................................19
Bridge...........................................................17 Editable Poly.................................................16
Bump............................................................26 Editable Splines............................................15
Camera Correction Modifier..........................31 Element........................................................17
Camera Effects.............................................34 Emit Light from (Shape)................................30
Camera Match Utility....................................32 Environment Panel.......................................33
Camera Points..............................................32 Environment Settings....................................31
Cameras.......................................................31 Expert Mode...................................................7
Cap Border...................................................17 Exposure Control..........................................33
Chamfer (Edge)............................................17 Expression Techniques.................................23
Chamfer (Spline)..........................................15 Extend Spline...............................................16
Clipping Planes.............................................31 Extrude Modifier...........................................18
Clones..........................................................10 FG Precision Preset......................................34
Collapse........................................................23 Field of View.................................................31
Command Panel.............................................7 File Link Manager.........................................21

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 64
Fillet..............................................................15 Material IDs..................................................26
Filter Type.....................................................34 Material Library.............................................24
Free Light.....................................................29 Material Library Files....................................24
Geometric Patterns.......................................25 Material/Map Browser...................................24
Geometry Objects...........................................9 MAXScript Editor..........................................38
Get Material..................................................24 MAXScript Listener.......................................38
Gizmo...........................................................13 Measure Distance Tool.................................22
Global Tuning Parameters............................34 Measure Utility..............................................23
Glossy Reflections and Refractions..............34 Mental Ray Contour Shader.........................36
Glow.............................................................25 Mental Ray Proxies.......................................33
Grab Active Viewport......................................7 Mental Ray Renderer....................................33
Graphite Tools...............................................17 Mental Ray Sky Portal..................................30
Grids.........................................................5, 10 Merge...........................................................21
Groups..........................................................11 MeshSmooth................................................19
Helpers.........................................................10 Mirror............................................................22
Hidden Line Removal...................................36 Mirror Modifier..............................................22
Hotkeys...........................................................6 Mirror Spline.................................................16
Import...........................................................21 Modifier Stack.........................................15, 18
Indirect Illumination.......................................34 Modifiers.......................................................18
Indirect Light.................................................34 Motion Blur.............................................31, 34
Instance........................................................11 mr Photographic Exposure Control...............33
Isolate Tool.....................................................6 Multi-Pass Effects.........................................31
Isometric Views.............................................31 Multi/Sub-object Material..............................25
Layers...........................................................12 Named Selection Sets..................................12
Lens Size......................................................31 Network Rendering.......................................37
Light Meter....................................................35 Noise Modifier...............................................19
Light Shape Visible in Rendering..................30 Non-photorealistic Rendering.......................35
Lighting Analysis...........................................35 Normal..........................................................16
Line Object...................................................15 Normal Modifier............................................18
Local Reference System.................................5 Numeric Field...............................................23
Loop..............................................................17 Numerical Expression Evaluator...................23
MacroRecorder.............................................38 NURMS........................................................18
Make Unique.................................................11 Object Paint..................................................22
Manage Layers.............................................10 Object Properties....................................10, 38
Map Shadows...............................................30 Orthographic Projections..............................31
Mapping Coordinates....................................26 Outline Spline...............................................16
Maps.............................................................25 Output Size...................................................37
Mask.............................................................26 Pan.................................................................6
Material Editor..............................................24 Pan Viewport..................................................6

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 65
Parallax.........................................................31 Shape/Area Shadows...................................30
Parameter Editor............................................8 Shapemerge Objects......................................9
Parametric Objects.........................................8 Shapes...........................................................9
Photometric Lights........................................29 Shell Modifier................................................18
Physical Models............................................27 Show Safe Frame in Viewport......................32
Pivot Point......................................................5 Slice Modifier................................................19
Polygon.........................................................17 Slice plane....................................................17
Polymesh......................................................16 Smooth.........................................................15
ProBoolean.....................................................9 Snaps...........................................................14
Procedural Maps..........................................27 Snapshot Tool...............................................22
Quad menus...................................................7 Soft Selection...............................................17
Raytraced Shadows......................................30 Soft Shadows...............................................34
Reference.....................................................11 Spacing Tool.................................................22
Refine...........................................................15 Special Effects (Materials)............................25
Reflection Level............................................25 Spherical Diffuse...........................................29
Reflections/Refractions.................................34 Spline Sub-Object Level...............................16
Regathering..................................................34 STL Check Modifier........................................9
Remove........................................................17 Stock Lenses................................................31
Rename Objects...........................................12 Sub-object Level...........................................15
Rename Objects Tool...................................23 Sweep Modifier.............................................19
Render Preview............................................33 Tape Helper Object.......................................23
Render Setup...............................................33 Target Light...................................................29
Renderable Spline........................................16 Terrain...........................................................39
Rendering Output.........................................37 Texture Mapping...........................................26
Reset X-Form...............................................23 Tiles..............................................................27
Ring..............................................................17 Transform Type-in.........................................13
Round Corners.............................................25 Transforms....................................................13
Sample Slot..................................................24 Trim Spline....................................................16
Samples per Pixel.........................................34 Uniform Diffuse.............................................29
Sampling Quality..........................................34 Units Setup.....................................................5
Scale.............................................................14 Unwrap UVW Modifier..................................27
Scene States................................................37 UVW Map Modifier........................................26
Section Object..............................................10 Vertex...........................................................16
Segment.......................................................15 Viewports........................................................6
Selection Filters............................................12 Visual Styles...................................................6
Self-Illumination............................................25 Walk Tool........................................................6
Set Project Folder...........................................8 Walls.............................................................19
Shadow Samples..........................................30 Weather Data File.........................................29
Shadows.......................................................30 Weld Nearby Vertices...................................21

Autodesk® 3ds Max Design – The Designer's Handbook 10 Building Modeling Exercise page 66
Weld Vertices (Epoly)...................................16 X-ref................................................................8
Weld Vertices (Spline)..................................15 xView..............................................................9
Window/Crossing..........................................12 Zoom..............................................................6
World System.................................................5 Zoom Extents Selected...................................6

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