Research Sunday
Research Sunday
Research Sunday
1. Examination of issue in detail and depth: Qualitative research focus on detailing of any
issues. So, generally, research issues which are complex is examined under qualitative research.
2. Open Interview: The strength of qualitative research is open interview. Open interview is
one of the methods used for collecting information. Because of open interview, respondents
are able to share information without any prejudice.
3. Flexible Framework: In qualitative research, researcher used flexible research design.
Because of flexible research design, researcher can address any current information suitable for
4. Capture Human Behavior: Qualitative research is related to study of human
nature,culture,and behavior. it explains about the complexities of human which is not possible
by quantitative research.
5. Finding the complexities: Quantitative research just show the numeric data and facts about
the issues but qualitative research explains about the causes behind the issues .
6. Transferable: In qualitative research, datas are only collected through the certain event or
persons. So, the result obtained from qualitative research can be only transferable, it could not
be generalized.
Difference between Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research.
Bases of Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
Focus on reason behind any issue on explaining about any subject and
expecting the future
Purpose to develop theory by to explain existing theory and re-
understanding the issues. testing of theory
Participant pre- participant preparation is pre-participant preparation is not
preparation necessary. necessary.
useful for exploration or study of event useful for survey and practical
sample size is small large sample size is taken
Researcher researcher can use their view researcher can't use their decision.