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1-      Page. 84 Ex. A y B

Write each word or phrase from the box in the correct category above


Expensive watch

B Write three things vour country imports and three things your country
exports in your notebook. Share your ists Mith the class

My country imports My country exports

(buys from other countries (Sells to other countries

corn, wheat, oils cocoa, molasses, coffee

2-      Investigate how we can form the passive voice (present tense and past tense).

Passive Voice in the Present

To form the passive voice in the present, we use "is" or "are" (forms of the verb to be in
the present) and the participle ("done" in this case).

Passive Voice in the Past

To form the passive voice in the past, we use “was” or “were” (forms of the verb to be
in the past) and the participle.

3-      Write a list of 30 verbs (15 regular and 15 irregular with 3 forms: infinitive
form, past tense form and past participle form.
  15 Regular

Infinitive form Past tense form Past

Act Acted Acted
Add Added Added
Ask Asked Asked
Answer Answered Answered
Arrive Arrived Arrived
Cry Cried Cried
Dance Danced Danced
Dress Dressed Dressed
Die Died Died
Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed
Help Helped Helped
Clean Cleaned Cleaned
Call Called Called
Beg Begged Begged
Hope Hoped Hoped

15 Irregular

infinitive form past tense form past

Arise Arose Arisen
Awake Awoke Awoken
Bear Bore Borne
Beat Beat Beaten
Become Became Become
Begin Began Begun
Bend Bent Bent
Bet Bet Bet
Bid Bid Bid
Bind Bound Bound
Bite Bit Bitten
Bleed Bled Bled
Blow Blew Blown
Break Broke Broken
Arise Arose Brisen

4-      Pag. 85 ex. A, B, conversation A, translate into Spanish

A Complete the sentences in the paragraph withhe passive form of he verbs

in parentheses.

Luxury items are expensive for a reason. Expensive watches, for example, are
made (make) from precious metals such as silver or platinum. Beautiful jewelry
is produced (produce) by people, not by machines. Precious stones such as
diamonds and opals are separated (separate) from tonts of rock, and that
requires expensive machinery. Imported luxury items are brought (bring) in
form distant countries, so the cost of transportation adds to their expense. Finally,
a luxury item such as perfume is made (make) from special ingredients that can
only be found in a few places in the world.

B Match the luxury items to the actions

a) Are mined in several countries. b) is exported from East Asian countries.

c) Is sold in bottles. d) are found inside oysters. d) are used to make fur

1) Pearls d
2) Animal skins e
3) Silk b
4) Diamonds a
5) Perfume c

A) Close your book and listen to the conversation. Who made Elle’s
blouse? Women in a co-op
Sandra: That’s a beautiful blouse! Is it silk?
Ellen: No, it’s cotton, but it is soft like silk.
Sandra: I heard that the best cotton is grown in Egypt.
Ellen: Really? A lot of cotton is grown in India, too, but I don’t know which kind
is better
Sandra: Where was your blouse made?

Ellen: In Sri Lanka. It was made by women in a co-op. They work together to
make clothes. Then they are sold directly to the stores, and the women keep the
Sandra: That’s great!

Sandra: ¡Esa es una blusa hermosa! ¿Es seda?
Ellen: No, es algodón, pero es suave como la seda.
Sandra: Escuché que el mejor algodón se cultiva en Egipto.
Ellen: ¿En serio? También se cultiva mucho algodón en India, pero no sé qué tipo
es mejor
Sandra: ¿Dónde se hizo tu blusa?

Ellen: En Sri Lanka. Fue hecho por mujeres en una cooperativa. Trabajan
juntos para hacer ropa. Luego se venden directamente a las tiendas, y las
mujeres se quedan con las ganancias.
Sandra: ¡Eso es genial!

5-      Pag. 87 communication Ex. A

A) Writhe each item in the appropriate column. Use your own opinion

A computer a car furniture shoes clean water fresh fruit books

flowers money a telephone public parks the internet

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