606 Partnership Quizzer Lecture Part 2 30qpdf PDF Free
606 Partnership Quizzer Lecture Part 2 30qpdf PDF Free
606 Partnership Quizzer Lecture Part 2 30qpdf PDF Free
P40,000 from P. On December 15, 20XX, the D. Yes, because spouses cannot enter into a
partnership becomes insolvent leaving an particular partnership
obligation totaling P140,000 and partnership
assets amounting to P30,000. The creditors are 13. X, Y and Z were partners. X is an industrial
going after the separate properties of the partner. During the first year of operation, the
partners to satisfy their remaining claims. How firm realized a profit of P60,000. During the
are the creditors’ claims satisfied? second year, the firm sustained a loss of P30,000.
Answer 1 – M and N can go after the separate So, the net profit for the two years of operation
properties of A and B but C’s separate properties was only P30,000. In the articles of partnership, it
are not answerable to their claims. was agreed that X, the industrial partner, would
Answer 2 – O and P can go after the separate get 1/3 of the profit but would not share in the
properties of A, B and C. losses. How much will X, the industrial partner,
Which of the following is correct? get?
A. Both answers are wrong. A. X will get only P20,000 which is 1/3 of the
B. Answer 1 is wrong but answer 2 is correct. profit of the 1st year of operation
C. Both answers are correct. B. X will get only P10,000 which is 1/3 of the net
D. Answer 1 is correct but answer 2 is wrong. profit
10. A and B are capitalist partners with C as industrial C. X will get only P20,000 in the first year and
partner. A and B contributed P20,000 each to the none in the second year
capital of the partnership. A contractual liability D. X will share in the loss in the second year
of P50,000 was incurred by the partnership in
favor of X. The assets of the partnership have 14. A, B and C, capitalist partners, each contributed
been exhausted still leaving an unpaid liability of P30,000, P20,000 and P10,000, respectively and
P12,000. What are the rights and the obligation D, the industrial partner, contributed his services.
of the partners, if any? Suppose X, a customer, is the creditor of the firm
A. A, B and C are liable to X, and C after giving his to the amount of P180,000. How can X recover
share may ask reimbursement from A and B, the P180,000?
unless otherwise stipulated A. X must sue the firm and get P60,000 and X can
B. Only A and B are liable to X still recover the balance of P120,000 from the
C. Only C is liable to X four partners jointly (including D, the
D. A, B and C are liable to X and C has no right for industrial partner).
reimbursement from A and B unless expressly B. X can recover from the firm P60,000 and X can
stipulated still recover the balance of P120,000 from the
capitalist partners only.
11. Which of the following liabilities of the C. X can recover from the firm P60,000 and X can
partnership shall rank first in the order of still recover the balance of P120,000 from any
payment? of the partners solidarily.
A. Those owing to creditors other than the D. X can recover from the firm P60,000 and X can
partners consider the balance of P120,000 as a loss.
B. Those owing to partners in respect to profits
C. Those owing to partners in respect to capital 15. X, Y and Z are equal partners to XYZ Partnership.
D. Those owing to partners other than for capital A owes XYZ Partnership for P9,000. Z, a partner,
and profits collected from A P3,000 before X and Y received
anything. Z issued a receipt on the P3,000 as his
12. A limited partnership named “A, B and C Co. Ltd.” share of what A owes. When X and Y collected
Was formed on October 25, 20XX by A as general from A, A was insolvent.
partner and B and C as limited partners. A year A. Partner Z shall share the P3,000 with partners
later, A and B got married. Did the marriage X and Y
dissolve or put an end to the partnership? B. Z cannot be required to share with X and Y the
A. Yes, the partnership is dissolved by the P3,000
marriage because there is a change in equity C. X and Y would first exhaust all remedies to
among the partners collect from A
B. No, the marriage did not dissolve the D. X and Y can automatically deduct from the
partnership capital contribution of Z in the partnership
C. No, because spouses can enter into a their respective share in the P3,000
universal partnership
3|P age
their capital; 4. Partners with respect to their A. Dissolution or annulment of the partnership
profit contract
B. For A, C and D to get back their contribution
25. Three of the following are rights of a partner. C. For specific performance
Which one is not? D. Remedy not indicated
A. Right to associate another person to his share
B. Right to admit another partner 30. A partner in a partnership who is not really a
C. Right to inspect and copy partnership book partner, not being a party to the partnership
D. Right to ask dissolution of the firm at the agreement but is made liable as a partner for the
proper time protection of innocent third persons is known as
A. Secret partner
26. In the partnership of A, B and C, A was appointed B. Dormant partner
in the Articles of Co-Partnership as managing C. Nominal partner or partner by estoppel
partner. As such manager and acting in good D. Answer not given
A. His power is revocable even without his
B. His power can be revoked at any time even
without just cause provided that it is approved
by the partners owning the controlling
C. He may execute all acts of administration
despite the opposition of B and C
D. He can be removed for valid cause even
without the vote of the partners owning the
controlling interest