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Marvel Heroic RPG - Civil War - X-Men

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Structure of the Event Supplement.......XM02
After House of M...................................XM04 Caliban.....................................................XM64
Playing Mutants in the Civil War.......XM08 Cannonball.............................................XM66
The Xavier Institute.............................XM12
The X-Men...............................................XM14
Students and Trainees:
The New X-Men.................................XM15
The 198...................................................XM20
Emma Frost.............................................XM78
Office of National Emergency
Expanding Civil War: Scenes
with the Xavier Institute.................XM38
M ...............................................................XM86
Action: Field Trip with O*N*E............XM39
Action: 198 Breakout...........................XM41
Marvel Girl..............................................XM90
Action: Battle In Nevada......................XM43
X-Factor Investigations . ...................XM46 Micromax................................................XM94
M-Town after M-Day ...........................XM51 Multiple Man..........................................XM96
Expanding Civil War: Scenes with Mystique..................................................XM98
X-Factor Investigations...................XM52 Nightcrawler........................................XM100
Action: You Lied To Us!........................XM54 Omega Sentinel..................................XM102
To get the most out of this Civil War Rogue....................................................XM108
Event Supplement, you need the Civil War Sabra.....................................................XM110
Event Book and a copy of the Operations Sabretooth...........................................XM112
Manual (Included with the MARVEL HEROIC Shadowcat...........................................XM114
ROLEPLAYING Basic Game or Premium Shatterstar...........................................XM116
Edition Event Books). Siryn......................................................XM118
Strong Guy...........................................XM120

TM & © 2012 Marvel & Subs.

Margaret Weis Productions, the MWP Logo, Cortex System (and all derivatives), the Cortex Plus logo,
and the Heroic Roleplaying logo are trademarks of Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd.
Cortex Plus and Heroic Roleplaying system © 2012 Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd.

XM04 House of M

XM12 Xavier Institute

XM12 X-Factor
Based on
Civil War: X-Men by David
Hine & Yanick Paquette
X-Factor by Peter David &
Dennis Calero

Writing & Design

Joseph Blomquist
Judd Karlman
Jack Norris
Mark Meredith
Quinn Murphy
Dennis Twigg
and Aaron Sullivan

Cam Banks
Matthew Gandy
and Philippe-Antoine Ménard

John Adamus
Sally Christensen
and Amanda Valentine

Art Direction
Jeremy Keller

Daniel Solis

Graphic Design Concepts

John Harper

Cover & Interior Art

Marvel Bullpen
Supplements provide additional character
datafiles, story content, and background mate-
rial for Event Books. Each Supplement works in
tandem with the core Event Book to broaden
the play experience and give you, the Watcher,
and your players even more options and ideas.
This Event Supplement for the Civil War Event
Book focuses on many of the Marvel Universe’s
mutants. These superhumans have survived the
event known as M-Day only to face the spec-
ter of oppression and bigotry manifesting once
again within the US government. The X-Men
continue to do what they can in a world that
hates and fears them. X-Factor Investigations
operates out of the once-thriving neighbor-
hood of Mutant Town, a shadow of its former
self following M-Day. The Office of National
Emergency (O*N*E) is a government agency
tasked with overseeing mutant affairs and—in
this superhuman versus superhuman crisis—
keeping the remaining mutants out of trouble.
This Supplement builds primarily on the first
and second Acts of the Civil War Event, offering a
window into the mutant side of the conflict that
runs parallel to the unfolding Civil War.
Even if your Civil War Event didn’t turn out
the same as the comic book storyline, this Event
Supplement is packed with useful information
and datafiles for you to incorporate into your
game. From new hero datafiles to a large as-
sortment of Watcher characters—both heroic
and villainous—and dozens of story seeds and
background, this book can be a springboard for
an entirely original Event of your own, dealing
with the mutant perspective of one of Marvel’s
most contentious crossovers!

This book presents various teams and organizations for you
to use as you see fit. Each chapter serves as both an expansion
of the Civil War Sourcebook chapter of the Civil War Event Book
and as a supplement to the storyline presented in the three
Acts of that book.

XXThe Xavier Institute is what remains of Professor X’s dream,

a safe-haven for mutants transformed after M-Day into a tent
city guarded by Sentinels of the Office of National Emergency
(O*N*E). The base of operations for the X-Men, it continues
to serve as a school but also as refuge for the 198, including
many former villains. This chapter includes a series of Scenes
dealing with this tense environment.
XXX-Factor Investigations is a detective agency serving a
mutant-only clientele of Mutant Town, once a thriving neigh-
borhood in New York City that has, since M-Day, experienced
castatrophic loss. This chapter offers ways to play out Scenes
in Mutant Town that tie into the Civil War.
XXHeroic Datafiles includes thirty new characters ready to play,
including full game statistics and Milestones. This list includes
the members of the X-Men, X-Factor Investigations, and a
number of other mutant survivors of M-Day ready to incor-
porate into your Civil War storyline.


Introduction XM03

A fter an off the cuff comment from the Wasp triggered a repressed
memory of her lost children, Wanda Maximoff—the Scarlet Witch—
had a nervous breakdown; this unleashed her Chaos Magic power upon
the Avengers, resulting in the death of several team members and the
breakup of the legendary team.
Magneto recovered his daughter and brought her to Genosha to have
her shattered psyche rebuilt by the concerted efforts of Charles Xavier
and Doctor Strange. Unfortunately, the combined skills of Xavier and
Strange weren’t enough to help her. The pair held a meeting with the
Avengers and the X-Men to decide Wanda’s fate.
Eavesdropping on the conversation, Wanda’s brother Pietro, AKA
Quicksilver, assumed such talks would result in Wanda’s death. He
sped to Genosha to urge Magneto to save her life. Magneto remained
unsure of the best course of action. When the Avengers and X-Men
came to Genosha to check in on Wanda, everything went white.


After House of M XM05
The Avengers and X-Men found them- The shock of millions of mutants sud-
selves in a world where mutants were the denly powerless caused widespread panic.
dominant race, and Magneto’s family—the Eventually, most of the remaining mutants
House of Magnus—led mutantkind from were quarantined in a refugee camp on the
Genosha. Only two people remembered the grounds of the Xavier Institute. Many went
world as it was: Wolverine (now a S.H.I.E.L.D. there simply to escape renewed mutant per-
Agent), and a teenaged girl named Layla secution. Some mutants tried to find other
Miller. In this new world, most of the heroes methods of replicating or repairing their
found themselves living their greatest powers such as using stolen technology, vil-
dreams: Spider-Man was a media celebrity lain weaponry, or other more complicated
married to Gwen Stacy and Ms. Marvel was methods.
the world’s most famous super hero. Those harbored at the Xavier Institute
Layla Miller realized what was wrong with found “protection” in the guise of Sentinels
this new reality and discovered she could from the Office of National Emergency
unlock real-world memories by touching (O*N*E) much to the dismay of the Institute’s
others. During a meeting of world leaders, a leadership. In spite of that, O*N*E’s presence
group of heroes awakened by Layla stormed proved a boon in light of attacks from mutant
the House of Magnus to subdue Magneto, hating groups like the Sapien League.
thinking him responsible for breaking the As the events that lead to the Civil War oc-
world. In the fracas, Layla revealed that curred, the mutants mostly shut themselves
Quicksilver was to blame for the world- off from the outside world, dealing with their
changing events. Horrified by what his son very survival and the constant threat of a
had done in his name, Magneto killed Pietro hostile world.
on the spot. Wanda’s already fragile mind
broke completely.
Wanda used her powers to resurrect her
brother. In her hysteria the Scarlet Witch said
three words: “No more mutants!”
And the world went white again.

November 2nd. The world reverted back
to how it had been before the first change
with one significant difference: millions
of mutants lost their X-gene in an instant.
Magneto and Quicksilver were not among
them. Very few people knew about the
House of M events; the general populace
never knew why nearly every mutant seem-
ingly lost their powers at the same moment.
Initial estimates claimed that only 198 mu-
tants still retained their powers after M-Day.
Even though the true number may actually
be somewhat higher, this official statistic is
now an identifying group. The 198 are, for
better or worse, the public face of extinction.

After House of M XM07

The rise of Homo Superior once appeared inevitable.
However, the next stage in humanity’s evolution took one large
step backwards on M-Day, the day when the majority of mutants
lost their powers. Millions became hundreds—O*N*E currently
protects 198 documented fully powered mutants—and mutants
are on the brink of extinction.
It seems justifiable then that most mutants choose to remain
neutral in the Civil War, and those that don’t tend to side with
Pro-SHRA forces. Still, many mutants empathize with Anti-SHRA
heroes. No one knows what it is to be feared, hated, and shunned
more than mutants, but the few survivors of M-Day can’t afford
the bad publicity and physical risk. Fighting the rest of the world
isn’t an option a mutant takes lightly.
Or is it? Playing a mutant hero during the conflict means
you decide what risks you take. Though most other mutants
stay out of the fray, that doesn’t mean your hero has to. If your
entire group decides to play mutants, expect interesting debates
between characters as you decide what to do.
Some heroes could choose to side actively with Pro-
Registration forces to improve the image of mutants or to police
their own. That principled stand that you take in the public
might mean another mutant is targeted with a hate crime. A
miscalculation means mutants could die, and there are too few
left to risk that.
You don’t need to play it too grim—fun is always the goal—
but you should take note that the stakes for mutants in the
Civil War are even higher than for everyone else. No matter
which side wins, humanity will survive this war. Things are not
as certain for mutants.

Mutant heroes may choose from among these Milestones in
addition to those on their datafiles or those related to the Event.

Can I Join Yet?

You try really hard to show your mentors that you have the
stuff to be a contributing member of the team and hope someday
to become a veteran.
1 XP when you ask if you’re now a member of the X-Men or
you take advice from a veteran currently on the team.
3 XP when you either take stress alongside a veteran member
of the team or create an asset they can use in battle.
10 XP when you are either inducted as a full-fledged member
of an X-team or walk away from the X-Men to form you
own team of mutant freedom fighters.


Genocidal Robots
Your hatred of Sentinels transcends rational thought and
maybe even parallel universes. Nothing brings you more joy than
seeing one being turned into a useless pile of smoldering junk.
1 XP when you either discuss past battles with Sentinels or
make plans to destroy one now.
3 XP when you make an asset designed to destroy a Sentinel
or destroy a means of producing Sentinels.
10 XP when you either wipe out all 0*N*E Sentinels or put
yourself in mortal danger to save the life of a O*N*E
Sentinel pilot.

Disciple of X
Even if Professor X no longer is present, you strive to live by
his standards of tolerance and understanding as key to mutant
1 XP when you discuss non-violent means of opposing
3 XP when you create an asset that helps a mutant overcome
human oppression.
10 XP when you either pledge your life to non-violence as a
means of mutant survival or publicly disavow Xavier’s
teachings and seek another way to serve mutant-kind.

After House of M XM09

Never has being the paragon of mutanthood been so heavy a
mantle to wear. You are tasked to make the hard decisions and
choose difficult paths that will affect the future of your kind.
1 XP when you discuss past mutant battles and how they
relate to the conflict at hand.
3 XP when you create a battleplan as an asset for your fellow
mutants to use during an Action Scene.
10 XP when you either leave the mutant team to join a team
of predominantly non-mutant super heroes or gather a
group of mutants for a new purpose.


Academy Professor
Though decimated, there are still many young mutants that
need your help to understand and control their powers. You stand
on the shoulders of past teachers, trying to keep Charles Xavier’s
legacy alive.
1 XP when you relate the current situation to the subject you
teach at the Xavier Institute.
3 XP when you create an asset or resource during a Transition
Scene with some students.
10 XP when you graduate one or more mutants, having pre-
pared them to go out into the world or you resign your
professorship and leave the academy.

Mutant heroes playing this Event can spend XP to unlock
the following:
XX[5 XP/10 XP] Virtuous/Dangerous Mutant: An action you’ve
taken has made you a public face, giving you a reputation
either for heroism or villainy. Any mutant can spend 5 XP to
gain a fourth reputation-based Distinction until the end of
the next Act. For 10 XP, this Distinction lasts for the entirety
of the Event. Examples of such Distinctions are One Of The
Good Ones or Dangerous Mutant.
XX[5 XP] Desperate Evolution: For 5 XP any mutant can unlock
a temporary surge of energy for survival. Until the end of the
Scene the hero steps up any Stunt dice created with mutant
powers. This can be unlocked again once the Scene ends.
XX[10 XP] Mutant Messiah: 10 XP unlocks the hero’s influence
within the mutant community. Powerful mutant leaders know
who the character is and consider the character crucial to
mutant survival. The Watcher and player determine which
mutants take note of the hero. Once in an upcoming Scene, the
player can choose to either unlock one of those characters for
immediate use or the player can choose to have the mutant
arrive to take out one enemy and then leave the battle.
XX[10 XP] Agent of O*N*E: You’ve gained the trust of the Office of
National Emergency, who agree to let you “police your own.”
You gain access to the O*N*E informational network, person-
nel, and tech. Once per Act, you can call in a d10 resource to
assist you until the start of the next Transition Scene.

After House of M XM11


X avier Institute for Higher Learning could be the tomb of Professor

X’s dream. While the mansion remains unblemished, a Tent City
now occupies the grounds. O*N*E Sentinels patrol the Walls. Cyclops
agreed to O*N*E’s “protection,” but the agency’s involvement makes
the institute Feel Like A Prison instead of a refuge and place of learn-
ing for mutants.
To make matters worse, the situation forces the Institute to take in
all mutants, even those who would normally be disallowed, like vil-
lains. “Sanctuary for all” is a policy much better spoken and written
than implemented. Many mutants showing up have been enemies of
the X-Men at some point, while others are merely miscreants Looking
For Trouble.
Few mutants believe O*N*E wants to help. Deputy director Valerie
Cooper truly wants to protect the remaining mutants but her superi-
ors wouldn’t mind an incident to force the implementation of harsher
controls or punishments.
Complicating matters further is how boring life in the tent city is
for inhabitants. Mutants at Xavier Institute cannot leave voluntarily,
so there seems to be little to do but find trouble. The Institute is no
longer so much a place for mutant education as it is a Social Powder
Keg. You should emphasize tensions when introducing heroes to the
school. Let them overhear arguments that get a little too heated, or
witness unfriendly interactions between O*N*E and the 198. In this
environment, the wrong words or actions can cause a conflagration
that’s hard to contain.
If the heroes play X-Men or Institute staff, they can expect to get
pulled into mental and emotional conflicts regularly. Such conflicts
can easily bloom into full-fledged Scenes with repercussions that go
beyond the walls of the camp.


The Xavier Institute XM13
The X-Men officially declared themselves neutral during the
Civil War. They have agreed to let O*N*E protect and police the
198, which helps them protect mutants, but also leaves them
vulnerable to attacks from mutants who view that arrangement
as treacherous.
Cyclops deals with issues and problems from all angles. The
leader of the X-Men is no stranger to hard choices, but he clearly
dislikes compromising common sense for the sake of principle.
Allowing criminals and miscreants to wander the grounds rep-
resents the start of a long list of distasteful necessities Scott
Summers has approved.
Things aren’t easy between him and his girlfriend Emma
Frost. Emma pushes her team of New X-Men far too hard for
Scott’s liking. He’s not happy with her setting up free-for-all
battles to see which students will be included in the team or her
attempts to sneak de-powered students away from the campus.
Emma has never been one to go easy on students, but her mania-
cal need to push them is showing as many failures as successes.
Emma remains undeterred, knowing how much hate and how
many enemies her students must be prepared to fight.
Bishop is the team’s only active supporter of O*N*E. Believing
that mutants must police their own, he works most closely with
Val Cooper and her agency, acting as a liaison with other mu-
tants. If necessary, he’ll consider being a soldier.
The other X-Men are following Scott’s lead, making the best
out of a horrible situation. Beast, Archangel, Iceman, Shadowcat,
and Colossus each search for answers and ways to contribute
to the overall survival of mutants.

Playing as a member of the X-Men means you start out being
known to all the humans and mutants in the world. You represent
your race, and everyone looks to you for answers and direction.
Both sides in the Civil War want your support. How do you deal
with O*N*E? How has M-Day changed you?


STUDENTS AND Bigots don’t even want de-
powered mutants near them.
TRAINEES: THE NEW When Emma Frost attempts to
transport some of the de-pow-
X-MEN ered mutants out of the school
with a bus, she doesn’t know
Learn or die—those are the choices for students at the Xavier that it’s been rigged with bombs
Institute. Enemies of mutants are only emboldened by the deci- by Will Stryker and a misguided
mation of the race. Religious fanatics like William Stryker and Icarus. The explosion kills 42
his Purifiers look to finish “God’s work,” and the students of the former students. You can insert
X-Men are the best place to start, as these mutants can’t exploit this situation into an Act as a
or control their powers fully. major shakeup at any time or set
Emma’s New X-Men represent the best of the students, but it up as an Action or Transition
even they aren’t fully prepared for what they must face. They’ve Scene if you want to give the
been raised in a world where mutants once thrived and existed heroes a chance to prevent this
in great numbers, and were trained at a school where everyone tragedy.
was like them. Their training assumed they had time to learn
how to become one of the X-Men.
Emma pushes students to their limits and beyond because
she knows there’s no time. She forces her pupils to the battle-
field or the sidelines, with no middle ground. While Cyclops
bristles at her approach, he must admit Emma’s methods are
no more dangerous than those of their opposition.
The New X-Men aren’t necessarily the students with the
highest potential, but those ready to fight right now. Mercury,
Rockslide, Hellion, Elixir, Surge, and X-23 grow up quickly in
the face of events like the exploding bus (see No Escape) and
Stryker’s assault on the school.

Being one of the X-Men means having great power coupled
with the burden of protecting both humanity and your kind from
all dangers. Being a student or one of the New X-Men means
having the same burden, but with less power. Moreover, you’re
a constant target: the list of people looking to go head to head
with the X-Men is very small, but there are many who would
attack teenagers without full control of their powers. You have
limited protection in the Institute, but the entire world knows
where to find you. Maybe you need to escape the school to
survive, or you could always join the Anti-SHRA forces…

The Xavier Institute XM15

ARMOR Hisako Ichiki (secret)
Dutiful Student Hisako is a young mutant from


Japan, joining Xavier’s School in an
Buddy Heroic Ambition effort to learn how to better master
Team Technophile her powers. She is capable of generat-
ing incredible fields of energy to form
PSYCHIC EXO-ARMOR a protective shell around her body.
Power Sets

Her ability to keep calm under pres-

Superhuman Durability Superhuman Strength sure has assisted the X-Men time and
SFX: Ancestral Boost. Step up or double any Psychic time again.
Exo-Armor power for one action. If the action fails,
shutdown Psychic Exo-Armor. Spend a doom die to
recover that power.
SFX: Invulnerability. Spend a doom die to ignore physical
stress or trauma unless caused by light-based attacks.
SFX: Memory Surge. Use Armor’s current emotional stress
die as her effect die, then step up her emotional
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or
unconscious, shutdown Psychic Exo-Armor. Recover
that stress or wake up to recover Psychic Exo-Armor.
If emotional trauma is received, shutdown Psychic
Exo-Armor until trauma is recovered.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Combat Expert Science Expert

Tech Expert

ANOLE Victor Borkowski (secret)

Fledgling Actor Reptilian-looking Victor was quick-


ly shipped off to Xavier Institute for
Buddy One Big Arm his own safety when his mutation first
Team Put Me On The Team! manifested. There, he excelled and was
chosen for Northstar’s Alpha Squadron.
REPTILIAN As one of the few students remaining
Power Sets

after M-Day, Anole was hoping to be

Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Speed placed as a member of the new X-Men.
Enhanced Stamina Enhanced Strength To his disappointment, Emma Frost
didn’t select him, and he continues to
Invisibility Wallcrawling
train at the school. One of his arms is
SFX: Claws. Step back the highest die in an attack action much larger than the other after he lost
pool to add a d6 and step up physical stress inflicted. it and his powers restored the limb.
SFX: Self-Healing. Spend a doom die to recover Anole’s
physical stress or step back Anole’s physical trauma.
Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Reptilian power to step up
the lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6 doom
die. Activate an opportunity to recover that power.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Acrobatic Expert Combat Expert

Covert Expert


EMPATH Manuel Alfonso Rodrigo de la Rocha (secret)
Castilian Heritage Empath was one of the Hellions,

Emma Frost’s answer to the New Mu-
Buddy Communication Expert tants. He was one of the few members
Team I Know Already! of the team to survive the brutal attack
by Trevor Fitzroy. He then affiliated
EMOTIONAL CONTROL himself with the New Mutants and
Power Sets

began a romance with Magma. They

Mind Control Telepathy both left the New Mutants for a time,
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each addi- and Empath resurfaced as a Com-
tional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect munications Director for
die. X-Corps. His powers
SFX: Versatile. Replace Mind Control die with 2d8 or 3d6 survived the Decima-
on your next roll. tion, but he left the
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or X-Mansion because
unconscious, shutdown Emotional Control. Recover his relationship with
that stress or wake up to recover Emotional Control. Magma was on the
If mental trauma received, shutdown Emotional Con- rocks.
trol until trauma recovered.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Psych Master

GENTLE Nezhno Abidemi (secret)

Solo Proud Wakandan Nezhno is the son of a Russian


father and a Wakandan mother. He was

Buddy Spiritual sent to the Xavier Institute in hopes
Team This Will Kill Me Someday of learning how to keep his powers in
check. After his powers first emerged,
VIBRANIUM MIGHT his body was covered in Vibranium
Power Sets

metal in hopes of containing his mu-

Godlike Strength Growth tation. When his immense strength and
Superhuman Durability muscle growth occur, the Vibranium
SFX: Unleashed. Double a Vibranium Might power for one stretches and strains beneath his skin.
action. If the action fails, shutdown Vibranium Might. Someday, the Vibranium will fail, and
Spend a doom die to recover that power. he will likely die.
SFX: Unstoppable Force. Against a single target, double
Godlike Strength die. Remove the highest rolling
die and use three dice for the total.
SFX: Vibranium Tattoos. Spend a doom die to ignore
physical stress or trauma unless caused by mystical
Limit: Deadly Power. Step up physical stress or trauma to
step up the lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6
doom die.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Combat Expert

The Xavier Institute XM17

PIXIE Megan Gwynn (secret)
Emotional Raised by her grandparents in


Wales, Megan Gwynn was sent off to
Buddy Future Sorcerer Supreme? Xavier Institute after her powers man-
Team Mutant/Fairy Hybrid ifested during a car accident. Megan
worked under Wolfsbane’s instruc-
FAIRY TRAPPINGS tion until she left the school. She now
Power Sets

serves under Magma’s watchful eye.

Expert Sorcery Mind Control When 42 students were killed during a
Subsonic Flight terrorist attack, Megan’s friend DJ was
SFX: Hallucinogenic Dust. When using Mind Control to among the victims.
create illusion-based assets, add a d6 and step up
the effect die.
Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Fairy Trappings power to
step up the lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6
doom die. Activate an opportunity to recover that
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Mystic Expert

PRODIGY David Alleyne (secret)

Depowered Mutant


Buddy Genius Student
Team Junior Instructor

Business Master Cosmic Expert

Covert Expert Medical Master
Psych Expert Science Master
Tech Expert Vehicle Expert

When a vast majority of mutants lost their powers on M-Day,

David was one of them. Formerly capable of taking knowledge
of any subject from a nearby person’s head, he lost this in-
credible ability. The knowledge he previously knew, however,
remains within him, making him one of the greatest minds at
the X-Men’s disposal.


WOLF CUB Nicholas Gleason (secret)
Don’t Make Fun Of Me While most mutants’ powers de-

velop at puberty, Nicholas’s powers
Buddy Grrrr! appeared shortly after birth. After his
Team I’m Not A Kid! parents’ deaths, anti-mutant assassins
attempted to hunt him down. He found
WOLF-MAN refuge in Xavier Institute, as well as a
Power Sets

new purpose. He was urged to join a

Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Stamina werewolf pack by Maximus Lobo, their
Enhanced Strength Superhuman Senses leader, but instead chose to remain
SFX: Berserk. Add a doom die to your next attack action. with the X-Men, to learn to control his
After your action, step up the doom die and return abilities.
it to the doom pool.
SFX: Claws & Fangs. Step back the highest die in your
attack action pool to add a d6 and step up physical
stress inflicted.
Limit: Fit of Rage. Change any WOLF-MAN power into a
complication to step up the lowest die in the doom
pool or add a d6 doom die. Activate an opportunity
or remove the complication to recover that power.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tions or tech, earn 1 pp.

Combat Expert

The Xavier Institute XM19

THE 198
Not every mutant is Alpha or Omega class, ready to do battle
with the world. 50% of the mutant population before M-Day
were Delta class mutants with relatively minor powers and abili-
ties. Furthermore, not every mutant wants to save the world.
Many mutants are given to criminality just like humans are.
Most of the 198 mutants tracked and documented by O*N*E fit
into one of these categories, not to mention those that O*N*E
isn’t aware of yet.
As these mutants discover how hostile the outside world is,
they seek sanctuary at Xavier Institute. Once there, they find
they can’t voluntarily leave. To some, this community is begin-
ning to feel like an internment camp. Conditions aren’t bad, but
the mixture of strained relationships, boredom, and distrust
makes the tent city a tense place to be.

ALCHEMY Thomas Jones (secret)

Diligent Student An international troll consortium


forced Alchemy to create massive
Buddy Reluctant Hero amounts of gold to destabilize Earth’s
Team Troll Slayer economy and return the world to an
age where trolls reigned supreme. X-
MUTANT ALCHEMIST Factor saved him and offered
Power Sets

training, but he preferred

Transmutation to study science to in-
SFX: Versatile. Replace Transmutation die with 2d8 or 3d6 crease the flexibility of
on your next roll. his powers. When the
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or trolls struck again, Al-
unconscious, shutdown Mutant Alchemist. Recover chemy aided in
that stress or wake up to recover Mutant Alchemist. foiling them and
If mental trauma is received, shutdown Mutant Al- demonstrated
chemist until trauma recovered. the ability to
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica- revert those
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool turned to
or add a d6 doom die. gold back
to normal.

Medical Expert Science Expert


ARCLIGHT Philippa Sontag (secret)
Anger Issues Philippa Sontag was a U.S. Peace-

keeper in Asia with a bodybuilding
Buddy Cloned Marauder hobby. Her time in Asia enraged her
Team Former Soldier and fueled her mutant powers. She
joined Mr. Sinister’s team of Maurad-
SEISMIC MUTANT ers responsible for the massacre of the
Power Sets

Morlocks. Arclight died, but Mr. Sinis-

Enhanced Stamina Seismic Blast ter saved her DNA and brought back
Superhuman Durability Superhuman Strength her clones again and again. She was
SFX: Power Punch. Include both Seismic Mutant and Su- last active as a part of the Femizons, a
perhuman Strength in the same attack action at no mercenary team comprised entirely of
additional cost. Remove the highest rolling die and women, but has reunited with some of
step up physical stress inflicted. the Mauraders after the Decimation.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Combat Expert Covert Expert

Menace Expert


Morlock Beautiful Dreamer was an original


Morlock. Her fellow Morlocks per-
Buddy Smoke & Mirrors suaded her to use her hallucinatory
Team Unscrupulous smoke powers to brainwash Power
Pack into believing that the Morlocks
DREAM SMOKE were their parents. The X-Men inter-
Power Sets

ceded and stopped them. Dreamer sur-

Mind Control vived the Mutant Massacre
SFX: Hallucinations. When inflicting an identity-based and spent a time with
complication on a target, add a d6 and step up the the original X-Factor
effect die. before seemingly
SFX: Versatile. Replace Mind Control die with 2d8 or 3d6 dying at the hands
on your next roll. of Mikhail Rasputin.
Limit: Smoked Out. Shutdown Dream Smoke to step up the However, O*N*E re-
lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6 doom die. ports indicate that
Spend a doom die to recover Dream Smoke. not only did Beau-
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica- tiful Dreamer sur-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool vive the incident,
or add a d6 doom die. but she also
retained her
powers after

Psych Expert M-Day.

The Xavier Institute XM21

COLLECTIVE MAN Han, Chang, Lin, Sun and Ho Tao-Yu (public)
China’s Hero Collective Man is actually a set

of five brothers that can combine
Buddy Five Become One themselves. They have been sub-
Team Might Of A Nation ject to numerous plots because of
their powers’ unique collectivist
COLLECTIVE MUTANT nature. At times, they have dem-
Power Sets

onstrated the ability to turn others

Enhanced Durability Enhanced Reflexes into members of their collective and
Enhanced Speed Enhanced Strength draw upon the strength
and knowledge of all
of China’s people.
SFX: Collective Knowledge. Spend a doom die to gain a Spe- They retained mutant
cialty at Expert level for the remainder of the Scene. powers after
SFX: Plenty More of Me. Spend a doom die to ignore physical the Decima-
stress or trauma unless caused by an area attack. tion, but
SFX: Strength of One Billion. Step up or double Enhanced have yet to
Strength for an action, then take the second-highest make their
rolling die from that action as mental stress. intentions
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or or aims
unconscious, shutdown Collective Mutant. Recover known.
that stress or wake up to recover Collective Mutant. If
mental trauma received, shutdown Collective Mutant
until trauma recovered. When Collective Mutant is
shutdown, Collective Man reverts to the five brothers
and their Affiliations are all single dice.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complication
or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool or add
a d6 doom die.
Limit: Quintuplet. Collective Man has Affiliations like a Large-
Scale Threat and is treated as such. Each d10 or greater
stress inflicted removes a die from Solo Affiliation. He
only uses his Buddy or Team Affiliations when paired up
with other Large-Scale Threats.

Combat Expert


DIAMOND LIL Lillian Crawley (secret)
Canadian Hero Diamond Lil has a mutant power

that protects her body. She has been
Buddy Limited Sense Of Touch a member of many Canadian super-
Team Unusual Marriage teams. She met, fell in love, and even-
tually married the fellow Canadian op-
DIAMOND BIO-FIELD erative and mutant inventor Madison
Power Sets

Jeffries. They were an

Superhuman Durability odd couple: Jeffries’
SFX: Invulnerability. Spend a doom die to ignore physical mutant powers
stress or trauma unless caused by a laser. makes him eccen-
SFX: Versatile. Replace Superhuman Durability die with tric and lack em-
2d8 or 3d6 on your next roll. pathy, while Lil
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica- has trouble
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool physically
or add a d6 doom die. feeling

Combat Expert Crime Expert

ERG Unknown
Eye Patch Erg possesses the power to absorb


energy around him and redirect it as
Buddy Morlock a powerful attack through one of his
Team Two-Bit Thug eyes. He was a longtime member of the
Morlocks and present for the Mutant
AMBIENT ENERGY MUTATION Massacre. He survived and spent time
Power Sets

as a member of various New York City

Electric Blast Enhanced Durability gangs, where he developed a record of
SFX: Absorption. On a successful reaction against an petty crimes. Erg’s powers survived the
energy- or kinetic-based attack action, convert op- M-Day Decimation.
ponent’s effect die into an Ambient Energy Mutation
stunt or step up an Ambient Energy Mutation power
until used in an action. If opponent’s action succeeds,
spend a doom die to use this SFX.
SFX: Burst. Against a single target, step up or double BLAST
die. Remove the highest rolling die and use three dice
for the total.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Combat Expert

The Xavier Institute XM23

Solo Body Of Flame When Fever Pitch’s powers first

manifested, they burned away all of
Buddy Nothing But Bones his body, leaving him living flame held
Team Unpredictable together by nothing but his bones.
He was employed by the Dark Beast
ORGANIC FLAME COMPOSITION against Generation X and later clashed
Power Sets

with X-Corps in Paris. His capture and

Fire Blast Flight subsequent mind control by a cell of
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each addi- mutants who wanted to strike fear in
tional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect humanity led directly to X-Corps dis-
die. banding. Fever Pitch’s powers survived
SFX: Immunity. Spend a doom die to ignore stress, trauma, the M-Day Decimation.
or complications from fire- and heat-based attacks.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.
Limit: Uncontrollable. Change any Organic Flame Composi-
tion power into a complication to step up the lowest
die in the doom pool or add a d6 doom die. Activate
an opportunity or remove the complication to recover
that power.

Combat Expert Menace Expert

JAZZ John Arthur Zander (public)

Bad Rapper


Buddy Drug Runner
Team Just Blue Skin

Crime Expert

While his father enjoyed a mutation that made him im-

pervious to harm, John Arthur Zander was a mutant with no
discernable powers but for his blue skin. He made a living in
Mutant Town as a small-time criminal dealing in the secretions
of another mutant to the community. He pursued a hopeless
rap career. His powers, meager as they may be, survived the


No Control Johnny Dee claims not to be a

mutant, but that doesn’t explain the
Buddy Not A Mutant hideous, sentient, tentacled maw in
Team Unsettling Appearance his chest. When given a person’s ge-
netic material, it creates a tiny doll-like
THE FREAK homunculus that may be used to ma-
Power Sets

nipulate, maim, or even kill the doll’s

Mind Control genetic inspiration. The maw, which
SFX: Never Alone. Johnny and his sentient maw count as Johnny calls the Freak, seems to exist
two separate individuals, so when The Freak is active, separately from Johnny to the point
Johnny always uses the Buddy Affiliation. that they do not feel each other’s pains
SFX: Versatile. Replace Mind Control die with 2d10 or or know each other’s thoughts.
3d8 on your next roll.
Limit: Genetic Requirements. Shutdown a The Freak power
to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or add a
d6 doom die. Spend a doom die to recover that power.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Menace Master Psych Master

LEECH Unknown
Child Leech’s inhuman green appear-


ance and unusual powers manifested
Buddy Little Green Morlock in early childhood. His parents aban-
Team Vulnerable doned him; the Morlocks raised him.
When Mr. Sinister’s Marauders initiat-
POWER SUPPRESSION ed the Mutant Massacre of his people,
Power Sets

Leech was one of the few to escape. He

Leech lived alongside the original X-Factor
SFX: Power Void. When creating Power Loss complica- for a time. His powers made him sub-
tions on multiple targets, add a d8 for each additional ject to numerous abduction attempts.
target, keep an additional effect die for each target, Most recently Weapon X abused his
and step up each effect die used for a Power Loss unique powers, but at some point he
complication. escaped, his powers intact after the
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica- Decimation.
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.
Limit: Innocent. Step up emotional stress caused by preying
on Leech’s childish nature to step up the lowest die
in the doom pool or add a d6 doom die.

Mystic Expert

The Xavier Institute XM25

LORELEI TRAVIS Lorelei Travis (public)
Exotic Dancer Lorelei Travis was a stripper at

Wildkat Club in Mutant Town. She used
Buddy Mutant Town Refugee her powers and looks to great effect for
Team Stubborn Survivor raucous crowds of rival gangs, bigots,
and thugs. She survived a bombing at
PREHENSILE HAIR the club with minor injuries. Having
Power Sets

kept her powers after M-Day, she was

Stretching attacked by anti-mutant bigots, only to
SFX: Whiplash. On a successful reaction against a close- be saved and escorted by Toad to the
combat attack action, inflict physical stress with the safety of the Xavier Mansion.
effect die. Spend a doom die to step it up.
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or
unconscious, shutdown Prehensile Hair. Recover
that stress or wake up to recover Prehensile Hair. If
Menta trauma received, shutdown Prehensile Hair
until trauma recovered.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Acrobatics Expert Psych Expert

MAMMOMAX Maximus Jensen (secret)

Elephant Man Mammomax has the body of a


human-elephant hybrid, granting him
Buddy Ex-Bad Guy enhanced physical prowess. He was a
Team Power Breeds Respect member of the Exodus-led Brother-
hood of Evil Mutants. The X-Men de-
MAMMOTH MUTANT feated the newest Brotherhood with
Power Sets

little difficulty, but they escaped. A

Acid Blast Superhuman Durability second attack on the Xavier Institute
Superhuman Strength caused Mammomax to disappear
SFX: Berserk. Add a doom die to an attack action. After into a black hole. The group’s defeats
that action, step back the doom die and return it to prompted Mammomax to express
the doom pool. disappointment in the power of his
SFX: Tusks. Step back the highest die in an attack action allies. He retained his powers after
pool to add a d6 and step up physical stress inflicted. Decimation.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Combat Expert Menace Expert


MR. M Absolom Zebardyn Mercator (secret)
Belgian Heritage Born in Belgium, Mr. M moved to

Mutant Town where he used his Ome-
Buddy Loner ga-level mutant powers sparingly to
Team Wary eke out a living. He had few friends
and did not seek out human or mutant
MOLECULAR MANIPULATION contact. His abilities allow him almost
Power Sets

godlike control over ambient energy

Intangibility Superhuman Durability and matter. After being tangled up in
Transmutation the machinations of Mutant Town, Mr.
SFX: Healing. Add Transmutation to a dice pool when M considered destroying the entire
helping others recover stress. Spend a doom die to area. No one doubted he had the
recover Mr. M’s or another’s physical stress or step power to do so. His powers survived
back Mr. M’s own or another’s physical trauma. M-Day.
SFX: Power Augmentation. Spend a die from the doom pool Note: Mr. M is exceptionally pow-
to step up or double another character’s power trait erful, and relies heavily on the doom
until the end of the Scene. pool for many of his more extravagant
uses of power. However, he should be
SFX: Terrible Power. When using Transmutation to create
played as a pacifist for the most part,
complications against multiple targets, replace Mr.
only exercising his full strength when
M’s Affiliation die with the doom pool and keep an
driven to it by aggressive heroes or
additional effect die for each target.
SFX: Wonderful Things. When using Transmutation to
create assets for multiple targets, add a d6 for each
additional target, keep an additional effect die for
each target, and step up each effect die used for an
Limit: Growing Dread. If a pool includes a Molecular Ma-
nipulation power, both 1s and 2s on those dice count
as opportunities, but only 1s are excluded from being
used for totals or effect dice.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Medical Master Psych Expert

Science Master Tech Master

The Xavier Institute XM27

OUTLAW Inez Temple (secret)
Agency X Alumni Outlaw grew up being teased

for her mutant powers. Despite her
Buddy Cowgirl powers, she often prefers to rely on
Team Merc Lookin’ For Work her guns in a fight. She entered the
mercenary world as a bodyguard and
COWGIRL ARSENAL became acquainted with Deadpool.
Power Sets

She believed him dead and worked

Guns Lasso alongside Agent X, whom she suspect-
SFX: Two-Guns. Step back the highest die in an attack ed was Deadpool, but was convinced
action pool including GUNS to add a d6 and step up otherwise. She aided in the founding
physical stress inflicted. of Agency X before fading out of the
Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Cowgirl Arsenal power to step up mercenary group. Her powers survived
the lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6 doom the Decimation.
die. Spend a doom die to recover that power.

Enhanced Strength Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Stamina
SFX: Second Wind. Spend a doom die to recover physical
stress of an equal die size.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Combat Expert Covert Expert

PEEPERS Peter Quinn (secret)

Looking For A Home Peepers was a member of a failed


incarnation of the Brotherhood of Evil
Buddy Stuttering Speech Mutants. Abandoned by Magneto, the
Team Unusual Appearance team changed names and worked for
different villainous employers, such
MUTANT EYES as Mandril and Red Skull. Peepers
Power Sets

served as team leader and planner

Enhanced Senses Eye Blasts until a replacement Captain America
SFX: Versatile. Replace Enhanced Senses die with 2d8 or electrocuted and nearly killed him, di-
3d6 on your next roll. minishing his intellect and giving him
Limit: Eyes Wide Shut. Step up mental stress from over- a pronounced stutter. Peepers’ powers
whelming visual stimulus to step up the lowest die persisted after M-Day.
in the doom pool or add a d6 doom die.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Combat Expert Covert Expert


SACK Unknown
Bag O’ Bones Sack is a Morlock who survived the

Mutant Massacre. He has a gelatinous
Buddy Morlock body that surrounds a skeleton, and
Team Revenge For The Massacre is able to control those with whom he
is in physical contact. Russian mutant
GELATINOUS MUTATION Mikhail Rasputin took Sack to an al-
Power Sets

ternate dimension where time passed

Enhanced Durability Mind Control faster. Sack, along with many other
Stretching next-generation Morlocks, returned
SFX: Immunity. Spend a doom die to ignore stress, trauma, as the group Gene Nation on the anni-
or complications from blunt trauma. versary of the Mutant Massacre, to gain
Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Gelatinous Mutation revenge on humanity for allowing it to
power to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or occur. The X-Men thwarted his group’s
add a d6 doom die. Activate an opportunity to recover efforts. He retained his powers after M
that power. Day and is now one of the 198.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica-
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Combat Expert Psych Expert

SCALPHUNTER John Greycrow (secret)

Solo Marauder Clone John Greycrow was a U.S. soldier


executed for war crimes during World

Buddy Native American Heritage War 2. He led the Marauders during the
Team Older Than He Looks Mutant Massacre and has led each in-
carnation since then. When his potent
MUTANT PHYSIOLOGY healing factor lets him down, Mr. Sin-
Power Sets

ister simply clones a new version of

Superhuman Senses Superhuman Stamina him. He also can reassemble and re-
SFX: Healing Factor. Spend a die from the doom pool to configure technology into any manner
recover Scalphunter’s physical stress and step back he sees fit. Scalphunter’s powers sur-
Scalphunter’s physical trauma. vived the Decimation, but considering
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica- his past, his loyalties always remain in
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool question.
or add a d6 doom die.

Advanced Weaponry Technology Mastery
SFX: Weapon Upgrades. When using a Technoformation
power to create assets, add a d6 and step up the
effect die.
Limit: Jury-Rigged. Shutdown a Technoformation power to
step up the lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6
doom die. Spend a doom die to recover that power.

Combat Expert Tech Master

The Xavier Institute XM29

SKIDS Sally Blevins (secret)
Abusive Upbringing Sally Blevins’ father

abused her until her
Buddy Strong-Willed powers manifested and
Team Tragedy Magnet gave her the courage to
run away. She encoun-
MUTANT ANTI-FRICTION FIELD tered, and later dated,
Power Sets

the pyrokinetic mutant

Enhanced Speed Superhuman Durability Rusty Collins. Skids lived
SFX: Reactive Power. Spend a doom die to add a Mutant amongst the Morlocks,
Anti-Friction Field power to another character’s dice was tutored by X-Factor,
pool before they roll a reaction. If that character takes and befriended the New
physical stress, take d6 mental stress. Mutants. The Acolytes
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or abducted her, and both
unconscious, shutdown Mutant Anti-Friction Field. the Mutant Liberation
Recover that stress or wake up to recover Mutant Front and Latverian
Anti-Friction Field. If mental trauma received, sorceresses impris-
shutdown Mutant Anti-Friction Field until trauma oned her at different
recovered. times. She has fought
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica- against the X-Men
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool and their allies, but
or add a d6 doom die. most recently she
was part of X-Cor-
poration. Her powers

Combat Expert Psych Expert survived M-Day.

TOAD Mortimer Toynbee (secret)

Solo Cunning Toad’s inhuman appearance has


doomed him to abuse and neglect for

Buddy Not A Hero as long as he can remember. He joined
Team Rejected By Humanity Magneto’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
as a sycophant and lapdog, but Mag-
TOAD MUTATION neto’s increasingly poor treatment of
Power Sets

Toad caused him to abandon Magneto.

Amphibian Control Enhanced Reflexes Toad’s intellect grew and his dark per-
Enhanced Strength Leaping sonality traits were revealed to be a
result of a chemical imbalance. He
has regulated this issue
SFX: Tongue. When inflicting a restraint complication on with some success.
a target using Stretching, add a d6 and step up the He is not a hero, but
effect die. his path has evolved
SFX: Multipower. Add more than one Toad Mutation power from his days
die to a pool. Step back each Toad Mutation power in the Brother-
die in that pool once for each die beyond the first. hood. He re-
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complica- tained his
tion or tech, step up the lowest die in the doom pool powers after
or add a d6 doom die. M-Day.
Limit: Vulnerability. Step up emotional stress from low self-
esteem to step up the lowest die in the doom pool
or add a d6 doom die.

Acrobatics Master Combat Expert

Tech Expert


The Xavier Institute XM31
After years as a government liaison to the mutant race and be-
lieving that groups like the Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Avengers
couldn’t always be relied upon in a crisis, Valerie Cooper pro-
posed a government initiative to deal with the mutant situa-
tion. Her strategy, the Office of National Emergency, retooled
the mothballed Sentinel robots from the long defunct Project:
Wideawake into manned Sentinels designed by Tony Stark
and fashioned with a mix of Stark technology and S.H.I.E.L.D.
Pilot candidates in the new O*N*E Sentinel Program were
selected to have more sympathetic attitudes regarding mu-
tantkind than their robotic predecessors. They all consisted of
loyal American soldiers used to military structure. As part of her
agreement with Tony Stark, Cooper hired James Rhodes, AKA
War Machine, to act as both trainer and initial field commander.
Rhodes staffed the Office of National Emergency with a mix of
Sentinel pilots and regular military forces under the leadership
of decorated 31-year veteran General Demetrius Lazer.
While missions often send O*N*E forces abroad, the enor-
mous reduction in mutant numbers in the wake of M-Day has
led to the stationing of O*N*E troops and Sentinels as semi-
permanent guards outside the camp on the grounds of the
Xavier Institute. As expected, the idea of Sentinels showing
up on school grounds has met with substantial resistance from
the X-Men.
Hostilities ceased when the X-Men’s resident telepath, Emma
Frost, discovered human pilots within the Sentinel frames. In
the aftermath of the fight, Valerie Cooper convinced Cyclops
that having O*N*E’s assistance in protecting the remaining mu-
tants from enemies is a wise decision, despite the presence of
hated Sentinels. Of course, O*N*E is also stationed at the Xavier
Institute to protect the world from the mutants in case they
stage some kind of mutant revolt.


Sentinel Squad O*N*E was formed as the primary military
division of the Office of National Emergency. Despite some
setbacks in a skirmish against HYDRA that resulted in an injured
senator, and a disastrous mission in the Savage Land that cost
the lives of several pilots, Sentinel Squad O*N*E proved their
mettle on missions such as combating Cassandra Nova and her
Sentinels in Ecuador and even teaming up with the X-Men to
face some of their more powerful foes.
Compared to previous Sentinel models, the O*N*E Sentinel
Armor Suits are far larger, standing nearly 100 feet tall and
weighing an average of 200 tons. Like earlier Sentinels, the
Sentinel Armor Suits have pulsar blasters mounted in the hands,
eyes, and chest, and can counteract powers displayed by their
enemies. However, the new machines are constructed of a steel
and fiberglass combination specially designed by Reed Richards
and equipped with S.H.I.E.L.D weapons like sonic blasters, mis-
siles, non-lethal nets, and smoke bombs.
Stark designed a series of variant suits alongside the stan-
dard O*N*E Sentinel Armor Suit to serve specific field needs. The
Brawler Sentinel has enhanced strength and Adamantium armor
plating to make it more effective in close-quarter combat. The
Recon Sentinel has an upgraded sensor suite and can hack into
local public and private networks. The Stealth Sentinel has a
cloaking device and sound dampeners that render it completely
invisible and silent despite its immense size. And finally,
the Torch Sentinel is armed with flamethrowers and a
shoulder cannon to combat ground troops.

Playing as a member Sentinel Squad
O*N*E—whether you’re human or mutant—
means you have substantial power at your
fingertips. Your duty is to police and protect
the mutants at the Xavier Institute from en-
emies within and without. Despite the expected
separation between the mutants at the school
and O*N*E, it’s difficult to avoid forming alliances
and even friendships with those you’re charged to
protect. In that case, what would you do if some of your
friends decided to escape? What do you do if there are
groups that want to make some of the less savory mutants
at Xavier’s pay for their crimes?

The Xavier Institute XM33

WAR MACHINE James Rhodes (public)
Enforcing A Little Coexistence

Buddy No-Nonsense Leader
Team Semper Fi


Power Sets

James Rhodes was given the

Autocannon Growth chance to hang up the War Machine
armor for a while and take on the role
Superhuman Strength Superhuman Durability of direct commanding officer and
Pulsar Beams Enhanced Senses combat instructor for Sentinel Squad
O*N*E. As leader of O*N*E, he defends
Supersonic Flight
the surviving mutants after the real-
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each addi- ity-altering powers of Scarlet Witch
tional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect depowered nearly all homo superior
die. in the world. While he can be a seri-
SFX: Burst of Fire. Against a single target, step up or double ous military commander, Rhodes has
Autocannon die. Remove the highest rolling die and a quick wit and sharp sense of humor
use three dice for the total. to calm tensions.
SFX: Siphoning Power. On a successful reaction against
an energy-based attack action, convert your oppo-
nent’s effect die into a Stark-Tech Enhanced Suit
stunt or step up a Stark-Tech Enhanced Suit power
until used in an action. If your opponent’s action
succeeds, spend 1 pp to use this SFX.
Limit: Huge. Change Growth into a size-related complica-
tion to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or
add a d6 doom die.
Limit: Overheat. Shutdown a Stark-Tech Enhanced Suit
power to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or
add a d6 doom die. Spend a doom die to recover.
Limit: Electronic Systems. On an electromagnetic attack,
shutdown Stark-Tech Enhanced Suit and add d6 to
the doom pool. Spend a doom die to recover that

Business Expert Combat Expert

Covert Expert Tech Master
Vehicle Master


Government Veteran


Buddy Mutant Ally
Team No-Nonsense Director

Covert Expert Crime Expert

Psych Expert Tech Expert

Dr. Valerie Cooper spent years in Washington D.C. working with various agencies and commissions to
halt the oncoming mutant and superhuman threat. Over time, working with mutants and super heroes as
a liaison and representative, she grew sympathetic to their interests. She set up the Office of National
Emergency but was passed over for the Director’s position by General Lazer. She now acts as the voice
of reason, an ally to the X-Men but unwilling to put up with opposition to O*N*E.


Solo Decorated General

Buddy Mutant Hater
Team Zero Tolerance

Power Sets

The President handpicked General

Body Armor Sidearm Demetrius Lazer to head up the new
Office of National Emergency. A grad-
SFX: Shake It Off. Spend a doom die to recover physical stress
uate with honors from West Point,
of equal size or step back physical trauma.
General Lazer demonstrates a critical
SFX: West Point Honors. Spend a doom die to step up a Combat
sense of long-term strategies involv-
or Menace stunt or resource and recover emotional or
ing mutants and other super-powered
mental stress.
threats, but this knowledge stems ul-
Limit: Budget Shortfall. Shutdown a O*N*E Tech power to step timately from his bigoted view of mu-
up the lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6 doom tantkind. General Lazer plays favors
die. Spend a doom die to recover. among his government sponsors to get
what he wants, and hates being shown

Combat Expert Covert Expert up by mutants—or other government

Menace Expert Psych Expert

The Xavier Institute XM35

Solo Doing My Duty Tony Stark himself designed and

created the newest squad of Senti-
Buddy Soldier nels. However, rather than mindless
Team automatons designed for killing or
capturing mutants, these were cre-
ated as gigantic suits for humans to

Combat Expert Menace Expert pilot. Intended to deal with threats

Tech Expert Vehicle Expert to the United States and the world,
the team has battled HYDRA, Savage
STARK-TECH Land mutates, and rogue Sentinels
Power Sets

created by Cassandra Nova. The team

Enhanced Senses Growth
was officially commissioned to help
Pulsar Beams Superhuman Durability protect and monitor the remaining
Superhuman Strength Subsonic Flight mutants who survived M-Day, and is
SFX: Learn to Adapt. Add d6 to the Sentinel’s dice pool led by Colonel James Rhodes himself.
for each failed action against a specific superhuman
Limit: Huge. Change Growth into a size-related complica-
tion to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or
add a d6 doom die.
Limit: Electronic Systems. When targeted by an electromag-
netic attack, shutdown Stark-Tech to step up the
lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6 doom die.
Spend a doom die to recover Stark-Tech.


Power Sets

Superhuman Strength Superhuman Durability

SFX: Auto-Reactive Systems. On a successful reaction against
a close-combat attack action, inflict physical stress with
the effect die. Spend a doom die to step it up.
SFX: One-Two-Crash. Step back the highest die in an attack
action pool to add a d6 and step up physical stress
Limit: System Reboot. Shutdown any Brawler Package power
to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or add a
d6 doom die. Activate an opportunity to recover that
Superhuman Reflexes Superhuman Senses
SFX: Focus All Sensors. If a pool includes a Recon Package
power, replace two dice of equal size with one stepped-
up die.
SFX: Boost the Signal. Shutdown your highest-rated Recon
Package power to step up another Recon Package
power. Spend a doom die to recover that power.
Limit: Vulnerability. Step up mental stress from electric attack
actions to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or
add a d6 doom die.

SFX: Hide in Plain Sight. If you do not have Superhuman
Strength or Pulsar Beams in your dice pool, double
Limit: They’ve Spotted Us. If you use Superhuman Strength
or Pulsar Beams in your dice pool, shutdown Stealth
Package. Spend a doom die to recover Stealth Package.

Autocannon Flamethrowers
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional
target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die.
SFX: Burst of Fire. Against a single target, step up or double
Autocannon die. Remove the highest rolling die and
use three dice for the total.
Limit: Overheat. Shutdown Torch Package to step up the
lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6 doom die.
Spend a doom die to recover Torch Package.

The Xavier Institute XM37

The following Scenes allow you to explore some of the
mutant-centric elements of the Civil War. They can be used to
integrate mutants to the overall Event, act as a Mini-Event by
itself, or serve as the starting point of a home-brewed game
featuring Civil War-era mutants.
During Act One, tempers flare in the mutant refugee camp on
the grounds of the Xavier Institute. The mutants chafe under the
restriction of being locked up. After a small riot nearly breaks
out, O*N*E agrees to a field trip.
In Act Two, some of the mutants at the Institute break out of
the walls of the facility, which leads to a tense confrontation
at a bunker in Nevada.


Along with James Rhodes, the Office of National Emergency
employs a number of highly trained military pilots to control
its Sentinels. They are mentioned here, along with the names of
their Sentinels and a bonus Distinction to add to those provided
in the O*N*E Sentinel datafiles.
XXAlexander “Lex” Lexington, pilot of Megaton, a Brawler: Ex-
XXRajani Dhama, pilot of Ogre, a Brawler: Temperamental Tech-
XXJake Slayton, pilot of Shrapnel, a Recon: Sympathetic


TEAM Emergency Response Training

Jumpy As Heck

O*N*E TECH This is a unit of blue-and-silver

Power Sets

Body Armor Comms armored O*N*E Agents, soldiers

equipped with anti-mutant technol-
Guns ogy and superior armaments. They
SFX: Anti-Mutant Response. When targeting mutants with an have hair-trigger tempers or are grow-
attack action, step back the largest die in the pool and ing increasingly paranoid around so
keep three dice for the total. many mutants.
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional
target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die.
Limit: Unit Cohesion. Defeat Team dice (with d10 stress) to
reduce mob.


You can play this Scene as an introduction to playing mutants
in the Civil War Event. The heroes can either be chaperoning X-Men
and New X-Men, mutant members of O*N*E, or some of the 198.
In this Scene, O*N*E agrees to allow some of the 198 to go
on a field trip to Salem Center on the condition that each hero
agrees to be fitted with a tracker. No tracker, no trip. Director
Cooper won’t bend on this rule.
These devices put a Tracked Scene Distinction in play. The
true use of such trackers (not revealed to Valerie Cooper) is to
control mutants. The trackers can transmit a powerful shock to
any mutant who gets out of control. The Watcher can spend a d8
or more from the doom pool to inflict a Stunned complication
to any hero who gets out of line. A hero can attempt a Tech roll
against the doom pool to remove the device.
This may be the first time the heroes have been out in a while,
so they may want to explore and have fun. As the heroes walk
around, they notice that Salem Center is No Place For Mutants.
Emboldened Bigots reinforce this feeling and pester the heroes
with nasty slurs and racist comments.
That’s when they find one of the 198 dead in an alley, sur-
rounded by O*N*E agents. The truth is that Johnny Dee has
killed him with his abilities, but what it may look like to the
heroes is that some O*N*E guards and a Sentinel took him out
in the alley. If the heroes don’t start a conflict, another mutant
of your choice does.
The agents won’t use the trackers to shock at first, trying to
argue that it this is all a big misunderstanding, but if the fight
turns against them, they definitely will.
When the fight starts, it’s the heroes versus a O*N*E Sentinel
and a large group of agents. Rioting Mutants and Innocent
Bystanders replace previous Scene Distinctions.
The Scene ends when the heroes are subdued by the O*N*E
agents, manage to calm down a likely mutant riot, or manage to
escape. If the heroes escape, they’ll be tracked by the govern-
ment agency, but the X-Men themselves may also look for the
heroes to convince them to come back to the school.

The Xavier Institute XM39

If the fight isn’t quickly contained, the news could make mu-
tants look like more of a threat to humanity everywhere. Inside
the Institute, there’s a meeting held to discuss the incident. The
198 blames O*N*E for the death because no one knows about
Johnny Dee’s power yet, and O*N*E isn’t sure who to blame.
They’re just concerned with keeping control of the angry mob
of mutants under their “protection.”


XXPlay up the chaos of the Scene. You can add in complications
and diversions tangential to the fight that heroes become
aware of. Maybe a few mutants are going too far with a pair of
humans, or vice-versa. You can give the heroes opportunities
to deal with environmental problems that occur, like a Broken
Water Main or Live Power Lines.
XXHeroes who haven’t neutralized their trackers are subject
to having the shocks used on them during the fight or after-
wards. Heroes can spend a Plot Point in a Transition Scene
afterwards to remove a tracker.
XXIf you use 2d12 to end the Scene, describe massive shocks
delivered by the tracking device to bring the rioting mutants
down. Some of the 198 may even die from malfunctioning
or miscalibrated trackers.


You can play this Scene after the heroes play through the Field
Trip with O*N*E Scene or are made familiar with the aftermath of
it. For heroes playing the X-Men, you can use this as an example
of the mess they must deal with.
None of the mutants feel safe where they are. It’s bad enough
that they’re locked up, but it’s even worse that all enemies of
homo superior know exactly where they can be found.
That’s why X-Force—Domino, Shatterstar, and Caliban—de-
cides to break them out. The trio creates Total Chaos and helps
the 198 escape in the confusion. They attack their jailers and call
other mutants to action. The members of X-Force have stolen a
plane and set up a rendezvous at the edge of the wall. Heroes
can find themselves on either side of the battle. Take a second
to get the heroes’ thoughts on how they want to get involved
before framing the Scene.
Some heroes may see the importance of keeping all mutants
together. The outside world is too dangerous and there are far
too few mutants. Heroes who feel this way are going to need
to stop X-Force, the leaders of the rebellion.
Heroes who join X-Force’s “rescue” first need to get to the
nearby plane while helping as many mutants as possible. During
this Scene, players can use an effect die to eliminate the Get
On That Plane Now d12 Scene Distinction. When the Distinction
has been reduced below d6, the plane is full and ready for lift
off. Heroes can attempt to convince X-Force to leave with a less
than full plane if they want to leave earlier.
The guards start with using Non-Lethal Force which hampers
their efforts. The fight starts out with the members of X-Force, a
few O*N*E agents, and possibly some minor mutants who decide
to cause additional trouble. If the heroes aren’t quick, they could
find themselves facing X-Men or a Sentinel; see options below.
The Scene ends when the plane has left the school or when
the uprising has been quelled.

No matter how this ends, there are bound to be hurt feelings
and strained relationships. Conflicts that emerged during the
Scene will boil over in a Transition Scene, and O*N*E is definitely
not pleased. Dr. Cooper is very upset because a perceived loss
of control will cause her superiors to send in someone who
doesn’t have the mutants’ best interests at heart. Any mutant
that wants to help Cooper rein in the situation will get some
support from the agency.

The Xavier Institute XM41

XXThe Watcher may spend one or several d10 from the doom
pool to bring X-Men as reinforcement. Consider starting
with Bishop or Cyclops, add Beast, Iceman, and Emma Frost
as required. If they defeat the heroes, they ask them to come
back. Any hero who frames this as life-or-death situation—
“kill us or let us go”—may force Cyclops to look the other way
and let them leave.
XXMaybe O*N*E’s higher command is waiting for just such an
event to teach the mutants a lesson once and for all. General
Lazer may call for the Sentinels to intervene and allow the
use of lethal force, without informing director Cooper. The
Watcher may spend d12 to bring one of the O*N*E Sentinels
to the fight.
XXHeroes who played the previous Scene and haven’t neutral-
ized their trackers are subject to having the shocks used on
them during the breakout. Heroes can spend a Plot Point in a
Transition Scene afterwards to remove a tracker.


Use this Scene as a continuation of the 198 Breakout. This
Scene represents those mutants being found and the chaos that
follows as O*N*E and the X-Men converge on the location.
The members of X-Force and the escaped mutants have found
one of Nick Fury’s secret safehouses: a Stark Tech Fortified
long-abandoned military bunker deep in the desert. Both the
X-Men and O*N*E will eventually find the refugees. If not
among the refugees themselves, feel free to have your heroes
roll against the doom pool to establish if they arrive ahead of
the opposition. Failure means they get there at the same time
or slightly later.
Unless already among the heroes, Cyclops, Beast, Iceman,
and Angel are likely to show up for the X-Men while Bishop,
Sabra, and Micromax may appear with a O*N*E Sentinel and
several agents. Tensions are high and conflict between these
two groups over the fate of the mutant escapees could explode
at any moment. Unless you or the heroes frame it otherwise,
the X-Men want to ensure the mutants are safe and convince
them to come back voluntarily. O*N*E wants to bring the way-
ward mutants back through coercion and force if need be. If the
heroes are part of either group, they can try to avoid escalating
the conflict—but hot heads abound everywhere; somewhere,
somehow, someone may go off and trigger an all-out desert
slugfest. If the heroes are part of X-Force, they find themselves
in the middle of the confrontation and will most likely have to
become involved in the mediation.
If things go south, Watcher characters start by Pulling
Punches, but this Battle Royale will be Overwhelming and
The 198 and X-Force start in the closed bunker. The bunker
can be opened from the inside via computer controls should
any mutant want to leave or join the fray. All someone needs
to do is overcome its Stark Tech Security routines.

The Xavier Institute XM43

When one side has half or more of its members stressed
out or the sides are about to make peace with each other,
General Lazer (see age XM38, Notable Characters of O*N*E) makes
his move. The General realizes he can kill half the Earth’s
remaining mutant population, so he remotely initiates a Self-
Destruct Sequence at the bunker. The bunker door closes (if
open) and locks shut, trapping any mutants who are still inside.
This puts an end to any physical conflict.
The bunker door is Nigh-Indestructible d12. Heroes must
remove this trait to open the bunker. Striking it with an effect
die that is lower than its die rating has no effect. A successful
attack with an effect die of equal size or more steps the door
back one step. Any hero attempting to open or destroy the door
gets a free support d8 from a Watcher hero as everyone rallies
to prevent such a massacre. Once opened, everyone inside the
bunker can escape to safety.
The bunker explodes when 2d12 are removed from the doom
pool. This kills everyone inside unless the door was opened,
in which case, all those trapped within make it to safety in the
nick of time.
If you want to go for a less gruesome Scene ender, you can
rule that all those stuck in the bunker when it explodes are
severely wounded, giving them d12 physical trauma.
The Scene ends when the bunker blows up or all the heroes

When the Scene ends, regardless of the outcome, Lazer is
captured at O*N*E headquarters. The death of mutants, espe-
cially if killed in the bunker, eventually leads to the complete
shutdown of O*N*E; the X-Men will be mandated to take over
protection of the remaining mutants. If the massacre is avoided,
O*N*E adjusts its mission statement, allowing more freedom to
the mutants under its charge. Heroes need to decide what their
relationship with the agency will be going forward.


XXAdjust the battle depending on the size of your group. Pair
each hero off with a Watcher character from an opposing side.
You might also pair players up if they are on opposing sides.
XXIron Man can show up after General Lazer starts the self-
destruct sequence. He’s drawn to the big battle, but definitely
will cooperate with heroes to get the door open.
XXJohnny Dee can use his abilities to implant malevolent com-
pulsions in some key heroes of the Scene. Spend a d8 or more
from the doom pool to give a hero one of the mind-control
complications like Urge To Betray, Out For Blood, or Stop
Arguing With Me!


The Xavier Institute XM45
X - F A C T O R
S oon after leaving the X-Corporation, Jamie Madrox, AKA the
Multiple Man, sent out long term duplicates around the world to
learn new skills before coming home to be reabsorbed. While these
dupes were out and about, he formed X-Factor Investigations with his
former X-Factor teammates Guido “Strong Guy” Carosella and Rahne
“Wolfsbane” Sinclair. Madrox’s first case was the murder of one of his
own duplicates by another duplicator. The case brought him to Chicago
and one of his many ill-advised romantic entanglements. When he
returned to M-Town, Madrox, Guido, and Rahne agreed to rename the
investigation firm after their old government sponsored team, X-Factor.
When Jamie’s duplicate-earned knowledge made it possible for him
to win a televised game show, he had the money to round out X-Factor
Investigation’s roster with former friends from his X-Corporation days,
Theresa “Siryn” Cassidy, Julio “Rictor” Richter, and Monet “M” St.
Croix. In the wake of M-Day, Rictor found himself without powers.
The mysterious little girl from House of M, Layla Miller, began to hang
around with the group.
Madrox tried to use X-Factor Investigations to help former mutants
living in Mutant Town deal with a post M-Day world and find the
cause of the massive power loss. His investigations almost immedi-
ately brought X-Factor into a rivalry with the mysterious Singularity
Investigations and its CEO, Damian Tryp. This rivalry came to a head
very early on when Tryp’s “son,” Damian Tryp Junior, attacked and
savagely beat Siryn with a baseball bat while she was investigating
the death of a client’s sibling.
But even as X-Factor Investigations concentrated on their rivalry with
SI, Layla Miller was trying to protect them from what was coming—the
SHRA was setting its sights on M-Town.


X-Factor Investigations XM47
X-Factor is a group of professionals. Not that they’re superior
in any way to teams like the Avengers or X-Men, it’s just that
they’re paid by their clients to do what they do. As a member
of X-Factor Investigations, your clients need you to do all sorts
of classic detective work—looking for cheating spouses, uncov-
ering money laundering, proving a person responsible for or
innocent of a crime. But first and foremost, Mutant Town is your
home. Every depowered mutant that gets beat up or cheated
simply for being a mutant is an opportunity. But where do you
draw the line? There are plenty of charlatans claiming to end
the decimation. What if it’s true? And how do you find out what
caused M-Day in the first place? That’s the most important in-
vestigation you have going.

LAYLA MILLER Layla Rose Miller (public)

Solo Creepy Orphan Layla Miller was one of the few


people that realized that the House

Buddy File Clerk of M universe was not a true reality.
Team I Know Stuff When it reverted to normal, she still
recalled her experiences, but found in
KNOWS TOO MUCH this universe her parents were dead
Power Sets

and she was an orphan. Armed with

Enhanced Reflexes Godlike Senses knowledge she should not have, Layla
SFX: Butterfly Effect. Add Godlike Senses to a dice pool has attached herself to X-Factor as a
when helping others recover physical stress. Spend “file clerk” to assist them. Relying on
a doom die to recover Layla’s or another’s physi- eerie premonitions and arranged con-
cal stress or step back Layla’s or another’s physical ditions, Layla advanced her own objec-
trauma. Step up a character’s emotional stress or tives regarding X-Factor’s investigation
trauma when this is used on them. of the Decimation.
SFX: Constructs. When using a Knows Too Much power to
create assets, add a d6 and step up the effect die.
SFX: Nostradamus Reborn. If a pool includes a Knows Too
Much power or an asset created by Knows Too Much,
spend a doom die to reroll.
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or
unconscious, shutdown Knows Too Much. Recover
that stress or wake up to recover Knows Too Much. If
mental trauma received, shutdown Knows Too Much
until trauma recovered.


RICTOR Julio Esteban Rictor (secret)
Solo Depowered


Buddy Depressed
Team Unresolved Relationships

Combat Expert Psych Expert

Rictor once possessed the mutant power to create seismic

shockwaves and sense the earth itself. After M-Day, Rictor lost
his powers. Depressed and unable to sense the earth, Rictor
contemplated suicide, but was talked out of it by Jamie Madrox,
AKA Multiple Man. He joined the newly formed X-Factor Inves-
tigations, although is wary of being considered a charity case.
He has a close relationship with Rahne Sinclair, AKA Wolfsbane,
and the other-dimensional mutant Shatterstar.

X-Factor Investigations XM49

QUICKSILVER Pietro Django Maximoff (public)
Solo Creepy Mutant Savior Quicksilver is the son of Magneto

and brother to the Scarlet Witch. Ini-
Buddy House Of M Guilt tially part of the Brotherhood of Evil
Team Smugly Arrogant Mutants, he reformed his ways, serv-
ing as an Avenger and member of X-
MUTANT KICKSTARTER Factor. He married Crystal, a member
Power Sets

of the Royal Family of the Inhumans,

Mimic and had a daughter, Luna. When his sis-
SFX: Your Power, Restored. Mimic may be used to target ter’s powers spiraled out of control, it
Power Loss complications or restore the powers of was he who suggested the House of M
depowered mutants. In the latter case, spend a doom universe that ultimately led to M-Day.
die equal to the largest of the mutant’s lost power Depowered and suicidal, Quicksilver
traits to restore a Power Set. hijacked the Inhuman’s Terrigen Mists
Limit: Explosive Denial. Any characters whose powers are to restore his powers. Drawing their
restored by Mimic gain the Growing Dread Limit. Any effects into himself, he is now able to
action or reaction they take including a restored spontaneously restore mutant powers
power counts both 1s and 2s on those dice as op- in those who have lost them.
portunities, but only 1s are excluded from being used
for totals or effect dice. Any opportunity activated
inflicts physical stress to the character equal to the
size of the die that generated the opportunity, and
multiple opportunities step up the stress inflicted.
Stressed-out Watcher characters explode, rather than
take trauma.
Limit: Former Mutants Only. Quicksilver may only target
former mutants, he may only mimic powers they used
to have, and they are the only ones that may benefit
from the power.

Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Speed Time Mastery
SFX: I Saw It Coming. On a successful reaction against a
physical attack action, inflict physical stress with the
effect die. Spend a doom die to step it up.
SFX: I Told Myself. If a pool includes a Time Manipulation
power, spend a doom die to reroll.
SFX: Terrigen Surge. Step up or double any Time Manipu-
lation power for one action. If the action fails, step
back that power. Spend a doom die to recover that
Limit: Stolen Powers. If a pool includes a Time Manipula-
tion power, both 1s and 2s on those dice count as
opportunities, but only 1s are excluded from being
used for totals or effect dice.

Acrobatics Expert Combat Expert

Psych Master Menace Expert


Much like other minority ghettos developed in New York City,
M-Town was a community of mutants in Alphabet City north of
the Lower East Side of Manhattan. As Manhattan’s mutant popu-
lation rose, racism from Sapiens increased at an exponential
rate. It was only a matter of time before mutants began banding
together in their own community, similar to Chinatown, Harlem,
and Little Italy. Mutant Town, or District X as it was officially des-
ignated, was overcrowded with poor, often unemployed mutants
and baseline humans trying to get through their day-to-day lives
amid rampant crime, prostitution, drug trade, and mutant gang
warfare. It even boasted the largest unemployment, illiteracy,
and crime rates anywhere outside of Los Angeles.
In this shadow of poverty and crime, Mutant Town became a
cultural center and population hub for mutantkind equaled only
by Genosha before its demise. The city even took to employing
some of the mutants in District X to help police the area, giving
rise to private groups like X-Factor Investigations.
Needless to say, the events of M-Day hit Mutant Town harder
than anywhere else in the United States. More than 99% of
mutants in Mutant Town lost their abilities instantly, and most
remaining powered mutants left the ghetto for the safety and
security of the refugee camp forming on the grounds of the
Xavier Institute.
A clinic was opened to try to help depowered mutants cope
and help them adapt to life after M-Day. New human gangs like
“The Reals” rose up out of the ashes of mutant gangs to harass
and punish depowered mutants. As time passed, even the moni-
ker Mutant Town left the area and was replaced with the name
“Middle East Side.” Yet X-Factor Investigations remained open
to protect and help the remaining former mutants deal with
the effects of M-Day and investigate the cause of the massive

X-Factor Investigations XM51

The following hooks and story ideas tie the X-Factor team or
mutant heroes like them into the ongoing Civil War plot, often
more closely than the X-Men or 198. Use them as a guide for
bringing in the themes and issues surrounding those mutants
who have lost their powers after M-Day and the aftermath of
that widespread effect.


In Act One: Road to Civil War, the players have several op-
portunities to involve X-Factor Investigations.
XXIn Action: Crusader Hijacks an Airplane (page CW54), X-Factor
can plant a Madrox dupe on the plane as a military pilot or
prisoner. If Crusader is attacking a passenger plane instead
of a military vessel, one of Madrox’s dupes could be making
his way home from learning new skills. Since Madrox’s dupes
can also multiply, this allows for a small army aboard. This
could give Madrox the chance to contact people like Siryn or
M to assist him in saving the plane and the target city from
Crusader’s wrath.
XXAs a possible Opening Scene, the Reals, a humans-only
gang, starts a riot in the streets of M-Town. They’re attack-
ing depowered mutants wherever they find them. It’s up
to the heroes to stop the mob. With super heroes fighting
the normal people, this could lead to lawsuits and property
damage regardless of whether the heroes were in the right.
This should be handled in a similar way to Action: The Rally
(page CW63).
XXIn Action: Appear Before Congress (page CW56), Madrox could
be among those called to testify thanks to his newfound quali-
fications. Jamie would think nothing of bringing Siryn or Rictor
to act as his conscience, or even better, bring M, capitalizing
on her fame to bring some attention to the proceedings. Plus,
having a telepath in the room is always a good idea.
XXAction: Confronted by S.H.I.E.L.D. (page CW66) would be
slightly modified from its original version when dealing with
X-Factor. Unbeknownst to Madrox, one of his dupes—Jamie
Madrox, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.— has worked for the government
agency for years. Rather than bringing the heroes aboard the
Helicarrier, Maria Hill could send Agent Madrox to X-Factor
headquarters to handle signing X-Factor Investigations up.
This may give S.H.I.E.L.D. an advantage simply by catching
X-Factor off guard by Agent Madrox’s existence.


In Act Two: Registration, the players have several ways to
involve X-Factor Investigations, including an additional Action
Scene that can be added into the overall Civil War Event.
XXIn Action: Midnight Registration Day Roundup (page CW74),
it’s possible that S.H.I.E.L.D. might set its sights on X-Factor—
especially if Agent Madrox wasn’t able to get them to sign up.
However, X-Factor knows the nooks and crannies of Mutant
Town better than the city planners and can use the M-Town
Underground Tunnels to easily evade capture.
XXIn Action: Hunt Down or Elude a Friend (page CW80), a Pro-
SHRA person or group could hire X-Factor Investigations to
help find someone hiding in Mutant Town since they know the
area far better than anyone else. On the flipside, that same
knowledge can be used to help another hero escape Cape-
Killer squads. For example, using some of Layla’s Uncanny
Foresight, the heroes could find themselves in the right place
with the right disguise to hide an escaping hero, possibly
among Madrox’s dupes, while the rest of the heroes further
distract SHRA forces.

X-Factor Investigations XM53

This Scene happens when players are playing members of the
X-Factor team. They seek to confront those who’ve been hiding
the truth behind the depowering of most mutants on the planet.
You should frame this Scene with either someone from
X-Factor or one of their clients seeking to solve the mystery of
the recent widespread loss of mutant powers. There are a few
ways to get the ball rolling here. X-Factor has been trying to
solve the mystery of the Decimation pretty much since M-Day,
so they could take it upon themselves to investigate.
Alternatively, a depowered mutant could hire X-Factor to try
to discover the reason mutant powers disappeared. But this ex-
mutant comes with a solid lead—a journal from a precognitive
mutant, like Destiny. The journal has this cryptic entry: “The
downfall of the Children of the Atom began when blood-red
vengeance struck the avengers.”
X-Factor also has a hanger-on in their midst—someone
whose shtick it is that she “knows things.” If asked about the
Decimation, Layla Miller initially shrugs and says they’d do
better to ask the X-Men or the Avengers. That should, of course,
raise more questions, but she cannily tries to avoid answering
them unless confronted more insistently by the heroes, saying
she could die if she talked. If she’s pressed to reveal what she
knows, chances are that someone from the Avengers or the
X-Men intent on keeping the secret under wraps intervenes
on her behalf. Things may devolve into a shouting match if not
handled diplomatically and may lead to an outright conflict.
Finding Pro-SHRA Avengers in New York isn’t too hard a task—
the heroes can join any of them while they operate somewhere
in town. Finding Anti-SHRA ones may involve tapping into some
of the heroes’ resources to Find A Lead and then infiltrate a
Hidden Hideout. The heroes need to overcome these two Scene
Distinctions to find them. Convincing them to cooperate is a
whole other issue. Furthermore, X-Factor is also mutant friend-
ly, so members can lure old friends like Wolverine, Rogue, or
Gambit into M-Town to chat.
However a meeting is arranged, the investigation should
focus on questioning heroes who know what happened on
M-Day, something none of the witnesses initially want to dis-
cuss. The situation may turn into an interrogation or devolve
into good old-fashioned arguing. Stressing the opposition out
reveals the information X-Factor seeks and the conviction to
take the next step.
If the discussion escalates into combat, feel free to add ap-
propriate Scene Distinctions based on which heroes are in-
volved. The Scene ends when one of the hero groups stands
down and leaves or is defeated.


At this point, if members of X-Factor still haven’t taken a stand
regarding SHRA, you can ask them what their position is, possibly
leading to an intra-team conflict. You may ask if they side with
the X-Men who have declared their neutrality—unless estab-
lished otherwise in your version of events. Finally, as M-Town
is more or less under the protection of X-Factor, ask if they wish
to apply their SHRA stance to the whole neighborhood. Further
Scenes could focus on the impact of such decisions.


XXThis is a chance for X-Factor to take on any team out there and
stake their claim to their home turf. Despite the few mutant
hating gangs, the people of Mutant Town stand behind what-
ever decisions X-Factor makes regarding the SHRA. This could
be a good chance to take on Pro-SHRA Avengers, the “neutral”
X-Men, or even Harry Osborn’s Thunderbolts. The most impor-
tant thing is that X-Factor claims Mutant Town as a haven for
their chosen side.
XXAnyone that was involved in House of M is fair game. The
X-Men, Iron Man, Captain America, Ms. Marvel, Luke Cage,
Spider-Man, and many others were involved in House of M
and remember everything that happened. So in some way,
they’re all responsible for keeping M-Day a secret—not only
from the public, but also from groups like X-Factor who are
trying to make things better for victims of the Decimation.

X-Factor Investigations XM55

XM58 Archangel
XM60 Beast
XM62 Bishop
XM64 Caliban
XM66 Cannonball
XM68 Colossus
XM70 Cyclops
XM72 Domino
XM74 Dust
XM76 Elixir
XM78 Emma Frost
XM80 Forge
XM82 Hellion
XM84 Iceman
XM86 M
XM88 Magma
XM90 Marvel Girl
XM92 Mercury
XM94 Micromax
XM96 Multiple Man
XM98 Mystique
XM100 Nightcrawler
XM102 Omega Sentinel
XM104 Psylocke
XM106 Rockslide
XM108 Rogue
XM110 Sabra
XM112 Sabretooth
XM114 Shadowcat
XM116 Shatterstar
XM118 Siryn
XM120 Strong Guy
XM122 Surge
XM124 Wolfsbane
XM126 X-23
The Civil War Event Book included dozens
of playable Marvel characters complete with
Milestones and background information. This
Event Supplement includes even more heroes
ready to play. The lineup covers the X-Men, the
members of X-Factor Investigations, and sev-
eral other active mutant heroes and anti-heroes
available during the Civil War storyline.
Note that for the sake of continuity, most of
these datafiles reflect the characters as they are
at the start of the Civil War, shortly before the
passage of the Superhuman Registration Act.
They may be chosen as player heroes from the
beginning of Act One or used for new adventures
after the main Civil War Event. As always, each
hero datafile may be tweaked or adjusted to
suit the needs of your players. Refer to Chapter
Four of the Operations Manual for definitions,
guidelines, and rules for doing so.
Hero datafiles that are not chosen by play-
ers may be converted into Watcher characters
for use as antagonists or occasional allies.
Remember to switch their SFX and Limits to
reflect using doom dice instead of Plot Points.
Even if the players don’t use them, these heroes
remain major characters and should keep their
Affiliations at their listed ratings.

Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Apocalyptic Legacy
Astute Businessman or
Mutant Spokesperson +1 PP


Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Senses
Superhuman Stamina Subsonic Flight
SFX: Healing Blood. Add Superhuman Stamina to your dice pool when helping others
recover stress. Spend 1 pp to recover your own or another’s physical stress or 4
step back your own or another’s physical trauma.
SFX: Winged Charge. Against a single target, step up or double Subsonic Flight. Remove 6
the highest rolling die and use three dice for your total.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp. 8
Limit: Legacy of Apocalypse. Step up emotional stress inflicted by issues with your his-
tory as Archangel to gain 1 pp.
Specialties Acrobatic Master Business Master 4
Combat Expert Psych Expert 6
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 8
Milestones GOLDEN BOY
1 XP when you talk to the media on behalf of mutantkind.
3 XP when you use Business Master to create an asset to benefit mutants. 4
10 XP when you either create a corporation to benefit all mutants, or buy out a corporation
that is seeking the destruction of mutantkind. 6
1 XP when you discuss your link to Apocalypse.
3 XP when you deny the pull Apocalypse has on your will.
10 XP when you either accept leadership of Apocalypse’s empire, dedicating yourself to his
vision of the world, or declare your link to Apocalypse’s legacy finished and take direct
action to sever it forever.



Warren Worthington III [public]

History Abilities & Resources

Life changed for Warren Worthington III, heir Warren’s natural abilities included increased
to the Worthington Industries fortune, when angel muscle mass, hollow bones, the ability to withstand
wings sprouted from his back. After a brief solo the rigors of high-atmosphere flight, and incredible
career, he joined the original class of X-Men as Angel. stamina. After his transformation by Apocalypse, his
He returned home to discover his father murdered wings became dangerously sharp weapons, capable
at the hands of his villainous uncle, Dazzler, who of firing deadly quills, and his physical abilities were
had schemed to marry and murder Warren’s mother; increased. When he regained his original form, it
the plan was thwarted, but not before Warren’s triggered a secondary mutation that allows his blood
mother succumbed to Dazzler’s poison. Warren to heal himself and others.
left the X-Men, first joining the Los Angeles-based In addition to his mutant powers, Warren is the
Champions, and then becoming a member and fi- primary shareholder of Worthington Industries.
nancier of the Defenders. Warren later joined the He is an original member of the X-Men, and has
rest of the original X-Men on the new X-Factor team. connections with other heroes from his stints on
Angel’s wings were mutilated while defend- other super teams. Between his wealth, his busi-
ing the Morlocks from the Mutant Massacre. The ness and a lifetime of heroics, Warren can call
ancient and powerful mutant Apocalypse struck upon great resources and contacts throughout
a deal with Warren, replacing Angel’s amputated the super hero community.
feathery wings with deadly techno-organic steel,
turning Angel’s skin blue, and transforming him into
Archangel—Horseman of Death. Under Apocalypse’s
thrall, Warren fought against his friends until he was
tricked into believing he had killed Iceman. Warren
regained control and worked hard to deprogram
himself. After suffering an attack at the hands of
Sabretooth, Archangel took time off to recuperate,
ultimately shedding his metallic wings and reveal-
ing his original, feathered wings underneath. During
a battle with Black Tom, Warren’s skin reverted to
normal color and he discovered a secondary muta-
tion that gave his blood healing properties.

As a child of wealth, Angel lived an indulgent,
carefree existence as a playboy. During his original
tenure at Xavier Institute of Higher Learning, Angel
was an inattentive student more interested in Jean
Grey’s attentions than his lessons. Though he hid his
mutation from the public, he felt less of an outcast
than many of his teammates, reveling in adventuring
and super heroics.
After being transformed into Archangel, Warren
became dark and brooding, lamenting his trans-
formation and mourning his loss of innocence.
Warren’s shifting back and forth between his Angel
and Archangel forms did not hamper his romantic
relationships, though, which included teammates
Husk and Psylocke.
As he matured, Archangel became a public
spokesperson for mutantkind and took an active
hand running Worthington Industries. Recently, his
appearance has returned to his original form, but
the scars on his soul remain unhealed.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Genetic Activist
Renaissance Beast or
Smartest Man In The Room +1 PP


Enhanced Durability Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Stamina Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Strength Wallcrawling
SFX: Claws & Fangs. Step back the highest die in your attack action pool to add a d6
and step up physical stress inflicted. 4
SFX: Healing Factor. Spend 1 pp to recover your physical stress or step back your physi-
cal trauma.
SFX: Oh My Stars and Garters! Spend 1 pp to add a doom die to your next attack action. 8
After your action, step back the doom die and return it to the doom pool.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp. 10
Specialties Acrobatic Master Combat Expert
Cosmic Expert Medical Expert 6
Science Master Tech Master 8
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you discuss the history of the Mutant Registration Act as it relates to the
Superhuman Registration Act. 4
3 XP when you help another hero avoid some aspect of the SHRA.
10 XP when you denounce the SHRA in a public forum, or throw in your full support for 6
its enforcement as a S.H.I.E.L.D. or O*N*E agent.
1 XP when you point out how little the original X-Men have changed over the years.
3 XP when you lament to a teammate how much the world the X-Men sought to improve
has changed for the worse.
10 XP when you invite a younger mutant to join the team, or leave the X-Men for the
good of the team.


Dr. Henry “Hank” Phillip McCoy [public]

History geneticist and biochemist and considered one of the

Born a mutant with ape-like features and limbs, greatest scientific minds in the world.
Henry “Hank” McCoy was the founding member With the possible exception of Wolverine, no
of the X-Men codenamed Beast. Already mentally mutant has as diverse a collection of allies as Beast.
gifted, he studied biochemistry and genetics under A founding and long-time member of the X-Men,
Professor Xavier and eventually became the X-Men’s Beast can count most members of that team as
resident science expert. close friends, especially the other founders and
Eventually, Hank left the X-Men to work in the their mentor, Professor X. As an Avenger, Beast often
private sector. Employed by the Brand Corporation, found public acceptance even during various peri-
he made great strides in understanding the nature ods of anti-mutant hysteria and worked alongside
of human mutation. This changed when Hank dis- Captain America, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, and others.
covered his boss was stealing classified government As a Defender, he befriended mystical heroes such
documents. Determined to stop the espionage him- as Dr. Strange and the Valkyrie.
self, he took an experimental formula to augment his Hank’s scientific reputation, expertise, and con-
abilities and mask his appearance. His heroics suc- nections allow him access to some of the most ad-
ceeded, but the formula permanently changed him. vanced laboratories in the world.
Now a blue, furry, simian-like mutant, Hank left
the private sector and returned to super heroics.
First a member of the Avengers, then the Defenders,
he eventually rejoined his original X-Men team-
mates in X-Factor. During this time he briefly re-
gained his more human appearance, though his body
suffered frequent mutations, with effects such as
a temporary decrease in intellect and increase
in strength. Finally, Beast returned to his blue,
furry form and his original home with the X-Men.
Beast eventually mutated again into his current
form−one larger, stronger, and more cat-like. He
serves as primary physician, research scientist,
and technician for the X-Men, roles for which
he is ideally suited.

Beast’s personality has changed
wildly based on his current state of
mutation. In his more human-looking
guise, he tended to be bookish and
fairly serious. After he turned himself
into a blue-furred creature, he started
to joke and wisecrack more, to cover
up his insecurity about looking less
human. In his current furry blue feline
form he’s a combination of the two–
prone to academic musings as well as
self-deprecating witticisms and bon
mots. In any form, Hank McCoy is a
dedicated scientist and a loyal friend.

Abilities & Resources

Beast possesses superhuman strength, durabil-
ity, endurance, speed, and agility. He is an amazing
acrobat and able to use his clawed hands and feet to
cling to surfaces and climb walls, though his current
cat-like state doesn’t possess the same heightened
dexterity as his other forms. Beast heals somewhat
faster than normal and can emit pheromones at-
tractive to the opposite sex. Beast is also a trained


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Dark Future Survivor

Make A Difference or
Mutant Policeman +1 PP


Energy Blast Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Strength Guns
Superhuman Durability

SFX: Energy Absorption. On a successful reaction against an energy-based attack,
convert your opponent’s effect die into an Energy Battery stunt or step up an P
Energy Battery power until the next Transition Scene. If your opponent’s action
succeeds, spend 1 pp to use this SFX.
SFX: Everything I’ve Got. Step up or double any Energy Battery power for one action. If 6
that action fails, add a die to doom pool equal to the normal rating of that power
die and then step back that power. Recover the power during a Transition Scene. 8
SFX: Invulnerability. Step back an Energy Battery power to ignore physical stress or
trauma unless caused by a non-energy attack. Recover the power during a Transi- 10
tion Scene.
SFX: Self-Healing. Step back an Energy Battery power to recover your own physical 12
stress or step back your own physical trauma. Recover the power during a Transi-
tion Scene. M
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Limit: Overloaded. Shutdown any Energy Battery power to gain 1 pp. Activate an op- 4
portunity or participate in a Transition Scene to recover that power.
Specialties Combat Expert Crime Expert 10
Menace Expert Tech Expert 12
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you talk to a mutant as a police officer would speak to a citizen.
3 XP when you lead an investigation into a mutant-related crime. 8
10 XP when you either found a law enforcement agency for mutantkind, or join
S.H.I.E.L.D. as a mutant liaison officer. 10
M 12
1 XP when you discuss parallels between your timeline and the present.
3 XP when you speak out against mutant bigotry to the press or to a government.
10 XP when you gather a team to destroy any possibility of your timeline coming true, XP
or go back to your own timeline with a team of mutants in order to liberate it.


Lucas Bishop [secret]

Lucas Bishop was born into a reality in which
the original X-Men team was slain by the Sentinels.
With no organized force to stop them, the Sentinels
rounded up all mutants and imprisoned them in
Mutant Relocation Camps. Each mutant was given
a large M-shaped tattoo above their eyes to identify
them. Human and mutant alike rose up against the
Sentinels, overthrowing them. Bishop eventually
became a member of the Xavier Security Forces,
charged with capturing and punishing criminal
mutants. Bishop and his two partners followed and
killed the escaped mutant criminals that had opened
a portal back to the X-Men’s timeline, but Bishop’s
friends were killed in the process, stranding Bishop
in a world he had difficulty adapting to.
When Onslaught, a psychic merging of Xavier
and Magneto, attempted to destroy the X-Men,
Bishop absorbed the massive energy, saving all
of their lives. He stepped back into a familiar
role, becoming a protection officer in District
X, a neighborhood in Manhattan set aside for
mutants. He worked closely with govern-
ment forces to ensure the protection of its
citizens. Lately, he has maintained strong ties
with the Office of National Emergency, or
O*N*E, helping them manage the survivors
of M-Day.

Bishop is a stern and serious man dedicated
to doing what he believes is right, no matter what
anyone else thinks. This frequently leads him to
confrontations with others, as his actions can turn
lethal if he believes it necessary. Coming as he does
from a nightmarish future, Bishop constantly fears
that the events of his own timeline’s history are
taking place in the present he now inhabits, and
does anything he can to prevent their recurrence.

Abilities & Resources

Lucas Bishop has the mutant ability to absorb
almost any kind of energy directed against him,
building it up within himself, and then discharging
it at magnified levels. He is able to direct the power
out of his body through his hands or through the
weapons he carries. He is also able to use this power
to heal himself and increase his strength to immense
levels. In addition, Bishop is an accomplished police
officer, having worked as a member of the XSF in
the future and as a cop in Mutant Town in the pres-
ent, before M-Day stripped most of that district’s
mutants of their powers. His knowledge of future
events sometimes relates to events in the present.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Competing Natures

Loyal Friend or
Morlock Survivor +1 PP


Enhanced Durability Enhanced Speed
Leaping Superhuman Strength

SFX: Berserk. Add a doom die to your next attack action. After your action, step up the
doom die and return it to the doom pool.
Limit: Uncontrollable. Change any Apocalypse Augmentation power into a complication
to gain 1 pp. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover that
power. P
Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Senses 6
SFX: Psychoactive Virus. Add a die equal to your opponent’s current emotional stress 8
to any attacks made against them at no additional cost. If successful, spend 1
pp to step up their emotional stress in addition to any effect you create against 10
SFX: X-Factor Sense. Against a single mutant target, step up or double an Enhanced 12
Senses die. Remove the highest rolling die and use three dice for your total.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp. M
Specialties Combat Expert Covert Expert 6
Menace Expert 8
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 10
1 XP when you openly discuss your villainous past. E
3 XP when you create an asset for a villain to use, or for a hero to use in a way that is
morally objectionable.
10 XP when you either seek penitence for your past villainy, or denounce mutant heroes 6
as hypocrites and start your own team.
1 XP when you discuss the genocidal slaughter in the Morlock Tunnels.
3 XP when you do emotional stress to a fellow mutant, so that they grow stronger and
do not forget the many mutants who have been killed.
10 XP when you either find vengeance for what was done to the Morlocks, or go back
into the tunnels with a team of mutants and seek to settle the tunnels as a mutant
haven once again. XP



History Abilities & Resources

Caliban was one of the original Morlocks to in- Caliban’s natural mutant powers let him track
habit the sewers of New York City. Like his adopted other mutants and increase his strength by drawing
kin, his unusual appearance made living a normal life on their fear. His augmentations increased his speed,
among humans impossible. His mutant tracking abil- reflexes, strength, durability, and leaping ability, and
ity allowed their leader, Callisto, to find other poten- gave him natural weapons. His fear-based powers
tial recruits and strengthen the Morlocks’ numbers. were enhanced, letting him attack opponents with
One evening, Caliban sensed mutants above in their own fear, or infect them with a psychoactive
a nightclub and confronted them. Entranced with a fear virus. Caliban was once a Morlock and often-
young Kitty Pride, he attempted to “befriend” and times an ally of the X-Men, as well a member of
kidnap her. Kitty’s companions prevented her cap- X-Force. The heroes that know Caliban believe him
ture and the misunderstanding between Caliban and to be a good-natured at heart and work hard to undo
the X-Men was cleared up. When the X-Men were Apocalypse’s changes. Caliban has friends and allies
threatened by the Morlocks, Kitty offered Caliban throughout the mutant community, most of who
her hand in marriage in exchange for his help. He know and love his natural gentle demeanor and
assisted her and the X-Men, but she reneged on her would assist him should he need it.
offer. Caliban later came to realize he did not want
to win anyone’s affections through coercion.
Caliban was one of the lucky survivors of the
Mutant Massacre, but the loss of friends and his
own powerlessness to stop the slaughter prompted
him to ask Apocalypse for help getting revenge
on those that killed the Morlocks. Apocalypse
obliged, beginning an on and off rela-
tionship with Caliban. Caliban’s new
powers came with extra aggression
and a wildly varying intellect. He
fought the X-Men as Apocalypse’s
Hellhound and the Horseman
Death, as a dupe for
Mr. Sinister, and
as the Horseman
Pestilence. He
once kidnapped
Jubilee to force a
confrontation with
the seemingly re-
formed Sabretooth,
but these days, Caliban
works with X-Force as a

Caliban was a simple soul fond of speaking in
the third person. As a lonely outcast Morlock, he did
not understand social norms. His limited combat
prowess made him feel small and useless, pow-
erless against the Marauders that slaughtered his
friends. Under Apocalypse’s genetic augmen-
tation, Caliban’s personality shifted back and
forth between his original demeanor and an
angry, threatening nature. Despite the changes,
Caliban’s good and heroic nature usually shines
through. His personality has become less aggres-
sive and more heroic, but with Apocalypse’s treat-
ments, it’s unclear whether Caliban will ever
truly be free of what was done to him.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Kentucky Coalminer
Off like a Rocket or
Tactical Leader +1 PP


Energy Blast Superhuman Durability
Supersonic Flight
SFX: Blasting. When making an action that includes Supersonic Flight, you may add
an additional Thermo-Chemical Propulsion power die to your pool. If the action
fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the smaller of the two power dice. P
SFX: Invulnerability. If your reaction dice pool includes Superhuman Durability, spend
1 PP to ignore physical stress or trauma.
SFX: Reactive Power. Spend 1 PP to add a Thermo-Chemical Propulsion power to an- 6
other character’s dice pool before rolling. If that character takes physical stress,
take d6 mental stress. 8
Limit: Explosive Propulsion. In order to use any other Thermo-Chemical Propulsion
power, you must use Supersonic Flight in the same dice pool. 10
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 PP.
Specialties Combat Expert Psych Expert 6
Vehicles Expert 8
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 10
1 XP when you give an order to a fellow mutant.
3 XP when you take an order from a mutant you look up to.
10 XP when you either take up leadership of the X-Men, or join a different mutant team. 6
1 XP when you discuss past victories.
3 XP when you discuss past defeats. 10
10 XP when you either defeat a worldwide threat to mutantkind, or use your powers
to create an asset so that a teammate can defeat that threat.



Samuel Guthrie [secret]

Sam Guthrie was born and raised in Kentucky,
the firstborn in a large family. His father died after
succumbing to black-lung from the mines, and Sam
became the family’s support system. On his first day
in the mines, he and another man became trapped;
Sam’s powers manifested, blasting a way out of
the cave-in. This caught the eye of Donald Pierce,
who was forming a team to combat the X-Men. Sam
joined him, but quickly rejected his plan and turned
to Xavier, who placed him in the first class of New
As co-leader of the team with Danielle Moonstar,
the newly dubbed Cannonball and the New Mutants
gathered new teammates, including Magik, Domino,
Rictor and several others, during their adventures.
Sam began dating Tabitha, also known as Boom
Boom around this time.
Sam then joined X-Force, a secret team of deadly
heroes charged with dealing with threats in a far
more lethal manner than the X-Men engage in. After
battling Apocalypse, Sam joined the X-Men, work-
ing alongside Wolverine; he defeated Gladiator,
a powerful Shi’ar warrior, in single combat—a
feat only Hulk and Thor were able to accom-
plish before.

Sam is the quintessential southern
gentleman, with a quick wit and warm
smile As the eldest child, he feels
responsible for his family’s well-
being and sees himself as a bit of a
father figure to his younger siblings.
Responsibility weighs heavily on his
shoulders, and he takes everything he does as
a member of the X-Men very seriously.

Abilities & Resources

Sam has the ability to propel himself forward at
incredible speeds through the explosive release of
thermo-chemical energy. While he is “blasting,” he
is surprisingly maneuverable, able to change direc-
tion at will, and can create a field around himself
that is virtually impenetrable. Flying adds incredible
might behind his punch, but if he can’t fly, he cannot
use any of his other powers.
Sam can extend his blasting field around those
who he carries while flying. He can also perform
other stunts with this field of blasting energy, but
generally focuses on flight.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Ironclad Loyalty

Quick To Anger or
Russian Farmboy +1 PP


Godlike Durability Superhuman Stamina
Godlike Strength

SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep
an additional effect die.
SFX: Invulnerability. Spend 1 pp to ignore physical stress or trauma unless caused by P
electromagnetic attacks.
SFX: Take the Hit. Spend 1 pp to take physical stress intended for an ally or friend 4
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Or-
ganic Steel Transformation. Recover Organic Steel Transformation when you 8
recover that stress or wake up. If you take physical trauma, shutdown Organic
Steel Transformation until you recover that trauma. 10
Limit: Heavy Metal. When attacked by magnetism, Anti-Metal, or when submerged in
water, change any Organic Steel Transformation power into a complication and 12
gain 1 pp.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Combat Expert Menace Expert 6
Psych Expert 8
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 10
1 XP when you declare your affection for another hero.
3 XP when you spurn the romantic advances of another hero. 4
10 XP when you abandon your team to save your loved one, or break off your relation-
ship for the good of the team. 6
1 XP when you first Take the Hit for an ally.
3 XP when you allow another hero to talk you out of a dangerous situation.
10 XP when you choose to either sacrifice yourself for your allies, or you’re the last 12
man standing.



Piotr “Peter” Nikolaievitch Rasputin [secret]

History superhuman strength and is almost invulnerable.

Born on the Ust-Ordynski Collective in Soviet Environmental conditions seem to have little effect
Russia, Piotr Rasputin grew up a dutiful son and a in this form, though rapid shifts between extreme
responsible worker on his family’s farm. His mutant heat and cold can harm him. He neither appreciably
abilities manifested when he rescued his younger tires nor needs to breathe, eat, or drink, until he re-
sister Illyana from a runaway tractor. Soon after, turns to mere flesh. The presence of the “Anti-Metal”
Charles Xavier recruited him to join the second gen- variation of Vibranium causes Colossus to revert to
eration of X-Men, whose first mission was rescuing his human form.
the previous team from the living island of Krakoa. As a member of the X-Men, Rasputin has received
His tenure with the X-Men taught Rasputin how significant training in combat and teamwork. He nor-
to control his powers and introduced him to many mally takes a front-line position in any team action
good friends and his long-time love, Kitty Pryde. It and works especially well alongside Wolverine, with
also pushed him into a life where he has lost many whom he has mastered the “Fastball Special,” which
loved ones and discovered uncomfortable truths involves bodily throwing Wolverine at an opponent.
about his family, his brother, and his homeland. Of course, he also has access to the vehicles, exten-
After his sister died from the mutant-targeted sive facilities and other resources of the team.
Legacy Virus, Colossus sacrificed his own life in
order to disseminate the cure. Denizens of the alien
Breakworld secretly stole his body and resurrected
him during their experimentation. His friends have
only recently discovered that he is alive, after
spending the last couple of years believing him

Piotr Rasputin is a simple and caring soul
often forced into violent situations. He is shy,
trusting, and somewhat guileless, though ca-
pable of tremendous rage when he sees his
friends hurt or innocents suffer. He is also
selfless, bravely putting himself in harm’s
way time and time again to protect
those weaker than himself. He
prefers to hide his deeper emo-
tions behind a stoic exterior, al-
though his artistic talents pro-
vide an outlet for his friends to
Given the tumultuous events of the
past few years, particularly his death and resurrec-
tion, he has an even greater appreciation for the
fragile joys of love and the living. Whether he con-
tinues his relationship with Kitty Pryde or reunites
with his sister Illyana are open questions at this
point in his life.

Abilities & Resources

Colossus possesses the ability to transform his
body into a form of organic steel of immense den-
sity and toughness. This adds height to his already
prodigious frame and more than doubles his
weight. While in metal form he has tremendous


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions I Don’t Have Time For This
Tactical Genius or
Uncompromising +1 PP


Force Blast

SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep
an additional effect die.
SFX: Energy Absorption. On a successful reaction against an energy attack, convert
your opponent’s effect die into an Optic Beam stunt or step up Force Blast until
used in an action. If your opponent’s action succeeds, spend 1 pp to use this SFX. P
SFX: Ricochet. Against a single target, step up or double Force Blast. Remove the
highest rolling die and use three dice for your total. 4
SFX: Versatile. Replace Force Blast die with 2d8 or 3d6 on your next roll. 6
Limit: Ruby-Red Visor. Change Force Blast into a complication or shutdown Force Blast
to gain 1 pp. Spend an action vs. doom pool to recover Force Blast. 8
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Combat Expert Cosmic Expert M
Covert Expert Tech Expert 4
Vehicle Master 6
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 8
Milestones ONE OF THE 198 12
1 XP when you talk about the responsibilities of being one of the few mutants left on
the planet.
3 XP when you confess to another hero that you wish you had lost your powers and
could lay down your burdens. 4
10 XP when you either abandon your responsibilities, to search for a way to give up
your mutant power, or defy a large organization in your defense of the remaining 6
1 XP when you first lead a team including more mutants than non-mutants.
3 XP when you defeat a foe without any team member ending the scene with stress.
10 XP when you either lead the X-Men to victory over mutant issues, or disband them
in the face of persecution.



Scott Summers [public]

History In addition to his mutant power, Cyclops is a

Oldest son of USAF Major Christopher Summers, gifted tactician, hand-to-hand combatant, and pilot
young Scott Summers barely survived the Shi’ar with extensive training in a variety of subjects, in-
attack that took his parents from him. Attempting cluding telepathically implanted languages. He has
to save his life, his mother strapped him into the access to all of the X-Men’s tech, vehicles, and facil-
only parachute onboard and pushed him and his ity resources.
younger brother Alex from their father’s burning Finally, Summers can call on
plane. Orphaned and hospitalized, Scott became any number of teams and per-
a ward of the state, which separated him from his sonal allies, including a tele-
brother and shuttled him from home to home. As he pathic girlfriend, an equally
grew older, Summers’ mutant abilities emerged and powerful mutant brother, and
caused him trouble until Professor Charles Xavier a father with a spaceship and
rescued him and became the boy’s teacher and his own team. Cyclops is es-
father figure. sentially the leader and public
As “Cyclops,” Scott Summers was a member of spokesman of mutants, at
the first class of X-Men trained by Xavier. He has least in the eyes of
remained loyal to Xavier’s dream, if not the man him- the public and the
self, at great cost over the years, through two mar- government, and
riages and a revolving roster of X-Men. Eventually he this gives him
emerged from Xavier’s shadow to take a leadership certain political
position, in charge not only of the X-Men but also of clout and cul-
the school bearing Xavier’s name. tural standing.

Cyclops behaves like the stern and no-nonsense
leader he believes he needs to be. He has no real
life outside of his responsibilities, sacrificing his per-
sonal needs to his perceived duties time and again.
Selfless, he is devoted to safeguarding mutantkind
from all threats and proving they can coexist with
Summers has lost the love of his life, Jean Grey,
more than once, he has developed an antagonistic
relationship with his former mentor, and he’s seen
enemies become friends and friends become ene-
mies. Even his current girlfriend, Emma Frost, used to
be a mortal foe. Fostering his sense of self-reliance
has left him with serious trust issues, and on an emo-
tional level, he is very, very alone. Worse, he sees
even this condition as necessary for his situation.

Abilities & Resources

Scott Summers is an alpha-level mutant whose
eyes act as apertures to an extra-dimensional source
of energy. This energy emits in beam form whenever
his eyes are open and can only be filtered safely by
ruby quartz lenses. Powerful enough to blast easily
through reinforced materials and knock aside heavy
vehicles, the beam manifests as concussive force
rather than heat or radiation. The visor Summers
wears gives him precise control over the beam’s size,
intensity, and scatter—and he is an expert marks-
man with his innate attack. Cyclops is immune to
the effects of his own blast—even his closed eyelids
are sufficient to block its release—and the energy
powers of his brother Alex. The only thing he cannot
do is control the energy itself, preventing it from
spilling from his eyes, although whether this is due
to physiological or psychological trauma is unclear.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Checkered Past

Femme Fatale or
Hardened Mercenary +1 PP


Guns Staff

SFX: Full Auto. Against a single target, step up or double a Guns die. Remove the high-
est rolling die and use three dice for your total.
SFX: Roomsweeper. Against multiple targets in an action including Staff, for each
additional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Domino’s Arsenal power to gain 1 pp. Take an action vs. the
doom pool to recover that power. P
Superhuman Reflexes 6

SFX: Domino Effect. On a successful reaction against a physical stress attack action,
inflict physical stress with your effect die. Spend 1 pp to step it up.
SFX: Second Chance. If your pool includes a Probability Manipulation power, spend
1 pp to reroll.
Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown Superhuman Reflexes to gain 1 pp. Activate an opportunity
or participate in a Transition Scene to recover that power.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Combat Master Covert Master
Menace Expert Psych Expert
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]

Milestones MUTANT MERC E

1 XP when you discuss payment for a deed. 4
3 XP when you put aside money and safety to do something noble.
10 XP when you either take up a high paying position no matter the morality behind 6
what you are paid to do, or find a calling that benefits others besides just yourself.
1 XP when you discuss a mysterious past with an ally.
3 XP when you use Covert Master, Psych Expert, or Combat Master to help a team-
mate uncover details of their mysterious past.
10 XP when you either put the ghosts and mysteries of an ally’s mysterious past to bed,
or decide that the truth is far too dangerous and work to cover up a mysterious
past. XP


Neena Thurman [secret]

History Domino’s luck has not extended to her relation-

Neena was bred from a precognitive mutant by ships. Her first marriage was cut short, and her re-
the government’s Project Armageddon program. She lationship with Cable is volatile, with the unstable
was stolen by devotees of her mother’s cult and nature of their romance and their equally strong per-
placed in the care of a priest. After her powers de- sonalities. Cable is a radical visionary and Domino
veloped, she engaged in espionage, mercenary work, is not afraid to point out the flaws in his logic or
and became Dr. Milo Thurman’s bodyguard. They question his methods.
fell in love, married, and he coined her nickname,
Domino. Milo could predict the future by analyzing Abilities & Resources
world events, making him a prime target; an attack Domino’s mutant power allows her to manipu-
by A.I.M. separated them, each believing the other late probability by telekinetically affecting objects
dead. around her on a subconscious level. She can weave
Domino joined the mercenary group Six Pack through debris with precision and luck, weapons
and met her longtime ally, Cable. The two began an jam when fired against her, and things just happen
on-again off-again romantic relationship. Six Pack in her favor. She has to actively engage in the events
clashed with Stryfe and the enigmatic Tolliver before around her to trigger her power—it will not passively
the group split up. Around that time, Neena was re- protect her. Domino is a highly trained covert opera-
placed with the shapeshifter Copycat, who rejoined tive and combatant and has access to an arsenal of
Cable when he transformed the New Mutants into weaponry. She maintains relationships throughout
X-Force. After a year, Cable unmasked the decep- the mercenary world and her former unit, Six Pack.
tion and together Cable and Domino defeated and Her tenure with X-Force has given her ties to the
seemingly killed Tolliver. rest of the X-Men community, but her willingness to
The real Domino then joined X-Force. She uncov- work for pay means that any help she would receive
ered a plot by Donald Pierce and Lady Deathstrike would likely depend on what exactly her mission is
to download Milo’s brain into a predictive computer and why she is undertaking it.
and stopped it, but not before Milo died. During
Operation: Zero Tolerance, an old foe installed a
block that shorted out Domino’s powers. Domino,
believing herself of no use without her powers,
left X-Force. Her powers eventually came back and
she drifted between teams for a while. She worked
alongside Cable, ultimately leaving him when he
took over the nation of Rumekistan. She has since
rejoined her old X-Force companions, Shatterstar
and Caliban.

Domino spent most of her adult life fighting for
money, for herself, or for a cause. Her toughness and
fortitude can be intimidating. She is not afraid to get
her hands dirty and works particularly well with
Cable. She uses weapons and tactics that
some of her fellow mutants might find
unsettling, but she does so out of
mission necessity rather than
cruelty or sadism.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Devout Adherent

Village Hero or
Voice In The Wind +1 PP

Power Sets SAND FORM

Enhanced Durability Growth
Intangibility Magical Resistance
Psychic Resistance Sand Blast
Sand Mastery Stretching
Subsonic Flight
SFX: All Is Dust. When inflicting a sand- or dust-based complication on a target, add a 6
d6 and step up your effect die.
SFX: Sandstorm. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep 8
an additional effect die.
SFX: Versatile. Replace Sand Mastery die with 2d8 or 3d6 on your next roll. 10
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Limit: Turned to Glass. Step up physical stress from fire or heat to gain 1 pp, then replace 12
physical stress with a Turned To Glass complication equal to your new physical
stress. M
Limit: Wind and Water. Step up physical stress from wind and water-based effects to
gain 1 pp. 4
Specialties Combat Expert Covert Expert
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]


1 XP when you discuss using lethal force. 4
3 XP when you inflict physical stress on an enemy with the intent to kill them.
10 XP when you train someone else to kill, or decide that killing is wrong and vow to 6
use your powers in non-lethal ways in the future.
1 XP when you close down a conversation with terse answers.
3 XP when you open up to one of your teammates.
10 XP when you decide that your teammates are not worth your trust and counsel, or
vow to speak your mind and offer your thoughts.



Sooraya Qadir [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Born in western Afghanistan, Sooraya Qadir Sooraya can turn her whole body into a swirling
had been forced into a slave-trading ring as a teen. mass of sand and silicon. She can propel this sand
Lashing out against her captors, she turned into a in all directions, creating sand storms at terrify-
vicious sandstorm, killing every one of them. It was ing speeds. The power behind the blasts can tear
there that Fantomex discovered her, handing her a human body apart with its incredible velocity, even
over to Wolverine. Logan took her to the X-Corps ripping steel to pieces. While in her sand form, magic
base in India before she was eventually taken to has little effect on her. When she transforms, her
the Xavier Institute. At the school, she came under clothing transforms as well. Sooraya is fluent in both
Xorn’s tutelage, becoming indoctrinated as he Arabic and English.
worked to undermine Xavier. She resisted Xorn’s
teaching, but Xorn convinced Xavier that she was out
of control, and she was contained before she had a
chance to give warning. Xavier realized his mistake
too late, and was paralyzed by Xorn.
Sooraya was one of the few mutants who re-
tained their powers after Scarlet Witch de-powered
the majority of the mutant population. Only 27 stu-
dents remained, and all were teamed with X-23.
Reverend William Stryker waged a cru-
sade against the X-Men, seeking to kill Dust and
Wallflower, mutants Nimrod claimed would destroy
Stryker’s forces. Stryker failed; Dust managed to dis-
able his forces and Elixir killed the Reverend.

Sooraya is a quiet and reserved young woman,
preferring to let others take charge. Extremely intro-
verted, she is uncomfortable around other people,
humans and mutants alike. While she prefers less
deadly methods, she can and will strip flesh from
bone with her power to take down increasingly
dangerous enemies. Sooraya is an observant Sunni,
wearing the traditional abaya and niqab seen in the
Middle East to cover her face and body.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Former Reaver
Impulsive Hero or
Power Over Life & Death +1 PP


SFX: Blackened Touch. Against a single target, step up or double Transmutation.
Remove the highest rolling die and use three dice for your total.
SFX: Golden Healing. Add Transmutation to your dice pool when helping others recover
physical stress. Spend 1 pp to recover your own or another’s physical stress, step P
back your own or another’s physical trauma, or recover another’s shutdown power.
SFX: Omega-Level Mutant. Step up or double any Biokinesis power for one action. If
that action fails, add a die to doom pool equal to the normal rating of that power
SFX: Versatile. Replace Transmutation die with 2d8 or 3d6 on your next roll. 8
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Bio-
kinesis. Recover Biokinesis when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take 10
physical trauma, shutdown Biokinesis until another character steps back or re-
covers your trauma. 12
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Limit: 100% Organic. Transmutation only affects organic targets. M
Specialties Medical Master Psych Expert 8
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 10


1 XP when you discuss anti-mutant hysteria. 4
3 XP when you open up about your time as a Reaver.
10 XP when you either seek forgiveness for the terrible things you did as a Reaver, or 6
seek revenge and gather a team in order to kill all surviving Reavers.
1 XP when you discuss someone’s affliction and how you can help them.
3 XP when you cause physical stress against an enemy with your mutant power.
10 XP when you either vow to never use your powers to kill, or vow to kill anyone who
threatens mutantkind.



Joshua Foley [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Joshua Foley was once a member of the terror- Joshua has the ability to manipulate the biologi-
ist anti-mutant group, the Reavers; when his group cal configuration of himself or those around him on a
battled against heroic mutants Danielle Moonstar molecular level. He can heal simple cuts and bruises,
and Karma, his X-gene activated. Suddenly able to cancer, and even bring someone back from the brink
heal anyone, including those mortally wounded, he of death. His power has a dark side, however; he is
was rejected and attacked by the Reavers, and his capable of causing great pain, tearing apart skin or
parents disowned him. Cast adrift, he joined Xavier’s inflicting tumors and welts. His power has proven
school and Moonstar became his legal guardian. effective against humans and mutants alike, even
Wallflower developed a crush on him, but Joshua those with a healing factor such as Wolverine. No
found himself attracted to Rahne Sinclair, also one knows the full extent of his abilities, and wheth-
known as Wolfsbane. Joshua healed the recently er healing and causing harm are just the beginning
de-powered Rahne when he kissed her, unleashing of his potential.
her wolf aspect. She attacked Joshua before fleeing
and he was rushed to the X-Mansion by Wallflower.
When he awoke after healing himself, his skin had
become golden.
Joshua was placed on the New Mutants squad
and was given his codename, becoming an invalu-
able member of the team. He and Wallflower began
dating soon after. After M-Day, Elixir was one of
the few mutants to remain empowered. When the
mutants were gathered at the mansion to protect
themselves, William Stryker, an anti-mutant zealot,
attacked the school and killed Wallflower. Enraged,
Elixir hunted down Stryker and unleashed his power
in a deadly manner, subjecting Stryker to lethal boils
and tumors. Although he was in a coma for some
time afterward, Joshua has since recovered and
seeks to balance his ability to give life and take it

Joshua is a very passionate and friendly young
man that thinks with his heart rather than his head.
This leads him to make some fairly rash decisions,
much to the chagrin of his instructors and fellow
students. His previous involvement with the Reavers
has left some students unsure of his loyalties, and
his flip-flopping interest between Wallflower and
Wolfsbane left neither woman happy. Joshua is a
dedicated team player, constantly seeking to prove
himself around much more powerful team mem-
bers. The destructive side of his powers causes him
distress; when his golden skin turns coal-black, he
sees it as a badge of shame for all to see.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Criminal Past

Icy Confidence or

No Secrets From Me +1 PP


Enhanced Strength Godlike Stamina
Superhuman Durability
SFX: Invulnerability. Spend 1 pp to ignore physical stress or trauma unless caused by
mystical attacks.
Limit: Mutually Exclusive. Shutdown Diamond Body to activate Omega-Class Telepath.
Shutdown Omega-Class Telepath to recover Diamond Body.

Enhanced Senses Mind Control 4
Psychic Blast Psychic Resistance 6
Telepathy 8

SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep
an additional effect die.
SFX: Multipower. Add more than one Omega-Class Telepath power die to your pool.
Step back each Omega-Class Telepath power die in your pool once for each die
beyond the first. M
SFX: Psychic Healing. When helping others recover stress, add Telepathy to your dice
pool. Spend 1 pp to recover your own or another’s mental or emotional stress or
step back your own or another’s mental or emotional trauma. 6
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Business Master Crime Expert 10
Psych Master Science Expert 12
Tech Expert E
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you use your powers to assert your will.
3 XP when your Criminal Past gets you in trouble with allies. 8
10 XP when you reveal a major betrayal—real or staged—that either costs you greatly
or leads to the ruination of an ally. 10
1 XP when you point out something noble you’ve done for others.
3 XP when you use extreme or wicked means to a good end.
10 XP when you ask a teammate for forgiveness, or demonstrate that the ends you’ve XP
achieved justify your means.


Emma Grace Frost [public]

History tremendously. Frost also remains quite aware that

The Frost family does not reward weaklings. Kitty Pryde and a number of her other teammates are
Emma Frost’s father raised strong-willed and ruth- a long way from trusting her, regardless of her bond
less daughters, but a disappointingly fragile son. with Summers or her actions with the team thus far.
Seeing the brother she loved cruelly used as yet
another of her father’s object lessons, Emma finally Abilities & Resources
walked away from her family, determined to make Frost is a powerful and highly skilled telepath.
her way alone. On her own she learned hard lessons She can read minds, project her own thoughts, ma-
about life that honed her native aggression and ruth- nipulate perceptions, induce pain, control thoughts
lessness even further. Combined with her mutant and actions, and so on. She developed a second-
telepathic abilities, her brutal and ambitious nature ary mutation during the annihilation of Genosha:
eventually earned her a seat as the White Queen, the ability to transform her body mass into organic
helping Sebastian Shaw seize control of the Hellfire diamond. In her diamond form, she gains immense
Club from their murderously anti-mutant predeces- strength and durability with no loss in mobility or
sors. As a member of the Club’s ruling council, she flexibility, but she loses access to her telepathic
fought against the X-Men on numerous occasions. powers while in that form.
Emma also channeled her ambition into mold- Even without her mutant abilities, Emma is a
ing and teaching new generations of mutants. After master manipulator. She’s fully aware of her great
watching too many of her charges die, first in her beauty and shameless in exploiting it and any emo-
own school and later on Genosha, she experienced tional weaknesses her insight into human psychol-
a change in her attitudes and eventually came to ogy might reveal. Emma is also an electronics expert
Xavier Institute for a second chance and emotional and capable businesswoman.
sanctuary. In her time teaching at Xavier Institute, As a member of the X-Men, and one in a leader-
she’s proven a valuable asset to the X-Men; she’s ship position, she has full access to all of the team’s
also developed a strong romantic relation- resources. She also has her own substan-
ship with the widowed Scott Summers tial personal wealth. Emma maintains
(Cyclops). the many contacts she cultivated
After M-Day, Emma lost a number of before joining the X-Men, in-
her depowered students when William cluding a former intimate rela-
Stryker’s Purifiers blew up a school bus tionship with Tony Stark.
with them on board. She is still haunted
by this and even more protective of her
charges now than ever.

Emma Frost is not a nice
person. She is domineering,
manipulative, ruthless, some-
times cruel, and far less encum-
bered by the moral scruples she
perceives as hampering her team-
mates. Frost carries a monumental
case of survivor’s guilt—not only has
she watched most of the students she’s
been responsible for die, she also help-
lessly witnessed first-hand the death of
millions in Genosha. This changed her in
ways she doesn’t yet have the emotional
tools to accept fully. While she has come
a lot closer to the side of the angels while
working with the X-Men, she retains most of
the ice queen persona that helped her survive in her
life before Xavier’s school. She is still trying to find a
stable equilibrium between her own nature and the
role she’s chosen to play in her new environment,
and there have been a few stumbles along the way.
The deep love she has developed for Summers
is a new feeling for her, and one she’s exploring
with great caution. Emma is not a woman to accept
second place gracefully, and living in the shadow
of the (currently) deceased Jean Grey rankles her


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Crack Shot
Intuitive Inventor or
Weight of the World +1 PP


Enhanced Senses Expert Sorcery
Mimic Mystic Resistance
SFX: Built to Spec. When you activate an opportunity to create a Combat or Tech re-
source, step up that resource die. If another player gives you 1 pp, their hero may
also use this resource.
SFX: Technological Intuition. When using Mimic to create technology-based assets or P
complications, add a d6 and step up your effect die.
SFX: We Can Rebuild Him. When helping robots, synthetics, or cyborgs recover stress, 4
add Enhanced Senses to your dice pool. Spend 1 pp to recover your own or an-
other cybernetic or robotic character’s physical stress or step back your own or 6
another cybernetic or robotic character’s physical trauma.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Limit: Prototype. When you create an asset or complication with Mimic, shutdown Mimic 10
until the asset or complication is eliminated, removed, or recovered.
Limit: Reluctant Medicine Man. If your dice pool includes Expert Sorcery, both 1s and 12
2s on your dice count as opportunities, but only 1s are excluded from being used
for totals or effect dice.
Specialties Combat Expert Mystic Expert 6
Science Master Tech Master 8

Vehicles Expert 10
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 12
1 XP when you discuss how technology could help a situation or how magic could
make it worse. 6
3 XP when you use Science Master or Tech Master to create an asset.
10 XP when you either destroy something dangerous that you helped create or realize 8
that your technology is causing trouble because it has no soul and begin to use
magic in your technological efforts. 10
1 XP when you discuss past work you have done for S.H.I.E.L.D.
3 XP when you help a mutant evade S.H.I.E.L.D. or other governmental forces.
10 XP when you either take a high ranking position with S.H.I.E.L.D., so that you can make XP
the word a better place, or vow to never work with S.H.I.E.L.D. again, considering
the organization an enemy to mutantkind.


ID: Unrevealed (secret)

History Abilities & Resources

Forge was raised from an early age in the tra- Forge’s mutant talents offer him a way of under-
ditions of Cheyenne medicine men, but when his standing and using technology in an entirely intui-
mutant power to intuitively invent things mani- tive manner. He doesn’t necessarily have the kind of
fested, he chose to pursue military service instead. scientific or technological training that many others
During one of his tours of duty, enemy forces wiped have, but he doesn’t need it; he understands weap-
out his entire squad. Seeking to use his shamanistic ons, equipment, machines, electronics, and other
training for revenge, he gathered the spirits of his inventions on a subconscious level, allowing him
fallen comrades together and opened a mystic gate- to literally build anything. Given ample resources,
way. A horde of demons poured forth before Forge he can come up with a gadget or device for any
realized his error in judgment. He called in an air situation.
strike to eliminate the demons, but lost his leg and Forge is also trained in Cheyenne mystic ritual,
hand in the process. Afterward, Forge swore to never allowing him to open and seal mystic portals,
again use magic to solve his problems. summon or gather together spirits, and commune
Recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. as an inventor and engi- with nature. He rarely falls back on these talents,
neer, Forge contributed to the Helicarrier’s design, however, preferring to use technology as a solution.
as well as various other technological marvels. One As well as the X-Men and related teams, Forge
such device, a power neutralizer, was used by Henry maintains many high-level government contacts,
Peter Gyrich to strip away the mutant powers of including some within S.H.I.E.L.D. and international
Ororo Munroe, AKA Storm. This complicated rela- peacekeeping forces. His patents and past successes
tions between Forge and the X-Men, though ul- continue to keep him well stocked in tech supplies
timately Storm regained her powers and Forge and tools.
became one of the X-Men himself. During his tenure
with the X-Men, Forge confronted the Adversary, a
being he had unwittingly released years ago when
he opened the mystic gateway. Forced once again
to use his magic, Forge used the spirits of the X-Men
to seal the gateway shut permanently.
He later spent time acting as a government oper-
ative before returning to Xavier’s team as their chief
technician. After M-Day, Forge retained his mutant
powers, and has used them to inquire into
the cause of the Decimation, to no avail.
Most recently he assisted the New X-Men
in battling the future sentinel Nimrod, a
threat he only now realizes he had a part
in creating.

Forge possesses a grim responsibil-
ity toward mutants, feeling that he owes
them his service, much as he once owed the
government. His approach to his work is one
centered on gut feeling and instinct, and as such he
can often make terrible mistakes or become caught
up in his feelings toward his friends and allies. Most
of the time, Forge masks his guilt or cynicism with
a mask of maturity and even-temperament, helping
others without raising a fuss. When the situation
is dire, his military training kicks in, and he rarely
remains on the sidelines. At other times, however,
he is content to let his colleagues lead the way.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Brash & Bold
Short-Tempered or
We Are The Future +1 PP

Power Sets TK FIELD

Superhuman Durability Supersonic Flight
Telekinetic Blast Telekinetic Mastery
SFX: Absorb the Blow. When using Superhuman Durability in your dice pool, redirect
physical stress to mental stress at no cost. Spend 1 pp to step back redirected
stress. P
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep
an additional effect die. 4
SFX: Multipower. Add more than one TK Field power die to your pool. Step back each 6
TK Field power die in your pool once for each die beyond the first.
SFX: Telekinetic Constructs. When using a TK Field power to create assets, add a d6 8
and step up your effect die.
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown TK 10
Field. Recover TK Field when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take mental
trauma, shutdown TK Field until you recover that trauma. 12
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Business Expert Combat Expert 6
Menace Expert 8
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 10
1 XP when you put down an ally, or seek out advice from Emma Frost.
3 XP when you let someone know that you are better than him or her. 4
10 XP when you form a mutant team for Frost to lead, or find the flaws in Frost’s phi-
losophy and seek out another mutant leader. 6
1 XP when you flirt with a woman.
3 XP when you help an ally with romantic troubles.
10 XP when you either dedicate yourself to one relationship, or break off a relationship, 12
ending a romance.



Julian Keller [public]

History Abilities & Resources

Julian Keller was born with a silver spoon in his Julian can create fantastic surges of telekinetic
mouth. His parents tried to keep his mutant powers energy, which cause his hands and eyes to glow
quiet, but when Julian refused, he was sent to join green. He has mastered his ability, able to create
Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. There, he fields of energy, fly at incredible speeds, and even
quickly earned a place leading Emma Frost’s team affect multiple objects from a great distance away.
of students known as the Hellions, showing creativ- As a member of the New X-Men, Julian has the re-
ity and skill in the use of his telekinetic powers. sources of the Xavier Institute at his disposal, includ-
Hellion often found himself in trouble, fighting not ing the Blackbird, medical facilities and multiple
only super villains, but the FBI and the New Mutants other supplies the school provides.
as well. He caused an incident at the airport in an
attempt to take some of his friends to his home in
California, causing his parents to disown him.
Following the devastating M-Day incident, Julian
competed with remaining powered students for po-
sitions on the new team Emma was assembling. He
was ordered to eliminate X-23 from the competition,
but when he refused, Surge was made leader as his

Julian is a loose cannon, often going against
orders he doesn’t agree with. This can lead to clashes
not only with those in command over him, but also
those under him. He has a remarkable talent for
leadership in spite of his arrogance and bold at-
titude. When those who oppose him push him, he
often finds ways of punishing them through passive
aggressive means. Julian’s romantic interests have
ranged from Wind Dancer, to the Stepford Cuckoos,
to X-23.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Hapless Romantic

Heroic Prankster or
Terrifying Potential +1 PP


Enhanced Durability Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Speed Enhanced Stamina
Ice Blast Ice Mastery
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep P
an additional effect die.
SFX: Constructs. When using a Cryokinesis power to create assets, add a d6 and step
up your effect die. 6
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from cold-based
attacks. 8
SFX: Multipower. Add more than one Cryokinesis power die to your pool. Step back
each Cryokinesis power die in your pool once for each die beyond the first. 10
SFX: Omega-Level Mutant. Step up or double any Cryokinesis power for one action. If
that action fails, add a die to doom pool equal to the normal rating of that power 12
Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Cryokinesis power to gain 1 pp. Activate an opportunity M
or participate in a Transition Scene to recover that power.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp. 4
Specialties Business Expert Psych Expert
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]


1 XP when you discuss how you can use your powers. 4
3 XP when you take stress when using your powers.
10 XP when you either seek out a mentor to help you unlock your full mutant potential, 6
or abandon your friends and teammates in your quest to reach your limits.
1 XP when you discuss your adventures during your first years with Xavier.
3 XP when you rebel against Xavier’s philosophy.
10 XP when you either join a team of mutants who are not the X-Men, or join a non-
mutant superhuman team.



Robert “Bobby” Louis Drake [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Bobby’s powers first manifested when he froze Iceman can lower the temperature around him
a bully solid. Cyclops was sent to recruit him, but and gather moisture to create ice. Originally, this
a mob closed in on both young mutants. Professor manifested as a snowman-like appearance and later
Xavier saved them from the angry crowd and Bobby as translucent ice. He often made sleds of ice to rep-
joined the X-Men as Iceman, where he quickly licate flying, but can now propel himself with ice and
became best friends with Beast. Iceman was in- through moisture. He can use his ice to bulk himself
volved in their early encounters against numerous up for battle, to create weapons and objects, and
foes and was one of the original X-Men captured by to hinder or bind his foes; he can reassemble him-
the island of Krakoa. After that incident he left the self if his ice form is broken, and can sense others
team to join the Champions, and later the Defenders, by the change in heat they produce. As an origi-
at times alongside fellow original X-Men comrades nal member of the X-Men, he is well known in the
Beast and Angel. Eventually, the original X-Men all mutant community and counts much of the X-Men
reunited as X-Factor. as close friends. He has connections to other heroes
Bobby was kidnapped by Loki to use in a plan from when he was on the Champions and Defenders.
alongside Frost Giants. Iceman was rescued, but Iceman can rely on countless heroes to answer his
not before his powers were augmented to such an call should there ever be a need.
extent that he needed a dampening belt to safely
use them. His powers stabilized and he rejoined
the X-Men, where a confrontation with the mutant
Mikhail made Bobby realize he had not yet tapped
the full extent of his powers. When a comatose
Emma Frost hijacked Iceman’s body and demon-
strated even further abilities he had never thought
to use, Iceman’s confidence was shaken. He fought
Black Tom, triggering his secondary mutation, which
left him a being of pure ice. Iceman resolved to em-
brace his powers and explore their full poten-
tial. After M-Day, it appeared that Iceman’s
powers had been stripped from him,
but it turned out to be a self-imposed
mental block.

As the youngest of the origi-
nal team, he was unsure of him-
self and adapted by becoming
the team’s resident prankster.
Iceman has had a number of
failed romances; behind his
exuberance and smiles, Iceman
is a man deeply troubled with
his own powers and sorely lack-
ing confidence. He is one of the
few Omega Class mutants in
the world, and ought to be unri-
valed by most of his teammates,
but his powers have languished;
the breakthroughs he experiences
are often inspired by the ideas of
others. Iceman went back to college
for an accounting degree, seeking an
identity outside of his powers. If he ever
overcomes his trepidations about unleashing
his full potential, Iceman may be one of the most
powerful X-Men of all time.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Haughty
Mutant Rights Activist or

Perfection Is My Mutant Power +1 PP


Enhanced Senses Mind Control
SFX: Cutting Wit. On a successful reaction against an emotion-based attack action,
inflict emotional stress with your effect die. Spend 1 pp to step it up.
SFX: Focus. If your pool includes a Mutant Mentalist power, you may replace two dice
of equal size with one stepped-up die.
SFX: Superhuman Intuition. Shutdown Enhanced Senses to add an Expert Specialty
or step up an Expert Specialty to Master. Activate an opportunity or participate
in a Transition Scene to recover power.
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown
Mutant Mentalist. Recover Mutant Mentalist when you recover that stress or 4
wake up. If you take mental trauma, shutdown Mutant Mentalist until you recover
that trauma. 6
Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Speed 10
Enhanced Stamina Enhanced Strength 12
Superhuman Durability Subsonic Flight M
SFX: Adrenal Boost. Shutdown a Peerless Physiology power to step up another Peerless
Physiology power. Activate an opportunity or participate in a Transition Scene 4
to recover the power.
SFX: Multipower. Add more than one Peerless Physiology power die to your pool. Step 6
back each Peerless Physiology power die in your pool once for each die beyond
the first. 8
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Combat Expert Psych Master 12
Tech Expert E
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 4
Milestones BAD ATTITUDE 6
1 XP when you are condescending or sarcastic.
3 XP when you show a caring side under the hard demeanor.
10 XP when you either decide your team isn’t worth finessing your foul mouth, or decide 10
they’re your true friends and worthy of some respect.

1 XP when you discuss your mutant powers.
3 XP when you hide how many superhuman abilities you possess.
10 XP when you either decide to seek out a way of unlocking your incredible potential,
or decide to hide your extensive mutant abilities and your potential behind your
snarky attitude.


Monet St. Croix [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Monet St. Croix was the eldest and favorite M has an impressive array of powers includ-
daughter of the esteemed Monacan diplomat Carter ing enhanced reflexes, speed, strength, durability
St. Croix. Her brother, Emplate, had grand and dark and flight. She has the ability to read and control
ambitions that Monet refused with her typical dis- minds, enhanced senses, genius-level intellect, ei-
dain. Enraged, Emplate put Monet in a diamond- detic memory, and superhuman adaptability. When
hard and incommunicative body called Penance. Her it comes to M’s powers, it’s more a question of what
twin sisters discovered them and banished them to she cannot do. Her younger twin sister can merge
another dimension, unaware that M was Penance. together to create a replica of her, although her that
Fearing their father’s reaction to M’s absence, the version of M suffers bouts of catatonia. As her team-
twins combined to masquerade as her. Monet-as- mate Jubilee once joked, perfection seems to be
Penance, back in this dimension, and the St. Croix her mutant power. In addition to
Twins-as-M, joined Generation X. When Emplate re- her array of abilities, Monet’s
surfaced, the true identities of the St. Croix sisters father is a wealthy Monacan
were revealed. M regained her original body and diplomat that has run a
her twin sisters ceased masquerading as her. She number of Fortune 500
maintained her trademark abrasiveness, but being countries. Her personal-
trapped as Penance deeply affected her. When she ity has not endeared her
emerged as her true self and joined Generation X, to her teammates, but
M continued to clash with her teammates. her abilities and as-
She opened her heart to Synch, but he sacrificed sistance have cre-
his own life to stop a bomb from killing the team ated grudging
not long after. Heartbroken, M left Generation X and loyalty between
spent time with X-Corps before receiving an invita- them.
tion to join Multiple Man’s X-Factor Investigations.
Her presence on the team seemed an odd fit, but she
claimed she just wanted to be in New York. During
their investigation of a murder perpetrated by a
Hollywood actor, Monet exhausted herself to exon-
erate the victim’s sister. When the team succeeded
its investigation, Monet broke down and cried to
Multiple Man. She empathized with the victim, but
M promised she would hurt Madrox if he revealed
her vulnerability.

M’s aristocratic upbringing, plethora of powers,
and tremendous trauma in her early life made her
snarky, superior, and abrasive. She is unapologetic
to the point of arrogance about her abilities, wealth,
culture, and expensive tastes. M is blunt and sar-
castic and completely willing to cause angst and
problems amongst her friends as much as her foes.
She is happy to bluntly refuse unnecessary or un-
wanted social engagement. However, beneath the
difficult persona, M does want to be a hero. Because
of her time as Penance, she empathizes with those
are trapped and helpless. She is quick to aid her
teammates, even as they wonder if she cares, but
will leave friends on their own in awkward and dif-
ficult (but not dangerous) situations to prove a point.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Ancient Customs
Nova Roma Nobility or
Walking Volcano +1 PP


Burrowing Earth Mastery
Enhanced Durability Enhanced Stamina
Fire Control Magma Blast
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep
an additional effect die. P
SFX: Blazing Body. On a successful reaction against a close-combat attack action, inflict
physical stress with your effect die. Spend 1 pp to step it up. 4
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from earth- or 6
heat-based attacks.
SFX: Lava Eruption. Step up or double Magma Blast for one action. If that action fails, 8
add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal rating of that power die.
SFX: Multipower. Add more than one Mutant Geotherm power die to your pool. Step 10
back each Mutant Geotherm power die in your pool once for each die beyond
the first. 12
Limit: Earth’s Embrace. Step up emotional stress suffered or step back effect dice used
to recover stress or trauma while not in contact with the earth to gain 1 pp. M
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complication or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Combat Expert Psych Expert 8

Science Expert 10
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 12
1 XP when you express confusion or contempt for the ways of the uncivilized modern
world compared to Nova Roma. 6
3 XP when you make your Nova Roman heritage the central issue of a confrontation
or conflict.
10 XP when you either deny your heritage or Nova Roma’s existence, or you abandon 10
your allies to return to Nova Roma.
1 XP when you use Earth Mastery in a die pool and succeed.
3 XP when you use your Lava Eruption SFX and fail, adding to the doom pool. XP
10 XP when you either cause or stop a natural disaster that threatens many innocent


Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla was born in Nova Magma possesses geothermic powers that let her
Roma, a colony of Rome founded in the Amazon in manipulate the earth, specifically the movement of
44 B.C. and ruled by Selene, an immortal mutant tectonic plates. She can cause seismic disruption,
and witch. After Amara’s powers manifested when draw molten rock from the earth’s core to create
Selene threw her into a lava pit as a human sacrifice, miniature volcanoes, or throw blasts of fire. While
she left Nova Roma to learn to use her powers at the her powers are active, she usually assumes a molten
Xavier Institute. She joined the New Mutants under form with skin like lava, which gives her extreme
the name Magma. Though she has wandered many resistance to volcanic conditions and heat. She can
paths—some alone, some with other teams—Magma use her powers without assuming this form, but only
has returned again and again to her friends among in very minor ways. Contact with the ground allows
the New Mutants and the X-Men. Magma to regenerate most wounds.
Amara was given a teaching position at the
Xavier Institute, something she takes seriously. She
retained her mutant powers after M-Day and devotes
considerable time to helping those mutant refugees
among the 198 housed at the Institute.

Magma is a fiercely loyal ally and friend. Due
to troubles with being emotionally influenced
in her past, she hates
being manipulated and
will make every effort
to break free of such
control. Magma has a
good heart and often
sees the best in people,
even if they don’t see it
themselves. Raised in a
classical, noble family, she
has a strong sense of pride and
honor, and it can occasionally get her into
trouble. She also fears her powers raging
out of control and endangering people
around her, particularly if she’s near a vol-
cano or fault line. She will err on the side
of caution rather than risk inflicting harm.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Anything Is Possible

Former Hound or

This Isn’t My Reality +1 PP


Enhanced Durability Invisibility
Mind Control Psychic Blast
Psychic Resistance Subsonic Flight
Telekinetic Control Telepathy
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep
an additional effect die. P
SFX: Echo of the Phoenix. Step up or double any Omega-Level Telepath power for one
action. If that action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal rating
of that power die. 6
SFX: Powerful Psychic. Step back the highest die in your attack action pool to add a
d6 and step up mental stress inflicted. 8
SFX: Psychic Feedback. On a successful reaction against a psychic action, convert your
opponent’s effect die into an Omega-Level Telepath stunt or step up an Omega- 10
Level Telepath power until used in an action. If your opponent’s action succeeds,
spend 1 pp to use this SFX. 12
SFX: Versatile. Replace Psychic Blast or Telepathy die with 2d8 or 3d6 on your next
roll. M
Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Omega-Level Telepath power to gain 1 pp. Activate an
opportunity or participate in a Transition Scene to recover that power. 4
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp

Specialties 8
Combat Expert Cosmic Expert
Menace Expert Tech Expert
Vehicles Expert 12
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] E
Milestones HOUND
1 XP when you discuss how to hunt down a mutant. 6
3 XP when you discuss how to get away from someone hunting down mutants.
10 XP when you either gather a group of mutants to hunt down fellow mutants once
again, or gather a group of mutants to help hunted mutants get away from those
who would hunt them down.
1 XP when you discuss your potential power.
3 XP when you hide your potential power.
10 XP when you either seek out other mutants of your power level, in order to make XP
sweeping changes to the world, or decide to hide your power levels and attempt
to live a humble life.


Rachel Anne Grey [public]

History Abilities & Resources

Rachel Summers was born in an alternate time- Rachel is an Omega-level mutant whose true
line in which the Phoenix Force merged with Jean potential is still likely untapped. She inherited her
Grey, rather than replacing her. As a result, Jean could mother’s incredible psychic powers of telepathy
control the Phoenix Force. She and Scott were mar- and telekinesis; she can make herself invisible to
ried, and Rachel was born soon after. Senator Kelly, others by clouding their minds, control the minds
an important anti-mutant activist, was killed in her of those around her, and create telepathic blasts of
reality, resulting in the Sentinels purging the United force. For a time, the Phoenix Force bonded to her,
States of mutants. Soldiers captured Rachel when and while she retains some connection to it, she
Xavier’s fell, and she was placed under the watchful does not presently manifest its power.
eye of Ahab. Through torture and brainwashing, she
was turned into a mutant hunter, known as a Hound,
and her face was tattooed with permanent markings.
Rachel rebelled against Ahab because of the
pain she experienced hunting down her loved ones.
She was placed in the same containment facility as
Wolverine, Magneto, and Shadowcat. Rachel used
her powers to exchange the minds of the current and
past Shadowcat; this prevented the assassination
of Senator Kelly, but didn’t change Rachel’s pres-
ent. Instead of going into the past, Shadowcat had
crossed into another time stream. While Rachel and
Shadowcat explored this phenomenon, the Phoenix
Force found Rachel’s astral form. Impressed with her
powers and skills, the Force helped Rachel escape
into the past when she was fleeing from Nimrod, a
powerful Sentinel.
Rachel soon found a place in the Xavier Institute,
and Professor Xavier trained her in mastering her
powers. She learned of the death of Jean Grey in this
reality and decided to claim the name and power
of the Phoenix. After working alongside Excalibur
for a time, she rejoined the X-Men, taking the name
Marvel Girl in honor of her mother. She also changed
her last name to Grey to express her condemnation
of Cyclops’ relationship with Emma Frost.

Rachel is bitter and broken from her time as a
Hound and the decimation she’s seen in her own
future. She makes her intentions and beliefs well
known, and isn’t afraid to confront people. She is
wary about the occupation of the X-Mansion by the
O*N*E Sentinels, if only because of the frightening
reminder of her own timeline. Rachel recently lost
all of her family, who were slain by the Shi’ar Death
Commandos in an attempt by the Shi’ar Empire to
eliminate the Phoenix bloodline. This has under-
scored her feeling of isolation, even when surround-
ed by friends and allies.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Approval-Seeker
Go With The Flow or
I Don’t Want To Be Different +1 PP


Intangibility Magical Resistance
Psychic Resistance Shapeshifting
Stretching Superhuman Durability
Wallcrawling Weapon P
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from attacks that
only target organic beings. 6
SFX: Invulnerability. Spend 1 pp to ignore physical stress or trauma unless caused by
energy attacks. 8
SFX: Malleable. Before you make a reaction including a Bio-Mercury power, you may
move your physical stress die to the doom pool and step up a Bio-Mercury power 10
for this reaction.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp. 12
Limit: Vulnerability. Step up physical stress from electrical attack to gain 1 pp.
Specialties Acrobatic Expert Covert Expert 6

Psych Expert 8

[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 10



1 XP when you discuss your misgivings about a mutant adventure. 4
3 XP when you plan a mutant adventure, throwing yourself into your life as an X-Man.
10 XP when you dedicate your life to the Xavier Institute and the X-Men, or gather 6
together a group of mutants and embark on a different path.
1 XP when you discuss your family’s hatred of your mutant powers.
3 XP when you confront an anti-mutant bigot.
10 XP when you either make peace with your family’s bigotry, or exile them from your
life until they can love you for what you are.



Cessily Kincaid [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Cessily’s life was turned upside-down when her Cessily is able to transform her body into a pli-
power to turn herself into mercury manifested. In able liquid mercury figure. The metal is non-toxic
an attempt to keep her mutant status quiet, she and inorganic. She can bend and contort into any
was sent off to Xavier Institute by her parents. At shape, becoming a formless blob of silvery liquid,
the school, she quickly became friends with Julian create blades and other weapons, and shift into any
Keller, also known as Hellion. She became close to metallic form. She no longer requires oxygen, water
Wither, a student who could rapidly cause decay in or sustenance, though she continues to do so purely
anything he touched. Cessily discovered she was out of habit. She is difficult to pinpoint through te-
immune to his devastating power. lepathy due to her make-up, as well as nearly impos-
Soon, she became a member of Emma Frost’s sible to affect magically. Her body allows her to cling
Hellions squad, where she met the Kingmaker, a to walls and ceilings with ease, and fit through the
mutant capable of granting wishes. Her only wish smallest of spaces.
was for acceptance from her parents, but when the
Hellions rejected the Kingmaker’s deal, Cessily’s
parents blamed her for the mind control and re-
jected her.
When M-Day left only 27 students at Xavier
Institute with powers, she was devastated to learn
that she was one of those whose powers remained.
Shortly after, she was placed with the X-Men. While
out in town with X-23, agents loyal to the recently
deceased Stryker captured Cessily and subjected her
to dangerous and mentally catastrophic experiments
in order to learn how to take her powers from her.
She was rescued and was forced to recover back at
the Institute.

Cessily is insecure, feeling rejected by her
parents and those around her. As a result, she
constantly seeks approval from others. Since her
capture and torture, she has become much more
quiet and introspective, fearful of the world
around her. Despite this, she craves friend-
ships and the company of those in her team.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Behind The Façade
Not So Secret Agent or
This Needs A Soundtrack +1 PP


Enhanced Durability Enhanced Reflexes
Growth Shapeshifting
Shrinking Superhuman Strength
SFX: Max Out. Shutdown Shrinking to recover Superhuman Strength. Recover Shrink-
ing by shutting down Superhuman Strength. 4
SFX: Multipower. Add more than one Whatever Size I Need To Be power die to your
pool. Step back each Whatever Size I Need To Be power die in your pool once for 6
each die beyond the first.
SFX: Push It. Step up your physical stress to step up or double a Whatever Size I Need
To Be power for your next roll.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Limit: Size Matters. Add a complication equal to Growth or Shrinking to an opposing 12
dice pool and gain 1 pp.
Specialties Combat Expert Tech Expert 6
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 8


1 XP when you quote song lyrics.
3 XP when you let everyone know what music should be playing during an Action
Scene. 4
10 XP when you either find a way to blast your music on every battle you participate
in, or decide that music has no place in super heroic fights. 6
1 XP when you respond to a situation with sarcasm and wry humor.
3 XP when you treat a situation with dead seriousness.
10 XP when you decide that your humor has no place in this grim world, or vow to inflict 12
your brother and sister mutants with more of your British humor because they
need it, dammit.



Scott Wright [secret]

Once a humble disc jockey, Scott Wright was
assigned to the British security agency FI6. While
staking out a museum targeted by a thief, he at-
tacked Rachel Grey, AKA Marvel Girl, by mistaking
her for the thief while the real thief escaped. During
another stakeout, Scott battled Nightcrawler and
the bizarre mercenary group known as the Technet,
who were working with the Inter-Regional Police
Taskforce. The thief’s master was discovered to be
Necrom, the Sorcerer Supreme of an extra-dimen-
sional race. Scott was held in reserve while other
agents were sent in to capture Necrom; they were all
butchered. Scott charged in, hoping to stop Necrom
himself, but was imprisoned by Necrom’s force field.
He shrank, hoping to avoid detection, but passed out
from the strain. Necrom left him for dead, but Scott
was later able to join the other heroes in defeating
Necrom once and for all.
Scott spent some time in the USA as an employee
of the Brand Corporation, and helped the Avengers
battle Kang the Conqueror’s invading armies. He
kept his mutant powers after M-Day, and has signed
up as part of an international mutant team on loan
to the Office of National Emergency.

Scott is an arrogant but affable man, hiding the
fact that he’s a middle aged, overweight, balding
disc jockey with no business being a super hero. He
has installed a sound system into his suit to listen to
music while he fights, and attempts to keep things
light and jovial with his dry British wit.

Abilities & Resources

Scott is able to enlarge and shrink his body to im-
mense and minute sizes, transforming his costume
with it. While enlarged, he grows incredibly strong
and durable. While small, he becomes the perfect
escape artist, able to slip through the smallest of
cracks. He also has minor shapeshifting abilities,
able to make himself appear trimmer and better
muscled than he actually is. As a member of FI6 and
attached to groups like O*N*E, Scott has access to a
fair amount of mid-grade covert resources, gear, and
benefits, but hardly ever uses them. He’s on good
terms with most super hero teams in the United
Kingdom and Europe.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Multiple Men Multiple Problems

That’s So Noir or

What Haven’t I Done? +1 PP


Madrox Mob
SFX: Absorb Dupes. Spend 1 pp to eliminate any errant duplicate-related complication
that you are nearby. If this duplicate resists or had any kind of stress, step up
your mental stress.
SFX: Absorption. On a successful reaction against a physical kinetic attack, convert
your opponent’s effect die into a Multiplying Mutant stunt or, if the effect die
is d10 or greater, add a die to your Madrox Mob power until the end of the Scene
(maximum 5d8). If your opponent’s action succeeds, spend 1 pp to use this SFX.
SFX: Did I Do That? During a Transition Scene, you may create duplicate-based re- P
sources for heroes in other Scenes in which you are not present.
SFX: Plenty for Everybody. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add
d6 to your pool and keep an additional effect die. 6
SFX: Take One for the Team. On a successful attack action against you, spend 1 pp to
ignore the effect die and remove a die from your Madrox Mob power. Recover 8
Madrox Mob after a Transition Scene.
Limit: Fly in the Ointment. Add a Multiplying Mutant d8 complication to gain 1 pp. If 10
you are suffering emotional stress or trauma, step up this complication.
Limit: Mob Cohesion. Madrox Mob may be targeted individually or by Area Attack SFX. 12
d10 physical stress inflicted removes a die from Madrox Mob power. Recover
Madrox Mob after a Transition Scene. M
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Acrobatics Expert Combat Expert 8
Covert Expert Crime Expert
Medical Expert Psych Expert
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you discuss the many possibilities at hand.
3 XP when you lock onto one way forward and refuse to take a safer route. 6
10 XP when you either accept the counsel of your teammates over your own, or choose
the advice of your other selves over that of your teammates. 8
1 XP when you give an order in the midst of battle.
3 XP when you take stress because you are putting yourselves into the most dangerous
parts of the conflict.
10 XP when you either hand leadership over to another member of the team, or leave
the team so that you can lead a different group. XP


James “Jamie” Arthur Madrox [public]

History Abilities & Resources

Jamie Madrox’s mutant power manifested at Since birth, Jamie Madrox had the power to
birth. His parents moved to an isolated farm and create duplicates of himself in proportion to the
constructed a suit to help Jamie absorb incidental amount of kinetic energy absorbed. Madrox can
kinetic impact and control his duplication power. absorb a duplicate’s knowledge, memories, and
At the age of 15, a freak tornado killed his parents, experiences. His duplicates oftentimes were car-
and Madrox worked the farm alone with only the bon-copies of him, with full knowledge of their
help of his dupes for six years. In that time, he was ‘dupe’ nature, but recently his duplicates embody
desperately alone and developed a chronic need an aspect of his personality. Despite this complica-
for attention. When his suit malfunctioned, Jamie tion, Multiple Man’s power is versatile and over-
came to New York and clashed with the Fantastic whelming. He has sent hundreds of dupes into the
Four before Professor Xavier interceded and helped world to learn trades, take new professions, and have
heal his fractured psyche. new experiences. Although he has reabsorbed many
Madrox opted to join Moira McTaggert on Muir of them (and their knowledge), there are others in
Island as a research assistant. While there, Madrox the world completely independent of the original
aided in clashes against Proteus, the Shadow King, Multiple Man. Madrox is a long-time X-Men affiliate
and other powerful foes, but did not join the X-Men. and current leader of X-Factor Investigations. When
He eventually joined the government sponsored he can overcome his own demons Multiple Man has
X-Factor, where he encountered a rogue dupe that an unpredictable army of himself at his disposal
had joined their foes, Mr. Sinister’s Nasty Boys. along with a mutant team of heroes. Multiple Man
Madrox reabsorbed the rogue duplicate through is a force to be reckoned with.
Multiple Man contracted the Legacy Virus and
seemingly died, but in reality it was a dupe, and
Madrox’s memories were lost from the ensuing psy-
chic trauma caused by the death of the dupe.
When Multiple Man reemerged he spent time
with X-Factor, on Muir Island, on Genosha, and time
with X-Corps. He became obsessed with film noir
and opened up a detective agency while his dupes
went into the world to learn an unparalleled vari-
ety of trades and skills. Madrox opened X-Factor
Investigations, a mutant team of detectives based
in New York.

Madrox is defined by his childhood ex-
periences and his remarkable mutant power.
He lived in “isolation” for years, but in real-
ity he lived with countless dupes, making
for a highly unusual and schizophrenic
adolescence. His dupes, and his ability to
recall their memories and experiences,
grant him the remarkable opportunity to
do just about anything. At nearly every
fork in the road, the Multiple Man is able
to take both. However, the ability to avoid
choices has made Madrox fearful and hesi-
tant those few times when his actions bear
real consequences. He became a private
eye as a way to break the monotony of his
fragmented vast life. Recently, with his
dupes’ reliability in question, Madrox has
been forced to rely more on himself and less
on his multitudes of dupes. He’s a reluctant
and thoughtful leader, fearful of making mis-
steps at critical junctures, but he takes the re-
sponsibility seriously.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Adapt or Die
Fickle Deceiver or
Older than She Looks +1 PP


Enhanced Durability Enhanced Reflexes
Shapeshifting Superhuman Stamina
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from toxins and
SFX: Peerless Shifter. When using a Mutant Metamorph power to create assets, add a
d6 and step up your effect die. P
SFX: Skin Deep. When taking an action to confuse, deceive, or threaten a target, step
up or double Shapeshifting. Remove the highest rolling die and keep three dice
for your total. 6
SFX: Second Wind. Before you take an action including a Mutant Metamorph power,
you may move your physical stress die to the doom pool and step up the Mutant 8
Metamorph power for this action.
Limit: Emotional Scarring. Step up or double emotional stress or trauma used in an action 10
or reaction against you to gain 1 pp. If you do, the stress returns to its original die
rating after it is used against you. 12
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Business Expert Combat Expert 6
Covert Master Crime Master 8
Menace Expert Psych Master 10
Tech Expert 12
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you ask questions, seeking out information that will help you take some-
one’s place. 6
3 XP when you take someone’s place during a time when they would have made a
significant leadership or romantic decision. 8
10 XP when you either create an international incident while masquerading as a world
leader or prevent such an incident by using your mimicry. 10
1 XP when you discuss the possibility of mutantkind going extinct.
3 XP when you take someone’s place in order to benefit mutantkind.
10 XP when you either take steps towards the destruction of humanity in order to save XP
your people, or accept that mutant survival is linked to human survival.


Raven Darkholme [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Raven Darkholme, real name unknown, was born Mystique can alter her outward appearance to
some time prior to the beginning of the 20th cen- look like anyone, male or female, old or young.
tury. For years, she and her companion Irene Adler She can change her voice, even her scent, though
(AKA Destiny) strove to keep Irene’s prophetic vi- those with extraordinary senses can occasionally
sions from coming true. In the course of this quest, tell her apart from those she mimics. (Wolverine,
Mystique steadily grew more and more convinced for instance, has detected her in the past.) Her com-
that only mutants like herself would survive the mand over her own biology also grants her greater
coming days of darkness. This as well as her own reflexes and stamina, to the point that she possesses
natural tendency toward deception and social engi- a degree of immunity to various biological attacks
neering led her to adopt a series of alternate identi- and the process of aging. Even though she is over a
ties, rising high among various social organizations century old, her body still appears young unless she
including the US Department of Defense. chooses otherwise.
Mystique is the mother of two children: the late Mystique is a skilled covert operative, terrorist,
Graydon Creed (with Victor Creed, AKA Sabretooth), and weapons expert. Her mastery of human behav-
whom she later assassinated, and the X-Man ior and body language grants her considerable ad-
Nightcrawler (with the demonic mutant Azazel), vantage in maintaining disguises, even beyond her
who shares his mother’s blue skin and yellow shapeshifting powers. With years of insider informa-
eyes. Neither child grew up knowing Mystique as tion and contacts, she’s usually able to acquire cut-
a mother. She and Irene also adopted the young ting-edge technology and resources available only
mutant Anna Marie, AKA Rogue, raising her to share to high-ranking agents of government or industry.
their commitment to a future of mutant survival. The
three formed the core of a new Brotherhood of Evil
Mutants, battling the X-Men and earning infamy for
their terrorist actions.
After Rogue left the group, the US government
recruited Mystique’s team as a special ops unit
known as Freedom Force and granted them clem-
ency. Destiny died on a mission and Mystique went
on to alternate between covert operations both for
and against the law. Most recently, she joined the
X-Men under the guise of being a young trainee
mutant, hoping to drive a wedge between Rogue
and Rogue’s lover Gambit. Although this failed and
Mystique’s true identity was revealed, she was nev-
ertheless invited to join the team properly.

Mystique is a woman of powerful ambition and
confidence, although she has at times wavered
or lost sight of her goals. A cipher to many, she is
guarded and rarely invites others into her inner
circle of trust. Because of her mutant power, she
can rapidly adopt new identities and appearances,
and has the acting skill to pull them off. Mystique
can come across as seductive, dismissive, vicious,
or protective, depending on the individual or the
circumstances. Mystique’s decades of experience in
dealing with others grants her an uncanny insight
into the person others expect her to be, and thus she
is able to exploit those expectations at any moment.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Dashing Swashbuckler

Demonic Appearance or
Devout Catholic +1 PP

Power Sets BAMF!

Enhanced Senses Invisibility
Leaping Superhuman Reflexes
Teleport Wallcrawling
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep
an additional effect die.
SFX: Flurry of Teleportation. Against a single target, step up or double Teleport. Remove 4
the highest rolling die and use three dice for your total.
SFX: Prehensile Tail. Step back the highest die in your attack action pool to add a d6 6
and keep an extra effect die for a complication.
Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Bamf! power to gain 1 pp. Activate an opportunity or
participate in a Transition Scene to recover that power.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Acrobatics Master Combat Expert
Covert Expert Medical Expert
Mystic Expert Tech Expert
Vehicles Expert
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]

Milestones ROMANTIC E
1 XP when you woo an ally or enemy. 4
3 XP when you spend a Transition Scene with a romantic entanglement.
10 XP when you either break off a romantic relationship, or seek to enter into a more 6
permanent partnership and ask your love to marry you.
1 XP when you offer quips during deeds of swashbuckling and derring-do.
3 XP when you offer more serious philosophical insights.
10 XP when you save the world with swordplay, or set the sword aside for other ways
to resolve conflicts.



Kurt Wagner [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Kurt Wagner’s parents were Mystique, the shape- Kurt can teleport himself and those he is hold-
shifting villainess, and Azazel, one of the world’s ing great distances. The further he goes, the more
oldest mutants. At birth, Kurt Wagner’s blue skin strain it puts on him. When he teleports, he mo-
betrayed his mother’s true identity and she fled from mentarily passes through a brimstone dimension,
frightened, torch-wielding villagers with the infant leaving behind the smell of sulfur and the sound of
in tow. An old gypsy woman, who used a carnival as displaced air filling the vacuum. His prehensile tail
a ruse for her true powers as a sorceress, raised Kurt and unique physiology allow him to climb walls and
among the circus-folk. He became a great acrobat ceilings. Kurt’s body is covered in short indigo-blur
and performer, but the circus was eventually sold off fur, and this, together with his teleportation field’s
to a wealthy Texas businessman. The new owner felt aura, allows him to blend into shadows. His eyesight
that Kurt belonged in the freak show, so Kurt fled. is keen, giving him the ability to see in near-dark
Wandering through Germany, Kurt was accused conditions.
of breaking a man’s neck and branded a demon by Kurt is a master acrobat, and has trained exten-
a mob of villagers. They almost killed both Kurt, but sively in the art of swordplay. He has often served
were stopped by Professor Xavier. as a mechanic for the X-Men’s vehicles and is a
After a time, he joined the X-Men, helping them competent pilot. His extensive exposure to magic
stop the assassination of Senator Kelly by the and mystical forces over the years, as well as his
Brotherhood. During the battle, he faced Mystique devout faith, affords him considerable knowledge
for the first time, and she spoke his true name. Kurt of these subjects.
took over as leader of the X-Men after Storm tem-
porarily lost her powers, but stepped down after the
return of Cyclops. Kurt joined Excalibur in England,
where he learned of his origins from Mystique. He
enrolled in seminary with intent to join the priest-
hood, but never completed his training. He is once
again with his adopted family, the X-Men.

Kurt is a dichotomy of serious philosopher and
happy-go-lucky adventurer. He often acts before
thinking things through, preferring to imagine him-
self as an Errol Flynn-like hero. He is dedicated to
his Catholic faith, believing it gives him strength,
while fully understanding the irony of a Catholic
who looks like the Devil. He has become comfortable
with himself, hardly ever using the image inducer
created for him to disguise his appearance.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Honor Bound

No Longer Human or

Sentinel Programming +1 PP


Electric Blast Mimic
Weapon Array
SFX: Adapt. Add d6 to your reaction dice pool for each failed reaction made against
an opponent during this Scene.
SFX: Reassess. When taking an action, spend 1 pp to add Mimic (or step up Mimic if
already included in your dice pool) and reroll all dice.
Limit: Hostile Work Environment. If you share an Action Scene with one or more mutants,
both 1s and 2s on your dice count as opportunities, but only 1s are excluded from
being used for totals or effect dice. P
Cybernetic Senses Enhanced Durability 6
Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Speed 8
Machine Influence Subsonic Flight 10
Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Strength 12
SFX: Healing Factor. Spend 1 pp to recover your physical stress or step back your physi-
cal trauma.
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from aging,
dehydration, disease, poison, starvation, or vacuum. 4
Limit: Abort/Retry/Fail. Shutdown any Sentinel Tech power to gain 1 pp. Activate an
opportunity or participate in a Transition Scene to recover that power. 6
Specialties Combat Expert Crime Expert 10
Menace Expert Tech Expert 12
Vehicles Expert E
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you treat a mutant like a perp.
3 XP when you treat a super hero fight like a crime scene. 8
10 XP when you either hand in a major mutant villain to local law authorities, or form
a team dedicated to policing mutants in their own nation. 10
1 XP when you talk about hunting down a mutant.
3 XP when you overcome your programming to help a mutant.
10 XP when you either find someone who can take out all of your Sentinel programming, XP
or give in and inflict trauma on a mutant.


Karima Shapandar (secret)

History nevertheless constantly worried that her program-

Karima Shapandar served as a police officer ming will become fully restored and she will lose
in India before she became caught up in a con- herself entirely to her machine nature. Even though
flict between the X-Men and Bastion, the leader many of her friends and colleagues are mutants, she
of Operation: Zero Tolerance. Bastion kidnapped distances herself from them at times to give her
Karima and the X-Man Thunderbird, AKA Neal Shaara, hyper-vigilant Sentinel systems no reason to kick in.
and transformed Shapandar into an advanced hu-
manoid anti-mutant cyborg known as an Omega Abilities & Resources
Sentinel. She remained unaware of this change until Widespread cybernetic implants, synthetic re-
her Sentinel programming later asserted itself and placements, and advanced nano-engine networks
she attacked the X-Men. within Karima’s human body give her a number of
Some time later, Karima joined several other offensive and defensive powers. Although outward-
mutants including Professor Charles Xavier and ly human, when Karima goes into action, her body
Magneto in rebuilding the island of Genosha, once shifts and reassembles itself, engaging weapons,
home to a large mutant population. Professor X armor, and other clearly machine-like functions.
helped her overcome her programming but was Electrostatic power may be channeled along retract-
unable to undo the technological modifications able poles at her forearms to blast targets. She’s
Bastion had made. Following M-Day, Karima disap- capable of flight and can regenerate most injuries.
peared, only to resurface, partially disassembled, Karima was once a police officer in India, and
in a laboratory. Rogue’s X-Men team found her and presumably still has ties to law enforcement agen-
brought her back to the Xavier Institute, where she cies. She is an ally of the X-Men, although many of
uses her Sentinel-based powers to assist Rogue in them, including Shapandar herself, are wary of her
emergency response actions around the world. Sentinel programming.

Karima is a practicing
Hindu and dedicated law
enforcement officer who strug-
gles with the dramatic changes
forced by her transformation.
Her human soul is at odds
with her artificial intel-
ligence protocols and
cybernetics. Never one
to give up or turn down a
plea for help, Karima is


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Ninja Psychic

Sharp-Tongued or

True Brit +1 PP


Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Senses
Flight Psychic Resistance
Telekinetic Blast Telekinetic Mastery
SFX: Focused Totality. If your pool includes a Psychic Warrior power, you may replace
two dice of equal size with one stepped-up die. P
SFX: My Teke Shatters Mountains. Step up or double a Psychic Warrior power for your
next action. If the action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the stepped-up 4
SFX: Telekinetic Katana. When making a physical attack action using Telekinetic Blast,
step back the highest die in the pool to add a d6 and step up your effect die. 8
SFX: You’re Good, I’m Better. On a successful reaction against a psychic-based attack
action, inflict mental stress with your effect die. Spend 1 pp to step it up. 10
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Psy-
chic Warrior. Recover Psychic Warrior when you recover that stress or wake 12
up. If you take mental trauma, shutdown Psychic Warrior until you recover that
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Acrobatics Master Combat Master 8
Covert Expert Psych Expert 10
Vehicles Expert
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you discuss your brother, or talk to your brother about your problems.
3 XP when you either defend your brother’s actions, or get into an argument with your 6
10 XP when you either take up the mantle of Captain Britain, or shun your brother until 8
he treats you with respect and apologizes for his actions.
1 XP when you discuss how to use covert operations to deal with a problem. 12
3 XP when you confront a complicated problem head on, without subtlety.
10 XP when you either decide to embrace the way of the ninja assassin or abandon it
for the less-direct methods of the secret agent. XP


Elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock [secret]

History lift large masses of material with her mind, and re-
Elizabeth Braddock was born into a noteworthy strain targets psychically. Since her older brother
British family. Her father, Sir James Braddock, was Jamie resurrected her, she’s been nearly impervious
one of the United Kingdom’s leading scientists, and to psychic tampering. Betsy is one of the world’s
her twin brother, Brian, later became the super hero foremost martial arts masters, skilled in kendo, nin-
Captain Britain. Betsy worked as a charter pilot until jutsu, and many other forms, made
her older brother, Jamie, was injured in a crash. She even more capable due to her
and her brother, Brian, rushed to the scene, only to heightened awareness and
be attacked by the villainous Dr. Synne. As a result reflexes. As a former pilot,
of the ensuing conflict, Betsy’s innate precognitive she is also an accomplished
talents greatly increased, allowing her to escape aviator. Prior to her history
Synne’s clutches. with the X-Men, Betsy was
Betsy became a model, but was soon recruited a member of the British
by S.T.R.I.K.E., the UK’s counterpart of S.H.I.E.L.D. She covert agency S.T.R.I.K.E.
used her modeling job as a cover for her covert op- and retains much of that
erations, dealing with the Hellfire Club among other training. She enjoys all of
organizations. Betsy became the new Captain Britain the benefits of being
for a time. After an encounter with Mojo and the New part of the X-Men,
Mutants, Betsy joined the X-Men, where she took on including access
the code name of Psylocke. When the X-Men were all to the Xavier
believed dead, Betsy was captured and brainwashed Institute and its
by a Japanese crime lord, her mind switched with many residents
a Japanese assassin known as Kwannon. She still and hero teams.
possesses Kwannon’s body; the real Kwannon, in
Betsy’s body, died from the Legacy Virus.
While helping the X-Men search for the prophetic
diaries of the dead mutant precog, Destiny, Betsy
was killed. Years later, she mysteriously came back
to life, appearing on the spot where she died. The
circumstances of her resurrection remain unclear,
although after the events of M-Day, she is certain
they have something to do with her reality-warping
brother Jamie.

Betsy has a sharp tongue, and even sharper wit.
Her upper-class British sensibilities frequently shine
through. She is fiercely protective of her twin, Brian
Braddock, AKA Captain Britain; she is willing to do
anything for him, and has similar affection for her
insane older brother Jamie. Having been to other
dimensions, died, come back to life, and had her
body switched with that of a ninja assassin, Betsy
is no longer surprised by extraordinary situations.

Abilities & Resources

Betsy is a mutant with tremendous psychic po-
tential. In the past, she was a strong telepath, but
when her powers were tangled with those of Jean
Grey she was limited to telekinesis. She can create
a katana-like blade out of solidified psychic energy,


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions I’ll Take On Anyone!
Like A Rock or
Pop Culture Aficionado +1 PP


Godlike Strength Rock Blast
Superhuman Durability Superhuman Stamina
SFX: Can’t Touch This. Spend 1 pp to ignore physical stress or trauma unless caused
by an energy attack or earth-manipulation powers. P
SFX: Let’s Try This Again. If your pool includes a Rocky Body power, spend 1 pp to reroll.
SFX: Shattered. When you take physical stress, you may replace your physical stress 4
with a Cracked complication. If this complication is stepped up past d12, your
body falls apart and you cannot act for the remainder of the Scene. Spend 1 6
pp or gain d6 trauma during a Transition Scene to reform and eliminate the
complication. 8
SFX: Wall of Stone. On a reaction roll including a Rocky Body power, instead of spend-
ing 1 pp, add d6 to the doom pool to create a stunt.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Limit: Vulnerability. Step up physical stress from energy attacks or from earth-manip-
ulation powers to gain 1 pp.
Specialties Combat Expert Menace Expert 8
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you act loud and obnoxious to cover up your soft heart.
3 XP when you give support to an ally. 4
10 XP when you either trust someone enough to let them in past your hard exterior, or
decide that your soft heart is weak and vow to harden it further. 6
1 XP when you brag about super heroes you could defeat in hand-to-hand combat.
3 XP when you inflict stress against someone with a d12 Strength or Durability.
10 XP when you either defeat a world-class brick (Hulk, Thing, Thor, Colossus, Juggernaut, 12
etc.), or are defeated by a world-class brick and find humility.



Santo Vaccarro [secret]

Santo joined the Xavier Institute soon after ac-
quiring his mutant powers. There, he was placed
within the Hellions training squad. When his
squad made a deal with the Kingmaker,
Santo was transformed into a World-
class Champion in the Superhuman
Wrestling League. The group turned
against the Kingmaker, and Santo was
destroyed, blasted into thousands of
pieces. Hellion reassembled him via
telekinesis, and they were able to
defeat the Kingmaker.
Hot on the heels of the mutant
population’s decimation from the
events of M-Day, William Stryker
attacked the school, killing dozens
of de-powered mutants. Santo felt
responsible for their deaths, believing
he could have saved them. Santo was assigned to
the New X-Men, who fended off another attack by
Stryker’s forces that resulted in the death of Stryker.
The X-Men were able to track Stryker’s connec-
tions to Nimrod. During the ensuing battle, Nimrod
seemingly destroyed Santo; but he survived and re-
formed his body into a larger and more rugged form.

Santo is a brash and loud-mouthed young man,
prone to issuing challenges and threats. At various
times Santo has claimed he could take down Thing,
the Hulk, Hulkling and many other, powerful op-
ponents. He was once a school bully, and his rough
edges show. Beneath his serious and dangerous ex-
terior, however, there is a warm heart; he uses his
appearance and personality to keep others at bay.

Abilities & Resources

Santo is a geokinetic psychic entity, having
given up a true body when his powers manifested.
As a result, he is able to re-form himself if de-
stroyed from any nearby stone. His appearance
changes based on the type of stone used. As a
creature of rubble, Santo is immensely strong, ca-
pable of throwing a bus or tearing down a small
building. He is also incredibly durable, able to
deflect firearms, heat, cold and other dangers. By
spontaneously expanding his geokinetic field in
one direction, Santo is able to shoot chunks of rock
at incredible speeds.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Sense Of Responsibility

Southern Belle or

Untouchable +1 PP


Leech Mimic
SFX: Drain Vitality. When using Leech to create a Power Loss complication on a target,
add a d8 and keep an extra effect die for either physical stress or a Copied Powers
SFX: Memory Flash. Spend 1 pp to use any SFX or Specialty belonging to a target on
whom you have inflicted a Power Loss complication for your next roll.
SFX: What’s Yours is Mine. On a successful reaction against an action that involves
physical contact, convert your opponent’s effect die into a Power Loss complica-
tion. If your opponent’s action succeeds, spend 1 pp to use this SFX.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp. P
Limit: Uncontrollable. Change any Power Absorption power into a complication to gain
1 pp. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover that power. 4
Limit: Zero Sum. Leech requires skin-to-skin contact with the target. Mimic only du-
plicates powers of those on whom you’ve inflicted a Power Loss complication.
Mimic-based assets created based on the target’s power are limited in size to the
Power Loss complication affecting the target.
Enhanced Senses Enhanced Strength 12
Plasma Blast Supersonic Flight M
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep
an additional effect die. 4
SFX: Fiery Aura. On a successful reaction against a close-combat attack action, inflict
physical stress with your effect die. Spend 1 pp to step it up. 6
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from fire, heat,
or cold. 8
Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Sunfire’s Powers power to gain 1 pp. Activate an op-
portunity or participate in a Transition Scene to recover that power. 10

Specialties 12
Acrobatic Expert Combat Expert
Covert Expert E
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 4
1 XP when you discuss your history with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. 8
3 XP when you deal stress to a member or former member of the Brotherhood.
10 XP when you either gather the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to lead them, or lead a 10
team against the Brotherhood.
1 XP when you offer someone sass, attitude, or Southern charm.
3 XP when you disobey orders from a prominent mutant leader. XP
10 XP when you either lead a team of mutants in accordance with current mutant
leadership, or lead a team of mutants against the laws of mutantkind.


Anna Marie [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Anna Marie’s past is a long, troubled, and storied Rogue has the ability to absorb the life energy
one. Her mother disappeared when she was young, of others through touch. Upon contact, she can use
so she was raised by her strict disciplinarian aunt. what powers they have, while sapping their life force
She ran away from home, meeting a boy her age. and absorbing their psyches. If she holds on long
When she kissed him for the first time, her muta- enough, she can kill the victim. It is unknown how
tion activated, nearly killing him. She was soon ap- many powers she is capable of absorbing, though
proached by Mystique, who took her in as an adopt- when she absorbs too many, the minds that crowd
ed daughter with her partner Destiny. Mystique had into hers can render her unconscious. She recently
formed a Brotherhood of Mutants, and wished to use absorbed the abilities of Sunfire, giving her the
Rogue’s abilities to further their cause. On Rogue’s powers of flight, strength, and the ability to project
first mission, she battled Ms. Marvel, draining away fire from her body.
her powers and memories, leaving Carol Danvers
in a coma. They battled the X-Men multiple times,
eventually renaming their group the Sisterhood of
Rogue began to experience Ms. Marvel’s person-
ality coming to the forefront, and she saw her life
for what it really was. She fled, arriving at the doors
of Xavier Institute, begging for help. She joined the
X-Men, and fought against her former allies. There
she met Remy LeBeau, also known as Gambit, and
the two fell in love. Unable to touch one another, the
two had a difficult relationship. After battling Vargas,
a powerful mutant, both she and Gambit were left
powerless. Over time, her powers returned, though
she never regained the powers of Ms. Marvel. She
absorbed Sunfire’s powers while he was on the cusp
of death, and was soon after given command of an
X-Men team by Cyclops.

Rogue is a Southern belle, through and through.
Her rebellious nature and tendency to get into
trouble as a child is what earned her
the name Rogue, and it stuck. Rogue is
fiercely loyal to her friends and part-
ners. Her personality can change rap-
idly, especially if she is sharing the same
head-space as someone whose life energy
she has absorbed.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Disciple Of Xavier

Haunted By Death or

Trained By Mossad +1 PP


Flight Plasma Blast
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep
an additional effect die.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Mossad-Issued Gear to gain 1 pp. Take an action vs. the doom
pool to recover Mossad-Issued Gear.

Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Stamina Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Strength
SFX: Dangerous. Step back the highest die in your attack action pool to add a d6 and 6
step up physical stress inflicted.
SFX: Healing Factor. Add Enhanced Stamina to your dice pool when helping others 8
recover stress. Spend 1 pp to recover your own or another’s physical stress or step
back your own or another’s physical trauma. If you assist in recovering another’s 10
physical trauma, the person gains one power of any kind at random as a d6 until
the next Transition Scene. Step back your Superhuman Durability until the end 12
of a Transition Scene.
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from poison, M
disease, or fatigue.
Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Peak Of Perfection power to gain 1 pp. Activate an 4
opportunity or participate in a Transition Scene to recover that power.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Acrobatic Expert Combat Expert 10
Covert Expert Tech Expert 12
Vehicle Expert E
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you discuss the political situation in Israel.
3 XP when you compare the political situation in Israel to the plight of mutantkind. 8
10 XP when you either dedicate your efforts to aiding the state of Israel, or dedicate
your efforts to aiding mutantkind. 10
1 XP when you discuss Xavier’s Dream.
3 XP when betray Xavier’s Dream in order to destroy an enemy to mutantkind.
10 XP when you either dedicate yourself to the ideals of Xavier’s Dream, or dedicate XP
your life to killing all enemies of mutantkind.


Ruth Bat-Seraph [secret]

Ruth Bat-Seraph was born in a top-secret kib-
butz, raised to serve as a mutant Mossad agent for
the Israeli government. She was trained in all kinds
of warfare, while learning to master her flourishing
mutant powers. Her first mission was to engage the
Hulk, who was mistakenly believed to be working for
terrorists. Later, her son was killed during a terrorist
attack. Ruth violated orders and sought out her son’s
killer, bringing him to justice. She focused primarily
on domestic affairs in Israel, but was revealed to be
a member of the Mutant Underground organized by
Xavier when Operation: Zero Tolerance was activat-
ed. Ruth has frequently worked alongside the X-Men,
especially when dealing with Magneto. Assigned
to the X-Corporation’s Paris branch, she left when
the facility was bombed and shut down. She was
with Xavier and the X-Men as they investigated the
Sentinel attack on Genosha, and has since retained
close ties with the team.

Ruth Bat-Seraph is a woman with a purpose. Her
Mossad training influences her personality, giving
her an air of danger. Ruth still mourns the death of
her son, Jacob, seeking to do justice in his name with
the life she leads. She subscribes to Xavier’s ideals
of peace between humanity and mutants, and hopes
to someday live to see that dream fulfilled.

Abilities & Resources

Ruth is an elite special forces soldier, her training
enhanced by her incredible mutant powers. She can
lift a tank, run a mile in less than a minute, withstand
injuries that would kill a normal human, and heal
herself afterwards. She can also use her healing
factor on others, helping them heal. If she transfers
some of her life energy to them, she can give them
a random superpower until Sabra takes it back. In
addition, Sabra is equipped with multiple weapons
and equipment designed by the Mossad. Her cape
has an antigravity field, allowing her to fly, while
her wrists are equipped with plasma-charged guns.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Bad to the Bone

Century-Long Grudges or
Savage Survivor +1 PP


Enhanced Durability Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Speed Godlike Stamina
Superhuman Senses Superhuman Strength
SFX: Adamantium Skeleton. Step up or double Enhanced Durability when targeted by
blunt-force or crushing attacks, then step up or add d6 to the doom pool.
SFX: Berserk. Add a doom die to your next attack action. After your action, step up the doom
die and return it to the doom pool. 4
SFX: Claws & Fangs. Step back the highest die in your attack action pool to add a d6 and
step up emotional or physical stress inflicted. 6
SFX: Healing Factor. Spend 1 pp to recover your physical stress and step back your physical
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from poison, disease,
or fatigue.
Limit: Bloody Past. Step up emotional or mental stress caused by government or covert
sources linked to your past to gain 1 pp.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Combat Master Covert Expert 6

Crime Expert Menace Master 8

Psych Expert 10
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 12
1 XP when you threaten anyone you see as making mutantkind’s place in the world
weaker or less stable. 6
3 XP when you kill or maim a human who speaks out against mutants.
10 XP when you either gather a new incarnation of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in 8
order to take over the world, or curb your bloodlust in order to lead an X-Men
team. 10
1 XP when you discuss ops you have done with your fellow Weapon X agents.
3 XP when you separate yourself from a team so that you can do a job the right way.
10 XP when you either kill someone who was associated with the Weapon X Program, XP
or rescue another Weapon X agent from the clutches of the program.


Victor Creed [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Serial killer, mercenary, special ops agent, and Sabretooth is a mutant with a greatly enhanced
terrorist: Victor Creed has added many vocations regenerative healing factor and senses that operate
to his century-long resume. A psychopathic mutant well above those of other humans. Together with his
hunter whose superhuman healing factor kept him elongated nails and canines, these abilities make
alive through multiple world wars and international him the perfect predator. He is capable of recover-
conflicts, Creed possesses a mysterious and check- ing from almost any injury, and the Adamantium
ered past. A member of Mister Sinister’s Marauders, implants in his bones—but not his joints—only
responsible for the massacre of the Morlocks under- improve his considerable durability. Sabretooth’s
neath New York City and a constant threat to the senses are so acute he can track almost anyone
X-Men, he’s been a foe of Wolverine for longer than whose scent he catches wind of, even if his quarry
most heroes have been alive. is able to cover their tracks. He is a formidable hand-
Years ago, Creed was a part of Team X, a mutant to-hand opponent, has extensive training on special
black ops unit that also included Wolverine. Their ops and wetworks teams, and his heightened speed
falling-out was explosive, and while both ended up and endurance allow him to push himself beyond
part of Weapon X experiments, it wasn’t until Creed the limits of most athletes and soldiers.
began attacking Wolverine on the latter’s birthday Although Sabretooth has few allies, he’s worked
year after year that the depths of Creed’s hatred with many criminals in the past and his fearsome
became clear. Creed has taken on many jobs just reputation could make it easier to reconnect with
to get close enough to Wolverine and his allies, but them. He fathered a son by Mystique several de-
recently Creed was caught up in a plot involving a cades ago, although neither has a kind word to say to
group of murderous evolutionary-advanced mutants the other now, and the son—human rights suprema-
known as the Children of the Vault. Forced to side cist Graydon Creed—is now deceased. Regardless,
with the X-Men against them, he remains with his Sabretooth can usually count on getting assistance
former foes for the time being, kept at arm’s length from the shadowy edge of superhuman society, if
and under close watch. he needs it.

Victor Creed has been called a sadist, a vi-
cious killer, and a psychopathic monster,
though in recent years he has toned
much of this down, if only to get what
he wants. He hates being
caged or watched, but his
past is so extensive that
there are hundreds of
people at all levels of the
covert and criminal world
that would love to see him
dead or incapacitated. His
anti-authoritarian streak is a mile wide, and he de-
lights in threatening and bullying the weak. When
he has a cause, however, he is fearless, driven, and
unstoppable. Professor Xavier once sought him out
as a member of the X-Men, and if Creed would rein
in his primal instincts, he might be a considerable
asset to them.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Girl Next Door

Spirited or
Tech Prodigy +1 PP

Power Sets PHASING

Airwalking Intangibility
SFX: Disruption. When including Intangibility as part of an attack action vs. tech-
related targets, add a d6 and step up your effect die.
SFX: Reactive Power. Spend 1 pp to include a Phasing power in another character’s
dice pool before they roll. If that character takes stress, you immediately take
d6 mental stress.
SFX: Versatile. Replace Intangibility with 2d8 or 3d6 on your next roll.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp. P
Fire Blast Flight 6
SFX: Hot Hot Hot! Step up or double Fire Blast for one action, then step back to 2d6. 8
Activate an opportunity to recover.
SFX: To the Rescue. If Kitty is stressed out, spend 1 pp to have Lockheed remove her 10
from the scene.
Limit: Unexplainable Absence. Shutdown Lockheed The Dragon for the remainder of 12
the scene to gain 1 pp.
Specialties Acrobatics Expert Combat Expert 4
Cosmic Expert Covert Expert
Science Expert Tech Expert
Vehicles Expert
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 12
1 XP when you reminisce about previous adventures.
3 XP when you point out something new and startling. 6
10 XP when you retire from adventuring for a safer job, or you take an opportunity for
adventure in order to learn something new or experience something different. 8
1 XP when you counsel or support a student.
3 XP when you admit to another instructor that you’re not sure about your new role
as teacher.
10 XP when you leave Xavier Institute to strike out on your own, or when you convince
a student to stay enrolled at the school. XP


Katherine “Kitty” Pryde [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

A genius and computer prodigy whose mutant Shadowcat can render her body intangible, phas-
abilities manifested when she was thirteen years ing out of synch with physical matter around her.
old, Katherine “Kitty” Pryde joined the X-Men de- This lets her walk through walls and even slowly
spite interference from Emma Frost and the Hellfire walk on air itself. She can extend this effect to those
Club. The youngest member admitted to the team, she touches, rendering them intangible while she
she has grown up in a world of costumed heroes, remains in contact with them. When passing through
fantastic battles, and travels to alien locales. During objects with active electrical fields, her phasing in-
those trying years she has matured greatly, adapting terferes destructively, shorting out electrical devices
to the many extreme and exotic experiences with with often pyrotechnic side-effects. While phased,
great aplomb. she is immune to most violence directed
She helped S.H.I.E.L.D. and worked with the at her, with the exception of some dis-
New Mutants while proving to Professor Xavier she ruptive energy emissions. On occa-
should retain her place in the X-Men proper. During sions where her abilities have been
a period of time when she thought the X-Men were pushed beyond her normal limits
dead, Kitty joined another group of heroes, Excalibur. in terms of amount of time or
At Emma Frost’s request, Kitty returned to the mass she has phased, or when her
Xavier school as a teacher and potential safeguard normal control has been interfered
against Frost returning to her villainous old ways. with by magic or other phas-
Early in her new tenure, she discovered her on- ing powers, she has re-
again, off-again boyfriend Colossus alive again, mained trapped in an
after believing him to be dead for the previous two intangible state for a
years. They are exploring a return to their previous period of time.
relationship. Even without her
powers, Kitty is an
Personality impressive individ-
Kitty is strong-willed to the point of occasion- ual. A genius-level
ally being headstrong. Her natural self-confidence intellect, she has
has grown through surviving multiple near-death exceptional apti-
experiences, enduring possession by ninja ghosts, tude in computer
resisting attempted demonic corruption from an in- science, mechan-
herited soulsword, and facing the loss of friends and ics, and electron-
loved ones. She is precocious, witty, and charming, ics. Her combat training
though her exuberant and snarky sense of humor is extensive, including a
can grate occasionally on her teammates. Kitty is considerable background
also extremely loyal to those people she considers in Japanese martial arts,
her friends, regardless of circumstances or practical thanks to previous posses-
demands. sion by the ghost of the
ninja master Ogun. She
speaks several languages,
has professional-level
dance training, and shares
an empathic connection
with her “pet,” the minia-
ture alien dragon Lockheed.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Dimension-Hopper
Mysterious Origin or

Warrior-Born +1 PP


Sonic Blast Teleport
SFX: Shockwave. When making an attack action including Weapon, take d6 physical
stress in order to add Sonic Blast to your dice pool and step up physical stress
Limit: Telepathic Teleportation. Take an action vs. the doom pool to use Teleport. Take
physical stress equal to your current Affiliation, then shutdown Teleport. Recover
physical stress to recover this power.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Bio-Shock Swords to gain 1 pp. Take an action vs. the doom pool P
to recover Bio-Shock Swords.

Enhanced Durability Enhanced Senses 6

Enhanced Speed Enhanced Stamina 8

Superhuman Reflexes Superhuman Strength 10

SFX: Adaptive Learner. Step up or double a Specialty for your next action. Count both 1s
and 2s on your dice as opportunities for this action only, but only 1s are excluded
from your total or effect dice. M
SFX: Bred for the Arena. Before you make an action including a Genetic Engineering
power, move your mental or emotional stress dice to the doom pool and step up
the Genetic Engineering power for this action.
Limit: Hollow Bones. Step up physical stress inflicted by brute force to gain 1 pp.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp. 8

Specialties 10
Acrobatic Expert Combat Master
Cosmic Expert Menace Expert
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] E
Milestones LIBERATED
1 XP when you discuss being imprisoned. 6
3 XP when you liberate someone who is enslaved or imprisoned.
10 XP when you either dedicate your warrior life to freeing all sentient beings who
are enslaved, or choose to forget your origins, making the Mojoverse seem like
a distant bad dream.
1 XP when you talk about your home, the Mojoverse.
3 XP when you make an awkward social mistake because of your otherworldliness.
10 XP when you either embrace the emotional expectations of Earthlings, or shun them, XP
remaining the cold, distant warrior Mojo created you to be.


Gaveedra Seven [secret]

History Personality
Shatterstar was artificially created and trained Shatterstar was created to be a gladiator and
for televised combat 100 years in the future of the raised for that sole purpose. He is serious about war-
Mojoverse. He escaped from his time and dimen- fare and does not believe in anything less than full
sion to Earth to recruit the X-Men to help free his effort in combat. Headstrong and proud, Shatterstar
world, but ended up finding Cable and the New often engages the most powerful and respected ad-
Mutants instead. He agreed to join X-Force and aid versary he can find to test his own mettle. Shatterstar
Cable in exchange for help freeing his world. While still hopes to free his homeworld from the rule of
with X-Force he discovered he had strange memo- Mojo V, although his troubles on Earth have side-
ries of an Earth mutant named Benjamin Russell. tracked him considerably. Despite his extended
He was then captured along with Cable and forced time on Earth, his alien upbringing leads him to be
into gladiatorial combat in the Mojoverse. During confused by many Earth traditions and culture. He
the games he was mortally wounded, but saved has an amazing intellect and ability to learn, having
by Mojo’s majordomo, Spiral, and transported to a taught himself Spanish by watching TV. Shatterstar
mental health facility in Vermont. There, he encoun- has a liberated sexual attitude that is completely
tered the comatose Benjamin Russell, who looked unfettered by Earth morality and notions.
strangely identical to Shatterstar.
Another Mojoverse denizen, Longshot, trans- Abilities & Resources
ferred Shatterstar’s soul into Benjamin and the two Shatterstar’s engineered abilities exceed a
merged into one individual, both mind and body. normal human’s ability in almost every way. In ad-
This incident along with others has led some to dition to his augmented physical abilities he is an
surmise that Shatterstar is somehow the child of expertly trained combatant and showman, made for
Longshot and Dazzler. Shatterstar traveled with the the televised dystopia of Mojoworld. Shatterstar’s
mutant Rictor to Mexico to end his family’s arms blades can penetrate materials that normal weap-
dealing; sometime during Shatterstar’s tenure with ons cannot. He can discharge sonic energy through
X-Force and travels with Rictor, they had developed his blades, though he prefers to rely on his combat
romantic feelings for one another. Shatterstar was prowess. He can use his swords and the mental
lured to Madripoor to take place in a tournament, image of a person linked to him (an “anchor”) to
but it was actually a ruse by Spiral to draw him into teleport a small group, but he must wait for an ex-
an alternate reality where she ruled the world. He tended period of time before teleporting again.
successfully liberated that world from that Spiral’s Shatterstar has been a member of X-Force and
rule and then rejoined his X-Force companions. shares potential familial connections with Longshot
and Dazzler. The X-Men know of Mojoworld’s
plight and are sympathetic to Shatterstar’s cause.
Shatterstar’s teammates have relied on his stal-
wart support and in a pinch he can likely rely on
them; he is especially close to Rictor, who lost
his mutant powers after M-Day.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Fiery Temper
Irish Lass or
Strong Willed +1 PP


Enhanced Senses Mind Control
Sonic Blast Subsonic Flight
SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep
an additional effect die.
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from sound-based
attacks. 4
SFX: Unleashed. Step up or double any Banshee Scream power for one action. If that
action fails, add a die to doom pool equal to the normal rating of that power die. 6
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Limit: Uncontrollable. Change any Banshee Scream power into a complication to gain
1 pp. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover that power.

Specialties Crime Expert Psych Expert M

[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 4
1 XP when you discuss your family’s complicated mutant history. 10
3 XP when you rebel against your family.
10 XP when you either attempt to gather your family together into a team for you to 12
lead, or disavow your links to your family.
1 XP when you discuss an investigation. 4
3 XP when you break X-Factor’s rules and rebel against the group. 6
10 XP when you either successfully complete a difficult investigation, or leave the team
to continue pursuing an investigation on your own. 8



Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Theresa’s father, Sean Cassidy AKA Banshee, met Siryn has the ability to project powerful sound
and romanced her mother on a secret Interpol mis- waves from her vocal chords. She can create sonic
sion. Banshee’s mission ended without knowing that blasts, fly, use her voice as sonar, and hypnotize
she was pregnant. When Theresa’s mother was slain people, though it is believed that mutants are some-
in an IRA bombing, her uncle Black Tom Cassidy took how resistant to her hypnotism. Siryn is the daughter
her in, suspecting she would develop powers like her of the X-Men member Sean Cassidy, AKA Banshee,
father. When she did, Black Tom introduced her to a and has a long affiliation with the X-Men. She has
life of super-powered crime and she became Siryn. had romances with Deadpool and Multiple Man and
When they were stopped, Black Tom exonerated his still cares for both. During her tenure in X-Force,
niece and explained her origin to the X-Men. Siryn Siryn developed a number of lifelong friendships
was introduced to her father for the first time and and has allies in X-Factor Investigations. Siryn has
they worked on establishing a relationship. Siryn led teams before, and could competently do so again
split her time between Cassidy Keep and Muir Island if required. All told, Siryn has a diverse group of
with her father and his new beau Moira McTaggart. people within the mutant community to call upon.
On Muir Island, Siryn met and became roman-
tically involved with Jamie Madrox, Multiple Man.
Following an adventure with the New Mutants, Siryn
and Madrox parted ways. She later resurfaced when
Black Tom and the Juggernaut attacked the World
Trade Center. There she teamed with X-Force and
Spider-man to stop the duo. She remained with the
fledgling X-Force after the incident, providing some
age and experience to the group. After Cable and
Cannonball left the group, Siryn assumed a lead-
ership role. After X-Force disbanded Siryn joined
X-Corporation. She joined X-Factor Investigations
at Madrox’s invitation. When the team foiled
Singularity Investigations machinations, the orga-
nization brutally beat Siryn to send a message. When
Cyclops informed Siryn of her father’s death she
reacted with extreme denial: after all, the X-Men
die and come back very regularly.

Siryn spent her youth being groomed to be an
obedient subordinate, but since breaking away
from her Uncle Black Tom’s grasp she has shown
great willpower and perseverance. She is unafraid
to express her opinion and has overcome a number
of injuries that have disrupted her mutant powers.
She is comfortable with her background as a super
villain, as daughter to a hero, and as a woman of
Irish descent. When situations become heated or
personal, Siryn’s willingness to disagree can quickly
become an opportunity for her temper to get the
best of her; the connection between her voice and
her powers can lead her to accidentally unleash
sonic screams. Siryn’s will and temper make her a
fearless ally to her friends and a terrible foe to those
that have wronged her.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Bad Ticker

Protect The Little Guy or
Snarky +1 PP


Enhanced Durability Enhanced Stamina
Superhuman Strength
SFX: Absorption. On a successful reaction against a physical attack action, convert
your opponent’s effect die into a Mutant Powerhouse stunt or step up a Mutant
Powerhouse power until used in an action. If your opponent’s action succeeds, P
spend 1 pp to use this SFX.
SFX: Take the Hit. Spend 1 pp to take physical stress intended for a nearby ally or friend. 4
SFX: Versatile. Replace Superhuman Strength die with 2d8 or 3d6 on your next roll.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Limit: Uncontrollable. Change any Mutant Powerhouse power into a complication to 8
gain 1 pp. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover that
power. 10
Specialties Combat Expert Psych Expert 4
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 6
1 XP when you talk about security measures.
3 XP when you take stress for your client. 12
10 XP when you either give up your status as bodyguard, informing your client that
they are on their own, or sign a contract with a new client, pledging to be their E
1 XP when you talk about fights you’ve been in.
3 XP when you use your Superhuman Strength to create an asset, power stunt, or 8
10 XP when you either take down a villain who also has Superhuman Strength, or save 10
the world with your own strength.



Guido Carosella [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Guido grew up scrawny with thick glasses and As a result of his mutant ability to absorb ki-
without his parents. Living with his aunt and uncle, netic energy, Guido has significantly more physical
his powers manifested when he was victimized by power than an ordinary human being. Use of his
bullies and hit by a bus. He absorbed enough force powers puts a great strain on his body, and though
that his scrawny body became disproportionately his heart is artificially supported, he is unlikely to put
muscled. He left school and frittered away the on any more permanent muscle. Guido has traveled
money he won as a result of his parents’ accidental the universe with Lila Cheney and is on excellent
death. Guido crossed paths with Lila Cheney, the terms with the members of two X-Factor teams. He’s
intergalactic thief and rock star, and became her a steadfast ally and
bodyguard. While on Muir Island Guido was domi- his loyalty would
nated by the Shadow King and forced to commit inspire former
violent acts. teammates to
After his defeat, Valerie Cooper recruited Guido help him in a
for a new government-sponsored X-Factor team. At time of need.
the press conference, he jokingly dubbed himself Although not the
“Strong Guy” and the name stuck. X-Factor clashed most famous or
with Mister Sinister and his henchmen, the Nasty flashy member of the
Boys. Strong Guy made a bad impression by destroy- X-Men, his dedication
ing the Washington Monument in the ensuing brawl. and loyalty are well
During another battle, a bomb endangered his old known and respected
employer, Lila Cheney, and he threw himself on it even when he disagrees
to protect her. The massive influx of kinetic energy with the team’s core
was too much for Guido’s body to safely handle. His members.
heart weakened and he plunged into coma. Jamie
Madrox, AKA Multiple Man, rescued him from the
coma and a device made by mutant inventor Forge
repaired his weakened heart. Guido joined Madrox’s
new X-Factor Investigations as the team’s muscle.
He stood up for the de-powered mutants of Mutant
Town and supported the enigmatic Layla Miller
during a time of crisis.

Guido is at heart the nerdy boy with glasses. He
remembers being bullied and often uses his own
size to stick up for the vulnerable. He grew up an
underdog and an outcast and is quick to support
those that are outmatched. His massively muscled
and disproportionate body makes him appear oafish,
an opinion he sometimes purposefully reinforces.
Nonetheless, Strong Guy possesses a keener intel-
lect than he is given credit for. Loyal to a fault,
Guido is happiest supporting his friends and
lending a hand rather than taking a lead role.
It was no accident that he was the first person
to join Madrox’s P.I. enterprise.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Fast Talker

I Can’t Control This or
Street-Smart +1 PP


Electricity Blast Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Speed
SFX: Energy-Regulating Gauntlets. Shutdown an Electrical Conduit power to step up
another Electrical Conduit power. Activate an opportunity or participate in a
Transition Scene to recover the power. P
SFX: Gathering Power. On a successful reaction against an electricity-powered action,
convert your opponent’s effect die into an Electrical Conduit stunt or step up 4
an Electrical Conduit power until used in an action. If your opponent’s action
succeeds, spend 1 pp to use this SFX. 6
SFX: Shock-Storm. Add a d6, d8, OR d10 to an attack action using Electricity Blast,
and then add a die of the same size to the doom pool.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Limit: Uncontrollable. Change any Electrical Conduit power into a complication to gain
1 pp. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover that power. 12
Specialties Combat Expert
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you discuss the problems with your powers. 12
3 XP when you use your powers to create a stunt.
10 XP when you either seek out a hero or villain with electricity-based powers to help E
you gain mastery over your powers, or refuse any further aid or instruction in
controlling your powers. 4
1 XP when you discuss something horrid you have seen while living on the streets.
3 XP when you discuss something helpful or wonderful that you saw while living on
the streets.
10 XP when you either put your life on the streets behind you, or leave the Xavier
Institute with a team of mutants you have gathered, in order to make your living 12
on the streets.



Noriko Ashida [secret]

Noriko Ashida was a Tokyo native who fled the
country when her powers manifested themselves.
Making her way to New York, she lived homeless
on the streets until she learned of Xavier’s school.
When she showed up at the gates of the school, she
was confronted by Hellion; he sent her away, think-
ing she was a drug-addicted homeless girl. Elixir
gathered some friends to search for her, finding her
in Salem Center buying the drugs she needed in
order to keep her powers under control. She was
subdued by Wallflower and taken back to the school,
where Beast created a pair of special gauntlets de-
signed to absorb and dissipate the energy she drew
from the air. She gained acceptance from the group
when she cleverly figured out how to cause a cata-
tonic Elixir to heal himself by jolting him with her
electric energy. Noriko began a relationship with
Prodigy, and though his powers were lost in the
M-Day incident, Noriko continued her relationship
with him. Shortly thereafter, Forge created a newer,
more effective set of gauntlets for her to wear.

Noriko is a quiet and reserved girl, unsure how
to handle her powers, and constantly in fear of ac-
cidentally harming someone with them. The built up
electrical energy can cause her mind to race, and she
will often begin speaking faster than anyone else
can understand. Noriko is a very forgiving person,
willing to set aside her own misgivings if it means
making friends.

Abilities & Resources

Noriko absorbs electricity from everything
around her: the air, outlets, electrically powered
appliances. Only through wearing her specially de-
signed gauntlets is she able to control and regulate
this. After absorbing the energy around her, she can
discharge it from her body in electrical pulses, blast-
ing powerful lightning at her foes. She can also chan-
nel the electricity through her own body, enabling
her to generate bursts of speed, leaving a trail of
static electricity in her wake.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Advice Is Free
Religious Code or
Wild Side +1 PP


Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Strength Growth
Superhuman Senses
SFX: Berserk. Add a doom die to your next attack action. After your action, step up the
doom die and return it to the doom pool. 4
SFX: Claws & Fangs. Step back the highest die in your attack action pool to add a d6
and step up physical stress inflicted. 6
Limit: Guilt. Step up emotional stress inflicted by moral or religious dilemmas to gain
1 pp.
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp. 10
Specialties Acrobatic Expert Menace Expert M
Mystic Expert Psych Expert 4
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 6
Milestones FAITH
1 XP when you discuss the strength to be found in a higher power. 12
3 XP when you exhibit guilt over your lupine instincts.
10 XP when you either reconcile your religious upbringing with your mutant gene, or E
lose your faith and find something to fill that spiritual hole.
1 XP when you relate to other humans with instincts that you have taken from your
wolf form.
3 XP when you display your humanity while in your wolf form.
10 XP when you declare your human form as secondary and decide that your truer side 10
is your inner wolf, or find a shapechanging mentor who can help you reconcile
your human and your wolf forms. 12



Rahne Sinclair [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

Rahne Sinclair was raised by an extremely reli- Wolfsbane can transform into a wolf. She can
gious adoptive father. When her powers manifested, assume a hybrid of full wolf form and gains all the
he viewed her lycanthropy as possession by a demon natural abilities of a wolf while changed. It increases
and sought to exercise it. Sinclair was saved and her strength and stamina, though not to superhuman
adopted by the researcher Moira McTaggert, who levels, and heightens her senses and reflexes. Her
then introduced her to Charles Xavier. Along with full wolf form also increases her size to some extent.
other young students, she saved Professor X from Wolfsbane has been a member of the New Mutants,
the Hellfire Club and persuaded him to allow them Excalibur, and two incarnations of X-Factor. She
to form a new team: the New Mutants. taught at the Xavier Institute. While she is closest to
Rahne’s strict religious upbringing caused her her teammates, past and present, she is a respected
to feel shame and guilt over natural romantic im- and valued member of the X-Family. Her adoptive
pulses and also made her wary of some mutants mother, Moira McTaggert, still connects Rahne to
she encountered. much of the scientific community. Wolfsbane has
When the New Mutants went to Asgard, Rahne allies worldwide that know her good nature and
began a relationship with the Wolf-God, Jotunheim. would help her in an instant.
She considered staying in Asgard for him, but ulti-
mately returned with the rest of the New Mutants.
Wolfsbane was kidnapped by Genoshan forces
that turned her into a mutate. The transformation
increased the ferocity and power of her lycan-
thrope form and left her unable to change back.
She left the New Mutants to cope with the changes
she undertook. Wolfsbane joined X-Factor when it
re-formed as a government agency. She was cured
of the effects of her time in Genosha and joined
Excalibur on Muir Island with her mother, who
was then killed in a bomb blast. Rahne lost her
powers in a conflict and briefly led a team
of mutant trainees at the Xavier Institute.
After having a romance with Elixir, the
student that restored her powers, she
left to find herself and joined Multiple
Man’s X-Factor Investigations.

Wolfsbane has come to terms
with the traumas of her upbringing,
overcoming a number of prejudices
towards other mutants and doubts
about herself, and becoming mostly
comfortable with her faith. However,
her wolf-form creates more animal-
istic urges that conflict with her per-
sonal ethos. It is a constant battle for
her to restrain the ferocity and instinc-
tive nature of the wolf, and, at times, her
actions during the heat of battle prompt
her to undertake another round of soul
searching. She takes on the role of conscience
when her friends are in danger of making mis-
takes, as she knows the price of failing to meet
your own standards all too well.


Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Clone Experiment
Killer Instinct or
Wolverine’s Watchdog +1 PP


Adamantium Claws Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Strength Godlike Stamina
Superhuman Senses

SFX: Berserk. Add a doom die to your next attack action. After your action, step up the
doom die and return it to the doom pool. 4
SFX: Healing Factor. Spend 1 pp to recover your own physical stress or step back your
own physical trauma. 6
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 pp to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from disease,
drugs, and poisons, 8
SFX: Slice & Dice. Against a single target, step up or double a Feral Mutant die. Remove
the highest rolling die and use three dice for your total. 10
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 pp.
Specialties Acrobatic Expert Combat Master 4
Covert Master Menace Expert 6
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
1 XP when you lead your team in battle.
3 XP when you teach a teammate the art of hand-to-hand combat.
10 XP when you either kill an opponent in front of your team, or declare you will never 4
take another life.
1 XP when you stalk an enemy like a predator stalking prey.
3 XP when you take an ally out for a night out on the town.
10 XP when you either find Wolverine and demand he be your mentor, or disavow any
part of Logan’s traditions or legacy and seek out your own path. 12



Laura Kinney [secret]

History Abilities & Resources

After the failure of the Weapon X project in creat- Being a clone of Wolverine, Laura possesses
ing a controlled weapon, the project’s director, Marin many of the same abilities as the Canadian mutant.
Sutter, hired Dr. Sarah Kinney, a mutant geneticist, Her regenerative healing factor can heal almost any
to create a clone of Wolverine. The genetic sample wound. Like Wolverine, she possesses retractable
was damaged, and they were unable to recover the Y Adamantium claws that emerge from her wrists.
chromosome they needed after 22 attempts. Kinney Unlike Wolverine, however, each hand has only two
tried to instead create a female subject against the claws, and she also has a single claw that emerges
wishes of Sutter. When the creation of the embryo from each foot. Her senses are incredibly acute, able
was successful, Sutter’s protégé Zander Rice forced to hear and smell things at incredible distances.
Kinney to carry the child to term as the surrogate Having trained for years as an assassin, she pos-
mother, and X-23 was born. sesses the highest levels of black ops training and
X-23 was raised a prisoner, trained only for is a master at multiple forms of armed and unarmed
murder and assassination. X-23’s bone claws were martial arts.
covered in Adamantium, and Rice created a trigger
scent meant to turn X-23 into a killing machine when
she smelled it. She was sent on missions across the
globe to kill countless targets. Rice soon fired Kinney,
but as she left, Kinney assigned X-23 to destroy the
pods containing other clones. X-23 was exposed to
her trigger scent during the destruction, and killed
Kinney as a result. In Kinney’s last breaths, she
gave X-23 the name Laura. X-23, after find-
ing solace for a time, decided to track down
Wolverine and make him pay for his role in
her creation. She confronted him, and they
formed an uneasy bond. After M-Day, Laura
joined Xavier’s school and has remained
there ever since.

Laura bears many of the same personality traits
as her originator, Wolverine. She is serious and
deadly, willing to take the lives of those who stand in
her way. She is steadily learning to become human,
however, rejecting her past as a mindless kill-
ing machine. She is obsessively protective of
Wolverine, following him on numerous mis-
sions against his will and often leaving him
unaware of her presence. Her defensiveness
can often take over reflexively, such as
when she attacked Bishop for attacking
Wolverine during a training exercise.


Alchemy...................................................XM20 Marvel Girl..............................................XM90
Anole........................................................XM16 Mercury....................................................XM92
Archangel................................................XM58 Micromax................................................XM94
Arclight....................................................XM21 Mr. M.........................................................XM27
Armor.......................................................XM16 Multiple Man..........................................XM96
Beast.........................................................XM60 Mystique..................................................XM98
Beautiful Dreamer................................XM21 Nightcrawler........................................XM100
Bishop......................................................XM62 Omega Sentinel..................................XM102
Caliban.....................................................XM64 O*N*E Agent Unit.................................XM38
Cannonball.............................................XM66 O*N*E Sentinels....................................XM36
Collective Man.......................................XM22 Outlaw.....................................................XM28
Colossus..................................................XM68 Peepers....................................................XM28
Cyclops....................................................XM70 Pixie..........................................................XM18
Diamond Lil............................................XM23 Prodigy.....................................................XM18
Domino....................................................XM72 Psylocke...............................................XM104
Dr. Valerie Cooper.................................XM34 Quicksilver..............................................XM50
Dust..........................................................XM74 Rictor........................................................XM49
Elixir..........................................................XM76 Rockslide..............................................XM106
Emma Frost.............................................XM78 Rogue....................................................XM108
Empath.....................................................XM17 Sabra.....................................................XM110
Erg.............................................................XM23 Sabretooth...........................................XM112
Fever Pitch..............................................XM24 Sack..........................................................XM29
Forge........................................................XM80 Scalphunter............................................XM29
General Demetrius Lazer....................XM35 Shadowcat...........................................XM114
Gentle......................................................XM17 Shatterstar...........................................XM116
Hellion.....................................................XM82 Siryn......................................................XM118
Iceman.....................................................XM84 Skids.........................................................XM30
Jazz...........................................................XM24 Strong Guy...........................................XM120
Johnny Dee.............................................XM25 Surge.....................................................XM122
Layla Miller.............................................XM48 Toad..........................................................XM30
Leech........................................................XM25 War Machine..........................................XM34
Lorelei Travis..........................................XM26 Wolf Cub..................................................XM19
M ...............................................................XM86 Wolfsbane............................................XM124
Magma.....................................................XM88 X-23.......................................................XM126


The Illuminati (Concept Team)
Cam Banks (design lead), Rob Donoghue,
Matt Forbeck, Will Hindmarch,
Philippe-Antoine Ménard, and Jesse Scoble.

Advanced Idea Mechanics (Design Support Team)

Dave Chalker, John Harper, Jeremy Keller (art director), Jack Norris, and Aaron Sullivan.

Damage Control (Editing Team)

Amanda Valentine (managing editor) with Sally Christensen, Matthew Gandy, Miranda Horner,
Alex Perry, and Chad Underkoffler.

Wrecking Crew (Playtesters)

Scott Acker: Kristin Strickland, Matthew Strickland, James Buckingham, Christopher Acker; Daniel Bacon—Dark Sun Gang: Robert
Sutton, Joseph Zabinski, Kristian Cardillo, Steven Farrell, Robert Smith, Michael Callahan; Cam Banks—UTC Gamers: Chris Adkins,
Jeremy Keller, Adam Minnie, Michelle Nephew, Mark Reed; Jeremy Beyer: Ray Axmann, Seth Tiede, Risa Barrett, Dan Hemmingsen,
Daniel Moenning, Tyler Wagner; Joseph Blomquist: Mary Blomquist, Katie Bond, Angie Espelage, Adam Lake, Jeff Lewis, Mike
Walter; T. Rob Brown—The Midwest Avengers: Chad Denton, Jason Denton, Travis Shofler; James Carpio—Connecticut Crusaders:
Adam Rinehart, Matt Millman, Gregory Krakovich, Mike “Best there is at what I do” Pankenier, Mary “Storm” Lindholm, Justin
Schneider, Shane McCarthy; Dave Chalker—The Piledrivers: Fred Hicks, Kate Kirby, Dennis Twigg, Jim Henley, Josh Drobina, E
Foley, Bob Bretz, Brennan Taylor, Irven Keppen, Tim Rodriguez, Brendan Conway, Matt Dukes, Danny Rupp, Dean Gilbert, Gerald
Cameron, Quinn Murphy; Jason Childs—West Coast Wrecking Crew: Peter Childs, Kelli Turpin, Roger Bogh, John Gradilla, Ron
Robinson, Robert Barry; Joshua H. Coons: Mark R. Crump, Keith Grace, Brandon Schipper, Richard Ignasiak II, Charles Boswell; Jason
Corley—Vistamar College Fighting Chimeras: Kim Corley, Ryan Franklin, Golda Lloyd, Sara Kuwahara; James Dawsey—The Dawsey
Posse: Brad Rogers, Jamal Hassan, Jeremy Dawsey, Jeremy Moore; Matthew D. Gandy—You Burst into Flames!: Travis Bryant, Tim
Gemma, Andy Kitkowski, Joey Rodgers; Matthew D. Gandy—Clone Saga: Julie Baker, Mark Causey III, Darren Hennessey, Michael
Kelly, Eric Provost; Mark Garbrick: Kelley Hightower, Jennifer Bedell, John Wright, Matthew Smith, Roger Gray—Blackland Gaming
Group: Jim, Paul, Conner, Chris; Jim Henley—Scoot!: Bill Dowling, Kirt Dankmyer, A   bigail Hanley; Will Hindmarch—Marvel Knights:
Anne Petersen, Marty Gleason; Wayne Humfleet—The Ancient Gamers: Jeff Ayers, Tom Carpenter, Brian Kelley, Tom Kimball, George
Delamater, Reg Klubeck, Chris Perrin; Justin D. Jacobson: Jeffrey Piroozshad, Mark Rickard, Steven Baker, Michael Ruiz; Seth Johnson:
John Aegard, Wilhelm Fitzpatrick, Kristian Happa-Aho, Jon Leitheusser; Rob Justice—The Bear Swarm!: Michael Curry, Brett Zeiler,
Darryl Loyd, Chad Brinkley, Jacob Evans, Jeremy Elder, Kevin Parrott; Tim Kirk: Larry Tull, Eve Tull, Allison Glass, Jeremy “Chu”
Carroll, Chris Cox; Christian Lindke—The Champions of Los Angeles: Wes Kobernick, Joel Allan, James Leszuk, Jason Parker, Eric
Lytle; Paul Marcinkevage: Harry Kaiserian, Bill White, Clark Valentine, Amanda Valentine; Philippe-Antoine Ménard: Yan Décarie,
Alexandre David, François Jauvin, Pierre-Marc Giroux; Joseph Meyer: Mike Lafferty, David Goodner, Stacie Winters, Kevin Mowery,
Stacey Montgomery; Jay Miller: Lisa Miller, Stewart Mabey, John Cheraz; Adam Minnie—The Other Midwest Avengers: Kelsey Speer,
Aaron Speer, Stephanie Ingold, Paul Silber, Matthew Silber; Quinn Murphy: Gerald Cameron, Ryven Cedrylle, Matt Sheridan; Jack
Norris—Mike Holmes, Jason Inglert, Lindsey McHenry, Matt Miller, Stephanie Miller, Danielle Reimer, Lauren Ringersma, Charles
Sturgis; Craig Payne: Adam Berry, Chris Coates, Graham Handby, James Hunt, Mark Peyton; Alex Perry: Adam Perry, Marianna
Csaszar; Christopher Pierce—Game Citadel Gamers: Merlin and Michelle Littlefield, Frank Hartnett, Logan McLaughlin, Gabriel Perro,
Joshua Wilson, Zach Zoroya, Brian Barnes, Eric Knowlton; Christopher Ruthenbeck: Josh Acker, Ashley Adams, Brendan Flaherty,
Amber Flaherty, Mark Miller, Mason Miller, Ryan Vent; Eric Smailys—The Wildcards: James Baize, Curtis McClain, Richard Altman, Brent
Avis; Bob Smith—Battleground: Leonidas Argyropoulos, Dan Bacon, Jared Brown, Jason Gerstein, Alan Lucas , Sam Pearson; David
Thomas—The Midwest Maulers: Genna Thomas, Tiffany Thomas, Eric Schroeder, Tom Holley; Talon Waite: Lauren Valentine; Stacie
“Glass” Winters: Kelly “Fabien” Kiel, Justin “Savagehominid” Smith, Rausha Furgason, Erika Zofchak, Nick Wiedmaier.

Jamie Kampel (Marvel), Christi Cardenas (MWP).

Special Thanks
D. Vincent Baker, Jessica Banks, the Bear Swarm! Podcast, Brian Michael Bendis, Dungeon Crawler
Radio, Jeff Grubb, Hugh Hawkins, Fred Hicks, Steve Kenson, Paul Marcinkevage, Nearly Enough Dice
Podcast, Clinton R. Nixon, Brian Overton, the Podge Cast, Mike Selinker, Source Comics & Games, Dave
Thomas, Clark Valentine, Vigilance Press Podcast, Margaret Weis, and Jennifer Wong.

TM & © 2012 Marvel & Subs.

Margaret Weis Productions, the MWP Logo, Cortex System (and all derivatives), the Cortex Plus logo,
and the Heroic Roleplaying logo are trademarks of Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd.
Cortex Plus and Heroic Roleplaying system © 2012 Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd.

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