List of Ais Spare Parts 2008: Issue Date: 13.02.08 Valid Until: 31.12.08

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Issue date: 13.02.

Valid until: 31.12.08

Mechanism - Type: FK(F)1-2 For Air-Insulated Switchgear (AIS) only

00.960.551-01 Set Inspection material 1975-1979 ......................................................................................................................................... 2

00.960.552-01 Set Inspection material later 1984 / ab 1984........................................................................................................................... 4
00.960.552-02 Set Inspection material 1980-1983 ......................................................................................................................................... 6
00.960.553-xx Set Improvement.................................................................................................................................................................... 8
00.960.554-01 Set Standby material later 1975 / ab 1975........................................................................................................................... 11
00.960.571-01 Set Cleaning material/greases.............................................................................................................................................. 13


AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 1 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

00.960.551-01 Set Inspection material 1975-1979

Antriebstyp / type of mechanism: FK(F)1-2

Auslieferjahr / year of manufacturing: 1975-1979
Inspections - criteria / Kriterien: 8...12 years in service or 2'500 operation
Pos. Bezeichnung Description Art.-Nr./Art.-no. Menge/Qty.
1 Schaltzähler counter 49.104.001-01 1
2 Hebel lever 49.104.201-02 1
3 9mm Achse shaft 9 48.117.475-01 1
4 Sicherungsklammer locking clamp 421.683.206 6
5 Sicherungsklammer locking clamp 421.683.142 6
6 Sicherungsklammer locking clamp 421.683.182 6
7 U-Scheibe 9mm washer 9 417.011.010 2
8 U-Scheibe 9mm washer 9 48.104.530-01 2
9 Nadeln needles 423.243.004 20
10 O-ring 2.62 x 10.77 O-ring 2.62 x 10.77 425.915.104 2
11 Sicherungsring Welle 14x1 locking-ring to shaft 14x1 421.613.275 2
12 Splint 2x12 split pin 2x12 421.284.105 2
13 Bolzen bolt 48.117.468-01 1
14 Anschlagbolzen bolt 48.117.652-01 1
15 Rolle roller 48.122.602-01 1
16 Büchse sleeve 48.117.467-01 1
17 Rückstellfeder reset spring 48.117.643-01 1
18 Schraube M8x20 scres M8x20 411.012.306 2
19 Spannscheibe 8 belle-ville washer 8 417.121.009 2
20 Schraube dacrom. M10x60 bolt dacrom. M10x60 412.113.364 2
21 Spannscheibe 10 belle-ville washer 10 417.121.010 4
22 Mutter M10 nuts M10 49.104.421-01 2
23 Bronzefeder bronze spring 48.105.436-01 1

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 2 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

24 Sicherungsring für Welle12 circlip for shaft 12 421.613.253 2

Bemerkung: Obige Angaben beziehen sich auf 1 Antrieb

Remarks: Above items are determined for 1 mechanism

TOTAL Price for above set 00.960.551-01 CHF: 579.30

Deliverytime: Approx. 2-3 weeks if less than 3 sets ordered

Validity: 31.12.07

Price in CHF, packed ex work Oberentfelden

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 3 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

00.960.552-01 Set Inspection material later 1984 / ab 1984

Antriebstyp / type of mechanism:

Auslieferjahr / year of manufacturing: ab 1984 / later 1984
Inspection - criteria / Kriterien: 8...12 years in service or 2'500 operation
Pos. Bezeichnung Description Art.-Nr./Art.-no. Menge/Qty.
1 9mm Achse shaft 9mm 48.117.780-01 1
2 Alu-Bolzen alu-bolt 48.117.783-01 1
3 Sicherungsring Welle 9x1 sec.-ring 9x1 421.613.218 1
4 U-Scheibe 9mm washer 9 417.011.010 2
5 U-Scheibe 9mm washer 9 48.104.530-01 2
6 Nadeln needles 423.243.004 20
7 Rolle roller 48.122.602-01 1
8 Büchse sleeve 48.117.467-01 1
9 Splint 1.6x10 split pin 1.6x10 421.284.065 2
10 Splint 2x12 Splint / split pin 2x12 421.284.105 2
11 Zylinderschraube M4x45 cyl.screw M4x45 412.211.171 1
12 6kt Mutter M4 nut M4 416.112.006 1
13 Bolzen shaft 2mm 48.117.782-01 1
14 Laschen bracket 48.117.781-01 2
15 Schraube M8x20 screw M8x20 411.012.306 2
16 Spannscheibe 8 belle-ville washer 8 417.121.009 2
17 Schraube dacrom.M10x60 bolt dacrom. M10x60 412.113.364 2
18 Spannscheibe 10 belle-ville washer 10 417.121.010 4
19 Muttern nuts M10 49.104.421-01 2
20 Bronzefeder / Druckfeder bronze spring 48.105.436-01 1
21 Splint niro 4x28 split-pin 4x28 421.284.243 1
22 Sicherungsring sec-ring 421.613.275 1
23 Anschlagbolzen shaft 48.117.652-01 1

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 4 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

24 O-ring 2,62 x 10,77 O-ring 2,62 x 10,77 425.915.104 2

25 Sicherungsring Welle circlip shaft 12 421.613.253 2

Bemerkung: Obige Angaben beziehen sich auf 1 Antrieb

Remarks: Above items are determined for 1 mechanism

TOTAL Price for above set 00.960.552-01 CHF: 403.80

Deliverytime: Approx. 2-3 weeks if less than 3 sets ordered

Validity: 31.12.07

Price in CHF, packed ex work Oberentfelden

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 5 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

00.960.552-02 Set Inspection material 1980-1983

Antriebstyp/type of mechanism:

Auslieferjahr/year of manufacturing: 1980-1983

Inspektions-Kriterien: 8...12 years in service or 2'500 operation

Pos. Bezeichnung Description Art.-Nr./art.-no. Menge/qty.
1 Schaltspielzähler counter 49.104.001-01 1
2 Schaltspielzähler-Hebel kompl. counter lever 49.104.201-02 1
3 9mm Achse shaft 9mm 48.117.780-01 1
4 Alu-Bolzen alu-bolt 48.117.783-01 1
5 Sicherungsring Welle 9x1 sec.-ring 9x1 421.613.218 1
6 U-Scheibe 9mm washer 9mm 417.011.010 2
7 U-Scheibe 9mm washer 9mm 48.104.530-01 2
8 Nadeln needles 423.243.004 20
9 Rolle roller 48.122.602-01 1
10 Büchse sleeve 48.117.467-01 1
11 Splint split pin 1.6x10 421.284.065 2
12 Bolzen shaft 48.117.782-01 1
13 Laschen bracket 48.117.781-01 2
14 Schraube M8x20 screw M8x20 411.012.306 2
15 Spannscheibe 8 belle-ville washer 8 417.121.009 2
16 Schraube dacrom. M10x60 bolt dacrom. M10x60 412.113.364 2
17 Spannscheibe 10 belle-ville washer 10 417.121.010 4
18 Mutter nut M10 49.104.421-01 2
19 Bronzefeder bronze spring 48.105.436-01 1
20 Splint niro 4x28 split-pin 4x28 421.284.243 1
21 Splint 2x12 split-pin 2x12 421.284.105 2
22 Seegering circlip 421.613.275 1

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 6 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

23 Anschlagbolzen shaft 48.117.652-01 1

24 O-ring 2,62 x 10,77 O-ring 2,62 x 10,77 425.915.104 2
25 Sicherungsring Welle 12 circlip shaft 12 421.613.253 2

Bemerkung: Obige Angaben beziehen sich auf 1 Antrieb

Remarks: Above items are determined for 1 mechanism

TOTAL Price for above set 00.960.552-02 CHF: 561.55

Deliverytime: Approx. 2-3 weeks if less than 3 sets ordered

Validity: 31.12.07

Price in CHF, packed ex work Oberentfelden

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 7 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

00.960.553-xx Set Improvement

Antriebstyp / type of mechanism: FK(F)1-2

Auslieferjahr / year of manufacturing: 1975-1992

01-001 01-002 01-003 02 03 04





Bezeichnung Description Art.-Nr./art.-no.

1a Einschaltklinke Var.-01 closing latch ed.-01 48.117.210-01 1

1b Einschaltklinke Var.-02 oder / or closing latch ed.-02 48.117.210-02 1
1c Einschaltklinke Var.-03 closing latch ed.-03 48.117.210-03 1
2 Sicherungsring 14 locking ring 14 421.613.275 2 2 2
3 Sicherungsring 14 locking ring 14 48.117.501-01 1 1 1
4 Welle_ø14x132mm shaft ø14x132mm 48.117.473-01 2 2 2
5 Ausschaltklinke tripping latch 48.117.216-01 1 1 1
6 Sicherungsring 14 locking ring 14 421.673.275 1 1 1
7 Sicherungsring Welle 14 clamp 14 48.117.592-01 1 1 1
8 Rückstellfeder reversing spring 48.117.228-01 1 1 1
9 Anschlag kompl. (48.117.655-01, 48.117.760-01,48.117.761-01) stop-end compl. 421.246.339 1 1 1
10 Rollspannstift roller-pin 48.117.519-01 1 1 1 1
11 Lasche mit Nietbolzen latch 48.117.344-01 2 2 2 2
12 Klappsplint split pin 49.104.585-01 2 2 2 2
13 Scheibe 6 washer 6 417.001.008 2 2 2 2
14 Scheibe washer 49.104.589-02 2 2 2 2
15 Scheibe washer 49.104.589-03 2 2 2 2
16 Splint 3.2x18 split pin 3.2x18 421.284.173 1 1 1 1
17 Splint 6,3x45 split pin 6,3x45 421.284.354 1 1 1 1
18 Splint 4x28 split pin 4 x 28 421.284.243 1 1 1 1

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 8 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

19 Drehfeder torsion spring 48.117.430-01 1 1 1 1 1

20 Bolzen shaft 48.117.508-03 1 1 1 1 1
21 Sicherungsklammer 6 Sec. clamp 6 421.683.182 2 2 2 2 2
22 Schulterbolzen bolt 48.117.510-01 1 1 1 1 1
23 Lasche bracket 48.117.505-01 2 2 2 2 2
24 Splint niro 3,2x10 split pin 3,2x10 421.284.169 1 1 1 1 1
25 U-Scheibe washer 417.003.008 5 5 5 5 5
26 Abstützplatte 0,5 plate 0,5 00.960.502-05 1 1
27 Spiralspannstift 6x26 spiral-pin 6x26 421.246.346 2 2
28 Abdeckblech cover sheet 48.117.855-01 1 1 1 1 1 1
29 Spiralspannstift 5x26 spiral-pin 5x26 421.246.307 2 2
30 Zyl.-Schraube M3,5 x 30 (Zeichnung Verriegelung. 48.117.098) screw M3,5x30 412.211.128 2
31 6 kt. Mutter mit Klemmteil M3,5 sec.-nut M3,5 416.119.005 2
32 Scheibe gross 4 washer big 4 417.021.006 4
33 Spannstift mit Zahnschlitz 6 x 20 coiled spring-pin 6 x 20 421.244.342 2
34 Blech plate 48.117.894-01 1 1
35 Einlegemutter special nut 20 48.117.895-01 2 2
36 Einlegemutter special nut 16 48.117.895-02 1 1
37 Blech plate 48.117.898-01 1 1
38 Schraube bolt M8x16 411.012.304 3 3
39 Spannscheibe belleville washer 8 417.121.009 2 3
40 Scheibe gross washer big 417.021.009 1 1

TOTAL Price set 00.960.553-01-001 CHF: 1’026.35

TOTAL Price set 00.960.553-01-002 CHF: 1’026.35

TOTAL Price set 00.960.553-01-003 CHF: 1’026.35

TOTAL Price set 00.960.553-02 CHF: 517.30

TOTAL Price set 00.960.553-03 CHF: 455.30

TOTAL Price set 00.960.553-04 CHF: 313.10

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 9 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

Keine Verbesserungen mehr/no further improvements: ab 1993 / later 1993

Deliverytime: Approx. 2-3 weeks if less than 3 sets ordered

Validity: 31.12.07
Price in CHF, packed ex work Oberentfelden

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 10 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

00.960.554-01 Set Standby material later 1975 / ab 1975

Antriebstyp / type of mechanism:

Auslieferjahr / year of manufacturing: ab 1975 / later 1975

Pos. Bezeichnung Description Art.-Nr./art.-no. Menge/qty.

1 Abstützplatte support plate 00.960.502-05 1
2 Spiralspannstifte roller pin 6x26 421.246.346 2
3 Anker pallet 49.102.104-01 2
4 Anker pallet 49.102.104-03 2
5 Rückstellfeder reset spring 49.102.414-01 12
6 Klebblech Cu copper-plate to magnet 49.102.409-01 6
7 U-Scheibe washer 49.102.420-01 4
8 U-Scheibe washer 49.102.420-02 4
9 Schaltspielzähler counter 49.104.001-01 1
10 Hebel lever 49.104.201-02 1
11 6kt. Mutter M6 für Kabinendach nut M6 416.139.008 4
12 O-Ring zu Kabinendach-Befest. O-Ring to mech.-box 425.915.014 4
13 6kt. Schraube M6 x 60 Kabinendach screw M6 x 60 to mech. Box 411.134.264 4
14 Spannscheibe leicht D=6 A2 Kabinendach washer to mech.-box 417.101.008 4
15 6kt. Mutter M8 für Seitenblech nut M8 to mech.-box 416.139.009 4
16 Scheibe niro 8 für Seitenblech washer to side cover of mech.-box 417.011.009 4
17 Spiralspannstifte / roller pin 5x26 roller pin 5x26 421.246.307 2
18 Spiralspannstifte / roller pin 6x26 roller pin 6x26 421.246.346 2
19 Set Sichererungselemente set securing elements 00.960.381-01 1

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 11 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

Recommendet quantity of stand-by sets: 1...3 FK 1 set
Bemerkungen 4...6 FK 2 sets
Empfohlende Menge an Sets: 7...9 FK 3 sets
10…12 FK 4 sets

TOTAL Price for above set 00.960.554-01 CHF: 531.50

Deliverytime: Approx. 2-3 weeks if less than 3 sets ordered

Validity: 31.12.07

Price in CHF, packed ex work Oberentfelden

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 12 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08

00.960.571-01 Set Cleaning material/greases

Antriebstyp / type of mechanism: all

Auslieferjahr / year of manufacturing: all

Schaltzahlen / number of operations: all
Pos. Bezeichnung Description Art.-Nr./Art.-no. Grösse/Size Menge/qty.
1 Kimwipes Tücher Kimwipes spec. Tissues 59.801-01 Pack à 50 pc. 1
2 Scotch Brite ganzes Pack Scotch-Brite one package 61.143.845-01 Pack à 10 pc. 1
3 Vaseline Fett Vaseline grease 42.600.627-51 100g tube 1
4 Fombline SF6 grease "Fomblin" 42.600.630-61 10g tube 1
5 Loctite 8106 High pressure grease Loctite 8106 59.752-01 100g tube 1
6 Sylitea Fett Sylitea grease violette 59.752-02 100g tube 1
7 Penetrox Penetrox grease for HV terminal 20g 62.101.473-01 20g tube 1
8 Fett-Roller Grease roller 59.010-01 Stk. / pc. 1
9 Ersatzwalze zu Fettroller Grease roller 59.010-02 Stk. / pc. 2
10 Kleiner Pinsel Small brush 61.143.843-01 Stk. / pc. 1
11 M111 Fett M111 grease 100g 42.600.631-51 100g tube 1
12 Aseol Fett Aseol black grease 100g 42.600.629-51 100g tube 1
13 Loctite 225 Loctite securing liquid 225 50g NT318.227.815 50g tube 1

Recommendet quantity of cleaning sets: 1...6 cb's 1 set
Bemerkungen 7...9 cb's 2 sets
Empfohlene Menge an Sets: 10...12 cb's 3 sets

TOTAL Price for above set 00.960.571-01 CHF: 903.50

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 13 of 14
Issue date: 13.02.08
Valid until: 31.12.08


Deliverytime: Approx. 2-3 weeks if less than 3 sets ordered

Validity: 31.12.07

Price in CHF, packed ex work Oberentfelden

Information required for quotation / offer:

PID-No. / Serial-No.
Year of delivery
Delivery – Address
Invoice – Address

Our sets are subject to change at any time, since they are permanently kept up to date. Therefore you may receive a slightly renewed set. Price will not change and
shall be valid until 31.12.07


This material must only be installed by Areva specialists with knowledge of this mechanism, or personal who were trained by Areva
specialist to do so. Any accident caused by improper handling is out of our responsibility.

AREVA T&D AG, V-SSO, Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3, CH-5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland TEL +41 62 73733 33 FAX +41 62 737 33 68 Page 14 of 14

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