Question 1 : Fdic 1

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Oversight of Third Parties

Financial institutions may opt to use AI developed by third parties, rather than
develop the approach internally. Existing agency guidance (as noted in the
Appendix) describes information and risks that may be relevant to financial
institutions when selecting third-party approaches (including ones using AI and
sets out principles for the validation of such third-party approaches.

Dynamic Updating
A particular characteristic of some AI is the ability for it to learn or evolve over
time, especially as it captures new training data. Over time, this could result in
drift (i.e., the AI approach could change) as it learns from the new data. This can
present challenges for validating, monitoring, tracking, and documenting the AI
approach, including for persons conducting an independent review. It may be
important to understand whether an AI approach that was independently
reviewed initially has significantly evolved over time (e.g., using an influx of new
data). Dynamic updating can also affect how results are tracked over time. For
example, initial performance thresholds chosen to monitor the approach could
become less meaningful if the AI approach has significantly changed to focus on
different target outcomes. Similar risks can arise with AI approaches that are not
updated as their context evolves, since they are more closely tuned to their
training data. For example, AI approaches that are validated in one circumstance
may not perform well in another, and an independent review conducted in a
previous context may no longer be accurate in new circumstances.

Question 1
How do financial institutions identify and manage risks relating to AI
explainability? What barriers or challenges for explainability exist for developing,

adopting, and managing AI?

💡 There are three main approaches for developing explainable machine

learning models.

1. Using explainable models: Choosing explainable machine learning

models such as Logistic Regression, Generalized Linear Models,
Generalized Additive Models, Decision Trees. The disadvantage of using
interpretable models is that it will limit the developers to use specific
kinds of machine learning models and decrease in predictive
performance compared to other machine learning models.

2. Model-Agnostic Interpretable methods: Separates the explanation

from the choice machine learning model. The most common model-
agnostic methods are Partial Dependence Plots, Permutation Feature
Importance, Local Surrogate Methods LIME, SHapely additive

Currently, there is a clear trade-off between the performance of

machine learning models and the ability to produce explainable and
interpretable predictions. The black-box models, including deep learning
and model stacking, and model ensembles can produce accurate
predictions while interpretable models such as logistic regression fail in
capturing feature interactions and non-linear relationships.

Question 2:

How do financial institutions use post-hoc methods to assist in evaluating

conceptual soundness? How common are these methods? Are there limitations of
these methods (whether to explain an AI approach’s overall operation or to explain
a specific prediction or categorization)? If so, please provide details on such

💡 Post-hoc interpretability methods can be used in model validation. The
explanation generated by these methods could help to examine whether
a machine learning model has employed the true evidences instead of
biases in training data. For examples, explanations can be used to
identify whether models have utilized features that are proxy for gender
or ethnic biases to make decision.

Some limitations includes high computational cost of generating

explanations, instability of explanation in sampling based model-
agnostic methods such as LIME, ability to intentionally generate
misleading explanations.

Question 3

For which uses of AI is lack of explainability more of a challenge? Please describe

those challenges in detail. How do financial institutions account for and manage
the varied challenges and risks posed by different uses?

💡 The financial services industry has unique explainability and fairness

challenges arising from compliance and ethical considerations in credit
decisions. Compliance with fair lending laws and producing specific
reasons for denying credit is one of the most important use cases of
machine learning explainability. Typically financial institutions leverage
model-agnostic methods to generate explanations for individual

Question 4
How do financial institutions using AI manage risks related to data quality and
data processing? How, if at all, have control processes or automated data quality
routines changed to address the data quality needs of AI? How does risk

management for alternative data compare to that of traditional data? Are there
any barriers or challenges that data quality and data processing pose for
developing, adopting, and managing AI? If so, please provide details on those
barriers or challenges.

💡 Data quality monitoring automatically monitors machine learning models

in production and notifies you when data quality issues arise. Machine
Learning models in production have to make predictions on real-life data
that is not carefully curated like most training datasets. If the statistical
nature of the data that your model receives while in production drifts
away from the nature of the baseline data it was trained on, the model
begins to lose accuracy in its predictions. The financial institution can
use in-house and off-the-shelf data quality monitoring products
available at online cloud providers which can ensure the quality and
accuracy of input data used in machine learning models.

Question 5

Are there specific uses of AI for which alternative data are particularly effective?

💡 ?

Question 6
Overfitting “Overfitting” can occur when an algorithm “learns” from idiosyncratic
patterns in the training data that are not representative of the population as a
whole. Overfitting is not unique to AI, but it can be more pronounced in AI than
with traditional models. Undetected overfitting could result in incorrect predictions
or categorizations.
How do financial institutions manage AI risks relating to overfitting? What barriers
or challenges, if any, does overfitting pose for developing, adopting, and
managing AI? How do financial institutions develop their AI so that it will adapt to
new and potentially different populations (outside of the test and training data)?

💡 The bias-variance tradeoff is important in all machine learning models
and it is not limited to financial institutions. Theoretical and applied
methodologies to address bias-variance trade-off is well known:
- Adding more training data
- Add regularization
- Early stopping
- Feature selection
- Decreasing model size and model capacity

In order to adapt the machine learning model to a dynamic population,

developers must consider model drift, data drift, and concept drift. To
address this issue the models must be periodically re-fit to new data
address these issues.

Question 8
How do financial institutions manage AI risks relating to dynamic updating?
Describe any barriers or challenges that may impede the use of AI that involve
dynamic updating. How do financial institutions gain an understanding of whether
AI approaches producing different outputs over time based on the same inputs are
operating as intended?

💡 Data processing and feature engineering are important parts of any
machine learning life cycle. The importance of robust infrastructure to
ensure fresh and accurate features increases when machine learning
models need frequent updating. In recent years the 'Feature Store'
concept in data architecture that motivated by these challenges. Some
of the benefits of feature stores for machine learning models are:

1. Track and share features between data scientists including a version-

control repository
2. Process and curate feature values while preventing data leakage
3. Ensure parity between training and inference data systems
4. Serve features for ML-specific consumption profiles including model
training, batch and real-time predictions
5. Accelerate ML innovation by reducing the data engineering process
from months to days
6. Monitor data quality to rapidly identify data drift and pipeline errors
7. Empower legal and compliance teams to ensure compliant use of data
8. Bridging the gap between data scientists and data & ML engineers
9. The lower total cost of ownership through automation and
10. Faster Time-To-Market for new model-driven products
11. Improved model accuracy: the availability of features will improve
model performance
12. Improved data quality via data →feature → model lineage

Machine learning models produce outputs that reflect the correlations

between input variables and target variables in the training set.
Producing different outputs over time is not inherently problematic if it is
reflective of the true relationship between inputs and targets.
Developers should implement monitoring processes to detect any drift in
data or concept drift.

Question 10

Please describe any particular challenges or impediments financial institutions
face in using AI developed or provided by third parties and a description of how
financial institutions manage the associated risks.

Please provide detail on any challenges or impediments. How do those challenges

or impediments vary by financial institution size and complexity?


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