Smoke Tunnel

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Design and Fabrication of

Portable Smoke Tunnel for Flow Visualization



Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of

the requirements for the
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)
(Mechanical Engineering)

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Bandar Seri Iskandar
31750 Tronoh
Perak Darul Ridzuan

Design and Fabrication of Portable Smoke Tunnel for Flow Visualization


Nurhafizah Binti Abdullah

A project dissertation submitted to the

Mechanical Engineering Programme
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the

Approved by,

(AP Dr. Hussain H. Ja’afer Al-Kayiem)






This is to certify that I am responsible for the work submitted in this project, that the

original work is my own except as specified in the references and acknowledgements, and

that the original work contained herein have not been undertaken or done by unspecified

sources or persons.



Alhamdulillah, first of all I would like to thank Allah the Almighty for all His blessing that
gives the opportunities and ability to complete the project on ‘Design and Fabrication of
Portable Smoke Tunnel for Flow Visualization’, although there were some challenges has
been encountered.

Expressing my deepest gratitude to my supervisor AP Dr. Hussain H. Ja’afer Al-Kayiem

who is really supportive and encouraging during the completion of this project. Not
forgotten also to the Fluid Laboratory’s technician Mr. Zailan, who is really helpful with his
ideas and thoughtful for assisting and completing this project. Without the numerous
advices and help, it would not be possible for me to complete this project successfully.

I also would like to show an appreciation to all the individuals who were directly or
indirectly have been involved in making this project and report achievable. Last but not
least, I would like to thank all my friends and family for their support and love to
accomplish this project.

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . i

1.1 Background of Study . . . . . 1
1.2 Problem Statement . . . . . 2
1.3 Objectives . . . . . 3
1.4 Scope of Study . . . . . 3
1.5 Significant of the Work . . . . 3


2.1 Flow Visualization . . . . . 5
2.2 Smoke Tunnel . . . . . 8


3.1 Conceptual of Flow Visualization Using Smoke . 12
3.2 Aerodynamic Concept. . . . . 12
3.3 Reynolds Number . . . . . 13
3.4 Conceptual of Wind Tunnel . . . . 14

CHAPTER 4: METHODOLOGY . . . . . . 20
4.1 Technique of Analysis. . . . . 20
4.2 Gant Chart . . . . . . 32
4.3 Flow Chart of Execution. . . . . 34
4.4 Tools and Software . . . . . 35
CHAPTER 5: WORK PROGRESS . . . . . . 36
5.1 Design Assumption and Calculation . . . 36
5.2 Modelling Using CATIA . . . . 37
5.3 Fabrication Result . . . . . 37
5.4 Materials and Fabrication Cost . . . 38
5.5 New Smoke Generator Design and Fabrication . 39
5.6 Experimental Data and Result . . . 40


6.1 Conclusion . . . . . . 43
6.2 Recommendation . . . . . 43

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . 45

APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . .

Figure 1 Schematic of a typical wind tunnel setup . . . . 2

Figure 2 Smoke Tunnel . . . . . . . 4

Figure 3 Sample of flow visualization by smoke tunnel method . . 4

Figure 4 Smoky Wind Tunnel by NASA Glenn Research Centre . . 9

Figure 5 Force measurement system for AeroRocket Wind Tunnel . . 11

Figure 6 Boundary layer on flat plate . . . . . . 14

Figure 7 Basic concept of wind tunnel . . . . . . 14

Figure 8 Wind tunnel main components . . . . . 15

Figure 9 Air flow rate enter and exit the test section and diffuser . . 16

Figure 10 Method of calculating diffuser length . . . . . 17

Figure 11 Type of honeycomb cell shape . . . . . 18

Figure 12 Some generator unit . . . . . . . 19

Figure 13 Contraction cone and test section . . . . . 26

Figure 14 Honeycomb’s frame . . . . . . . 26

Figure 15 Assembled settling chamber, contraction cone and test section . 26

Figure 16 Main components of smoke tunnel have been installed . . 27

Figure 17 Drive section or fan completely installed . . . . 28

Figure 18 Diffuser with splitter . . . . . . . 28

Figure 19 Test section . . . . . . . . 28

Figure 20 Contraction Cone . . . . . . . 28

Figure 21 Settling chamber with honeycomb . . . . . 28

Figure 22 Probe with holes . . . . . . . 29

Figure 23 Model stand with clamp . . . . . . 29

Figure 24 Probe and model stand in test section . . . . . 29

Figure 25 Switch and fan’s speed controller . . . . . 29

Figure 26 Complete assembly of smoke tunnel . . . . . 30

Figure 27 Smoke Tunnel Conceptual Model . . . . . 36

Figure 28 Assembly drawing of portable smoke tunnel . . . . 37

Figure 29 Complete assembly of smoke tunnel with table (trolley) . . 37

Figure 30 Design and fabricated smoke generator . . . . 39

Figure 31 Graph Reynolds Number against velocity . . . . 40

Figure 32 Pictures of air flow in test section without model . . . 41

Figure 33 Pictures of air flow in test section with spherical model . . 42

Figure 34 Modifications on Probe . . . . . . 44


Table 1 Fan selection process . . . . . . . 21

Table 2 Test section’s velocity analysis . . . . . 22

Table 3 Total cost of fabricating the smoke tunnel and honeycomb . . 38

Table 4 Total cost of fabricating smoke generator . . . . 38

Table 5 Smoke tunnel testing data . . . . . . 40


A smoke tunnel design and fabrication is one of the improvement efforts to facilitate the
flow visualization for the transparent fluid such as air and water to be visible. The field
study of fluid kinematics such as the investigation over immersed model at different
Reynolds Numbers and the complexity of flow characteristic when moving or static bodies
or structure through a moving fluid also will be takes into consideration. However, wind
tunnel and smoke generator which are available in UTP Fluid Mechanics laboratory are not
exactly practical to visualizing the air flow pattern appropriately. The methodology of
designing and fabricating of the smoke tunnel has been made based on the literature review
on previous works or studies. The feasibility study also has been performed for selecting
materials which are available in market with cost effective and effortless for construction.
The smoke tunnel has been designed based on analysis on air blower characteristics
followed by the diffuser length, the test-section cross section area, the contraction cone
length, the setting chamber radius inlet, and smoke generator’s tubing. The total length of
this tunnel is about 1.6 meters with square test section 0.12 x 0.12 m providing maximum
free stream velocity of 23 m/s. The details drawing of the smoke tunnel will be provided
through CATIA software for two dimension and three dimension outlines. The design
criteria will try to create a good matching between the smoke and the surrounding air flow
field by minimizing the difference in the two fluids velocities.



1.1 Background Study

Flow Visualization is a process of making the physics of fluid flow visible. Most
fluids (air, water, etc.) are transparent, thus their flow patterns are invisible to us
without some special methods to make them visible [2]. Flows can be visualized by
three methods: surface flow visualization, particle tracer methods, and optical
methods. Surface flow visualization reveals the flow streamlines in the limit as a
solid surface is approached. Colored oil applied to the surface of a wind tunnel
model provides one example (the oil responds to the surface shear stress and forms a
pattern). Particles, such as smoke, can be added to a flow to trace the fluid motion
[2]. We can illuminate the particles with a sheet of laser light in order to visualize a
slice of a complicated fluid flow pattern. Assuming that the particles faithfully
follow the streamlines of the flow, we can not only visualize the flow but also
measure its velocity using a method known as particle image velocimetry. Finally,
some flows reveal their patterns by way of changes in their optical refractive index.
These are visualized by optical methods known as the shadowgraph, schlieren
photography, and interferometry [2].

  The observation of fluid motion using smoke has been carried out for many years.
Smoke Tunnel is a particle trace method for flow visualization of air flow pattern to
aerodynamic bodies [3]. The most commonly used tunnel in flow visualization is a
non-return or in draft suction type where air is drawn through a large settling
chamber consisting of a honeycomb and several screen followed by a large
contraction before the air enters the test-section as shown in Figure 1[2]. Base on

this design, the smoke can be exhausted to the outside of the building. The purpose
of honeycomb is to break up the large-scale air turbulence entering the tunnel.
Before entering the contraction section, the level of turbulence will be further
reduced by using several of screens. The screens should be arranged in order to
decreasing mesh size and optimal the result. The function of contraction section is to
ensure the velocity profile at the entrance of the test-section is uniform.

Figure 1: Schematic of a typical wind tunnel setup [2].

1.2 Problem Statement

Currently, Fluid Dynamic studies are lacking a proper visualization technique which
is a powerful research tool in studies of flow behaviour on immersed bodies in air.
To enhance the fluid dynamic investigation, a smoke tunnel will play a good role for
resolve this matter. However, the recent subsonic wind tunnel in UTP Fluid
Mechanics laboratory which has been connected to smoke generator was not
convenience and applicable due to smoke detector alarm present. To resolve this
problem, it is necessary to conduct an outdoor experiment. In order to achieve that,
we need to have a portable unit of wind tunnel which is can easily connected to
smoke generator and other elements on flexible trolley. Thus, we can have good
visualization and measurement of results from the outdoor test.

1.3 Objective

The objectives of this project are:-

To design and fabricate a smoke tunnel for flow visualization.

To conduct experimentation over immersed model at different Reynolds


1.4 Scope of Study

The flow visualization of fluid behaviour using smoke tunnel technique is an

important tool to investigate and understand the physics of complex three-
dimensional eddying motion and turbulence [3]. To be able successful interpret the
flow pattern, it is requires the understanding of pathlines, streaklines and streamlines
in steady and unsteady flow and a formal classification method to unambiguously
describe the flow filed [3]. The Reynolds Number is very significant in determining
the characteristic of air flow in smoke tunnel experimental [3]. By using this tunnel,
we can straightforwardly observe the streamline of the air flow to a body with
present of smoke particle in the air.

1.5 Significant of the Work

The smoke tunnel will facilitating the proper flow visualization of air flow to a static
and dynamic bodies which are important to investigate and understand the
characteristic and behaviour of air flow may be in form of two-dimensional or three-
dimensional flow, steady or unsteady flow and laminar or turbulent flow. It is
significantly improvise Fluid Mechanics Engineering technology of visualizing the

flow pattern of aerodynamic bodies or structure studies. Therefore, we can make
further investigation and exploration in the Reynolds Number studies.

Figure 2: Smoke Tunnel [3]. Figure 3: Sample of flow visualization by

smoke tunnel method [3].



2.1 Flow Visualization

Flow visualization is one of the most effective tools in flow analysis to improving
our understanding of complex fluid flows. Prof. Brown from University of Notre
Dame wrote that “A man is not a dog to smell out each individual track, he is a man
to see, and seeing, to analyses. He is a sight tracker with each of the other senses in
adjunctive roles. Further, man is a scanner, not a mere looker. A single point has
little meaning unless taken with other points at different times are little better. He
needs the whole field, the wide view” [2]. Thus, there are many experimental works
have been done to proven the statement. Osborne Reynolds in 1883 has been carried
out an experiment which dye injection method was used to show the transition from
laminar flow to turbulent flow in a pipe [2]. In the era of Leonardo d Vinci, the
observation of fluid motion using smoke and dye have been used as the oldest
visualization technique in fluid mechanics due to inexpensive and easy to implement
[2]. There was also has many studies and analysis in flow visualization in order to
facilitate the investigation of flow behavior in fluid mechanics field.

Recently, Kerenyi, 1999 stated that the advances in physical modelling instrumentation have
facilitated flow visualization to support research. Flow visualization is now performed using
the hydrogen bubble technique whereby a platinum wire is mounted vertically upstream of
bridge structure in the test flume. A graphite rod is used as an anode. The hydrogen bubble
produced a small enough (d<0.025mm) that their buoyancy may be ignored within the
visualization area. By employing pulsed time lime markers with a specially built hydrogen

bubble generator, it is possible to visualize the phase speed of the diving current formed at
the face of structure. The diving current is usually responsible for bridge scour. As the
result, the flow visualization using hydrogen bubble technique gives better insight into flow
patterns caused by obstruction. It also can give quick feedback for flow alteration idea and
can reduce experiment time to get a good result.

According to Fichtelman, 2001, the principles of fluid dynamics such as lift and drag forces
are exactly influence the performance of sports balls such as knuckle-ball, cricket ball,
tennis ball and golf ball. This has been proven by using flow visualization studies using
smoke to spot flow separation points as related to surface features of sports balls. Utilizing a
Jet Stream Wind Tunnel (Ref 1) which measures lift and drag and several aerodynamic
principles also came into play while testing was performed. Bernoulli’s theorem explained
the production of side and lift forces on sports balls consequent to their surface features.
Aerodynamics of sports balls is strongly dependent on the development and behaviour of
the boundary layer on the ball’s surface. The critical Reynolds number is the speed at which
flow becomes turbulent where by increasing the surface roughness will decreases the critical
Reynolds number. Wind visualization studies were accomplished using dry ice. A cooler
containing dry ice was connected to the air intake chamber of the Jet Stream wind tunnel by
hose and soda straws. Six straws were used to create two horizontal rows. This was used to
straighten and direct the smoke for photographic purpose. Dry ice was placed in a two and a
half gallon cooler using thick gloves and goggles. Hot water was placed on the dry ice to
create smoke. A cooper funnel covered the cooler and connected to the straws by a plastic
tube, and a small florescent strip over the test chamber provided the only light. The
principles of fluid mechanics and Newtonian physics determine the performance of all
sports balls. The surface features of sports balls affect boundary layer separation, lift drag
and their pattern of flight. By understanding these principles, the development of
performance of sports balls can be improved to provide enjoyment of the individual sport.

Azar & Rodgers, 2001 have carried out flow visualization of air flow in electronic systems.
Many misconceptions in understanding the behaviour of fluid flow can be cleared up by
flow visualization and also to use logically as the first approach to studying a new flow
situation. To understand the convective heat transfer process in electronic systems, it is vital
that the dependence of heat dissipation on such phenomena be examined. However, to use
the technique most suitable to a given problem need to take the consideration where
laminar, transitional and turbulent flows need a different approach for visualization.
Therefore, flow visualization methods can be grouped into two categories, 1) those suitable
to investigate the complexity of the streamline just above a surface, and 2) those suitable to
characterize the surface heat transfer properties. The combination of analyses can provide a
detailed description of flow phenomena and their effects on the heat transfer processes.
Smoke-tube method makes use of large quantities of smoke and is used to produce a limited
number of streaks that are rather thick. Instead of smoke-wire method can produce very thin
smoke streaks. Therefore, flow visualization techniques applicable to air flow in electronic

Referring to W.J Devenport & W. L Hartwell, 2006 flow visualization is an experimental

means of examining the flow pattern around a body or over its surface. The flow is
visualized by introducing dye, smoke or pigment to the flow in the area under investigation.
The primary advantage of such a method is the ability to provide a description of a flow
over a model without complicated data reduction and analysis. Smoke flow visualization
involves the injection of streams of vapour into the flow. Generating a flow in a wind tunnel
that accurately models the flow over a real vehicle or vehicle component can be a lot harder
than just having a model the right shape. The Reynolds number effect and Blockage effect
has been investigated in this small smoke tunnel study. The important properties of air are
density and viscosity. The density of air can be determined by using equation of state. By
using Sutherland’s relation to find the dynamic viscosity and using dynamic viscosity and
density relation to determined the kinematic viscosity of air. The smoke which is vaporized
kerosene is produced using Preston-Sweeting mist generator. The vapour is piped via a
black rubber hose into a strut located directly upstream from the test section. A series of

equally spaced holes in the trailing edge of the smoke strut introduce smoke filament into
flow. During the operation of the smoke tunnel it may be necessary to give a sharp squeeze
to the black rubber bulb attached to the end of the strut. This will clear anything that may be
blocking the smoke holes. Thus, the black rubber hose connecting the smoke generator to
the strut be drained periodically or whenever the vapour flow is poor.

Lok Kin Lee, 2006 flow visualization of air underneath the paper in a printer while printing
is important to understand how the air flows in between two layers of surface. Various
phenomena can be identified from the flow visualization such as the motion of the fluid
flow and the interference between two air flows. In the experiment, two air-flows are
coming out from the two holes simultaneously and interference with each other and going to
all directions. A stagnation line, which is due to interference of the two air-flows, is then
formed in between the air-flows. In order to visualize the air flow, a Silver Rain Lighting
Manufactory fogger machine is used to generate fog for the flow visualization process. To
get sufficient light, two sets of high-powered halogen lamps are used to illuminate the
environment beside room light. The visualization clearly shows the behaviour of a very
laminar air flow, in which cannot be see normally in dry air. The combination of white fog
with black background highly enhanced the visualization of the air flow. In further
development, more different combination of air flow can be done and investigate the
different behaviour.

2.2 Smoke Tunnel

Previously, the wind tunnel is a research tool developed to assist with studying the
effects of air moving over or around solid objects. Because the air is transparent it is
difficult to directly observe the air movement itself. Thus, a smoke particulate or a
fine mist of liquid is injected into the tunnel just ahead of the device being tested.
The investigation by Head and Bandyophadyay in 1981 which smoke injection
method was used to show the existence of hairpin or Λ-shaped vortices in a turbulent

boundary layer. This technique also has been used in NASA in aerodynamics studies

Figure 4: Smoky Wind Tunnel by NASA Glenn Research Centre [9].

The research has been done by Shojiro Shindo & Otto Brask, 1969 on a smoke generator for
low speed wind tunnels shows the flow visualization has been a nebulous observation
simply because air is invisible. Many substances were introduced to attempt flow
visualization such as saw dust, tufts, fluorescent dye, laser beam and smoke. Although, all
these methods required rather complex set up of equipment for the reason of either safety or
health. Therefore, the substance introduced into the tunnel should be non-corrosive, non-
toxic, and the equipment must be safe to handle which is in this case the Fog Juice has been
used. There are three variable parameters that need to be considered to obtain a good smoke.
1) Temperature – hot oil produced tips instead of smoke because of low temperature. 2)
Pressure – the smoke pulsates due to low pressure. 3) Voltage – to maintain the temperature.
The principle of the device is to force oil through small diameter tubing which is heated by
electric current. The oil vaporized in the tubing and quickly condenses to form a visible

smoke at the open end. The probe can be fixed or hand held at any location. The smoke
produced by passing Fog Juice through a heated long hypodermic needle is non-corrosive,
non-toxic, and has a pleasant odour. It also dense, while and cool the smoke stream
applicable for high and low air speed. By proper adjustment of the element voltage, the
amount of fuel flow and pressure can produce a continuous white dense smoke suitable for
observation or photographs.

R.D. Mehta and P. Bradshaw, 1979 have been developed the design rules for small low
speed wind tunnel for the main components of a small wind tunnel which are the fan, wide-
angle diffuser, corner vanes, settling chamber, contraction and exit diffuser. The strong
effect of free-stream turbulence on shear layers became apparent, and emphasis has been
laid on wind tunnel with low levels of turbulence and unsteadiness. It is possible to achieve
high performance from an open-circuit tunnel thus saving space and construction cost.
Open-circuit tunnel requires enough free room around it so that the quality of the return
flow is not affected significantly.

John Cipolla, 1999 from AeroRocket has been designed a subsonic wind tunnel with a
suction powered by a two speed 1/3 horsepower fan. The test section is 7 inches wide x 10
inches x 16 inches long. A quality pitot tube is used to measure the difference between static
pressure and dynamic pressure in the wind tunnel. An analogue velocity meter is used to
convert the resulting pressure differential between static and dynamic pressure to determine
test section flow velocity in feet per minute. The aluminium honeycomb material has been
inserted before and after the test section in a significant of increasing the accuracy of lift and
drag coefficients measurement by decreasing flow turbulence by several orders of
magnitudes. The flow visualization using probe-mounted yarn filament or smokes which are
indicate areas of reverse flow and vertical motion corresponding to lift. The characteristics
of wind flow can be measure and visualize using AeroRocket Subsonic wind tunnel which is
connected with smoke generator where the smoke particle has been injected into the test
section parallel with wind direction.


Figure 5: Force measurement system for AeroRocket Wind Tunnel [9].




3.1 Conceptual of Flow Visualization Using Smoke

As the objective of this project to design a smoke tunnel, the smoke generator will be
connected to the subsonic wind tunnel to inject the smoke particle into test section
through a cylindrical probe with number of holes. Therefore, there are some of
smokes characteristics that we need to consider. Thus, the smoke particle can
visualizing the fluid flow without disturbance or causes any failure to the system.
The requirements toward smoke’s characteristics are non-corrosive, non-toxic and
has pleasant odour [4]. It also need dense, while and cool the smoke stream
applicable for low air speed. As the smoke generator is applicable in UTP Fluid
Mechanics Laboratory which is can producing the dense white smoke and also it is
not flammable. This smoke generated from Fog Juice where the fog liquid heated by
electrical coil (heater). When the liquid vaporized, it will pass through the tubing
(probe with holes) into the test section. As a result, the smoke particle will be
combining with the air streamline where the speed of smoke can be controlled to
approach the speed of air and thus visualizing the flow.

3.2 Aerodynamic Concept

Aerodynamics is a study of the air motion or flow, particularly when it interacts with
a moving object such as aircraft and rocket [5]. Understanding the motion of air
around an object enables the calculation of forces and moments acting on the object
[5]. Typical properties calculated for a flow field include velocity, pressure, density


and temperature as a function of position and time. Aerodynamic can be classified
into two groups which are:-

a) External aerodynamic – the study of flow around solid objects of various

shapes, such as evaluating the lift and drag on an
airplane, the shock waves that form in front of the
nose of a rocket or the flow of air over a hard drive
head [5].

b) Internal aerodynamic – the study of flow through passages in solid objects

such as study of the airflow through a jet engine or
through an air conditioning pipe [5].

Eventually, Reynolds number and Mach number were play significant role in
investigating the characteristic of fluid flow as well as lift and drag forces.

3.3 Reynolds Number (Re)

Reynolds number is a dimensionless number that gives a measure of the ratio of

inertial forces ( ) to viscous forces (μ / L).

• is the mean fluid velocity in (SI units: m/s)

• L is the characteristic length (m)
• μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa·s or N·s/m)
• ν is the kinematic viscosity (defined as ν = μ / ρ) (m²/s)
• ρ is the density of the fluid (kg/m³)
The significant of this number is to differentiating flow regimes, such as laminar,
transition, or turbulent flow where:-

Re ≤ 2000 Laminar flow

2000 ≤ Re ≤ 4000 Transitional flow

Re ≥ 4000 Turbulent flow


Figure 6: Boundary layer on flat plate [3].

3.4 Conceptual of Wind Tunnel

Basic concept of wind tunnel design as introduced by Orville Wright and Wilbur
Wright in the year of 1902 was described as shown in Figure 6. Initially, this
configuration has been used to investigate the flow field of airplane model in flight

Figure 7: Basic concept of wind tunnel.


Nowadays with diversified technology of Fluid Mechanic field, the wind tunnel can
be found in various types of configurations. For this project, as the study of flow
visualization we only use the subsonic or low speed of wind tunnel where the
maximum theoretical speed of air flow that can be produced by the blower (fan) is
about 100 m/s as the Mach number is 0.3 and the speed of sound is 340 m/s. The
configuration of subsonic wind tunnel as shown in Figure 7 where the wind tunnel
consists of five main components which are settling chamber, contraction cone, test
section, diffuser and drive section (blower).

Figure 8: Wind tunnel main components [11].

a. Blower Design Concept

The design of wind tunnel prior to the blower design because this section will be
driving the tunnel system where the speed of air flow will be controlled. As mention
above, the maximum theoretical speed of air flow that will be required for this
subsonic wind tunnel will be 100 m/s. These speed and flow rates highly depend on
the fan and power that can be produced. The blower or fan will be selected from
availability in market. The smaller size of fan with higher speed of power will be the
prior consideration. This will lead to the diffuser and test section designs.

b. Test section Design Concept

The Conservation of mass or Continuity Equation can be applied to design the test
section base on the maximum speed and cross sectional area of blower.

m = ρ ×v× A where, m = mass flow rate
ρ= density
ν= velocity
A= cross sectional area
As the subsonic classified as incompressible flow, the density of fluid remain
constant. Therefore the equation becomes flow rate, Q instead of mass flow rate.

Q = A× v
The flow rate of air enter the test section is equal with the flow rate of air exit from
the test section as well as the flow rate of air exit from diffuser. Figure 8 shows the
inlet and outlet flow rate through the test section and diffuser.

Figure 9: Air flow rate enter and exit the test section and diffuser.

The dimension of test section will be manipulative so that we can determine the most
suitable speed of air flow that would be required to run this wind tunnel.

c. Diffuser Design Concept

Basically, to determining the dimension of cross sectional area of test section and
diffuser mouth, we can calculate the length of diffuser required by using the ratio of


cross sectional area of the end diffuser to the cross sectional area of the diffuser
mouth. The angle of the diffuser should be setup at 5 degree to avoid flow separation
[11]. But in order to minimize the diffuser’s length, the angle will be slightly bigger.
So, the separation can be avoided only by using boundary layer control methods
such as suction, blowing, insertion mesh screen and splitters [12].

Figure 10: Method of calculating diffuser length.

d. Contraction Cone Design Concept

The design of contraction is using similar approach of conservation of flow rate to

determine length and cross sectional area. Contraction ratio is between 6 and 9 are
normally used at least for the smaller tunnel [10]. The principle of contraction cone
is to take a large volume of low velocity air will be reduces to small volume of high
velocity air without creating turbulence [11].

e. Settling Chamber Design Concept

The purpose of the settling chamber is to straighten the air flow as the subsonic wind
tunnel draws air in from the surrounding air. Therefore, the honeycomb which is in
series of tubes laid lengthwise in the air stream to straightening the flow [11]. Thus,
it allows the air to only enter in one direction, parallel to air flow and laminar.


f. Honeycomb

According to Prandtl, a honeycomb is a guiding device through which the individual

air filaments are rendered parallel. The design parameters for honeycomb are the
ratio of streamwise length, Lh to single-cell hydraulic diameter, Dh and the porosity
or solid defined as for screens [12]. The length to cell diameter ratios are in range of
6-8 and that about 150 cells per settling chamber diameter or about 25 000 total cells

Figure 11: Type of honeycomb cell shape [12].

g. Screens

For the purpose of avoiding pressure drops completely independent and turbulent
reduction, it has been found that a screen combination with spacing equivalent to
about 0.2 settling chamber diameter will performs successfully [10]. The optimum
distance between the last screen and the contraction entry has also been found to be
about 0.2 cross-section diameters [10].

h. Smoke Generator

This component is meant for creating the stream-lined denser white smoke in the
direction of air flow, and across the model. This component is available in the Fluid
Mechanics laboratory.


Figure 12: Some generator unit.




4.1 Technique of Analysis

4.1.1 Research Methodology

a. Information Resources Centre (IRC)

Many books, journals and paper works that have been referred to facilitate in
understanding the concept of designing and fabricating a small wind tunnel
and also flow visualization techniques.

b. Internet

The fastest and easiest way to collect the case study and previous people
works in order to enhance knowledge in the new techniques, attempts and
also to make wide review to the current works that have been established in
the engineering fluid mechanics field.

c. Expertises

Besides, my supervisor AP Dr. Hussain Al-Kayiem and also the Fluid

Mechanics laboratory technician Mr. Zailan also give a lot of guidance,
opinion and though which are very helpful.

4.1.2 Designing

The smoke tunnel equipped with a smoke generator, smoke probe, variable
speed blower (fan) and transparency test-section. Initially, the transparency

test-section, smoke probe and air blower will be design and modelled using
Auto CAD software in three-dimension layout with specific dimension.

Design Assumption and Calculation

a. Fan Analysis

Previously, the fan selection was based on priority to avoid the flow separation
and turbulence flow in the diffuser. However, with the principle of wide-angle
diffuser by Barlow [12], it had been helpful to minimize the length of diffuser.
By increasing the angle of diffuser to 7⁰, thus the greater mass flow rate would
be possible. The flow separation can be avoided by using boundary layer control
method where a splitter will be inserted in the diffuser horizontally.

Table 1: Fan selection process.

diameter, d Diamension Flow rate, Q
M L w m3/sec
FV-20AUM3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.15
FV-25AUM3 0.25 0.35 0.35 0.25
FV-30AUM3 0.308 0.4 0.4 0.335

Therefore, FV-30AUM3 model has been selected for this project which is the
maximum mass flow rate is 0.335 m3/s.

b. Test Section Analysis

Due to the previous fan selection, the test section analysis has been made where
the mass flow rate was 0.25 m3/s and the maximum velocity in the test section
was 17 m/s.


Calculation for test section area is when the maximum velocity is 17 m/s.

Q 0.25
ATS = = = 0.0147 m 2
V 17

The length of test section edge is,

H TS = A TS = 0.0147 = 0.121 ≈ 0.12m

The length of test section,

Re cr μ air 500000 × 1.849 × 10 −5

LTS = = = 0.45m
ρ airV 1.184 × 17

The blockage effect of model to the air flow in test section,

20 20
Am = × ATS = × (0.0144) = 2.88 × 10 −3 m 2
100 100

However, the previous fan selection is no longer reliable for this tunnel design
because the current fan produced more mass flow rate. Still the cross-sectional
area and length of test section has been decided to remain. Though, the velocity
analysis needs to be modified base on the current fan selection. The calculation is
based on the principle of Conservation of mass and the result as followed.

Table 2: Test section’s velocity analysis.

diameter, d Flow rate, Q Vts
M m3/sec m/s
FV-20AUM3 0.2 0.15 10.42
FV-25AUM3 0.25 0.25 17.36
FV-30AUM3 0.308 0.335 23.26

Therefore, the maximum velocity through the test section is 23.26 m/s.


c. Diffuser Length calculation

Base on the wide-angle diffuser, the angle can be up to 7⁰  [12]. With that the
length of diffuser can be shorten as possible with insertion of splitter. The
calculation of diffuser length has been calculated as follow.

x x ( H d − H TS ) / 2
tan θ = , ld = =
ld tan θ tan 7°

(0.31 − 0.12) / 2
= = 0.7737 ≈ 0.75m
tan 5°

Therefore, the length of diffuser will be 0.75 meters.

d. Contraction Cone area analysis

The inlet area of contraction analysis is base on the area of test section. Here
the area ratio of 6 has been selected for designing small wind tunnel [10].

AC = 6 ATS = 6 × (0.12 × 0.12) = 0.08m 2

The length of contraction cone edge is

HC = AC = 0.08 = 0.282 ≈ 0.3m

The length of contraction cone is half of inlet of contraction edge

LC = 0.5 × H C = 0.5 × 0.3 = 0.15m


e. Settling Chamber Analysis

The cross section area of settling chamber is equal to the inlet area of
contraction cone. The length of settling chamber is also half of inlet diameter
which is the edge, LSC = 0.15m [12].

f. Honeycomb

It is necessary to setup 150 cells per settling chamber’s length so that the total
cells at the entrance will be about 25 000. Base on that requirement and the
settling chamber length, the calculation of streamwise length, Lh and hydraulic
diameter, Dh are as followed.

Dh = = 2mm Lh = 6 × 2mm = 12mm

However, it is difficult to fabricate this small size of honeycomb. The straws

that will be used to make the cells are not available in the local market.
Therefore, the regular straw with 5 mm diameter has been choosing as
substitute and the streamwise length, Lh will be 30 mm.

4.1.3 Material Selection

Apparently, the selection of materials is base on material specification and

requirement for this smoke tunnel. However, it also depends on the
availability of particular material in market. Cost effectiveness also takes into
consideration to maintain the feasibility of this tunnel to fabricate.

Material Selection for Main Components

a. Fan Selection

Basically, the design specification for fan (air blower) is as per analysis in the
previous section, where the diameter of the fan is 0.31 m. The maximum flow

rate is 0.335 m3/s and the maximum velocity through the test section is 23.26
m/s. As result the FV-30AUM3 model will be selected and it is available in

b. Diffuser

This part will be constructed from plywood with smooth surface to avoid the
flow separation occurs and to reducing the construction cost.

c. Test Section, Contraction Cone and Settling Chamber

These components are a very crucial for this design because this is where the
flow visualization works or testing will be conduct. Therefore the requirement of
this component is to be transparent and sustainable for slightly high pressure, the
Perspex or fibreglass material has been selected.

d. Screen and Honeycomb

The screen or meshes are usually made from nylon or metal wire. The
honeycomb mainly will be made from Perspex for the frame and straws for the

e. Trolley

This bottom part will be made from thick plywood for the table and angle bar for
the legs

4.1.4 Fabricating

The component of smoke tunnel will be fabricated using selected materials

which are sustainable for air load that would be applied in the experiment
such as the test-section should be made up by a glass or high strength plastic.
The smoke probe will be fabricated using a tube or small cylinder with
several holes on it to projecting the smoke particle from smoke generator.


The speed controller for air and smoke particle will be installed to vary the
Reynolds Number of the flow.

Fabrication Phases

Currently, the materials and design of the smoke tunnel already sent to the fabricator
for construction process. It is almost 40% of the construction has been made which
is including the settling chamber, contraction cone, test section and honeycomb
frame. Next figures show the fabricated part of smoke tunnel.

Primary Stage of Fabrication

Figure 13: Contraction cone Figure 14: Honeycomb’s

and test section frame

Figure 15: Assembled settling chamber,

contraction cone and test section
Assembly Stage of Fabrication

Figure 16: Main components of smoke tunnel have been installed.

At the middle of fabrication process, some changes have been made in order to
maintain the design in place such as the diffuser section has been designed to make
from plywood instead of Perspex. But due to construction issues the fabricator
decides to used Perspex rather than plywood. Of cause the cost of material would
increase but the finished product that has been produced is attractive.


Completion Stage of Fabrication

Figure 17: Drive section or fan completely installed.

Figure 18: Diffuser with splitter. Figure 19: Test section.

Figure 20: Contraction Cone. Figure 21: Settling chamber with



Figure 23: Model stand with clamp.

Figure 22: Probe with holes

Figure 24: Probe and model stand in Figure 25: Switch and fan’s speed
test section. controller.


Figure 26: Complete assembly of smoke tunnel.

The fabricated portable smoke tunnel has been allocated in the Wind Tunnel
laboratory at Building 18. Further experiment and testing will be conduct to
investigate the performance of the portable smoke tunnel.

4.1.5 Experimental

The fabricated smoke tunnel then will be tested to ensure the design and
dimension are applicable and practicable for experimental of air flow

Smoke Tunnel Testing

1. To calibrate the portable smoke tunnel function.
2. To investigate the characteristic of air flow in test section without model and
with spherical model.
3. To visualize the air flow using a smoke particle.


1. Portable Smoke Tunnel with smoke generator.
2. Pitot Static Tube and Manometer
3. Camera.

1. Preparing the smoke using dry ice and hot water in the smoke generator.
2. Running the smoke tunnel at speed 2 without installing the model.
3. Open the smoke valve to release the smoke into test section through the
4. Take a picture of air flow in the test section.
5. Measures the pressure difference in the test section using Pitot Static Tube
and Electronic Manometer in unit of mmH2O.
6. Repeat step (4) and (5) for speed 3, 4 and 5.
7. Turn off the smoke tunnel.


4.2 a) Milestone for FYP I

No.  Detail/ Week  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10    11  12  13  14 

1  Selection of Project Topic    

- Propose Topic
- Topic Approval
2  Preliminary Research Work and literature    
- List of references
- Project Planning

Mid‐semester break 
3  Submission of Preliminary Report    
4  Project Work    
- Theoretical works related
- Design criteria selection
5  Submission of Progress Report    
6  Seminar (compulsory)    
7  Project work continues    
- Design assumption
- Calculation/Design analysis
- Detailed design drawing
- Material Selection and
8  Submission of Interim Report Final Draft    
9  Oral Presentation    

    Suggested milestone   


b) Milestone for FYP II

No.  Detail/ Week  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10    11  12  13  14 

1  Project Continuation    
- Design Review
- Construction Drawing Preparation
- Purchasing Material

Mid‐semester break 
2  Submission of Progress Report 1    
3  Project Continuation    
- Material Preparation
- Fabrication
4  Submission of Progress Report 2    
5  Project Continuation    
- Fabrication
- Laboratory works-testing
6  Submission of Dissertation Final Draft    
7  Oral Presentation    
8  Submission of Project Dissertation    

    Suggested milestone   



4.3 Flow Chart of Execution





4.4 Tools and Software

4.4.1 Microsoft Office Manager

This application is very constructive and accommodating in dealing with

documentation and reporting activities. Besides, drafting and design analysis also
has been completed in this application for convenient purposes.

4.4.2 CATIA V5R14

This software used to designing detailed drawing of smoke tunnel and its
components which are drive section, diffuser, test section, contraction cone,
settling chamber, and smoke generator. The drawing is available in two-
dimension (2D) and three-dimension (3D) as well. The detail drawing is
applicable as per attachments in Chapter 5 and also Appendix.




5.1 Smoke Tunnel Modelling

Figure 27: Smoke tunnel conceptual model.

Figure 27 shows the full smoke tunnel modelling whereby the entire components are in
lined on trolley which the length is 1.6 meters and the width is 0.5 meters. The detailed
drawing and dimension of each component will be show as per attachment in Appendix.


5.2 Modelling Using CATIA

Figure 28: Assembly drawing of portable smoke tunnel.

5.3 Fabrication Result

Figure 29: Complete assembly of smoke tunnel with table (trolley). 37 

5.4 Materials and Fabrication Cost

Table 3: Total cost of fabricating the smoke tunnel and honeycomb.

Nu.  Material  Quantity  Cost / unit  Cost (RM) 
1  Perspex sheet (t= 4mm)  1 200  200 
2  Angle bar and plywood        100 
3  Chlorofoam and glue        50 
4  Wheels  4    30 
5  Speed controller and wiring        40 
6  Painting        100 
7  Copper, sphere and tube (model)        30 
8  Labour         800 
9  Transportation        100 
10  Straw  14 pkg  2.5  35 
11  Glue  2 11  22 
   Total         1507 

Table 4: Total cost of fabricating smoke generator.

Nu.  Material  Quantity  Cost / unit  Cost (RM) 

1  Cylindrical casing  1 5  5 
2  PC fan  1 25  25 
3  Open Valve  1 8  8 
4  Piping      10 
5  Dry ice      60 
6  Labour       150 
  Total       258 

Therefore, the total cost of the project for fabricating smoke tunnel and smoke generator
is RM 1765.00.


5.5 New Smoke Generator Design and Fabrication

Initially, this portable smoke tunnel will be operates with UTP’s Smoke generator which
is produce fruit base smoke. However, some problem has been encountered when the
pump in the smoke generator is broken down. Since the UTP’s smoke generator is not
working and need to send off to the supplier for maintenance.

Nevertheless, this project is all about generating smoke particle to facilitate air flow
visualization. Therefore, I have been deciding to design and fabricate new smoke
generator using dry ice and hot water to ensure this project achieve the objectives.

Figure 30: Design and fabricated smoke generator.

The fabrication cost of the new smoke generator is RM150.00 and the cost for the dry ice
is RM60.00 per block. However, the dry ice was only enough for the testing because
there is no appropriate freezer to keep it which is the temperature of dry ice is 73⁰C.


5.6 Experimental Data and Result

On 8th April 2009, the flow visualization testing has been conducted in objectives to
calibrate the function of smoke tunnel and investigate the air flow behaviour. Below is
the data that has been collected during the testing.

Table 5: Smoke tunnel testing data.

Fan  Diameter (m) 
ΔHmmH2O ΔHmH2O  V (m/s)  Q (m3/s)  Re 
Speed   No Model  Spherical
2  0  0.02  0.25  0.00025 2.016376  0.029036  2660.512 
3  0  0.02  1.01  0.00101 4.052866  0.058361  5347.562 
4  0  0.02  1.94  0.00194 5.616974  0.080884  7411.328 
5  0  0.02  2.23  0.00223 6.022183  0.086719  7945.982 

The graph below shows the relationship between velocity and Reynolds Number.

Figure 31: Graph Reynolds Number against velocity.


The pictures of air flow that have been visualised using smoke particle.

Without Model

Speed 2 Speed 3

Speed 4 Speed 5

Figure 32: Pictures of air flow in test section without model.


Spherical Model

Speed 2 Speed 3

Speed 4 Speed 5

Figure 33: Pictures of air flow in test section with spherical model.

Based on these two techniques of testing 1) using pitot static tube; and 2) flow
visualization, it shows that the air flow for speed 2 of fan is transition flow with Reynolds
Number of 2660 and the other three speed 3, 4 and 5 are turbulent flow which the
Reynolds Number are 5347, 7411 and 7945 respectively.




6.1 Conclusion

As the conclusion, the flow visualization of fluid behaviour can be determined by using
the smoke as a type of particle tracer to investigate and understand the studies of fluid
mechanics flow. This experimental will be conduct conveniently and effectively with
portable smoke tunnel which is consists of an air blower section, diffuser, contraction
cone, settling chamber, and a transparency test-section. Thus, it will improvise and have
variety in flow visualization technique.

6.2 Recommendations

Although the objective of designing and fabrication of portable smoke tunnel being
achieved and enthusiastically used to help the investigation on fluid flow over body,
however this new smoke tunnel still required further improvements in order to produce
the best result.

1. Starting with the settling chamber section, whereby a screen is feasible to be slotted
in front of the honeycomb, so that can reduce the turbulence of air flow which coming
into the smoke tunnel.

2. The probe that has been used need to be modifies so that the holes size smaller and
with tubes at end of the holes as shown in Figure 34.


Figure 34: Modification on probe.

3. The smoke has been produced using dry ice and hot water requires some colouring or
instead of dry ice, maybe there other material or fluid that can be used in order to help
the flow visualization appropriately.



[1] William Sanborn Pfeiffer, 6th Edition, (2005), Technical Communication, A Practical
Approch, Pearson Prentice Hall.

[2] Smits A. J and Lim T.T, (2000), Flow Visualization: Techniques and Examples, Imperial
College Press.

[3] Dr. Matthew O. Ward, Flow Visualization, Visualization.htm,

25 July 2008.

[4] Shojiro Shindo andOtto Brask, (1969), A Smoke Generator for Low Speed Wind Tunnels,
University of Washington.

[5] Encyclopaedia,, 27, July 2008.

[6] Jean Hertzberg, (2008), Flow Visualization Course,, 25 July 2008.

[7] W.J Devenport and W.L Hartwell (20th,2006), Flow Visualization,, 4, August 2008.

[8], 7, August 2008.

[9], 15, August 2008.

[10] Mehta and Bradshaw, (1979), Design Rules for Small Low Speed Wind Tunnel,
Aeronautical Journal.

[11] Chi-fu Wu and Jessie William, (2005), Design, Construction and Testing an Educational
Subsonic Wind Tunnel, Savannah State University.

[12] Barlow, Jewl, William Rae and Alan Pope. Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing, 3rd Edition.
New York. 1999.

[13] Hazen, D.C, Some Generator Type Lorinder for Flow Visualization in Low Speed Wind
Tunnel, Sweden, 1966.


[14] Kerenyi. K, Hillisch. S, & Staubli. T, (1998), Flow structures exciting trash-rack
vibration, International conference on Modeling, Testing & Monitoring for Hydro
Powerplants – III, Aix-en-Provence, France.


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