Session - 3: Maxwell's Law For Distribution of Molecular Velocity

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Unit - I [Type the document title]

Session – 3

Maxwell’s law for distribution of molecular velocity:

According to the Maxwell’s law of distribution of velocities, the number of molecules
(dN ) whose velocities lie between C and C+ dC, is given by

dN =4 πN A3 C−bc .C 2 dC

m b m
Where b=
2 KT
∧ A= =
π √ √
2 πKT

N−¿ represents the number of molecule per CC.

m−¿ mass of each molecule
K−¿ Boltzmann constant
T −¿ the absolute temperature

i) Average velocity:
This velocity is the mean value of the velocities possessed by the molecules.
If n be the number of molecules having velocities C 1 , C2 , C3 , … … … Cn then, the
mean or average velocity is given by
C 1+ C2 +C 3+ … … …+ Cn
C av =

ii) Root mean square velocity:

This velocity is the square root of the mean value of the square of the individual
Let n be the number of molecules having velocities C 1 , C2 , C3 , … … … Cn , then root
mean square velocity is given by
C 21+C 22 +C23 +… … …+C2n
C rms =
√ n
The rms velocity remains nearly constant at constant temperature.
RMS velocity is also given by
3 KT
C rms =
√ m
T −temperature of the gas∈Kelvin
m−mass per molecule of the gas
K−Boltzmann constant = =8.31 JK −1 mol−1

iii) Most probable velocity:

Digital Learning Akkamahadevi Women University, Vijayapura1

Unit - I [Type the document title]

The velocity with which largest number of

molecules of the gas at any given temperature move
is called most probable velocity.
If we plot a graph between the number of
molecules and the velocity possessed by them as
shown in figure, such a graph is known as Maxwell’s
distribution curve. From this curve it is clear that the
velocity OA at any temperature is possessed by the
largest number of molecules. This velocity is known
as most probable velocity and it is given by the
following expression
2 KT
C m=
√ m
The mean velocity is slightly greater than the most probable velocity. The rms
velocity is slightly larger than both of the velocities.

Digital Learning Akkamahadevi Women University, Vijayapura2

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