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Yoga Iyengar Hatha Yoga Pradipika

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Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Svastikasana (HYP)
120 Siddhasana
Light on Yoga (Iyengar)

keeps the mind attentive and alert. This asana is also recommended for
the practice of prai).ayama and for meditation.
From the purely physical point of view, the asana is good for curing
stiffness in the knees and ankles. In it the blood circulates in the lumbar
region and the abdomen, and this tones the lower region of the spine and
the abdominal organs.

40. Vzrasana One* (Plate 89)

V!ra means a hero, warrior, champion. This sitting posture is done by
keeping the knees together, spreading the feet and resting them by the
side of the hips.
The pose is good for meditation and prai).ayama.

Te chnique
1. Kneel on the floor. Keep the knees together and spread the feet about
1 8 inches apart.
from the floor, raise the right leg and place the right thigh over the left
one. Raise the buttocks and with the help of the hands bring the ankles
and the back of the heels together till they touch each other.
4· Rest the anklesy keeping the toes pointing back.

5· Raise the left arm over the head, bend it at the elbow and place the left
palm below the nape of the neck between the shoulders. Lower the right
arm, bend it at the elbow and raise the right forearm up behind the back
until the right hand is level with and between the shoulder-blades. Clasp
the hands behind the back between the shoulders. (Front view : Plate 8o.
Back view: Plate 8r)

8o 81
6. Hold this position from 30 to 6o seconds breathing normally. Keep
the neck and head erect and look straight ahead.
7· Unclasp the hands, straighten the legs and repeat the pose on the
other side for the same length of time by inserting 'left' for 'right' and
vice versa. Then unclasp the hands at the back, straighten the legs and
Virasana (Iyengar)

Kurmasana (Iyengar)
2. Insert the hands in the space between the thigh and calf near the
knees. Start with the fingers and gradually push the hands down up
to the elbows.
3· Exhale, raise the body off the floor and balance on the palms
keeping theKukkutasana
thumbs together. Maintain the balance as long as you can
with normal breathing. (Plate I I 5)


4· Rest on the floor, release the hands, change the crossing of the legs
and repeat the pose.
1 . Sit in Padmasana. (Plate 1 04)
2. Insert the hands in the space between the thighs and calves, each
on its own side.
3· Push the arms forwards till the elbows can be easily bent.
4· Then, with an exhalation, lift the thighs off the floor, balance the
body on the coccyx (the tail bone) and catch the ears with the
fingers. (Plate I I 6) Pindasana (Iyengar)
Embrion en el utero
Uttanakukkutasana (HYP)

I 16
Dhanurasana (Iyengar)
02 Light arco
on Yoga

78 LiAkarma
ght on Yoga
Dhanurasana (Iyengar) / Dhanurasana (HYP)
he ribs or the pelvic bones on the floor. Only the abdomen bears the
hacia la oreja en arco
weight of the body on the floor.
· While raising the legs do not join them at the knees, for then the legs
will not be lifted high enough. After the full stretch upwards has been
chieved, join together the thighs, the knees and the ankles.
. Since the abdomen is extended, the breathing will be fast, but do not
worry about it. Stay in the pose to your capacity from 20 seconds to
ne minute.
· Then, with an exhalation, release the ankles, stretch the legs straight,
ring the head and the legs back to the floor and relax.

n this posture
173 the spine is stretched back. Elderly people do not normally
do this, so their spines get rigid. This asana brings back elasticity to the
·pine andthis
tonesposition from 15organs.
the abdominal to 20 seconds with normal
In my experience, breathing.
persons suffer­
This is the
ng from d�scs have obtained relief by the regular practice of
first movement.
· Now exhaleand andSalabhasana (Plate
stretch the left leg 6o) without being
up vertically. forced
(Plate 174.)toTake
Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 261

Ardha Matsyendrasana I
a finger or two. With practice it will be possible to catch the palms and
then the wrists behind the back. (Plate 309)
7. The neck may be turned to the left and the gaze directed over the left
shoulder (Plate 3 1 0), or to the right, and the gaze fixed at the centre of
the eyebrows. (Plates 3 1 1 and 312.) The spinal twist will be greater if
the neck is turned to the left than when to the right.
YogG.sanas, Bandha and K

262 Light on Yoga

exhale completely and swing the left arm back from the shoulder, bend 315
the left elbow and clasp the hands behind the back at the wrist. Then
11 and relax. 312

8. As the diaphragm is squeezed by the spinal twist, the breathing will

at first become short and fast. Do not be nervous. After some practice
the pose can be held from half a minute to a minute with normal
9· Release the hands, remove the right foot from the floor and straighten
the right and then the left leg.
10. Repeat the pose on the other side and hold it for the same length
of time. Here, bend the right leg and sit on the right foot so that the
right heel is under the right buttock. Place the left leg over the right leg
and rest the left foot on the floor so that the outer side of the left ankle
touches the outer side of the right thigh on the floor. Turn the trunk
90 degrees to the left, placing the right armpit over the left knee and
twist the right arm round the left knee. Flex the right elbow and move
the right hand behind the waist. Hold the pose and take 2 breaths. Again

313 314 316

I I . In the beginning it may not be possible to twist either arm round
the opposite knee. In that case try and hold the opposite foot, keeping
There are two different techniques for doing this asana
the arm straight at the elbow. (Plates 3 I3 and 3I4.) I t also takes time
given below.
to clasp the hands behind the back. Gradually, the backward stretch of
the arms will increase, and one will be able to catch at first theTechnique
next the palms, then the wrist and as the pose is mastered even the fore­
arms above the wrists. Beginners who find it difficult to sit on1 .the
foot on the haunches with the feet together. The soles and
can sit on the floor. (Plates 3 I 5 and 3I6) should rest completely on the floor. Raise the seat from the
balance. (Plate 317)
By the practice of this asana, one derives the benefits mentioned under
Mar1chyasana III. (Posture r 14 and Plate 303.) But here as the range
of movement is more intensified, the effects will also be greater. In
Marlchyasana III the upper part of the abdomen is squeezed. Here the
lower part of the abdomen has the benefit of the exercise. The prostate
and bladder are not enlarged if one practises regularly.
IO. See that the back of the legs at the knee joints rests firmly on the
ground. In the initial stages the knees will be lifted off the floor. Tighten
the muscles at the back of the thighs and pull the trunk forward. Then
the back of the knee joints will rest on the floor.
I I . Try and stay in whichever of the above positions you can achieve
from I to 5 minutes, breathing evenly.
I2. Advanced pupils may extend the hand straight, rest the palms on
the floor, join the thumbs beyond the outstretched feet and rest the chin
on the shins beyond the knees. (Plate I 6 I .) Stay for a minute or two
with even breathing.




legs from the floor (either one by one or together) and at the same
time stretch the trunk and head forward. Keep the whole body parallel
to the floor with the legs stretched out straight and the feet together.
(Plate 354)
6. Hold the pose as long as you can, gradually increasing the time
to between 30 and 6o seconds. Do not put pressure on the ribs. The
diaphragm being pressed, breathing will be laboured.

Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 423


· To start with breathe deeply. Later the breathing should be fine and
ow, with no jerky movements to disturb the spine or the body.
· Concentrate on deep and fine exhalations, in which the nostrils do
ot feel the warmth of breath.
. The lower jaw should hang loose and not be clenched. The tongue
hould not be disturbed, and even the pupils of the eyes should be kept
ompletely passive.
. Relax completely and breathe out slowly.
. If the mind wanders, pause without any strain after each slow
. Stay in the pose from I 5 to 20 minutes.
120 Light on Yoga

keeps the mind attentive and alert. This asana is also recommended fo
the practice of prai).ayama and for meditation.
From the purely physical point of view, the asana is good for curin
stiffness in the knees and ankles. In it the blood circulates in the lumba
region and the abdomen, and this tones the lower region of the spine an
the abdominal organs.

40. Vzrasana One* (Plate 89)

V!ra means a hero, warrior, champion. This sitting posture is done b
keeping the knees together, spreading the feet and resting them by th
side of the hips.
The pose is good for meditation and prai).ayama.

Te chnique
Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 131
3· Now bend the left leg, and holding the left foot with the hands
place it over the right at the root, the heel being near the navel. The
soles of the feet should be turned up. This is the basic Padmasana
(Plate 1 04)
postura del Loto

104 105
4 · People not used to sitting on the floor seldom have flexible knees.
At the start they will feel excruciating pain around the knees. By
perseverance and continued practice the pain will gradually subside
and they can then stay in the pose comfortably for a long time.
5 · From the base to the neck the spine should remain erect. The arms
may be stretched out, the right hand being placed on the right knee
and the left hand on the left knee. The forefingers and the thumbs
are bent and touch each other. Another way of placing the hands is
in the middle where the feet cross each other with one palm upon the
other. (Plate 1 05)
far as you can. (Front view: Plate I IO. Side view: Plate I I I)

Simhasana II Six
postura del León
Narasimha= hombre León

138 Light on Yoga

5. Gaze at the centre of the eyebrows or at the tip of the nose a
keep the pose for about 30 seconds. Breathe through the mouth.
6. Sit in Padmasana (Plate I 04) and lift the hands off the floor. Th
interchange the position of the legs, perform Padmasana again a
repeat the pose for the same length of time.
The pose exercises the liver and controls the flow of bile. It cur


foul breath, the tongue becomes cleaner and words are enuncia
Bring the soles and heels of the feet together and catching the feet
near the toes, bring the heels near the perineum. The outer sides of
both feet should rest on the floor, and the back of the heels should
touch the perineum.
4· Widen the thighs and lower the knees until they touch the floor.
5 . Interlock the fingers of the hands, grip the feet firmly, stretch the
spine erect and Baddha Konasana
gaze straight ahead(Iyengar)
or at the tip of the nose. (Plate
IOI.) Hold the pose (HYP)
as long as you can.


6. Place the elbows on the thighs and press them down. Exhale, bend
forward, rest the head, then the nose and lastly the chin on the floor.
(Plate I 02.) Hold this position from half a minute to a minute with
normal breathing.

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