BCA-IVSem Info. System 6676 - 23-07-2021

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6. Write the features, components and uses of office automation Exam.

Code : 107204
systems. Subject Code : 1722
7. What is Case Study ? Design a Case Study of your
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
choice for Inventory Control.
4th Semester
8. Develop a Marketing System in context of information INFORMATION SYSTEMS
flow and its type.
Paper - II
Time Allowed—2 Hours] [Maximum Marks—75
Note :— There are Eight questions of equal marks. Candidates
are required to attempt any Four questions.
1. (a) Explain varous ways of capturing On-line Information.
(b) How information is converted into computer readable
form ?
2. (a) Define information. Explain its various sources.
(b) Write a detailed note on On-line Information
3. (a) What are Systems ? Explain its various components.
(b) Explain various categories of Information Systems.
4. (a) What is Information System ? How it works along
with its functional units ?
(b) How information systems are developed through its
cycle ? Explain.
5. Briefly describe each of the types of Information System
along with their importance.

6676(2721)/II-5677 2 6676(2721)/II-5677 1 (Contd.)

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