Operations Management ASSIGNMENT

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• Quality control (QC) is a process through which a business

seeks to ensure that product quality is maintained or improved.

• Quality control involves testing units and determining if they

are within the specifications for the final product.

• The quality control used in a business is highly dependent on

the product or industry, and several techniques exist for
measuring quality.

• The food industry uses quality control methods to ensure

customers do not get sick from their products.

• Quality control creates safe measures that can be implemented

to make sure deficient or damaged products do not end up with


● A
guru, by definition, is a good person, a wise person and a
● A
quality guru should be all of these, plus have a concept and
approach to quality within business that has made a major and
lasting impact.
✓ Dr. Edwards Deming
Dr. W. Edwards Deming is known as the father of the Japanese
post-war industrial revival and was regarded by many as the
leading quality guru in the United States.

Deming’s Fourteen Obligations of Top Management

1 Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product
and service. Allocate resources to provide for long range
needs rather than only short term profitability

2 Adopt the new philosophy. We can no longer live with

commonly accepted levels of delays, mistakes, defective
materials, and defective workmanship.

3 Cease dependency on mass inspection to achieve quality.

Quality is achieved by building quality into the product in the
first place.

4 End the practice of awarding business on the basis of

price tag alone. The aim is to minimise total cost, not merely
initial cost. Establish long term relationship with suppliers to
develop loyalty and trust.

5 Improve constantly and forever every process for planning,

production, and service. It is management’s job to work
continually on improving total system.
6 Institute training on the job for all, including management,
to make better use of every employee. New skills are
required to keep up with changes in products and processes.

7 Adopt and institute leadership aimed at helping people do a

better job. Management must ensure that immediate action
taken on issues that are detrimental to quality.

8 Drive out fear so that everybody may work effectively and

more productively for the company.

9 Break down barriers between departments and staff areas.

Everyone must work together to tackle problems that may be
encountered with products or service.

10 Eliminate slogans and exhortations for the work force as

they create adversarial relationships. Also, bulk of the causes
of low quality & productivity belong to the system and lie
beyond the power of the work force.

11 Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets for the workforce

and management. Substitute aids and helpful leadership in
order to achieve continual improvement.

12 Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship.

This includes the annual appraisal of performance and
Management by Objective.

13 Encourage education. Institute a vigorous program of

education and self-improvement for everyone

14 Clearly define top management’s permanent commitment

to ever improving quality and productivity. Put everybody in
the company to work to accomplish the transformation.
Support is not enough, action is required.
✓ Dr. Armand Feigenbaum
• Developed Total Quality Control (TQC) philosophy

• Quote: “Quality is everybody’s job, but because it is

everybody’s job, it can become nobody’s job without the
proper leadership and organisation.”

Steps to quality:

• Quality leadership

• Modern quality technology

• Organisational commitment

✓ Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa

• Known as father of Japanese quality control effort

• Established concept of Company Wide Quality Control

(CWQC) – participation from the top to the bottom of an
organisation and from the start to the finish of the product life

• Started Quality Circles – bottom up approach – members

from within the department and solve problems on a
continuous basis
• The fishbone diagram is also called Ishikawa diagram in his
• Introduced concept that the next process is your customer
One of the most widely known of these is the Ishikawa (or
fishbone or cause and effect) diagram.

• Like other tools, it assists groups in quality improvements.

The diagram systematically represents and analyses the real
causes behind a problem or effect.
• It organises the major and minor contributing causes leading
to one effect (or problem), defines the problem, identifies
possible and probable causes by narrowing down the possible
ones. It also helps groups to be systematic in the generation
of ideas and to check that it has stated the direction of
causation correctly. The diagrammatic format helps when
presenting results to others.

✓ Dr. Joseph Juran

Juran’s Quality Trilogy (compared to financial management):

• Quality planning (financial budgeting) – create process that

will enable one to meet the desired goals
• Quality control (cost control) – monitor and adjust the
• Quality improvement (profit improvement) – move the
process to a better and improved state of control through

Key points of Juran’s approach to quality improvement:

• Create awareness of the need for quality improvement
• Make quality improvement everyone’s job
• Create infrastructure for quality improvement
• Train the organisation in quality improvement techniques
• Review progress towards quality improvement regularly
• Recognise winning teams
• Institutionalise quality improvement by including quality
• Concentration on both external and internal customers

✓ Dr. Walter Shewhart

• Shewhart’s control charts are widely used to monitor
processes. Problems are framed in terms of special cause
(assignable cause) and common cause (chance-cause).

• The Shewhart Cycle – PDCA Problem Solving Process:

• Plan – what changes are desirable? What data is needed?

• Do – carry out the change or test decided upon

• Check – observe the effects of the change or the test

• Act – what we learned from the change should lead to

improvement or activity

• Referred to as the “Father of Statistical Quality Control”

✓ Dr. Genichi Taguchi

• The lack of quality should be measured as function of
deviation from the nominal value of the quality characteristic.
Thus, quality is best achieved by minimising the deviation
from target (minimising variation).
• Quality should be designed into the product and not inspected
into it. The product should be so designed that it is immune
to causes of variation.

Taguchi recommends a three-stage design process:

System Design (Stage 1):
• development of a basic functional prototype design
• determination of materials, parts and assembly system
• determination of the manufacturing process involved

Parameter Design (Stage 2):

• selecting the nominals of the system by running statistically
planned experiments (DFSS/DOE)

Tolerance Design (Stage 3):

• deals with tightening tolerances and upgrading materials

✓ Dr. Tom Peters

● Identi
fied leadership as being central to the quality improvement
process, discarding the word “Management” for “Leadership”.

● The
new role is of a facilitator, and the basis is “Managing by
walking about” (MBWA), enabling the leader to keep in touch
with customers, innovation and people, the three main areas in
the pursuit of excellence.
● He
believes that, as the effective leader walks, at least 3 major
activities are happening:
• Listening suggests caring
• Teaching values are transmitted
• Facilitating able to give on-the-spot help

✓ Dr. Philip B Crosby

● Philip
B Crosby is known for the concepts of “Quality is Free” and
“Zero Defects”, and his quality improvement process is based
on his four absolutes of quality

• Quality is conformance to requirements

• The system of quality is prevention

• The performance standard is zero defect

• The measurement of quality is the price of non-conformance

✓ Dr. Shigeo Shingo

● Is
strongly associated with Just-in-Time manufacturing,
● was
the inventor of the single minute exchange of die (SMED)
system, in which set up times are reduced from hours to
minutes, and thePoka -Yoke (mistake proofing) system. In
Poka Yoke, defects are examined, the production system
stopped and immediate feedback given so that the root causes
of the problem may be identified and prevented from occurring
again. The addition of a checklist recognises that humans can
forget or make mistakes! He distinguished between “errors”,
which are inevitable, and “defects”, which result when an error
reaches a customer, and the aim of Poka-Yoke is to stop errors
becoming defects. Defects arise because errors are made and
there is a cause and effect relationship between the two.

● Zero
quality control is the ideal production system and this requires
both Poka-Yoke and source inspections. In the latter, errors are
looked at before they become defects, and the system is either
stopped for correction or the error condition automatically
adjusted to prevent it from becoming a defect.


✓ Stratification

Stratification analysis is a quality assurance tool used to sort data,

objects, and people into separate and distinct groups. Separating
your data using stratification can help you determine its meaning,
revealing patterns that might not otherwise be visible when it’s
been lumped together. Whether you’re looking at equipment,
products, shifts, materials, or even days of the week, stratification
analysis lets you make sense of your data before, during, and after
its collection.To get the most out of the stratification process,
consider which information about your data’s sources may affect
the end results of your data analysis. Make sure to set up your data
collection so that that information is included. 
✓ Histogram

Quality professionals are often tasked with analysing and

interpreting the behaviour of different groups of data in an effort
to manage quality. This is where quality control tools like the
histogram come into play. 
The histogram can help you represent frequency distribution of
data clearly and concisely amongst different groups of a sample,
allowing you to quickly and easily identify areas of improvement
within your processes. With a structure similar to a bar graph,
each bar within a histogram represents a group, while the height of
the bar represents the frequency of data within that group. 
Histograms are particularly helpful when breaking down the
frequency of your data into categories such as age, days of the
week, physical measurements, or any other category that can be
listed in chronological or numerical order. 

✓ Check Sheet or Tally Sheet

Check sheets can be used to collect quantitative or qualitative

data. When used to collect quantitative data, they can be called a
tally sheet. A check sheet collects data in the form of check or

tally marks that indicate how many times a particular value has
occurred, allowing you to quickly zero in on defects or errors
within your process or product, defect patterns, and even causes of
specific defects.With its simple setup and easy-to-read graphics,
check sheets make it easy to record preliminary frequency
distribution data when measuring out processes. This particular
graphic can be used as a preliminary data collection tool when
creating histograms, bar graphs, and other quality tools.

✓ Cause-and-effect diagram (also known as a

fishbone or Ishikawa diagram)

Introduced by Kaoru Ishikawa, the fishbone diagram helps users

identify the various factors (or causes) leading to an effect, usually
depicted as a problem to be solved. Named for its resemblance to
a fishbone, this quality management tool works by defining a
quality-related problem on the right-hand side of the diagram, with
individual root causes and sub causes branching off to its left. A
fishbone diagram’s causes and sub causes are usually grouped into
six main groups, including measurements, materials, personnel,
environment, methods, and machines. These categories can help
you identify the probable source of your problem while keeping
your diagram structured and orderly.
✓ Pareto Chart (80-20 rule)

As a quality control tool, the Pareto chart operates according to the

80-20 rule. This rule assumes that in any process, 80% of a
process’s or system’s problems are caused by 20% of major
factors, often referred to as the “vital few.” The remaining 20% of
problems are caused by 80% of minor factors. 
A combination of a bar and line graph, the Pareto chart depicts
individual values in descending order using bars, while the
cumulative total is represented by the line.
The goal of the Pareto chart is to highlight the relative importance
of a variety of parameters, allowing you to identify and focus your
efforts on the factors with the biggest impact on a specific part of
a process or system.
✓ Scatter Diagram

Out of the seven quality tools, the scatter diagram is most useful in
depicting the relationship between two variables, which is ideal
for quality assurance professionals trying to identify cause and
effect relationships. With dependent values on the diagram’s Y-
axis and independent values on the X-axis, each dot represents a
common intersection point. When joined, these dots can highlight
the relationship between the two variables. The stronger the
correlation in your diagram, the stronger the relationship between
variables.Scatter diagrams can prove useful as a quality control
tool when used to define relationships between quality defects and

possible causes such as environment, activity, personnel, and other

variables. Once the relationship between a particular defect and its
cause has been established, you can implement focused solutions
with (hopefully) better outcomes.
✓ Control chart (also called a Shewhart chart)

Named after Walter A. Shewhart, this quality improvement tool

can help quality assurance professionals determine whether or not
a process is stable and predictable, making it easy for you to
identify factors that might lead to variations or defects. 
Control charts use a central line to depict an average or mean, as
well as an upper and lower line to depict upper and lower control
limits based on historical data. By comparing historical data to
data collected from your current process, you can determine
whether your current process is controlled or affected by specific
variations.Using a control chart can save your organisation time
and money by predicting process performance, particularly in
terms of what your customer or organisation expects in your final

Lean management is more like a guide for building a stable

organisation that evolves constantly and helps to identify actual
problems and remove them.
• The main purpose of Lean management is creating value to
the customer by optimising resources.
• Lean management principles aims to create a stable workflow
based on actual customer’s demand.
• Continuous improvement is a major part of Lean
management, ensuring that every employee is involved in
the process of improving.

• Lean management encourages shared responsibility and

shared leadership.

• This is why the two main pillars of the Lean methodology

Respect for people and Continuous improvements

Benefits of Lean Management

Focus. By applying the Lean methodology, you will be able

to reduce waste activities. Therefore, your workforce will be
focused on activities that bring value.
Improving productivity & efficiency. When employees are
focused on delivering value, they will be more productive
and efficient because they won’t be distracted by unclear
Smarter process (pull system). By establishing a pull
system, you will able to deliver work only if there is actual
demand. This leads to the next one.
Better use of resources. When your production is based on
actual demand, you will be able to use only as many
resources as needed.


The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO; is

an international standard-setting body composed of representatives
from various national standards organizations.
Founded on 23 February 1947, the organisation develops and
publishes worldwide technical, industrial, and commercial
standards. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and works in
165 countries.It was one of the first organisations granted general
consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social
Council. In order to sell to certain industries, being ISO 9001
certified is required — the automotive industry is a popular
example. We were certified to ISO in 1998, and it's helped our
organization in numerous ways. ISO standards have given us a
layout of what needs to be done on every order. We know the
standards that need to be met, and we have the tools in place to
ensure quality, consistency, and safety. What we do, how we
check for quality, and what's required of us is all laid out by ISO. 
ISO certification standards also help keep our products and
services relevant. When the standards change, we change along
with them. When we work with new customers, we send them our
certification details so they know they can expect ISO standards
be met. 


A quality circle is a participatory management technique that

enlists the help of employees in solving problems related to their
own jobs. Circles are formed of employees working together in an
operation who meet at intervals to discuss problems of Quality
and to devise solutions for improvements. Employees who
participate in quality circles usually receive training in formal
problem-solving methods—such as brain-storming, pareto
analysis, and cause-and-effect diagrams—and are then encouraged
to apply these methods either to specific or general company
problems. After completing an analysis, they often present their
findings to management and then handle implementation of
approved solutions. Pareto analysis, by the way, is named after the
Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, who observed that 20 percent
of Italians received 80 percent of the income—thus the principle
that most results are determined by a few causes.

The quality circles are formed to fulfill any of the following

• To contribute towards the development of an organisation.
• To create a healthy work environment such that employees
find the place worthwhile to work
• To explore the hidden potential of the individuals and
drawing out the infinite possibilities.
• To improve the product quality and the productivity of the
• To improve the team skills, capabilities, confidence and
creativity through education, training, and participation of
volunteers in the circles.


A core definition of total quality management (TQM) describes a

management approach to long-term success through customer
satisfaction. In a TQM effort, all members of an organisation
participate in improving processes, products, services, and the
culture in which they work.


TQM can be summarised as a management system for a customer-

focused organisation that involves all employees in continual
improvement. It uses strategy, data, and effective communications
to integrate the quality discipline into the culture and activities of
the organisation. Many of these concepts are present in modern
quality management systems, the successor to TQM.

Here are the 8 principles of total quality management:

Customer-focused: The customer ultimately determines the
level of quality. No matter what an organisation does to
foster quality improvement—training employees, integrating
quality into the design process, or upgrading computers or
software—the customer determines whether the efforts were

Total employee involvement: All employees participate in

working toward common goals. Total employee commitment
can only be obtained after fear has been driven from the
workplace, when empowerment has occurred, and when
management has provided the proper environment. High-
performance work systems integrate continuous
improvement efforts with normal business operations. Self-
managed work teams are one form of empowerment.

Process- Centered : A fundamental part of TQM is a focus

on process thinking. A process is a series of steps that take
inputs from suppliers (internal or external) and transforms
them into outputs that are delivered to customers (internal or
external). The steps required to carry out the process are
defined, and performance measures are continuously
monitored in order to detect unexpected variation.
Integrated system: Although an organisation may consist of
many different functional specialties often organised into
vertically structured departments, it is the horizontal
processes interconnecting these functions that are the focus of
TQM.Micro-processes add up to larger processes, and all
processes aggregate into the business processes required for
defining and implementing strategy. Everyone must
understand the vision, mission, and guiding principles as well
as the quality policies, objectives, and critical processes of
the organisation. Business performance must be monitored
and communicated continuously.An integrated business
system may be modelled after the Baldrige Award criteria
and/or incorporate the ISO 9000 standards. Every
organisation has a unique work culture, and it is virtually
impossible to achieve excellence in its products and services
unless a good quality culture has been fostered. Thus, an
integrated system connects business improvement elements
in an attempt to continually improve and exceed the
expectations of customers, employees, and other

Strategic and systematic approach: A critical part of the

management of quality is the strategic and systematic
approach to achieving an organisation’s vision, mission, and
goals. This process, called strategic planning or strategic
management, includes the formulation of a strategic plan that
integrates quality as a core component.

Continual improvement: A large aspect of TQM is

continual process improvement. Continual improvement
drives an organisation to be both analytical and creative in
finding ways to become more competitive and more effective
at meeting stakeholder expectations.
Fact-based decision making: In order to know how well an
organisation is performing, data on performance measures are
necessary. TQM requires that an organisation continually
collect and analyse data in order to improve decision making
accuracy, achieve consensus, and allow prediction based on
past history.

Communications: During times of organisational change, as

well as part of day-to-day operation, effective
communications plays a large part in maintaining morale and
in motivating employees at all levels. Communications
involve strategies, method, and timeliness.


Statistical process control (SPC) is defined as the use of statistical

techniques to control a process or production method. SPC tools
and procedures can help you monitor process behaviour, discover
issues in internal systems, and find solutions for production issues.
Statistical process control is often used interchangeably with
statistical quality control (SQC).
The significance of SPC Software is that by monitoring the
process and bringing the process under statistical control to
identify and take action on special causes of variation. SPC is
supportive to maximise the overall profit by improving product
quality, improving productivity, streamlining process, improving
customer service, etc.


• Plan: First identify the root cause of the problem and take
corrective action to that problem. A corrective action is an
immediate action as soon as the problem is identified.
• Experiment / Research: When problem occurs SPC
software helps to analyse and empowers you to make better
engineering decisions easily and quickly throughout the
product development life cycle.
• Analyse: With the help of digitalised test data have a
complete view of the manufacturing metrics and try to spell
out all of the possible issues and send the data to R&D
thereby improving product quality and customer satisfaction.
• Act: If the result is successful then work on additional
improvements. If the result is not yet successful then the look
for other ways to change the process.


There are various types of control charts which are broadly similar
and have been developed to suit particular characteristics of the
quality attribute being analysed. Two broad categories of chart
exist, which are based on if the data being monitored is “variable”
or “attribute” in nature.

Variable Control Charts.

• X bar control chart.
This type of chart graphs the means (or averages) of a set of
samples, plotted in order to monitor the mean of a variable, for
example the length of steel rods, the weight of bags of compound,
the intensity of laser beams, etc.. In constructing this chart,
samples of process outputs are taken at regular intervals, the
means of each set of samples are calculated and graphed onto the
X bar control chart. This chart can then be utilised to determine
the actual process mean, versus a nominal process mean and will
demonstrate if the mean output of the process is changing over

• Range “R” control chart.

This type of chart demonstrates the variability within a process. It
is suited to processes where the sample sizes are relatively small,
for example <10. Sets of sample data are recorded from a process
for the particular quality characteristic being monitored.  For each
set of date the difference between the smallest and largest readings
are recorded. This is the range “R” of the set of data. The ranges
are now recorded onto a control chart. The centre line is the
averages of all the ranges.

• Standard Deviation “S” control chart.

The “S” chart can be applied when monitoring variable data. It is
suited to situations where there are large numbers of samples
being recorded. The “S” relates to the standard deviation within
the sample sets and is a better indication of variation within a large
set versus the range calculation. An advantage of using the
standard deviation is that all data within a set are utilised to
determine the variation, rather than just the minimum and
maximum values.

• Attribute Control Charts.

Attribute control charts are utilised when monitoring count data.
There are two categories of count data, namely data which arises
from “pass/fail” type measurements, and data which arises where
a count in the form of 1,2,3,4,…. arises. Depending on which form
of data is being recorded, differing forms of control charts should
be applied.

• “u” and “c” control charts.

The “u” and “c” control charts are applied when monitoring and
controlling count data in the form of 1,2,3, …. i.e. specific
numbers. An example of such data is the number of defects in a
batch of raw material, or the number of defects identified within a
finished product. The c chart is used where there can be a number
of defects per sample unit and the number of samples per
sampling period remains constant.
In the u chart, again similar to the c chart, the number of defects
per sample unit can be recorded, however, with the u chart, the
number of samples per sampling period may vary.

• “p” and “np” control charts.

P charts are utilised where there is a pass / fail determination on a
unit inspected. The p chart will show if the proportion defective
within a process changes over the sampling period (the p indicates
the portion of successes). In the p chart the sample size can vary
over time. A similar chart to the p chart is the np chart. However,
with the np chart the sample size needs to stay constant over the
sampling period. An advantage of the np chart is that the number
non-conforming is recorded onto the control rather than the
fraction non conforming. Some process operators are more
comfortable plotting the number rather than the fraction of non-

• Pre-control Charts.
Where a process is confirmed as being within statistical control, a
pre-control chart can be utilised to check individual measurements
against allowable specifications. Pre-control charts are simpler to
use than standard control charts, are more visual and provide
immediate “call to actions” for process operators. If however a
process is not statistically “capable” i.e. having a Cpk of at least 1,
pre-control can result in excessive process stoppages.


Six Sigma is a method that provides organisations tools to

improve the capability of their business processes. This
increase in performance and decrease in process variation helps
lead to defect reduction and improvement in profits, employee
morale, and quality of products or services.
Six Sigma focuses on reducing process variation and enhancing
process control, whereas lean drives out waste (non-value added
processes and procedures) and promotes work standardisation and
flow. The distinction between Six Sigma and lean has blurred,
with the term "lean Six Sigma" being used more and more often
because process improvement requires aspects of both approaches
to attain positive results.


QFD is a focused methodology for carefully listening to the voice

of the customer and then effectively responding to those needs and
First developed in Japan in the late 1960s as a form of cause-and-
effect analysis, QFD was brought to the United States in the early
1980s. It gained its early popularity as a result of numerous
successes in the automotive industry.
In QFD, quality is a measure of customer satisfaction with a
product or a service. QFD is a structured method that uses the
seven management and planning tools to identify and prioritize
customers’ expectations quickly and effectively.
Beginning with the initial matrix, commonly termed the House of
Quality (Figure 1), the QFD methodology focuses on the most
important product or service attributes or qualities. These are
composed of customer wows, wants, and musts.
Once you have prioritised the attributes and qualities, QFD
deploys them to the appropriate organisational function for action,
Thus, QFD is the deployment of customer-driven qualities to the
responsible functions of an organisation.

Poka-Yoke is any mechanism in a Lean manufacturing process

that helps to avoid mistakes. Its purpose is to eliminate product
defects by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human
errors as they occur. Poka-Yoke ensures that the right conditions
exist before a process step is executed, and thus preventing defects
from occurring in the first place. Where this is not possible, Poka-
Yoke performs a detective function, eliminating defects in the
process as early as possible.

Examples of Poka-Yoke Application

In a broader sense, it is also a behaviour-shaping constraint as a
process step to prevent incorrect operation.
One of the most common is when a car driver with a manual
gearbox must press on the clutch pedal (a process step – Poka-
Yoke) before starting the engine. The interlock prevents an
unintended movement of the car.
Another example is a car with an automatic transmission, which
has a switch that requires the vehicle to be in “Park” or “Neutral”
before it can be started.
These serve as behaviour-shaping constraints as there are actions
that must be performed before the car is allowed to start. This
way, over time, the driver’s behaviour is adjusted to the
requirements by repetition and habit.

The value of using Poka-Yoke is that they help people and

processes work right the first time, which makes mistakes
impossible to happen.
These techniques can significantly improve the quality and
reliability of products and processes by eliminating defects.
This approach to production fits perfectly the culture of
continuous improvement, which is also part of the Lean
management arsenal.
It can also be used to fine-tune improvements, and process designs
from six-sigma Define – Measure – Analyse – Improve – Control
(DMAIC) projects. Applying simple Poka-Yoke ideas and
methods in product and process design can eliminate human and
mechanical errors.


Maintenance management is the process of maintaining a

company's assets and resources. The purpose is to ensure that
production proceeds efficiently and that resources are used
effectively. Maintenance management is one of those aspects of
managing a company that is usually not explored in depth.
Maintenance management is an important component of a well-
functioning production. It helps companies maintain their
resources while controlling time and costs to ensure maximum
efficiency of the manufacturing process, the utilities and related

The Objectives of Maintenance Management

• Cost control/budgeting: Maintenance management tools

provide managers with the necessary information to properly
allocate funds from the budget. Cost control is important
because some costs are a better use of the company's funds than
others. For instance, a maintenance manager might need to buy
a replacement part for an asset. She might have to choose
between a cheaper part that's less durable and a more
expensive, longer-lasting part.
• Scheduling work/allocating resources: Scheduling work and
allocating time and labor resources so they're at their most
productive plays a key role in efficiency

• Compliance and regulations: Maintenance management

tools help organisations comply with regulations at the
local, state and federal levels. For instance, it may seem
like the cheaper option to assign one operator to a
particular asset, even though the law states two employees
should be assigned for safety reasons.
• Minimise downtime/loss: A good maintenance
management program helps mitigate the loss of productive
time due to failure by establishing a planned maintenance
program. Fewer production stoppages mean less lost
• Extend asset life: Organisations invest heavily in
machinery. Maintenance management programs help
ensure equipment and infrastructure are always in good
condition. Regular maintenance extends the useful life of
machinery, facilities and other components by minimising
wear and tear.
• Enhance equipment: Spinning off the objective of
extending the life of assets, maintenance management also
enhances existing equipment through modifications,
extensions or new low-cost items.
• Training: Maintenance management programs should
include training personnel in specific maintenance skills,
improving operational safety, advising on the acquisition,
installation and operation of machinery, and enhancing the
quality of the finished product.
• Uncover maintenance trends: Looking into historical data
helps managers get a clear picture of what exactly goes on
during day-to-day operations. CMMS software, for
example, can uncover things like why an asset seems to be
consistently underperforming.


Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance is aimed at catching and fixing problems
before they happen. It is most commonly carried out in the form of
regular inspections, usually occurring multiple times per year.
When you inspect a system or a piece of technology, carefully
check for all signs of wear, tear or imminent breakdown. Replace
damaged parts immediately. This will prevent having to go into
“crisis mode” if something breaks unexpectedly.
The primary benefit of preventive maintenance is that it can
eliminate unplanned shutdown time as you will ideally catch
problems before they occur.

Condition-Based Maintenance
Condition-based maintenance is sometimes considered to be a
more advanced alternative to preventive maintenance. Rather than
being inspected according to a schedule, machines and systems are
carefully observed for changes that could indicate upcoming
With condition-based maintenance, technicians observe the
system running and identify variables that could affect
functioning, like temperature, vibration speed, power, the presence
or absence of moisture, and more.
Another strategy within condition-based maintenance is predictive

Predictive Maintenance
Predictive maintenance refers to a specific type of condition-based
maintenance in which systems are constantly observed via sensor
devices. These devices are attached to components of the system
and feed constant, real-time data to software. The software then
interprets this data and warns maintenance technicians of
approaching danger.
Predictive maintenance is generally considered to be the most
advanced and intensive type of maintenance. This is because there
is a lot of data to interpret – and the sensor devices themselves
need to be regularly maintained and checked.

Corrective Maintenance
Corrective maintenance is initiated when a problem is discovered
while working on another work order. With corrective
maintenance issues are caught ‘just in time'.
For example, during a scheduled maintenance check or while
fixing another issue, a maintenance technician notices that a pipe
in a HVAC system is not working as it should. Corrective
maintenance is then scheduled for a future date where the problem
is repaired or replaced.
Because corrective maintenance issues are found ‘just in time’, it
reduces emergency repairs and increases employee safety.

Predetermined Maintenance
Unlike other styles, predetermined maintenance is carried out
using rules and suggestions created by the original manufacturer,
rather than the maintenance team. These suggestions are based on
experiments and gathered data.
The manufacturer provides statistics and guidelines, usually when
the equipment is first purchased and will include data providing
the average lifespan of both the entire system and its various parts.
The manufacturer will suggest how often parts should be
inspected, serviced and replaced.
Relying solely on a predetermined schedule may risk system
failures as technicians may not be able to anticipate problems. It
can also cause multi-family maintenance teams to replace parts
too early, resulting in additional costs. Additionally,
predetermined maintenance doesn’t guarantee that a system won’t
break down since the program is based on statistics and not the
actual state of the equipment.

II. Total Productive Maintenance

Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a strategy that operates

according to the idea that everyone in a facility should participate
in maintenance, rather than just the maintenance team. This
approach uses the skills of all employees and seeks to incorporate
maintenance into the everyday performance of a facility.

Advantages of TPM
When everyone in a facility is thinking about and contributing to
maintenance, many aspects of the facility will change for the
better. Teams employing a TPM strategy often experience the

Fewer breakdowns
When machine operators keep an eye out for changes with their
equipment, big issues are more likely to be spotted early, before a
breakdown occurs. This lets the maintenance team get on top of
their PM maintenance schedule, rather than always reacting to
emergency breakdowns.

Safer workplace
Technicians are much more likely to take risks when rushing to fix
a breakdown, so fewer breakdowns generally mean a safer
workplace. On top of that, when everyone keeps maintenance in
mind, problems can be spotted and dealt with well before they
become potentially dangerous situations.

Better overall performance

If everyone in a facility is keeping an eye on maintenance, small
fixes will stop going undetected, which helps you move away
from reactive maintenance and get backlog under control. It
takes the pressure of small jobs off the maintenance team so they
can concentrate on the bigger jobs, which increases the overall
performance of your facility.


5S is defined as a methodology that results in a workplace that is
clean, uncluttered, safe, and well organised to help reduce waste
and optimise productivity. It's designed to help build a quality
work environment, both physically and mentally. The 5S
philosophy applies in any work area suited for visual control and
lean production. The 5S condition of a work area is critical to
employees and is the basis of customers' first impressions.


The 5S quality tool is derived from five Japanese terms beginning
with the letter "S" used to create a workplace suited for visual
control and lean production. The pillars of 5S are simple to learn
and important to implement:
Seiri: To separate needed tools, parts, and instructions from
unneeded materials and to remove the unneeded ones.
Seiton:  To neatly arrange and identify parts and tools for ease of
Seiso:  To conduct a cleanup campaign.
Seiketsu : To conduct seiri, seiton, and seiso daily to maintain a
workplace in perfect condition.
Shitsuke:  To form the habit of always following the first four S’s

InEnglish, these words are often translated to:
• Sort
• Set in Order
• Shine
• Standardise
• Sustain

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