Wwii Tictactoe

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WWII Tic-Tac-Toe

Directions: Using the Tic-Tac-Toe Board Below, complete a minimum of 3 assignments of your
choosing. Assignments should be selected at least 3 across, 3 up & down, or 3 diagonal.
Assignments may be completed either individually or with ONE (1) partner. If completed with a
partner, each individual must turn in their own assignment, not one assignment for 2 people. Be
sure to write your initials in the given space as a marker knowing that you have completed that
assignment. Tic-Tac-Toe board will be turned in completion with your 3 assignments.

WWII Unit Pamphlet Kahoot Game Quick Write

Create a pamphlet that has detailed Create a Kahoot game based on Using notes from class, write a
information of America during WWII. information learned in class. 1-2 page paper going in deeper
Create the pamphlet as if you were Answer choices must be multiple context about an event or
sharing it with someone who has never choice or true/false. Game must program during WWII either at
heard of the event. Be sure to use have between 20-25 questions. home or in war. Be sure to use
pictures and visuals throughout the Once game is created, you must a minimum of 3 outside
pamphlet. host the game with Mr. Cruz and at sources. Works Cited page
least 1 other student who is NOT must be included
your partner. Be sure to add photos
for visual effect Initials: __________

Initials: __________ Initials: __________

Spoken Word Letter Home Mission US

Create a spoken word piece as if you Pretend that you are a soldier Using mission-us.org, you will
were someone alive during WWII. You fighting in WWII. Write a letter complete the mission titled
can be in the war as a soldier or home to a loved one (significant “Prisoner in My Homeland”.
civilian, a Bracero in the south west, or other, parent, friend, etc.). Describe You will complete the mission
even a Japanese American in the US. to them what is going on during as Henry Tanaka in the US
You will describe your life as one of your time at war. What have you during WWII. Once you have
those people during that time. You will seen and or experienced? Describe completed the mission, be sure
record yourself reciting the spoken your emotions and feelings in that to take a screen shot of the
word. Must be between 3-5 minutes moment at war. Be sure letter is completed page or print if
between ½-1 page. option is given
Initials: __________
Initials: __________ Initials: __________

Power Point Presentation Comic Strip Interview

Create 10-15 slide power point Using storyboardthat.com, create a Create a list of at least 5-10
presentation as if you were the teacher comic strip depicting and event interview questions regarding
teaching the subject to first time from WWII involving the U.S. events during WWII. Find a
learners. You will be giving a general Comic strip must include a relative, friend, or someone you
over view of America in WWII. You minimum of 3 frames. Be sure to may know that has either lived
will then record your presentation with use accurate information from either through WWII or has a direct
a voice over. Be sure to be enthusiastic class notes or individual research. If relation to someone who was
throughout presentation. Use pictures using individual research, be sure to around that time. Interview
and videos for visualization cite sources appropriately must be recorded and submitted
with half page summary
Initials: __________ Initials: __________ Initials: __________

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