Random Creatures/Gods We Thought Were Cool
Random Creatures/Gods We Thought Were Cool
Random Creatures/Gods We Thought Were Cool
Odin- Is an Old Norse god. He is associated with wisdom, healing, death, royalty,
the gallows, knowledge, battle, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet. He
is known as the All Father. He was married to Frigg.
Thanatos- He was the personification of death. He was the son of Nyx and brother
of Hypnos. He was hated by mortals and gods alike. He was locked up by Sisyphus.
So he couldn’t kill anyone ever again.
Symbol-Butter fly
Bellona- in Roman Religion she is the goddess of war. Her original name is
Daellona. She uses a shield, a sword, and a Spear. Bellona has been referred to be
Ares Wife.
Her realm is Rome
Her symbol is Torch
Ares- Was the Greek god of war. He as the son of Zeus and Hera. In Roman
mythology he was known as Mars Bellonas husband. Ares sisters were Hebe and
His Realm is Greek
His symbol is dogs
Khepri- He was the scarab god. He is one of the most famous insect Gods. Khepri
also pushes the sun across the sky. Khepri was given a central role in the book of
the dead.
Baron Samedi- He was the Loa of the dead. He is said to be the protector of
graveyards. Other names of him was Bakongo and Taino. He spends most of time
watching his people in the underworld.
Symbol- drinks
Realm-Under world
Chronos- He was the god of time. People usually misunderstood him for the titan
Chronus. He was the son of Gaia and Uranus. His wife was Rhea a Titaness.
His wife gave birth to Aether and Chaos.
Ra- He is the Egypt sun god. He was described as the creator of everything.
Pyramids that would represent rays of light. Egyptians built special temples with
the tops off so light would fall through to worship Ra.
Symbol-Eye of Horus
Ymir- He was the first ever giant which means he is the ancestor of all other
giants. It was told from Ymir’s flesh the ground was created the ocean made from
his sweat. Mountains were made form his bones. Trees was maid from his hair
and the sky was made from his skull.
Symbol-His club of ice
Cthulhu-He is hundreds of meters tall. He looks like a dragon squid human hybrid.
He lives in an underwater city named Riehl. He can destroy entire ships.
Symbol-Doesn’t have one
Hades- He is the god of the underworld. His parent are Cronus and Rhea. He is the
brother of Zeus and Poseidon. Hades had a three headed guard dog named
Cerberus that protected the gate to the underworld.
Jormungander- Or also known as the World Serpent. It is a large sea serpent big
enough to eat worlds. He is one of three children of Loki. It has been foretold that
Zeus and Jormungander will fight and kill each other.
Symbol-serpent eating another serpent
Hermes- He is the god of trade, Merchant, and Thieves. He is a Greek god. He is a
messenger of the gods. He is the son of Zeus and Maia. Hermes leads the souls of
the dead to the underworld.
Symbol-Winged cap
Realm-Mt. Olympus
Osiris- Is the old Egyptian lord of the underworld. He was also the judge of the
dead. He was murdered by his brother Set. He was revived by Isis.
Geb-Is the god of earth in Egyptian mythology. He guides the dead to the
heavens. Geb was the son of Tefnut and Shu. The animals of Geb are a snake and
Medusa- She is a gorgon with wings and snakes for hair. Medusa is the only
mortal gorgon. Medusa died to Perseus. From her blood Pegasus and Chrysaur
was born.
Loki- Is the Norse trickster god. His father was the giant Farbaurnt and his Mother
is Laufeya. Loki had two children the world serpent and Fenrir. Loki would often
pull mischievous pranks on people.
Symbol-Twin daggers
Freya- She is a Norse goddess. She is apart of the Vanir tribe of gods. She became
a member of the Aesir gods. Her father is Njord and Her mother is Nerthus.
Mirmir- Is a wise person and counselor of the gods. Mirmir’s home is a well. He
was killed and beheaded in the Aesir war. Odin found the head and preserved it
and made it into a symbol.
Thor- Thor is the god of thunder in Norse mythology. Thor is a warrior and
defender of Aesir gods. Thor wields Mjolnir a hammer made by Brokk and Sindri.
Anyone weaker than Thor can hold Mjolnir.
Boldur- Is the son of Odin and Frigg. He is loved by all gods and goddesses. He was
known because how cheerful he was. Whenever he would dream of death his
mother frigg went to all the nine realms and made everyone take an oath not to
hurt him.
Symbol-His beauty
Fenrir- He is the son of Loki and Anaerobia. He is the brother of the world
serpent. He was growing to fast and people locked him up with an agreement
that people had to stick their hand into his mouth to unlock the chain.
Tyr- Is a Norse war god. He got his hand bitten of by Fenrir. Odin gave him a new
hand like his eye of wisdom. Tyr is also known for justice.
Symbol-arrow pointing up
1-Frigg and Odin
2-Agni and Thanatos
3-Bellona and Ares
4-Khelpri and Baron Samedi
5-Chronos and Ra
6-Ymir and Cthulhu
7-Hades and Jormungander
8-Hermes and Osiris
9-Geb and Medusa
10-Loki and Freya
11-Mirmir and Thor
12-Boldur and Fenrir