HR BSC Case Study
HR BSC Case Study
HR BSC Case Study
Case Journal Study
ISSN 1940-204X
Amy Paul
HR Measurement Coordinator at Financial Services Corporation
INTRODUCTION suddenly shifted to a meeting that the new HR CFO had just
scheduled to discuss the status of HR’s BSC. Amy is asked to
Amy Paul, Measurement Coordinator for the Human provide some background on the BSC process within HR, but
Resources (HR) Division of Financial Services Corporation more importantly to be prepared to discuss recommendations
(FSC)1 , was responsible for developing the division’s bal- for improving the BSC process. Amy identifies her critical
anced scorecard (BSC). Amy commented, “Our BSC imple- tasks in preparation for the meeting as: identifying the
mentation process is giving us valuable experience regarding strengths and weaknesses of the current BSC process and
the issues and considerations that arise when adopting a man- relating the BSC to employee survey results collected by
agement innovation. It’s unusual in that it involves the human FSC.
resources function of an organization. At FSC, as in most
organizations, the HR function has not traditionally collected COMPANY BACKGROUND
many measures, because HR is viewed as a transactional cost
center. So, HR finds it difficult to quantify itself as a value- FSC is a large, national financial services institution head-
added partner in the organization’s pursuit of its strategy. The quartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The Corporation employs
BSC implementation is changing the thinking on this issue approximately 70,000 individuals in its offices and financial
within FSC, because it is helping to clarify HR’s role in rela- centers that are geographically dispersed, although primarily
tion to FSC’s objectives.” along the east coast. FSC’s culture is one that adapts to fre-
FSC was undergoing changes in anticipation of an upcom- quent change because of a number of mergers and acquisi-
ing merger. On July 15, 2006, however, Amy’s focus was tions over a ten-year period. In 2006, FSC announced its
largest merger—a merger of equals—that is several months
from consummation.
1 The situation is real; however, the company’s name, location, and the
names of individuals have been disguised at the organization’s request.
I M A E D U C AT I O N A L C A S E J O U R N A L 1 V O L . 1 , N O . 2 , A R T. 2 , J U N E 2 0 0 8
Exhibit 1. The HR Organizational Structure 2004 THE JOURNEY BEGINS
Chief Executive Officer At the request of the bank’s president, FSC conducted an
internal quality process assessment in 2002 that was based on
the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award methodology.
The assessment highlighted several weaknesses within the
HR Division that management felt needed to be addressed:
Other Divisions Human Resources Division
(i.e. Commercial Banking)
• Difficulty in translating strategy at every level
❖ HR CFO Group • Need for definable, measurable results
• Financial Planning & Analysis
• Risk Management • Lack of meaningful indicators in the design of projects and
• HR Measurement
❖ HR Enterprise Services processes
• Shared Services
• Compensation • Lack of in-process measurements that indicated how well a
• Payroll and benefits current process was working
❖ HR Client Services
• Training • Few meaningful indicators for day-to-day operations
• Community Involvement
• Recruiting • Lack of benchmarking for key processes or functions
Overall, no integrated or uniform methodology existed for
defining and measuring performance across the HR Division.
According to Amy, “Historically our corporation’s overall Furthermore, none of these systems was tied to an overall,
measurement emphasized customer service and financial organizational strategic plan. In addition, the HR Leadership
reporting rather than a strategy-related or a formal measure- Team, which consisted of the HR CFO and managers of the
ment solution. Our focus was on revenue growth, expense various HR departments, did not regularly review departmen-
control, corporate core values, and employee satisfaction. tal metrics or indicators; rather, it relied on anecdotal informa-
However, because of the economy, competition, and tion from colleagues and internal customers relating to how
increased emphasis on shareholder value, measurement for all the HR Division was performing.
aspects of the business is a growing interest of FSC’s senior Although HR was not facing any immediate demands to
leaders.” demonstrate its value to the organization or to report its per-
formance against strategic goals, the process assessment did
HR DIVISION ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE bring a realization that HR had the potential to significantly
improve. Having identified a need to improve HR measure-
After a five-year period involving several changes in its ment processes and a desire to determine HR’s contribution
structure, in 2004, HR once again redesigned itself by consoli- to corporate strategy, in 2004 the Leadership Team decided to
dating its functions into three key areas: the HR CFO Func- use the balanced scorecard concept. Not all HR employees
tion, Enterprise Services, and Client Services. The HR were happy with the idea of an HR scorecard. In response to
Division’s clients included all divisions within the corporation the announcement of the scorecard process, an employee in
(Exhibit 1). This organizational structure downsized the HR HR Training said, “We seem to always change processes to
Division from a workforce of around 1,500 in 2003 to approxi- follow the latest trends. Many of the changes are beneficial.
mately 1,200 employees now. However, sometimes I feel as if we change so often that I
In this 2004 organizational structure, the HR CFO Group would be better off waiting until management shifts to the
emerged with a renewed corporate focus on expense control. newest fad and using my limited time on other, more pressing
The HR Division, realizing that it was a key cost center, issues.”
sought to understand how the HR Division helped the corpo- Nevertheless, the HR Division BSC process began with
ration achieve its strategic goals. The Division also wanted to two objectives:
better understand performance of human capital in the corpo- 1. to consolidate the numerous existing measures into an
ration as a whole. effective tool—the product, and
2. to engage the Leadership Team to use this tool in
strategic activities—the process.
I M A E D U C AT I O N A L C A S E J O U R N A L 2 V O L . 1 , N O . 12 , A R T . 2 , J U N E 2 0 0 8
SCORECARD IMPLEMENTATION: • To build a culture of accountability within the HR
• To improve communication, collaboration, and morale
Several attempts were made to create a scorecard, but no among employees in the HR Division
one had the time or expertise to make it happen. The process • To make it easier for people to do business with HR (sim-
really began in 2005 when Amy Paul was hired as a Measure- ple, accurate processes and highly skilled customer service
ment Coordinator in HR’s Financial Planning & Analysis deliverers)
Department. Previously, she worked with the BSC system in “Based on these strategic priorities, we established six goals,”
the Retail and Commercial Call Center Division at FSC. As said Amy. “They include:
HR Measurement Coordinator, she reported to the Measure- • To position FSC as an employer of choice;
ment Manager within the HR CFO Group. Her first task was • To build exceptional individual and organizational strength;
to accumulate all the resource documents, including several • To strengthen trust, relationships, and pride throughout the
metrics the HR Division was already tracking. The measures organization;
collected in HR departments covered a vast array. According • To ensure sound HR practices that minimize company risk;
to Amy, “Over time, each department within HR had devel- • To provide highest quality HR service at the smartest cost;
oped its own system for measuring and evaluating perfor- and
mance. With no overall HR strategy or measurement system, • To ensure highly skilled, just-in-time talent.”
the diversity in the quality and extent of measurement was
extensive.” HR’s measures included raw data for more than The 2005 scorecard was presented to the HR Leadership
75 items regarding headcount, FTE (full-time equivalent) Team; however, it presented several challenges. “This first
employees, terminations, new hire data, employee survey iteration of the scorecard was so frustrating at times. The
data, exit interview data, diversity scorecards, and some scorecard initiative was a stated priority for HR and man-
benchmarking data. agement voiced support for the process, but there was no
Amy started the scorecard development with the measures accountability for its success. With the many changes taking
that were being collected by the various HR departments. At place in HR, the scorecard was relegated in priorities and, as a
this stage, a BSC was not used across the entire HR Division. result, I encountered several delays in moving the scorecard
Because some areas were traditionally better at measurement process forward. Whenever I needed to schedule time with
(e.g., recruiting and training), HR management decided to management concerning the scorecard, other commitments
pursue BSC implementation in those areas first. “Our think- often took priority,” said Amy.
ing behind this decision was that successful BSC implementa- She continued, “Our discussions over this iteration of the
tion in these select areas would serve as an excellent model scorecard identified several concerns of the Leadership Team
for other HR areas,” said Amy. members. First, the Team did not collectively agree upon the
The 2005 scorecard was a compilation of metrics that were purpose of the BSC. In addition, a major contention that
categorized using several methods. The BSC was organized members of the Leadership Team deliberated about was
using 1) the four perspectives recommended by Kaplan and whether the BSC would track indicators of HR Division per-
Norton (financial, customer, business process, and employee formance or human capital metrics for the corporation as a
learning/growth) and 2) HR’s nine strategic priorities at the whole. Another point of debate among the Leadership Team
time. The strategic priorities were the following: members was the lack of clarity of exactly how the scorecard
• To be the best-in-class recruiting organization would influence and be influenced by the HR Division’s
• To improve employee commitment and retention strategy. Members also voiced concerns about whether the
• To drive efficiency through employee/manager self- measures in the scorecard adequately encompassed the strate-
service gic objectives. Based on this feedback, we decided that a
• To build an integrated HR Division (common process, massive re-work of the scorecard was needed.”
products, and systems)
1 For FSC’s purposes, the “smartest cost” encompasses the efficient and
• To execute an effective Business Partner Model effective use of corporate resources.
• To deliver on performance promises
I M A E D U C AT I O N A L C A S E J O U R N A L 3 V O L . 1 , N O . 2 , A R T. 2 , J U N E 2 0 0 8
A NEW APPROACH This BSC Team included members of the HR Leadership
Team, HR Business Planning, HR Data Management and
The decision was made to continue work on a BSC, but other measurement professionals. The purpose of the BSC
with a new approach. The Leadership Team decided to con- Team was to provide ongoing feedback during the BSC
tinue to produce HR Statistics and Staff reports that included development process and to create a sense of ownership and
raw HR data and to learn from the difficulties of the 2005 accountability for the metrics. In addition, an external best
BSC iteration in creating the new version. According to Amy, practice consultant was engaged to assist with the process. A
“Several key decisions were made to enhance the scorecard vital step in moving us forward was the BSC Team agreeing
process. First, a cross-functional BSC Team was established. to collectively sponsor and be actively involved in defining
and setting the purpose for the scorecard as well as develop-
Exhibit 2. ing guiding principles and establishing the overall framework
FSC’s HR Scorecard “Path to Success” for it. This approach was different from what we had done
previously, when responsibility for the BSC was entirely
1. Build the foundation for the HR Scorecard mine,” Amy concluded.
a. Definition To fulfill its responsibility, the BSC Team developed a new
b. Purpose approach. It acknowledged the need for innovation by lever-
2. Identify the questions an HR Scorecard would attempt to answer aging creative metrics, rather than simply measuring what was
3. Identify the measures that would answer these key questions already collected. In addition, it recognized the need to
4. Establish targets engage technology where possible. Further, the new approach
5. Capture data attempted to keep the scorecard simple by focusing on only a
few critical performance indicators. Finally, the new approach
Exhibit 3.
HR Scorecard Strategic Questions
Financial Perspective
1. How is the HR Division adding the greatest value at the smartest cost?
2. How is the HR Division proactively managing HR related financial
3. How is HR maximizing ROI on special projects, initiatives, etc.
Employee Perspective
1. How is HR developing the talent and diversity needed to be successful now and
in the future?
2. How is HR developing the leadership bench strength needed to be successful now
and in the future?
3. How is HR building a workplace that results in employee commitment and retention?
I M A E D U C AT I O N A L C A S E J O U R N A L 4 V O L . 1 , N O . 2 , A R T. 2 , J U N E 2 0 0 8
included the purpose of building a meaningful process to • communicate performance to HR leaders and employees, and
complement the HR scorecard product after its completion. • reinforce HR’s strategic priorities by updating key performance
A “path to success” was developed from the ideals of the indicators to align with the HR scorecard.
new approach. This “path” was designed to provide the sys-
tematic process that would be used to create the scorecard. Amy said, “The Leadership Team wanted the scorecard to
Exhibit 2 shows the “path to success” that was identified by be used by HR employees to improve knowledge about and
the HR BSC Team. application of the BSC to HR Division functions. Employees
would be able to evaluate tangible metrics of HR perfor-
SCORECARD PURPOSE AND DEFINITION mance and trends based on the work that they contributed.
The scorecard was established as a management framework
The HR BSC Team began by defining the scorecard and within HR and as such it would not be used as a performance
determining its purpose. The stated purpose was to: assessment tool.” Ultimately, this decision meant that the HR
• review HR Division performance, Division would not tie employee performance evaluations or
• identify best practices, rewards systems to the outcomes of the BSC.
• identify potential action plans or interventions to influence
Exhibit 4.
Flow of Strategic Questions to Metrics
BSC Employee Perspective Example
Detailed Training
Measures Utilization
HR Training % HR
Orientation Hours per HR Employees
Participation Employee Receiving
I M A E D U C AT I O N A L C A S E J O U R N A L 5 V O L . 1 , N O . 2 , A R T. 2 , J U N E 2 0 0 8
Exhibit 5.
Screen Shot of On-line HR Scorecard Software
HR Scorecard
Total Company
Actual --
Target --
Index 100.9%
Owner Admin
“Just like the game of Jeopardy, our next step was to identify THE METRICS
the questions that the HR scorecard would seek to answer,”
Amy said. These questions were selected by the HR Leaders Amy explained how the metrics were determined: “The
to communicate an understanding of HR performance. Three HR BSC Team used criteria—we call them filters—to
questions per perspective were written. The questions were determine which metrics would make their appearance on the
to create a linkage between the objectives and HR’s priorities. final scorecard. The filters included: Does the metric have a
Considerations in choosing the metrics were whether the strong linkage to the HR Division’s Strategic Priorities? Are
measures reflected HR’s priorities, and also were available, quality data available? And, is there strong linkage to the cor-
cost effective, and reliable. Exhibit 3 shows the strategic responding BSC perspective?” The BSC Team acknowledged
questions asked in each perspective. that the measures would change over time as the business
Once the questions were created, objectives were developed changed. The 2006 BSC was narrowed from a potential list of
for each question. Next, detailed metrics were identified that 200 measures to over 80 measures.
linked to those objectives. For example, a key question in the After the metrics were established, the HR leaders
Employee Perspective was, “How is HR developing the talent embarked upon a journey to define targets for the metrics.
and diversity needed to be successful now and in the future?” Amy explained, “The BSC Team first identified the differ-
A key objective in this perspective was to develop skills and ence between the actual, ongoing performance targets and
competencies of employees. Therefore, detailed measures out- ‘ideal’ targets, the desired levels as envisioned by the BSC
lining training utilization, such as “training hours per HR Team. They used historical data and external benchmarks,
employee” and the “percentage of the total of HR employees such as those from the Saratoga Institute, as a resource to set
the targets.” Once the targets were established, the Team
I M A E D U C AT I O N A L C A S E J O U R N A L 6 V O L . 1 , N O . 2 , A R T. 2 , J U N E 2 0 0 8
Exhibit 6. Exhibit 7.
2006 HR Scorecard Financial Perspective
Executive Summary – 2Q 2006
Summary of Performance
The Financial Perspective of the
Financial Perspective HR Scorecard addresses the
The financial perspective looks great this quarter. In keeping with our expense control objective, HR
total costs are down. following questions:
Customer Perspective
We continue to excel in all areas of our customer perspective. The majority of metrics met or
exceeded target.
1) How is the HR Division adding
Employee Perspective
the greatest value at the smartest cost?
The employee perspective still continues to have opportunity for improvement.The reported
number of employee training hours and the percentage of employees reported receiving training
2) How is the HR Division proactively
both are declining. managing the HR-related financial risk?
Operations Perspective 3) How is HR maximizing the company’s
Migration to self-service continues to rise. Paperless transactions increased for the thrid quarter
in a row. investment in human capital?
HR Score Overall
Q2: 102% The overall score for the Financial Perpective
in the 2nd Quarter is 75%.
Financial Perspective ❉
Greatest value
Proactive Management Q2: 75%
Human Capital
Improves Productivity
Customer Perspective ❉ ❉❉❉❉ Operations Perspective ❉ ❉❉❉❉
Responsiveness, Reliability,
and Problem Resolution
HR’s Key Processes HR Cost per Full-time unit Headcount
Q2: 120%
User-friendly and accessible Q2: 105%
Expectations HR Client Services Cost per Headcount
<85 95-105 115<
Monitored Financials
used an indexing system to score the metrics. The index was
based on the actual performance of the metric versus the goal. Payroll G/L Account Recons. Completed
HR employed a BSC software solution to assist with data
collection and reporting. This solution allowed measurement Payroll G/L Suspense Acct. Balance
owners in different HR departments to enter their scorecard Aged over 30 days
data results for Amy to capture centrally. Viewing sub-
HR Savings
measures was available through the software’s “drill down”
capabilities. Exhibit 5 shows a screen shot of what the soft- Corporate Cost savings
ware looks like.
Amy said, “The software enables us to automate processes Executive Search Corporate Cost
and calculate indices quickly. It allows us to make the results
available to all employees in HR. Managers can enter the sys- Employee Relocation Corporate Cost
tem to view their quarterly performance at-a-glance. Howev- Savings
er, managers have not used the system as consistently as we
Key to Acronyms:
had anticipated. So, we don’t engage in routine discussions to
G/L General Ledger
improve the performance measures or processes.” Recons Reconcilliation
I M A E D U C AT I O N A L C A S E J O U R N A L 7 V O L . 1 , N O . 2 , A R T. 2 , J U N E 2 0 0 8
Exhibit 8. Exhibit 9.
Customer Perspective Employee Perspective
The Customer Perspective of the HR Scorecard The Employee Perspective of the HR Scorecard
addresses the following questions: addresses the following questions:
1) What is the overall quality of HR’s customer 1) How is HR developing its talent and diversity
resonsiveness, reliability, and problem needed to be successful now and in the
resolution? future?
2) How user-friendly and accessible are HR’s 2) How is HR developing the leadership
tools, products, and processes? bench strength needed to be successful
3) How satisfied are HR’s clients with their now and in the future?
business partnerships? 3) How is HR building a workplace that results
in employee commitment and retention?
The overall score for the Customer Perpective
in the 2nd Quarter is 105%. The overall score for the Employee Perpective
in the 2nd Quarter is 108%.
Call Center WaitTime (seconds)
Training Hours per HR employee
First Call Resolution (percentage)
Percent of HR Employees receivingTraining
Monthly Survey (Q1)—”Quality Service”
HR VoluntaryTurnover Rate
Monthly Survey (Q3)—”Service Satisfaction
Number of unique visitors to Learning Portal
Abandonment Rate of Calls (percentage)
Percent of HR employees viewing HR Essentials
Uptime of Pension System
Late merit reviews of HR employees
Executive Search Client Survey—Q1 “Overall
Satisfaction” Number of marbles distributed (Employee
Executive Search Client Survey—Q5 ”Peer
Executive Search Client Survey—Q4 employees. The HR scorecard was published for the past
“Communication” year, at each quarter-end.
This revised scorecard (see Exhibits 6 through 10) changed
Quality Review Survey (Total)
somewhat from previous publications because of a need to
reduce the number of metrics in each perspective. Feedback
THE 2006 PRODUCT from the HR BSC Team helped design an inventory of
approximately 20 measures that were representative of the
The 2006 scorecard was published for the second quarter. HR Division. This set of measures was selected after putting
This scorecard was populated with first and second quarter the narrowed list of existing measures through a “filtering”
data to illustrate trends in results. In addition to the actual process where a cost-benefit analysis was performed.
metrics tracked in the scorecard, an executive summary with Although accumulating specific data might seem necessary,
highlights of the results was created to accompany the score- the measure had to be cost-effective to warrant its use.
card’s quarterly publication. The scorecard was presented to One HR manager commented about the 2006 scorecard,
the HR Leadership Team. As part of the communication “When I received the scorecard, it was much easier to read,
strategy, the HR scorecard was published on the internal HR because I could look at 20 measures instead of the 70-80 that
Communication Electronic Network, accessible by all HR I traditionally needed to review.”
I M A E D U C AT I O N A L C A S E J O U R N A L 8 V O L . 1 , N O . 2 , A R T. 2 , J U N E 2 0 0 8
Exhibit 10. ronment. However, Marilyn scheduled a meeting for July
Operations Perspective 17th—just two days away—to discuss the status of the score-
card. Amy’s supervisor, Joseph Stewart, asked her to provide
The Operations Perpective of the HR Scorecard some background on the BSC process within HR and to be
addresses the following two questions: prepared to discuss recommendations for improving the
1) How efficient, effective, accurate, timely process. In her discussions with Joseph about the meeting,
and relevent are HR’s key processes? Amy commented, “I can prepare the report to summarize the
2) How effectively does HR leverage scorecard process quickly by pulling together information
technology to improve business processes recently presented to the HR Leadership Team. I believe the
and customer interactions?
major work can be summarized in two tasks. First, I need to
The overall score for the Operations Perpective identify the strengths and weaknesses of the scorecard
in the 2nd Quarter is 120%. process so I can support improvement recommendations. Sec-
ond, Marilyn recently received a copy of the employee survey
SCORECARD MEASURES results. So, I need to be prepared to review those results in
light of the scorecard process.” (See Exhibit 11 for a summary
Percentage of Calls Handled Outsource Vendor of the survey results.)
Amy thought, “As I reflect on the changes to the scorecard
Percentage of Distributed Learning Hours
process over the last couple of years, I realize how much we
Percentage of Calls Handled by Oursource Vendor have learned and the extent of progress we have made. How-
ever, we are still not relying on the BSC as a decision tool.
Percentage of Paperless Items Processed And, the coming merger is bringing additional emphasis on
HR ReportTurnaroundTime (days) measurement across the company, because of the need to
integrate the two companies; thereby, making the BSC’s role
Time to Fill Non-Exempt Open Positions (days) in HR even more important. This meeting will be an oppor-
tune time for me to gain support for changes in the BSC
Time to Fill Exempt Open Positions (days)
process. It is really vital that I take advantage of this chance
Internal Job Posting ResponseTime (days) and present a well-developed set of recommendations.”
Some process improvements and cost savings were realized
as a result of quarterly HR scorecard publications. For exam- 1. What are the implementation issues faced when introduc-
ple, the scorecard’s inclusion of shift overtime pay helped ing a BSC in an HR Division?
identify a time delay in discontinuing this pay differential 2. What strengths and weaknesses should Amy highlight in
after an employee began a new shift. The correction of this her presentation about FSC’s BSC system?
process potentially saved $1 million, annualized. Additionally, 3. What recommendations should Amy make for modifying
several data integrity issues were uncovered as part of the the BSC process?
scorecard process and corrected. 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages to FSC’s deci-
As previously mentioned, at the time of this study, FSC sion to not use the BSC as a performance tool—i.e., linking
was in the beginning stages of a new merger of equals. And, it to the employee evaluation and reward system?
this merger would introduce new challenges to metrics track- 5. What are the advantages of using a BSC in an organization
ing and measurement strategy for the organization as the two that is merging different departments?
companies integrated processes and resources. This integra- 6. Based on the summary of the employee survey results for
tion began with the naming of Marilyn Glenn as the new HR 2006 provided in Exhibit 11, discuss any trends that you
CFO. Marilyn held a similar position with the other party to see in the data when comparing the development of the
the merger and had clearly demonstrated her confidence in performance measurement system. Are any of the results
the BSC philosophy. So, Amy was confident that her work contrary to your expectations? If so, do you have any ideas
over the last couple of years would continue in the new envi- about what may be causing the unexpected results?
I M A E D U C AT I O N A L C A S E J O U R N A L 9 V O L . 1 , N O . 2 , A R T. 2 , J U N E 2 0 0 8
Exhibit 11.
Results of Employee Survey
Leadership 76 73 80 86 75 79 77 78
Teamwork and
Communication 79 80 82 85 81 74 77 76
Empowerment 67 70 77 81 74 65 76 71
Culture 60 71 71 76 66 75 67 62
Rewards 59 61 72 74 68 73 75 65
Quality and
Customer Focus 77 74 78 84 74 73 73 77
Respect 66 71 77 78 74 71 81 74
Work Management 62 73 78 82 76 75 76 75
Satisfaction and
Commitment 80 72 83 87 82 69 77 85
Additional details:
1. TheTraining and Recruiting groups have the most advanced measurement systems in the HR Division.
2. Organizational Effectiveness and RelationshipTeams are not measurement-oriented. In fact, very few measures are collected
in these areas. Also, the Generalists are very client-focused and face less ambiguity in their job tasks.
* Provided by management consulting group that was hired by FSC to prepare and analyze survey data.
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