Non-Selective Cox 1&2 Inhibitors: Aspirin
Non-Selective Cox 1&2 Inhibitors: Aspirin
Non-Selective Cox 1&2 Inhibitors: Aspirin
Figure 1. Aspirin-mediated inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX). COX enzymes exist as dimers. In the
absence of aspirin (left panel), arachidonic acid (AA) that is formed by phospholipase A2 breakdown of
membrane phospholipids gains access to the active site of COX via a hydrophobic channel.
Metabolism of AA by COX produces an intermediate prostaglandin PGH2, which in platelets is broken
down by tissue isomerases to thromboxane A2. As shown on the right panel, aspirin irreversibly
inhibits COX activity by acetylation of a serine residue in the active site for COX (SER 529 in COX-1 &
SER 516 in COX-2). This produces a steric hindrance that prevents AA from being metabolized. Aspirin
works by the same mechanism to block COX-2 in other tissues. Adapted from Fitzgerald & FitzGerald
Low doses of aspirin selectively inhibit COX-1. The effect on platelet COX-1 activity is
permanent for the lifetime of the platelet, since platelets lack DNA and cannot synthesize
new enzyme. This enables the use of low dose aspirin as a selective antiplatelet drug (Figure 2)
Figure 2. Selective inhibition of platelet COX-1 activity vs monocyte COX-2 activity measured in vitro
after the addition of aspirin to whole-blood samples drawn from healthy human subjects. Bars
represent Mean ±SD. Modified from Cipollone et al (1997).
1. Anti-inflammatory. Aspirin interferes with the chemical mediators of the kallikrein
system, thus inhibiting granulocyte adherence to damaged vasculature, stabilizing
lysosomes, and inhibiting the chemotaxis of PMN leukocytes and macrophages.
2. Analgesia. Aspirin is effective in reducing pain of mild to moderate intensity through its
effects on inflammation and probably because it inhibits pain stimuli at a subcortical
(central) site. It is not effective for severe visceral pain.
3. Antipyretic. Aspirin reduces elevated body temperature (but it has little effect on body
temperature in normal healthy patients). This effect is probably mediated by both COX
inhibition in the CNS and inhibition of IL-1 (which is released by macrophages during
episodes of inflammation).
4. Antiplatelet Effects. Single low doses of aspirin (81 mg daily) produce a slightly
prolonged bleeding time, which doubles if administration is continued for a week. The
change is due to irreversible inhibition of platelet COX-1, so that aspirin's antiplatelet
effect lasts 8-10 days (the life of the platelet).
5. MI Prophylaxis: Aspirin is indicated to reduce the risk of death and/or nonfatal
myocardial infarction in patients with a previous infarction or unstable angina pectoris.
6. Transient Ischemic Attacks: Aspirin is indicated for reducing the risk of recurrent
transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) or stroke in men who have transient ischemia of the
brain due to fibrin emboli. There is currently no evidence that aspirin is effective in
reducing TIAs in women, or is of benefit in the treatment of completed strokes in men or
Hypersensitivity to NSAIDs or history of bleeding disorders, such as GI bleeding or
hemophilia Printed on 2021/04/24 08:24
2021/04/24 08:24 3/13 Non-Selective Cox 1&2 Inhibitors
Figure 2. Aspirin's bimodal dose-dependent effect on the renal clearance of urate/uric acid (UA). In
patients, low doses of aspirin (75 mg-2 gm/day) cause retention of uric acid by inhibiting uric acid
secretion. In contrast, high doses (>3 gm/day) increase the excretion of uric acid in the urine by
inhibiting its reuptake in the proximal tubule (Yu & Gutman, 1959). While several clinical studies have
confirmed the bimodal effect of aspirin on uric acid clearance, the precise transporters involved have
not been clearly identified.
active site at the same time), thus reducing aspirin's antiplatelet effects when the two
drug types are taken concomitantly.
When taken 2 hours prior to aspirin, ibuprofen interferes with aspirin's ability to inhibit the
production of thromboxane A2, whereas if ibuprofen is taken 2 hours after aspirin,
aspirin's antiplatelet effects are preserved (Catella-Lawson et al, 2001).
Naproxen taken once a day has also been observed to interfere with aspirin's antiplatelet
effects mediated by inhibiting COX-1 (Capone et al, 2005).
Figure 3. Concomitant administration of other NSAIDs can interfere with the antiplatelet effect of
aspirin. Left panel: When aspirin is taken alone, it produces an irreversible effect to inhibit COX-1
activity by acetylation of a serine residue in the active site of the enzyme. Right panel: When
another non-aspirin NSAID such as ibuprofen or naproxen is taken prior to aspirin administration, it
can occupy the active site of COX and prevent aspirin from acetylating COX serine residues before
aspirin is eliminated or converted to non-active metabolites (e.g. salicylate). This can reduce the
cardioprotective effect of aspirin therapy. Because non-aspirin NSAIDs bind reversibly, their effect is
relatively transient, and will not provide the same long-term benefit to suppress platelet activity as
aspirin. Adapted from Fitzgerald & FitzGerald (2013).
Stroke (7/9/15)
Furst DE, Ulrich RW, Varkey-Altamirano C (2012e): Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs,
Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs, Nonopioid Analgesics, & Drugs Used in Gout
(Chapter 36). In: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 12th Edition. Katzung BG, Masters SB,
Trevor AJ (Editors). McGraw-Hill / Lange. (Access-Medicine). (Ibuprofen)
Furst DE, Ulrich RW, Varkey-Altamirano C (2012e): Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs,
Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs, Nonopioid Analgesics, & Drugs Used in Gout
(Chapter 36). In: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 12th Edition. Katzung BG, Masters SB,
Trevor AJ (Editors). McGraw-Hill / Lange. (Access-Medicine). (Naprelan ®)
Furst DE, Ulrich RW, Varkey-Altamirano C (2012e): Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs,
Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs, Nonopioid Analgesics, & Drugs Used in Gout
(Chapter 36). In: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 12th Edition. Katzung BG, Masters SB,
Trevor AJ (Editors). McGraw-Hill / Lange. (Access-Medicine). (Relafen ®)
treatment of ankylosing spondylitis
the Cataflam ® formulation is designed to provide more rapid increases in plasma
concentrations of diclofenac, and is indicated for the management of pain and primary
history of drug hypersensitivity
half life of 1-2 hrs
accumulates in synovial fluid (one site of action)
Side Effects:
adverse effects occur in about 20% of patients & include GI distress, GI bleeding & gastric
high doses can impair renal blood flow & GFR
other side effects are similar to Ibuprofen
Major drug interactions:
similar to ibuprofen
concomitant administration of diclofenac and aspirin is not recommended because
diclofenac is displaced from its binding sites during the concomitant administration of
Pharmwiki Group:NSAIDs, DMARDs, Rx of Arthritis & Gout
Pronunciation: :diclofenac.mp3dye KLOE fen ak
Furst DE, Ulrich RW, Varkey-Altamirano C (2012e): Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs,
Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs, Nonopioid Analgesics, & Drugs Used in Gout
(Chapter 36). In: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 12th Edition. Katzung BG, Masters SB,
Trevor AJ (Editors). McGraw-Hill / Lange. (Access-Medicine).
rxlist (Voltaren ®)
Figure 1. The prevailing hypothesis on the mechanism of action of acetaminophen. The enzyme
responsible for synthesis of prostnoids has been given several names, including prostaglandin H2-
synthase (PGHS), but is now most commonly referred to as cyclooxygenase (COX). This bifunctional
enzyme contains two separate catalytic domains that are responsible for converting arachidonic acid
to PGH2: i) a cyclooxyginase domain that produces an unstable peroxide intermediate (PGG2), and ii)
a peroxidase (POX) domain containing a heme group that converts the unstable intermediate to PGH2.
Experiments published by Boutaud et al (2002, 2010) and Aronoff et al (2009) indicate that
acetaminophen acts as a PGG2 cosubstrate & heme reducing agent that inhibits the POX catalytic step
by converting its heme group to an inactive reduced state (as illustrated in the box, bottom right).
Because acetaminophen acts as a heme reducing agent, its effects are nearly abolished in the
presence of high levels of lipid hydroperoxides (such as inflammatory HETEs) that oxidize the heme
back to its active state. As a result, acetaminophen is ineffective in tissues with high peroxide tone,
such as in platelets or activated lymphocytes (e.g. inflammatory conditions). However,
acetaminophen is effective in inhibiting prostanoid synthesis in vascular endothelial cells and neurons
that have a low basal peroxide tone, which can account for its antipyretic and (central) analgesic
“Cannabinoid Hypothesis”:
An acetaminophen metabolite (AM404) inhibits COX, and activates both TRP (transient
receptor potential) and TRPV1 & TRPA1 channels, receptors involved in pain transmission
that are also sensitive to cannabinoids (Hogestatt et al, 2005; Mallet et al, 2010).
These hypotheses are not “mutually exclusive” and could both be true. Other hypotheses are
Figure 2. An American Chemical Society YouTube video published in July 2014 that “pokes fun” at
our state of knowledge concerning how acetaminophen works. Acetaminophen was first synthesized
in 1878, and became an over-the-counter medication in 1960. There were more than 27 billion doses
of acetaminophen sold in 2009 alone. It can reduce fever, reduce aches & pains, help with cough
relief. But it is NOT anti-inflammatory. How does it work? There are multiple hypotheses based upon
years of research, and not everyone believes that we have the answer to that question (Drahl, 2014).
Acetaminophen has antipyretic & analgesic effects, but has little effect on platelets
or inflammation (Boutaud et al, 2002; Aronoff et al, 2009; Furst et al, 2015).
mild to moderate pain such as headache, myalgia, postpartum pain, and other
circumstances in which aspirin is also an effective analgesic.
It is a preferred drug for the treatment of pain & fever in patients allergic to
aspirin, when salicylates are poorly tolerated, in patients with bleeding
disorders, history of peptic ulcers, and patients in whom bronchospasm is
precipitated by aspirin.
Acetaminophen is preferred to aspirin for the treatment of pain/fever in
children with viral infections.
Well absorbed orally, with absorption being related to the rate of gastric emptying. Peak
blood levels are usually reached in 30-60 mins.
The half life of acetaminophen is 2-3 hrs. With toxic doses or liver disease, the half-life
may be increased two-fold or more.
Acetaminophen is partially metabolized by hepatic microsomal enzymes and converted to
acetaminophen sulfate and glucuronide, which are inactive. Less than 5% is excreted
unchanged. A minor but highly active metabolite (N-acetyl-p-
benzoquinone)(NAPQI) is important in large doses because of its toxicity to both
liver and kidney.
Side Effects:
In therapeutic doses, a mild reversible increase in hepatic enzymes may occasionally
occur in the absence of jaundice. With larger doses, dizziness, excitement, and
disorientation are seen.
Ingestion of 15 g of acetaminophen may be fatal, death being caused by severe
hepatotoxicity with centrilobular necrosis, sometimes associated with acute renal
tubular necrosis.
Early symptoms of hepatic damage include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea & abdominal
Toxicity is treated with supportive therapy and N-acetylcysteine to neutralize the toxic
metabolites. Clinical and laboratory evidence of hepatic toxicity may not be apparent until
48 to 72 hours post-ingestion.
Acetaminophen is equal to aspirin in analgesic and antipyretic effectiveness, but differs
by lacking anti-inflammatory properties
It does not affect uric acid levels and lacks platelet-inhibitiing propertie
Note that acetaminophen is not a NSAID
Pharmwiki Group:NSAIDs, DMARDs, Rx of Arthritis & Gout
Pronunciation: :acetaminophen.mp3a seet oh MIN oh fen
Aronoff DM et al (2009): New insights into the mechanism of action of acetaminophen: Its
clinical pharmacologic characteristics reflect its inhibition of the two prostaglandin H2
synthases. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 79:9-19. DOI:
Boutaud O et al (2002): Determinants of the cellular specificity of acetaminophen as an
inhibitor of prostaglandin H2 synthases. Proc Natl Acad Sci 99(10): 7130-7135. doi
10.1073 pnas.102588199
Boutaud O et al (2010): Acetaminophen inhibits hemoprotein-catalyzed lipid peroxidation
and attenuates rhabdomyolysis-induced renal failure. Proc Natl Acad Sci
107(6):2699-2704. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0910174107
Drahl C (2014): How does acetaminophen work? Researchers still aren't sure. Chemical &
Engineering News. 92(29):31-32.
Furst DE, et al (2015): Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Disease-Modifying
Antirheumatic Drugs, Nonopioid Analgesics, & Drugs Used in Gout (Chapter 36). In: Basic
and Clinical Pharmacology. 13th Edition. Katzung BG, Trevor AJ (Editors). McGraw-Hill /
Lange. (Access-Medicine).
Hogestatt ED et al (2005): Conversion of Acetaminophen to the Bioactive N-
Acylphenolamine AM404 via Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase-dependent Arachidonic Acid
Conjugation in the Nervous System. J Biol Chem 280(36): 31405-31412. DOI:
Mallet C et al (2010): TRPV1 in Brain Is Involved in Acetaminophen-Induced
Antinociception. PLoS One 2010, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0012748 (Tylenol ®)
NSAIDS, cox2-inhibitors, cox1-inhibitors, aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, acetaminophen,
ibuprofen, naproxen, nabumetone, diclofenac, NSAID-side-effects
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