Table of Content: Particulars
Table of Content: Particulars
Table of Content: Particulars
Chapter-1Introduction 7-15
Chapter-2 Review of Literature 16-21
Chapter-3 Company Profile 22-33
Chapter-4 Objectives of the study 33-34
Chapter-5 Research Methodology 35-37
Chapter-6 Data analysis & interpretation 38-49
Chapter-7 Conclusion 50-52
Chapter-8 Limitation & Suggestion 53-54
Annexure 55-56
Bibliography 57-58
Chapter -1
Influence of Managerial Effectiveness on Employee
Managerial Effectiveness: The degrees to which objectives are achieved and the extent to
which targeted problems are solved. In contrast to efficiency, effectiveness is determined without
reference to costs and, whereas efficiency means "doing the thing right," effectiveness means
"doing the right thing."
Managerial efficiency can be distinguished from managerial effectiveness. Efficiency is
concerned with ‘doing things right’ and relates to inputs and what the manager does.
Effectiveness is concerned with ‘doing the right things’ and relates to outputs of the job and what
the manager actually achieves. To be efficient the manager must attend therefore to the input
requirements of the job– to clarification of objectives, planning, organization, direction and
control. But in order to be effective, the manager must give attention to outputs of the job to
performance in terms of such factors as obtaining best possible results in the important areas of
the organization, optimizing use of resources, increasing profitability, and attainment of the aims
and objectives of the organization.
Effectiveness must be related to the achievement of some purpose, objective or task to the
performance of the process of management and the execution of work. Criteria for assessing the
effectiveness of a manager should be considered in terms of measuring the results that the
manager is intended to achieve. But what is also important is the manner in which the manager
achieves results and the effects on other people. This may well influence effectiveness in the
longer term. Managerial effectiveness results from a combination of personal attributes and
dimensions of the manager’s job in meeting the demands of the situation, and satisfying the
requirements of the organization.
Stewart suggests that effectiveness is more important than efficiency.
Managers who want to improve should review both their effectiveness and their efficiency.
Effectiveness is doing the right things. Efficiency is making the most economic use of the
resources. Effectiveness is more important than efficiency because one must be doing the right
kind of work.
Management involves getting work done through the co-ordinate efforts of other people.
Managers are most likely to be judged not just on their own performance but also on the results
achieved by other staff. The manager’s effectiveness may be assessed in part, therefore, by such
factors as:
The strength of motivation and morale of staff;
The success of their training and development; and
The creation of an organizational environment in which staff work willingly and effectively.
The difficulty is determining objective measurement of such factors. Some possible indication
might be given by, for example:
the level of staff turnover;
the incidence of sickness;
poor timekeeping; and
Accidents at work.
1. A principal component analysis was conducted at the individual-rater level with boss and direct
report ratings combined (747 observations). Fifteen items loaded cleanly on one of five factors.
2. After a series of discussions related to the data and/or the conceptual understanding, the authors
incorporated from the remaining 12 items an additional 9 items into the 5 scales, three items
were dropped.
3. The five derived scales and corresponding items were e-mailed to a group of CCL faculty
members, who were asked to provide a name for each scale.
These steps have identified the components of managerial effectiveness as follows:
1. Managing and Leading (ML)
The extent to which the managers represent traditional leadership behaviors of setting direction,
inspiring and motivating and furthermore, the component included items that reference an
internal focus and traditional manager-to-direct report activities, such as selection, development,
coaching, and managing conflict.
2. Interpersonal Relationships (IR)
The extent to which managers represented relationships with peers and senior managers inside
the organization, if professional relationships are important in the country and whether the
managers see themselves as team players or individuals.
3. Knowledge and Initiative (KI)
The extent to which the managers combined the characteristics of broad knowledge compared to
other managers and professional competence with the personal attributes of confidence, risk
taking, independence, and initiative.
4. Success Orientation (SO)
The extent to which the managers represented an orientation toward goal achievement and
attainment of desired organizational outcomes and furthermore it represented the manager’s
reaction on setbacks and SO also included an item related to the manager’s potential to reach the
most senior position in the company.
5. Contextually Adept (CA)
The extent to which the managers were able to judge characters correctly and how the managers
used employees from different cultures. Furthermore, CA had an external focus and included the
ability to manage external relationships
Managerial Effectiveness: Employee Performance Management is a process for
establishing a shared workforce understanding about what is to be achieved at an organization
level. It is about aligning the organizational objectives with the employees' agreed measures,
skills, competency requirements, development plans and the delivery of results. The emphasis is
on improvement, learning and development in order to achieve the overall business strategy and
to create a high performance workforce.
The role of HR in the present scenario has undergone a sea change and its focus is on evolving
such functional strategies which enable successful implementation of the major corporate
strategies. In a way, HR and corporate strategies function in alignment. Today, HR works
towards facilitating and improving the performance of the employees by building a conductive
work environment and providing maximum opportunities to the employees for participating in
organizational planning and decision making process. Today, all the major activities of HR are
driven towards development of high performance leaders and fostering employee motivation. So,
it can be interpreted that the role of HR has evolved from merely an appraiser to a facilitator and
an enabler.
Review and frequent communication, feedback and coaching for improved performance,
implementation of employee development programmes and rewarding achievements. The
process of performance management starts with the joining of a new incumbent in a system and
ends when an employee quits the organization. Performance management can be regarded as a
systematic process by which the overall performance of an organization can be improved by
improving the performance of individuals within a team framework. It is a means for promoting
superior performance by communicating expectations, defining roles within a required
competence framework and establishing achievable benchmarks.
According to Armstrong and Baron (1998),
“Performance Management is both a strategic and an integrated approach to delivering
successful results in organizations by improving the performance and developing the capabilities
of teams and individuals.”
The term performance management gained its popularity in early 1980’s when total quality
management programs received utmost importance for achievement of superior standards and
quality performance. Tools such as job design, leadership development, training and reward
system received an equal impetus along with the traditional performance appraisal process in the
new comprehensive and a much wider framework. Performance management is an ongoing
communication process which is carried between the supervisors and the employees throughout
the year. The process is very much cyclical and continuous in nature.
Another Definition of Performance Management:
“Performance management is an ongoing, continuous process of communicating and clarifying
job responsibilities, priorities and performance expectations in order to ensure mutual
understanding between supervisor and employees.”
Process of Performance Management:-
Functions of Performance Management
The performance management is mainly concern with the performance of the people, systems
and organization. To achieve this objective performance management performs a variety of
functions. These functions are summarized below:
(e)Plans for Development of Employees
Management is interested for development of both Performance employees and organization.
With the development of one is the development of both. He conducts orientation of the persons,
provides education, and finds out the need for training and conduct training program me for
development of skills, knowledge and competencies. This can contribute in improvement of the
performance of persons and company.
(f)Measurement of Performance
After planning and development activities the next task of performance management is to
measure the performance of the people at work. For measurement of performance the different
criteria has been fixed such as output per hour/shift quality of work, behavior, discipline, level of
commitment etc. This helps to find out the poor and good performers out of the lot. On the basis
of the measurement of performance further remedial action can be taken.
(g)Conducts Performance Feedback
After measurement of performance of all employees the management finds the slow moving
persons. The objective of performance management is to find out the reasons for slow going.
They conduct coaching session for such people and give feed back to them. They suggest ways
to improve their performance also. This clarifies many doubts of the employees. It helps a lot the
persons to understand their caliber and difficulties. Through the coaching and counseling session
the attitude of the employees is changed positive.
(h)Design Compensation, Recognition and Reward System
Through performance appraisal system the slow and fast working persons are identified. As per
the output the management designs the compensation, recognition and reward system. For good
performers the incentives are designed as per the output. They are given better incentives
whereas slow working persons may be given less incentives or may be denied. Good 34
performers’ tasks are recognized by giving appreciation letter, prizes or rewards. Sometime they
may be considered for further promotion also. This keeps on motivating the people whether a
slow or fast working person.
A Performance management system includes the following actions:
A Developing clear job descriptions and employee performance plans which includes the
key result areas (KRA') and performance indicators.
Selection of right set of people by implementing an appropriate selection process.
Negotiating requirements and performance standards for measuring the outcome and
overall productivity against the predefined benchmarks.
Providing continuous coaching and feedback during the period of delivery of
Identifying the training and development needs by measuring the outcomes achieved
against the set standards and implementing effective development programs for improvement.
Holding quarterly performance development discussions and evaluating employee
performance on the basis of performance plans.
Designing effective compensation and reward systems for recognizing those employees
who excel in their jobs by achieving the set standards in accordance with the performance plans
or rather exceed the performance benchmarks.
Providing promotional/career development support and guidance to the employees.
Performing exit interviews for understanding the cause of employee discontentment and
thereafter exit from an organization.
Chapter -2
Review of Literature
The literature review chapters criticize, summarize and combine literature on concepts associated
with the central research question and serves as a basis to compile a research model that
integrates the determinants of managerial effectiveness and culture. Several academic databases
and the library of the University of Twenty and the library of the Technological de Monterrey
located in Querétaro (Mexico) are used to select documents.
To enlarge the probability of a complete and relevant literature review, the literature review is
not restricted to one set of disciplines and/or journals (Webster & Watson, 2002). The literature
review builds on existing knowledge of culture and managerial effectiveness. Additionally, it
enlarges the scope by integrating extensively accepted theories and concepts, since many studies
often make use of a wide variety of literature in order to successfully research a subject
(Saunders, Lewis, & Thorn hill, 2009). These theories and concepts relay to the four different
actors that appeared in the central research question: culture, managerial effectiveness, and
western expatriate sin Mexico and home-country managers.
The literature review is conducted systematically; the focus of this literature review is on culture
and managerial effectiveness. In order to answer the central research question, of which
managerial effectiveness and culture are major elements but also includes western expatriates
and home-country managers. The literature review first explains the terms western expatriate and
home country managers and continues with the terms managerial effectiveness and culture. This
order is chosen because the terms western expatriate and home country managers are also used in
the managerial effectiveness and culture paragraphs.
Although there have been a large number of studies related to expatriate management, the
definition for expatriate however has not been generalized. In this research the definition for
expatriate is adapted from the study of Richardson and McKenna (2002), in this study an
expatriate (in abbreviated form, expat) is defined as a professional who has chosen to live on a
temporary base in a country longer than one year and other than the one in which he or she
legally resides. The word Expatriate comes from the Latin ex meaning “out of”, and patria
meaning “country, fatherland”. Muczyk and Holt (2008) mention in their study that the world is
rapidly becoming a global economic village, characterized by multinational and transnational
firms. International organizations are now seeing an increasing number of expatriate employees
to effectively compete in this ever-expanding hypercompetitive marketplace (Harvey &
Novicevic, 2002).
Derr and Oddou (1991) identify two types of expatriates: those who are assigned abroad to "fix"
a problem, including those assigned to line management and specialized functional positions, and
those who go abroad as "high-potentials" to broaden their development before moving up to
senior management. In this research, there is no distinguishing between these two types of
expatriates. Expatriate managers are considered a practical mean for exercising control over
foreign operations and they can have a direct impact on organizational performance (Harvey &
Moeller, 2009).According to Takeuchi (2010) there are both positive and negative benefits of
being an expatriate.
Positive benefits include acquisition of global management skills and expatriate experience for
career advancement. Negative consequences include poor performance due to difficulties in
adjusting to the foreign environment or disillusionment with parent company support. However,
for an expatriate to be successful, leadership is an important area (Harvey, 1996), and expatriates
are now required to have leadership dimensions in their roles (Harvey & Novicevic, 2002). In
2009, Harvey and Novicevic constructed a table that could predict success and failure of
expatriate managers including the representative research.
The primary stakeholders according to Takeuchi (2010, p. 5-6) include: “the spouses and family
members, the parent organization, and the host country nationals, whose support can be
instrumental in expatriate succeeding in their objectives or whose resistance can lead to
failures.”This view of multiple stakeholders raises a critical implication that expatriate
adjustment cannot be managed just by focusing on the expatriates themselves. Takeuchi (2010)
argues that international studies have neglected the host country national’s role in the success of
expatriate assignees. It is difficult to say how many expatriates are living in Mexico because
there are many expatriates that are living and working in Mexico on tourist visas. There are also
a number of foreigners that own property in Mexico, but do not live in the country full time. The
three biggest groups of expatriates living in Mexico include; the Americans with an estimated
population around 2 million, the Canadians with an estimated population of 1.4 and the
Spaniards with an estimated population of 700,000
Home country managers (HCM)
OECD (2011) published a study stating that the Mexicans are the hardest working people in the
world -or at least-, in 29 of the most advanced economies. The HCM in Mexico works on an
average 594 minutes per day (OECD, 2011); this is significant higher compared to western
countries such as The United States (496 minutes per day), The Netherlands (450 minutes per
day) and Spain (475 minutes per day). A full breakdown of the 29 economies can be found in
Appendix Aon page 48 of this report. Still, Mexicans have the highest level of poverty following
the report of the OECD (2011). According to this study, 1 out of 5 Mexicans is under the poverty
level, and the average in the study is 1 out of 10. The reason for this difference is that much of
the Mexican women’s work is unpaid. Mexican women work 4hours and 21 minutes a day more
than Mexican men on unpaid work –compared with two hours and 28 minutes for the average
OECD woman, one hour and 42 minutes for the average North American woman and 57 minutes
for the average Danish woman, whose country boasts the smallest gender gap of this kind.
Notwithstanding its high poverty rate, Euro monitor International, a market research economy
states that hard-working Mexico is on the rise. Euro monitor expects Mexico to replace Italy as
the world’s 10th biggest economy in the next four years. The firm says Mexico will grow at an
annual rate of 4 per cent for the next decade, with Italy at 2 per cent.
When looking at characteristics of the Mexicans, one of the most important characteristic is trust.
Rajagopal (2006) states in his research that Mexico is generally considered to be a low-trust
culture. Most of the literature suggests that Mexicans prefer not to speak out independently but
remain interdependent with a group (Rajagopal, 2006).Morris and Pavett (1995) mention that
authority is a different characteristic of the Mexicans. In their study they stated that Mexicans
need a strict authority to perform. Furthermore, Mexicans are often trying to avoid responsibility
(Guy, 2006). The author states that it is a natural human characteristic however it seems
exaggerated in Mexico. If something goes wrong, employees like to have an out –they were
simply following the boss’ orders; the employees cannot be held responsible for mistakes if they
were simply following orders.
Furthermore, it is mentioned that Mexico is still suffering from the hacienda system; especially it
is dragging on in the development sector in Mexico.
To conclude, in this research the HCM is defined as a manager that is working in Mexico with at
least three year experience, should have the Mexican nationality and is managing at least one
employee, furthermore the level of English of the HCM should be sufficient to take part in the
According to Bélanger et al. (ibid) the first dimension, production management, is concerned
with aspects of productive flexibility and process standardization. A key facet here is quality
management, which characteristically involves the use of statistical tools to analyze variance
from tolerance margins at each stage of the production process, often subsumed within a wider
TQM format. A quite distinct second dimension relates to work organization. Here, it is argued,
there has been a trend towards production activities based on knowledge, cognition and abstract
labor. The sine qua non of this aspect of the new model is team working, the medium whereby
tacit knowledge shared amongst the work group is developed into explicit knowledge. The
practice of sharing skills across traditional demarcations ‘is thus a fundamental feature of the
emergent model’ (ibid, p. 39). The third sphere, ‘employment relations’, very much underpins
the coherence of the former two components given the requirement for a committed, rather than
merely compliant workforce (ibid, pp. 42-48). Two significant features emerge. Firstly, Bélanger
et al.(ibid) state there is a desire to align and support task flexibility via terms and conditions of
employment3. This is typically sought by making pay contingent on group performance
(Appelbaum, 2002, p. 124). Secondly, HRM professionals are charged with the pursuit of social
adhesion and commitment to the new production format and wider organizational goals.
A large body of literature has existed for some years extolling the virtues of HPM. An oversight
within much of the output, however, is the presupposition that the prospects for successful
implementation can be taken at face value regardless of the macro political and economic
landscape. This charge applies not just to the more prescriptive accounts but similarly too much
of the academic literature6. In recent years, however, a more thoughtful stream of work has
emerged less inclined to reify HPM into phenomena on independent of context. Intellectually
this body of work has its4 it is accepted nevertheless that this terminology is also potentially
problematic and value laden. Pil and MacDuffie (1996,) argue that to label new practices ‘high
performance’ can be miss leading in the absence of clear empirical evidence of their actual link
to performance outcomes.5 Interestingly Belanger et al. adeptly sidestep the problems associated
with capturing such a complex phenomenon via a shorthand expression and simply refer
variously to ‘the new production model’, ‘the emergent model’ and the ‘post-Florist production
model’. Also notable in this respect is the paper by Edwards et al. (2002). Clearly aware of a
potential banana skin they simply allude to ‘new forms of work organization’ (NFWO).6
Amongst the worst offenders are Appelbaum et al. (2000). In one of the few texts devoted
specific allyto issues relating to HPM, wider regulatory and institutional issues are dismissed in
three short paragraphs. Provenance in a particular strand of comparative political economy the
institution a list approach – as enunciated by commentators such as Whitley, Lane, and perhaps
most eloquently by Hall and Soskice (2001).
At its heart is the recognition of both management and employee responsibilities. While
normally found within a trade union context it is not restricted to such settings.10 The proportion
of union members in workplaces with 25 or more employees was 65% in 1980; by1998 it was
down to 36% (Cully et al. 1999, p. 235).11 Well worn because these countries are
characteristically depicted as exemplars of liberal market and coordinated market economies
(CMEs) and thus form the principal axis of many comparative discussions fundamentally into a
totalizing force that somehow ‘determines the path individual companies must travel’ (ibid, p.
779, emphasis added) is not adequately explored
Chapter- 3
Company Profile
Company Profile
Hari Bhoomi
Hari Bhoomi was started by the efforts of Capt. Abhimanyu and Group Editor Dr. Kulbir
Chhikara on 5th September 1996 in the form of a weekly Hindi newspaper.
This Weekly newspaper got converted into Daily Newspaper on November 1997 and known as
Hari Bhoomi ‘Rohtak’ Edition. We covered whole Haryana State through this edition.
In April 1998 we started our ‘Delhi’ Edition to cover Delhi, Faridabad and Gurgaon regions.
We entered into the Chhattisgarh State and started our ‘Bilaspur’ Edition in March 2001 from
Bilaspur to cover maximum parts of Chhattisgarh State. Soon after this in June 2002 we started
our ‘Raipur‘Edition from Raipur. Both of these Editions cover whole Chhattisgarh State as well
as parts of Orissa.
To cover Madhya Pradesh we started our ‘Jabalpur’ Edition in October 2008 from Jabalpur MP
to cover maximum parts of Madhya Pradesh State.
Later on we started our latest ‘Raigarh Edition’ in the Chhattisgarh state.
Circulation Figures:
Edition Copies Daily
Rohtak Edition 1,10,013 (ABC Jan. - Jun. 2013 figures)
Delhi Edition 56,631 (CA Certified Figures)
Bilaspur Edition 1.41,987 (ABC Jan. - Jun. 2013 figures)
Raipur Edition 2,30,435 (ABC Jan. - Jun. 2013 figures)
Jabalpur Edition 87,879 (ABC Jul - Dec. 2012 figures)
Raigarh Edition 22,082 (CA Certified Figures)
Total Copies 6,49,027 circulating per day
All of this is possible through a vast Agency network of distribution and dedicated team of
Haribhoomi personnel.
Our Bilaspur Edition is enjoying No. 1 position as per ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulations)
As per the latest figures of IRS (Indian Readership Survey)R IV (AIR) Hari Bhoomi is
established as the 11th largest Hindi Daily in India. We got an average issue readership of
13,30,000 readers (Thirteen Lac Thirty thousand) and a total readership of 42,03,000 readers
(Forty Two Lac Three thousand) within a short span. In Haryana we got total readership of
6,87,000 readers and an average issue readership of 2,45,000 readers. Chhattisgarh Total AIR
8,95,000, & Madhya Pradesh 1,86,000 readers.
Hari Bhoomi was started for the people of Haryana as their own newspaper. This is the first
national Hindi newspaper originated from Haryana by the people of Haryana.
In our Haryana Edition our main emphasis is to provide maximum number of Haryana news to
all our readers. In today’s scenario of localized news we maintained the said level of maximum
Haryana news along with all National, International and Sports news.
We have our offices at all district headquarters and at other important cities. We provide an easy
approach to the readers to be attached with the paper as per all their requirements or feedback.
Our stringers or news representatives are available up to smaller cities, towns and villages.
We provide completely unbiased and up to the mark Editorial contents.
At present we are publishing Rohtak Bhoomi, Sonipat Bhoomi, Jhajjar- Bahadurgarh Bhoomi,
Jind Bhoomi, Mahendergarh- Narnaul Bhoomi , Hisar Sirsa Bhoomi and different versions of
Haryana Bhoomi along with the Main Newspaper.
Our complete e-paper is available on our Web Site .
Along with the News we provide different kind of regular pages like Saptrang, Youthopia, and
Desh-Videsh etc. to nourish our readers.
We provide weekly magazines with daily news papers like Saheli, Balbhoomi, Manzil, Ravivar
Bharti, Rangarang, Choupal and carrier Magazine for our readers.
We provide value added services by time to time publication of Calendars, Directories, and Road
Maps etc.
We published ‘Shakshiat’ booklet to highlight prominent personalities of Rohtak and will
continue to publish its updates.
We organize different types of Seminars, Competitions to involve our readers or prospective
readers with thinking process. Recently we organize a successful ‘Kavi Sammelen’ with a
remarkable huge gathering.
Interviews of prominent personalities etc. are the regular feature of our Newspaper.
Creation of New Readers/ Marketing Strategies
The main publicity of the paper is through its strong Editorial Contents.
We publish different kind of prize generating schemes for our existing readers and create new
readers by providing them chance to participate in these schemes.
We conduct ‘special circulation increase drives’ to create new readers. The main part of this is
the door to door survey work highlighting our features to the prospective readers.
We publish Guess Papers for the students of different kind of examinations regularly.
Pricing plays a vital role for daily purchase hence, we placed ourselves at a special attractive
price level.
In Haryana our paper is priced Rs. 1.50/-, Rs. 2.00/-, Rs. 2.50/-, Rs. 3.00/- per Day. (Price
differentiation is for different regions)
We publish advertisements of public requirements like obituary, Name Change, Birthday
Wishes, Lost and Found categories at very nominal rates.
We make our readers ahead of all other newspaper readers by providing latest and updated news
and articles therefore, we say :-
Hari Bhoomi - A National News Paper - Samachar Hi Nahi Vichar Bhi.
Hari Bhoomi ePaper is a Hindi daily newspaper in Haryana. Hari bhoomi is having different
editions Delhi, Raipur, Bilaspur, Rohtak and Jabalpur. It started in 1996 and is now being
published from Rohtak- Haryana, Bilaspur-Chhattisgarh, Raipur-Chhattisgarh, Raigarh-
Chhattisgarh, Jabalpur-MP and Delhi. Hari Bhoomi is a Hindi-language newspaper published
from Haryana Chhatishgarh and Madhya Pradesh in India. It started in 1996 and is now being
published from Rohtak- Haryana, Bilaspur-Chhattisgarh, Raipur-Chhattisgarh, Raigarh-
Chhattisgarh, Jabalpur-MP and Delhi.
Hari Bhoomi is a Hindi-language newspaper published from Haryana Chhattisgarh and Madhya
Pradesh in India. It started in 1996 and is now being published from Rohtak- Haryana, Bilaspur-
Chhattisgarh, Raipur-Chhattisgarh, Raigarh-Chhattisgarh, Jabalpur-MP and Delhi.
Haribhoomi was launched on September 5, 1996, in Rohtak (Haryana) as a Hindi weekly by two
friends Captain Abhimanyu Sindhu and Dr Kulbir Chhikara. It used to come out on Mondays
with a print run of 2,000 to 3,000 copies. When the circulation went up to 15,000-20,000 copies,
the owners decided to convert it into a daily. That was in 1997 (December 5).
Reach Out
It has three regional editions covering Ambala, Yamuna Nagar, and a combined edition for
Kurukshetra and Karnal. The company brass believes these editions will give a tremendous boost
to the circulation figures of Haribhoomi in Haryana.
Currently, besides the main edition of Haryana, Haribhoomi has three regional editions - Rohtak,
Sonepat and Hisser. The current circulation of Haribhoomi in Haryana is over 1.5 lakhs
Hari Bhoomi is currently published from Rohtak, New Delhi, Jabalpur, Raipur and Bilaspur. The
group is also planning to launch two more editions from Gwalior and Raigarh. An e-paper
edition is also on the anvil.
Growth of Advertising
What is indeed very interesting is that Haribhoomi has made it this far spending next to nothing
on advertising. "Recognition came gradually but came without advertising efforts, thanks largely
to the quality we offer. It is our editorial quality that has helped us widen our readership base; it
has also led some high profile national advertisers - such as LG Electronics, Bajaj Auto, Hero
Honda, Electrolux, Videocon etc - to seek us out to spread their message,"
"The most important lesson is that this newspaper believes a single edition with corporate
advertisements is not viable. So it provides a greater platform for advertising by launching
multiple editions seriously
Therefore it can be well imagined at what tremendous market potential is being offered by
Hari Bhoomi engulfing the North India, Hindi speaking population
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Hari Bhoomi is a weekly dual sheet newspaper published in Gohana, Haryana, India. It is the
only newspaper circulated inside Gohana. It is owned and published by K.C. Arora, a well
known Hindi news editor in Gohana.
Hari Bhoomi was first published in 1992 completing 20 years in the Year 2012.
Front Page (main) of Hari Bhoomi News Paper
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Chapter – 4
Objectives of the Study
The objectives of present research report is to determine the level of managerial effectiveness,
how managerial effectiveness of the Hari Bhoomi,Press managers and employees can be
improved as well as to measure the performance of employees of the press so that measures can
be taken to increase their efficiency.
Chapter – 5
Research Methodology
Research Methodology
The procedure adopted for conducting the research requires a lot of attention as it has direct
bearing on accuracy, reliability and adequacy of results obtained. It is due to this reason that
research methodology, which we used at the time of conducting the research, needs to be
elaborated upon. Research Methodology is away to systematically study &solves the research
problems. If a researcher wants to claim his study as a good study, he must clearly state the
methodology adopted in conducting the research so that it may be judged by the reader whether
the methodology of work done is sound or not.
Research Problem
In research process, the first and foremost step happens to be that of selecting and properly
defining a research problem.
1. First problem was to find out the degree of Managerial Effectiveness in Hari Bhoomi.
2. What is the level of Employee Performance in Hari Bhoomi ?
3. What is the impact of Managerial Effectiveness on Employee Performance?
Research design
A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
Research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitutes the
blue print for the collection measurement and analysis of data. Research design includes an
outline of what the researcher will do from writing the hypothesis and its operational
implications to the final analysis of data. A research design is a framework for the study and used
as a guide in collecting and analyzing the data. It is a strategy specifying which approach will be
used for gathering and analyzing the data. It also includes the time and cost budget since most
studies are done under these two constraints.
A sample of 40 subjects was taken on convenient basis randomly from the employees of Hari
Bhoomi. All the subjects were tested for managerial effectiveness & employee performance and
results so obtained were analyzed with the help of various statistical tools & techniques.
In the present research, researcher has used Experimental Research Design.
Sampling Design
Sampling is necessary because it is almost impossible to examine the entire parent population
(i.e. the entire universe) various factors such as time available, cost, purpose of study etc make it
necessary for the researchers to choose a sample. It should neither be too small nor too big. It
should be manageable.
For selecting the sample, researcher has used Random Selection Technique on convenience
For collection of primary data, the population was employee’s and managers of Hari Bhoomi.
Sample was taken randomly on availability basis. The size of sample was 40 Managers and
Employees in Hari Bhoomi.
Chapter - 6
Data Analysis and
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Field Area: Hari Bhoomi.
Name of the Study: Employee Performance and Managerial Effectiveness.
No. of Participants/Respondents: 40
As my questionnaire has total 19 questions, I studied each and every response and the findings of
the research are presented by Pie chart with interpretation below the diagram.
SA= Strongly Agree A =Agree NAND = neither Agree nor Disagree DA=Disagree
SDA=Strongly Disagree
Data collected from employees of hari bhoomi was tabulated and overall results presented in the
form of graphs.
1. Management is providing sufficient opportunities for the development of
employees as well as organization
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor
Strongly disagree
Statement Conclusion:
37.5 subjects were agreed that there is high degree of management is providing sufficient
opportunities for the development of employees as well as organization and 62.5 subjects were
agreed that there is low degree of management is providing sufficient opportunities for the
development of employees as well as organization.
2. Employees are satisfied with their job assignments.
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor
Strongly disagree
Statement Conclusion:
42.5 subjects were agreed that there is high degree of employees are satisfied with their job
assignments and 57.5 subjects were agreed that there is low degree of employees are satisfied
with their job assignments.
3. Attitude of management towards employees is very co-operative.
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor
Strongly disagree
Statement Conclusion:
40 subjects were agreed that there is high degree of attitude of management towards employees
is very co-operative and 65 subjects were agreed that there is low degree of attitude of
management towards employees is very co-operative.
1. 32.5 67.5 0 0 0
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor
Strongly disagree
Statement Conclusion:
37.5 subjects were agreed that there is high degree of coordination between management
activities and organizational policies and 62.5 subjects were agreed that there is low degree of
coordination between management activities and organizational policies.
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor
Strongly disagree
Statement Conclusion:
40 subjects were agreed that there is high degree of method adopted by management to measure
employee’s performance are effective and 60 subjects were agreed that there is low degree of
method adopted by management to measure employee’s performance are effective
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor
Strongly disagree
Statement Conclusion:
40 subjects were agreed that there is high degree of management is able to solve the problems of
employees on time and 60 subjects were agreed that there is low degree of management is able to
solve the problems of employees on time.
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor
Strongly disagree
Statement Conclusion:
35 subjects were agreed that there is high degree of giving importance to employees while taking
decisions and 65 subjects were agreed that there is low degree of giving importance to
employees while taking decisions.
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor
Strongly disagree
Statement Conclusion:
37.5 subjects were agreed that there is high degree of work environment is supportive and 62.5
subjects were agreed that there is low degree of work environment is supportive.
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor
Strongly disagree
Statement Conclusion:
35 subjects were agreed that there is high degree of managerial effectiveness and 65 subjects
were agreed that there is low degree of managerial effectiveness.
Chapter – 8
Question wise % response of participants/respondents (employees):
SA= Strongly Agree A =Agree NAND = neither Agree nor Disagree DA=Disagree
SDA=Strongly Disagree
S. NO. Question Statements SA A NAND DA SDA
1. In the organization there is high degree of 35 65 0 0 0
managerial effectiveness
Overall conclusion of the study:-
1. Management is able to solve the problem of employees on time.
2. Management is able to implement organizational polices efficiently and effectively.
3. Management is providing sufficient opportunities for the development of employees as
well as organization.
4. In the organization there is high degree of managerial effectiveness.
Chapter – 9
Limitations and Suggestions
Researcher wanted to use observation method also. But, due to paucity of time couldn’t sit there
regularly for observation. It needs some equipment also which was not possible for researcher to
arrange those equipments. So, with more time and resources, researcher could do much better.
Based on the data collected through the questionnaire and interactions with the Managers and
Employees of Hari Bhoomi, Press the following suggestions are made for consideration
1. There should be proper sources of information to know why sometimes they behave like an
uneducated person.
2. Employees should be free to do their job get done.
3. There should be less intervening of the employees in their colleague’s personal life.
4. A committee should be there to make change in the behavior of many employees in the
Managerial Effectiveness in Hari Bhoomi, Press
Please fill in the following questionnaire:
Name (optional) __________________________________________________
Age____________ Sex______________
1. In the organization there is high degree of managerial effectiveness
SA A Neither A nor D DA SDA
2. In the organization work environment is supportive
SA A Neither A nor D DA SDA
3. Management is giving significant importance to employees while talking decisions
SA A Neither A nor D DA SDA
4. Management is able to solve the problems of employees on time
SA A Neither A nor D DA SDA
5. Method adopted by management to measure employee’s performance are effective
SA A Neither A nor D DA SDA
6. There is coordination between management activities & organizational policies
SA A Neither A nor D DA SDA
7. Management is able to implement organizational policies efficiently and effectively
SA A Neither A nor D DA SDA
8. Attitude of management towards employees is very co-operative
SA A Neither A nor D DA SDA
9. Employees are satisfied with their job assignments
SA A Neither A nor D DA SDA
10. Management is providing sufficient opportunities for the development of employees as well
as organization
SA A Neither A nor D DA SDA
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